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Most of us could agreee there is much to discuss concerning the course of Human (or that is

conscious) deveopment or the lack thereof. Fortuneatly I have discovered a minor place on the
Spheres in which to engage in this. Of course I am as of yet able only to transmit and not yet
recieve however I hope you'll agree this is preferable to mere speculation and befuddlement.
Unimpressed by the stars in the sky yet enthralled by the likes of Jim Carrey, Bart Simpson, and
50 Cent, indeed the status quo confronting people today is frightening.
When everyehere you've noticed there's but the same binality, the unending meteocrity, the
seemingly bottomless pit of blah zay, how long will it be until you first, come to expect it, and
ultimately "believe" nothing else could exist.
Knock on doors. Let that be the whole of the Law. Don't expect to many answers, and of those,
be prepaired for even fewer to be receptive. But please don't let this disuade you. If you
approach a person you've never before met with a brief yet intelligent comment, regardless of
their own intelligence or desire to foster social progress you may be met with suspicion or
hostility. Indeed the status quo confronting people today is frightening.
I would ask this; Is it really a "dog eat dog" world? Why? Because people tend to act like it, or
because (among other reasons) the sociopathic 4% of society which tend to gravitate towards the
top of the pyramid on wings of decite shameless manipulation, and a bizarre drive to succeed at a
senseless 'game' the rest of us would never want to play say it is?

Jesus died for our sins. I mean, everyone knows that, at least where I'm from. The thing people
don't get is this: They run around acting like they need to obey a set of rules and give a percent
of their money and institutionalize their children in a certain way in order to please the Lord God.
Thing is, JESUS ALREADY DIED FOR OUR SINS! I mean, I hate to say it, but you could even
commit some seriously heineous acts and when you die, you're going to the kingdom of God,
reguardless is some Priest that just moved to town for some reason gave you the all clear or not.
JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS. ALREADY! If you think I'm just talking ASK any "Man or Women
of the Cloth" this:
Did Jesus die for my sins? Did he give his sin-free life in exchange for the sins past, present, and
future of his brothers and sisters? If you feel like you need someone to follow, then do that. Do
YOU! But PLEASE don't do it because you think THEY can lead you to salvation. If you get
some poor victim of overt manipulation trying to beat you over the brain with Biblical quotes and
passages, keep in mind he or she's quoting TRANSLATIONS if they're speaking english. The
signifigance I'm sure will strike almost immediately upon consideration.
One last thought, remember how we were talking about the "bar being set low" peoples
expectations of one another and society in general being pretty weak? Don't let that fool you into
thinking you're incapable of comprehending fully the heaviest of intellectual challenges, and just
because you may not of heard a word someone uses does NOT mean you can't and won't extract
it;s meaning through the context in which it is used.

Alright space Brothers and Sisters, DONT FEED THE ANIMALS & remember, They're more
scared of you then you are of them!!!

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