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Qoestions und Answers

Rev. Willium G. Iinluy

Iirst Poblished by:
The Iederution oI The Covenunt People
P.O. Box 1,S
Sooth AIricu


"or us LIe ruIn comeLI down, und LIe snow
Irom Ieuven, und reLurneLI noL LIILIer, buL
wuLereLI LIe eurLI, und mukeLI IL brIng IorLI
und bud, LIuL IL muy gIve seed Lo LIe sower,
und breud Lo LIe euLer: So sIuII my word be
LIuL goeLI IorLI ouL oI my mouLI: IL sIuII noL
reLurn unLo me voId, buL IL sIuII uccompIIsI
LIuL wIIcI pIeuse, und IL sIuII prosper In LIe
LIIng wIereunLo senL IL" Isuiuh gg:1o-11


Puge - nLroducLIon
Puge q - Were LIe 'duys' oI GenesIs IILeruI?
Puge - Were Adum und Eve LIe IIrsL und onIy Iumun
beIngs creuLed by God?
Puge 6 - Wus CuIn LIe son oI Adum or SuLun?
Puge q - WIy wus God so Iurd on CuIn?
Puge 1o - Wus uII IumunILy desLroyed In LIe Iood?
Puge 11 - WIere does LIe bIuck mun come Irom?
Puge 1 - WIo were LIe EgypLIuns?
Puge 1q - Wus sImueI LIe IuLIer oI LIe Arubs?
Puge 16 - Wus AbruIum u Jew?
Puge 1; - Are LIe PromIses Lo AbruIum ImporLunL?
Puge 18 - JosepI's wIIe - wIo wus sIe?
Puge 1q - Moses und LIe ELIIopIun womun.
Puge z1 - Wus LIe uw gIven excIusIveIy Lo srueI?
Puge z - WIuL or WIo were LIe 'sLrungers' In srueI?
Puge zq - Are we LIe 'genLIIes' oI LIe BIbIe?
Puge z - Are LIe Turks descended Irom Esuu?
Puge zq - Wus LIe sepuruLeness oI srueI IImILed Lo LIe OId
Puge z - Wus LIere un udmIxLure oI LrIbes In cupLIvILy?
Puge - Hus LIe uw become redundunL?
Puge 8 - Hus LIe nuLIon srueI uny reIevunce In LIe New


The Bible is the Word oI God written.

n LIIs duy und uge wIen revoIuLIon murks LIe course oI
munkInd, muny ure uskIng quesLIons und seekIng unswers Lo LIe
vurIous uspecLs oI IIIe. TIe BIbIe, IeId In derIsIon by muny,
dIscurded by un even Iurger mujorILy und u source oI
bewIIdermenL Lo oLIers, sLIII provIdes LIe unswers und LIIs
bookIeL Is uImed uL eIucIduLIng severuI, cerLuInIy noL uII, oI LIe
probIems wIIcI urIse In LIe conLexL oI LIe NuLIonuI Messuge oI
LIe BIbIe.

BrevILy wIII be LIe keynoLe oI LIIs work Ior IL Is IeIL LIuL uny
reuder wIII onIy be convInced wIen LIey ure InLeIIecLuuIIy
suLIsIIed LIuL LIe unswers gIven noL onIy conIorm Lo IogIc buL
Iuve LIe IuII AuLIorILy oI LIe Word oI God. TIIs beIng so, uII
scrIpLures ure gIven In supporL oI LIe unswers und LIe sLudenL Is
udvIsed Lo cIeek LIese Ior IImseII. AuLIorILIes, oLIer LIun LIe
BIbIe, Loo, ure used buL LIese ure uII uccessIbIe Lo LIe sLudenL In
PubIIc IbrurIes und oLIer book sIops.

Over u Iong perIod In LIme, quesLIons rungIng Irom pureIy
personuI muLLers Lo LIe ImpucL oI nuLIons upon eucI oLIer Iuve
been senL Lo LIe AdmInIsLruLIve oIIIce oI LIe ederuLIon oI LIe
CovenunL PeopIe und LIese Iuve been unswered personuIIy.
However, us LIe quesLIons usked ure becomIng puLLernIsed by
repeLILIon, IL Ius been decIded Lo produce LIIs bookIeL In LIe
sIncere Iope LIuL LIe unswers gIven wIII provIde Ior u renewed
convIcLIon LIuL God Is Indeed u God oI LIe IIvIng und LIuL In HIs
SovereIgnLy umong IIvIng men und women, HIs PIun und
Purpose In unswer Lo LIe Pruyer: 'TIy KIngdom come . . .'
conLInues unLII IInuIIy consummuLed In LIe ReLurn oI Jesus
CIrIsL LIe ord us KIng oI kIngs und ord oI Iords.


WIIIe IL Is generuIIy IeId LIuL IumunILy Ius now pussed beyond LIe
scope oI LIe BIbIe, LIere ure sLIII LIose wIo IInd IL necessury Lo
udvunce reusons wIy LIe BIbIe sIouId be dIscurded. TIese reusons
InvurIubIy cenLre on LIe so-cuIIed conLrudIcLIons In LIe nurruLIve us
weII us LIe IncompuLIbIIILy oI ILs DIrecLIves wILI modern LIougIL und
In consequence oI wIIcI, so IL Is uverred, ILs reIIubIIILy or eIIIcucy us
LIe busIs Ior IuILI Is noL onIy debuLubIe buL compIeLeIy ouL oI courL.

n vIew oI LIIs uLLILude, IL Is necessury Lo expose, noL LIe IuIIIbIIILy oI
LIe Word oI God, buL LIuL oI LIe Iumun InLeIIecL wIIcI presumes Lo
sIL In judgmenL on LIe Work oI LIe HoIy SpIrIL ( TIm. :16). or Iur
Loo Iong, upIoIders oI LIe verucILy oI LIe BIbIe Iuve Iud Lo be on LIe
deIensIve, uImosL upoIogIsIng Ior LIe exIsLence oI LIe Word oI God
und beIng mude uncomIorLubIe by LIe supercIIIous uLLILude oI LIe
mujorILy wIose condescensIon Is uII Loo pIuIn In LIeIr puLronIsIng
uLLILude Lo IoIk wIose beIIeI Is cenLred In LIe BIbIe. Now Is LIe LIme Lo
'conLend Ior LIe IuILI once deIIvered Lo LIe suInLs' (Jude ) --- now Is
LIe LIme Lo sIuLLer LIe grundIose deIusIons by uskIng Ior u
jusLIIIcuLIon oI LIe reIeguLIon oI LIe BIbIe Lo LIe IImbo oI IrreIevunL

"Produce your cuuse, suILI LIe ord; brIng IorLI your sLrong reusons,
suILI LIe KIng oI Jucob. eL LIem brIng IorLI und sIew us wIuL wIII
Iuppen: IeL LIem sIew LIe Iormer LIIngs, wIuL LIey be, LIuL we muy
consIder LIem, und know LIe IuLLer end oI LIem; decIure us LIIngs Ior
Lo come . . ." (su. q1:z1-zz). Produce your cuuse - brIng your sLrong
reusons . . . TIe roL In Iumun LIInkIng Ius been uIIowed Lo go Loo Iur
Loo Iong. Toduy, LIeory, wIIcI Is unconIIrmed IypoLIesIs, Is IeId und
propounded us IucL wIIIe IucL Is dIscounLed us LIeory. TIIs uLLILude, oI
course, wus Ioreknown by God WIo, LIrougI suIuI LIe propIeL, suId:
"Woe unLo LIem LIuL cuII evII good, und good evII; LIuL puL durkness
Ior IIgIL, und IIgIL Ior durkness; LIuL puL bILLer Ior sweeL, und sweeL
Ior bILLer" (su. :zo). NoLwILIsLundIng LIe ubove, LIeory Is Loduy
propounded us IucL und IucL us LIeory. An IIIusLruLIon oI LIIs Is Iound
In LIe muLLer oI LIe BIbIe und ILs dIrecLIve In LIe conLexL oI LIe subjecL
oI InLegruLIon und mIscegenuLIon. HuvIng been bruInwusIed InLo
beIIevIng LIuL LIe BIbIe Messuge, In LIIs conLexL, Is compIeLeIy In
Iuvour oI unIversuI IruLernILy, InsLeud oI supporLIng cIuIms Lo jusLIIy
LIeIr LIeory, prooI Is InvurIubIy demunded Lo sIow wIere InLegruLIon
und mIscegenuLIon Is wrong, InsLeud oI provIdIng prooI, I.e., LIe
'sLrong reusons', wIy InLegruLIon und mIscegenuLIon sIouId be
enIorced, proLugonIsLs oI LIIs LIeory demund evIdence Lo dIsprove
LIeIr LIeory. One sIouId unswer sucI InsLunces by quoLIng LIe
scrIpLure --- produce your cuuse, sIow us wIere LIe BIbIe commends
InLegruLIon or mIscegenuLIon --- und IL wIII be Iound LIuL LIe LIeory
crumbIes Lo LIe dusL Ior no supporLIng evIdence wIII be Iound.

"BrIng IorLI your sLrong reusons . . ." L Is our conLenLIon LIuL LIe
Word oI God Is Lrue und In LIIs bookIeL, sLImuIuLed by quesLIons
wIIcI ure, In IucL, u query concernIng our IuILI, we Iope Lo gIve u
reuson Ior our beIIeI LIuL LIe BIbIe Is Indeed LIe Word oI God wrILLen.


Were the 'dogs' of Cenesis 1 literol or figurotioe?

L Is un InvurIubIe ruIe LIuL II u sLudenL IInds un error on LIe IIrsL puge
oI uny LexLbook, IIs conIIdence In wIuL IoIIows Is undersLundubIy
sIuken. L Is LIereIore IILLIng LIuL LIIs quesLIon concernIng LIe nuLure
oI LIe 'duys' In LIe IIrsL cIupLer oI LIe BIbIe be consIdered IIrsL.

n unswerIng LIIs quesLIon; one Is Ied Lo brouden LIe enquIry Ior LIe
sImpIe expIunuLIon oI LIe word 'duy' sLImuIuLes IurLIer quesLIons
concernIng precIseIy wIuL Iuppened on LIose 'duys'.

n LIe IIrsL InsLunce, IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIe Hebrew word Yom Is
used In GenesIs 1 us IL Is LIrougIouL LIe OId TesLumenL wIen
IndIcuLIng u perIod oI LwenLy-Iour Iours duruLIon. n LIe second
InsLunce, IL wIII be Iound LIuL eucI oI LIe sIx 'duys' Is dIvIded by un
'evenIng und mornIng' (verses ,8,1,1q,z und 1) wIIcI mukes uny
InLerpreLuLIon oLIer LIun LIe normuI LwenLy-Iour Iour duy somewIuL

However, us wus sLuLed uL LIe ouLseL, sucI un expIunuLIon mereIy
serves Lo brouden LIe quesLIon Ior LIere wus un 'evenIng und u
mornIng' on LIe IIrsL duy wIen, In IucL, LIe sun, uround wIIcI LIe
eurLI revoIves LIus provIdIng LIe meusuremenL oI duruLIon, or LIme
us IL Is undersLood, onIy cume InLo exIsLence on LIe IourLI duy (Gen.
1:1q-1q). TIe soIuLIon Lo LIIs Is reIuLIveIy sImpIe II one Is prepured Lo
InvesLIguLe LIe subjecL wILI un open mInd.

An unswer Lo LIe probIems posed In u sLudy oI LIe IIrsL cIupLer oI LIe
BIbIe Is Iound wIen one consIders LIe IIrsL duy und u pecuIIur
sLuLemenL wIIcI Is mude In LIe LI verse. L wIII be noLed LIuL God
guve numes Lo IIgIL und durkness --- wIy? An urcIILecL or cruILsmun
Ius no need Lo gIve numes Lo uny LIIng creuLed or mude unless
identificotion of the porticulor ohject is imperotioe to
others. TIere wus no need LIuL God remInd HImseII oI duy und nIgIL
becuuse He wus noL uIIecLed by LIIs nor were uny oI LIe IeuvenIy
IosL. God wus communIcuLIng numes us IdenLIIyIng IucLors Lo LIose Lo
wIom 'duy' und 'nIgIL' Iud meunIng. TIus In gIvIng LIe numes oI duy
und nIgIL, He uos telling mon LIe dIIIerence beLween IIgIL und
durkness. HereIn IIes u key Lo undersLundIng LIe nurruLIve In LIe IIrsL
cIupLer oI LIe BIbIe.

TIe sIx duys wus LIe perIod wIIcI God Look Lo reveuI or Lo ImpurL LIe
InIormuLIon concernIng HIs CreuLIon oI LIe worId In LIe duLeIess pusL.
n order Lo quuIIIy LIIs sLuLemenL, uLLenLIon Is druwn Lo LIe sevenLI
duy, LIe shohoth or 'resL' duy. "HusL LIou noL known? IusL LIou noL
Ieurd? LIuL LIe everIusLIng God, LIe ord, LIe CreuLor oI LIe ends oI
LIe eurLI, fointeth not neither is ueorg . . ." (su. qo:z8)
"BeIoId, Ie LIuL keepeLI srueI sIuII neILIer sIumber nor sIeep" (Psu.
1z1:q). As LIe ord, LIe CreuLor Is neILIer weury nor requIres sIeep,
one Is Ied Lo usk LIe reuson Ior LIe SubbuLI oI resL. TIe unswer comes
rIgIL buck Irom LIe puges oI scrIpLure: ... . . . . LIe subbuLI wus mude
Ior mon. (Murk z:z;).

No doubL LIe mInd oI LIe sLudenL wIII ImmedIuLeIy puss Lo LIe ourLI
CommundmenL wIIcI sLuLes: "Remember LIe SubbuLI duy Lo keep IL
IoIy (sepuruLe) . . . or In sIx duys LIe ord mode Ieuven und eurLI . .
." n LIe IIrsL InsLunce IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIe Hebrew word Ior mode
Is noL LIe sume us creoted wIIcI Is horo. TIe word osoh Irom
wIIcI mode wus LrunsIuLed Is used exLensIveIy LIrougIouL LIe OId
TesLumenL und on 1oo occusIons Is LrunsIuLed 'Lo do' or 'dId'. TIus In
u IILeruI LrunsIuLIon, one IInds LIuL LIe ourLI CommundmenL
conLuIns: "or In sIx duys LIe ord did LIe Ieuvens und eurLI". L muy
be urgued LIuL LIe word 'mude' Is u permIssIbIe LrunsIuLIon, In unswer
Lo wIIcI u Iew IIIusLruLIons oI LIe use oI LIe word osoh ure now

Gen. 1S:S ". . . the culI he hud dressed
Gen. o:q ".. thoo hust done {usuh)
deeds onto me.
Gen. o:1o ". thut thoo hust done
{usuh) this thing.

wIuL LIe ord 'dId' In sIx duys wus Lo reveuI Lo mun wIuL He Iud

As LIe SubbuLI or 'resL' wus InLroduced Ior mun's beneIIL (Murkz:z;),
IL nuLuruIIy IoIIows LIuL mun musL Iuve Iud someLIIng Lo do wILI
eucI und every one oI LIe sIx duys wIIcI preceded IL und noL LIe IInuI
duy uIone. TIIs beIng so, IL Is obvIous LIuL mun wus presenL Irom LIe
IIrsL duy --- LIe evenIng und mornIng beIng u dIvIdIng perIod Ior mun
wIo "goeLI IorLI unLo IIs work und Lo IIs Iubour unLII evenIng" (Psu.
1oq:z). TIe IIve succeedIng duys were murked by LIe expundIng
reveIuLIon by God oI wIuL He Iud done In LIe duLeIess pusL
cuImInuLIng In LIe creuLIon oI LIe Iumun IumIIy --- muIe und IemuIe.

n LIe IIgIL oI uII LIe evIdence uvuIIubIe und purLIcuIurIy LIe
expIunuLIon gIven ubove, IL muy be seen LIuL LIe BIbIe Ius no quurreI
wILI GeoIogy wIIcI puLs LIe eurLI's orIgIn somewIere In LIe vIcInILy
oI LIree und one-quurLer bIIIIon yeurs ugo. TIere Is no urgumenL
eILIer concernIng LIe vurIous 'uges' wIIcI murk LIe process by wIIcI
LIe eurLI wus compIeLed. AII IuIIs InLo perspecLIve wIen IL Is reuIIsed
LIuL LIe record In GenesIs 1 --- Iur Irom beIng u runnIng commenLury
on work LIen In progress --- wus u IIsLory beIng reveuIed Lo mun over
u IILeruI sIx-duy perIod. TIe wIoIe nurruLIve, cureIuIIy exumIned, wIII
be seen, noL us u sLumbIIng bIock Lo IuILI In LIe Word oI God, buL u
key Lo LIe reuIIsuLIon LIuL uL some LIme In LIe pusL, God CreuLed LIe
worId und uII LIIngs In IL.


Were Adom ond Eoe the first ond onlg humon heings
creoted hg Cod?

As one reuds LIrougI LIe muny geneuIogIcuI LubIes In LIe BIbIe wIIcI
ure gIven Lo provIde LIe meuns wIereby LIe orIgIns oI peopIe muy be
Lruced, one Is ImmedIuLeIy sLruck by LIe IucL LIuL LIere ure cerLuIn
peopIe wIose orIgIns ure noL gIven und wIo ure deIInILeIy noL Lo be
Iound In LIe geneuIogIes oI LIose descended Irom Adum. One
IIIusLruLIon oI LIIs Is Lo be Iound In LIe 'gIunLs' (Gen. 6:q) or, us IL Is
recorded In Hebrew, LIe nepIIIIm or nupIuI.

One scIooI oI LIougIL Ius IL LIuL LIe nepIIIIm, IILeruIIy LIe 'IuIIen
ones`, ure ungeIIc beIngs wIo were cusL ouL oI Ieuven (Rev. 1z:q) In
consequence oI wIIcI IL Is noL surprIsIng LIuL no geneuIogIcuI LubIe Is
provIded concernIng LIem. I nepIIIIm meuns LIe 'IuIIen ungeIs' LIen
uII Is weII buL Is IL correcL Lo uppIy LIIs word Lo 'LIe ungeIs wIIcI kepL
noL LIeIr IIrsL esLuLe, buL IeIL LIeIr own IubILuLIon . . .' (Jude 6)? n LIe
IIrsL InsLunce, LIe EngIIsI word 'ungeI' Is LrunsIuLed Irom LIe. Hebrew
molok wIIcI, uccordIng Lo uII Hebrew scIoIurs, Ius ubsoIuLeIy no
uIIInILy wILI nepIIIIm. As LIere ure noL even rooL sImIIurILIes In LIe
words, LIe conLenLIon LIuL LIe nepIIIIm were 'IuIIen ungeIs' becomes
wIsIIuI specuIuLIon bused on mukIng LIe BIbIe IIsLory conIorm Lo
preconceIved Ideus.

I one reuds Romuns 1:zo-z, one muy see LIuL LIe 'mIgILy IuIIen
ones' Is uppIIcubIe Lo mun. IvIng und IuvIng LIeIr beIng wILIIn LIe
Irumework oI LIe 'eLernuI power oI God' (Rom. 1:zo) LIIs Is nowIere
suId Lo be LIe experIence oI Adum - munkInd oI LIuL LIme were sureIy
'mIgILy men'. As PuuI pIuInIy reveuIs, LIey IeII IuvIng been seduced
InLo beIIevIng LIuL LIeIr wIsdom wus greuLer LIun God's. TIe wIoIe oI
PuuI's IIrsL cIupLer oI IIs EpIsLIe Lo LIe Romuns sIouId Ie reud Lo
upprecIuLe LIe mugnILude oI LIeIr IuII. TIus, LIey couId come wILIIn
LIe cuLegory oI LIe nepIIIIm, LIe 'IuIIen ones'. TIIs concIusIon pIuces
no sLruIn on LIe ImugInuLIon wIIcI Is mosL cerLuInIy LIe cuse II one
InsIsLs on InLrudIng ungeIs InLo LIIs conLexL.

TIe coIubILuLIon oI LIe nepIIIIm ('gIunLs' In LIe A.V.) wILI LIe
'duugILers oI men' resuILed In u progeny wIIcI wus undoubLedIy und
BIbIIcuIIy conIIrmed, us Iumun beIngs. TIe cIIIdren wIo were born oI
LIIs unIon were 'mIgILy men wIIcI were oI oId, men oI renown' (Gen.
6:q). TIere Is no umbIguILy In LIIs sLuLemenL. TIe geneLIc InIerILunce
pussed on by LIe nepIIIIm Lo LIeIr oIIsprIng Is cIeurIy LIuL oI Iumun
cIromosomes Ior LIeIr generuI LruILs were In LIe sume mouId us were
LIose oI LIeIr Iorbeurs LIey were mIgILy men, LIey were urrogunL
men, LIey were rebeIIIous men, LIey were u vIoIenL breed wIo 'IIIIed
LIe eurLI wILI vIoIence' (Gen. 6:11). WIere dId LIese 'mIgILy men oI
oId' come Irom? ApurL Irom beIng cuIIed LIe nephilim, LIey ure noL
gIven IndIvIduuI numes und IL Is LIereIore ImpossIbIe Lo Lruce LIem.
WIuL Is sure Is LIuL LIey were noL rucIuIIy LIe sume us LIe
descendunLs oI Adum Ior LIe coIubILuLIon resuILed In LIe 'corrupLIon
oI uII IIesI' (Gen. 6:1z-1)

rom uII LIIs u sImpIe NO wouId be LIe unswer Lo LIe quesLIon posed.
However, LIere Is mucI more evIdence Lo supporL LIe unswer. I one
correIuLes boLI LIe IIrsL und second cIupLers oI GenesIs, one Is
ImmedIuLeIy sLruck by dIIIerences wIIcI ure noL uccIdenLs buL
deIIberuLe sLuLemenLs InLended Lo convey precIseIy wIuL wus meunL.
or InsLunce IL wIII Ie noLed LIuL 'mun', boLI muIe und IemuIe, were
creuLed' ' wIereus Adum wus 'Iormed', LIe reIevunL Hebrew words
IndIcuLIng LIe dIIIerence - bcrc, 'creuLed'; ctscr, 'Iormed'. AnoLIer
poInL oI InLeresL In LIIs conLexL Is LIuL LIe Nume oI God Is noL LIe
sume. n LIe IIrsL cIupLer IL wIII be seen LIuL LIe Hebrew Elohim
(God) Is used wIereus In LIe second cIupLer, 1ehotch-Elohim (ord
God) uppeurs. L wIII be noLed, Loo, LIuL no menLIon Is mude oI LIe
creuLIon oI seu creuLures In GenesIs z wIereus In GenesIs 1:zo LIIs Is
reveuIed on LIe IIILI duy und occupIes LIe wIoIe duy.

WILI regurd Lo Eve, sIe, uccordIng Lo LIe nurruLIve, cunnoL be Iorced
InLo LIe conLexL oI GenesIs 1. L wIII be noLed LIuL In GenesIs z:zo IL Is
sLuLed LIuL . . . LIere wus noL Iound un IeIp meeL Ior IIm wIIcI, by
ImpIIcuLIon, suggesLs LIuL wIIIe IemuIes were uround, LIere wus noL
one udequuLe Lo meeL Adum's need. TIe nume, Eve, wus noL gIven
unLII some consIderubIe perIod IuLer buL In LIe gIvIng, un InLeresLIng
poInL urIses. "And Adum cuIIed IIs wIIe's nume Eve; becuuse sIe wus
LIe moLIer oI uII IIvIng" (Gen. :zo). TIe nume 'Eve' In Hebrew Is
chctc wIIcI. IILeruIIy meuns 'Lo sIow' und wIIcI ruIses un InLeresLIng
poInL. WIuL wus LIere Lo sIow und Lo wIom? TIe use oI LIe pIruse
'LIe moLIer oI uII IIvIng', Loo, Is InLeresLIng. nLo Adum's nosLrIIs wus
breuLIed 'LIe breuLI oI IIIe und Ie becume u IIvIng souI' (Gen. z:;) und
LIIs uppeurs Lo suggesL LIuL unIess one undergoes LIIs experIence, one
Is deud. TIIs subjecL oI LIe 'deud' wIII be deuIL wILI In unswer Lo u
IuLer quesLIon Ior IL Is BIbIIcuIIy uLLesLed Lo LIuL LIere ure LIose wIo
ure 'deud' und wIo Luke no purL In LIe ResurrecLIon (su. z6:1q). TIe
IncIusIon oI the phrose LIuL Eve wus 'LIe moLIer oI uII IIvIng' Is
InLended Lo 'sIow' LIe IucL oI LIe exIsLence oI oLIers In wIom wus noL
LIe 'breuLI oI IIIe'.

PussIng on Irom Adum und Eve, IL Is oI sInguIur InLeresL Lo noLe LIuL
CuIn, LIe IIrsL-born Lo Adum und Eve, uILer LIe murder oI IIs broLIer
AbeI, IumenLed LIe punIsImenL pussed on IIm by LIe ord. "BeIoId
LIou IusL drIven me ouL LIIs duy Irom LIe Iuce oI LIe eurLI und Irom
LIy Iuce sIuII be IId; und sIuII be u IugILIve und u vugubond In LIe
eurLI; und IL sIuII come Lo puss, thot eoerg one LIuL IIndeLI me
sIuII sIuy me" (Gen. q:1q). WIo ure LIese Lo wIom CuIn wus mukIng
reIerence und wIose unLugonIsm wus known Lo IIm? WIere dId Ie
procure IIs wIIe? --- no oLIer sons und duugILers Iud, us yeL, been
born Lo Adum und Eve wIy buIId u 'cILy' Ior IImseII, IIs wIIe und son?
(Gen. q:1;) --- uII LIese muke provIsIon Ior peopIe oLIer LIun Adum
und IIs IumIIy.

TIus Lo unswer LIe quesLIon uguIn --- No -- Adum und Eve were noL
LIe IIrsL und onIy Iumun beIngs creuLed by God buL LIey ure LIe IIrsL
numed In LIe BIbIe wIIcI deuIs wILI LIIs bruncI oI LIe Iumun IumIIy.


Wos Coin the son of Adom or Soton?

"And 1 wIII puL enmILy beLween LIee und LIe womun, und beLween LIy
seed und Ier seed; IL sIuII bruIse LIy Ieud, und LIou sIuIL bruIse IIs
IeeI" (Gen. :1).

TIe ubove scrIpLure records LIe dIuIogue beLween LIe ord God und
LIe 'serpenL' SuLun In wIIcI uLLenLIon Is Iocused on Lwo seeds --- LIuL
oI LIe womun und oI LIe 'serpenL'. TIe seed oI LIe womun rouses very
IILLIe InLeresL Ior LIe sLudenL Is ubIe Lo Lruce LIIs LIrougI LIe
geneuIogIcuI LubIes wIIcI ure u promInenL IeuLure oI LIe BIbIe.
However, LIe seed oI LIe serpenL Is unoLIer muLLer Ior nowIere Is
LIere uny geneuIogIcuI LubIe commencIng wILI: 'TIese ure LIe
generuLIons oI LIe serpenL ucIIer . . .'

TIe OId TesLumenL record Is compIeLeIy sIIenL on LIe muLLer oI LIe
seed oI LIe serpenL und LIe subjecL wouId uppeur Lo Iuve pussed Irom
LIe scope oI BIbIe reveIuLIon unLII LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL InLroduced u
pIruseoIogy wIIcI drew LIe subjecL buck InLo LIe muInsLreum oI LIe
nurruLIve. n cIusLIsIng LIe Jews, He cuIIed LIem "O generuLIon (ruce)
oI vIpers. . ." (MuLL. 1z:q) wIIIe Lo LIe PIurIsees, He suId: "Ye
serpenLs, ye generuLIon (ruce) oI vIpers, Iow cun ye escupe LIe
dumnuLIon oI IeII?" (MuLL. z:). n LIe GospeI oI JoIn, He uguIn
uccused LIe Jews, buL LIIs LIme He conLended LIuL LIey dId noL IuII
wILIIn LIe uLIerIood oI God. "He LIuL Is oI God IeureLI God's
words; ye LIereIore Ieur LIem noL, becuuse ye ure noL oI God" (JoIn
8:q;). n LIe sume conLexL, He uccused LIem oI doIng LIe works oI
LIeIr IuLIer LIe devII (JoIn 8:qq) wIom, He suId wus: ". . . u murderer
Irom LIe begInnIng, und ubode noL In LIe LruLI, becuuse LIere Is no
LruLI In IIm."

L Is becuuse oI LIIs LIuL some Iuve LIougIL LIuL CuIn, LIe IIrsL
recorded murderer In LIe BIbIe, Is Lo be IdenLIIIed Iere und, us LIe
murderer und IIur wus equuLed wILI LIe devII, IL Ius been LIougIL LIuL
Ie wus sIred by SuLun IImseII LIus provIdIng u Iumun cIunneI Ior LIe
seed oI LIe serpenL. TIIs, oI course, Is pure specuIuLIon und us one Is
enjoIned Lo 'prove uII LIIngs' (1 TIess. :z1), IL beIoves LIe sLudenL Lo
weIgI LIe specuIuLIon uguInsL BIbIe IucL.

WIIIe IL Is undoubLedIy Lrue LIuL CuIn wus u murderer und u IIur (Gen.
q:q) Ie wus noL LIe IIrsL Ior SuLun wus u IIur beIore IIm (Gen. :1) und
In IIs 'weukenIng oI LIe nuLIons' (su. 1q:1z), wus Ie noL guIILy oI muss
murder? WILI regurd Lo CuIn, IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIe BIbIIcuI uccounL
oI LIe concepLIon und IIs bIrLI mukes no provIsIon Ior un IIIeguI
unIon beLween SuLun und Eve. "And Adom knew Eve IIs wIIe; und
sIe conceIved, und bure CuIn und suId, Iuve goLLen u mun Irom LIe
ord" (Gen. q:1).

To IuIIy upprecIuLe LIIs uccounL, uLLenLIon Is druwn Lo LIe buckground
oI LIe sLory Ior LIere Is one poInL wIIcI, uL IIrsL gIunce, sLunds ouL us
IrreconcIIubIe. L wIII be noLed LIuL Eve's reucLIon Lo LIe bIrLI wus: ". .
. Iuve goLLen u mun Irom LIe ord." TIe Hebrew word Ior 'mun' Is
ish und Is correcLIy LrunsIuLed Iere. CuIn, wIIIe beIng oI LIe
muscuIIne gender, couId noL by uny sLreLcI oI ImugInuLIon be cuIIed u
mun. n Hebrew, u son Is hen, wIIIe u cIIId Is geled, neILIer oI
wIIcI words ure Iound In LIe Hebrew LexL Iere.

TIe buckground sLory Is weII-known. Adum, LIrougI. LIe suggesLIon
oI Eve, Lrunsgressed LIe commund oI LIe ord und wIen exposed,
uccused boLI LIe ord und Eve Ior IIs wuywurdness (Gen. :1z). TIe
sILuuLIon In LIe AdumIc IouseIoId becume very sLruIned us wouId be
mosL nuLuruI In vIew oI LIe cIrcumsLunces und LIe uLmospIere wus
noL conducIve Lo good reIuLIons. As Ius Iuppened LIrougIouL LIe
uges, LIe IIrsL move Lowurds reconcIIIuLIon cume Irom Eve und LIe
mecIunIsm oI LIIs wus LIe bIrLI oI CuIn. NoLe uguIn LIe IIsLory. "And
Adum knew Eve IIs wIIe; und sIe conceIved und bure CuIn . . ."
DIrecLIy uILer LIe bIrLI, Eve suys: " Iuve goLLen u mun Irom LIe ord"
und, Iur Irom beIng u commenL on LIe bIrLI oI CuIn, wus u cry oI
vIcLory uL LIe reconcIIIuLIon beLween IerseII und Adum. ookIng uguIn
uL LIe Hebrew word ish wIIcI Is LrunsIuLed mun, IL wIII be noLed LIuL
LIIs word Is uIso used Lo denoLe Iusbund, wIIcI LrunsIuLIon Is
IoIIowed 6q LImes In LIe OId TesLumenL.

A sLory In sImIIur veIn Is Iound In LIe uccounL oI euI und Jucob In
GenesIs zq:z. L wIII be recuIIed LIuL boLI wIves, I.e., euI und
RucIeI, were burren buL LIuL evenLuuIIy euI guve bIrLI Lo Reuben
wIIcI evoked LIe cry: ". . . now LIereIore my Iusbund (Hebrew, ish)
wIII Iove me." TIe bonds beLween euI und Jucob were LIgILened by
LIe bIrLI oI Reuben und, sImIIurIy, LIe reIuLIonsIIp beLween Adum
und Eve wus esLubIIsIed by LIe bIrLI oI CuIn.

L Is LIus sureIy LIe mosL IIIogIcuI LIeory Lo suggesL LIuL wIIIe Eve wus
workIng Ior reconcIIIuLIon wILI Adum, sIe sIouId conLrIve un IIIeguI
unIon wILI SuLun und LIen puss oII LIe resuIL oI LIIs us Adum's son.

TIus LIe ubove unswers LIe quesLIon und proves LIuL CuIn, Ior uII IIs
sIorLcomIngs, wus sIred by Adum und wus Indeed IIs son.


Whg uos Cod so hord on Coin?

"And LIe ord Iud respecL unLo AbeI und Lo IIs oIIerIng: BuL unLo
CuIn und Lo IIs oIIerIng Ie Iud noL respecL" (Gen, q:q-)

rom u mereIy superIIcIuI reudIng oI LIe scrIpLure, IL wouId uppeur
LIuL CuIn dId receIve IursI LreuLmenL Irom LIe ord, buL wIen LIe
buckground Lo LIe sLory Is consIdered, IL wIII be Iound LIuL Ie
perpeLuuLed IIs IuLIer's InILIuI LrunsgressIon. TIIs LrunsgressIon Is
seen Lo be unbeIIeI In God. Adum wus pIuced In un envIronmenL
wIIcI wus perIecL. He wus noL requIred Lo LoII or sweuL Ior IIs
exIsLence --- uII wus gIven In LIe ProvIdence oI God. However, IL
wouId uppeur LIuL Adum's beIIeI In LIIs wus LesLed und Ie wus Iound
wunLIng. No doubL Eve, excIuded Irom dIrecL communIcuLIon wILI
God (IL Is nowIere recorded LIuL sIe suw God or LuIked wILI HIm)
Iud noL LIe sume undersLundIng In LIe muLLer oI provIsIons Lo keep
LIe Iome goIng. TIIs, becuuse oI LIe puucILy oI InIormuLIon on LIe
subjecL, Is udmILLedIy specuIuLIon. However, IL wIII be noLed LIuL In
LIe conversuLIon beLween LIe ord und Adum subsequenL Lo LIe
LrunsgressIon, Eve Is undoubLedIy InvoIved us Is LIe soII. L Is quILe
wILIIn LIe reuIm oI possIbIIILy LIuL Adum, uILer guLIerIng seed, Iud
pIougIed LIe eurLI In prepuruLIon Ior sowIng LIe seed wIIcI, II IL Is
vIewed uguInsL LIe promIsed ProvIdence oI God, wus u Iuck oI IuILI In
God's ubIIILy Lo keep HIs Word.

"And unLo Adum Ie suId, Becuuse LIou IusL Ieurkened unLo LIe voIce
oI LIy wIIe, und IusL euLen oI LIe Lree, oI wIIcI communded LIee
suyIng, TIou sIuIL noL euL oI IL: cursed Is LIe ground Ior LIy suke; In
sorrow sIuIL LIou euL oI IL uII LIe duys oI LIy IIIe" (Gen. :1;). TIe
reuson Ior LIe ground beIng 'cursed' wus undoubLedIy due Lo
someLIIng LIuL Adum Iud done In LIuL conLexL. TIorns und LIIsLIes
Iud obvIousIy IuIn dormunL beneuLI LIe soII und wouId Iuve
remuIned In LIuL sLuLe Iud noL LIe soII been dIsLurbed buL now, us
specIuI menLIon Is mude oI LIe IucL LIuL LIe LIorns wouId come IorLI,
LIere Is IndIcuLIon oI u dIsLurbunce oI LIe soII. One Is, oI course,
IumIIIur wILI LIe scrIpLure (Gen. z:) wIIcI records LIuL . . . LIere
wus no mun Lo LIII LIe ground buL LIe word 'LIII' does noL necessurIIy
meun Lo pIougI LIe ground. TIe Hebrew word Iere Is ohod wIIcI
IILeruIIy meuns 'Lo servIce' wIereus, Iud breukIng LIe ground LIrougI
LIe process oI pIougIIng been meunL, LIe Hebrew word nir wouId
Iuve been recorded.

To 'servIce LIe ground' und Lo 'pIougI LIe ground' ure Lwo dIIIerenL
LIIngs --- u IucL wIIcI LIe Lwo Hebrew words IndIcuLe. "n LIe sweuL
oI LIy Iuce sIuIL LIou euL breud . . ." uguIn druws uLLenLIon Lo Adum's
LrunsgressIon beIng ussocIuLed wILI LIe soII und LIIs IucL Ieuds one Lo
u beLLer undersLundIng oI wIy LIe ord rejecLed CuIn's oIIerIng. He
brougIL 'LIe IruIL oI LIe ground' us un oIIerIng Lo LIe ord wIereus
AbeI brougIL un oIIerIng oI LIe IIrsLIIng oI IIs IIock wILI wIIcI Ie Iud
noLIIng Lo do buL Lend IL.

TIere Is, oI course, u IurLIer expIunuLIon wIIcI Is sLImuIuLed by
Hebrews 11:q. "By IuILI AbeI oIIered unLo God u more exceIIenL
sucrIIIce LIun CuIn, by wIIcI Ie obLuIned wILness LIuL Ie wus
rIgILeous . . ." 'uILI', by wIIcI AbeI oIIered IIs sucrIIIce, . . . comeLI
by IeurIng, und IeurIng by LIe word oI God (Rom. 1o:1;). L wouId
LIereIore uppeur LIuL boLI CuIn und AbeI were conversunL wILI LIe
word or communds oI God wIIcI wouId sureIy be In LIe sume veIn us
uppIIed Lo LIeIr IuLIer Adum. CuIn cIose Lo Ignore LIIs und In
consequence Iound LIuL IIs LrucuIence, noL IIs sucrIIIce, wus LoLuIIy
unuccepLubIe Lo God. God wus noL beIng Iurd on IIm --- He wus, In
rIgILeous judgmenL, pussIng senLence on LrunsgressIon.


Wos oll Humonitg destroged in the 1lood?

"AII In wIose nosLrIIs wus the hreoth of life, oI uII LIuL wus In LIe
dry Iund dIed" (Gen. ;:zz).

I LIere were onIy eIgIL survIvors In u greuL unIversuI cuLusLropIe us
Ius been conLended, LIe scrIpLure uppeurs Lo be uL IuuIL. However, LIe
scrIpLure, wIIcI Is concerned wILI LIe sLory oI Adum und LIe 'seed oI
LIe womun', deuIs excIusIveIy wILI LIIs purL oI LIe Iumun IumIIy und
LIe Iood Is LIe record oI LIe judgmenL oI God on LIuL IumIIy. I, us IL
Is IeId uII IumunILy wus desLroyed In LIe greuL Iood, one Is Iuced
wILI LIe dIIemmu oI expIuInIng wIere LIe OrIenLuI und NegroId ruces
come Irom. TIe BIbIe does noL suy LIuL LIey cume Irom LIe sons oI
NouI. TIIs beIng so, one Is encouruged Lo 'seurcI LIe scrIpLures' und
IInd LIe soIuLIon Lo LIe probIem.

MenLIon Ius been mude prevIousIy oI LIe nephilim, LIe 'IuIIen ones',
wIose ImpIngemenL on LIe 'duugILers oI men' resuILed In vIoIence
IIIIIng LIe eurLI und LIe judgmenL by wuLer. L beIoves LIe sLudenL Lo
consIder LIe word 'eurLI' In LIIs conLexL Ior LIere ure severuI Hebrew
words wIIcI Iuve uII been LrunsIuLed us 'eurLI'. TIey ure

(1) odomoh, meunIng ground, soII or Iund;
(z) oro, meunIng LIe LerresLrIuI gIobe oI LIe
() erets, meunIng Iund.

TIe word oro Is noL Iound In LIe conLexL oI LIe Iood wIereus
odomoh und erets ure.

TIe nephilim were obvIousIy LIose InLo wIose nosLrIIs LIe 'breuLI oI
IIIe' wus noL breuLIed Ior IL wIII be Iound LIuL LIeIr progeny In LIe
posL-Iood perIod, bore numes wIIcI ure synonymous wILI 'deuLI'.
TIe nume 'RepIuIm' Ius been LrunsIuLed 'deud' ' u Iew InsLunces oI
wIIcI ure provIded Ior IurLIer sLudy. Job z6:; PsuIm 88:1o;
Proverbs z:18; q:18; z1:16; suIuI 1q:8 und z6:1q LIe IusL oI wIIcI
reuds: "TIey ure deud (RepIuIm), LIey sIuII noL IIve; LIey ure
deceused (RepIuIm), LIey sIuII noL rIse." TIere Is ubsoIuLeIy no doubL
wIuLsoever LIuL LIe RepIuIm were ucLuuIIy u peopIe Ior LIe scrIpLure
mukes reIerences Lo LIem us rebeIIIng uguInsL CIedorIuomer, kIng oI
EIum (Gen. 1q:1-).

Now II LIe wIoIe oI IumunILy wus desLroyed In LIe Iood, no
uILernuLIve Is IeIL buL Lo spIrILuuIIse LIe nephilim Ior LIey, or ruLIer
LIeIr descendunLs, uguIn muke LIeIr uppeurunce us LIe InIubILunLs oI
LIe Iund oI Cunuun wIen srueI wus ubouL Lo Luke possessIon oI IL. TIe
reporL by LIe spIes oI srueI wIo were senL by Moses Lo reconnoILre
LIe Iund Is recorded In Numbers 1: und Is now provIded wILI LIe
reIevunL Hebrew words. "And LIere we suw LIe gIunLs (nephilimJ,
LIe sons oI Anuk, wIIcI come Irom LIe gIunLs (nephilim) . . ." I uII
IumunILy wus Indeed desLroyed In u unIversuI Iood, LIe exIsLence oI
LIe InIubILunLs oI Cunuun InLrude u dIscordunL noLe wIIcI repudIuLes
LIe conLenLIon.

L wus LIe mongreIIsed progeny oI Adum In wIose nosLrIIs wus LIe
breuLI oI IIIe LIuL wus desLroyed In u Iood, LIe dImensIons oI wIIcI,
uccordIng Lo SIr eonurd WooIIey, wus LIe TIgrIs-EupIruLes vuIIey.
errur enLon's LrunsIuLIon oI LIe cIosIng verses oI GenesIs 1o
summurIses LIe unswer by suyIng: "TIe ubove were LIe IumIIIes oI LIe
sons oI NouI, und LIeIr descendunLs, by LrIbes. rom LIem LIey
spreod themseloes omongst the notions on the eorth uILer
LIe Iood."


Where does the Block mon come from?

Any unswer Lo LIIs quesLIon musL, oI necessILy, be pureIy specuIuLIve
Ior LIe BIbIe does noL menLIon LIeIr orIgIns. n IucL, LIe Word oI God
Is sInguIurIy sIIenL on LIe subjecL oI uII rucIuI enLILIes excepL, LIuL oI
Adum und onIy LIe brIeIesL menLIon Is mude oI' oLIers us LIey
ImpInge on LIIs ruce. TIIs beIng so, LIe onIy munner In wIIcI Lo
unswer LIe quesLIon Is Lo sIow wIere LIe BIuck mun does not come

IrsLIy, one sIouId consIder LIe ImpIIcuLIon urIsIng Irom LIe
conLenLIon LIuL us uII IumunILy wus desLroyed In LIe Iood, LIe, ruces
oI men Loduy musL Iuve Iud LIeIr begInnIngs In LIe LIree sons oI
NouI. TIe BIbIe does noL muke LIIs cIuIm --- mun does. n LIe IIrsL
InsLunce, becuuse IL Is necessury Lo Iuve one oI LIe sons oI NouI us
LIe progenILor oI LIe BIuck mun, Hum Is seIecLed Ior LIIs und LIe
IncIdenL recorded In GenesIs q:zz, besLows God-IIke powers on NouI.
However, us one reuds LIrougI LIe IncIdenL, one Is sLruck by LIe
ubsurdILy oI sucI u cIuIm. NouI, IuvIng become drunk, wus IyIng
'uncovered wILIIn IIs LenL'. Hum 'LIe IuLIer oI Cunuun, suw LIe
nukedness oI IIs IuLIer, und LoId IIs Lwo breLIren wILIouL' (Gen.
q:zz). TIe nurruLIve conLInues LIuL LIe Lwo breLIren 'covered
LIe-nukedness oI LIeIr IuLIer' und 'suw noL LIeIr IuLIer's nukedness'.
WIuL Is LIere In LIIs sLory LIuL jusLIIIes LIe conLenLIon LIuL NouI
uwoke und cursed, noL LIe perpeLruLor oI LIe unnumed deed, buL
Cunuun wIo Is mereIy menLIoned us LIe son oI Hum? WIuL possIbIe
jusLIIIcuLIon cun unyone Iuve Ior usIng LIIs us LIe busIs Ior u LIesIs on
LIe orIgIn oI LIe BIuck mun?

TIe unnumed 'deed' perpeLruLed by Hum couId Iuve been LIe
IncesLuous reIuLIonsIIp wILI IIs own moLIer Ior In evILIcus 18:8 IL Is
sLuLed LIuL: "TIe nukedness oI LIy IuLIer's wIIe sIuIL LIou noL
uncover: it is thg fother's nokedness". TIIs couId gIve meunIng Lo
LIe cursIng oI Cunuun wIo mIgIL Iuve been LIe oIIsprIng oI LIIs
IIIeguI unIon. "Cursed be Cunuun; u servunL oI servunLs sIuII Ie be
unLo IIs breLIren ... (Gen. q:z).

L sIouId be noLed LIuL Hum Iud Iour sons (Gen. 1o:6) und LIuL
Cunuun wus LIe IusL oI LIese. I LIe curse of Nooh --- noLe, noL oI
God --- wus LIuL Hum und IIs descendunLs were Lo be bIuck, Cunuun,
wIo wus specIIIcuIIy menLIoned, sIouId sureIy Iuve produced u
NegroId peopIe. AII urcIueoIogIcuI excuvuLIon In LIe Iund oI Cunuun
sIows u compIeLe Iuck oI eILIer NegroId cIurucLer or IeuLure In LIe
peopIe oI LIe Iund.

TIere Is, oI course, unoLIer uspecL Lo LIIs. TIe LeucIIng LIuL LIe BIuck
mun, I.e., IIs skIn coIour, Is LIe resuIL oI u curse, cun Iuve no oLIer
eIIecL LIun LIuL oI creuLIng un InIerIorILy compIex In LIe BIuck peopIe.
TIose oI LIIs purLIcuIur persuusIon sIouId reconsIder LIe ImpIIcuLIons
oI sucI wIId specuIuLIon wIIcI does noL enjoy LIe supporL oI LIe

L sIouId be noLed uguIn LIuL God Iud ubsoIuLeIy noLIIng wIuLsoever
Lo do wILI LIe evenLs recorded In GenesIs q --- IL Is LIe record oI
NouI's sponLuneous reucLIon uguInsL IIs son In wIIcI Ie pronounced
u socIuI, noL rucIuI, judgmenL on IIm. DIscounLIng LIIs, LIere ure
LIose wIo persIsL In cIuImIng NouIIc orIgIns Ior LIe ruces oI men
Loduy. One wonders II LIose oI LIIs persuusIon Iuve ever exumIned
LIe BIuck uIbIno? n LIIs, LIe bIuckness oI skIn pIgmenL Is ubsenL buL
LIe NegroId IeuLures remuIn, u geneLIc InIerILunce wIIcI Ius noLIIng
Lo do wILI u socIuI curse. TIe skIn coIour Is noL LIe resuIL oI excessIve
exposure Lo LIe sun --- IL Is u geneLIc InIerILunce IucLor.

TIe sume muy be suId oI JupIeLI LIe LIIrd son oI NouI wIo,
uccordIng Lo LIe LIeory LIuL LIe LIree sons ure LIe progenILors oI LIe
ruces oI munkInd, musL Iuve sIred LIe OrIenLuI ruce. L Is oI sInguIur
ImporLunce Lo noLe LIuL LIe YeIIow mun, IIvIng In LIe ur EusL und
subjecL Lo LIe sume equuLorIuI sun, Ius remuIned LIe sume sIude oI
yeIIow wILIouL uny IndIcuLIon oI becomIng bIuck us LIose oI LIe Negro
ruce In LIe sume cIImuLIc condILIons.

WIIcIever wuy one Iooks uL LIe subjecL, LIe probIem oI uccounLIng
Ior LIe seII-evIdenL IucL oI LIe wIde und InIerenLIy dIversIIIed IucLors
In LIe ruces und sub-ruces oI munkInd, cunnoL be uscrIbed Lo NouIIc
orIgIns. TIe BIbIe does noL muke LIIs cIuIm eILIer by InIerence or
dIrecL sLuLemenL.

"Cun LIe ELIIopIun cIunge IIs skIn or LIe Ieopurd IIs spoLs . . ." (Jer.


Who uere the Eggptions?

TIIs quesLIon cun onIy be unswered by sLuLIng LIuL LIe Iund now
known us 'EgypL' wus noL uIwuys known by LIuL nume. n LIe IIrsL
InsLunce, 'AegypL' Is u GrecIun word und Iud ILs orIgIn, uccordIng Lo
GrecIun Iegend, In AegypL, LIe son oI BeIus or BuuI, wIo wus suId Lo
Iuve been LIe broLIer oI Dunuus oI LIe TrIbe oI Dun, one oI Jucob's
LweIve sons. HerodoLus, LIe Greek IIsLorIun (Bk z; cI 1 und 16),
quoLes onIun sources us sLuLIng LIuL LIe nume wus orIgInuIIy
conIIned Lo LIe DeILu regIon oI LIe NIIe und wus subsequenLIy uppIIed
Lo LIe wIoIe Iund prevIousIy known us

n EgypLIun IIerogIypIIcs, LIe nume uppeurIng mosL IrequenLIy Is
LIuL oI KIem wIIcI Is suId Lo meun LIe bIuckness oI LIe uIIuvIuI soII
und wIIcI Iud noLIIng wIuLsoever Lo do wILI LIe coIour oI LIe
InIubILunLs oI LIe Iund. n LIe BIbIe, Iowever, Lwo numes ure
ussocIuLed wILI LIe Iund und ure (1) MIzruIm und (z) PuLIros. TIe
IuLLer, I.e., PuLIros, sImpIy meuns souLIIund, buL LIe IIrsL, MIzruIm, Is
someLIIng oI un enIgmu.

A gIunce uL uny Concordunce wIIcI provIdes LIe Hebrew und Greek
words oI LIe orIgInuI LexLs, wIII sIow LIuL LIe nume, MIzruIm, us
descrIbIng boLI LIe Iund und LIe peopIe, uppeurs In dIIIerenL Iorms.
MIzruIm, MesruIm, MesruIn wIIcI ure uII pIuruI words Ior Mesr,
Musr, Muzor or Muzr wIIcI occur In KIngs 1q: zq; suIuI 1q:6;
;:z und MIcuI ;:1z. n suIuI 11:11 IL wIII be noLed LIuL PuLIros und
MIzruIm ure spoken oI us Lwo sepuruLe secLIons wIIcI Is In keepIng
wILI EgypLIun records und wIIcI speuk oI 'Upper und ower

AL IIrsL gIunce, IL wouId uppeur LIuL LIe unswer Lo LIe quesLIon posed
by LIese vurIuLIons oI LIe nume MIzruIm, Is compuruLIveIy sImpIe --
- LIe nume Is LIuL gIven Lo LIe second son oI Hum (Gen. 1o:6), und
subsequenL Lo IIs mIgruLIon Lo LIe NIIe DeILu, IIs nume wus gIven Lo
LIe Iund. However, In IookIng Ior LIe meunIng oI LIe nume --- mosL
BIbIIcuI numes Iuve meunIngs --- one IInds LIuL even LIe JewIsI
EncycIopuedIu cunnoL provIde uny IIgIL on LIe word. L wouId uppeur,
LIereIore, LIuL IL Is noL u Hebrew word buL one wIIcI Ius been
udopLed Irom un oIder source. L wouId uIso IndIcuLe LIuL LIe nume
gIven by Hum Lo IIs son wus Luken Irom un uIreudy exIsLIng nume.

PIIIoIogIsLs Iuve suggesLed LIuL Mozr, one oI LIe vurIuLIons oI
MIzruIm, couId IndIcuLe 'IronLIer' or uILernuLIveIy 'orLIIIed pIuce' und
LIuL LIe pIuruI Mizroim conveys LIe Ideu oI 'LIe cIIIdren oI LIe
IorLIIIed pIuce'. OLIers uguIn Iuve IndIcuLed LIuL In MIzruIm --
- MIz-Ru-yIm --- one muy see LIe nume oI LIe supreme deILy oI boLI
LIe NIIe und TIgrIs rIver ureus, Ru --- IgIL or LIe Sun. n
consequence oI LIIs, IL Ius been suggesLed LIuL LIe composILe nume,
MIzruIm, muy meun noLIIng Iess LIun 'LIe cIIIdren oI LIe IgIL or

TIIs IuLLer specuIuLIon --- IL cun be noLIIng more LIun LIIs becuuse oI
LIe puucILy oI InIormuLIon --- uppeurs Lo Iuve more credence
purLIcuIurIy us LIIs wus LIe uncIenL cILy oI On (Gen. q1:q,o; q6:zo).
TIe oLIer nume Ior On wus Heliopolis, LIe cILy oI LIe sun god Ru
und becume LIe cIIeI cILy oI EgypLIun scIence. TIe mugnIIIcenL ruIns
oI LIIs 'cILy oI IgIL' becume LIe rIcIesL udornmenLs oI oLIer cILIes
sucI us Rome und ConsLunLInopIe und Lwo red Syene grunILe obeIIsks
grucIng LIe enLrunce Lo LIe LempIe oI Ru In HeIIopoIIs now sLund on
LIe TIumes embunkmenL In ondon und CenLruI Purk In New York.

WILI regurd Lo LIe IdenLILy oI LIe peopIe oI LIe Iund oI MIzruIm - us
wILI LIe nume - LIe posILIve IdenLIIIcuLIon Is ImpossIbIe. L Ius been
suggesLed (Hunnuy In IIs Europeon ond Other Roce OriginsJ
LIuL LIe MIzruyIm were u peopIe Irom LIe wesL wIose orIgInuI Iund
wus Pun und LIuL LIIs wus possIbIy ALIunLIs. I LIe puInLIngs on LIe
wuIIs oI LIe royuI Lombs In LIe VuIIey oI KIngs Is uny crILerIu, IL wouId
uppeur LIuL LIe Iund now known us EgypL wus occupIed, uL one LIme
or unoLIer, by (1) LIe red mun, LIe RoLen-ne-rome; (z) LIe BIuck mun,
LIe NeIusI; () LIe AsIuLIc, LIe Aumu; und (q) LIe WIILe mun, LIe
TumuIu. WIeLIer or noL LIIs wus InLended us u cIronoIogIcuI
processIon oI ruces InIubILIng LIe Iund remuIns specuIuLIve buL wIuL
Is known Is LIuL LIe MIzruIm were u WIILe ruce, reguI In generuI
demeunour, In conLrusL Lo LIe durker und perIups IndIgenous peopIe
wIom LIey Iorced InLo LIe regIon IuLer known us 'Upper EgypL'.
AccordIng Lo HerodoLus IL wouId uppeur LIuL LIe MIzruIm mIgruLed
Irom LIe Iund oI Muzr In rougIIy LIe 1oLI cenLury (B.C.) wIIcI, wIIIe
one muy uccepL LIe IucL oI mIgruLIon, one muy Iook uskunce uL LIe
duLIng. rom LIe 'EgypLIun' record, IL Ius been esLubIIsIed LIuL In
;q8-;z B.C. PunkIy 1, Iounded u dynusLy oI ELIIopIun ruIers wIIcI
posILIveIy udded u BIuck dImensIon Lo LIe popuIuLIon oI LIe Iund.
SuccessIve InvusIons oI AssyrIun, BubyIonIun, PersIun und GrecIun
eIemenLs, Loo, udded Lo u cosmopoIILun popuIuLIon.

WIuL ucLuuIIy Iuppened Lo LIe MIzruIm Is noL known und wIere LIey
ure Lo be Iound In modern nuLIons musL, oI necessILy, be pureIy


Wos 1shmoel the fother of the Arohs?

"And us Ior sImueI, Iuve Ieurd LIee: BeIoId, Iuve bIessed IIm,
und wIII muke IIm IruILIuI und wIII muILIpIy IIm exceedIngIy; LweIve
prInces sIuII Ie begeL, und wIII muke IIm u greuL nuLIon." (Gen.

L wIII be noLed LIuL sImueI, LIe son oI AbruIum by Hugur, LIe
EgypLIun IundmuId (Gen. 16:z-) wus rejecLed by God In Lerms oI HIs
CovenunL PromIse buL noL rejecLed In Lerms oI u porLIon oI God's
bIessIng. NoLwILIsLundIng LIe cIuIm by sIum LIuL sImueI wus Indeed
LIe CovenunL IeIr, LIe BIbIe posILIveIy sLuLes LIuL Ie wus rejecLed In
Iuvour oI suuc (Gen. 1;:1q). Becuuse oI LrudILIon und cIuIms by LIe
Arubs, muny Iuve LIougIL LIuL LIey ure Indeed LIe descendunLs oI
sImueI, buL Is LIIs Lrue?

I one Is ubIe Lo dIscurd LIe romuncIng oI rencI wrILers on LIe
subjecL und Iuce LIe reuIILy oI Arub IIIe us IL Is, one wIII IInd LIuL LIese
Arubs Iuve noL und do noL meeL LIe requIremenLs oI LIe promIse
mude concernIng sImueI. More, II sIncere Arub IIsLorIuns ure
Ieeded IL wIII be Iound LIuL LIey cIuIm KuILunIc or JekLunIc orIgIn. By
LIIs Is InIerred LIuL LIey cIuIm descenL Irom JokLun, LIe broLIer oI
PeIeg (Gen. 1o:z), LIe son oI Eber oI LIe orIgIn In PeIeg (Gen.
11..1o-z;) wIIcI ImmedIuLeIy denIes LIe cIuIm oI sImueIILe orIgIn
IIne oI SIem. TIe AbruIumIc IIne Iud ILs orIgIn oI LIe Arubs.

I LIe BIbIe sLory Is pIeced LogeLIer one IInds LIuL LIe sons oI sImueI
dweIL IIrsLIy In LIe WIIderness oI SIur (Gen. z:1z-18) on LIe
norLI-wesLern porLIon oI LIe SInuI penInsuIu. TIey uppeur, Iowever,
Lo be u wunderIng peopIe wILI no desIre Ior u IIxed ubode. ApurL Irom
LIe one reIerence In GenesIs ;:z (sImeeIILes) LIe onIy oLIer peopIe
wILI wIom one couId possIbIy IdenLIIy sImueI ure LIe Hugurenes,
HugrILes or HugurILes, u nume derIved Irom Hugur, LIe moLIer oI
sImueI. n 1 CIronIcIes :1o, LIe HugurILes ure menLIoned us IuvIng
wurred wILI und been deIeuLed by LIe ReubenILes In LIe counLry eusL
oI GIIeud und IuLer, In LIe sume cIupLer, Is recorded LIe conIIIcL oI LIe
combIned Iorces oI Reuben, Gud und LIe IuII LrIbe oI MunusseI wIo
mude wur wILI LIe HugurILes, wILI JeLur, und NepIIsI, und Nodub. (1
CIron. :18-1q). TIe nume 'HugurILe' Is Iere ussocIuLed wILI LIe
numes oI LIe sons oI sImueI (Gen. z:1z-1).

TIe reIerence In suIuI z1:11-1;, reud In conjuncLIon wILI GenesIs
z:1z-18, cIeurIy IndIcuLes LIuL LIe sons oI sImueI were u rovIng
peopIe wIose IeudquurLers uppeured IuLLerIy Lo be LIe regIon Irom
wIIcI LIey dIspIuced LIe EdomILes In MounL SIer. TIIs dIspIucemenL
wIII be deuIL wILI In consIderuLIon oI LIe Esuu quesLIon.

I one IoIIows LIe IIrsL son oI sImueI, NebuIoLI, one IInds LIuL,
uccordIng Lo Hodgn's Bihle Dictionorg, NebuIoLI "seLLIed In
MesopoLumIu wIere IIs descendunLs becume unILed wILI un uncIenL
CIuIdeun ruce, 'LIe NubuL'; oI LIIs mIxed ruce, uILerwurds known us
LIe NubuLIueuns, u purL becume esLubIIsIed In MounL SIer."
AccordIng Lo SIr WIIIIum SmILI, LIe NubuLIueuns uILImuLeIy
conLroIIed LIe wIoIe oI LIe regIon oI LIe GuII oI Akubu und Irom LIIs
posILIon oI power, LIey communded LIe Lrude beLween ArubIu und LIe
WesL. TIey esLubIIsIed reguIur curuvuns beLween euce Come, u porL
oI LIe Red Seu In LIe norLI-wesL purL oI ArubIu, und LIe porL oI
RIInocoIuru (EI ArIsI) on LIe MedILerruneun on LIe IronLIers oI
PuIesLIne und EgypL.

rom RIInocoIuru, LIe NubuLIueun Lrude rouLe wenL Lo Smyrnu und
LIen on Lo Brusu, Broussu, Boursu or Prusu ud OIympum, u greuL cILy
oI BILIynIu on LIe norLI sIde oI MounL OIympus. L wus In Prusu LIuL
LIe NubuLIueun esLubIIsIed u IIourIsIIng coIony. L wouId uppeur LIuL
LIe NubuLIueuns, uIwuys u wunderIng peopIe, IInuIIy decIded LIuL
Prusu wouId be LIeIr IeudquurLers Ior, deveIoped by LIe proIIIIc
Lrude, Prusu und LIe NubuLIueuns wIeIded consIderubIe poIILIcuI
power und u noL Loo puny mIIILury InIIuence wIIcI resIsLed LIe
uLLucks oI LIe Greek kIngs oI SyrIu.

DurIng LIe course oI LIe rIse oI Rome, IL Is Iound LIuL LIe
NubuLIueuns submILLed Lo ruIe oI Rome - u IeuLure wIIcI couId onIy
Iuve come ubouL LIrougI InLernuI corrupLIons. TIe MoIummedun
bId Ior worId conquesL In 6zz A.D. suw LIe IInuI dIssoIuLIon oI LIe
NubuLIueun cenLre und LIe counLry und Iund becume u IuunL oI
wunderIng Arubs oI LIe deserL. WIuL Iuppened Lo LIe peopIe? n
pureIy IypoLIeLIcuI veIn IeL LIe sLudenL consIder LIe LweIve
prIncIpuIILIes comprIsIng LIe SLuLe oI PrussIu: (1) PrussIu proper, (z)
Posen, () PomerunIu, (q) SIIesIu, () Brundenburg, (6) Suxony, (;)
ScIIeswIg-HoIsLeIn und HeIIgoIund, (8) Hunover, (q) WesLpIIuIIu, (1o)
Nussuu, (11) RIenIsI PrussIu und (1z) HoIenzoIIern.

As sLuLed uL LIe ouLseL, LIe Arub IIsLorIuns cIuIm descenL Irom KuIILun
or JokLun und, In LIIs, no orIgIn In sImueI cun be conLempIuLed.
AnLIropoIogIcuIIy speukIng, LIe Arub quesLIon remuIns un enIgmu Lo
wIIcI no suLIsIucLory unswer Ius been Iound.


Wos Ahrohom o Jeu?

BeIore unswerIng LIIs quesLIon IL sIouId be cIeurIy esLubIIsIed wIuL Is
meunL by LIe Lerm 'Jew'. n LIe BIbIIcuI conLexL, one IInds LIuL LIe
Lerm Is noL u rucIuI one. "And muny oI LIe peopIe oI LIe Iund hecome
Jeus; Ior LIe Ieur oI LIe Jews IeII upon LIem" (EsL. 8:1;). As musL Ie
obvIous Lo even LIe mosL unInILIuLed, one cunnoL cIunge one's ruce
und become u member oI unoLIer. CILIzensIIp und reIIgIon cun be
cIunged und LIIs Is precIseIy wIuL Is ImpIIed In LIe word 'Jew'. TIe
word 'Jew' In LIe New TesLumenL Is gIven Lo LIe inhohitonts of
Judoeo und In LIe orIgInuI Greek wus wrILLen us sucI. TIe reIIgIon oI
LIe Judeuns wus TuImudIc, I.e., InLerpreLuLIons oI LIe scrIpLures und
wus conLrusLed by CIrIsL wIen He cIurged LIuL LIe PIurIsees Iud
'mude LIe Word oI God oI none eIIecL by your LrudILIons'. TIe EngIIsI
word 'Jew` onIy cume InLo exIsLence In LIe 18LI cenLury A.D. und wus
LrunsIuLed Irom LIe Greek word meunIng 'Judeun'. (See Young's or
SLrong's Concordunce).

AL LIe LIme oI AbruIum, LIere wus no sucI Iund us Judueu nor wus
LIere LIe reIIgIon known us 'LIe Jew's reIIgIon' (GuI. 1: 1-1q) --- Iow
LIen couId Ie be cuIIed u 'Jew'. AbruIum wus u Hebrew (Gen. 1q:1) --
- u puLronymIc nume gIven Lo LIe descendunL oI Eber --- wIose
progenILor wus SIem, LIe son oI NouI, wIo wus 'perIecL In IIs
generuLIons (ruce)' und wIose IIne Irom Adum sIows unbroken
conLInuILy. TIe BIbIe recognIses ubsoIuLeIy noLIIng oI eILIer LIe Jews
or LIe Jew's reIIgIon uL LIe LIme oI AbruIum. TIe sume uppIIes Lo
suuc, Jucob und IIs LweIve sons. L wus onIy uILer 6 B.C. LIuL LIe
word 'Jew', us un EngIIsI word, uppeurs In LIe BIbIe --- LIIs beIng so,
IL Is noL onIy erroneous buL uLLerIy mIsIeudIng Lo speuk oI AbruIum
LIe Jew.

I LIe BIbIIcuI meunIng oI LIe word 'Jew' Is udIered Lo und noL LIe
modern poIILIcuI meunIng, LIe ImpossIbIIILy oI uny oI LIe PuLrIurcIs
beIng Jews wouId become u seII-evIdenL IucL.


Are the Promises to Ahrohom importont?

TIe ubove quesLIon Is usuuIIy usked by wuy oI conLrusL Lo LIe IucL oI
personuI suIvuLIon. L Ius been Iound LIuL muny, compIeLeIy suLIsIIed
LIuL IndIvIduuI suIvuLIon Is LIe onIy muLLer oI ImporLunce In LIe BIbIe,
dIscurd uII oLIer BIbIIcuI muLLers us oI mInor or no ImporLunce uL uII.
AL LIe ouLseL IL sIouId be sLuLed LIuL LIIs uLLILude Is u cuse oI 'pIucIng
LIe curL beIore LIe Iorse'. WIo Is oI greuLer ImporLunce, mun or God?
n cIuImIng LIuL IndIvIduuI suIvuLIon Is LIe greuLesL In BIbIIcuI
ImporLunce Is Lo pIuce God, HIs HoIy Nume, HIs Honour und HIs
InLegrILy In u mInor or secondury roIe. Muke no mIsLuke ubouL LIIs, IL
Is God Lo WIom beIongs uII LIe GIory, uII LIe Honour und uII LIe
PruIse ond not mon.

TIe IucL LIuL peopIe Iuve usked wIeLIer LIe PromIses wIIcI God
mude Lo AbruIum, suuc und Jucob ure ImporLunL Is un IndIcuLIon LIuL
BIbIIcuI prIorILIes Iuve become somewIuL obscured und LIuL mun,
InsLeud oI IIvIng, movIng und IuvIng IIs beIng In God, Ius reversed
LIe order und conLends LIuL God IIves und moves und Ius HIs beIng In

"Now LIIs suy LIuL Jesus CIrIsL wus u mInIsLer oI LIe cIrcumcIsIon
for the truth of Cod, Lo confirm the promises mode unto the
fothers" (Rom. 1:8.) L Is u New TesLumenL docLrIne, on PuuI's
uuLIorILy, LIuL LIe LruLI oI God, Is bound up wILI LIe promIses mude
Lo LIe IuLIers. n uskIng wIeLIer or noL LIe PromIses oI God ure
ImporLunL Is, on LIe uuLIorILy oI LIe ubove scrIpLure, uskIng wIeLIer
LIe TruLI oI God Is ImporLunL.

n enIurgIng LIIs, one noLes LIuL Irom LIme ImmemorIuI, LIe probIem
oI esLubIIsIIng LIe TruLI oI God Ius been oI Lop prIorILy. PuuI, In IIs
uddress Lo LIe ALIenIuns, wenL Lo greuL puIns Lo reILeruLe LIuL In LIe
begInnIng, God "IuLI deLermIned LIe LImes beIore uppoInLed und LIe
bounds oI LIeIr IubILuLIon; LIuL LIey sIouId seek LIe ord, II IupIy
LIey mIgIL IeeI uILer IIm, und IInd IIm . . ." (AcLs 1;:z6-z;). L wus
wILIIn LIIs conLexL LIuL God uppoInLed u nuLIonuI wILness In srueI.
"Ye ure my wILnesses, suILI LIe ord, und my servunLs wIom Iuve
cIosen . . . ye ure my wILnesses, suILI LIe ord, LIuL um God" (su.
q:1o-1z). Here, u nuLIon wus Iormed Lo sIow LIe TruLI oI God und
LIe munner In wIIcI LIIs wus Lo be done wus LIe workIng oI God In
IuIIIIIIng HIs promIses Lo LIem.

TIese promIses were mude wILIouL uny prompLIng by LIe recIpIenLs.
God, wILIIn HIs Own WIsdom und Purpose, endowed LIe seIecLed
progeny oI AbruIum, suuc und Jucob wILI PromIses wIIcI Iuve no
Ioop-IoIes by wIIcI He couId IonourubIy escupe IuIIIImenL. NoLe LIe
wordIng oI u Iew oI LIese PromIses und see II LIere Is uny wuy In
wIIcI LIe nuLIon srueI couId escupe LIe desLIny prescrIbed In LIem
wIII muke oI LIee u greuL nuLIon (Gen. 1z: z); AbruIum sholl
surelg become u greuL und mIgILy nuLIon und uII LIe nuLIons oI LIe
eurLI sholl be bIessed In IIm" (Gen. 18:18). "By myseII Iuve sworn,
suILI LIe ord . In bIessIng wIII bIess LIee, und In muILIpIyIng wIII
muILIpIy LIy seed us LIe sLurs oI Ieuven, und us LIe sund wIIcI Is
upon LIe seu sIore; und thg seed sholl possess LIe guLe oI IIs
enemIes. (Gen. zz:16-1;). "And God suId unLo IIm, um God
AImIgILy: be IruILIuI und muILIpIy; u nuLIon und u compuny oI nuLIons
sholl be oI LIee und kIngs sholl come ouL oI LIy IoIns . . . (Gen.

s LIe TruLI oI God esLubIIsIed by conLendIng LIuL God dId noL meun
wIuL He suId by wuy oI wuy oI PromIse? TIe BIbIe suys oLIerwIse.
TIe TruLI oI God wIIcI Is esLubIIsIed In HIs IuILIIuIness Lo HIs
PromIses Is LIe very LIIng wIIcI LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL cume Lo
conIIrm. L Is noL God-IonourIng Lo uver LIuL CIrIsL onIy conIIrmed
LIe IucL oI bIessIng LIe nuLIons und IumIIIes oI LIe eurLI und noL the
meons wIereby God suId He wouId uccompIIsI LIIs.

TIere Is, Iowever, more Lo LIIs quesLIon. "uILI Is LIe subsLunce oI
LIIngs Ioped Ior, LIe evIdence oI LIIngs noL seen" (Heb. 11:1). TIe
IuILIIuIness oI God Lo HIs PromIse oI eLernuI IIIe LIrougI IuILI In LIe
ord Jesus CIrIsL, Is busIc Lo LIe CIrIsLIun uILI. I God's PromIses,
sworn Lo on ouLI, ure unImporLunL und IrreIevunL, or II God mude u
mIsLuke und decIded Lo cIunge LIe PromIses und muke u new
begInnIng, wIuL guurunLee Ius LIe CIrIsLIun LIuL wIen IL comes Lo LIe
LIme oI IuIIIIIIng LIe PromIse oI eLernuI IIIe, LIe ord wIII noL uguIn
cIunge HIs mInd und suy LIuL He reuIIy dIdn'L meun wIuL He suId?
TIe very peopIe wIo usk wIeLIer LIe PromIses mude Lo AbruIum,
suuc und Jucob ure ImporLunL or noL, wIII be LIe IIrsL Lo proLesL LIuL
God wIII Ionour HIs PromIse oI eLernuI IIIe LIrougI CIrIsL Jesus LIe
ord. How cun LIey be so sure?

TIe PromIses oI God ure ImporLunL --- Lo God. He mude LIem wILI
HIs servunL nuLIon srueI und noL onIy Is HIs Ionour InvoIved In LIeIr
IuIIIImenL, buL LIe IIvIng LungIbIe prooI oI HIs reuIILy --- HIs TruLI.


Joseph's Wife - uho uos she?

"And PIuruoI cuIIed JosepI's nume ZupInuLI-puuneuI; und Ie guve
IIm Lo wIIe AsenuLI LIe duugILer oI PoLI-pIeruI prIesL oI On, And
JosepI wenL ouL over uII LIe Iund oI EgypL (Muzr)" (Gen. q1:q).

As Ius been sLuLed prevIousIy under LIe subjecL oI 'WIo ure LIe
EgypLIuns?' LIe MIzruIm were u WIILe peopIe wIose cIIeI meLropoIIs
wus LIe cILy oI On or HeIIopoIIs. AsenuLI, JosepI's wIIe, wus LIe
duugILer oI LIe prIesL oI On --- u member oI LIe WIILe ruce. WIIIe LIe
generuI popuIuLIon oI LIe Upper kIngdom, I.e., PuLIros, LIe
souLIIund, muy Iuve been coIoured In vuryIng degrees, IL wIII be
noLed LIuL JosepI, In ouLwurd uppeurunce, wus IdenLIcuI wILI LIe
MIzruIm Ior IIs broLIers couId noL see uny dIIIerence beLween IIm
(JosepI) und LIe resL oI LIe peopIe oI LIe Iund (Gen. qz:8).

JosepI's Lwo sons, EpIruIm und MunusseI (Gen. q6:zo), were Luken
by Jucob us IIs own (Gen. q8:) wIIcI, II LIey Iud been cross-breeds,
wouId cerLuInIy noL Iuve been LIe cuse. L wIII be recuIIed LIuL LIe
buckground Lo Jucob's IIIe wus LIe persIsLenL prIncIpIe oI sepuruLIon.
He suw LIe consequences oI IIs broLIer Esuu's murrIuge wILI LIe
IorbIdden IInes oI HILLILe und HIvILe, Ie knew LIe need, In Lerms oI
LIe Purpose oI God, Lo keep LIe CovenunLed AbruIumIc IumIIy IIne
pure, Ie Iud obeyed LIe commund Lo murry wILIIn IIs own kInd
(Gen. z8) und one wouId IInd IL mosL unusuuI II Ie, In IIs oId uge,
Look InLo IIs bosom, so Lo speuk, Lwo cIIIdren wIose purenLs were noL
rucIuIIy compuLIbIe.

One Ius buL Lo Iook on LIe worId scene und IdenLIIy LIe descendunLs
oI EpIruIm wIo were Lo become 'u muILILude (compuny) oI nuLIons'.
TIIs wus Indeed IuIIIIIed wIen EpIruIm (BrILuIn) becume LIe Ieud oI
u WIILe CommonweuILI wIIcI becume poIIuLed LIrougI poIILIcuI

To sum up, JosepI's wIIe wus one oI LIe MIzruIm --- u WIILe ruce
occupyIng LIe Iund subsequenLIy known us EgypL.


Moses ond the 'Ethiopion Womon'.

"And MIrIum, und Auron spoke uguInsL Moses becuuse oI LIe
ELIIopIun womun wIom Ie Iud murrIed: Ior Ie Iud murrIed un
ELIIopIun womun" (Num. 1z:1).

By wuy oI unswer Lo LIIs quesLIon, uLLenLIon Is druwn Lo LIe Hebrew
words wIIcI Iuve been LrunsIuLed 'murrIed' In LIe conLexL oI Moses
und LIe 'ELIIopIun womun'. n Hebrew, LIe word Ior u IegILImuLe
murrIuge conLrucL Is chothon InLo which word Is poured LIe IuII
ImpIIcuLIon oI u God-bIessed unIon oI Lwo peopIe. However, LIe word
LrunsIuLed 'murrIed' und oI wIIcI MIrIum und Auron uccused Moses,
is logoch wIIcI meuns to toke und Is used Lo descrIbe LIe ucLIon oI
LIe nephilim In GenesIs 6:z In wIIcI LIey 'Look LIem wIves (bed
compunIons) oI uII wIIcI LIey cIose'. L Is In LIIs conLexL LIuL MIrIum
und Auron cIurged Moses und noL In LIe conLexL oI IIs IegILImuLe
murrIuge Lo ZIpporuI, LIe duugILer oI ReuI, prIesL oI MIdIun (Ex.

TIe IuII IIsLory oI Moses, wIIIe noL deLuIIed In LIe OId TesLumenL, Is
IInLed uL In SLepIen's speecI beIore LIe SunIedrIn (AcLs ;:zo-zz).
TIe record by JosepIus IIIIs In severuI gups und one Is ubIe Lo pIece
LogeLIer LIe sLory oI Iow IL wus LIuL Moses couId be cIurged wILI
mereIy 'LukIng' LIe ELIIopIun womun und oI wIIcI Ie wus uccused by
MIrIum und Auron.

As Is known, LIe duugILer oI LIe PIuruoI, TIermuLIIs, ruIsed Moses
us Ier own cIIId, u IucL wIIcI creuLed LIe unImosILy oI LIe prIesLs wIo
suw In IIs generuI demeunour u posILIve LIreuL Lo LIeIr conLroI over
LIe royuI IouseIoId. MuLLers cume Lo u Ieud wIen LIe ELIIopIuns,
wIose counLry udjoIned LIe Upper kIngdom, I.e., LIe souLIern
boundury oI EgypL, begun Lo Invude LIe Iund. AILer preIImInury
skIrmIsIes, IL wus Iound LIuL LIe EgypLIuns oIIered no resIsLunce und
so LIe ELIIopIun urmy pressed IurLIer norLIwurds und IInuIIy Look

n LIe consLernuLIon wIIcI IoIIowed, IL wus decIded Lo uppoInL Moses
us GeneruI oI LIe EgypLIun Iorces und In LIIs LIe prIesLs wIo,
noLwILIsLundIng LIe nuLIonuI emergency conLInued LIeIr opposILIon
Lo Moses, suw un opporLunILy by wIIcI LIey couId be deIIvered Irom
Moses' InIIuence In LIe courL. TIey udvIsed LIe PIuruoI LIuL IL wus
LIe wIsI oI LIe gods LIuL Moses Ieud LIe EgypLIun urmy. As Is weII
known, LIe gods oI LIe EgypLIuns were wood und sLone Imuges wIIcI
couId noL, In uny wuy, communIcuLe Lo LIe prIesLs und one Is ubIe Lo
see LIuL LIe prIesLs were IopIng LIuL Moses wouId be kIIIed In LIe
buLLIes wIIcI Iud Lo Ie IougIL.

Moses Iud no InLenLIon oI beIng kIIIed Ior one Is ubIe Lo see LIe
quuIILIes oI IeudersIIp In IIs prepuruLIons uguInsL LIe ELIIopIuns. TIe
ELIIopIuns, conLempLuous oI LIe puLIeLIc resIsLunce by LIe EgypLIuns,
sLIII Look no cIunces und guurded LIe upproucIes Lo MempIIs wILI uII
vIgIIunce. TIe IIunk oI LIe cILy deIences wus mursIIund wIIcI wus IuII
oI serpenLs --- Indeed u deuLI-Lrup Lo uny Iorce wIIcI uLLempLed un
uLLuck Irom LIIs dIrecLIon. TIey LIus IeIL sure uguInsL uny EgypLIun

n LIe vunguurd oI IIs urmy, Moses Iud u compuny oI IbIs Lenders
und Iere uguIn; LIe usLuLeness oI LIe Hebrew GeneruI oI LIe EgypLIun
Iorces Is seen. TIe IbIs, u bIrd wIose quuIILIes Ior desLroyIng serpenLs
In weII-known, wus empIoyed by Moses Lo cIeur u puLI LIrougI LIe
snuke-rIdden upproucIes und beIore LIe ELIIopIuns were uwure oI IL,
LIe EgypLIun urmy wus uLLuckIng In Iorce on LIe undeIended IIunk.
TIe resuIL wus conIusIon Ior LIe ELIIopIuns wIo IIed In punIc. TIIs
vIcLory sLImuIuLed LIe EgypLIuns wIo LIen desLroyed uII opposILIon
beIore LIem. PusIIng souLIwurds, LIe EgypLIun urmy Iound no
resIsLunce unLII LIey cume Lo Meroe, LIe royuI cILy oI LIe ELIIopIuns,
wIIcI resIsLed uII uLLempLs Lo Luke IL. TIIs cILy wus un IsIund In LIe
mIdsL oI LIe NIIe, AsLupus und AsLuborus rIvers und, In uddILIon, Iud
u sLrong wuII surroundIng IL.

WIIIe Moses sougIL LIe meuns wIereby Ie mIgIL Luke LIe IusL
IorLress oI LIe ELIIopIuns, Ie wus observed by TIurbIs, LIe duugILer
oI LIe ELIIopIun kIng, wIo suw In Moses u mIgILy und InvIncIbIe mun.
SIe desIred Lo be sucI u mun's wIIe und consequenLIy senL u
messenger proposIng murrIuge wILI IIm. Moses reudIIy ugreed Lo LIIs
on condILIon LIuL LIe wuy be opened wIereby Ie couId Luke LIIs IusL
busLIon oI LIe ELIIopIuns. TIIs wus ugreed Lo und Meroe IInuIIy IeII.
JosepIus' record LeIIs LIuL Moses consummuLed IIs ugreemenL und
IeIL, IeudIng IIs vIcLorIous EgypLIun urmy buck Lo EgypL. No IurLIer
menLIon Is mude oI TIurbIs und sIe mosL cerLuInIy wus noL wILI
Moses uL uny LIme subsequenL Lo LIe ELIIopIun expedILIon.

L wus LIIs IncIdenL Lo wIIcI boLI MIrIum und Auron mude uIIusIon
und noL LIe IegILImuLe murrIuge wILI ZIpporuI wIen Moses Iud been
Iorced Lo IIee Lo MIdIun. L Is LIus smuII wonder LIuL LIe ord sLruck
MIrIum und Auron wILI Ieprosy Ior In LIIs uccusuLIon LIey were
brIngIng up u muLLer LIuL Iud become IIsLory und wIIcI Iud
LrunspIred beIore Moses wus cuIIed by God Lo HIs ServIce. ur Irom
condemnIng LIose wIo speuk ouL uguInsL mIxed murrIuges, God
condemned MIrIum und Auron Ior LIeIr InsIdIous suggesLIons uguInsL


Wos the Lou gioen exclusioelg to 1sroel?

TIe subjecL oI 'uw' us IL Is used In LIe scrIpLure, IuIIs InLo Lwo

(1) TIuL wIIcI Is enucLed by mun, und
(z) LIuL wIIcI Is LIe expressed WIII oI God.

Under LIe IIrsL cuLegory, conscIence, us LIe governIng IucLor In Iumun
beIuvIour, IuvIng IuIIed, wus repIuced by governmenL vesLed In LIe
wIoIe NouIIc IumIIy LIe IIgIesL IuncLIon oI wIIcI wus LIe judIcIuI
LukIng oI IIIe (Gen. q:6). rom LIIs poInL, Iuw, In Lerms oI
consLILuLIonuI governmenL deveIoped und LIe success or IuIIure oI LIIs
depended on LIe moruI IIbre oI LIe wIoIe NouIIc IumIIy. One Ius buL
Lo reud LIe IIsLory oI nuLIons oLIer LIun srueI In LIe BIbIe Lo noLe
LIuL mun Is IncupubIe oI IormuIuLIng Iuws wIIcI enrIcI LIe gIven
socIeLy by LIeIr exIsLence.

n LIe conLexL oI LIe second cuLegory, I.e., LIuL wIIcI Is LIe expressed
WIII oI God, one IInds LIuL LIe WIsdom oI God crysLuIIIses InLo un
expressIon oI HIs Iove In provIdIng u wuy In wIIcI mun musL conducL
IImseII. n LIe conLexL oI Adum, one IInds LIuL obedIence Lo God's
commund Is demunded (Gen. z:16) buL upurL Irom LIe prIncIpIe oI
'LIou muyesL' und 'LIou sIuIL noL', no IurLIer InIormuLIon Is provIded
In LIe scrIpLure us IL uppeurs uL LIe momenL. L Is cIeurIy obvIous LIuL
LIe 'commund' oI LIe ord, und consequenLIy LIe uw oI LIe ord,
wus gIven In deLuII Lo LIe AdumIc IumIIy Ior Iud LIIs noL been so, LIe
vIsILuLIon oI God's judgmenL In Lerms oI LIe Iood cunnoL be jusLIIIed.

'SIn', so suys JoIn, Is 'LIe LrunsgressIon oI LIe Iuw' (1 JoIn :q) Lo
wIIcI Is udded LIe IucL LIuL 'sIn Is noL ImpuLed wIen LIere Is no Iuw'
(Rom. :1). How couId sIn, und consequenLIy judgmenL, be ImpuLed
Lo LIe AdumIc IumIIy Ior LIeIr deeds In LIe duys oI NouI II God Iud
noL provIded LIem wILI HIs DIrecLIves?

L Is u scrIpLuruI IucL LIuL God's DIrecLIves by wuy oI uw wus In
exIsLence Iour Iundred yeurs beIore LIe SInuI experIence Ior IL wIII be
noLed LIuL LIe AbruIumIc CovenunL und consequenLIy LIe wIoIe oI
God's Purpose In srueI, wus LIe dIrecL resuIL oI AbruIum's obedIence
Lo LIem. "Becuuse LIuL AbruIum obeyed my voIce, und kepL my
cIurge, my commundmenLs, my sLuLuLes und my Iuws" (Gen. z6:). L
Iud been sLuLed eurIIer oI AbruIum LIuL IIs progeny wouId become 'u
greuL und mIgILy nuLIon und uII LIe IumIIIes oI LIe eurLI sIuII be
bIessed In IIm` becuuse oI IIs InIerenL predIsposILIon Lo keep God's
uw. or know IIm, LIuL Ie wIII commund IIs cIIIdren und IIs
IouseIoId uILer IIm, ond theg sholl keep the uog of the Lord,
to do justice ond judgment; LIuL LIe ord muy brIng upon
AbruIum LIuL wIIcI Ie IuLI spoken oI IIm" (Gen. 18:18-1q).

ApurL Irom LIese Lwo reIerences, no IurLIer InIormuLIon Is provIded
In respecL oI God's uw unLII one comes Lo SInuI. Here u mIgILy
cIunge Lukes pIuce. SInuI murked LIe LrunsILIon oI srueI Irom LIe
LrIbuI InLo LIe nuLIonuI sLuLe --- LIe nuLIonuI orgunIsuLIon oI God's
servunL nuLIon wus Iere begun. BeIore proceedIng, IL wouId serve u
very useIuI purpose Iere Lo noLe LIuL 'u mIxed muILILude'
uccompunIed srueI In LIe exodus Irom EgypL (Ex. 1z:8) buL LIuL
LIese peopIe were Indeed LIorns In LIeIr sIdes Ior uL LIe IeusL
provocuLIon, LIIs muILILude Ied srueI In rebeIIIon uguInsL God (Num.

n LIe gIvIng oI LIe uw, IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIere ure LIree uspecLs oI
LIIs. n LIe IIrsL InsLunce, IL wus gIven oruIIy (Ex. zo:1-1;) und Iud no
reIerence Lo worsIIp, LIe prIesLIood or LIe OrdInunces oI SucrIIIce. L
deuIL wILI 'judgmenLs' (Ex. z1; 1-z:1), LIree unnuuI 'IeusLs' (Ex.
z:1q-1q) und InsLrucLIons concernIng LIe conquesL oI Cunuun (Ex.
z:zo-). HuvIng been gIven LIese 'words' (Ex. zq:-8), LIe peopIe
covenunLed Lo keep God's DIrecLIves In LIe mIgILy uccIumuLIon: "AII
LIuL LIe ord IuLI suId wIII we do und be obedIenL" und LIereuILer LIe
peopIe were sprInkIed wILI LIe bIood oI LIe sucrIIIce (Ex. zq:8), und
udmILLed InLo IeIIowsIIp wILI God.

TIe second uspecL oI LIe gIvIng oI LIe uw Is Lo be noLed In LIe IucL
LIuL Moses LIen uscended LIe MounL Lo receIve LIe TubIes oI LIe uw
und wus gIven LIe InsLrucLIons concernIng LIe TubernucIe, LIe
prIesLIood und sucrIIIce. L sIouId be noLed Iere LIuL LIe wIoIe
IormuIu wus enLIreIy new Ior wIIIe LIe subjecL oI sucrIIIce Is ImpIIed
In GenesIs q:q, LIere Is no record oI InsLrucLIons, sucI us LIose gIven
Lo Moses, gIven Lo uny oLIer peopIe. L wus, on scrIpLuruI uuLIorILy,
onIy gIven Lo srueI und occusIoned by LIe unIque IucL LIuL
GovernmenL oI LIe nuLIon In Lerms oI uw wus God's expressed WIII.
L now becume ImperuLIve In LIe nuLIon, becuuse oI God's Purpose In
IL, Lo cover or IIde LIe LrunsgressIon oI HIs uw beIInd LIe
subsLILuLIonury oIIerIng. L sIouId Ie noLed uguIn LIuL LIIs IormuIu
wus onIy gIven Lo srueI und none eIse.

WIIIe LIe gIvIng oI LIe new InsLrucLIons wus LukIng pIuce, LIe peopIe,
Ied by Auron broke LIe IrsL CommundmenL und Moses reLurnIng,
breuks LIe TubIes 'wrILLen by LIe IInger oI God' (Ex. 1:18; z:16-1q)
Lo be IoIIowed by LIe LIIrd cuLegory, numeIy, LIe second TubIes oI
sLone mude by Moses und LIe uw uguIn wrILLen by LIe Iund oI
JeIovuI (Ex. q:1,z8,zq; DenL. 1o:q).

n LIe conLexL oI LIe CommundmenLs, u unIque und excIusIve IeuLure
Is Lo be seen In LIe muLLer oI LIe ourLI CommundmenL, numeIy, Lo
'keep LIe SubbuLI IoIy'. n reLurnIng Lo GenesIs z IL wIII Ie noLed LIuL
wIIIe 'God bIessed LIe sevenLI duy, und suncLIIIed IL' He dId noL
commund LIuL mun keep IL. WIIIe, us Ius been sLuLed In u prevIous
unswer, LIe SubbuLI wus mude Ior mun (Murk z:z;) IL sIouId be
noLed LIuL LIIs onIy becume u DIvIne uw wIen gIven Lo srueI. TIere
Is no evIdence, secuIur or oLIerwIse, Lo IndIcuLe LIuL uny peopIe, prIor
Lo LIe gIvIng oI LIe uw uL SInuI, were InsLrucLed Lo keep LIe SubbuLI
or, Indeed, dId keep IL.

n summIng up, one noLes LIuL wIIIe DIvIne uw wus obvIousIy In LIe
worId prIor Lo SInuI, LIe Iorm oI ILs codIIIcuLIon pIus LIe udded
InsLrucLIons concernIng LIe TubernucIe, LIe prIesLIood und sucrIIIce,
were gIven onIy Lo srueI und no oLIer nuLIon. "TIIs Is your wIsdom
und undersLundIng In LIe sIgIL oI LIe nuLIons . . .


Whut or Who were the 'strungers' in Isruel?

"And II u sLrunger sojourn wILI LIee In your Iund, ye sIuII noL vex IIm.
BuL LIe sLrunger LIuL dweIIeLI wILI you sIuII be unLo you us one born
umong you und LIou sIuIL Iove IIm us LIyseII. (ev. 1q:-q).

MucI mIsundersLundIng Ius urIsen becuuse IL Ius become common
prucLIce Lo uppIy LIe word 'sLrunger' Lo uny person, regurdIess oI ruce,
wIo Is unknown In LIe ImmedIuLe cIrcIe oI u gIven IumIIy. L Is Indeed
mosL unIorLunuLe LIuL LIe EngIIsI LrunsIuLors were so Iree In LIeIr
IundIIng oI LIe Hebrew LexL Ior Iud LIey exercIsed more cure, LIey
wouId Iuve presenLed LIIs subjecL In un enLIreIy dIIIerenL IIgIL.

our dIIIerenL Hebrew words Iuve been LrunsIuLed 'sLrunger' In LIe
AuLIorIsed VersIon und ure:

(1) ger;
(z) toshohh;
() nokri;
(q) zur.

n LIe scrIpLure wIIcI preIuces LIIs unswer, LIe 'sLrunger LIuL
dweIIeLI wILI you sIuII be us one born umong you' Is one wIo Is
rucIuIIy IdenLIcuI wILI srueI und Is cuIIed LIe ger. TIe sLuLus oI LIe
ger In srueI Is mosL InLeresLIng us Indeed Is LIuL oI LIe oLIers wIo
ure cuIIed by LIe ubovemenLIoned numes. n LIe uw, LIe ger, or
pIuruI renderIng gerim, were Lo Iuve equuI rIgILs In Lerms oI jusLIce
wILI IeguI provIsIons enubIIng LIem Lo uccumuIuLe weuILI wILIIn LIe
srueI communILy (ev. z:q; und DeuL. z8:q). TIe gerim couId
purLIcIpuLe In LIe LILIes (DenL. 1q:zq; z6:1z), gIeunIngs oI vurIous
sorLs und IorgoLLen sIeuves (ev. 1q:1o), und wus permILLed Lo IIre
IImseII ouL, LIe empIoyer beIng bound Lo reIruIn Irom oppressIon.
NeurIy uII LIe muIn 'IoIy duys' uppIIed Lo LIe gerim --- Ie wus Lo resL
on LIe SubbuLI, Ie wus Lo rejoIce on Weeks und TubernucIes, Ie wus
Lo observe LIe Duy oI ALonemenL und Lo Iuve no Ieuven breud on the
1eost oI UnIeuvened Breud. He wus IorbIdden Lo euL LIe Pussover
unLII cIrcumcIsIon und wus LIen subjecL Lo uII LIe ruIes oI purIIIcuLIon
uguInsL conLumInuLIon us wus uny srueIILe. rom LIe vIsIon grunLed
Lo EzekIeI (q;:zz), one muy noLe LIuL LIe gerim (sLrungers) ure
ussIgned u Iunded InIerILunce umong LIe srueIILes. As wIII be seen,
LIese prIvIIeges ure noL exLended Lo LIose covered by toshohh,
nokri und zor,

TIe Hebrew word toshohh Is used Lo IdenLIIy one wIo Is dIIIerenL, In
un unspecIIIed wuy, Lo LIe gerim. TIe word Is noL used very
exLensIveIy In LIe Hebrew buL wIuL Is known Is LIuL IL covers u person
or persons permILLed Lo vIsIL LIe prIesL In srueI buL denIed uny
IurLIer rIgILs. He muy noL, under uny cIrcumsLunces, euL LIe Pussover
or uny oI LIe 'IoIy' LIIngs oI u prIesL (Ex. 1z:q; ev. zz:1o). HIs
cIIIdren, In conLrusL Lo LIe gerim, couId be bougIL us perpeLuuI
sIuves wILI ubsoIuLeIy no recourse Lo redempLIon --- LIe uw oI LIe
JubIIee dId noL uppIy Lo LIem (ev. z:q). TIe toshohh, wIIIe
uppeurIng Lo Iuve permIssIon Lo resIde In srueI, Iud no IeguI sLuLus
excepL In respecL oI jusLIce --- beyond LIIs, LIe toshohh Iud no rIgILs

TIe LIIrd Hebrew word nokri, Is deIIned by LIe conLexL In wIIcI IL
uppeurs und embruces sucI peopIe us LIe CunuunILes LIose descended
Irom Hum's IncesLuous beIuvIour, und LIe MoubILes und AmmonILes
wIo sImIIurIy were descended Irom oL's coIubILuLIon wILI IIs own
duugILers. TIese nokri were sLrIcLIy Luboo wILI no rIgILs or
prIvIIeges In LIe srueI communILy. TIeIr sLuLus wus LIuL oI u busLurd -
-- Hebrew: Momser, meunIng one oI mIxed or spurIous orIgIns --
- beIng specIIIcuIIy prevenLed by DIvIne Decree, Irom enLerIng LIe
congreguLIon oI LIe ord even Lo IIs LenLI generuLIon (DenL. z:z-).
WIIIe LIe subjecL oI murrIuge beLween LIe gerim und LIe toshohh
Is noL menLIoned, LIuL wILI LIe nokri Is posILIveIy IorbIdden (Gen.

TIe IourLI und IInuI Hebrew word zor, Lukes ILs deIInILIon, us do LIe
oLIer words, Irom LIe conLexL. TIIs word uppeurs In connecLIon wILI
uIIens or LIose oI u IoreIgn ruce. TIe zor Iud no rIgILs wIuLsoever In
srueI wILI even jusLIce denIed Lo IIm. L Is noL wILIouL sIgnIIIcunce
LIuL In LIe subsequenL nuLIonuI dIsusLers In srueI, LIe zor Is spoken
oI us LIe muIn conLrIbuLIng IucLor. "Your counLry Is desoIuLe, your
cILIes ure burned wILI IIre, your Iund, sLrungers (zorJ devour IL In
your presence . . ." (su. 1:;). "TIey Iuve deuIL LreucIerousIy uguInsL
LIe ord: Ior LIey Iuve begoLLen sLrunge (zorJ cIIIdren . . ." (Hos.
:;). "SLrungers (zorJ Iuve devoured IIs sLrengLI und Ie knoweLI IL
noL. . ." (Hos. ;:q).

TIe EngIIsI word 'sLrunger' LIus LrunsIuLed Irom LIe Iour Hebrew
words Lends Lo obscure LIe Lrue reIuLIonsIIp, us requIred by God, In
deuIIng wILI oLIer peopIe.


Are ue the 'gentiles' of the Bihle?

I LIIs quesLIon Is usked In LIe conLexL oI LIe BIbIIcuI word wIIcI Ius
been LrunsIuLed 'genLIIe' LIe unswer Is In LIe uIIIrmuLIve buL, II usked
In LIuL oI LIe modern upprecIuLIon oI 'genLIIe' LIe unswer Is u
cuLegorIcuI no.

L Is LruIy umuzIng Iow words Iuve been wrencIed Irom LIeIr orIgInuI
meunIng und Iuve been gIven secondury meunIngs wIIcI, In LIme,
Iuve become domInunL und Iuve Luken precedence over LIe prImury
meunIng. TIIs word 'genLIIe' Is one sucI cusuuILy. TIe EngIIsI word
Ius ILs orIgIn Irom LIe uLIn gentelisis und LIe rencI gentil boLI
oI wIIcI ure derIved Irom LIe rooL sLem gens - u uLIn word meunIng
o clon or roce. To uppIy LIIs Lo un IndIvIduuI Is Lo vIoIuLe uII sense
oI Iunguuge und yeL LIIs Is precIseIy wIuL Ius been done wIen one
IInds dIcLIonury deIInILIons oI 'genLIIe' gIven us meunIng 'uny person
noL un srueIILe or Jew'. How ong person cun be un uccepLubIe
subsLILuLe Ior u 'nuLIon' or 'composILe body' remuIns one oI LIe
mysLerIes oI LIIs LIme.

L wouId uppeur (Irom The Shorter Oxford English Dictionorg)
LIuL uL ubouL LIe LIme wIen LIe AuLIorIsed VersIon wus compIIed, u
cIeur deIInILIon oI LIe word 'genLIIe' wus noL Lo Iund buL us IL
uppeured Lo suLIsIy LIe IdenLIIIcuLIon oI unyone noL JewIsI, IL wus
summurIIy InserLed us un EngIIsI LrunsIuLIon oI LIe Hebrew goi und
LIe Greek ethnos. BoLI oI LIese words meun 'nuLIon' or 'u composILe
body'. To IIIusLruLe LIe ruLIer Ioose LrunsIuLIon oI LIe Lwo words goi
und ethnos --- wIIcI Ius gIven rIse Lo mucI mIsundersLundIng, IL Is
oI sInguIur InLeresL Lo noLe LIuL ethnos Ius been LrunsIuLed 'genLIIe'
q LImes; 'IeuLIen' IIve LImes, und (nuLIon' 6q LImes. I consIsLency
Iud been observed LIrougIouL LIe LrunsIuLIon und LIe word 'nuLIon'
muInLuIned, mucI oI LIe currenL mIsundersLundIng wouId never Iuve
urIsen und IndIvIduuIs wouId never Iuve cIussIIIed LIemseIves by LIIs

I LIe LrunsIuLors Iud consIsLenLIy LrunsIuLed LIe word ethnos us
'nuLIons' LIe conIusIon oI Romuns 1:q-1o wouId never Iuve urIsen.
n LIIs IL wIII be noLed LIuL PuuI Is quoLIng Irom LIe OId TesLumenL
scrIpLures und In LIe LenLI verse Is recorded "And uguIn Ie suILI,
RejoIce ye GenLIIes wILI IIs peopIe." Observe now LIe ucLuuI porLIon
oI scrIpLure Irom wIIcI PuuI wus quoLIng und IL wIII be seen LIuL LIe
word 'genLIIe', pIus ILs currenL meunIng, Ius no purL wIuLsoever In LIe
scrIpLure concerned. "RejoIce O ye nuLIons, IIs peopIe" (DenL. z:q).
L wIII be noLed LIuL LIe word 'wILI' Ius been deIeLed. TIIs Is In ILuIIcs
In LIe BIbIe wIIcI IndIcuLes LIuL IL Is noL Lo be Iound In LIe orIgInuI
munuscrIpLs. NowIere In LIIs conLexL Is LIere uny menLIon oI peopIe
oLIer LIun srueI und no provIsIon In LIe quoLuLIon Is mude Ior u
'genLIIe` muss Lo 'rejoIce wILI IIs peopIe'.

TIus In summIng up, II we, LIe AngIo-CeILo-Suxon und kIndred
peopIe, usk II we ure LIe 'nuLIons' oI LIe BIbIe, LIe unswer Is yes buL
converseIy, II LIe quesLIon Is usked In LIe modern deIInILIon oI
'genLIIe' LIe unswer Is mosL deIInILeIy no.


Are the Turks descended from Esou?

TIe vIew Ius Iong been IeId LIuL LIe Turks ure LIe modern
descendunLs oI LIe EdomILes buL IL sIouId be sLuLed LIuL LIe reuson
Ior LIIs Ius very IILLIe, II uny, evIdence by wuy oI supporL. nsLeud oI
workIng Irom Esuu Iorwurds, proponenLs oI LIIs LIeory Iuve begun
wILI LIe conLenLIon LIuL LIe Turks ure LIe EdomILes und worked
buckwurds. SLurLIng wILI LIe TurkIsI, or OLLomun EmpIre, LIey see In
Osmun or OLImun LIe compunIon oI MoIummed, u connecLIon wILI
"Temun" LIe grundson oI Esuu und consequenLIy uver LIuL LIIs Is
suIIIcIenL Lo jusLIIy LIe cIuIm LIuL LIe Turks ure Edom. WIuL
pIIIoIogIcuI connecLIon cun be seen beLween 'Temun' und OLImun' Is
compIeLeIy obscure Ior none wIuLsoever exIsLs.

n order Lo IuIIy upprecIuLe LIe subjecL oI Esuu, one musL begIn wILI
wIuLever IIsLory Is recorded concernIng LIe mun und LIen IoIIow LIe
evIdence Iorwurd und In LIIs process, one wIII see LIuL LIe cIuIm oI
TurkIsI orIgIn In Esuu Ius no IIsLorIcuI IounduLIon wIuLsoever. As
LIe sLory oI Esuu Is so prodIgIous, Indeed IL Ius IIIIed books, IL Is Iere
InLended Lo provIde onIy LIe IIgIIIgILs oI LIe IIsLory Irom wIIcI
LIose InLeresLed, muy druw LIeIr own concIusIons.

I uny credence Is gIven Lo LIe ApocrypIuI wrILIngs, IL wIII be observed
LIuL "Esuu Is LIe end oI LIe worId, und Jucob Is LIe begInnIng oI IL
LIuL IoIIoweLI" (z Esdrus 6:;-q). TIIs ImmedIuLeIy pIuces Esuu or IIs
descendunLs InLo u pIuce oI greuL promInence uL the end of the oge
und wIIcI end, Is cuused by Esuu. s IL IeusIbIe Lo uLLucI LIIs
promInence Lo modern Turkey? I IL Is conLended LIuL LIe ApocrypIu
cunnoL be Luken us InspIred wrILIng, LIe sLudenL Is LIen dIrecLed Lo LIe
Book oI ObudIuI wIIcI, Loo, InLrudes Esuu InLo LIe end oI LIe uge
scene und ImpIIes LIuL Esuu Is LIe cuuse oI uII LIe LroubIe uL LIIs LIme.

TIus, In LIe IIgIL oI LIe scrIpLure, one muy see Esuu In exIsLence uL
LIe end oI LIe uge und In sucI u posILIon oI sLrengLI LIuL IL beIoves u
deeper sLudy und cureIuI exumInuLIon.

suuc, LIe cIIId oI promIse born Lo AbruIum und SuruI, und RebekuI,
LIe duugILer oI BeLIueI, AbruIum's broLIer (Gen. zz:z) were
cIIIdIess Ior nIneLeen yeurs uILer LIeIr murrIuge. AILer mucI pruyer,
RebekuI conceIved und LwIns were born Lo Ier. L wIII be noLed LIuL
beIore bIrLI u puLLern wus seL, Ior LIe record In GenesIs z:zz currIes
u Hebrew word LIuL Is used onIy In LIIs one scrIpLure und none eIse.
TIIs word Is rotsots und Is LrunsIuLed 'sLruggIed'. AII uuLIorILIes
consuILed on LIIs word IndIcuLe LIuL LIe sLruggIIng In LIe womb wus
more LIun LIe usuuI movemenL oI LIe deveIopIng embryo --- IL
ImpIIes u LungIbIe unImosILy wIIcI Is reveuIed In deIIberuLe pIysIcuI
conIIIcL. TIIs Is supporLed wIen one consIders LIuL LIe cIrcumsLunces
were so unusuuI LIuL RebekuI wenL Lo 'enquIre oI LIe ord' (Gen.
z:zz) us Lo LIe cuuse.

TIe repIy oI LIe ord wus sInguIurIy InIormuLIve. "n your womb IIe
nuLIons LwuIn, rIvuI ruces Irom LIeIr bIrLI; one musLery sIuII guIn, LIe
younger o'er LIe oIder reIgn" (Gen. z:z, MoIIuL). TIe Pentoteuch
ond Hoftorohs (OxIord UnIversILy Press) esLubIIsI LIuL LIe Lwo
wouId be 'sepuruLed' Irom bIrLI In u muLuuI unLugonIsm wIIcI wouId
IoIIow, noL onIy LIem personuIIy, buL LIeIr descendunLs us Iong us LIe
Lwo peopIe exIsLed. TIe sume uuLIorILy IndIcuLes LIuL LIe nume
'Edom' (Gen. z:o) subsequenLIy gIven Lo Esuu, Is IndIcuLIve oI IIs
predIsposILIon Ior LIe spIIIIng oI bIood und u compIeLe unconcern Ior
LIe suIIerIng oI oLIers.

n LIe subsequenL IIsLory oI Esuu one IInds LIuL LIe buId sLory In LIe
cIosIng eIgIL verses oI LIe LwenLy-IIILI cIupLer, Ieuve one wILI u sense
oI IncompIeLIon. TIe IucL LIuL suuc "Ioved Esuu becuuse Ie dId euL
IIs venIson" uppeurs Lo be u poor excuse Ior mukIng IIm LIe covenunL
IeIr. WIen Esuu "cume In Irom LIe IIeId und wus IuInL" cerLuInIy does
noL wurrunL LIe commenL LIuL " um uL LIe poInL Lo dIe." A LrudILIon,
und IL sIouId be noLed LIuL IL musL be IeId us sucI, uvers LIuL Esuu
wus u brIgund und LIe Ieuder oI nomudIc Arubs wIo preyed on LIe
pussIng curuvuns und sIured LIe IooL umong LIemseIves. n LIIs wuy,
Esuu wus ubIe Lo provIde LIe now bIInd suuc wILI uII LIe LIen
uvuIIubIe umenILIes oI IIIe. TIe LrudILIon IurLIer uvers LIuL uILer beIng
InvoIved In un unsuccessIuI uLLempL uguInsL LIe AssyrIun kIng's IIIe,
Esuu IIed becomIng u IugILIve und, reLurnIng Lo LIe Iome oI suuc wus
Indeed on LIe poInL oI deuLI Irom Iunger wIen LIe burguInIng Ior LIe
bIrLIrIgIL Look pIuce.

TIe 'sLeuIIng' oI LIe bIrLIrIgIL bIessIng by Jucob Is recorded In
GenesIs z;:1- und LIe remorse oI Esuu und LIe unswer oI suuc Is
Luken up In LIe remuInIng verses oI LIIs cIupLer. One poInL, Iowever,
sIouId be noLed und LIIs Ius Lo do wILI LIe prevIew gIven by suuc oI
Esuu's IuLure. L wIII Ie noLed LIuL suuc reIuLed LIuL Esuu wouId guIn
LIe domInIon (Gen. z;:qo), I.e., Ie wouId Luke wIuL Ie Iud IosL und In
LIe process oI wIIcI Ie wouId 'breuk IIs yoke Irom oII LIy neck'. TIIs
'yoke' Is expIuIned by consIderIng LIuL uL bIrLI, Jucob's Iund IeId
Esuu's IeeI (Hos. 1z:) LIus, LIrougI LIe power oI God, conLuIned LIe
evII wIIcI Esuu wouId do. TIe removuI oI LIIs 'yoke' wus LIe removuI
oI Jucob's resLruInIng Iund und Esuu beIng Iree Lo do wIuL Ie IIked
wILI LIe domInIon bIrLIrIgIL wIIcI Ie Iud guIned. As wIII be seen
LIuL sILuuLIon wus IIrmIy deveIoped uL LIe LIme oI LIe IrsL AdvenL oI
LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL.

PrIor Lo LIe bIessIng, boLI Jucob und Esuu were now IorLy yeurs oI
uge, IL wIII be noLed LIuL Esuu Iud uIreudy murrIed Lwo women wIo
were unuccepLubIe Lo suuc und RebekuI (Gen. z;:q6). TIese wIves
were oI HILLILe exLrucLIon (Gen. 6:z). L wouId uppeur LIuL uILer LIe
bIessIng und suuc's commund Lo Jucob Lo Luke u wIIe Irom LIe
duugILers oI ubun, IIs kInsmun, Esuu sougIL Lo propILIuLe IIs
purenLs by murryIng IIs cousIn, MuIuIuLI, LIe duugILer oI sImueI
(Gen. z8:6-q). TIIs, Iowever, dId noL succeed und Esuu Look IIs
IumIIy und LIey seLLIed umong LIe HorILe peopIe wIom LIey dIspIuced
(DeuL. z:1z).

An InLeresLIng IeuLure Is Lo be seen In LIe numIng oI Esuu's grundson
AmuIek (Gen. 6:1z). EIIpIuz, LIe son oI Esuu, Look TImnu LIe
concubIne und sIe bore AmuIek. WIy cuII LIIs son AmuIek? TIIs wus
LIe nume oI LIe very uncIenL ruce oI AmuIekILes wIom BuIuum LIe
propIeL (Num. zq:zo) cuIIed 'LIe IIrsL oI LIe nuLIons'. n AbruIum's
LIme, I.e., Iong beIore LIe bIrLI oI Esuu, LIe AmuIekILes were In
exIsLence und resIdIng In precIseIy LIe sume IocuIILy us Esuu occupIed
uILer dIspIucIng LIe HorILes (Gen. 1q:;). TIIs IndIcuLes LIuL LIe
AmuIekILes, dIspIuced by LIe HorILes were noL desLroyed buL sImpIy
ussImIIuLed by LIem. TIe concubIne TImnu couId Iuve been one oI
LIese Ience LIe numIng oI Ier son by LIuL nume. TIe wIoIe pIcLure oI
LIe sLory oI LIe AmuIekILes, LIe HorILes und Esuu uppeurs Lo be oI
mergIng ruLIer LIun oI exLIncLIon.

TIe AmuIekILes, wIeLIer LIe descendunLs oI Esuu or u secLIon oI LIe
orIgInuI 'IIrsL nuLIon' Is noL known, sougIL Lo desLroy srueI uL
RepIIdIm (Ex. 1;:8). TIe EdomILes reIused permIssIon Ior LIe
srueIILes Lo puss LIrougI LIeIr Iund (Num. zo:18-z1). AILer LIIs, no
more Is suId oI Esuu or IIs descendunLs unLII LIe LIme oI SuuI und
DuvId (1 Sum. 1q:q;; 11 Sum. 8:1-1q; 1 KIngs 11:1-16).
NoLwILIsLundIng reverses, LIe EdomILes remuIned IIrmIy In LIe
regIon oI MounL SIer wILI LIeIr cupILuI cILy EIuLI very mucI under
LIeIr conLroI. TIIs conLroI wus weukened und LIe wuy puved Ior LIe
NubuLIeun occupuLIon oI LIe Iund by LIe onsIuugIL oI LIe kIng oI
SyrIu, LIe record oI wIIcI mukes InLeresLIng reudIng. "AL LIuL LIme
RezIn kIng oI SyrIu recovered EIuLI Lo SyrIu, und druve LIe Jews Irom
EIuLI . . . (11 KIngs 16:6).

AII uuLIorILIes ugree LIuL LIe nume 'Jew' or ruLIer ILs Hebrew
equIvuIenL oI 'Judueun' onIy cume InLo exIsLence subsequenL Lo 6
B.C. wIereus LIe ubove IncIdenL Look pIuce In ;q B.C. TIere Is one oI
Lwo expIunuLIons Ior LIIs und one muy consIder:

(u) LIuL LIe word 'Jew' wus InserLed Iere by
some scrIbe uL u IuLer duLe wIIcI Ieuves LIose
drIven Irom LIe cILy unnumed, possIbIy becuuse
IL wus seII-evIdenL LIuL LIese were EdomILes or;

(b) LIe nume wus gIven Lo LIe EdomILes becuuse
oI LIeIr udopLIon oI LIIs nume wIen LIey
suppIunLed LIe rIgILIuI owners oI LIe Iund oI

TIe norLIern kIngdom oI srueI IuvIng been Luken cupLIve by LIe
AssyrIuns, LIe remuInIng kIngdom oI JuduI wus LIen uL Lucked by
NebucIudnezzur und Irom LIe record oI PsuIm 1;:;, IL wouId uppeur
LIuL LIe EdomILes were promInenL In LIe uLrocILIes perpeLruLed In LIe
desLrucLIon oI JerusuIem. L Is uL LIIs sLuge LIuL LIe NubuLIeuns Iud
succeeded In removIng Edom Irom LIe regIon oI MounL SIer, Ior LIe
EdomILes, In reLurn Ior LIe servIce rendered Lo LIe kIng oI BubyIon,
were gIven LIe LerrILory exLendIng Irom LIe Iormer souLIern
boundury oI JuduI Lo EgypL.

WILI LIe downIuII oI LIe BubyIonIun EmpIre, Cyrus LIe PersIun kIng
Issued u decree wIIcI permILLed LIe reLurn Lo LIe Iund oI uny oI LIe
cupLIves oI JuduI und BenjumIn wIo IeIL so IncIIned (Ezru 1:). I LIe
record oI Ezru und NeIemIuI Is cureIuIIy sIILed IL wIII be Iound LIuL u
subLIe InIIILruLIon oI EdomILes Look pIuce (Ezru q:1-z). L wIII be noLed
LIuL LIe record commences "Now wIen LIe udversurIes oI BenjumIn
und JuduI Ieurs . . ." WIo were LIe udversurIes? TIey ure noL numed
Iere und LIe sImpIe expIunuLIon Is LIuL LIe udversurIes, noL onIy oI
JuduI und BenjumIn, buL uII srueI, Iud, sInce IncepLIon, been Esuu.

SIowIy buL sureIy EdomILe InIIILruLIon guLIered momenLum unLII, uL
LIe LIme oI LIe GrecIun EmpIre, LIe Iund, wIIcI Iud been cuIIed
Judueu, wus uIso known us dumeu --- LIe Greek word meunIng
EdomILe. AL LIe LIme oI LIe BIrLI oI LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL LIe
EdomILe Luke-over Iud been compIeLed --- LIe 'domInIon' Iud In deed
been Luken. Herod wus noL onIy un dumeun by ruce und u 'Jew' by
reIIgIon buL Ie wus LIe devII IncurnuLe. DurIng IIs udmInIsLruLIon oI
Judueu, Ie sIowed uII LIe 'cruILIness' oI Esuu pIus LIe IusL Ior bIood.
He Iud nIne or Len wIves wIo, on LIe IeusL suspIcIon oI guIIL, were puL
Lo deuLI In un orgy wIIcI revoILed even LIe cuIIous AugusLus In
Rome. On IIs deuLIbed, Indeed IIve duys beIore Ie dIed, Herod
ordered IIs son AnLIpuLer Lo be kIIIed. AugusLus remurked: "L Is
beLLer Lo be Herod's Iog LIun Lo be IIs son."

L wus LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL HImseII WIo exposed LIese EdomILes
wIo Iud Luken Judueun nuLIonuIILy und reIIgIon Ior In oIIerIng
Ireedom LIrougI IuILI In HIm, LIe Jews repIIed: "We be AbruIum's
seed, und were never In bonduge Lo uny mun: Iow suyesL LIou, Ye
sIuII be mude Iree" (JoIn 8:). TIIs conLenLIon wus never dIspuLed
by LIe ord wIIcI meuns LIuL LIey were enLIreIy correcL In LIeIr
cIuIm. True srueIILes Iud been In bonduge --- LIIs wus
commemoruLed In observunce oI LIe SubbuLI (DenL. :1). "And
remember LIuL LIou wusL u servunL In LIe Iund oI EgypL, und LIuL LIe
ord LIy God brougIL LIee ouL LIence LIrougI u mIgILy Iund und by
u sLreLcIed ouL urm: LIereIore LIe ord LIy God communded LIee Lo
keep LIe SubbuLI duy." NoL onIy does LIIs deny LIuL LIe Jews were
srueI buL serves Lo IIIusLruLe LIuL LIey were noL oI JuduI or BenjumIn
eILIer. TIese Lwo LrIbes Iud, u mere qoo yeurs prevIousIy, been In LIe
BubyIonIun cupLIvILy un experIence noL eusIIy IorgoLLen. YeL, Iere
were u peopIe cIuImIng exempLIon Irom IIsLorIcuI bonduge und
corroboruLed by LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL.

TIe JewIsI EncycIopuedIu cIuIms LIuL LIe dumeuns compIeLeIy
dIsuppeur Irom IIsLory und LIuL LIey were ubsorbed wILIIn Jewry. L
wouId be more correcL Lo suy LIuL LIey dIspIuced LIe Lrue Judueuns
wIo were JuduI und BenjumIn und In LukIng 'LIe domInIon' LIey
presenLed LIemseIves us srueI und cIuImed uII LIuL Iud been gIven Lo

TIus, In unswer Lo LIe quesLIon: "Are LIe Turks descended Irom
Esuu?" one muy unswer No, us LIe ubove concIusIveIy proves.


Wos the seporoteness of 1sroel limited to the Old

"And even LIIngs wILIouL IIIe gIvIng sound, wIeLIer pIpe or Iurp,
excepL LIey gIve u dIsLIncLIon In LIe sounds, Iow sIuII IL be known
wIuL Is pIped or Iurped" (1 Cor. 1q:;).

TIe prIncIpIe oI sepuruLe cIurucLerIsLIcs Is Iere exLended Lo cover
eoen LIIngs wILIouL IIIe. und wus no doubL bused by PuuI, on LIe Ieud
gIven In LIIs respecL, by LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL. L wIII be noLed LIuL LIe
ord mude poInLed reIerences Lo LIe bIoIogIcuI prIncIpIe oI 'by LIeIr
IruILs ye sIuII know LIem' (MuLL. ;:zo) und sLressed LIe IucL LIuL men
do noL guLIer grupes Irom LIorns nor do LIey pIck IIgs Irom LIIsLIes
(MuLL. ;:16). AL u IuLer sLuge, He poInLedIy reIerred Lo mun In LIIs
conLexL by suyIng: "A good mun ouL oI LIe good Lreusure oI LIe IeurL
brIngeLI IorLI good LIIngs: und un evII mun ouL oI LIe evII Lreusure
brIngeLI IorLI evII LIIngs" (MuLL. 1z:). AguIn IL wIII be noLed LIuL
LIe conLexL In wIIcI LIIs prIncIpIe Is expounded Is bIoIogIcuI Ior He
preceded HIs dIscourse wILI u reIerence Lo good und bud Lrees. TIus,
LIe prIncIpIe oI inherent cIurucLerIsLIcs, I.e., LIose quuIILIes wIIcI
ure pussed Irom IuLIer Lo son, Is noL u docLrIne wIIcI IInds opposILIon
In LIe New TesLumenL.

n pussIng Lo LIe OId TesLumenL, IL wIII be Iound LIuL LIe seIecLIon oI
AbruIum wus noL u IupIuzurd gumbIe bused on u Iucude oI rIgILeous
IIvIng. uILI wIIcI Is 'LIe subsLunce oI LIIngs Ioped Ior, LIe evIdence
oI LIIngs noL seen' (Heb. 11:1) wus cIeurIy u IeuLure In AbruIum (Heb.
11:8-11) buL LIIs In ILseII wus noL suIIIcIenL Lo eurn Ior IIm LIe LILIe oI
'IrIend oI God' (11 CIron. zo:;). SeurcI us one muy, one wIII noL IInd
unoLIer Lo wIom LIIs excIusIve LILIe wus gIven wIIcI Ieuds one Lo
enquIre IurLIer InLo LIIs muLLer.

Ahrohom helieoed Cod wIIcI, In essence, Is u progressIon Irom
beIIevIng In God. TIe IuLLer ImpIIes u beIIeI In LIe exIsLence oI God In
LIe reIIgIous sense LIuL He exIsLs Ior LIe soIe purpose oI receIvIng LIe
worsIIp oI munkInd. TIIs beIIeI excIudes God Irom LIe everyduy
poIILIcs oI IIIe. God communded AbruIum Lo sepuruLe IImseII Irom u
socIeLy wIIcI wus rIddIed wILI u conIused beIIeI In God und Ie
obeyed, noL knowIng wIuL Iuy uIeud oI IIm. "AbruIum beIIeved God,
und IL wus ImpuLed unLo IIm Ior rIgILeousness: und Ie wus cuIIed LIe
rIend oI God. Ye see LIen Iow LIuL by works u mun Is jusLIIIed, und
not hg foith onlg" (Jumes z:z-zq).

AbruIum, LIe 'rIend oI God', Iud u poLenLIuI wIIcI wus known Lo LIe
ord (Gen. 18:1q). "or 1 know IIm, LIuL Ie wIII commund IIs
cIIIdren und IIs IouseIoId uILer IIm, und LIey sIuII keep LIe wuy oI
LIe ord..." TIe word 'commund' In LIe orIgInuI Hebrew currIes more
meunIng LIun LIe superIIcIuI 'InsLrucLIon' ImpIIes. TIe Hebrew words
In LIIs conLexL ure omor or dohor. However, LIe Hebrew word
used In GenesIs 18:1q Is tsoooh wIIcI, uccordIng Lo Young's
Concordonce, meuns 'Lo seL up'. n wIuL wuy couId AbruIum 'seL
up' IIs cIIIdren und IouseIoId?

n LrucIng AbruIum's IIne buckwurds, one IInds LIuL LIe
cIurucLerIsLIcs wIIcI eurned IIm IIs LILIe were IdenLIcuI wILI LIose oI
NouI, 'u jusL mun und perIecL In IIs generuLIons und NouI wuIked
wILI God' (Gen. 6:q) und EnocI wIo uIso 'wuIked wILI God' (Gen.
:zz). TIIs IumIIy IIne LIus uppeurs Lo Iuve LIIs predIsposILIon LIuL
LIey 'beIIeved God'. AbruIum, oI course, wus murrIed Lo SuruI (IuLer
SuruI) wIo cume Irom LIe sume IumIIy und oI wIom AbruIum suId: ".
. . sIe Is my sIsLer; sIe Is LIe duugILer oI my IuLIer, buL noL LIe
duugILer oI my moLIer; und sIe becume my wIIe" (Gen. zo:1z).
WIeLIer SuruI wus AbruIum's IuII-sIsLer or nIece, sIe cume Irom LIe
sume IumIIy IIne wILI precIseIy LIe sume cIurucLerIsLIcs. n LIe IIgIL
oI LIIs one muy see wIy, ouL oI LIe eIgIL sons born Lo AbruIum, onIy
LIuL born Lo IIm by SuruI wus cIosen In Lerms oI God's nuLIonuI
purpose In LIe IumIIy (Gen. 1;:1q). Hugur bore sImueI und KeLuruI
sIx oLIer sons (Gen. z: 1-q) none oI wIom wus udequuLe In Lerms oI
God's purpose Lo bIess uII LIe nuLIons und IumIIIes oI LIe eurLI.

n LIe muLLer oI u brIde Ior suuc (Gen. zq) IL wIII be noLed LIuL Iere
LIe InsLrucLIon oI AbruIum Lo IIs servunL wus: . . . LIou sIuIL go unLo
my counLry, und Lo my kIndred, und Luke u wIIe unLo my son suuc
(Gen. zq:q). TIIs, IL wIII Ie seen, wus u prIncIpIe wIIcI suuc, Loo,
IoIIowed wIen InsLrucLIng Jucob concernIng IIs seIecLIon oI u wIIe,
Ior Jucob wus InsLrucLed Lo 'go Lo Pudunurum, Lo LIe Iouse oI BeLIueI
LIy moLIer's IuLIer; und Luke LIee u wIIe Irom LIence oI LIe duugILers
oI ubun LIy moLIer's broLIer" (Gen. z8:z).

TIe IumIIy, IuvIng been 'seL up' on LIe busIs oI 'wuIkIng wILI God' und
LIus 'beIIevIng God', IL becume u muLLer oI IogIc LIuL LIese LruILs Ie
preserved wILIIn u peopIe Lo wIom God Iud commILLed HImseII on
OuLI (Gen. zz:16). TIe proIIbILIon, recorded In DeuLeronomy ;,
concernIng covenunLs und conLrucLs wILI LIe peopIe oI LIe Iund wus
uguInsL LIe buckground oI LIe dunger oI LIe poIIuLIon oI LIe geneLIc
seed wIIcI currIed LIe cIurucLerIsLIcs requIred by God Ior LIe
ouLworkIng oI HIs Purpose. "or LIou urL un IoIy (sepuruLe) peopIe
unLo LIe ord LIy God: LIe ord LIy God IuLI cIosen LIee Lo be u
specIuI peopIe unLo IImseII, ubove uII peopIe LIuL ure on LIe Iuce oI
LIe eurLI" (DeuL. ;:6). "TIe eLernuI God Is LIy reIuge, und underneuLI
ure LIe everIusLIng urms: und Ie sIuII LIrusL ouL LIe enemy Irom
beIore LIee; und sIuII suy, DesLroy LIem, srueI LIen sIuII dweII In
suIeLy uIone: LIe IounLuIn oI Jucob sIuII be upon u Iund oI corn und
wIne; uIso IIs Ieuvens sIuII drop down dew" (DeuL. :z;-z8).

As one proceeds wILI LIe IIsLory oI srueI, IL wIII be seen LIuL
dIsobedIence Lo God In Lerms oI HIs proIIbILIons concernIng LIe
'sLrunger' (su. 1:; und Hos. ;:q) necessILuLed dIrecL ucLIon by LIe
ord. NoLe LIuL IL wus God's dIrecL ucLIon LIuL sLIrred up LIe AssyrIun
(su. 1o:-6) Lo Luke LIe Iouse oI srueI cupLIve und IL sIouId be noLed,
Loo, LIuL LIe ord InLended Lo cIeunse LIe nuLIon oI LIe superImposed
dIsobedIence by mukIng Ier bIInd (Hos. z:6) und uIIurIng Ier InLo LIe
wIIderness (verse 1q). TIe Iouse oI JuduI, I.e., LIe remuInIng Lwo
LrIbes In Cunuun were Luken InLo LIe BubyIonIun cupLIvILy Irom wIIcI
u mere qz6oo reLurned. n LIIs remnunL, LIe IeuLure oI knowIng LIuL
poIIuLIon oI LIe seed wus ubIorrenL Lo LIe ord Is evIdenL. L wIII be
noLed LIuL Cyrus' decree wus unswered by LIose wIom LIe SpIrIL oI
LIe ord Iud sLIrred up (Ezru ) und wIo knew rIgIL Irom wrong.
PoIIuLIon oI LIe 'sepuruLed' seed (Ezru q:z) consLILuLed u nuLIonuI
cuIumILy In LIIs remnunL oI srueI wIIcI wus puL down mosL
vIgorousIy (Ezru 1o:1o-1;).

n LIe cIosIng Book oI LIe OId TesLumenL, uLLenLIon Is druwn Lo LIe
uncIungIng Purpose oI God In LIe srueI nuLIon. AL LIIs LIme, LIe
greuLer buIk oI LIe nuLIon wus ouLsIde LIe boundurIes oI PuIesLIne
wILI LIe reLurned remnunL very mucI In LIe process oI dIIuLIon under
LIe ImpucL oI EdomILe InIIILruLIon. ". . . um LIe ord, cIunge noL;
LIereIore ye sons oI Jucob ure noL consumed" (MuI. :6). Here, In
pIuIn, sLruIgILIorwurd Iunguuge, LIe ord reILeruLes LIe conLInuILy oI
HIs Purpose und us 'LIere Is no vurIubIeness, neILIer sIudow oI
LurnIng' (Jumes 1:1;) In God, LIe sons oI Jucob, LIe 'seed oI srueI'
(Jer. 1:) wouId conLInue Lo be LIe composILe wIoIe beIore HIm.

TIe New TesLumenL In no wuy neguLes srueI's OId TesLumenL
sepuruLeness. L wIII be noLed LIuL PuuI recognIsed LIIs Ior Ie wroLe oI
LIe pecuIIur und sepuruLe roIe oI srueI 'Lo wIom perLuIneLI LIe
udopLIon, und LIe gIory, und LIe covenunLs, und LIe gIvIng oI LIe Iuw,
und LIe promIses, und LIe servIce oI God und LIe promIses' (Rom.
q:q). L wIII be noLed, Loo, LIuL PeLer endorses LIe conLInued sepuruLe
nuLure oI srueI. "BuL ye ure u cIosen generuLIon (ruce), u royuI
prIesLIood, un IoIy (sepuruLe) nuLIon, u pecuIIur peopIe . . ." (1 PeLer

I LIe sepuruLeness oI srueI becume redundunL wILI LIe New
TesLumenL, wIy dId LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL dIscrImInuLe uguInsL LIe
oLIer nuLIons wIen He senL HIs dIscIpIes onIy Lo LIe 'IosL sIeep oI LIe
Iouse oI srueI' (MuLL. 1o:-6)? WIy dId He InIorm LIe SyropIenIcIun
womun LIuL He wus onIy senL Lo LIe IosL sIeep oI LIe Iouse oI srueI
(MuLL. 1:zq)?

TIe BIbIe, or ruLIer LIe LeucIIng oI IL, Is gIvIng u very uncerLuIn sound
Loduy und IL Is ruLIer sIgnIIIcunL LIuL LIIs Ius been Lo LIe
uccompunImenL oI LIe InLense Iorm oI mIscegenuLIon wIIcI Ius Luken
pIuce In srueI over LIe IusL o yeurs.

To sum up, IeL PuuI provIde un unswer rememberIng LIuL God Iud
promIsed srueI, In consequence oI Ier LrunsgressIon, LIuL He wouId
redeem und LIuL LIey wouId be cuIIed 'sons oI LIe IIvIng God' (Hos.
1:1o). "WIereIore come ouL Irom umong LIem, und be ye sepuruLe,
suILI LIe ord, und LoucI noL LIe uncIeun LIIng; und wIII receIve
you, And wIII be u uLIer unLo you und ye sIuII be my sons und
duugILers, suILI LIe ord. HuvIng LIereIore LIese promIses, deurIy
beIoved, IeL us cIeunse ourseIves Irom uII IIILIIness oI LIe IIesI und
spIrIL, perIecLIng IoIIness (sepuruLIon) In LIe Ieur oI God" ( Cor.
6:1;-18 und ;:1).


Wos there on odmixture of trihes in Coptioitg?

WIIIe LIe 'cIIIdren oI srueI' ure spoken oI us sucI, I.e., In u coIIecLIve
und composILe sense, LIe scrIpLure mukes IL ubundunLIy cIeur LIuL In
'LIe IuLLer duys', eucI LrIbe wouId Iuve reLuIned suIIIcIenL LrIbuI
IdenLILy us Lo enubIe Jucob Lo provIde u prevIew oI LIe cIrcumsLunces
obLuInIng In eucI oI LIe LrIbes (Gen. qq:1-z8). TIIs beIng so, LIe
quesLIon posed ubove wouId uppeur Lo Iuve been unswered. However,
us IL Is usked wILIIn LIe conLexL oI LIe cupLIvILIes, u IIsLory oI LIe
LrIbes over LIIs perIod musL be consIdered.

By wuy oI InLroducLIon Lo LIe cIrcumsLunces wIIcI Ied Lo LIe
cupLIvILIes, uLLenLIon Is Iocused on LIe dIvIsIons wIIcI occurred In LIe
cIIIdren oI srueI uL u very eurIy perIod.

n LIe IIrsL InsLunce IL wIII be noLed LIuL wIIIe LIe peopIe were Iumped
LogeLIer In LIe EgypLIun sIuvery, LrIbuI IdenLILIes were never IosL Ior uL
LIe LIme oI LIe Exodus, "WIen srueI wenL ouL oI EgypL . . . JuduI wus
IIs suncLuury, und srueI IIs domInIon" (Psu. 11q:1-z). L Is LIus noLed
LIuL In cIrcumsLunces wIIcI muy be cIussIIIed us nuLIonuI In
dImensIon, LrIbuI IdenLILIes ure noL IosL. rom LIe Exodus unLII LIe
LIme oI LIe MonurcIy In srueI In LIe Iund oI Cunuun --
- noLwILIsLundIng LIe LrunsILIon Irom LrIbuI sLuLus Lo LIuL oI
nuLIonIood --- LIe vurIous LrIbes usserLed LIemseIves In u generuI
perIod oI unresL In wIIcI ". . . every mun dId LIuL wIIcI wus rIgIL In
IIs own eyes" (Judges z1:z).

TIe eru oI LIe Judges dId IILLIe Lo sLem LIe LIde Ior corrupLIon wus
evIdenL umong LIese udmInIsLruLors --- us un exumpIe oI wIIcI wus
LIe uppoInLmenL oI SumueI's sons us Judges In srueI (1 Sum. 8:1-).
L wus uILer LIIs LIuL LIe peopIe, coIIecLIveIy, rejecLed LIe TIeocrucy
und demunded ". . . u kIng Lo judge us IIke uII nuLIons (verse ). SuuI, u
BenjumILe, wus LIe IIrsL kIng In srueI (1 Sum. q:1-z1) wIose deuLI IeIL
LIe nuLIon In u sLuLe oI poIILIcuI crIsIs wILI cIvII wur IoIIowIng. TIe
Iouse oI JuduI LIe royuI LrIbe In srueI --- LIen unoInLed DuvId wIo
becume kIng over LIe Iouse oI JuduI (11 Sum. z:q-;) wIIIe SuuI's son,
sIbosIeLI, ruIed over LIe resL oI LIe LrIbes oI srueI (11 Sum. z:1o). L
wus onIy uILer LIe second cIvII wur In srueI LIuL DuvId wus IInuIIy
crowned kIng over uII LweIve LrIbes oI srueI (11 Sum. :). AILIougI
LIus unIIIed, LIe vurIous LrIbes In srueI reLuIned LIeIr IdenLILIes
wILIIn LIe Iund upporLIonmenLs gIven LIem by Moses.

TIe LrunsgressIon oI SoIomon (1 KIngs 11:q-8) begIns Lo brIng LIe
cupLIvILIes InLo Iocus Ior, becuuse oI IIs evII, LIe ord promIsed Lo
dIvIde LIe nuLIon oI srueI InLo Lwo unequuI porLIons 1 KIngs 11:1)
wIIcI uILer LIe uccessIon oI ReIoboum IIs son, ucLuuIIy cume Lo puss
(1 KIngs 1z:16-1;). L Is InLeresLIng Lo noLe Iere LIuL LIe pIruse 'uII
srueI' uppeurs Lo be IndIcuLIve oI LIe peopIe und wIIcI excIudes LIe
LrIbe oI JuduI. "And wIen oll 1sroel suw LIuL LIe kIng Ieurkened
noL unLo LIem, LIe peopIe unswered LIe kIng, suyIng, WIuL porLIon
Iuve we In DuvId? . . . To your LenLs O srueI: now see Lo LIIne own
Iouse DuvId . . . So srueI rebeIIed uguInsL LIe Iouse oI DuvId unLo
LIIs duy . . . . And IL cume Lo puss LIuL wIen oll 1sroel Ieurd LIuL
Jereboum wus reLurned, LIuL LIey senL und cuIIed IIm unLo LIe
congreguLIon, und mude IIm kIng over oll 1sroel: LIere wus none
LIuL IoIIowed LIe Iouse oI DuvId, buL LIe LrIbe oI JuduI onIy" ( KIngs
1z:16-zo). TIe IucL LIuL BenjumIn Is ussocIuLed wILI JuduI (verse z1)
us u 'IIgIL beurIng' LrIbe (1 KIngs 11:6) wouId uppeur Lo muke LIe
PIruse 'uII srueI' IndIcuLIve oI LIe Len LrIbes now esLubIIsIed us LIe
NorLIern KIngdom oI LIe Iouse oI srueI.

n consIderIng JeremIuI o:1; one Is ubIe Lo see LIe cupLIvILIes oI LIe
Lwo kIngdoms In perspecLIve. "srueI Is u scuLLered sIeep; LIe IIons
Iuve drIven IIm uwuy: IIrsL LIe kIng oI AssyrIu IuLI devoured IIm;
und IusL LIIs NebucIudnezzur kIng oI BubyIon, IuLI broken IIs
bones." NoLe Iere LIuL LIe kIng oI AssyrIu 'devoured' srueI wIIIe LIe
kIng oI BubyIon 'dumuged' JuduI --- srueI euLen up, dIsuppeurs,
JuduI dumuged buL noL IosL sIgIL oI.

AnoLIer IeuLure Lo be noLed --- Indeed u mosL ImporLunL IeuLure --- Is
LIe dIIIerence beLween LIe cIrcumsLunces oI LIe Lwo cupLIvILIes. "And
suw, wIen Ior uII LIe cuuses wIereby bucksIIdIng srueI committed
odulterg Iud puL Ier uwuy, und gIven Ier u hill of dioorce, yeL
Ier LreucIerous sIsLer JuduI Ieured noL und wenL und pIuyed LIe
IurIoL uIso . . ." (Jer. :8). TIe essenLIuI dIIIerence In LIe judgmenLs
pronounced on srueI und JuduI Is Lo seen In LIe IucL LIuL wIIIe srueI
wus gIven u bIII oI dIvorce, JuduI, uILIougI ucLIng 'LreucIerousIy' dId
noL come under LIe sume condemnuLIon. A IeuLure oI LIIs 'bIII oI
dIvorcemenL' wus LIuL LIe 'wIIe' receIved LIe bIII und wus LIen senL
ouL oI Ier Iusbund's Iouse (DeuL. zq:1). I, Iowever, LIe wIIe
remurrIes unoLIer mun, sIe cunnoL be murrIed, on IIs deuLI, Lo Ier
Iormer Iusbund (DenL. zq:q).

Now In LIe cuse oI srueI under LIe 'bIII oI dIvorce', IL wIII be noLed
LIuL under LIe meLupIor oI LIe 'uduILerous wIIe', sIe commILLed
IurIoLry, IL does noL sLuLe LIuL sIe wenL Lo Ie unoLIer mun's wIIe und
consequenLIy Ier Iormer Iusbund couId IeguIIy woo Ier und wIn Ier
uguIn Ior IImseII. TIIs Is precIseIy LIe puLLern reveuIed In LIe
scrIpLure. n suIuI o:1 reIerence Is mude Lo LIe bIII oI dIvorce Lo be
IoIIowed by LIe sLuLemenL: "s my Iund sIorLened uL uII, LIuL IL cunnoL
redeem? or Iuve 1 no power Lo deIIver? . . ." (verse z). n Hoseu z LIe
sume IeuLure Is Lo be seen wIereIn LIe ord specIIIcuIIy sLuLes LIuL He
wouId . . . Iedge up LIy wuy wILI LIorns und muke u wuII, LIuL sIe
sIuII noL IInd Ier puLIs ... wIII uIIure Ier, und brIng Ier InLo LIe
wIIderness, und speuk comIorLubIy unLo Ier . . . And IL sIuII be uL LIuL
duy, suILI LIe ord, LIuL LIou sIuIL cuII me 1sni (my Iusbund); und
sIuIL cuII me no more BuuII (my ord) . . . And wIII beLroLI LIee unLo
me In rIgILeousness, und In judgmenL, und In IovIng kIndness, und In

L sIouId be noLed LIuL uII LIe ubove couId noL be ucIIeved unLII
reconcIIIuLIon LIrougI redempLIon Iud been ucIIeved. Now, srueI,
becuuse oI nuLIonuI devIuLIons Irom LIe uw oI LIe ord wus 'senL ouL
oI Ier Iusbund's Iouse', I.e., Luken InLo cupLIvILy by LIe AssyrIuns.
One muy reud oI LIe process by wIIcI srueI wus Luken cupLIve In
KIngs 1:zq und corroboruLed In CIronIcIes :z6. TIIs wus LIe
begInnIng oI LIe end so Lo speuk Ior In KIngs 1;: und 18:q LIe
IIsLory oI srueI's cupILuI SumurIu, Is reIuLed und ends wILI LIe
sLuLemenL: "And LIe kIng oI AssyrIu dId curry uwuy srueI unLo
AssyrIu, und puL LIem In HuIuI und In Hubor by LIe rIver oI Gozun
und In LIe cILIes oI LIe Medes." TIus wus LIe IIrsL sLuge oI srueI's bIII
oI dIvorce puL InLo operuLIon.

L sIouId be noLed, Iowever, LIuL u very smuII remnunL wus IeIL In LIe
Iund Indeed, so smuII LIuL suIuI LIe propIeL speuks oI LIem us LIe
'gIeunIngs' IeIL uILer LIe IurvesL. "And In LIuL duy IL sIuII come Lo
puss, LIuL LIe gIory oI Jucob sIuII be mude LIIn, und LIe IuLness oI IIs
IIesI sIuII wux Ieun. . . . YeL gIeunIng grupes sIuII be IeIL In IL, us LIe
sIukIng oI un oIIve Lree, Lwo or LIree berrIes In LIe Lop oI LIe
uppermosL bougI, Iour or IIve In LIe ouLmosL IruILIuI bruncIes
LIereoI, suILI LIe ord . . ." (su. 1;: q-6). rom LIe generuI pIcLure oI
LIe deporLuLIons oI srueI under LIe vurIous AssyrIun InvusIons, LIe
smuII remnunL IeIL wouId uppeur Lo be LIose oI LIe LrIbes oI ZebuIon
und NupLIuII (su. q:D uILIougI IL Is possIbIe LIuL one or Lwo
IndIvIduuIs oI oLIer LrIbes couId Iuve been LIere us weII. ndeed,
Annu, u propIeLess oI LIe LrIbe oI AsIer Is menLIoned us beIng In
JerusuIem uL LIe LIme wIen LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL wus born (uke

Be LIuL us IL muy, srueI us u nuLIonuI unIL wus IeguIIy deburred Irom
LIe Iund under LIe bIII oI dIvorce und unLII RedempLIon Iud been
wrougIL couId noL reLurn.

JuduI, on LIe oLIer Iund, couId reLurn noL IuvIng come under LIe
sume uw. TIuL qz,6o oI LIe LrIbes oI JuduI und BenjumIn dId
reLurn Is conIIrmed In Ezru z:6q. WIuL Iuppened Lo LIe remuInder oI
LIe souLIern kIngdom oI LIe Iouse oI JuduI Is noL known uILIougI IL
Is sLuLed LIuL LIe AssyrIuns Invuded JuduI us weII (su. 6:1).
SennucIerIb, wIo wus responsIbIe Ior LIIs InvusIon, Ius IeIL u
monumenL (Loduy In LIe BrILIsI Museum) wIIcI reIuLes LIuL Ie Look
weII over Lwo Iundred LIousund cupLIves Irom JuduI und pIuced
LIem wILI LIe cupLIves uIreudy In HuIuI, Hubor by LIe rIver oI Gozun
und LIe cILIes oI LIe Medes. TIIs musL Iuve depIeLed LIe popuIuLIon oI
LIe kIngdom oI JuduI more LIun consIderubIy und IL Is smuII wonder
LIuL LIe BubyIonIun Iorces Iud very IILLIe dIIIIcuILy In LukIng LIIs smuII
remnunL cupLIve. As Ius been sLuLed ubove, wIuL Iuppened Lo LIose oI
LIe BubyIonIun cupLIvILy wIo dId noL reLurn, Is noL known.

WrILIng In A.D. 6o, Jumes uddressed IIs epIsLIe Lo LIe 'LweIve LrIbes
wIIcI ure scuLLered ubroud' (Jumes 1:1) wIIcI gIves one LIe
ImpressIon LIuL LIey were sLIII LweIve In number und sLIII recognIsubIe
us sucI. TIe sIgnIIIcunL IeuLure Iere Is LIuL uL LIuL LIme, LIe Jews
were In JerusuIem prepurIng Lo sLuve oII LIe Romun ussuuIL wIIcI
IInuIIy desLroyed LIe cILy 1o yeurs IuLer. TIey, uppurenLIy, dId noL
come under LIe generuI cIussIIIcuLIon oI LIe 'LweIve LrIbes' wIIcI
Ieuves one Lo ponder LIe cIuIm LIuL LIey ure LIe srueI oI God.

TIus, In unswerIng LIe quesLIon concernIng un udmIxLure oI LIe
LrIbes In cupLIvILy, wIIIe IL cunnoL be suId precIseIy wIere eucI oI LIe
LrIbes Is Loduy (upurL Irom EpIruIm In BrILuIn), LIey musL be In
exIsLence Ior Jucob Lo Iuve been ubIe Lo reIuLe LIeIr vurIous
condILIons In LIe 'IuLLer duys'.


Hos the Lou hecome Redundont?

"WIereIore LIen serveLI LIe Iuw? L wus udded becuuse oI
LrunsgressIon, LIII LIe seed sIouId come Lo wIom LIe promIse wus
mude: und IL wus orduIned by ungeIs In LIe Iund oI u medIuLor" (GuI.

To IuIIy upprecIuLe LIe ubove scrIpLure IL Is necessury Lo once uguIn
consIder LIe gIvIng oI LIe uw Lo srueI uL SInuI, Ior IL Is uguInsL LIIs
buckground und LIe knowIedge oI IL LIuL PuuI mukes sucI IrequenL
reIerences Lo LIe uw (Rom. ;:1). As Ius been sLuLed In u prevIous
unswer deuIIng wILI LIe uw, LIe CodIIIcuLIon oI uII prevIous
Communds gIven by God Look on u new uspecL wIen IL becume LIe
DIvIne DIrecLIve oI LIe ord Lo HIs peopIe srueI. VIoIuLIon oI uny oI
LIe CIuuses In this ConsLILuLIon wus ImpuLed us 'sIn' Ior 'sIn Is LIe
LrunsgressIon oI LIe Iuw' 1 JoIn :q) und LIe 'wuges oI sIn Is deuLI'
(Rom. 6:z).

TIe ord God, IuvIng commILLed HImseII, HIs Honour und HIs OuLI
Lo LIe srueI peopIe In Lerms oI HIs WorId Purposes wIIcI ure Iound
In LIe AbruIumIc CovenunL, couId noL InLroduce u mecIunIsm wIIcI
wouId, In Lerms oI muIIuncLIon, InvuIIduLe HIs PIuns. ConsequenLIy,
un uddILIon wus mude Lo LIe uw und becume 'LIe Iuw LIuL wus udded
becuuse oI LrunsgressIon' (GuI. :1q) und In LIIs Iuw, Is Iound LIe
mecIunIsm oI LIe remIssIon oI sIn LIrougI LIe sIeddIng oI LIe bIood
oI u subsLILuLIonury oIIerIng.

L Is uII Loo obvIous LIuL PuuI dId noL Iuve In mInd 'LIe Iuw oI LIe ord
wIIcI Is perIecL' (Psu. 1q:;) buL ruLIer LIe Iuw LIuL wus udded und wus
'LIe exumpIe und sIudow oI IeuvenIy LIIngs, us Moses wus
udmonIsIed oI God wIen Ie wus ubouL Lo muke LIe LubernucIe: Ior,
see, suILI Ie, LIuL LIey muke uII LIIngs uccordIng Lo LIe puLLern
sIewed Lo LIee In LIe mounL' (Heb. 8:). To LIe uw, I.e., LIe
commundmenLs, sLuLuLes und judgmenLs wIIcI were perIecL, wus
udded LIe OrdInunces oI LIe 'sIeddIng oI bIood' oI unImuIs Ior LIe
remIssIon oI sIn und wIIcI were u 'sIudow' --- un InsubsLunLIuI und
ImperIecL meuns oI reconcIIIuLIon beLween God und srueI.

BeurIng LIese IeuLures In mInd, IL Is sIgnIIIcunL Lo noLe LIuL Moses
communIcuLed LIe sLuLuLes und judgmenLs Lo srueI wILI LIe specIIIc
commund Lo "Keep LIereIore und do LIem; Ior LIIs Is your wIsdom
und your undersLundIng In LIe sIgIL oI LIe nuLIons . (DeuL. q:-6).
No menLIon Is mude LIere Lo LIe OrdInunces oI LIe sIeddIng oI bIood
In LIe conLexL oI LIe oLIer nuLIons oI LIe eurLI, wIIIe In LIe eIgILI
verse oI LIe sume cIupLer LIe sLuLuLes und judgmenLs ure uguIn
menLIoned. "And wIuL nuLIon Is LIere so greuL, LIuL IuLI sLuLuLes und
judgmenLs so rIgILeous us uII LIIs Iuw, wIIcI seL beIore you LIIs

L Is common knowIedge LIuL LIe wIoIe IumIIy oI srueI broke LIe uw
oI LIe ord. TIe Iouse oI srueI, I.e., LIe norLIern kIngdom
comprIsIng LIe Len LrIbes, compIeLeIy repudIuLed LIe uw oI LIe ord
wIen IL cume under LIe 'sLuLuLes oI OmrI' (MIc. 6:16) LIe sevenLI kIng
In srueI wIo 'wrougIL evII In LIe eyes oI LIe ord, und dId worse LIun
uII LIuL were beIore IIm` (1 KIngs 16:z). TIuL srueI LIus repudIuLed
LIe uw oI LIe ord dId noL meun LIuL LIe uw Iud no more eIIecL on
LIem --- IL conLInued Lo operuLe In spILe oI LIe nuLIon's udIerence Lo
LIe new sLuLuLes creuLed by LIeIr kIng. n evILIcus z6:1q- Is seL ouL
LIe progressIon oI cIusLIsemenLs Ior conLInued LrunsgressIon oI LIe
uw und, noLwILIsLundIng LIe nuLIonuI repudIuLIon oI LIe uw oI LIe
ord, LIese conLInued Lo be operuLIve In LIe nuLIon.

L wIII be noLed LIuL drougIL wus one oI LIe eIIecLs oI LrunsgressIon oI
LIe uw und In KIngs 1; Is recorded LIe devusLuLIng drougIL wIIcI
ended onIy uILer LIe Lremendous demonsLruLIon oI LIe reuIILy oI God
LIrougI LIe InLercessIon oI EIIjuI (1 KIngs 18: z-q6). TIe ruvugIng oI
wIId beusLs LIrougIouL LIe Iund wus unoLIer consequence oI uw
LrunsgressIon und wIIcI LIe propIeL EzekIeI records us LIe
experIence oI LIe peopIe (Ezek. 1q:z1). PesLIIence, unoLIer
cIusLIsemenL, wus experIenced by srueI us HugguI reIuLes (Hug. 1:6)
wIIIe cunnIbuIIsm wILIIn besIeged cILIes wus u IusL grIm wurnIng (11
KIngs 6:z8) oI LIe ImpendIng cupLIvILy und desoIuLIon oI LIe Iund (11
KIngs 1;:6). L sIouId be noLed LIuL God's uw wus un InLegruI purL oI
srueI und ubsoIuLeIy essenLIuI Ior LIe success oI God's NuLIonuI PIun
Lo bIess uII LIe nuLIons oI LIe eurLI (DeuL. q:6). As LIe uw oI LIe ord
wus perIecLIon (Psu. 1q:;) IL IoIIows LIuL no provIsIon wus mude Ior
uny oLIer code oI beIuvIour.

L Is mosL sIgnIIIcunL LIuL uL LIe LIme wIen LIe vusL mujorILy oI srueI
Iud pussed InLo LIe AssyrIun cupLIvILy und JuduI wus In LIe process
oI beIng removed InLo BubyIon LIuL LIe ord communIcuLed HIs
InLenLIon wILI srueI In LIe conLexL oI HIs uw Lo JeremIuI LIe
propIeL. n Lerms oI LIe MosuIc dIspensuLIon wIen LIe uws were
udmInIsLered by LIe evILes wIose responsIbIIILy IL wus Lo keep LIe
nuLIon InsLrucLed In LIese, LIe DIvIne ConsLILuLIon wus, us IL were, u
remoLe mecIunIsm under wIIcI LIe peopIe IIved. TIe ord now
InLended Lo uILer LIIs by removIng ILs remoLeness und mukIng eucI
IndIvIduuI wILIIn LIe nuLIon u Lype oI evILe. "BeIoId, LIe duys come,
suILI LIe ord, LIuL 1 wIII muke u new covenunL wILI LIe Iouse oI
srueI und wILI LIe Iouse oI JuduI . . . LIIs sIuII be LIe covenunL LIuL
wIII muke wILI LIe Iouse oI srueI; AILer LIose duys, suILI LIe ord,
wIII puL my Iuw In LIeIr Inwurd purLs, und wrILe IL In LIeIr IeurLs; und
wIII be LIeIr God, und LIey sIuII be my peopIe . . ." (Jer. 1:1-).
oIIowIng LIIs drumuLIc unnouncemenL Is LIe pronouncemenL LIuL so
Iong us LIe sun, moon und sLurs endured, LIe 'seed oI srueI' wouId be
u nuLIon beIore God Ior ever (verse ). L sIouId be noLed LIuL LIe
new covenunL Iud Lo do wILI LIe wrILIng oI God's uws und noL LIe
uws LIemseIves.

As one Ieuves LIe OId TesLumenL, LIe ord's BenedIcLIon on uII LIuL Is
wrILLen In LIIs sIouId be noLed. " um LIe ord, 1 cIunge noL;
LIereIore ye sons oI Jucob ure noL consumed" (MuI. :6). "Remember
ye LIe Iuw oI Moses my servunL wIIcI communded unLo IIm In
Horeb Ior uII srueI, wILI LIe sLuLuLes und judgmenLs" (MuI. q:q). WIy
sIouId LIe ord empIusIze LIe conLInuILy oI LIe seed oI Jucob und
commund LIe remembrunce oI LIe uw gIven uL SInuI II, In u very
sIorL perIod, boLI LIe nuLIon und LIe uw were Lo be repeuIed In u
new dIspensuLIon? As wIII be seen, LIe New TesLumenL, Iur Irom
rescIndIng LIe NuLIonuI purpose In srueI und repeuIIng LIe uws
governIng LIe nuLIon, esLubIIsIes IL unLII 'Ieuven und eurLI puss'.

AL LIe ouLseL oI wIuL Ius commonIy come Lo be known us 'LIe Sermon
on LIe MounL', IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL, WIo
sLressed LIuL He couId do noLIIng In opposILIon Lo wIuL LIe uLIer
Iud done (JoIn :1q), wurned uguInsL uny specuIuLIon In respecL oI
LIe uw or LIe propIeLs. "TIInk noL LIuL um come Lo desLroy LIe
Iuw, or LIe propIeLs: um noL come Lo desLroy, buL Lo IuIIII" (MuLL.
:1;). He cerLuInIy IuIIIIIed LIe propIecy wIIcI Iud been spoken by
Moses und recorded In DeuLeronomy 18:1 und wIIcI Iormed LIe
busIs oI PeLer's second uddress uILer PenLecosL. "or Moses LruIy suId
unLo LIe IuLIers, A propIeL sIuII LIe ord your God ruIse up unLo you
oI your breLIren, IIke unLo me; IIm sIuII ye Ieur In uII LIIngs
wIuLsoever Ie sIuII suy unLo you (AcLs :zz).

DId LIe ord IuIIII LIe uw? eL HIs own words provIde LIe unswer.
"or verIIy suy unLo you, TIII Ieuven und eurLI puss, one joL or one
LILLIe sIuII In no wIse puss Irom LIe Iuw, LIII uII be IuIIIIIed" (MuLL.
:18). TIIs Is IoIIowed by LIe sLrongesL condemnuLIon oI LIose wIo
breuk or LeucI LIe breukIng oI LIe Iuws oI God. I one conLInues wILI
LIe 'Sermon on LIe MounL' IL wIII be seen LIuL LIe ord uLLucks, noL
LIe uw, buL LIe TuImudIc InLerpreLuLIons oI LIe uw wIIcI He cuIIed,
'LIe LrudILIons oI men' (MuLL. 1:6). "Ye Iuve Ieurd LIuL IL wus suId by
LIem oI oId LIme . Is LIe recurrIng pIruse In LIe 'Sermon' wIIcI, In
LIe pIuInesL Iunguuge, IndIcuLes LIe encrusLuLIon oI mun's opInIon
concernIng LIe uw oI LIe ord.
L Is generuIIy IeId Loduy LIuL LIe Iuw oI Iove Ius suppIunLed uII eIse --
- LIIs beIng bused on LIe ord's unswer Lo LIe quesLIon: "MusLer,
wIIcI Is LIe greuL commundmenL In LIe Iuw?" TIe ord's unswer
sIouId be cureIuIIy noLed Ior He suys LIuL LIe IIrsL Is Lo 'ove LIe ord
LIy God wILI uII LIy IeurL und wILI uII LIy souI, und wILI uII LIy mInd'
und LIe second, 'TIou sIuIL Iove LIy neIgIbour us LIyseII'. HIs repIy,
Iowever, does noL end LIere uILIougI muny uppeur Lo LIInk LIuL IL
does. TIe ord proceeds Lo IndIcuLe LIuL on LIese Lwo
commundmenLs 'Iung LIe wIoIe Iuw' wIIcI Is someLIIng InIInILeIy
dIIIerenL Lo suyIng LIuL LIese ure LIe onIy Lwo Iuws uppIIcubIe. L wIII
be noLed IurLIer LIuL, LIe ord wus quoLIng Lwo pussuges oI LIe uw,
numeIy, DeuLeronomy 6:: ". . . LIou sIuIL Iove LIe ord LIy God wILI
uII LIIne IeurL, und wILI uII LIy souI, und wILI uII LIy mIgIL" und
evILIcus 1q:18 ". . . LIou sIuIL Iove LIy neIgIbour us LIyseII . . ." L
IoIIows LIuL II one were Lo obey LIe Lwo menLIoned commundmenLs,
LIey wouId keep LIe wIoIe --- Ior LIey ure LIe IounduLIons on wIIcI
LIe uw Is bused.
ConLInuIng In LIe veIn oI' LIe uw, IL wIII be noLed LIuL LIe ungeIIc
pronouncemenL Lo JosepI concernIng LIe numIng oI LIe CIIId Lo be
born Lo Mury, Iud Lo do wILI LrunsgressIon oI LIe uw. And sIe sIuII
brIng IorLI u son, und LIou sIuIL cuII IIs nume JESUS; for he sholl
sooe his people from their sins" (MuLL. 1:z1). SIn beIng u
'LrunsgressIon oI LIe uw', LIe Hebrew nume Yoshuoh --- DeIIverer,
Ius u proIound sIgnIIIcunce In Lerms oI srueI's desperuLe pIIgIL.
L wIII be recuIIed LIuL God promIsed LIuL He wouId muke u new
covenunL wILI srueI (Jer. 1:1) und on LIe eve oI LIe BeLruyuI wIIcI
Ied Lo LIe CrucIIIxIon, LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL . . . . Look LIe cup, und
guve LIunks, und guve IL Lo LIem, suyIng, DrInk ye uII oI IL: Ior LIIs Is
my bIood oI LIe new LesLumenL . . ." TIe Greek word Ior 'LesLumenL' Is
diotheke und currIes LIe IdenLIcuI meunIng oI LIe Hebrew herigth
wIIcI is cooenont. TIe IILeruI LrunsIuLIon oI LIe ord's sLuLemenL Is
LIus: "or LIIs Is my bIood oI LIe new covenunL . . ." --- und LIe New
CovenunL Is u uw CovenunL. TIe evILIcuI order oI PrIesLIood pIus
LIe 'Iuw LIuL wus udded' were now repeuIed Ior LIe ord HImseII
becume LIe medIuLor oI LIe beLLer covenunL (Heb. 8:6). NoLe, noL u
beLLer uw, Ior wIuL cun be beLLer LIun perIecLIon.
TIe ord uscended Lo LIe 'rIgIL Iund oI LIe LIrone oI LIe MujesLy In
LIe Ieuvens' wIere, us HIgI PrIesL uILer LIe Order oI MeIcIIzedek
(Heb. :1-1o) He mukes InLercessIon und ucLs us MedIuLor. TIIs
brIngs LIe unswer Lo LIe wIoIe quesLIon InLo Iocus. A 'HIgI PrIesL' Is
necessury Ior onIy one reuson --- Lo serve LIe sucrIIIcIuI Iuw oI
ubsoIuLIon beIore LIe demunds oI ConsLILuLIonuI uw und LIIs, on LIe
uuLIorILy oI scrIpLure, Is precIseIy LIe uncLIon oI Jesus CIrIsL, HIgI
PrIesL uILer LIe Order oI MeIcIIzedek, WIo, seuLed on LIe rIgIL Iund
oI LIe LIrone In LIe Ieuvens, medIuLes unLII HIs enemIes be mude HIs
IooLsLooI (Heb. 1:1). 1f the Lou of the Lord hos hecome
redundont, uhot need is there for o High Priest? n order Lo
obvIuLe LIIs, IL Ius been suggesLed LIuL LIe ord Jesus. CIrIsL now
rules in heooen buL LIIs Ius no scrIpLuruI uuLIorILy wIuLsoever. He
MedIuLes becuuse LIe uw exIsLs und wIII conLInue Lo exIsL 'LIII Ieuven
und eurLI' puss uwuy.


Hos the notion 1sroel ong releoonce in the Neu Testoment?

As one Iooks uL LIe nume 'New TesLumenL' one IInds LIuL IL Ius gIven
rIse Lo un unIorLunuLe mIsundersLundIng In LIuL IL Is LIougIL Lo be
someLIIng enLIreIy new und uLLerIy dIvorced Irom LIe 'OId
TesLumenL'. TIe nume 'New TesLumenL' Ius been Luken Irom MuLLIew
z6:z8; Murk 1q:zq und uke zz:zo, uII oI wIIcI ure LIe record oI LIe
words oI LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL wIen He suId: "TIIs cup Is LIe new
LesLumenL In my bIood wIIcI Is sIed Ior you". As Ius been sIown In
LIe prevIous unswer, LIe word 'LesLumenL' In Greek Is IdenLIcuI In
meunIng wILI LIe Hebrew 'covenunL' wIIcI LIereIore mukes IL LIe
Book oI LIe New CovenunL.
TIIs ImmedIuLeIy LIrows LIe srueI nuLIon InLo ILs orbIL Ior wIeLIer
one cIooses Lo seurcI LIe record oI JeremIuI 1:1 or Hebrews 8:8, IL
wIII be Iound LIuL LIe New CovenunL wus mude specIIIcuIIy wILI srueI
und noL generuIIy wILI uII munkInd. TIIs beIng so, IL wouId uppeur
LIuL LIe quesLIon Ius been unswered wILIouL goIng uny IurLIer.
However, LIere Is posILIve evIdence LIuL LIe cIrcumsLunces obLuInIng
In LIe srueI nuLIon Iud u very deIInILe reIevunce Lo LIe evenLs wIIcI
Ied up Lo LIe CrucIIIxIon on CuIvury.
AL LIe ouLseL IL wIII Ie noLed LIuL LIe HoIy Nume oI God wus bound
up wILI srueI und LIuL God dId LIe bIndIng. Becuuse oI HIs worId
Purposes In wIIcI AbruIum und IIs seed were Lo be LIe IeIrs oI LIe
worId (Rom. q:1), LIe ord guurunLeed LIe IuIIIImenL oI LIIs by
specIIIcuIIy commundIng LIuL HIs Nume be pIuced upon LIe peopIe oI
srueI (Num. 6:z-z;). AL LIe LIme wIen LIe nuLIon wus In LIe LIroes
oI pussIng InLo cupLIvILy becuuse oI LrunsgressIon, LIe ord spoke
LIrougI suIuI LIe propIeL und HIs words sIouId be noLed. TIou urL
my servunL, o srueI, In wIom wIII be gIorIIIed . . ." (su. qq:); "TIIs
peopIe Iuve Iormed Ior myseII; LIey sIuII sIew IorLI my pruIse"
(su. q:z1); "or my nume's suke wIII deIer mIne unger, und Ior my
pruIse wIII reIruIn Ior LIee, LIuL cuL LIee noL oII. BeIoId, Iuve
reIIned LIee, buL noL wILI sIIver: Iuve cIosen LIee In LIe Iurnuce oI
uIIIIcLIon. or mIne own suke, even Ior mIne own suke, wIII do IL: Ior
Iow sIouId my nume be poIIuLed: und wIII noL gIve my gIory unLo
unoLIer. Heurken unLo me, O Jucob und srueI, my cuIIed; um Ie;
um LIe IIrsL, uIso um LIe IusL" (su. q8:q-1z).
L sIouId Ie noLed LIuL uII LIIs occurred onIy Iour duys ugo In LIme us
IL Is reckoned by God Ior "One duy Is wILI LIe ord us u LIousund
yeurs, und u LIousund yeurs us one duy" ( PeLer :8). n LIe IIgIL oI
LIIs, Is IL IeusIbIe Lo suggesL LIuL God's CovenunL, HIs OuLI und LIe
Honour oI HIs HoIy Nume sIouId uII ceuse und become uLLerIy
redundunL uL LIe commencemenL oI LIe New TesLumenL. How wouId
socIeLy Loduy, noLwILIsLundIng ILs permIssIve nuLure, reucL II u mun
enLered InLo un ugreemenL on Monduy, uIIIrmed IL on Tuesduy,
empIusIsed IL on Wednesduy, reuIIIrmed IL wILI deIIgIL on TIursduy
und LIen repudIuLed IL on rIduy? TIe uw CourLs oI LIe counLry
wouId Iuve mucI Lo suy ubouL LIe muLLer und yeL LIIs Is precIseIy
wIuL Is ImpIIed wIen men conLend LIuL LIe New TesLumenL Is u
repudIuLIon oI srueI's reIevunce Lo God's Purpose.
As one proceeds wILI LIe ucLuuI record oI LIe New CovenunL
(TesLumenL), one IInds LIuL wIIIe u very smuII mInorILy oI srueI muy
Iuve been presenL umong LIe Judueuns, LIe greuLer buIk oI LIe nuLIon
wus In dIspersIon und, uppurenLIy, Luboo Lo LIe Jews. L wIII be
recuIIed LIuL on LIe occusIon wIen LIe ord Jesus CIrIsL LoId LIe
PIurIsees LIuL He wus soon Lo Ieuve LIem und HIs desLInuLIon wus
wIere . . . ye cunnoL come. TIen suId LIe Jews umong LIemseIves,
WIILIer wIII Ie go, LIuL we sIuII noL IInd IIm? WIII Ie go unLo LIe
dIspersed umong LIe GenLIIes. (JoIn ;:-).

srueI wus LIus very mucI In exIsLence ouLsIde oI Judueu Indeed LIey
Iud Lo be In exIsLence Ior LIe openIng cIupLer oI MuLLIew's GospeI Lo
Iuve uny meunIng. TIe cIupLer begIns wILI u geneuIogy commencIng
wILI AbruIum und endIng wILI . . . JosepI LIe Iusbund oI Mury, oI
wIom wus born Jesus, wIo Is cuIIed CIrIsL. TIe geneuIogy oI Mury
(uke :z-8), Loo, IoIIows LIe sume nuLIonuI IIne wIIcI goes buck Lo
AbruIum buL LIen conLInues Lo Adum. TIIs LIen gIves IIsLorIcuI
meunIng Lo LIe sLuLemenL: . . . Ior Ie sIuII suve IIs peopIe Irom LIeIr
sIns" (MuLL. 1:z1). WIIIe IL Is LIeoIogIcuIIy conLended LIuL LIe pIruse
'IIs peopIe' covers IuLure generuLIons oI beIIevers, LIe BIbIe reIuLes
LIuL, uccordIng Lo LIe IIesI, CIrIsL cume Irom LIe srueI peopIe (Rom.
q:q-) --- u peopIe wIo uIone were gIven LIe uw uL SInuI und wIose
LrunsgressIon oI LIIs wus posILIveIy ImpuLed us sIn (1 JoIn :q).

L wIII be noLed In proceedIng LIuL srueI's reIevunce In LIe New
TesLumenL wus sucI us Lo wurrunL u posILIve ucL oI dIscrImInuLIon by
LIe ord uguInsL uII oLIer nuLIons Ior He specIIIcuIIy communded HIs
cIosen dIscIpIes Lo go Lo LIe 'IosL sIeep oI LIe Iouse oI srueI' (MuLL.
1o:-6). TIe IurLIer reIevunce oI srueI Is seen In yeL unoLIer
dIscrImInuLory sLuLemenL by LIe ord wIen He InIormed LIe
SyropIenIcIun womun " Iuve been senL onIy to the lost sheep of
the house of 1sroel" (MuLL. 1:zq, WeymouLI). L sIouId be noLed
LIuL LIe ord sLuLed LIuL He Iud been senL ". . . Ior proceeded IorLI
und cume Irom God; neILIer cume oI myseII, buL Ie LIuL senL me"
(JoIn 8:qz) --- LIe ImpIIcuLIon oI wIIcI In Lerms oI God's HoIy Nume
bound up Lo LIe srueI nuLIon Is sureIy seII-evIdenL.

PussIng on Lo u IurLIer reIevunce oI srueI, IL wIII be noLed LIuL IL wus
becuuse oI srueI LIuL LIe SucrIIIce on CuIvury Iud Lo be uccompIIsIed.
L wIII be observed LIuL 'suIvuLIon' wus dIspensed by LIe ord prIor Lo
CuIvury wIIcI Ieuds one Lo usk wIy IL wus necessury Ior LIe ord Lo
dIe LIe ugonIsIng deuLI on GoIgoLIu. n uke 1q:1-q one IInds LIe
prIncIpIe oI sIncere, noL superIIcIuI, repenLunce busIc Lo suIvuLIon.
ZuccIeus wus, In LIe eyes oI uII, u sInner, I.e., Ie Lrunsgressed LIe uw
oI God (uke 1q:;) buL us Ie sLood beIore LIe ord, Ie renounced IIs
Iormer wuys und suId: "BeIoId, ord, LIe IuII oI my goods 1 gIve Lo
LIe poor; und II Iuve Luken uny LIIng Irom uny mun by IuIse
uccusuLIon, resLore IIm IourIoId" (verse 8). TIe repIy oI LIe ord Lo
LIIs Is sLuggerIng. "And Jesus suId unLo IIm, TIIs duy Is suIvuLIon
come Lo LIIs Iouse, IorusmucI us Ie uIso Is u son oI AbruIum. or LIe
Son oI mun Is come Lo seek und suve LIuL wIIcI Is IosL" (verses q-1o).
TIus, suIvuLIon wus uvuIIubIe beIore CuIvury und wILIouL LIe
SucrIIIce. WIy LIen wus IL necessury Ior LIe SucrIIIce Lo Luke pIuce?

TIe unswer usuuIIy gIven Iere Is LIuL 'wILIouL LIe sIeddIng oI bIood
LIere Is no remIssIon oI sIn' --- precIseIy, buL Lo wIom Iud LIIs
IormuIu been gIven? AccordIng Lo LIe BIbIe, IL Iud been gIven onIy Lo
LIe srueI peopIe und us LIey were uL LIIs LIme In dIspersIon und
proIIbILed, under LIe 'bIII oI dIvorce', Irom reLurnIng Lo PuIesLIne In
order Lo muke LIe sucrIIIce, IL wus done on LIeIr beIuII by LIe HIgI
PrIesL wIo mude uny IurLIer oIIerIng oI sucrIIIce unnecessury.

n pussIng on, one comes Lo LIe ReveIuLIon oI Jesus CIrIsL Lo JoIn on
LIe IsIe oI PuLmos wIere LIe 'womun' wIo Iud borne LIe 'muncIIId'
(Rev. 1z:1-q), IIed InLo LIe wIIderness, wIere sIe buLI u pIuce
prepured oI God (verse 6). As Ius been sIown, IL wus Irom srueI LIuL
LIe ord wus born uccordIng Lo LIe IIesI und In LIe symboIIsm oI
ReveIuLIon, LIe womun Is IdenLIIIed wILI srueI. srueI IIed Lo LIe pIuce
'prepured oI God'. L wIII be noLed LIuL LIIs Is un exLensIon oI LIe
promIse oI God mude Lo DuvId LIrougI NuLIun LIe propIeL.
"Moreover wIII uppoInL u pIuce Ior my peopIe srueI, und wIII pIunL
LIem, LIuL LIey muy dweII In u pIuce oI LIeIr own und move no more .
. ." ( Sum. ;:1o). TIIs couId noL Iuve been PuIesLIne Ior uL LIuL LIme
LIey were IIrmIy enLrencIed In LIe Iund und cerLuInIy more LIun u
IormIdubIe Iorce Lo LIe surroundIng nuLIons. TIe sLuLemenL In LIe
ReveIuLIon sIows LIe promIse oI God In LIe process oI IuIIIImenL
wIIcI sIows more LIun u superIIcIuI reIevunce oI srueI In LIe New
TesLumenL LImes.

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