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How have plate tectonics shaped human history?

1) Ice Age 4 Continental Drift trailer & BBC animation Introduction: What is the inside of the Earth like? You should be able to draw a simple diagram to show the layers of the Earth and be able explain the meaning of the term plate tectonics

2) BBC film How Earth Made Us: Deep Earth Evidence (i) How have humans benefitted from plate tectonics? Note down some examples from the film. Try to mention real places and geographical terms. Make sure you know the meaning of the term fault line Minerals



A fault line is

Evidence (ii) What was the relationship between ancient civilization and plate boundaries? Where did ancient civilizations build their cities?

Why did the Minoans get so rich?

Evidence (iii) How have humans been negatively impacted by plate tectonics? What happened to the Minoans?

Evidence (iv) What are the advantages and disadvantages to California of plate tectonics? Advantages of the San Andreas Fault


Conclusion: How important have plate tectonics been in shaping human history? Think about the evidence you have noted down. Are there any lessons to be learned from Istanbul in Turkey?

Homework Assignment
Assignment: Using evidence from the film Deep Earth explain how human history has been shaped by plate tectonics. Write an essay titled How have plate tectonics shaped human history?

Introduction: Explain what the inside of the Earth is like. What are plates and why do they move? Evidence: Write 4 paragraphs. The first one should explain how early people benefitted from plate tectonics. The second will describe how plate tectonics led to the Minoan civilization growing rich and powerful. In paragraph three you should describe the way in which plate tectonics ruined the Minoans. Finally you should write about the advantages and disadvantages that plate tectonics have brought to California. Conclusion: To end your essay you should refer back to the title. Think about these ideas: 1) What are the most important ways in which people have been affected by plate tectonics? 2) Do the benefits of plate tectonics outweigh the disadvantages? 3) What can we learn from Istanbul about how humans might be affected in the future by plate tectonics?

Hand in your work WITH the cover sheet on

How have plate tectonics shaped human history? Name.

Mark scheme: L4 You have written an essay that gives some examples of how humans have been affected by plate tectonics in the past. Your work is divided into paragraphs and is well presented. L5 Your essay makes good use of your class notes to explain how humans have been affected by plate tectonics and you have reached a conclusion based on the evidence. You mentioned some real places and used a variety of geography terminology in your answer and you have made use of the spelling and connectives mat to improve your literacy. Your work is very well presented. L6 Your essay clearly explains how humans have been affected by plate tectonics and you have used your class notes and accurately mentioned real places and events in your essay. You have reached a conclusion that is based on the evidence and you may have suggested how plate tectonics may continue to influence humans in the future. You have used a wide variety of geography terminology in your answer and you have made good use of the spelling and connectives mat to improve your literacy. Your work is very well presented. L7 As above and you have carried out additional research to support your answer. Dont forget to quote your sources! I have set my work out in paragraphs I have given some examples of how humans have been affected by plate tectonics in the past I have mentioned real places I have used geographical terms accurately I have reached a conclusion that identifies the most important ways that plate tectonics have affected people I think my work deserves a level of

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