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The reality of what is proven real, and can be tested, when it comes your spiritual existence.

##Why The Book of Life? We all live life. How do we know what life really is? There is a saying in which many people say "That's not living!" or "Get a life." You've heard it before. But what is it they are talking about when they say this? To me, Life is about living the way we are destined to live it. In this book, there are many strategies and spiritual laws, which can be proven to exist. Many already have been proven. And if we live by these laws in the right way, we have Life. This book is to help inform you of how you can live by those laws in a way that helps you fulfill your awesome destiny. And so this book is full of life. Hence, the Book of Life. You may not agree with this book but maybe one single part might be the best ever for you. ##Reading Preparation and Clarity. What name? What Gender? How do we know who we are talking about? No that this section is about unity. It's the way meaning is delivered in this book and I do not want text on a page to deprive anyone from the meaning that can enhance their life in awesome ways. It's ok to disagree. It's not ok to cause fights over text on a page. For the sake of reducing clutter confusion and division, this book will refer to the higher power as God. It's the simplest, easiest, and most effective name to call God. The majority of the world would agree. But if you see this differently don't worry, just know that every time I use this term, you will understand what I am referring to. You should not change your relationship with God in a way that is detrimental for you. Also for the sake of reducing clutter confusion and division, this book will refer to the higher power as He. It's the simplest, easiest, and most effective gender to call God. The majority of the world would agree. Again, if you see this differently it's ok. Just know it's just the way I deliver meaning in the book. You should not change your relationship with God in a detrimental way for you. This is Not being sexist. It's just that as we think of God, the symbolic strength of masculinity is essential to envision God as the most powerful being possible, powerful enough to crush any negativity. We need all the power we can envision when it comes to spiritual battles. That being said, God is fundamentally overflowing with supreme motherly type love. The major majority of God's interaction with us is out of that love, wanting us to have the best, caring for us with unimaginable care. Spiritual battles become exceptionally rare when we are walking fully in the guidance of God. Take for instance a human father who dearly loves his son. He doesn't care if his son calls him Pinocchio or if his son refers to him as She. Kids will be kids. As long as his son listens to him and grows up to be a child he can be thankful for. Now take that love to an extreme and you will start to grasp a glimpse of how much God sees us in this way. Here is another hypothetical. A child raised in the jungle by apes, who has never heard of anything about God, can still have his heart cry out to the higher power who is based in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. And when that child does, God will answer.

So whatever name and gender you know Him as, or refer to Him as, it's ok. As long as when you think of Him, it's visualizing Him as the higher power who is based in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. Because when your heart calls out to the higher power who is based in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, there is only one who can answer that call. I also use another term where it's associated with the spirit of God inside us. This is the only form of God I know exists since I can feel the spirit of God within me, or touching me, or connecting with me. In any case it's the connection I have to God. So for arguments sake, if I say "Holy Spirit", this is what I am referring to. My direct interacting with the Godly presence energy that I myself believe is within me. So here I have the Higher Power, The Gender, and the direct experience I consciously feel as the Presence of God. What ever you refer to them as is up to you but I can't use them all. So please excuse me for being limited by words and allow me to use these terms to get the highly important meaning across. God, He, and the Holy Spirit. ##What is this book? Fundamentally, this book and faith is a scientific discovery of the spiritual laws that govern how we live our lives, and how these spiritual laws of God work. Eg, "You reap what you sow" "What you do comes back times 3" "Karma" "What goes around comes around." Even many atheists know that one. Every religion based in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, has these fundamental spiritual laws at the core. You can scientifically test the results of how effective it is to live by these laws. You can scientifically test the benefits of living by these spiritual laws. And the major majority of this is common sense when you understand it. You don't have to agree with parts of the content within. You don't have to use all the parts. It's your choice. And not all of it will be right for all people. Every person is different and this is about you taking what works for you and using that. Some of this may even be wrong but until proven otherwise, we might as well go with what works. ##What is the Holian faith? It is not an alternative religion. You can keep all your beliefs and rituals and still be a Holian. Just like Christians have denominations, Holians also have different types of Holian denominations. (Jewish Hoilans, Muslim Holians, etc.) But these titles should not create separation or pigeon hole us. I for one belong to all denominations since if they are following the God who is supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, that's where I belong. If you ask me to pick one, I can't. Because I don't separate them. They all have awesome things they can teach me about my relationship with God. The core fundamentals that make us a Holian are these: 1. We all have a core spiritual goal of being the best (supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love) people we can possibly be. 2. We have inside us, a spiritual connection to a higher power, which guides us to blessings through supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love.

The first is our dedication to follow. Without our dedication to freely follow Him, God can't lead. He doesn't override your free will. He wants to advise and guide you to blessings but it's your choice if you let Him or not. So without you choosing to let Him guide you, the second one will never work. The second is God leading us, and also the spiritual relationship flourishing. God wants to lead us into a life where spiritually we are whole, and from that overflowing peace and joy, have amazing blessings. Without taking that spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love into our hearts, we are doomed to follow the selfish, cruel and evil ways. Tempted into the dark path at every turn with no supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love to fight back the urges. The spirit of God is there for us and the forgiveness of God is there too but He can't forgive us if our heart is still full of the sinful ways. Our sinful self must be consciously renounced. We must make the conscious decision to seriously dedicate ourselves to taking on this spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love into our hearts, and follow the leading of God to the blessings He has in our future. Mind you, you can do this every morning and embrace the spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love into our hearts, every day. As long as the motive of the heart is true and honest, God will embrace us. Since this is fundamental to all these supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love religions, this means that billions of us are all linked in the fundamental relationship with God. From there, the relationship is different for all of us. So really there are billions of denominations. No two relationships are the same. ##Problems detrimental to our spiritual walk in the light. There will be large groups of us with similar styles. For instance, The Christians. The Jewish. The Muslims, etc. But these pigeon hole titles have been a cause for numerous evils to be enacted. Never should we fight about such trivial and meaningless issues. This brings me to one of the biggest sources of problems in the religions today. People hold onto ideas with such ferocity, that to even contemplate that they could be wrong strikes fear in their soul. This fear has them freaking out and they will do anything they possibly can to prove themselves right. Even kill. That's why I am focusing on the reality, which can be tested and proved. Where it's literally got real life results that are the basis of the truth. Personally, I don't know if there was the burning bush. I wasn't there. Either way it has absolutely no relevance to me today since I don't see how I can use that to make me a better person. Do I believe it's possible? Sure. For God, anything is possible. Do I believe it happened literally as they say? No. Because God is so much more than words can ever describe.

Now there is one thing I do know. For me to argue with literal fundamentalists about this subject is totally against what God wants for me. Therefore, when it comes to past events, whether or not they are true is irrelevant. What matters is the message and the spiritual laws that can be learned from those stories. The spiritual laws are the life that God gives us. They are the revelations, which open our minds to the blessings that are there for us in our future. The other source of problems is that we use words in books as our justification. The ink on paper is so insignificant compared to the relationship with God. Before books were ever invented, God was there with us. Humans followed God's leading back then without a book. But today we have these amazing books with awesome stories of God and His spiritual laws. They are the best way for us to have God teach us His spiritual laws so that we may live by them and prosper. If anyone ever uses ink and paper as a justification for breaking a spiritual law, it doesn't matter how much they believe they are right. God still sees the heart motive and it pains Him to see people twisting the text to manipulate others or to justify their sinful ways. The main thing to understand is that this is about you getting into an awesome relationship with that force out there which cares for you and wants to help you and guide you to your blessings. This text you are reading isn't what matters. That relationship with God is what matters. And don't take this text as 100% accurate since I don't know how our loving God wants to be in His relationship with you. What you have to do is take these laws and see how they work for your life. Test them in a peaceful way and make sure God is the one guiding you and not this book. In testing them, you will find that these are fact and testable in the real world. Science can not argue with these laws since they are fact and scientists can physically study them. So these are something that should be taught in schools. It's life coping skills and separate from creationism. ##How the Spiritual Laws need to be followed. The spiritual laws must be based in the positivity of the supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. They must be based in the reality of our experience of our lives. And they must be testable and seen to be in effect in the world with real life studies of the law proving the way the law works. The priorities of what must always come first when making decisions is: 1. Does the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of God inside us) give me peace and joy about this decision, and not give me a tense bad feeling about this? 2. Is it based in Supreme Goodness, Compassion, and Brotherly Love? 3. How does the spiritual laws govern the consequences of my actions? Number 1 governs everything. If 2 and 3 are each a massive Yes, but number 1 is that bad feeling, don't do it. If Number 1 is a joy and peace of 100% knowing that it's the right thing to do from the Holy Spirit, but number 2 isn't a clear yes, I still wouldn't do it. Instead I would be devoted to know why number 2 isn't clear and until I get an answer that gives me peace and joy about number 2, I wouldn't do a thing. But in this, Number 1 would be forcing me to rethink number 2.

Number 2. If Number 1 is uncertain, then you can either wait for number 1 to be resolved or you can have number 2 take over as the decision maker. Often turning to number 2 will give you the answer for number 1. This is the priority we can live by most since it's easy and clear to compare to the real world. And a huge percentage of the time this will automatically be full of the peace and joy from number 1. Also when you live in that peace and joy all the time, it's tricky to notice the difference between Holy Spirit peace and joy, compared to holy spirit peace and joy. Number 3 is where you go when 1 and 2 are yeses but just before you complete the decision, you must check if it's still a yes from 1 and 2 since working out number 3 can often change the answer from 1 and 2. ##Summary: The Holian Faith is about people who live solely by the leading of the "Supreme Being Spirit, AKA Holy Spirit" which is inside us, in a desire to have our Supreme Goodness, Compassion, and Brotherly Love hearts prospering. We are all striving to be the best people we can be in this endeavor and to be a blessing to the world. We do not fight about trivial rituals or names etc, since we are focused on learning and studying the reality of how these spiritual laws work and how we can guide our lives to have these laws work most efficiently for us. So let's get to some realities and answer those HUGE questions that are essential to your relationship to God. ##What is God? Fundamentally, God is the answer to all those questions in which there is no answer. Why are the laws of physics the way they are? What makes the speed of light that speed and not slower or faster? What was there before the universe started? And what was there before that answer started? For me, God created the Universe. How? I don't know. What physics dominoes He set up to start as a chain reaction and how He adjusts it, I don't know. I don't care. But that universe creating power is inside me. But that's not what matters. God in the reality is the still small voice of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love that often people call a conscience. But God is so much more. A common phrase is "I've got a bad feeling about this." This is the spirit of God inside us guiding us with much more than a still small voice. But the opposite is true as well in that when we have goosebumps of awe and goodness and a peace and love wash over us in abundance, God is letting us know that we are on the right track. This often happens with a huge revelation or when two people talk of God and the presence of God is upon them. It's heavenly. And to us humans, that is what God is:

1. The still small voice of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. 2. The bad feeling warning of danger, and 3. The peace of the spirit, goosebumps and chills of peace and joy down your spine. That is what we know of God for a fact. We can't see Him. We can't record Him. We can't say for sure anything except those 3 experiences we know and feel in relation to God. All else is speculative and hear-say, but that doesn't stop it from being real or fact. It just means we can't be 100% sure based on our senses and our experiences in the here and now of existence. But don't let that stop you from believing. Just remember that those aren't nearly as important as the relationship with God, and that those things should never be allowed to be argued to the point of death. The still small voice and leading of the spirit is what gives you the Character of God but beware. There is another lurking around trying to temp you to the dark side. ##What is satan? Satan is the negativity, the selfishness, the fear and the guilt when you have done nothing wrong. He will disguise himself as the still small voice and try to lead you to think wrong and to do wrong. But he has no power but that which you give him. If you give him the power to ruin your life, then he will be happy to oblige. If you are uncomfortable with calling him satan, use any name you want. Negativity, lies, evilness, they all apply but satan is the easiest and most encompassing of all these parts and most effective name to use when referring to him or rebuking him. This leads me to: ##Why does God let bad stuff happen? This is the big one that people use all the time to say God doesn't exist, or to say that God is a scum bag. This is extremely sad because in trying to come up with an answer, many have caused more problems than solutions. Some say God is punishing the people like Sodom and Gomorrah, ancient cities that God was said to have destroyed. As in God is a vengeful God who will kill you if you anger Him. This isn't true. And I believe the texts are wrong in saying that God had anything to do with slaughtering people. To me, if that god is willing to slaughter thousands of innocent children, he isn't a god I want to follow. I never want that kind of spirit inside me. No offense. The God I follow is a God of Love. The answers can be seen in the first of the following spiritual laws, which are organized into 3 separate categories:

*The Spiritual Path You Walk. The Law of Life and Death. The Law of Habit. The Law of You Reap What You Sow. The Law of People Rub Off On You. The Law of Forgiveness. The law of Inside before outside. The Law of It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better. The Law of You Will Be Tested. The Law of Balance. The Law of Story. The Law of Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive Behavior. The Law of Personality types. *Fighting satan. The Law of the Battlefield of the Mind. The Law of When the Lamb is Weak, the Lion Cometh. The law of Evil is defeated by flooding it with good. The Law of Past, Present and Future. The Law of the Physical World Changes and Goes. The law of There is Always Something to Smile About. *How to Achieve Goals. The Law of Attraction. The Law of Prayer. The Law of Giving is the Path to Joy. The Law of Permission. The Law of It's All About the Long Term. The Law of Don't Fight Who You Are Designed to Be. The Law of Simplicity. The Law of Force. The Law of Get to the Core and Play With It. The Law of the Butterfly Effect. The Law of Escalation is Inevitable.

So let's get started. I give you -

###The spiritual path you walk.

***Spiritual law #1 The Law of Life and Death. God set before us life and death. It's our choice which path we step onto. These aren't literal. It's spiritual life and spiritual death. It can lead to physical life and physical death but they are not what is referred to here. Picture two paths side by side. The good side has flowers and honey and fruit. Rainbows and butterflies. The bad side has dead trees, snakes, thunder storms of acid rain, volcano lava flows and filthy ash. At any given time, you are on one path or the other. God doesn't decide where you go. You do. God always wants you on the life side where you can get covered in the goodness and blessings in overwhelming abundance. God has the power to get you onto this path anytime you truly want to be there. Satan wants you on the path of death. He wants to sucker you in with instant gratification and then after months of growing the habit, he wants you to start accepting the negative effects of the dark path and be ok with it as if it's the norm. Let's put this into a practical example. Picture yourself as a little kid. One day walking along with Daddy (God) you see a fire for the first time ever. Your eyes light up with amazement. Wow! You race towards it. Daddy says, "Don't touch that." You stop. But then a little friend comes up and says, "But it's warm. You like being warm right? You have to learn about all this stuff." You look back at Daddy and say. "It will be ok. I'll only go play near it once." Daddy's heart sinks as tears come to His eyes. He watches as you race off to play around the fire. Suddenly you get burnt. You scream. Most people would say "God why have you burnt me?" But God didn't burn you. He created the law that if you stick your hand in a fire it will get burnt, but He didn't stick your hand in the fire. It's the same with everything. God can't get you back on the path of life and protect you if you don't ask Him to. But the instant you burn yourself, you step back and realize the nasty side of the fire. Satan will instantly step in and say "It's not that bad. But look at how fun it was to play in the warmth. You want to learn more about how much fun it is in the warmth right?" At any given time, you have a choice to say "Daddy help me!" And He will race straight over and let you know exactly what to do to get back on track. He will instantly tell you to do something. "Come away from the fire."

Satan will instantly remind you of the thing you will lose. "But you won't feel warm anymore. You'll be cold and lonely!" He will use fear to try to make you stay. But all you have to do is trust Daddy. He will look after you. So you walk away from the fire and back onto the path of life. Daddy hugs you and tells you to put your hand into the cold stream. Satan will say "But it's cold." Some people think of physical death as a bad thing, but what if living past that time means a life worse than death? We can't begin to know what is good and bad for us in God's plan. Example. A Lonely guy may one day get an awesome job. Some would say that's good luck. But on the first day of work he breaks his leg. People would say that's bad luck. But then in the hospital, he meets a gorgeous young nurse who falls in love with him. Some would say that's good luck. And then they get married. You get the picture. Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows? The point is, the best predictor of future events is past patterns. In your entire life, there have been bad times and you have gotten through them to experience the good times. So if you have to bet on if you are going to get through this bad time or not, my money would be on yes you will. It's basically inevitable. And with this book, it's practically guaranteed. This path is a spiritual path. Where you choose how you spiritual life goes and that overflows into your physical life. In your physical life, you can not know for sure if an event is good luck or bad luck as the example above shows. So you just have to trust that there is overwhelming goodness coming and keep your spiritual life on the right path. There is a pattern to God and satan. God's way is uncomfortable at first but with work and patience, unbreakable awesomeness prevails. But it's never TOO much for you. God will only ever give you as much as you can handle. And often it can seem dumb and pointless by human standards. Satan's way is instant gratification with no effort and no patience, and the pleasure is broken nearly instantly and you have to go back and get more. But each time, the pleasure decreases and the pain increases. God's way is about what blessing you can be to others. satan's way is how you can punish those who have hurt you. God's way is how you can better yourself spiritually. satan's way is what you can get for yourself physically.

So warning signs as to satan trying to mislead you are: 1. You will get something out of it that you want. 2. It offers instant gratification. 3. It's the easy way or short cut way. 4. You don't have spiritual peace and harmony. Something isn't right. 5. You are scared you will lose something. The more you listen to God and follow His guidance, the clearer and easier it is to listen and follow the directions to supreme blessings. The more you listen to satan, then the harder it is to hear from God and the harder it is to do what is right. This brings in the next Law. ***Spiritual law #2 The Law of Habit. This is what happens when someone says a heart has been hardened. It's just The Law of Habit. The more you do something, the easier it is to do. The more you do something, the harder it is to do something else. Habits form around 21 days. That's why with instant gratification, it's easy to be suckered into a bad habit. Where as good habits are uncomfortable and they take time and effort to develop before they start paying off. See if you follow satan, he won't help you at all through the bad stuff. He will instead mislead you and distract you from the real problem and get you focused on anything else so that you stay on the dark path. Often people will crack under the pressure and ask for help. The deeper you are in a hole, the harder it is to dig yourself out. It's like walking on the dark path for 20 years and you collect 20 years worth of filth and mud and pain and suffering. Thorny vines entangle you. So when you try stepping over to the path of life, the vines dig in hard and hurt and try to pull you back. Without asking for God's help, you will be pulled back into the dark. God will help you get untangled but with 20 years of crap, it's not easy. He will start with small things and as you get untangled, probably things you think insignificant and stupid. Often the things that seem stupid are the hardest to do. Like, trying to work out how to pay a massive bill and God tells you to throw out favorite death metal CDs. But if you do them, things will get better and better. On the path of life, you might gain 20 year of blessings. And the more you do it the more you are disgusted by the thought of giving them up.

***Spiritual law #3 The Law of You Reap What You Sow. This is the one most people know of. It's when you do good to others, good things will come to you. It's the same with bad things. Do bad and bad will come back to bite you. This is very much the driving force behind how the paths work. The more you do bad on the bad path, the more bad will come back to get you. When you think about it, this is relatively logical. Think about it. If say you steal stuff. Stealing means that you will most likely not hang around people who are goody goody two shoes. You'll probably hang around people who can help you with ideas about how to steal. This will mean that one day, you will have something they want and they will steal it from you. The same is said in reverse. If you start helping people out, they don't feel like they have to be defensive around you. It's like you are an asset. And the more you help people, the more they want to help you back. This takes on a repetitive process. In all harvesting there are steps. 1. Preparing the foundations. Success is when preparation meets opportunity. Opportunity comes to everyone. The question is, are you prepared to make the most of it? The more prepared we are for things the more we can make the most of them. So the fundamental basis of this is to make sure your foundation is super strong. God's blessings won't come to you until you have got a strong foundation. There is more on this later where it coincides with the Law of Inside Before Outside. It also coincides with the Law of Force. You can't force something to grow if you don't have a foundation for it to grow in. If your spiritual life is contaminated, then how can you grow decent fruit from that poisonous soil? This goes for everything. Stars can't form unless there is a solid foundation of gaseous clouds. It's the way of the universe. 2. Planting the seed. This is huge. The seed works with everything. You can't force a seed to take in nutrients. You just have to have a solid foundation and plant the seed in there where it will naturally grow. This works both ways. Where one child is told by a doctor about how good it is to save a life, that child nurtures that seed and it grows in them more and more to the point where later in life they become a doctor. And it all starts with that one seed from that one doctor, using the Law of the Butterfly Effect law to have profound changes.

The other way it can operate is in the darkness where one small seed of doubt can spark a huge fall in someone. Where they are asked, "Are you sure you can do this?" And suddenly they are secondguessing God's plan for their life. They start getting nervous and worried which contaminates their foundation and when an opportunity comes along, they aren't prepared and that confirms their worries and fears, leading them to start believing they aren't ready for anything. But this process can be stopped at any time by ripping this weed out of the foundation and reworking the soils to be pure and nutrient filled again. Is all about spiritual nutrition for the soul. Filling oneself, everyday, with Godly wisdom such as the information you are currently reading. It's about removing all the weeds and poisons of bad habits and bad thinking. It's about being careful what seed you plant in that soil and constantly being a gardener of your spiritual life and your soul. 3. Nurturing the seed. The seed needs to be watered. This coincides with the "Law of Attraction." You need to maintain your focus and belief. You need your spiritual energy to be high like water levels on your foundation. You don't actually touch the seed. Don't try to make your seed grow, just make sure the foundation is perfect for it to grow. In reality terms this is like when you might help a friend. You be there for them and encourage them and be a great friend. You can then put the seed there when you feel you see what God wants for them in their life. Maybe you see someone is awesome at something so you tell him or her how awesome they are. You talk about the awesome things they could do with that gift. That's planting the seed. But your friend needs to be happy and encouraged to be able to have the seed grow. It's all about making sure they have a great foundation for their seeds to grow. But you wouldn't then keep pushing that seed since that's pushy. People don't like pushy. It's about planting the seed idea and then just making sure you have a great friendship where you are there for them when they need you. You have to also keep weeds out. This is about looking for anything that can hinder the growth of your seed. Satan's crap. If you know there is a weed there and you leave it there, it can destroy your fruit tree. In other words, you can have a bit of a bad habit and think it will never effect your success in a career but in some way, it will. Maybe one day someone really important will find out about your habit and then in not liking it, choose someone else just as you are about to fulfill your life long dream. It only takes one weed in the right spot to strangle your fruit tree. Weeds start with seeds too. It may be that curiosity about how cool it would be to smoke. The more you water that seed idea and allow it to grow, the bigger it will become. And soon you have a weed that chokes the land it grows on. Bad ground creates more of these weeds since weeds can grow in anything. But fruit trees need good soil and tender love and care. Weeds you can hack at all you want and they won't die. You have to get to the root of the problem and rip it from your life entirely. You leave any part of the root in there and that damn weed will grow back. Also environments effect weeds and orchids in the same way. Hang around people with fruit trees and fruit seeds land in your ground. Weeds shed their filthy seeds everywhere. This coincides with the "Law of People rub off on you."

4. Harvesting. There is a time to collect. It's crucial that you know when this is since you don't want to bury your harvest thinking it's seed. Learning to distinguish between these is highly important. You may get a bit of money. God tells you to invest in some small business venture. That's seed money. The harvest comes when the business is making money. Some of that you will want to plant but you do have to feed your family, friends, and the less fortunate. So when you have fruit, spread it around where God wants you to help others, and use some of it to invest in new crops. You need to know when the harvest is ready too. God will let you know when but often you can see that things are self-sufficient in that area and growing strong. Fruit is plentiful. Sometimes you may pull the entire harvest to start a new even bigger crop. Point is, you have to look at it and follow what God wants you to do. Harvest isn't always good. Sometimes the harvest is just all prickle bushes to the point where the land is unworkable. Only God could ever clean up such a mess. Smokers often don't see the numerous thorns in the weeds until it's too late. This preparation, seed, nurturing, and harvest, applies to everything. The formation of stars all the way to human reproduction. From a world war all the way to making your breakfast. It's a spiritual law that if used well, can give you a bountiful crop. Bon Apptit. ***Spiritual law #4 The Law of People Rub Off On You. Much like The Law of You Reap What You Sow. But this is where the people you hang around tend to have ideas that make sense, and in turn, you have ideas that line up and support what they say. You can look this up since it's a scientifically documented phenomena called Polarization. People of like minds tend to gather together and they become more specialized in their likeness. This is a big reason why fundamentalists have so much trouble dealing with other people. Their group knows what they are on about but the rest of the world thinks they are loopy. Again this comes down to the balance law. ***Spiritual law #5. The Law of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a massive tender spot among the religions. Even through the Bible it changes a few times and causes controversy. Fundamentally, a person who is guilt ridden from sin is utterly useless for God. And satan has a field day. Guilt can come in 2 forms. 1. Real guilt. This is when you know for a fact that you have done something wrong against God's will. You're on the path of death and you know it. "Oh God I'm so sorry."

2. False Guilt. This is when maybe you are overly nice. Someone else preys off that niceness and lays on a guilt trip that is unwarranted. Satan will use this to get you to give away all your money. For example, the time when God wants you to use money to get yourself to a healthy state, so that you can help people 100 times more in the way God wants you to help. Satan will always try to make you give away or spend your seed money. Many evangelists and churches will lay this guilt upon you to get offerings out of you. "These starving children need you to send $1000 to give them a well, don't turn your back on them. Don't let them die when you can do something. Are you going to let this child of God suffer?" Sometimes this is needed and is important but it may not be what God wants you to do. God may have plans for you to use that $1000 to invest in your small company idea, which will take off producing millions, and then God will get you to send millions over to help out those children. If you give away that $1000 right now instead of doing what God wants, not only do the children suffer but you do too. This is not a justification to be selfish. Your goal in life should be to help out as many people as possible. The way you do this is to get yourself into a position to help as many people as possible. Never feel guilty when your heart is in the right place and you know where God is guiding you. If you feel this false guilt ever, rebuke satan and reaffirm your trust in God. Then pray that God will look after those people in awesome ways. Guilt is the number one problem most people have. They are guilt ridden from regrets in the past that they can't shake and it constantly harasses them. They can't seem to understand that God forgives them. God will forgive anyone who realizes the wrong they have done, vows they will never do it again, and seeks God to forgive them. The instant they do those 3 things, God has them in a position where He can sever the Law of You Reap What You Sow and stop the path of death from dragging them down further, but they must also forgive themselves. Guilt is not helping God one bit. It screws up His ability to lead us to our blessings. So if you continue to hold onto guilt, you are not doing God's will. Satan will constantly remind you of the regrets and wrongs you have done. But the instant you know you have the right heart motive and you have renounced the past, you can thank God for your forgiveness and thank Him for putting you back on the path of life. When satan tries to drag you back with guilt, rebuke him and reaffirm your truth that you are forgiven by God, to be an effective follower of His awesome plan for us and for others through us. This also goes for forgiving others. If you don't forgive someone, then you can't guide him or her to awesomeness. And you keep them in a state of guilt. This unforgiveness is based in hatred and hatred will block God's ability for Him to bless you. Often it's due to a fear that if the victim forgives the bad person, then the victim thinks this is saying it's ok for the bad person to do that bad thing. The truth is that Forgiveness is the release of hatred and the desire for that person to be free of the torment and suffering that the path of death is killing them with.

I'm to a state now where anyone bad is a victim of satan's trickery, and they are suffering 100 times more than anything they can do to me. They are in either of 2 situations. 1. Feeling the guilt of doing wrong and having no way to feel forgiven. Or even worse, number 2. To suffer so much and harden one's heart to the point where they are used to doing bad and have no qualms about being evil. In these 2 situations, they are never knowing the awesomeness of God's grace and love. To me, thats a fate worse that death and I believe theyve suffered enough. But still, sometimes it is extremely hard to forgive. It takes massive strength, massive amounts of help from God, and massive amounts of time. But when it comes down to it, the choice has the possibility to be made in a split second. The great thing is that God is there to help those through the pain and to bring them back to a place of love and peace. To bring them back into God's kingdom of spiritual joy and blessings. ***Spiritual law #6 The Law of Inner Before Outer. One huge element of this is you must fix yourself before you can fix others. This law also works for blessings in conjunction with the flooding rule. In order to have blessings on the outside, you need to be overflowing on the inside. You can't work from the outside in. It doesn't work that way. You can surround yourself with all the right people and do all the right actions and be the best Christian on earth, but if your heart is suffering and your spirit is in agony, you will never get any true blessings from any of it. All of it will be fruitless. Because if you are miserable on the inside, then the pick me ups you get from all that worldly stuff will just be a temporary high just like a drug. No! You must work on the inside first. You are allowed to be selfish at first in the sense of getting your spirit right. Because until you get a clean spirit, you are pretty useless. Not totally useless. Your potential is so awesome and useful that you can save the world several times and never know it. Save millions of lives and not even know. Your use and value is above and beyond anything you can ever imagine. But you have to take off those chains and unlock the prison to let your true worth into the world. Break away those dark walls inside. Spend as much time as you need to get yourself to a point where you can function the way God intended you to be. Be your awesome spiritual self inside so you can overflow into the physical world. Many people find they have trouble with relationships, and it's not until they give up looking to a partner to complete them, and start focusing on the inside, only then can they have the love they are destined to have. You have to love yourself before you can love others. It's only by the overflowing on the inside that the flood can spread to others. If you are miserable and someone needs cheering up, then going around there is not going to help. You can lie about it and hide it all you want but the energy is there and it will effect others. The Law of People Rub Off On You is a big part of this. That's why it's so important to allow God to deal with the clutter inside your soul and clean you up before you can fully explore the awesomeness of God.

Many people will "Try God." Try before you buy thing. It never works and then they believe God doesn't exist. Well in their world, He couldn't exist. How could He if they wouldn't let Him in. Which brings me to the next Law. ***Spiritual law #7 The Law of It'll Get Worse Before It Gets Better. When a house needs cleaning, you have to go in there, pull out everything, and make a huge mess of everything everywhere so it can be sorted. Some of the things inside you may be dug in pretty deep and God will pull them out. Problem is, when they are pulled out, they fight and kick and scream. Look at smoking. You give up. 2 days pass. It starts getting worse and worse until you get to that breaking point. It's a level that you can handle with God's help but it's a battle of extreme measures. Once that point is broken, things get easier. This brings me to the next Law ***Spiritual law #8 The Law of You Will Be Tested. As soon as you overcome a barrier, there will be a test. It will be huge. It allows God to see if you have truly changed and embraced your new self. It also allows you to have a confidence from then on that if you passed that test, you can pass them all. The test comes right at the worst time. So for smokers who have made it through the worst, they then have something highly frustrating happen right at a tense time. Satan will push all their buttons and do everything he can to get them smoking again but God is there for them and if they need help, they only need to call on God to help them through. ***Spiritual law #9 The Law of Balance. God is on one extreme end of the scale towards good, but He isn't all the way. He is backed off a little. Satan will always push you to one extreme or another where the rule you live by is an over reaction and is flawed. There is always an exception to the rule. "Do not steal food! Unless the alternative is letting people starve to death." "Always give to the poor, unless it means you will be unable to help out others." "Always help out people who are having trouble, unless they are going to drain you or corrupt you away from the light." God will let you know when it's getting too much of an extreme. Just remember that nothing is concrete, and you never really know anything for sure. Everything is open to change and being flexible and willing to be firm in what God wants you to do, will allow you to obey God when it comes to those times of breaking the rules.

This is not a justification for breaking the rules. We should all do our best to obey every rule designed to inherently be good, except when it comes to hurting others or hurting ourselves. Foremost we must act out of brotherly love, compassion, and supreme goodness. When a rule counters that, we must stand firm in the supreme Goodness of God, the Compassion of God, and the Brotherly love of God. ***Spiritual law #10 The Law of Story. Stories are a fictional set of events structured to portray meaning and to evoke emotions. But this structure is based on the way we as humans experience growth and life. There is a structure to movies called the hero's journey. The concept of this is based on Joseph Campbell who studied mythology and religion, as well as dream reading. Dreams are the brains expression of things in our lives. Dream reading is a powerful way to help us work out things in our lives that are stopping us from being all we can be. It's mainly about how the dream relates to the major events going on in a person's life. Anyway, Campbell studied how the mythology lined up with the human psyche. Stories work because they are structured like events in our lives. We are doing our normal everyday thing. An event happens to us, which gives us an opportunity to step into a new world of experience. Of course we are a little scared of the unknown and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. But after someone or something encourages us to step into the new world, we go make it happen. Of course we don't know what we are doing here. It's weird and we have to learn how to cope. People help us to pass the tests. Soon we know enough to be confident we can do the job. But that's where we are informed of the practical world and what we really need to do. We go after it, diving into the darkness and soon we find there is something we didn't expect. We are shocked and our whole life of confidence is killed off. We are humbled by the experience. This new humbled life is a rebirth that allows us to take the road back with the new knowledge we have which we can share with others. Bit over our head? Ok. Say you are a photographer get a phone call and someone offers you a job to do something you are unsure if you can do or not. A wedding. You tell them you will think about it. You talk to someone about it and he or she says go for it. You do. You go out to the job and meet some people who walk you through what you need to do. They say where the wedding will take place and stuff. You do a few little test runs with the camera and angles to work out how you will approach it. You get used to this new job. Then the guy tells you the specifics of the job. He wants you to make sure you get the perfect shots of them kissing. The wedding starts and you take photos but somewhere there is some sort of screw up. There always is. You're idea of how easy this would be is shattered and you start freaking out. But you humble yourself and get over it. You ask for a little help and you get the photos you are supposed to get. Now that it's time to go home, the guy comes after you asking you how it went and when he will get the photos etc. You get home and tell someone what you learned about that type of job. Same can be said for getting a new type of bread from a new shop.

This is one element of how story works. It works because it's real life. It happens to use whenever we take on something new. Yes it may not be exact but the principle is rather sound. So in this, you can anticipate this progression of events in any given situation where you are called upon to do something you have never done before. You can prepare and be comfortable when certain events arise. Knowing this will give you a tool that many other people miss out on and so where they fail due to not knowing this, you will succeed. But that's not all. There is another structure that is extremely powerful. It's in the form of the wound. See many people suffer an event that is an ongoing source of emotional pain. Maybe a gorgeous girl uses her looks to con a man into spending all his money on her. It's so bad that the person comes up with this motto they live by. "I'm never going to trust a gorgeous girl ever again!" This is an over exaggeration and an extreme. The exception to the rule then causes problems because this person is so scared they will be ripped off again, that they refuse to trust a gorgeous girl who is sincere. The interesting thing here is that in not trusting gorgeous women, there becomes a hole in the guy's life. Be cause he starts longing for a gorgeous woman who will spend time with him. The motto has a flaw where it creates this longing. Ok so say you have a longing for something. You want money. Someone says, start up a business. But you are scared of starting a business. It's too much responsibility. See What you are scared of, often comes from some past event or teaching that has you stuck with some sort of extreme idea that stops you from getting what you long to have. It's all about identifying the fear and the extreme one-sided motto you have in regards to avoiding facing that fear. Once you work out the motto, you can check it with reality and change it. Face the fear, get over it, and get what you are longing for. So the key is to isolate what the fear is and where it comes from. Then it's about looking at the rule you have that is extreme and problematic. Once that is isolated, you can then check that rule against reality and see the falsities within it, where the rule can be incorrect and misleading. That is where the rule needs to be dropped and an exception to the rule, or complete ditching of the rule is required. Once you do that, you will be tested where you come up against a point where you have to face your fear. Once you overcome that fear, you can then move past the life disabling problem and rise up to succeed where previously you could not. So keep an eye out for this in your life. If you see it, you will know how to address it. But also, whenever you are hit with a wound and you are about to make one of those over reacting rules, think again. It could be something that causes you problems for the rest of your life.

***Spiritual law #11 The Law of Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive Behavior. This is a form of personality types. Ideally we all have to learn how to be assertive. This is about firmly sticking to the few core principles that you refuse to allow to be broken by others, and the instant they are slightly broken by someone, speaking up in a calm firm voice expression the principle and form then not to do the offensive behavior again. This can be overdone though. The idea is to not be consumed by the trivial things. A person should only ever be reprimanded when they have directly made a decision that is in direct conflict with the highly important principle. For instance, someone in your house trips on a table leg and totally destroys the $3000 dollar TV. This is not something you can reprimand since accidents happen. Now if they were wrestling in your apartment, before they get to the point of smashing the TV, you put a stop to it. "Oy! Wrestling belongs outside. Quit it before you break something." It needs to be a calm tone though, and spoken while in a calm state of mind. Little things shouldn't be reprimanded. Someone leaving a toothpick on the table shouldn't be worried about. If you don't like it, you can clean it up yourself much easier and with less stress by adapting yourself. The alternative is constantly abusing someone you care about for every time they forget and leave the toothpick there. Where ever you can adapt to make sure you yourself control your actions in a way that fixes the problem without breaching your core principles, then do it. A friend who loves to steal something small off you can still be your friend. He just can't come inside your house is all. Problem solved. You still get to enjoy all the benefits of the relationship without laying out a huge temptation for that person's weakness to be given into. If you have a friend who is a genius and a great person but their only weakness if he's a recovering heroine addict, then you just adapt and don't take him to places where there are drugs and drug addicts. And so you build up an adapted way to treat different people. A friend of mine would always ask for favors. Some people would always say yes to the favors thinking he would get upset if you said no. But he never got upset. I just used to say "As if. You give me 100 bucks and I'll think about it." And he'd laugh. Yet other people who always do favors and never ask, if they asked me the same thing, I would have to work out the best way to help them. Instead of being cruel to people who seriously are in need, or always giving into someone who loves to ask for favors, I just adjusted to best get along with both people. Every rule has an exception to the rule. No rule is black and white. Although most are black and white probably all of the time, you always have to be aware of the exception and be willing to adapt if the spirit is leading you to do so. It's all about what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do in a foundation of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. It's better to adjust than to cause stress. But if adapting is impossible to do, where the adaptation causes you to be in stress about what God is guiding you to do, then you must speak up that instant in the firm assertive way. This might only happen once or twice a year since most people don't want to break those important foundation principles. Often people won't even realize they are breaking a principle. They think they are being supremely nice but have never been told they are doing wrong. In telling then in an assertive way, you could save them years of stressing out other people and therefore stressing themselves. Vary rarely do you have someone who will be evil enough to deliberately set out to break your foundation principles.

So that's the ideal. Often we fall into one of the other 2 extremes. Passive: This is where a person will swallow all their negative emotions. They will never speak up against someone who is breaking their principle rules. They will just put up with it. The emotions have 1 of 2 consequences. 1, the negative emotions build up until the person is about to explode. Then someone will do one small thing wrong like leave a toothpick on the table. The passive person snaps and erupts in extremely bad ways like a volcano building up pressure and exploding. This has the effect of making them even less willing to speak up because every time they do, people end up hating what they say and do. The 2nd way is for the negative emotions turn into depression and it pushes them closer and closer to suicide. And in speaking up, the using people think badly of them and so they have another reason to be depressed and so another reason not to say anything. Often these people speak up in a quiet shy way. Aggressive: This is where people speak up in overbearing and dominant ways. They are often bullies. The issue is that in being bullies, they become insecure thinking people don't like them. And they believe they must be more aggressive to make people do right by them. It's the control freak who will snap as soon as anyone remotely questions them. The questioning is a threat to their ability to control their surroundings and therefore feel more secure about themselves. The aggressor has the problem that if they start letting one or two trivial things slide, that people will start taking this a weakness and so the people feel like that can question the aggressor's decisions even more and get away with more trivial things. This makes the aggressor feel even more insecure and less in control making them even more willing to be aggressive to regain their control before it's too late. If someone is either passive or aggressive, and they learn they need to be assertive, it requires a willingness to lose friends and much more. Because often the friends they have are attune to using the passive people or being used by the aggressive people. And so the change to assertive can cause major rifts in friendships. Aggressive people often have friends who love their aggressive attitude, where they love to encourage fights etc. The way to make the transition is to make it clear to everyone that you are sorry for your previous behavior and that you will be living by your principle boundaries, which are clearly defined. You tell them clearly what the boundaries are. If someone doesn't like it, you then adjust to treat him or her in a way that will not hurt your foundation principles. If they still don't like it, they have the choice to not be your friend anymore. Sadly, this is often the case. With making the transition, a spiritual peace grows and confidence. Numerous decent people start seeing this and enjoy being around balanced confident people. ***Spiritual law #12 The Law of Personality. 9 type of personality. Enneagram. You can look this up. These are basic parts of people's personalities. In general, the person will be one of these fundamentally, but will have elements of others. The idea of these is to see how some personalities working is some ways will have certain effects.

Dynamics of Type 1: Reformer World View: The world is an imperfect place. I work toward improvement. Basic Desire: to be right. Basic Fear: of being condemned. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be right -> seek truth -> do the right thing -> Need to be right In the healthy state, the need to be right induces Type Ones to seek truth and do the right thing. When Ones are doing the right thing, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Ones' are not working hard to seek the truth and do the right thing, the need to be right increases, which helps Ones to again work hard to seek the truth. Thus the balancing loop can help Ones to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being condemned -> correct others -> do the right thing -> Fear of being condemned In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being condemned can cause Type Ones to correct and condemn others first as a defense, which is often not the right thing to do, which further increases Ones' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Ones can refrain from correcting others and start examining self for truth, which will help Ones to do the right thing, and reduce the fear of being condemned. Dynamics of Type 2: Helper World View: People depend on my help. I am needed. Basic Desire: to be loved. Basic Fear: of being unloved. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be loved -> help others -> loved -> Need to be loved In the healthy state, the need to be loved induces Type Twos to help others, which causes them to be loved. When Twos feel loved, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Twos' are not helping others and are not loved, the need to be loved increases, which helps Twos to again reach out and help others. Thus the balancing loop can help Twos to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being unloved -> resent and manipulate others -> loved -> Fear of being unloved In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being unloved can cause Type Twos to feel resentful and try to manipulate others into loving them. This can cause people to love them even less, which further increases Twos' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Twos can refrain from manipulating others but start to genuinely help others. This will cause Twos to be loved, and thus reduce the fear of being unloved.

Dynamics of Type 3: Motivator World View: The world values a champion. Avoid failure at all costs. Basic Desire: to be admired. Basic Fear: of being rejected. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be admired -> self-improvement -> admired -> Need to be admired In the healthy state, the need to be admired induces Type Threes to work hard to improve themselves and succeed, which causes others around them to admire them. When Threes feel admired, the need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Threes' are not working hard to improve themselves, others admire them less, which increases Threes' need to be admired. Thus this helps Threes to again work hard to improve themselves. Thus the balancing loop can help Threes to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being rejected -> compete -> admired -> Fear of being rejected In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being rejected can cause Type Threes to be competitive and hostile towards others as a defense, which makes them even less admirable, and further increases Threes' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Threes can refrain from being competitive but focus on self-improvement instead. This will lead to genuine admiration from others and lessen the fear of rejection. Dynamics of Type 4: Romantic World View: Something's missing. Others have it. I'm different from them because I don't. Basic Desire: to understand self. Basic Fear: of being defective. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need for self-understanding -> examine self -> understand themselves -> Need for self-understanding In the healthy state, the need for self-understanding induces Type Fours to let their emotions surface and examine these emotions to understand themselves. When Fours achieve self-understanding, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Fours' do not examine closely their emotions, they start to not understand themselves. This increases the need for self-understanding, which helps Fours to again examine themselves. Thus the balancing loop can help Fours to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being defective -> indulge in fantasy -> understand themselves -> Fear of being defective In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being defective can cause Type Fours to ignore their true selves, let their emotions overwhelm them, and indulge in wild fantasy about themselves. This means they will understand themselves even less, and further increases Fours' basic fear. The cycle continues to build. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Fours can refrain from indulging in fantasy and start examining themselves. This will help Fours to understand themselves, and reduce the fear of being defective.

Dynamics of Type 5: Thinker World View: The world is invasive and confusing. I need privacy to think. Basic Desire: to understand the world. Basic Fear: of being overwhelmed by the world. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to understand the world -> observe -> analyze -> understand the world -> Need to understand the world In the healthy state, the need to understand the world induces Type Fives to observe and analyze the world, which helps them better understand the world. When Fives reach a good understanding of the world, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Fives' observe and analyze less, they start to not understand the world. This increases their need to understand, which helps Fives to return observation and analysis. Thus the balancing loop can help Fives to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being overwhelmed by the world -> detach from the world -> understand the world -> Fear of being overwhelmed by the world In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being overwhelmed by the world can cause Type Fives to become detached from the people around them and the world around them as a defense. This unfortunately causes them to understand the world even less, which further increases Fives' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Fives can stop their detachment from the world, and start to observe and analyze the real world more. This will increase their understanding of the world, and reduce their fear of being overwhelmed by the world. Dynamics of Type 6: Skeptic World View: The world is a threatening place. I need to look to authority, but I question it. Basic Desire: to be secure. Basic Fear: of being abandoned. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be secure -> loyal -> security -> Need to be secure In the healthy state, the need to be secure induces Type Sixes to be loyal to others, especially the authority. This increases their security among others, which satisfies their need and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Sixes' are not so loyal to others, they feel insecure among others. This increases the need to be secure, which helps Sixes to again seek out and become loyal to authority, or become more loyal to others around them. Thus the balancing loop can help Sixes to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being abandoned -> distrust others -> security -> Fear of being abandoned In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being abandoned can cause Type Sixes to become suspicious of others and start to distrust others. This reduces their sense of security, which further increases Sixes' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Sixes can refrain from distrusting others, and begin to be more loyal to others. This will make them feel more secure, thus reduce their fear of being abandoned.

Dynamics of Type 7: Enthusiast World View: The world is full of opportunity and options. I look forward to the future. Basic Desire: to be happy. Basic Fear: of being deprived. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be happy -> explore and appreciate world -> happy -> Need to be happy In the healthy state, the need to be happy induces Type Sevens to explore the world and genuinely appreciate what they find. They derive great happiness as a result, thus their need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Sevens' are not exploring and appreciating the world, they become restless and unhappy. The need to be happy increases, which helps Sevens to again reach out to the world and find things to appreciate. Thus the balancing loop can help Sevens to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of being deprived -> numbly seek sensations -> happy -> Fear of being deprived In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of being deprived can cause Type Sevens to numbly seek new and different sensations and adventures without truly appreciating the experience. This means they will derive little happiness from all the highs, which further increases Sevens' feeling of emptiness and basic fear of being deprived. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Sevens can refrain from jumping into the next project, and appreciate more what they experience. This will cause them to be happier, and thus reduce their fear of being deprived. Dynamics of Type 8: Leader World View: The world is an unjust place. I am strong and I defend the innocent. Basic Desire: to be self-reliant. Basic Fear: of submitting to others. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to be self-reliant -> strength -> independent -> Need to be self-reliant In the healthy state, the need to be self-reliant induces Type Eights to become stronger and capable of defending others. When Eights are independent, their need is satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Eights are not building their strength as much, they will become more dependent on others for certain needs. This increases the need to be self-reliant, which helps Eights to again work hard to become strong. Thus the balancing loop can help Eights to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of submitting to others -> controlling -> independent -> Fear of submitting to others In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of submitting to others can cause Type Eights to lash out and try to control others as a defense. This unfortunately makes them ironically more dependent on others, which further increases Eights' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Eights can refrain from controlling others but start to strengthen themselves instead. This will naturally make them more independent and thus reduce the fear of submitting to others.

Dynamics of Type 9: Peacemaker World View: My efforts won't matter to the world. It's best to keep the peace. Basic Desire: to find union and peace. Basic Fear: of separation. Healthy loop controlled by Basic Desire: Need to find union -> accept others -> do the right thing -> Need to find union In the healthy state, the need to find union induces Type Nines to genuinely open up to others and accept them as they are. Others often find their acceptance welcoming and build up a strong bond or union. This way, Nines' needs are satisfied and a balance is reached. In the average state, when Nines' are less accepting of others or the world, which means the union begins to weaken. This causes the need to find union to increase, which helps Nines to again become more accepting of others. Thus the balancing loop can help Nines to recover. Unhealthy loop controlled by Basic Fear: Fear of separation -> illusions of union -> accommodating -> union -> Fear of separation In the unhealthy state, the basic fear of separation can cause Type Nines to delude themselves with illusions of union, which they sustain by ignoring reality and blindly accommodating others or the world. Unfortunately, this means they won't achieve true union, which further increases Nines' basic fear. The cycle continues to build up. Insight: A way to help break the control of the basic fear is to weaken the unhealthy loop. Nines can stop indulging in illusions of union, and start to really accept others. This will build real union, and reduce the fear of separation. *9 Types Summary. As you can see from these personality types, there are potential things that can have a great impact on your life in positive ways. With understanding these, you can then better understand yourself and what you are meant to do in life. But these may not be what you are meant to go on since God may have you as an exception to the rule. In that case, dont worry. Just go by the way God has designed you to be. #Summary of The Spiritual Path You Walk. You can see here that this is all about becoming who you are meant to be, avoiding negativity, and doing what is right in Gods eyes. Its about knowing how the process of change will occur and preparing for it in advance to make the transitions easier. Its about learning and using these techniques to have God guiding you towards the awesome blessings he has for you in your awesome future. Its up to you to line yourself up in a collision course with the answers to your prayers. Be exited.

###Fighting satan. ***Spiritual law #13 The Law of the Battlefield of the Mind. This is your war zone. What you think governs what you believe, what you believe governs what you say, what you say governs what you do, what you do governs how you feel. Many people look at how they feel and that governs how they think. In some sense this can work but ONLY as a measuring stick of how your thinking is making you feel. "I feel like crap. Why? Hmm satan must be attacking me. Well I'm going to start thinking of all the awesome things God has done for me." The wrong way is like this. "I feel like crap. Well that thing I tried must not work. I hate this. Everything is pissing me off. This job sucks." You must never let your feelings govern your thinking since this will always lead you astray. Satan loves to make people feel certain ways. But feelings are unpredictable and should be controlled. Embrace the love and thankfulness. Rebuke the hate, fear, lust and greed. Often there are triggers that will start a battle. Some people may have a battle triggered when insulted. Satan will stir up hatred and throw every flashing image of rage he can at you. A sudden urge to punch is satan's way of saying "Smack that bastard in the mouth and teach him a lesson." Instantly you have to rebuke Him. "No! I refuse to be lead down the path of death. I am a child of the light and I walk on the path of life. Thank you God for the peace and joy you have given me." And satan will flash another image. Maybe the guy boasting to his friends about you being a wimp. Satan saying, "You're a wimp. Are you going to let him get away with that?" This type of battle can rage on for hours. I remember when I first started where one little thing would set me off and 4-5 hours later, I would only then start calming down. This is only after satan had tried everything and was just trying old tricks which no longer had an affect on me. These days, it takes me between 5 seconds and about 5 minutes. On the 5 minute ones I don't realize I have been led astray by satan. Once I realize, it's about 5 seconds. My technique is this: Shock. Realization. Rage builds exponentially. Fight time. Deep breath. Huge sigh. "I trust you God and know you will sort everything out. Thank you." Smile. "Thank you God, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit." And that's the end of it. You will have to find what works best for you but you get the idea. It's just not worth spending all that time stressing when I can skip to the end of the battle and be happy.

Often, God will allow some things to happen so that a huge amount of good can come of it. For instance, wallet stolen. Since you are strong in God, your battle with satan is mere seconds. You alert security and you force them to do something about it for the sake of all those other people who don't have the same coping skills. Soon the place is more secure and the people who would have been victims are now thankful that the security is fixed. Although they may never know the good that had come from that bad. Everything begins with thought. If enough thought on that subject evolves, then the thought becomes belief. Belief then becomes words we speak. What we speak spurs our actions. Our actions have consequences, and depending on those consequences, we feel an emotion. If we let the emotion change our thoughts, then that can create a chain reaction that will lead to new more negative emotions. Happiness is a choice. You can choose how you will respond to things. But it begins with thoughts. Most people would say being beaten red raw with serious pain, would be a bad thing. Yet some people have chosen not to think of it like that, and have chosen it to be their most joyful past time. I highly don't recommend doing this but the point is, it's all about how you choose to think about something, which governs how you react, and the reactions end up having consequences either good or bad depending on that choice. Choosing to see the bad in things will always limit you, and have you focusing on the negativity. The law of attraction does the rest. So constantly choose to think good thoughts, constantly choose to see the good in everything. You can even see the good in satan but I highly recommend you don't do this. It's better to never see the good in satan since his goal is to destroy you utterly. I picture satan as the most fearful, depressed, hate filled spirit in the universe. And I pity anyone who should ever have to suffer from that frame of mind. Doesn't mean I will ever embrace the lies and death that he brings. But I don't let hatred build up inside me against him. And that is the power of choosing how you react. That's the freedom that God gives us. The freedom to love life and be super thankful no matter what the effects are. The freedom to think of how awesome God really is. ***Spiritual law #14 The Law of When the Lamb is Weak, the Lion Cometh. This law is about how satan operates. When someone has a crack in their armor, satan will worm his way in. Most people won't even notice until they start seeing signs of satan's presence. It's not until they really take a deep look at where they have slackened off that they find out where satan got in. At first your spiritual battles will be epic in scale, but as you gain more and more strength, satan will have less and less attacks to come at you with. This brings me to the next law. ***Spiritual law #15 The law of Evil is defeated by flooding it with good. You can't defeat evil with removal. Because once you remove it, there is a hole. This hole is prime to be filled with a new evil. But if you shower the evil with supreme goodness, the evil ends up with no where to go. It's dissolved and withered away as the new habitual supreme goodness grows.

Many of the warring places on Earth have been because as one evil is torn out, more floods in at the temptation of exploiting the weakness. It's not until things grow in goodly strength that they can begin showing the awesome benefits of the hard work. The push through the uncomfortable. They begin paying off. This relates back to The Law of the Battlefield of the Mind. You can't just attack the negative and remove it and expect that to fix things. You have to replace it with the overwhelming goodness and build up that goodness until the negative has no more impact. This is not a justification for physical war. Physical war is the inability for 2 parties to be civilized. It means that both parties have lowered themselves to a maturity of less than children. With the flood of positivity in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, God has amazing ways to work things out. It relates back to Karma. ***Spiritual law #16 The Law of Past, Present and Future. The past should only ever be thought about when it comes to learning for the future, and using that knowledge for a better future. It's also about focusing on the positives and remembering them often in thankfulness so that your trust, in the future having more of those blessings, is strong. The past is history. The future is all about the vision of successes and blessings that are there for us, to tantalize our minds about the awesome possibilities of the future to come. We must always be careful though to NEVER presume as to exactly what we expect to get from God. Because often if we start expecting something in the future as if it belongs to us, that's usually when God will lead you somewhere else. Just think of all the awesome things God might do for you and thank Him for them in advance but if He has different plans, let Him know that's fine with you because you trust Him. The things you are roughly 90% sure about, where you are fairly positive about the direction God wants you to go, you can start brainstorming all the possible steps you might take to get there. But don't dwell on a future that you long for but can't have. The future is there for visualizing, planning, and working towards awesomeness. But it's always open to change since the future doesn't exist yet. The present is this very second. You are choosing to read this article at this very second, most likely because some sort of events have lead you here, where God has directed you here for some special reason. Where you are meant to get something from this which is an answer to your prayers. And at this very second, you have a choice of where you spend your precious time. You have to constantly ask God, is this giving me the tools and knowledge and skills I need to be the person I need to be in life? Is this the best use of my time? What could I be doing right this second that would lead me to blessings for others and myself? Am I currently on the exact path I am supposed to be on? Is this draining my time and energy away from something I am meant to be doing? This very second can be the choice that will govern the rest of your entire life. It's the only place you have any power. Constantly check with the Holy Spirit inside you if you are doing what you need to do. Every choice, check with God. He will guide you.

Maybe not the way you want or how you want or even in ways that make sense but we can never grasp the entire universe altering effects our actions will make. We must trust and go with it, knowing God is there. If you get it wrong, don't stress. We all make mistakes. Overcome satan's attack of guilt, then ask God for forgiveness and get right back on your horse and show the world how well you can jump. The Past is History. Learn from it and remember the times you are thankful for as proof of the awesome future. The future doesn't exist but you can visualize the awesomeness there and be thankful for whatever blessings God chooses for you regardless of accomplishments. The present, this second, is where your control is immense, in where you are this second, where you are meant to be, and where you will be with your choices guided by God. ***Spiritual law #17 The Law of the Physical World Changes and Goes. This can be one of the most powerful. Fear is the possibility of losing something of value in the future. Hate is the nonacceptance of losing something of value in the past. If we remove all desire to hold onto things, and accept all as one day lost in the future, or inevitably lost in the past, then we can actually remove all fear and all hatred from our lives. Problem is this is reality. We love things. Namely family. And fear of losing them or hatred of having lost them is expected and something that should never be considered as bad. But we MUST do our best to enjoy the now in these matters and put all the negative loss out of our mind from the past and future. But physical stuff is easy to let go of. It's only time or money. Worst case scenario is you end up with more and more time to spend with loved ones since there is less and less stuff taking up your time and space. ***Spiritual law #18 The law of There is Always Something to Smile About. In any given second, we can smile. There was a rabbit walking through the bush, when lions jump out and chase him. He sprints until he almost falls off a small cliff grabbing hold of a branch. He looks down and more lions are jumping from below almost about to get him. Inevitability he's going to be torn apart and eaten. Suddenly he sees a ripe red cherry in front of him. It's beautiful. He pops it in his mouth and chews as the most delicious flavors swirl through his mouth, filling his entire body with joy. There is always something to smile about.

The world programs us for sadness. When people pass, if we don't cry and feel miserable, people will think we are cruel. Many people laugh and have a great time and then realize "Oh no I can't be having fun! I'm meant to be miserable. How could I be so callous!" No! This is the programming we have been led to believe. We are much more than this. The more you control your feelings and really analyze them for what they are, the more control you gain and the more you can be super happy all the time no matter what. Scientists have mapped this in the human brain comparing chronic depression with the brains of harmony peace joy-filled monks. Don't let the habitual programming ruin your peace and joy. Choose Happiness. Happiness is a choice.

###Achieving your goals. Spiritual Law #19 The Law of Attraction There was a program release called "The Secret" and it made millions. It capitalized on a spiritual law that is utilized every day in the business world. This is very similar to a huge thing in religion called Seed and Harvest. The way the thought battle field works is that if we focus on the promises of God, dwell on them, meditate on them, and all that is good and right, then God can spawn ideas and revelations about how to achieve them. You can then follow these ideas through to achieve the blessings in stall for you in the future. But the same plays out in reverse. So if you focus on the negative, satan will spawn ideas to support that. Ideas about why you don't deserve something. Ideas about how bad you have been in the past. Ideas about how things will mess up and how you will ruin things. So in this case, you have to really be careful about what you focus on. Make sure it's something God wants for you. There is a process you can use. Write it down. 1. Visualization. This is your focus. Your dream. Your goal. Some key components in this are: a) Make sure that the goal is humanly possible. No flying naked to the sun to drink the nuclear fusion. b) Make sure you believe it it is possible for you. Belief is the most powerful forces in the universe. If you believe you can tell the president of the United States what to do, and the president believes you are the best person to listen to, you now run the country and somewhat part of the world. If you don't believe you can do this, set a smaller goal that's easier to achieve and have that as a step towards your main goal, or alter the goal so it is believable, or work out why you don't believe it possible and fix that problem first. Remember, with the spirit of God in you, the power to create a universe is inside of you. c) Make sure that you deserve it because God wants you to have it and in accepting it, you are doing God's will. It's yours because God said so. 2. Planning. This is about brainstorming numerous ways to achieve the goal. You then work out a strategy and create a plan with which to work from. This is basically God's plan and often is His plan. You just have to work it out and write it down.

3. Action A plan is useless without action. It may be tough to take action but God is with you and will help you because He want's you to have it. 4. Check your Progress. You have to always Take Stock of where you are in your plan and how the progress is going. God may have something else pop up which will effect everything. Sometimes satan will attack and screw things up and God will have a new plan that will work out even better. 5. Recover and get real. Make sure you take time to recover from any changes, because sometimes things can hurt and taking action with a hurt mindset can do more damage than good. This is about getting clear and centered. Once you have adjusted and let the new reality sink in, you are prepared for the future. You have to look over the reality of the situation and make sure you are not acting out of over reactions. You need to take a real look at the reality behind everything and then you can deal with it in a rational, realistic, efficient and effective way. 6. Recheck your Vision. Sometimes the changes are great enough that they will impact on your vision. If so, adjust your vision slightly to allow for the new situation. 7. Continue the process over and over to constantly be focused on a great future and working towards it with God's help. Spiritual Law #20 The Law of Prayer. This goes hand in hand with the law of attraction although there is some slight changes. This is about a meditative state of mind. It's detaching from the world, clearing your thoughts, and communicating with God. Don't be afraid to hound God for answers. You are allowed to be a pest and in fact, I encourage you to. I believe you should direct every question you have to God and ask Him for the answer. "Hmm should I where the white shirt or the blue? What do you think God?" You don't have to verbalize it although this will help. You don't have to kneel but if you really want to show your respect and thankfulness you can. You don't have to shut your eyes but this is one of the best things you can do since it shuts out all the surrounding clutter that can stop you from hearing God's guidance. Prayer needs a few things to work.

1. No satan attacks. Satan can often attack in prayer and you must shut him up before you can get back to the business of prayer. Never let satan get away with telling you something, without retaliating and telling him to shut up. A common Christian verse is "I rebuke you satan in Jesus' name." But you can use something lie "No that's a lie and I refuse to let such filth cloud my mind." But you get the idea. It's a fight and you have to be incredibly firm. The problem is you need to back this up with the truth. 2. Truth. Truth is the powerful ammunition that reaffirms your faith and trust in God. It's the powerful way to get yourself strong and focused on the reality of God's grace. So state the reality of God that counters satan's attack and stamps firm your faith in the truth. A simple one is "For the lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." You can use something like, "I am a blessed soul and I am loved and cared for by the spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love." Whatever. You and God will work out what's best for you. 3. Thankfulness. Thankfulness is a huge key. It's the appreciation of all the good God has done for you even if it's tiny. The more thankful you are, the more trust you have in God to believe that He will bless you more in the future. So start by thanking God in abundance. You thank God for all the blessings and good things that have happened and mention a few. "Thank you God, thank you Jesus, thank you holy spirit, for the blessings you have in stall for me like that 5 cent coin you had me find the other day. You are awesome." Or you can say "Allahu Akbar, thank you for giving me the time and place to pray to you." Or maybe "Thank you spirit of Love for the beautiful blue sky you have blessed us with today." Whatever. Again, use what works best for you. 4. Communication. God isn't an answering machine. You don't just call Him up, leave a message, and then hang up. Yes you communicate your needs asking for help but you give Him time to respond. Sometimes you won't get a response because it's not the right time. And that's fine. Often you'll get the answer before you finish asking and it often isn't the answer you hope for. But you know in your heart that it's the right answer. Sometimes you'll get a deferment where God tells you to go ask someone else. This is often because you and that person both need to share your knowledge of the subject and to learn from each other where God's presence will be strong with your both. Remember, a conversation is a 2 way street. 5. Guilt free. If you have sinned in some way, and youre on the path of death, you need to get back on the right path before you can do anything. Your spirit must be a clean fertile soil before anything pure can grow from it. This brings me to the next law.

***Spiritual law #21 The Law of Giving is the Path to Joy. There is no greater joy than to give blessings to other people, to help out the world. Seeing the gratitude on people's faces fills your soul with an unquenchable joy that only the guidance of God can bring. This only works when it's giving out of brotherly love and compassion, with no reward in sight. It only works if God has sanctioned the giving. Trying to force giving will result in loss and unfulfillment. It's all about the heart motive. Check your heart always and make sure that it's acting out of the spirit of God. ***Spiritual law #22 The Law of Permission. God needs you permission before He can start working in your life. And the first part of the permission is you heart calling out for Him to be in your life. The instant your heart calls out to God, He will answer. But don't expect Him to perform amazing things. First He will want to fill you with His spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. He can't do that unless you wholeheartedly give Him access to flow into you. It's a surrendering of yourself to His will. It can be done billions of ways since everyone has a different way of letting God in. Some people let Him in bit by bit before they drop the last wall built up inside. Everyday we should reaffirm this permission and give God the freedom to guide us to blessings and fill us with peace and joy. Calling on God to fill you with His spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, is the first key to having a Holian relationship with God. Without this, the first part of being a Holian is stopped and God can not be in the relationship He desires with that person. It's like asking someone to help you clean your house but refusing to let him or her in the door to do anything. It's a stalemate. But that doesn't stop God though because if the heart is calling out to God but the mind fights it, then He can wait outside the house and still communicate with the resident, always there ready to help as soon as the occupant is ready to open the door. But as for Him being able to shower blessings down, He needs to start on the inside. ***Spiritual law #23 The Law of It's All About the Long Term. Democracy today has a major issue. The problem is that the person elected is the best at convincing. Once they are in power, they have about 2 years to be a dictator. Then they go back into convincing mode to get voted back in. This inevitably has the short-term gain engraved in it. It's all about what they can offer the public right now. In 15 years, they aren't going to be in power so what's the point in creating hardship and stress now, then being kicked out, and only in 15 years do people start seeing how good it is and the government of that day is bound to take the credit.

***Spiritual law #24 The Law of Don't Fight Who You Are Designed to Be. In amongst the previous rule boundaries, there is the time to embrace who you are destined to be. Where others see weakness, look at it as how it can be a strength to better yourself and follow the leading of God into who you are meant to be. There are 3 ways you can end up suffering and feeling the hole in your spirit where you are meant to be something more. 1. If you try to be someone you aren't, or 2. If you try to be what others believe you should be, or 3. If you try to be what people call normal when you are meant to be highly unique. Do not fight who you are. Embrace your Godly potential and focus on it, specialize on it, and even if you don't achieve goals in it, it doesn't matter because the goal is to do that awesomely good thing that you are designed to do. ***Spiritual law #25 The Law of Simplicity. Life is meant to be simple. It's humans who make it complicated. Everyone expects you to go into debt to get a home to mortgage it so you can buy a car. They expect you to have pay TV and be involved in sports and groups and you have to now get a huge job to pay for it all and since everything is so hectic, you need a holiday but not any holiday because that just isn't a holiday, you are meant to go to a tropical island etc etc etc AAHHHHHH!!!! And we wonder why we have nervous breakdowns and depression and anxiety attacks. There are people in third world countries where if their food needs, their health need, and their shelter and warmth needs are met, they are the happiest and most thankful people on earth. Many are even lacking one or more of those necessities yet the are still exceptionally happy and thankful. They don't have time to dwell on the meaning of life and stuff and be caught up in the trivial little details that clutter our lives. They are in the here and now of the big picture with their family and the simplicity of life. ***Spiritual law #26 The Law of Force. If you try to force it, it will never work as well as if you were you gently guide things that are made for each other together. It's like 2 magnets. You try to force the 2 Norths together and there will be huge trouble. But if you just sit them down next to each other, they will find there happy home together in a bond that is hard to break. The way this works is as follows. You are trying to force yourself to find something. You look everywhere. The test is to see if you will trust God or if you will try to do it yourself. So satan sees his chance to have you get more and more stressed making you think you have to find it, applying more and more pressure hoping you will break. God sits back and waits for you to give up on your human power and your trust in yourself, and turn to Him. The instant you do, you find that the answer is clear.

Maybe you are looking for your keys. You can't find them anywhere. There is a moment where you stop and admit you don't know where they are as in "Where could they be?" Maybe you sit down and relax. Do something else like prepare your documents or something. The as you go to get a book, low and behold, there are your keys. The same can be said for people. If you try to force people into things, they will rebel. It's not about telling people they have to do something, it's about showing the truth and allowing the flow of destiny to go forth. It's about putting the pieces of the puzzle out there ready to slot into place if they are meant to or not. It's about putting the vision out into the universe or praying it to God and letting the situation sorts itself out while you do what you know you are meant to do in the will of God - the actions coming from a heart of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. This is also in a sense related to The Law of Simplicity. ***Spiritual law #27 The Law of Get to the Core and Play With It. This is a scientifically proven rule, proved by the Dr. Walter Mischel's famous "Marshmallow Test." The law works in this way. Where Dr. Walter Mischel's test is concerned, the child can get to the core of what they want, and what must be done to get it. Then given the tools at their disposal, they play with it. So they create techniques to help themselves to avoid eating the one marshmallow. These concepts of how to avoid temptation can then be used in many areas of their life. This works on every level though. Children who are given the basics of something, and then are set free to play with these new basics and to come up with a variety of ways to utilize the basic concept, they end up learning a number of ways that suit them to be effective with those tools. So for example finger painting. The concept is to put color on finger, and then put color on paper. The freedom to play is in the choosing of the color mixes and the places they put the paint. The goal is to come up with imagery that symbolizes things in life. With that taught, the children can then play with this and come up with amazing ways of thinking about this process from angles that open up a world of new styles. If the opposite was done and they were given black to use and told to do a single straight line and they would not get anything else until they got that straight line, they would soon loose interest and be stressed out that they can't get that line right. They would learn they are not very good at doing finger painting. This can be used for anything, specifically problem solving and brainstorming. For instance, you have a problem in your life. Something is stressing you and you don't know what. You first need to get to the core. What is the fundamental basis that is causing this problem? Once you really clarify that, then you can look at what tools you have at your disposal to fix it. Preferably the perfect ones for the job but we make do with what we've got. Once you have those, you can play with them and come up with heaps of ways to fix the problem and find the one that completely solves the problem yet works best for you. This also helps with science in a huge way. Science is the study of a bunch of God's rules about how the universe works. Yes we can't know God's physics rules perfect but we can get exceptionally close, close enough to play. When we play with those laws, rules, and see how they fit together and such, we can come up with totally new ways to look at how to use the conclusions we acquire from the process.

And we can use those conclusions to ease suffering and help out people all over the world, sharing God's blessings with others. The core is always the simplest form. In conjunction with the simple rule, you have simple concepts with a vast amount of freedom to play. Life is all about finding concepts that work and then from those concepts, you utilize them and play with them to come up with ideas that work best for you. It allows you to creatively problem solve and think about the numerous possibilities from different prospectives. It allows you to be an asset to others in the awesome way God designed you to be. ***Spiritual law #28 The Law of the Butterfly Effect. Sometimes God will ask you to do things that seem so strange but you do them anyway. The amazing things that happen are incredible. But you may not even know how awesome they are. Maybe He tells you to walk into a bar. You check the spirit for love and peace and find it strong and overwhelming with positivity. You walk in there and wonder where you are meant to go. You walk in and smile at a guy who looks like he's having a bad time. He huffs. You order a glass of water. The guy asks why you are drinking that. You say, "It's refreshing, doesn't cost me a cent, and I don't drink." He asks, "What you are doing here?" and you say, "I don't know, I just felt like I was meant to come in here for some reason." He sighs and says, "Well have a good time." He leaves. You say "Thank you. Take care." He curiously looks at your strange joy filled smile as he leaves. Soon you feel like there is nothing there for you. You leave. The next week, you see the same guy helping out at a charity. Many people are grateful to him and smiling. Their smiles travel on to other people in their family and you can see it happening in front of your eyes. The guy spots you, races up and says "Hey remember me from the bar? I just want to thank you so much. I was having such a bad time and I almost gave up hope that there was anything good in this world. That was until I saw you." That's a hypothetical but there are billions of these events happening every day. You never know when a smile could turn someone's entire life around. You may not even know you have effected someone in such a strong way. Ever see in the movies where someone is broken near the end of the movie, and then they see something that triggers their change in attitude? It's not just in the movies. ***Spiritual law #29 The Law of Escalation is Inevitable. You give pain and suffering, you will get it back. And then they will get back pain and suffering from you in retaliation etc etc. It's escalation. Escalation of evil can only every be stopped by the flood of goodness.

The funny thing is, any country can easily run the entire world. They just have to show supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love to everyone in the world to the point where everyone looks to help them out in return. The wars should be about who can be the best in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. My arguments with friends over money go as follows. "I'm paying for it." "No you don't, you put your money away. I'm paying for it." "But you paid for it last time. It's my time to pay. Please?" If only the world leaders grasped the power of this law.

###Arguments: *"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." What this tells me about how to live my life today is this. Say you visualize a person 100% doing everything that God wants and only what God wants, and that person is 100% full of the supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love spirit, you then have a supreme example of the goal you aim to be like as much as possible. The name I best know this person as, is Jesus. If He even existed is irrelevant since to me, this person is my idol who I am inspired by and try to be like. And without this person I wouldn't be who I am today. If you don't have a vision of the perfection you are aiming for, then you are selling yourself short. Aim for the ultimate best and be thankful for the best you can get. I believe the reality of this phrase that people argue about is that Jesus had the spirit of God in him, and He is a pure example of perfection of God living through Him. So if we have the same spirit of Jesus, that being the spirit of God, living in us, following His leading to the blessings He has in stall for us, then we are taking the image of Jesus and living through that image to be in a relationship with God. Just like Abraham. If Abraham were alive today living with his spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, following God's leading, God would still be just as happy with Him. But if you asked Him if He was going to God through Jesus, He wouldn't know what your are on about. God doesn't care about letters and sounds that come out of people's mouths. He cares about the heart motive and the relationship you embrace with Him. You give Him your soul and follow anything He says, He is willing to lead and bless you. I can't ever see God being so petty as to refuse you if you pronounce His name wrong. *The debate about how Jesus claimed He was God. Well if I totally become robotic in doing every single thing God asks, then I am an extension of God. I am God's hands, eyes, and touch. If all of my body is totally guided by God, isn't my body God's body? Only the perfection image of Jesus could ever say this since that image of Him is perfect and a supreme example for us to esteem too. For us, we need the supreme example of how we should live in relationship to God. We all need that image of supreme perfection in God's eyes to live by. We all need that vision of a perfect self that we aspire to be. We all need to aim for perfection but settle for getting as close as possible and asking God to forgive us when we fail. That's where you can use that image in your life today and prosper from it.

*The claim that Buddhists don't believe in God. Buddhists have a great idea and philosophy about God the creator. They basically say they aren't going to waste their time thinking about how God made us and focus on the reality of how they can achieve a spiritual peace and harmony called nirvana. It's about self-improvement to ones own level of perfection. The idea of a divine divinity being supremely perfect is not good to their progress since that's an unreachable goal. Yet fundamentally they will decide to take on a spirit of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love, and they aim for themselves to be their perfect selves. They will also meditate and follow any leading they get that will help them to be closer to their perfect self. Precisely the only things God cares about since many of them do more meditation, connecting and communicating with God, than many Christians. After all, a Buddhist will clear all his thoughts totally and just listen. When most Christians pray, their prayers are either rehearsed delivery of the same words or it's them doing all the talking. Which one of those two can God work through best? Buddhists follow the leading. Doesn't mean they have to name it or put that leading in a pigeonhole. Doesn't mean that have to waste precious time debating irrelevant events either thousands or billions of years ago. And that doesn't make them any less Holian. These are the underlying traits that unite us all in being the best we can be in God's eyes and following the leading towards spiritual fulfillment and overflowing blessings. From there you can go numerous ways and have numerous different styles of how this core relationship with the higher power is expressed. ###Conclusion. A Holyologist is someone who studies and tests the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual lives. They use science-like techniques to prove the way spiritual laws function. They also optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of using those laws to do work of supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love. I am a Holyologist. In this, I give overflowing thanks to God for the overflowing blessings He gives me all day every day. I pray that these blessings may overflow onto the world in supreme goodness, compassion, and brotherly love.

God bless.

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