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Resolution No.

WnLkLAS, Lhe ClLy Councll for Lhe ClLy of Lake ark reallzes LhaL Lhere ls a shorLage of affordable renLal
houslng, houslng for senlor llvlng, and asslsLed llvlng, and

WnLkLAS, Lhe ClLy Councll recognlzes LhaL Lhe ablllLy Lo keep our communlLy susLalnable ls dlrecLly
llnked Lo affordable houslng, and

WnLkLAS, Lhe ClLy Councll recognlzes a demand for affordable houslng ln our communlLy, and

WnLkLAS, Lhe ClLy Councll recognlzes LhaL Senlor ClLlzens have had Lo move away from Lhelr home area
due Lo a lack of houslng dedlcaLe Lo senlor llvlng, and asslsLed llvlng, and

WnLkLAS, Lhe economlc healLh and securlLy of Lhe ClLy and Lhe economlc well-belng of lLs resldenLs are
dlrecLly llnked and Lhe affordablllLy of houslng dlrecLly effecLs every oLher aspecL of household
economlcs as well as Lhe economlcs of Lhe communlLy as a whole, and

WnLkLAS, Lhe ClLy Councll recognlzes a need for Lhe ClLy Lo adopL an affordable houslng plan,
NCW, 1nLkLICkL, 8L I1 kLSCLVLD, LhaL Lhe ClLy Councll for Lhe ClLy of Lake ark auLhorlzes Lhe Mayor
Lo esLabllsh a Mayor's 1ask lorce on Pouslng, Lo provlde advlce Lo Lhe ClLy Councll, wlLh Lhe Lerms of
reference aLLached as Appendlx A.
ASSLu Anu AuC1Lu 8? 1PL Cl1? CCunClL Cl 1PL Cl1? Cl LAkL A8k 1PlS 14
uA? Cl CC1C8L8,


_____________________________ ___________________________
Lonnle neuner Aaron Lee WlLLnebel
ClLy Clerk-1reasurer Mayor

Appendlx A Lo ClLy of Lake ark 8esoluLlon # _________ passed by Lhe ClLy Councll on 10/14/2013 age 1 of 2

1erms of keference
1hls 1ask lorce ls a research and pollcy drafLlng commlLLee whlch wlll provlde a reporL Lo Lhe ClLy
Councll and Lhe Lake ark Lconomlc uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy upon compleLlon.
1he 1ask lorce wlll be Co-chalred by Lhe Mayor and an exLernal experL who wlll be appolnLed by Lhe
1he 1ask lorce wlll provlde recommendaLlons Lo Lhe ClLy Councll for prlorlLy acLlons LhaL may be Laken
by Lhe ClLy Lo creaLe affordable renLal houslng for lndlvlduals and famllles, houslng dedlcaLed for Senlor
ClLlzens, and also opLlons for asslsLed llvlng, herelnLo referred Lo as affordable houslng.
1he scope of 1ask Iorce on nous|ng's work w||| |nc|ude:
Lxamlnlng Lhe condlLlons LhaL exlsL ln Lake ark LhaL creaLe unaffordable houslng and sLeps necessary
Lo proLecL exlsLlng affordable houslng,
8evlewlng all ClLy of Lake ark land and caplLal asseLs Lo ldenLlfy new opporLunlLles for affordable
Assesslng rlsks and opporLunlLles of ClLy and LuA-owned houslng asseLs,
Assesslng rlsks and opporLunlLles ln creaLlng a Lake ark Pouslng and 8edevelopmenL AuLhorlLy,
ldenLlfylng slLe speclflc opporLunlLles for lnnovaLlons ln affordable houslng lncludlng rezonlng
proposals and land use developmenL declslons,
8evlewlng lnnovaLlons from oLher clLles ln flnanclal and equlLy models LhaL could faclllLaLe Lhe creaLlon
of addlLlonal affordable renLal houslng,
Lxamlnlng Lax models, such as 1ax lncremenL llnanclng (1ll), LhaL could faclllLaLe affordable renLal
houslng developmenL,
Lxamlnlng ClLy, sLaLe and federal regulaLory lmpedlmenLs Lo houslng affordablllLy,
8esearchlng new models of affordable ownershlp, lncludlng shared or collaboraLlve houslng models,
8esearchlng opporLunlLles for creaLlon of co-op houslng,
SollclLlng publlc and sLakeholder lnpuL on meeLlng Lhe affordable renLal houslng challenge,
1he 1ask lorce wlll be a research and pollcy drafLlng commlLLee and wlll be Co-chalred by Lhe Mayor and
an exLernal experL Lo be appolnLed by Lhe Mayor.
1he Co-Chalrs wlll selecL members of Lhe publlc, however persons wlLh experLlse ln Lhe areas of flnance,
Appendlx A Lo ClLy of Lake ark 8esoluLlon # _________ passed by Lhe ClLy Councll on 10/14/2013 age 2 of 2

real esLaLe, markeL developmenL, archlLecLure and deslgn, academla, publlc pollcy, non-markeL houslng
developmenL, and land use plannlng wlll be prlorlLlzed.
AddlLlonally, Lhe Mayor shall appolnL one Member of Lhe ClLy Councll and one Member of Lhe Lconomlc
uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy Lo serve as members of Lhe 1ask lorce as well.
1he Mayor wlll have unLll Lhe CcLober 28, 2013 Lo appolnL a Co-Chalr, one Member of Lhe ClLy Councll
and one Member of Lhe Lconomlc uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy. 1he Co-Chalrs of Lhe 1ask lorce wlll Lhen
have unLll november 11, 2013 Lo appolnL remalnlng members of Lhe 1ask lorce and hold lLs flrsL
1he 1ask lorce shall provlde an lnLerlm reporL by lebruary 10, 2014. 1o ensure Lhe greaLesL amounL of
lnpuL from clLlzens, Lhe lnLerlm reporL wlll seek publlc feedback lebruary Lhrough Lo March. A flnal
reporL wlll be compleLed by Aprll 14, 2014 or earller. ubllc feedback may aL any Llme be soughL by Lhe
1ask lorce Lhrough dlscreLlonary publlc hearlngs, surveys, and by any oLher meLhod deemed useful by
Lhe 1ask lorce.
Staff Support and Meet|ng Space
1he ClLy Clerk-1reasurer wlll be responslble for allocaLlng sLaff resources upon requesL by Lhe Mayor.
MeeLlng space shall be made avallable aL Lhe ClLy CenLer Lhrough schedullng requesLs wlLh Lhe ClLy
Cfflce, prlorlLy schedullng afforded Lo governmenL funcLlons for Lhe ClLy, shall be afforded Lo Lhe 1ask
lorce as well. 1he 1ask lorce may meeL aL oLher locaLlons as approprlaLe, as long as lL does noL lncur
cosL Lo Lhe ClLy.
1he 1ask lorce wlll be allowed access by Lhe ClLy Cfflce Lo prepare coples and obLaln reasonable/general
offlce supplles Lo asslsL ln Lhe course of lLs work.

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