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Today, as the PRC steps more and more onto the centre-stage,

she faces ever increasing dangers to her wellbeing and safety.

There are at least four dangers which have been laid across her
path. They are:

1) The US Pacific Fleet

2) Espionage, subversion and misinformation subterfuge

3) The USAF Global Strike Task Force

4) The US Global Strike Command

These top four threats do not cover cyber or space-based threats.

Such threats are still evolving with the constant advances in
computer and space technologies.

The first danger

The US Pacific Fleet poses the single most terrible danger to
the security and safety of the PRC. This US military juggernaut
in the Pacific is very much like a tiger tied to a shrub with
merely a thin vine. No man in his right mind could ever sleep
soundly with such a creature placed in his front yard. This is
the very chilling situation facing the PRC today.

The US Pacific Fleet currently has about 200 ships, 2000 planes
and 100,000 personnel. These form the attacking power of the US
military in the western Pacific and it can be further reinforced
by other units from the US itself and also from allies such as
Japan, Korea, Australia and others when required.

Thus, anyone who finds himself the target of the Pacific Fleet
can be assured of a very deadly baptism of fire. To fight and
survive such an aggressor, the defending party must have huge
reserves. The best would be to have endless mountains of all
war materiel required. Countless soldiers, sailors and airmen.
And countless aeroplanes and ammunition. And invincible ships.

The main target of the US Pacific Fleet today is the PLAN. The
Pacific Fleet would surely want itself to be unleashed on the
PLAN even now if possible. Thus the PLAN would be wise to stay
alert and be prepared 'any minute, any day'. This US military
juggernaut will show no mercy when unleashed and the PLAN has
no other choice now but to grow and develop its strength as fast
as possible. The PLAN must work hard to obtain all its needed
aircraft carrier battle groups in order to be able to defend
itself and protect the country.

The second danger

The PRC today has become the happy hunting ground for all sorts
of spies, espionage experts, subversion specialists and countless
undesirable villains who have flown in via the open windows that
were created by free market espousers who were totally oblivious
to the great dangers that approach entailed.

Many citizens have been bought by hard cash and are ready to act
as turncoats to serve foreigners. Some have been caught and their
sponsors immediately raised an outcry despite the fact that they
themselves are the unchallenged experts in catching such turncoats
back in their own countries. These people have turned techniques
like wiretapping, sting operations and undercover setups into truly
unique artforms. Some of their victims later ended up in the chair.

A lot of the foreign consulates and embassies in the PRC are truly
overstaffed with a lot of their employees engaged in work totally
unconnected with diplomatic niceties. These people are outright
spies and subversive agents doing work that directly contributes
to the aim of weakening the country. To start the rot from inside
out. Also, many of the so-called media people are involved too.
And foreign academics in PRC universities are busily teaching the
people about 'runaway inflation' one moment and 'serious deflation'
the next. It is most amazing how these foreigners could now do as
they pleased right inside the innermost areas in the PRC.

The many mistakes made by the PRC leadership in recent years have
allowed such activities to thrive like fungi after a big rain.
These mistakes have also allowed recent undesirable events to take
place, such as the undesirable fracas at the police station in Yuexiu,
Guangzhou. When the rot has fully developed, then the whole structure
will start collapsing. This is the second greatest danger facing the
PRC today.

The third danger

The GSTF is another threat very similar to the US Pacific Fleet
except that it exhibits itself over the airspace of its intended
victim. It wil come upon its victim like a silent ghost, and very
fast like lightning leaving behind death and destruction. To fight
this silent ghost, the PRC must have well-trained pilots and an
almost limitless supply of fighter jets and UAVs. Only these can
prevent a perilous visitation by this deadly ghost.

The fourth danger

The GSC is the ultimate destroyer (apart from its other use as
a blackmail device). To counter this danger, the PRC must develop
its own matured version of the 3-legged strategic shield required.
The Jin-class SSBNs must be further developed and multipled in
number and the PRC must acquire its own fleet of stealth bombers
and highly mobile land-based launchers. Only with all these can
the PRC confidently confront this fourth danger.

With the PRC now so keenly wishing to stand on the centre-stage

seemingly intent to win the expected applause, the dangers facing
the country will only increase in scale.

The saying: 'Seizing the admiration but in the process pawning

oneself' immediately comes to mind. Does the PRC realise the
full extent of the unfolding dangers that lie just ahead is a
question only the leadership can answer now. Hopefully, at the
end of the day the right answer would emerge. Otherwise it's
lights out for everyone.

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