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First Congregational Church

Phone (269) 382-3640 Fax (269) 343-0123
E-mail – kzoodropin@sbcglobal.net
Web site: kd-iccc.org

The Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center (KDCCC) was established to provide a service desperately
needed in this community - Free, short-term child care for low-income families. Parents are able to
place their children in the care of the KDCCC while they search for jobs, seek housing, attend
appointments, or simply need respite time away from their children. KDCCC is a warm, safe,
supportive environment for children and their parents.

Parents are income eligible for the free child care if they qualify for WIC or Medicaid. Our parenting
education program is also available free to parents who qualify to use the Center.

Monday through Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

KDCCC’s professional staff consists of a full-time Executive Director and Assistant Director, a part-
time Volunteer Coordinator and a Child Care Aide.

The KDCCC serves infants, toddlers and preschoolers, ages 6 weeks to 6 years. The Center serves up
to 14 children on any given day.

Parents will need to complete a KDCCC Child Information and Enrollment Card prior to their child’s
first attendance. Parents will also be required to bring their child’s complete and up-to-date
immunization records. At that time our policies will be explained and any questions will be answered.
Parents will need to sign our Child Placement Contract.

Once registered, parents may call to reserve a space up to two (2) weeks in advance. Messages may be
left on the answering machine and we will call back to confirm. Children may attend a maximum of six
times per month. Parents must sign in each time they come and leave a number where they can be
reached. If a space has been reserved and the child/children will not be coming in, the parent is
required to call to cancel so other children may use it. If a parent does not call to cancel their reserved
space, it will count as one of their six days. If a parent repeatedly reserves spaces without calling to
cancel, they will be able to use the Center only as space becomes available on a daily basis.


If you will not be arriving before 11:30, you will need to call and let us know or we will relinquish
your spot to a child on the waiting list if needed. If you are on a waiting list, you may call the Center
at 11:30 to see whether we had any cancellations.


New Year’s Day, Spring Break (same as KPS), Memorial Day, Summer Break (1 week), Independence
Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Break (same as KPS).


Our snow day policy will coincide with the Kalamazoo Public Schools. If the schools close due to
snow/ice, we will also close. (See emergency procedures for additional information).

Families with infants will be required to provide ready-to-feed formula in bottles. The bottles will
need to be labeled (we provide labels) with the child’s name, date and contents of the bottle and the
nipples must be covered either with a cap or a plastic baggie (we provide baggies). Bottles will be
stored in the refrigerator and heated in hot water in a small crock-pot.
For older children we will provide a nutritious lunch consisting of a main course (examples: soup,
grilled cheese sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, macaroni and cheese), vegetables, and
fruit. We serve whole vitamin D fortified milk and offer 100% juices and water during the day.
Children with special dietary needs may bring nutritious lunches labeled with the child’s name.

In order to prevent the spread of infection, we ask that you keep your child home if he/she displays
any of the following symptoms:
1. Elevated body temperature 8. Sore throat 15. Toothache
2. Vomiting 9. Any draining sore or 16. Head or body lice (all nits
3. Complaints of pain infection need to be removed)
4. Diarrhea 10. Any type of rash 17. Child complains of being
5. Frequent coughing, sneezing 11. Communicable disease tired or looks fatigued
or congestion 12. Earache 18. Runny nose, if not allergy
6. Prolonged coughing, 13. Red, puffy or draining eyes related
producing phlegm 14. Swelling on any part of the
7. Audible breath sounds, body
Please notify the Center if your child contracts a communicable disease. Check with your doctor to
determine when it is safe to allow your child to return to the center after an infectious disease. We may
require a doctor’s slip. We will call you to pick up your child if he/she becomes sick during the day. We
also reserve the right to refuse admission to any child who appears to be ill. Center staff can not
dispense any medications.
In the event of a medical emergency at the Center, the following procedure will be followed:
1. First aid will be given to stop bleeding, restore breathing, etc.
2. Parents will be contacted. If the parent is unavailable, the emergency contact person listed on
the family enrollment card will be contacted.
3. If necessary, emergency treatment will be
secured at the hospital.

“Volunteers are having fun helping one

of our babies learn to walk”

The KDCCC staff will relate to children in a positive, nurturing and supportive manner. Our guidance
methods will ensure a sense of safety, competence, and respect for self and others.
1. We will not use any form of physical punishment.
2. Any form of verbal abuse will not be acceptable: a harsh tone of voice, humiliation, shaming, ridicule,
sarcasm, threats, name-calling or insults.
3. A child will not be deprived of food.
4. Positive language and guidance methods will re-direct inappropriate behavior.
5. We encourage constructive play. Destructive or aggressive behavior will be channeled into constructive
play through positive suggestions.
6. We will encourage children to identify and verbalize feelings.
7. We will offer choices (as much as possible).
8. Children will be encouraged to choose and complete activities. We will strive to ensure success. Clean up
will be a part of our daily routine.
9. If unacceptable behavior continues, a child may be removed from on-going activities. This “quiet time” will
be no longer than one minute per child’s age and will be supervised.

Severe weather and impending danger information.
Because all of us are deeply concerned about the safety of our children when disaster threatens, it is
important to plan in advance for protection and survival in emergencies (tornados, etc.) In the event of
such emergency, the plan outlined below will be followed.
Tornado or other natural disaster procedure.
1. When the U.S. Weather bureau issues a “tornado watch” covering a time when the Center is
normally open, all children should be picked up and taken home.
2. If a tornado appears without warning or when the U.S. Weather bureau issues a “tornado warning”,
children will remain in the church building and will take cover in the emergency shelter area in the
basement of the church under the supervision of the staff.
Severe winter weather:
Center closings due to weather will coincide with the Kalamazoo Public School closings.

Children must be picked up by 3 p.m. Parents need to plan ahead to connect with bus schedules etc. so
they can return on time. If a parent is repeatedly late, they will be restricted from using the Center.
Center staff will not release a child to anyone other than the parent/guardian listed on the KDCCC Child
Information and Enrollment Card. If the parent/guardian informs us in advance that someone else will
be picking their child up, we will need to have their name. The person picking up the child must show us
a picture ID if we do not already know who they are.

If, upon arrival to pick up a child, an adult appears intoxicated, we will call another adult on the Family
Enrollment Card to come and get the child. If no other person is available, we will offer to call a cab. If
the adult refuses and insists on taking the child, the police will be called as the adult exits the Center.

KDCCC staff is mandated by the State of MI
child Protection Law to report suspected child
abuse or neglect.

[Handbook updated: January 2004]

Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center

Child Placement Contract

Note: This contract is required of all licensed child care centers by R 400.5105B of the Michigan
Administrative Code. The Michigan Family Independence Agency is required to inspect the child care
and enforce the contract based on the terms provided below.
As of ___________________, the Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center agrees to provide child care
services for the following named child(ren):

______________________________________ ____________________________
Printed Name of Child Date of Birth

______________________________________ ____________________________
Printed Name of Child Date of Birth

______________________________________ ____________________________
Printed Name of Child Date of Birth

The Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center (KDCCC), as a licensed child care facility, will
implement a developmentally appropriate program which shall include all of the following areas:
1. Physical development, including large and small muscle activities.
2. Social development, including communication skills.
3. Emotional development, including positive self-concept.
4. Intellectual development.

KDCCC will provide the following activities daily:

1. Quiet and active.
2. Individual, small group and large group.
3. Large and small muscle.
4. Child initiated and staff initiated.
5. Not less than 30 minutes of developmentally appropriate emergent literacy activities.
KDCCC posted lesson plans, parent visiting and rest periods:
*A daily guide relating to the program and each age group will be prepared for each week. The Center
will post the guide in a conspicuous place or otherwise make it available to parents.
*Parents will be permitted to visit the program for the purpose of observing their children at all times.
*Each child will be provided an opportunity to rest regardless of the number of hours in care.
*Children under12 months of age will be permitted to eat and sleep on demand.
Milk, formula and foods:
1. KDCCC will provide and use whole homogenized vitamin D-fortified cow’s milk, unless otherwise
directed by the parent or a licensed physician.
2. Milk will be poured into clean cups or bottles that have sanitized nipples. Excess milk left in a
bottle or cup will be discarded.
3. This rule does not preclude a mother from visiting the Center in order to breast-feed her child or
from sending to the Center expressed milk for the child.

4. A child too young to sit in a highchair or at a feeding table will be held in a semi-sitting position or
placed in an infant seat while being fed.
5. A child who is unable to hold his or her bottle will be held when the bottle is given.
6. Solid food will be introduced to the individual child according to the parent’s or a licensed
physician’s instructions.
7. Commercial baby food containers that are opened, and foods prepared in the Center which are
stored shall be covered, dated, and labeled as to the contents and refrigerated. The contents shall be
used or discarded within a 36-hour period. A child shall not be fed directly from baby food
containers if the contents are to be fed to the child at more than 1 sitting or to more than 1 child.
8. When a parent chooses to provide formula or food, the Center shall assure that the food, formula,
bottles, nipples, and containers comply with all of the following provisions:
(a) Formula will be prepared at the child’s home and placed in an assembled bottle unit before
being brought to the Center.
(b) Formula, milk, and perishable foods needing refrigeration will be refrigerated. Formula will
not be stored longer than 24 hours after opening. Foods will be covered and labeled as to the
contents, date of opening, and the specific child for whom its use is intended. Foods other
than formula will be used or discarded within a 36-hour period after opening.
(c) Each bottle and nipple supplied by a parent will be used for a single feeding only and then
returned to the parent.
(d) Formula and milk left in a bottle at the end of a feeding will be discarded.
Diapering and toilet training plan.
1. Diapers will be disposable or from a commercial diaper service. If a child’s health condition
necessitates that disposable diapers or diapers from a commercial service cannot be used, an
alternative arrangement may be made according to the parent’s licensed physician’s instructions.
2. Diapering will be done in a designated diapering area.
3. KDCCC will maintain a diapering area, and all supplies and equipment will be maintained in a safe
and sanitary manner.
4. The caregiver will thoroughly wash his or her hands after each diapering, and after cleaning up
bodily fluids, using soap and running water.
5. A washcloth or towel, or both, used in diapering shall not be used subsequently on another part of
the body or for any other purpose until laundered.
6. Toilet training shall be planned cooperatively between the child’s caregiver and the parent so that
the toilet routine established is consistent between the Center and the child’s home, and at a
minimum, shall include washing hands after toilet use. The Center will empty and sanitize all
devices immediately after each use.
7. The caregiver will change diapers when soiled or wet.

Upon signing this agreement, the parent, legal guardian or responsible adult and the Kalamazoo Drop-In
Child Care Center agrees to abide by all of the provisions contained in this contract.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the specified date:

Parent, Legal Guardian or Responsible Adult Kalamazoo Drop-In Child Care Center

____________________________________ ______________________________
(Signature) (Signature)

____________________________________ _______________________________
(Printed Name) (Printed Name)

____________________________________ ______________________________
(Relationship to Children) (Title)1
Jan, 2004 – child placement contract

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