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Bus ducts or bus bars arc used to carry very h.igh. current between
the generator and associated transfonncrs. in the power stations. In
the power stations the generator voltages vary from 12 KV to 24
KV wllereas auxiliary supply voltages are 3.3 KY. 6.6 KY. or 12
Bus bars arc thick. metal oonnectors. usually of aluminium. wh.ich.
carry large current up to 10 KA for 2001250 MW sets and around
20 KA for 500 MW set. llle oonductors are metal enclosed.
usually aluminium to provide safety and reliable operation.
Considering tile cost of ooppcr and aluminium. the later lias been
found to be an economical choice as oonducting
Resistance-Temp oocfficient per centigrade degree
0.00403 0.00381
Density gm. per IT 2.95 8.9
Relative density I 3.29
material for h.igller current bu s ducts. Aluminium Ilas been used for
the enclosure. as well as to reduce magnetic losses.
TIle enclosures and conductors are provided welded joints as for as
possible to give reduced maintenance. Bolted joints are provided
wllere opening is necessary during operation.
Aluminium is being used increasingly as busbar material. in power
stations. distribution boards. switchgear. etc. one of tile main
reasons for th.is is tltat it is ch.eapcr to use lIlan ooppcr and making
allowance forthe light metal's.
I. Isolated pllase busduct
2. segregated busduct
Busduct fonns lIle electrical link between generator. transformers
and associated cquipments such. as LAVT cubicle. UAT cubicle.
NG cubicle etc. I t is an assembly of busbars with. associated joints
.oonncctions and supponing insulators with.in a grounded metal
In Isolated Ph.a.<;c Bus duct each. pllase oonductor is enclosed by an
individual metal h.ousing and separated from adjacent pltase
oonductor OOusing by an air space. In lIle oontinuous I. P.Busduct
various sections are so intcroonnccted lIlat low resistance path. for
lIle induced circulating current is provided from one ph.a.<;c
enclosu re to other pltase enclosu re.
lllc design of bus duct is governed by following Typical values
for parameters 3 X 210 MW Tenugh.at Proposal (ICB) is given
a) Rated Continuous Current for main bus I<xx)
b) Rated Continuous Current for Tap-offbus 1600 I 800
e) Rated Voltage 15.75 KV
e) SIlort time Current for main bus
f) Soon time Current forTap-offbus
-78 KA rms for 3Sec.
\225 KAP
150 KA nTIS for 3
sccl420 KAP
g) Tempcrarure rise allowed for bus enclosure 20 deg. C
Over 50 deg.C
g) Temperature rise allowed for bus Conductor - 40 deg.( Plain
Over SOdeg.C
55 deg. C(Silver
plated joint)
lllc bus duct is designed to meet tile above requirements and
following are tile design out puts:

IlBus har :
a) Material and grade
l\bin t L ~
AI. Alloy
Grade 19501 Grade63401
b) Sllapc
c) Size (Dia. & th.ickncss)
II l Bus Enclosure :
a) Material and grade
b) Sllapc
c) Size (Dia. & th.ickncss)
III) Phase to Phase spacing
Round Square
450 OlD . 15 Tk.
I 52.4A1F.8.ITk.
Box ch.anncl condo
AI. Alloy
Grade 19500
AI. Alloy
1000 0 / D.6.35 Tk.
780 0 f D4.78Tk.
1250 mm tolX)
IV) Phase to earth clearance (min.) 220 mm 220
V) Type of cooling
VI) Degree of Protection
tests as per Appendix 'F'
Air and Water tigh.tncss
of IS :8084
lllc busduct enclosure is made of aluminium alloy slleet and
supplied in lengtll upto 6-7 meters. It is furtller reinforced with.
aluminium cllannel rings at intervals wh.ich. are also used for
enclosure and insulator mounting. Scaled openings are provided in
tile busduct run ncar insulator for inspection and maintenancc.lllc
tIlree ph.ase enclosures are interconnected effectively at tile ends to
pennit now of current. Different sections of each. ph.ase are
generally connected togetller by aluminium make up pieces at site.
It is provided at Bus duct tenninations and in tile run of bus duct if
route lengtll is more titan 30 to 35 mtr .. to take care of mach.ine
vibrations . alignment and expansion f contration due to
temperature variations. Furtllcr . it insulates tile termination

cquipments connecting to bus duct and thus do not let toc bus
enclosu re currents to flow in th.e connecting cqu iprrcnts.
Copper !lexibles are provided at bus duct tcnninations i.e at
Generator end. Generator trans(orrrcr end. LA VT Cubicle. NG
Cubicle and oth.er oonnccting cquiprrcnt end. Aluminium flexiblcs
are provided in toc run of bus duct to take care o( alignrrcnt
variation in bus bar lengths due to temperature variations.
Epoxy Seal off bushings are provided at Power house wall and at
Generator tennination end to restrict toc propogation o( fire in case
of accident. For air prcssuriscd job's, Sea! ofT bushing is also
provided at Generator transformer end to (orm a close loop (or
oompresscd air.
To avoid th.e ingress of dust. moisturcs etc. inside toc bus duct. air
at a pressure slightly above th.e atmospheric pressure 25 to 40 mm
WC is flown in th.e busduct with toc oclp of Air Pressurisation
After prolonged sllutdown. to improve tile IR value of Bus duct.
Hot air is blown inside tile bus duct witll tile IIelp of Hot Air
Isolated Phase Bus-Duct

Busduct fonns the electrical link between generator. transformers
and associated equipmcnts such. as LA VT cubicle. UA T cubicle.
NG cubicle etc. It is an assembly of busbars with. associated joints
.connections and supponing insulators with.in a grounded metal
In Segregated Phase Bus duct all the tllrec ph.ase conductors are
housed in a metal enclosure with. segregation between tile phases
by means of a metallic' insulating barriers. Th.is arrangement
reduces possibility of ph.a.<;! fault s and also Ilelps in reducing
temperature rise.
llle design of bus duct is governed by following parameters.
Typical values for 250 MW Power Plant is given below:
II) Rated Continuou s Current for main bus
I) 2000
II ) 2500 Amps
Ill) 4000 Amps
i) Rated Voltage 6.6 KV
j ) Soon time Current for 40 KA rms for I
Sec.l102 KAP
k) Tempcrarure rise allowed for bus enclosure - 20 deg.C
Over 50 deg. C
I) Tempcrarure rise allowed for bus Conductor - 40 deg.C
(her 50 deg. C
lllc bus duct is dcsigned to meet tile above requirements and
following arc tile
design out puts:
I)Bushar :
a) Material and grade
b) Sllapc
c) Size
2000A I 2500 A
AI. Alloy
Grade 63401
4000 A
Al Alloy
2XI27 AlF.8.01 tk.
2x I 77. 8A1F.9. 98 tk
Box cllannel condo bee
II ) Bus Enclosure :
a) Material and grade
b) Silape
c) Size
AI. Alloy
Grade 3 [(Xx)
AI. Alloy
Grade 3 [(Xx)
600xl600.3.15 tk
III) Phase to Phase spacinl!: 450mm 540 mm
IV) Phase to earth clearance (min.) 90 mm 90mm
V) Type or cooling
VI) Degree or Protection
Air Natural
Air and Water tigh.tness
Tests as per
Appendix 'F' of IS: 8084
TIle bus duct enclosure is made of aluminium alloy sheet and
supplied in length. upto 3.72 meters. Insulating barriers of 2 mm
tIlick Aluminium sh.ect provide oomplete ph.ase segregation inside
tile enclosure. TIle Aluminium sh.ect is welded on a frame work.
made up of Aluminium Angles. Bolted type inspection oovers
provide access to tile oonductor joints and insulators. Neoprene
bonded oork. gaskets are provided between tile inspection covers
and tile enclosures in order to och.ieve fully weatller proof duct and
air tigh.t construction.lllc adjacent enclosures are connected
togetller by means of bolted type flange to nange joints.
Space h.eaters are provided to maintain IR value inside tile bus
duct .
RUIIlIJ-: R 11I-: 1.I.0WS :
It is provided at Bus duct terminations and in tile run of bus duct if
route lengtll is more titan 30 to 35 mtr . . to take care of mach.inc
vibrations . alignment and expansion f contration due to
temperature variations. Funh.cr . it insulates tile termination
cquipments connecting to bus duct and th.us do not let tile bus
enclosure currents to now in tile connecting cquipments.
J-'I . J-: XIIIU:S :
Copper flexiblcs are provided at bus duct terminations. Aluminium
nexibles are provided In tile run of bus duct to take care of
alignment . variation in bus bar length.s due to temperature
Epoxy Seal off bush.ings are provided at Power h.ouse wall to
restrict tile propogation of fire in case of occident.
Segregated Phase Bus-Duct
TIle tllree main types of busbar are as follows
Flat sllapcd.
Ch.anncl sh.apcd.
Tubular shaped.
llle ID;)Si commonly used busbars are rectangular in sllapc. Flat
oonductors are easy to store. Ilandlc and erect. Whereas ch.anncl
busbars arc Ilowevcr mcch.anically much. stronger and electrically
more efficient because of larger effective oooting surfoces. This
oonstruction also gives tile structural advantage of a box girder
section. and can be used for unusually long spans or to withstand
h.igh sh.ort circuit forces.
Busbar installation must be designed to operate with.in set
temperature limits and to with.stand medunical fol'l'cs. A straigh.t
substitution of aluminium for oopper will nO! result in toc ID;)Si
economical usc of material and designs for aluminium busbar
sh.ould be specially developed.
Very frequently the type, and sometimes tile size. will be dictated
by tile items served by the busbar: for example with. switclles and
circuit breakers. ease of connections will dictate tile section
tIlickness and tile space allowed may influence tile ch.oice of
oonductor shape. In otller cases. tile designer may h.ave a free h.and.
unh.ampered by existing designs.
In the majority of busbar installations tile rating is established on
the basis of temperature rise. Connections arc usually sllort and
power losses and voltage drop are nO! significant.
TIle operating tcmperarure of a busbar must be limited to a level at
wllich. there will be no long tcnn deterioration of the conductor. the
joints or the equipment connected to tile busbar. In normal procticc
the Icmpcrarurc rise must not exceed 5{)O c on an ambient having a
peak value of 4{)o c and an average value of 350 c, giving a
maximum operating temperature o f 85' c.
Thi s allows an adequate margin o f mech.anical strength. and can be
operated on a oontinuous basis at Icmpcrarurc of UplO II {)o c
wit oout loss of strcngtll.
Particular ancntion is given to foctors such. as joint design and
thermal expansion. Tile temperature of busbar will rise until the
Ileal dissipated is equal to the Ileal generated. Thi s has direct
bearing on current carrying capacit y of tile conductor. by virtue of
the effect of temperature on resistance.
llle voltage-drop on a busbar can often be ignored. but cases occur
in both D.c and A.c systems wh.ere it is tile criterion in the design.
In a D.c system. tile voltage-drop is due solely to resistance. And
this can be reduced only by tile use of larger total cross-section.
either by increasing the number of oonductors or by using larger
In A.c systems. voltage-drop is due mainly to reactance wh.ich. can
be minimized by making tile busbar spacing small
For tile same energy loss an aluminium bar will carry 78.2% of the
full load current of a oopper bar of tile same ph.ysical dimensions.
Altoough. a busbar is at times defined as a conductor h.aving
negligible loss. tllere are many cases. particularly wh.ere tile load
factor is h.igh.. wh.ere losses are very important. If tile busbar is
designed to h.ave tile full pennissible temperature rise. the loses
may be too great. and it may be mJre economical to spend mJre
money on tile busbar to get h.igh.er efficiency.
lllc mJney value of tile losses must take into ocoount not only tile
oost of units consumed over tile years. but also tile maximum
demand ch.arge for tile KW loss at full -load.
lllc recommended clearances are given between busbar and busbar
lllc lightness of aluminium bus bar is of great assistance in
erection. It also confers a substantial advantage in tile design of
rising main busbar wllere each. busbar must be supponed at its
upper end by a suspension insulator.
WIM) AM) I e .,;
In tile case of outdoor busbar. the forces to be oonsidered include
wind and ice. Allowances must be made for ice forming to a radial
thickness of 9.5 mm The wcigllt of ice is 913 Kg.lcu. m The wind
loading is to be taken as 39 Kgfsq m on the ice covered oonductor.
Busbars ch.anges temperature with. load much more rapidly than its
suppon and h.cocc relative ID;JVCmcnt between the two must occur.
If a bar is anchored in one place only. and allowed to slide
clscwocre. this expansion can probably be absorbed at oorncrs in
the run. A further reason for employing expansion joints is to
ensure that detlections due to sh.ort-circuit fo('('es do no! cause
longitudinal forces tllat can be stress tile material and damage tile
In many cases. tile electro-magnetic forces will be appreciably
larger tllan all otllcrs. running perhaps to a thousand Kgms per
meter run. or even more under tile most severe sOOri-circuit
llle mcch.anical forces and tile temperature rise due to the very
Itigh currents are often the limiting factors in the busbar design.
Base Metal Preparation
Prior to weld AI. the base metal. must be cleaned to remove any
aluminium oxide and Itydrocarbon contamination from oils or
cuning solvents.
Reguiremenl'i Or Aluminium Welding
Since tile melting point of oxide (approx. 3700F) is greater th.an tile
base metal (approx.1200F). tllerefore leaving any oxide on the
surfoce of the base metal will inltibit penetration of tile filler metal
into the metal work. piece. To remove the oxide use of stainless
steel bru sit or solvent or etclting solution oou ld be made ..
It Ilelps avoid weld cracking. Placing tack welds in tile beginning
and end of tile area to be welded will aid in tile preh.cating effon.
Travel Speed
Aluminium welding needs to be performed h.ot and fast. If speed is
to low the welder risks excessive bum th.rouglt particularly on thin
gauge slteet.
Filler Wire
Filler wire must be selected so tltat it bas a melting temperature
similar to the base metal. Tile larger tile wire diameter the easier it
feeds. Filler with h.igh alloy oontent titan tile base sllould be easier
as filler remains plastic after the base h.ardcns. relieving stresses by
yielding until solidification.
The P l L ~ h Technique
With. aluminium push.ing the gun away from tile weld puddle ratllcr
than pulling it will result in bener cleaning action. reduced weld
oontamination. and improved sh.iclding gas coverage.
Shielding Gas
It sh.ould ltave good cleaning action and penetration profile. Argon
is the most common sh.iclding gas preferred in view of coonomy.
WIlen welding aluminium argon gas of 99.997% purity is required
for radiograph.ic welding.
Convex Shaped Weld
Till aluminium welding crater cracking causes ID;)st failure s the
risk of cracking is greatest with. ooncave craters. since the surface
of craters oontracts and tears as it cools. lllcrefore craters sh.ould
be built up to oonvex or mould shape. As tile weld cools. oonvex
sh.ape of crater oompensates for oontraction forces.
lnstalla ti on -pho to-:
Busbars are vital pans of a power system and so a fault stlOuld be
cleared as fast as possible. A busbar must h.ave its own protection
although their h.igh. degrees of reliability bearing in mind tile risk.
of unnecessary trips. so the protection sllould be dependable.
selective and soould be stable for external faults. called tllrough
faults .
llle ID;)Si common fault is pllasc to ground. wh.ich. usually results
from h.uman error.
lllerc are many types of relaying principlcs used in busbar. A
special attention soould be made to current transfonncr selection
since measuring errors need to be oonsidcrcd.
llle proposed prOiection employs a protection tecllniquc based on
polarities of transient current waves for identification of tile faults
internal and external to tile busbar. In tile tccllniquc. tile polarities
of transient currents can be extracted reliably using a wavelet
transform ID;)dulus maximum. To improve the reliability of tile
distributed busbar protection system. message exch.ange based on
"protection signal bus" is presented and applied for the
implementation of distributed bus protection. Using this metood
the oomparison and exch.ange of polarity infonnation among the
protection units can be oompleted reliably.

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