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Father Peter J. Krebs, S.T., Ph.D. FEAST OF SAINT NICHOLAS: Finding our Gifts
Friday, December 6, 2013 9:30 am - Noon Trinity House The Feast of St Nicholas has been celebrated in many countries for centuries. Putting ones shoes out in hopes of receiving some special gifts and sweets has been an exciting tradition. What spiritual gifts might we desire and perhaps receive during our retreat morning? We will explore our hearts desire and even have time for some early holiday shopping in the Gift shop!


serves as Director of Spiritual Programming at the Shrine of Saint Joseph where he has served as a priest of the Missionary Servants of The Most Holy Trinity for over forty years, the last twenty as director of the Shrine. Father Peter has a doctorate degree in psychology from Seton Hall University, and serves as co-director of the An Croi Institute in America, which offers intensive training courses in spiritual guidance. Father Peter is a noted homilist and well-known liturgical celebrant.

Kathleen Detlet, D.Min. is a certified

Jane Selinske, Ed.D., LCSW

Fee: $15, $30 with luncheon (must be pre-arranged)


Monday, December 9, 2013 5:00pm - 9:00pm Trinity House We will wait and we long for you, O God; for we dare not miss the day, the hour, the moment. And while we wait, we thirst. The Thirsts of Advent are longings fulfilled already, but not yet known. They are the experience of Gods presence, now, that draws us to want more. Share the experience of God-with-us; share the longing for fulfillment.

Anita M. Constance, SC, a certified

spiritual guide, having received a Higher Diploma from the Jesuit Milltown Institute, Dublin, Ireland. Kathy has earned a Masters in Liberal Studies from Wesleyan University, a Masters in Counseling from Seton Hall University and a Doctorate in Ministry from Drew University. As Co-director of the Lumen Spiritual Center, Caldwell, New Jersey, Kathy ministers in the area she loves: offering retreats, days of prayer and guidance. spiritual director, received her diploma in Spiritual Guidance from the Jesuit Milltown Institute, Dublin, Ireland. She is the author of several spiritual books, and is experienced in giving retreats and workshops. Sister Anita received an M.S. from Fordham University where she focused on spirituality and pastoral counseling. Healing touch, bereavement counseling and spiritual direction are among her ministries.

Sister Anita Constance, SC

Fee: $30 includes Light Supper


Open Retreat Shrine Residence
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:30 a.m - 2:30pm (Mass included) Fee: $30 includes luncheon A repeat of the December 9 evening retreat. Fee: $30 includes hot luncheon

Jane Selinske, Ed.D., LCSW, MT BC, NCPsyA, is a licensed Jungian Analyst, a

board certified Music Therapist and Fellow, as well as a Guided Imagery and Music Practitioner. She holds a degree in Religious Studies, is certified in spirituality and is a teacher of Mandela Art Assessment. Dr. Selinske is an experienced group facilitator and teacher who utilizes art, writing and ritual in her individual and group work.

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