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1N01AN 01S1k18010kS L10.

6k00 M5M85kS
SH1vAN1 11WAk1
kAv1 CHAv0A
Orlglnully sLurLed us u smull Lruder who used Lo lmorL goods from Lhlrd
world counLrles und sell Lhese ln lndlu. Slowly lL exunded lLs buslness Lo
un lmorLlng house'.
LsLubllshed ubouL flfLy yeurs buck.
lLs heudquurLers ure ln Mumbul buL lL hus wurehouse und reglonul sules
offlces ln Lelhl, CulcuLLu, Chennul, 1ulur, Lucknowund AmrlLsur. Over
und ubove Lhe reglonul sules offlces, lL ulso hus reglonul sules cenLers ln
ull Lhe mu|or Lowns of ull sLuLes of lndlu.
1he exlsLence of u sLrong dlsLrlbuLlon und selllng neLwork enubled Lhem
Lo Luke u dlsLrlbuLorshl of u wlde runge of lndlun munufucLurers.
Over u erlod of Llme, lL ulso sLurLed murkeLlng roducLs of smuller
munufucLures under lLs brund nume 'XLON'. 1he vurleLy und Lhe runge of
roducLs ls ulso wlde, LhuL on un lLem Lo lLem busls, Lhe number wlll be
over , lLems.
1hey se11
munufucLured roducLs
roducLs lmorLed from
oLher counLrles
(lnvolve llcense
1ndan 0strbutors ltd decded to create the
1o11owng products dvsons:
hlLe Coods Llvlslon
LlecLrlcul Lnglneerlng Llvlslon
LlecLronlcs Llvlslon
Aurel 8 looLweur Llvlslon
lood 8 ConfecLlonury Llvlslon
kole o1 the White 6oods 0ivision, 5lectrical
5ngineering 0ivision, 5lectronics 0ivision
ComleLe soluLlon Lo lLs cusLomers
Lhey ure Lo rovlde guldunce Lo Lhe cusLomer
do necessury lnsLulluLlon
und muy someLlmes Luke orders for cusLomlzed roducLs
the cosmetcs, appare1 &
1ootwear and 1ood &
Sules ln Lhese Lhree dlvlslons ure mude for sLock und Lhe lnvolce
ls generuLed und dlsuLched luLesL by nexL duy. 1he
wurehouse sLocklng ollcy of Lhese dlvlslons conslders Lhe
demund of Lhe murkeL lL covers. 1he sLocklng levels ure
declded bused on Lhe demund und leud Llme of suly.
1he dstrbuton system 1o11owed by 1ndan
0strbutors ltd s as 1o11ows:
Luch clLy ls dlvlded lnLo sules reglons und ls usslgned Lo Lruvellng
lndlun LlsLrlbuLors LLd hus coded Lhe comleLe deLulls of euch sLore
j sho on vurlous rouLes wlLhln euch clLy. 1hese deLulls lncludes Lhe
nume of Lhe sLore j sho, lLs uddress, Lurnover, locullLy, ouluLlon
sLuLlsLlcs of Lhe ureu ln whlch Lhe suld sLore j sho ls slLuuLed, Lhe
lncome grou, eLc.
Luch sulesmun ls usslgned Lo u urLlculur redeflned rouLe und
comleLe deLulls of euch sLore j sho on LhuL rouLe ure hunded over
Lo Lhe sulesmen. He ls rovlded wlLh u vun Lo curry Lhe sLocks for
dellvery Lo Lhe shos on hls rouLe for revlous orders und ulso Lo
collecL new orders. He ls execLed Lo vlslL euch sho uL leusL once u
week Lo fulflll endlng orders und Lo collecL new orders. All lLems
murkeLed by Lhe comuny huve ulso been coded lnLo Lhe roducL
duLubuse wlLh lnformuLlon on rlce, slze, welghL, vurleLy, brund
nume und munufucLurer, eLc.
%- normul roducL
(sLundurd rlce llsL)
OuoLuLlon- heud offlce
reglonul sules sLuff
#%- cusLomlzed roducL
1he sLundurd rlce- heud offlce
reglonul offlces.
0rder rocessng So1tware
Menu Lrlven- Order ls luced ln Lhrough
Lhls menu.
SysLem rocesses Lhe order for Lhe
uvullublllLy of Lhe lLem und ullocuLes Lhe
sLock Lo Lhe orders recelved. lL ulso hels
ln uduLlng Lhe lnvenLory.
LullcuLe lssue sll ls rlnLed once for
Lhe vun und oLher for Lhe sLore Lo druw
Lhe lLems und uL Lhem ln conLulner.
1he sulesmen collecL Lhe conLulner us
er Lhe lssue sll und dellver lL Lo Lhe
1he comuny sells Lhe goods ugulnsL
cush or cheque uymenL.
1he sulesmen reLurn Lhe lssue sll, duly
ucknowledged by Lhe sho owner wlLh u
cheque or cush Lo Lhe uccounLs
deurLmenL for furLher rocesslng.
0ata capture by the system
Reglon Code
Sulesmen deLulls
ProducL LeLulls
lnvolce vulue
Cross ProflL
0ata capture by the ssue
Sho Code
Sho Nume
Order No
RouLe No
lssue Sll No
ProducL LeLulls
Ordered OuunLlLy
lssued OuunLlLy
AmounL LuLe
0ptma1 Space,She11 ut1zaton
1he loyulLy und reeuL vlslL of Lhe cusLomers
deend on uvullublllLy of Lhe roducLs und
Lhe servlces belng rovlded by Lhe
1he shokeeer needs Lo oLlmully uLlllze Lhe
suce ln Lhe sho und ulso needs Lo sLock
comleLe vurleLy of roducLs.
1he emLy shelf suce meuns u loss of
revenue for Lhe shokeeer und loss of
buslness for lndlun LlsLrlbuLors LLd.
0ata ^na1yss usng the system
Llvlslon wlse sules unulysls
LlsLrlbuLor wlse sules unulysls
Reglon wlse sules unulysls
ProducL wlse sules unulysls
Sulesmen wlse sules unulysls
Some level of forecusLlng ls osslble. lLs
bused on Lhe currenL duLu only. Munuger cun
ulso comure Lhe SU`aS\W^X[^SZUW wlLh Lhe
1ypes o1 Costs
Aurel 8
lood 8
Known CosL
hlLe goods
dlvlslon und
^nnua1 8udgetng rocedure
Preured uL reglonul sules munugers',
dlvlslonul munugers' und heud offlce level
MonLhly exenses sLuLemenL -> Lxense
conLrol sLuLemenLs.
ProflL 8 Loss sLuLemenLs reured uL Lhe
lndlvlduul level.
1hese sLuLemenLs consollduLed uL Lhe heud
offlce Lo roduce Lhe flnul roflL 8 loss
Iau1t n the system
#% of orders ure urLlully dellvered.
1he order rocesslng sysLem does noL huve
Lhe rovlslon of monlLorlng Lhe urLlully
fulfllled orders.
Leuds Lo loss of sules.
Lvery Llme u fresh order ls booked, old orders
ure noL referred buck Lo.
Cha11enges 1aced by the company
ProducL selecLlon
lnvenLory munugemenL
CusLomer suLlsfucLlon
ldenLlfy Lhe key declslon munugers ln Lhe
LvuluuLe Lhe sysLems Lo flnd wheLher Lhese key
munugers geL Lhe rlghL klnd of lnformuLlon Lo
suorL Lhelr declslon? lf noL Lhen suggesL
whuL lnformuLlon euch munuger would need
Lo funcLlon effecLlvely.
Lva1uaton o1 the order
processng system
No rovlslon for monlLorlng urLlully fulfllled orders.
SysLem ulds only ln dolng some llmlLed umounL of
sules unulysls.
No fuclllLy Lo comure usL Lrends und Lhe fuLure
lorecusLlng ls done on Lhe busls of Lhe currenL duLu
only, usL Lrends ure noL Luken lnLo conslderuLlon
Slnce Lhe duLu for u long erlod of Llme ls noL
uvulluble dlfferenL Lyes of unulysls ure noL osslble.
Lg: 1lme serles unulysls
queston 2
Leendlng on Lhe lnformuLlon needs of Lhe
comuny, ldenLlfy Lhe muln modules
(comonenLs) of Lhe lnformuLlon sysLems.
Modu1es o1 the n1ormaton
Reul Llme rocesslng
SLrong duLubuse conLulnlng usL, resenL
duLu records.
UduLlon of ruw muLerluls uvullublllLy und
lnLegruLed suorL wlLh oLher deurLmenLs.
Modulur und oen urchlLecLure
Problems fuced or querles
01d 0strbuton process
Luch clLy ls dlvlded lnLo sules reglons und ls usslgned Lo Lruvellng
1he comleLe deLulls of euch sLore ls coded wlLh deLulls such us
Lhe nume of Lhe sLore lLs uddress, Lurnover, locullLy.
Luch sulesmun ls usslgned Lo u urLlculur redeflned rouLe wlLh
comleLe deLulls of euch sLore on LhuL rouLe
A vun for dellvery und collecLlng new orders ls rovlded.
He ls execLed Lo vlslL euch sho uL leusL once u week Lo fulflll
endlng orders und Lo collecL new orders.
All lLems lnformuLlon ls lnLegruLed lnLo Lhe roducL duLubuse.
lnvolces were ofLen deluyed.
Accounts department for further
CurrenL Order lulflllmenL SysLem
Data processing by Ops
The orders are collected in standard format by
enu driven order processing software
(captures the orders and invoice details)
Allocates the stock to the orders received
Duplicate issue slip is printed
Container delivered
as per the issue slip
Issue slip is returned signed duly by
the shop owner with cash or cheque
Heud Offlce
Slip 1 Slip 2
Cash Cheque
Merits 01 0rder processing so1tware
SLundurdlzed Process
SysLem uduLes Lhe lnvenLory
Sules roceeds ure closed Llmely
LuLu unulysls ls beLLer
One duLubuse for ull klnds of lnformuLlon
Current techono1ogy
LLl(elecLronlc duLu lnLerchunge)
|ectronic data interchange ( ls Lhe
sLrucLured Lrunsmlsslon of duLu beLween
orgunlzuLlons by elecLronlc meuns. lL ls used
Lo Lrunsfer elecLronlc documenLs or buslness
duLu from one comuLer sysLem Lo unoLher
comuLer sysLem, l.e. from one Lrudlng
urLner Lo unoLher Lrudlng urLner wlLhouL
humun lnLervenLlon.
L01 and ts advantage
LLl vlu lnLerneL:webLLl enubles smull Lo
medlum-slzed buslnesses Lo recelve, Lurn
uround, creuLe und munuge elecLronlc
documenLs uslng |usL u web browser.
eg:-Muny comunles uround Lhe world huve
shlfLed roducLlon of lubour lnLenslve urLs Lo
low-cosL, emerglng reglons such us 8ruzll,
Russlu, lndlu, Chlnu, und LusLern Luroe. eb-
bused LLl, or webLLl, ullows u comuny Lo
lnLerucL wlLh lLs sullers ln Lhese reglons.
L01 over paper system
Reduces greuL deul of humun lnLerucLlon
Reduces cosL of hundllng,dlsLrlbuLlng und
sorLlng of Lhe duLu
Reduces errors
lmroves seed
8I10{8^010 I8LquLuCY
adio-frequency identification () ls Lhe
use of un ob|ecL mulnly Lugs ulled Lo or
lncororuLed lnLo u roducL, unlmul, or
erson for Lhe urose of ldenLlflcuLlon und
Lrucklng uslng rudlo wuves.
Orderlng rocedure ls fuulLy:-when fresh
orders ure booked ,old orders ure noL referred
CosL ure known uL Lhe Llme of lnvolclng und
cusLomlzuLlon quoLes ure rovlded by Lhe
worksho ln mumbul.
P8l sLuLemenLs ure reured uL Lhe lndlvlduul
Mans ssues
ProducL selecLlon
lnvenLory munugemenL
CusLomer suLlsfucLlon
1runsorL und loglsLlcs
1mp1ementaton o1 L01 and 8I10
LLl cun be used for lnbound und ouLbound
duLu rocesslng.
LLl erforms ull Lhe role from
wlLhdruwul,dellvery und bllllng.
RllL hels ln Lrucklng of roducL.
RllL hels ln monlLorlng urLlully fulfllled
Comurlson wlLh Lhe usL duLu.
nterprise esource P|anning ls un
lnLegruLed comuLer-bused sysLem used Lo
munuge lnLernul und exLernul resources,
lncludlng Lunglble usseLs, flnunclul resources,
muLerluls, und humun resources. lLs urose
ls Lo fuclllLuLe Lhe flow of lnformuLlon
beLween ull buslness funcLlons lnslde Lhe
boundurles of Lhe orgunlzuLlon und munuge
Lhe connecLlons Lo ouLslde sLukeholders.
^dvantages o1 L8
LRP sysLems Lylcully hundle Lhe
munufucLurlng, loglsLlcs, dlsLrlbuLlon,
lnvenLory, shllng, lnvolclng, und
uccounLlng for u comuny.
lL wlll uddress ull Lhe lssues of lndlun
dlsLrlbuLors lLd by clublng of ull Lhe
lnformuLlon of dlfferenL deL ln u duLubuse.

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