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1'lllMU> S(RIIIC£S CO_lrrR

at'1ilf~IJln[lIOI1 , lLI( 205 15- 0103 f ......... ' .....

March 30, 2009

The Hnnorahlc David Obey Th~ llonornhleJcrry Lewis

Clulirman Raukillg Member
House Appropriations Comrninec House Appropriations C'..ommittcc
H-2111, ThcCapiroi 1016 Longwonh llou:;e Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 Washingtoo, OC 20S15

• Uc81 Chllinnan Obey and RRllking Membo:r I.ewis,

I am J'C\lllcsting funding in the I' Y I 0 Conunen;e, JU'Slicc, Science Appropriation§ bill,

, f)t:'partmcnt of Justice, Byrne f)iscrctionary Gmnts uc<;onn! rOT AubUrJl Univt:'r'!lily, The
enlity t(l Tecelve funding for this projL~t i~ Aubnrn University at 102 Samford l1ull,
Au burn, AI. 36849. It is my Ilnderslumling that the funding would be u§cd 10 fllUd the
caninc detection developmcnt and training fur 10000allaw enforcement ul Auburn
University. I ccnifY thutlhi s project docs not have a direct and foreseeable effe<:1 on the
pel:uni;&ry interests of my spouse VI' mo..

] heft'by certify thai this requesl will iJc.o m3dc publicly available on my Official Website
as required by Cha;nnan Obey' s new Cnmmiue<: policy that only posted requesll will be

Consistent with the Republican Leadership's polky on earmarks. I hereby certify that 10
lhe best or my knowledge th[~ r<'qucst ( I) is not dirl:\:tcd 10 an entity or progrum lhat wi II
be lUImed aller a SlUing Member urCongres.~ (01{: '....a! named ~ntr Representative John
Doc in 1983] : (2) is nnt intended to be used by an enlity to secure funds ror other enlilies
u11 1e~s the usc offundil1ll is consistent with the spC\;il;ed purpose offhe earmark; and (3)
meet$ (]f cxceeds all statutory ro,'Ljuiremcnts for matching runds where appHeuble. 1
fllrlher certify lhal should this reLjut'st he ineludcd in the bill, r will plllee ft stQtel11enl in
the Congre.\'l;ional Record describing how (be funds will be spen t and j ustifying the use nl'
fedcraltclIpayer funds.


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