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FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM I. A. Composition Internal Reproductive Organs 1. Ovaries 2. Fallopian tubes 3. Uterus 4. Vagina External genitalia 1.

Clitoris 2. Labia majora 3. Labia minora Mammary glands Ovaries -paired, almond-shaped, 3x1.5x1 cm, located in the pelvic cavity *functions -oogenesis -production of steroid sex hormones for reproduction Histology: 2 regions: 1. cortex 2. medulla Germinal epithelium

-site of oogenesis -primary site of fertilization -site of implantation of fertilized ovum -directs spermatozoa to cervical canal


C. II.

-contains most of oocyte-containing ovarian follicles -loose CT, blood and lymphatic vessels -outer covering -simple cuboidal epithelium -inner covering -dense, irregular CT, poorly vascularized

Tunica albuginea

Ovarian cortex Types of ovarian follicles: 1. primordial follicle -earliest stage; inactive, most numerous; at periphery -predominant follicle before puberty -composed of primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of squamous follicular cells -not FSH-dependent 2. primary follicle -composed of primary oocyte surrounded by a single or multiple layers of cuboidal follicular cells (granulosa cells) -not FSH-dependent

2 types: 1. unilaminar primary follicle -primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of cuboidal follicular cells multilaminar primary follicle -primary oocyte surrounded by multiple layers of cuboidal cells


*zona pellucida is formed between oocyte and follicular cells 2 layers of stromal cells -theca interna cells-inner cellular layer -theca externa cells-outer fibrous layer


-produced by primary oocyte -promotes proliferation of granulosa cells 3. secondary follicle (antral follicle) -presence of cavities filled w/ fluid (liquor folliculi) that gradually coalesce to form a large cavity (antrum) -FSH-dependent -small granulosa cells projecting out from the wall into the antrum -single layer of granulosa cells immediately surrounding the primary oocyte

*cumulus oophorus *corona radiate

*2 layers

-theca interna and theca externa -most of the follicles that reach this stage undergo atresia


mature follicle (graafian) -differ from secondary follicle mainly by its large diameter -oocyte is displaced on one side surrounded by corona radiata and rests on cumulus oophorus; continued formation of liquor folliculi causes detachment of primary oocyte, corona radiata and assd. follicular cells from its base and float freely in the liquor folliculi -precedes ovulation -FSH-dependent until it becomes a dominant follicle -dominant follicle-not FSH-dependent -produces inhibin-suppresses FSH atrophy of remaining follicles

1 M oogonia600,000-atretic 400,000-reach menarche -about 450 oocytes are released over the reproductive years

Ovulation -process involving the rupture of a mature follicle and the release of the secondary oocyte occurring on the day 14 of an ideal 28-day menstrual cycle -estrogen1-negative feedback inhibition-prevents release of FSH 2-sudden surge of LHrelease of meiosis-inducing subs.primary oocyte completes its 1st meiotic div. secondary oocyte and 1st polar bodyenters 2nd meiotic div. and arrested at metaphase stage -during rupture, the ovum w/ its corona intact, is expelled by the ovary and captured by the fimbriated end of oviduct Corpus luteum -temporary endocrine organ formed by remnants of follicle after ovulation -composed of-granulosa lutein cells and theca lutein cells * granulosa lutein cells *theca lutein cells -modified granulosa cells -secretes most of bodys progesterone -modified theca interna cells -secretes estrogen

*luteinization-LH -high estrogen and progesterone levelsinhibit the secretion of FSH and LH absence of FSHprevents development of new follicles absence of LHif pregnancy occurs, corpus luteum enlarges forming corpus luteum of pregnancy if pregnancy does not occur, corpus luteum degenerates forming corpus albicans -supports endometrium in anticipation of implantation *atretic follicles Hormones: 1. FSH -basophils of ant.pituitary gld. -stim.secretion of estrogen and development of follicles 2. LH -basophils of ant.pituitary gld. -stim.formation of estrogen and progesterone -promotes ovulation and formation of corpus luteum 3. estrogen -granulosa cells of ovary, theca lutein and granulosa lutein of corpus lutein, placenta -inhibits release of FSH and GnRH -proliferation and hypertrophy of myometrium -development of female sexual characteristics 4. progesterone -granulosa cells of ovary, theca lutein and granulosa lutein cells of corpus luteum, placenta -inhibits release of LH and GnRH -promotes development of endometrium -devleopment of female sexual characteristics 5. HCG -placenta -assists in the maintenance of corpus luteum 6. relaxin -placenta -softens cervix and facilitates cervical dilatation



-hypothalamus -stim.smooth muscle contraction of uterus -milk ejection


Fallopian Tubes (oviducts/uterine tubes) -paired, long muscular tubes, 12 cm -functions-most common site of fertilization -transport of zygote to uterus

4 regions of oviduct: 1. infundibulum -funnel-shaped distal part, w/fimbriated end -fimbriae sweep over and pick up the ovum immediately after ovulation 2. ampulla -widest and longest -contains extensive, branched mucosa folds -most common site of fertilization 3. isthmus -short, narrow segment -few mucosal folds 4. interstitial/intramural -penetrates the uterine wall

*3 layers: 1. mucosa

-epithelium and LP -epithelium -simple ciliated columnar-2 main cell types a. ciliated columnar cells -contain cilia that beat in waves toward the uterus b. peg cells -non-ciliated, mucus-secreting -mucus -helps transport the ovum; prevents bacterial access; provides nutrition and protection for the sperm 2. muscularis -inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle -wavelike contractions move the ovum toward uterus 3. serosa -simple squamous overlying a thin CT Uterus -single, thick, pear-shaped


*function -site of embryonic implantation and development and formation of placenta *3 regions -fundus, corpus, cervix

3 layers: (fundus and corpus) 1. -uterine mucosa -simple columnar epithelium *2 zones -functional layer/stratum functionale -basal layer/stratum basale endometrium

functional layer -thick, superficial, glandular functional epithelium -temporary layer -responds to ovarian hormones by undergoing cyclic thickening and shedding monthly -has ciliated and secretory cells, coiled A and tubular glands (uterine /endometrial glands) basal layer -thinner, deeper, permanent layer -has stem cells and straight A -retained during menstruation -basal cells-reepithelialization of endometrium Blood supply-uterine Aarcuate Astraight and coiled A *LP -dense, irregular collagenous CT 2. myometrium -middle layer -3 poorly defined smooth muscle layers-2 sublayers of longitudinal smooth muscle fibers sandwiching a thick, highly vascular layer of smooth muscle (stratum vasculare) -during pregnancy, it thickens due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells (estrogen) -serosa/adventitia -simple squamous mesothelium over a CT




-tall, columnar , mucus-secreting epithelium and branched cervical glands -stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium covers its external surface *mucus-secreting cells are responsive to estrogen and progesterone *estrogen -cervical mucus is thin and alkaline -midcycle -thinnest and most elastic cervical mucus (spinnbarkeit test) * progesterone -thick cervical mucus -pregnancy-mucus plug

Menstrual cycle -normal range: 25-36 days; average-28 days -controlled by estrogen and progesterone *3 phases: 1. -from 1st day of menstrual bleeding to day 3-5 of cycle -desquamation of functional layer -initiated by low level of progesterone proliferative phase/follicular phase -day 4-6 to day 14 -reepithelialization of lining of endometrium -initiated and maintained until ovulation by high estrogen menstrual phase



luteal phase/secretory phase

-days 15-28 -thickening of endometrium due to accumulation of glycogen in endometrial glands -dependent on estrogen and progesterone by corpus luteum


-ampulla of oviduct -induces completion of ovums 2nd meiotic div.ovum and 2nd polar body -penetration of uterine epith.by blastocyst -temporary endocrine organ;exchange of materials between maternal and fetal circulation (placental barrier) -chorionic villi -functional endocrine units of placenta

Implantation Placenta


Vagina -fibromuscular tube from cervix to external genitalia -wall lack glands *3 layers -mucosa, muscularis, adventitia Mucosa -thick stratified squamous non-keratinized rich in glycogen Muscularis -mainly longitudinal smooth muscle Adventitia -dense CT rich in elastic fibers


External genitalia Labia majora -inner surface devoid of hair; external surface contains hair; both surfaces contain sweat and sebaceous glands Labia minora -devoid of hair and adipose tissue -space bet. 2 labia; covered by stratified squamous -contains 2 glands -Bartholins glands and minor vestibular glands -erectile bodies civered by stratified squamous epithelium -stroma is rich in blood vessels, many sensory nerve fibers and specialized nerve endings (Meissners, Pacinian) Mammary glands -accessory glands specialized to secrete milk -compound tubuloalveolar glands made up of 15-25 lobes -each lobe empties thru a lactiferous ductterminal expansion (lactiferous sinus)nipple




Pregnant adult mammary gland -estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, human placental lactogen cause an intense proliferation of ducts and growth of alveoli thereby enlarging the breasts -alveoli -secretory units

Lactating adult mammary gland -accumulation of milk in alveolar lumen -myoepithelial cells -contractionexpels milk Prolactin Oxytocin Colostrum -milk production -milk ejection reflex -first 2-3 days after birth -protein-rich, yellowish fluid containing vit.A, Na, Cl, lymphocytes, monocytes, minerals, lactalbumin, IgA

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