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PERSUASIVE SPEECH Good afternoon everyone!

Have you ever wonder what would have happened if you had made a different decision about something? It doesnt need to be some huge, momentous decision like getting married or choosing a profession. Could your life have been or now different based on something as simple as deciding whether to go left or to go right? This theory is known as Many Worlds Interpretation and was proposed by Dr. Hugh Everett, a graduate physicist of Princeton University. Everetts work suggests that, when a particle is observed, it actually splits into more than one reality- A separate reality to accommodate every possible measurement. This means that a separate world exists to accommodate any possible outcome for every decision or life experience you have. For instance, if you almost died on the operating table, in an alternate, or parallel world you might be already dead. Parallel universes arent just the stuff of sci-fi, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists. The breakthrough is being described as "one of the most important developments in the history of science". According to Dr. Barbara Cleland, a physics professor in University of California, to understand this theory, you have to think really, really small- smaller than an atom. Electrons, which circle the nucleus of an atom, are swirling around in multiple states at the same time -- they're hard to pin down. What does it all mean? In an interview of Cleland with Fox News there can be multiple universes and we can see only one of them. This was explain in the multi-verse theory says the entire universe "freezes" during observation, and we can only see only reality. For example, You see me right now having my persuasive speech because Im in the first batch, but maybe in a second universe Im still preparing for my speech next week. Or I am absent right now. Or maybe Im not even part of this class since I cancelled my slot. The existence of parallel worlds made more realistic when a group of scientists lead by Dr Hiranya Peiris, a cosmologist at University College London made an experiment. This experiment worked out that when these universes are created adjacent to our own, they may leave a characteristic pattern in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) - the faint glow left from our Universe's formation. This made use of a computer program and showed favourable results such as a picture of particular areas that look likely to be signatures of the parallel universes. Sean Carroll, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology and a popular author, accepts this scientific basis for the multi-verse -- even if it is not fully proven. Carroll suggests that we don't exactly feel time -- we perceive its passing. For example, time moves fast on a rollercoaster and very slowly during a dull college lecture. It races when you're late for class . . . but the last few minutes before dismissal seem like hours. We think of ourselves as a singular being there is just one You. The math and science of physics seems to indicate not just one, but an infinite number of you(s).

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