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Past I helped the poor. + d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/] . I didnt help the poor. ?

d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g . Did I help the poor? wh s] d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/] < Whom did I help? d}n] s;nfO{ ;xof]u u/]< Affirmative The poor are helped . The poor were ul/anfO{ ;xof]u helped . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/G5 . Negative ul/of] . The poor are not helped The poor were not Yes/No ul/anfO{ ;xof]u helped . Question df/f ul/anfO{ ul/Gb}g . Are the poor helped? ;xof]u ul/Pg . Whs] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u Were the poor helped? Question S ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/G5 < ul/of] < Who are helped ? s;nfO{ ;xof]u Who were helped ? s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/G5 < ul/of] <

Present I help the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u5'{ . I dont help the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ulb{g . Do I help the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u5'{ < Whom do I help? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u u5'{ <

Future I will help the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ug]{5' . I will not help the poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ug]{ 5}g . Will I help the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ug]{5' < Whom will I help? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ug]{5' < The poor will be helped . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g]5 . The poor will not be helped .ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g] 5}g . Will the poor be helped ? s] df/f ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g]5 < Whom will be helped ? df/f s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/g]5 <

Passive Voice

Active Voice Infinitive

Active Voice Continuous

Affirmativ I am helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u e ub}{5' . I am not helping the Negative poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u Yes/No ul//x]sf] 5}g . Question Am I helping the poor? Whs] d ul/anfO{ Question ;xof]u ub}{5' < Whom am I helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ub}{5' < Affirmativ The poor are being e helped . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/b}5 . Negative The poor are not being helped . Yes/No ul/anfO{ ;xof]u Question ul/b}g . Are the poor being Whhelped ? Question s] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/b}5 < Who are being helped ? s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/b}5 <

I was helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ lyP . I was not helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ lyOg . Was I helping the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ lyP < Whom was I helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ lyP < The poor were being helped . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/b} lyof] . The poor were not being helped . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/b}g lyof] . Were the poor being helped by me? s] df/f ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/GYof] < Who were being helped ? s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/b} lyof] <

I will be helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul//xg] 5' . I will not be helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul//xg] 5}g . Will I be helping the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul//xg] 5' < Whom will I be helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul//xg]5' < No passive

Passive Voice

Active Voice Perfect

Affirmativ I have helped the e poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf]5' . Negative I have not helped the poor. Yes/No d}n] ul/anfO{ Question ;xof]u u/]sf] 5}g . Have I helped the Whpoor? Question s] d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf]5' < Whom have I helped? d}n] s;nfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] 5' <

I will have helped the poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/;s]sf] x'g]5' . I will not have helped the poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/;s]sf] x'g] 5}g . Will I have helped the poor? s] d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/;s]sf] x'g]5' t< Whom will I have helped ? d}n] s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/;s]sf] x'g]5' < Affirmativ The poor have been The poor had been The poor will have e helped . helped . been helped b . ul/anfO{ ;xof]u df/f ul/anfO{ ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/Psf] 5 . ;xof]u ul/Psf] lyof] . ul/g]5 . Negative The poor have not The poor had not been The poor will not been helped . helped . have been helped . Yes/No ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/anfO{ ;xof]u Question ul/Psf] 5}g . ul/Psf] lyPg . ul/Gb}g . Have the poor been Had the poor been Will the poor have Whhelped ? helped? been helped ? Question s] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u s] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u s] ul/anfO{ ul/Psf] 5 < ul/Psf] lyof] < ;xof]u ul/G5 < Who have been Who had been Who will have been helped by me ? helped ? helped by me? s;nfO{ ;xof]u df/f s;nfO{ ;xof]u s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/Psf] 5 < ul/Psf] lyof] < ul/G5 <

I had helped the poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] lyPF . I had not helped the poor. d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] lyO{g . Had I helped the poor? s] d}n] ul/anfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] lyPF < Whom had I helped ? d}n] s;nfO{ ;xof]u u/]sf] lyP <

Passive Voice

Active Voice Perfect Continuous

Affirmativ I have been helping e the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf]5' . Negative I have not been helping the poor. Yes/No d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u Question ub}{ cfPsf] 5}g . Have I been helping Whthe poor? Question s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf] 5' < Whom have I been helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf] 5' <

I had been helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf] lyP . I had not been helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub} cfPsf] lyPg . Had I been helping the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ cfPsf] lyP < Whom had I been helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ub} { cfPsf] lyP <

I will have been helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g} /xg]5' . I will not have been helping the poor. d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g} /xg] 5}g . Will I have been helping the poor? s] d ul/anfO{ ;xof]u ul/g} /xg]5' < Whom will I have been helping ? d s;nfO{ ;xof]u ul/g} /xg]5' <

Note: tn lbPsf] jfSox?nfO{ klg dfly lbPsf] Tense Chart cg';f/ k|of]u ul/ cEof; ug'{xf];\ . 1) We help the poor.(Why) 2) They buy some books.(How many) 3) You do your work in a hurry.(How) 4) She invites everyone in the party.(Where) 5) He eats rice on time.(When) 6) The teachers teach the lesson.(What) 7) My parents help him.(Whom) 8) The peon opened the gate slowly.(How) 9) Someone cuts Ram's trees.(whose) 10) We bring peace in Nepal.





b}lgs sfo{

d vfgf vfG5' . I eat rice

eO;s]sf] sfd klxn]sf] afgL klxn] af/Daf/ eO/xg] sfd Past df eO/x]sf] sfd Pp6f sfdnfO{ c sf]{ sfdn] afwf u/]df

aflx/ ghfp lr;f] 5. lgb]{zg Dont go out.It is cold. w|'j ;To k[YjL uf]nf] Fixed time ; 5 . The earth is round +u My college starts at 6 tomorrow. af]n]sf] d}n] vfgf a]nf vfO/x]sf] 5' . u/]sf] sfd I am eating rice. d;+u le;f 5, d of]hgfa4 Sofg8f hfFb}5' . sfd I've got a visa.I am going to Canada. d ufos xf], t/ d}n] c:yfO{ sf k9fO/x]sf] 5' . I am a singer but I d am teaching thesedays. x]/ t r/fx? pl8/x]sf] 5g\ x]/ / ;'g ; Look! the birds are flying. +u

d}n] vfgf vfP . I ate rice d lr/f]6 lkpg] uy] {. I used to smoke d hlxn] ljxfg ;a]/} pTy] . I'd always get up early in the morning.

kl5 x'g] sfd t'?Gt lg0f{o ug'{ k/]df


d vfgf I'll eat ric dnfO{ csf]{ x {g] 5' I think I w next wee

d}n] vfgf vfO/x]sf] lyP . I was eating rice. ha d 3/ k'u] ltgLx? l6eL x]l//x]sf lyP . When I reached home,they were watching T.V. ha d g'xfO{ /x]sf] lyP, 6]lnkmf]g alh/x]sf] lyof] . When I was having a bath,the telephone was ringing.

eljiodf eO/xg]5 eGg] cy{df

ef]ln o lkmNd . I will be w at this tim


b'O{j6f sfd ;+u; +u} ePdf

ev{/} d}n] vfgf ;s]sf] sfd vfO;s]sf] 5' . I've eaten rice. d}n] sDKo'6/ cg'ej ;+u l;s]sf] 5' . I've learned computer. cfkm' ; d]/f] :j:y /fd|f] +u 5. ePsf] I've got a sound health. s]lx ;do cufl8 ;'? eO eljio ;Dd klg hf/L /xg ;S5 eGg] cy{df d}n] jiff}{+ b]lv k9\b} cfO/x]sf] 5' . I've been studying for years.

h;sf] c;/ d}n] vfgf clxn] 5}g vfO;s]sf] lyP . I had eaten rice. b'O{ j6f sfd dWo Pp6f sfd cufl8 ePdf, cufl8 ePsf] s.d ; +u Past df ;'? eO{ s]lx ; do ;Dd hf/L /lx ;lsPsf] 5 eg] cy{df

eljiodf s'g} lglZrt ;dodf ;lsPsf] ha d :6]zg k'u] x'g]5 eGg] a; 5'l6;s]sf] lyof] cy{df . When I reached the station,the bus had already left me.


d}n] o ah] ;Dd l;wfO{ x'g]5' . I will have this work

Note: Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Yes/no question (?) Wh-question (wh)

Perfect Continuous

d}n] kf]xf]/ ;fn ;Dd lr/f]6 lkFpb} cfO/x]sf] lyPF . I had been smoking till last year.

eljiofdf ;'? eO{ hf/L / xg] 5 eg] cy{df

d Sofg ;Dd sfd . I'll have b in Canad

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