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Today's sutras of Ikkyu are of immense importance.

The first sutra: IF AT THE END OF OUR JOURNEY THERE BE NO FINAL RESTING PLACE, HOW CAN THERE BE A WAY TO LOSE OURSELVES IN? You will have to meditate over it. Slowly slowly, the meaning will dawn into your consciousness. First: THERE IS NO GOAL, SO NOBODY CAN GO ASTRAY -- let it penetrate your heart, let it pierce you like an arrow. There is no goal in life! So there is no way to miss it. . All other religions depend on that; all other religions go on telling people that "You are missing." THAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD 'SIN' -- TO MISS, TO MISS THE TARGET. The original Hebrew root means to miss the target; not being able to reach the goal -- that is sin. According to Gautam Buddha there can be no sin. You can't miss it! because there is nothing to miss. THE GOAL EXISTS NOT; THE GOAL IS IMAGINARY, IT IS YOUR CREATION. YOU CREATE THE GOAL, THEN YOU CREATE VIRTUE AND SIN. Those who are moving towards the goal are virtuous, and those who are not moving towards the goal are sinners. You create the goal and then you divide humanity into saints and sinners. Drop the goal, and saints disappear and sinners disappear and divisions disappear. And the higher and the lower disappear, and valuation disappears, and then there is no heaven and no hell. See the point of it! JUST THE IDEA OF THE GOAL CREATES HEAVEN AND HELL. Those who are moving towards the goal, the obedient people, the good people... they will be rewarded by heaven. And those who are not going towards the goal, the sinners, the bad people... they will be punished by hell. FIRST YOU CREATE THE GOAL AND THEN EVERYTHING FOLLOWS... Then HEAVEN AND HELL are created, then SAINTS AND SINNERS are created, and then FEAR is created -- fear of losing the goal. And then EGO is created, the ego of attaining the goal. You have created the whole mess, the whole neurosis of mind. BUDDHA STRIKES AT THE VERY ROOT. He says there is no goal. Just this simple statement can become a liberating force: THERE IS NO GOAL. Then one is not going anywhere. One is always here; one is never going anywhere. There is nowhere to go, and there is NOBODY to go. All has always been here, and all has always been available. THE GOAL MEANS THE FUTURE; then you start becoming more interested in the future, you start forgetting about the present. THE GOAL CREATES TENSION, ANGUISH, FEAR -- "Whether I am going to make it or not?" -- and COMPETITION and JEALOUSY and CONFLICT... And the hierarchy... Those who are coming closer to the goal are higher; those who are not coming closer to the goal are lower. The whole Christian church depends on a single phenomenon: DISOBEDIENCE. Buddha says there is nobody to command and there is no way to obey. Life has no goal as such. LIFE ITSELF IS ITS OWN GOAL -- THE GOAL IS INTRINSIC. The value of life is in itself; it does not come from anything else. Life is not a means to some end somewhere in the future. Life is its own end, its own means. LIFE IS ALL... Once you understand this, you cannot say life is meaningless. OSHO Take It Easy Vol 1, Ch #3: All lies and nonsense! am in Buddha Hall

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