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SEPUGS ,,Vasil Antevski-Dren Skopje


Title: Young People - Life and Health

Mentor: Gordana Miteva

Student: Petar Chogurik IV 1

Introduction: In this project with title ''Young people - life and health'' I want to talk about the life and the health of the young generations in modern times.

These are the things I will talk about: 1.Young people today have a much easier life than the equivalent age group in previous generation 2. Do young people today make good use of their leisure time? or do they spend too much time watching television and video games, instead of taking part in more productive activities? 3. The computer has become one of the most important and influential luxuries of this generation. Young people use computers every day for school, work, and entertainment. 4. Negative Influence of Computer Games on Young People 5. Internet and young people 6. It Is not natural for young people to feel stressed 7. Health of young people

Young People Today Have a Much Easier Life Than the Equivalent Age Group in Previous Generation Young People Today Have a Much Easier Life Than the Equivalent Age Group in Previous Generation In previous generation, but it does not mean that they have a much better life. On the contrary, they have to suffer from more pressure in life than in the past.

Compare with the previous generation, the youth today have more chances to make decision by themselves. In other words, they are more free and dependent. For example, in the past, parents always interfere to their childrens life and push them to what they want even when their kids were not in favors such as marriage arrangements. Meanwhile, in the present, parents mostly allow them to do what they are interested in and try to give good advices to them; instead of causing arguments which easily break family relation. Moreover, today we have the internet, iPods, gaming devices, etc. We also know a lot more scientifically, which can help with our homework and other stuff. All makes the youths life become easier. However, the easier life young people have the more pressure they must be suffer. It mainly is the pressure of expectation. Young people are always expected to act, speak and dress in a certain way. They often have concern about their future such as what to do when they leave school, what to be like, and what to satisfy their people around, especially their parents. Some people may not disagree with this idea because they claimed that in the past the youth also have the same pressure as the young today. It maybe the truth, but apparently, the pressure the older had to suffer is not as tough as the younger has to do now. Because of the easier and more comfortable life, the youth are expected to achieve more success. Because of more high standard quality of society, the youth have to try harder to be accepted in.

Do Young People Today Make Good Use of Their Leisure Time? or Do They Spend Too Much Time Watching Television and Video Games, Instead of Taking Part in More Productive Activities? Leisure time can be well spent in many different ways.One popular option among the young is playing video games and watching television.While other activities like sports, social gathering and reading are available to them,many people feel that they spend

too much time on these indoor games and screens and prefer them to be more active. Nowadays, younger generation has greater choices of leisure facilities than previous one. Among such facilities are television and video games. Some social experts and families are concerned about health of teenage overindulge on these activities. This is supported by some reports that sitting too long in front of television could lead to problems of eyes and back. On the other hand, some medical experts believe that some video games can improve the dexterity of the player and this could help his or her future career like operating doctor or pilot. In addition, watching television keeps young audience inform about what happens around locally as well as globally. That would enhance teenagers' inquisitive mind and encourage them to keep eyes on challenging local and international issues. While such benefit is welcomed, there also are dangers of exposing them to violence, crimes and explicit scenes on some television series which can have negative impact on younger personalities .Alternatively, there are many activities which have positive results in term of social, physical and educational values. For example, walking, jogging and trekking in a recreational park improve their physical strength and give an opportunity to observe nature and environment. Furthermore, spending time with family, relatives and friends outdoor enriches their social lives. As a result, they would be more interactive and responsible socially. Finally, one could simply be entertained by reading at home or playing some music.

The Computer Has Become One of the Most Important and Influential Luxuries of This Generation. Young People Use Computers Every Day for School, Work, and Entertainment. It is a fact that our generation is what can be called The First Computer Dependent Generation. Computers have become one of the most important and influential luxuries of this generation. Young people use computers every day for school, work, and entertainment. They are the first generation to have become computer literate as

early as the onset of adolescence. For most of their lives they have used computers, so it is not surprising that our generation has become highly dependent upon them. Computers are intensively used in every aspect of man's life. Computer systems manage almost everything we see. Banks, schools, malls, libraries, broadcasting, military, aeronautics and governments have systems where computers play a vital role. We rely on computers to do most of our everyday activities. This is the computer age. With the help of computers, mankind is entering a new era of enlightenment. Dealing with the enormous amount of data that the modern man is faced with can only be done by means of computers. What is more, due to them, huge progress has been made in many important fields such as surgery for instance. In addition, they are becoming more than ever a necessity to the educational system. By means of computers lessons are made more attractive, more instructive, certain skills are better developed. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to make a film or to compose music. Amateur filmmakers can produce work from their own homes. Graphics engineers can use computers to create three-dimensional models, or even to generate short or full-length films. Anybody who owns a computer can now enter the field of media production. Communication in our century would be unconceivable without the Internet, We Are Becoming Overwhelmingly Dependent on Computers.

Negative Influence of Computer Games on Young People It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers became irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became the part of our life and very important component in many spheres of modern life. So it is somehow influences on people. One of the spheres of the life is leisure.

And nowadays majority of young people spend their leisure playing computer games, surfing through the internet. Computer games have become one of the favorite time-spending of young people all ages, and even some adults. With permanent development of computer technology the quantity of people using computer either for working purposes or entertainment purposes is increasing speedily. One of the reasons of acquiring computers and computer games by busy parents for their children is providing playing leisure for them. But some parents dont realize that computer games not only develop childs mind, logic (what is positive influence) but has negative affects. Computer games industry is evaluated in two ways. On the one hand it is associated with admiration of computers abilities, on the other hand with dangerous influence on teenagers psychology and health. Radiation even of the safest and modern monitors are serious leading on eyes and bearing of unformed organisms. There are many examples of heath problems caused by computers. Talking about psychology it is depend on genre of computer games. Unfortunately the market of computer games consists of games that include killing, attack, aggressive actions, and cruel behavior. These factors lead to change in human psychology and mind. Gamers became more wicked, more aggressive to each other and to other people. They are more inclined to aggression, violence and even murder.

Internet and Young People Nowadays, the Internet is very popular with young people/youth. Most of them spend a lot of time in surfing the Net. They believe/think/feel that the Internet has brought numerous/a lot of /many/a number of advantages. In my opinion, the Internet affects/influences/sways young people not only in good/positive side but also in bad/negative side.

There is no doubt that the Internet has good influences in widening/increasing/ improving young peoples knowledge. It keeps everyone informed. With few minutes each day, we can update necessary news. Moreover, more and more youth use the Internet to search/look/find out/seek information for their work or their study. They also can learn much about cultures, history, geography through abundance source on the Internet/websites. The over use of computer brings the bad physical effects. Some people harm their eyes by sitting front of the screen for a long time without rest. Other diseases such as stomachache, headache and back pain are easy to suffer. Furthermore, the Internet seems separate youth from the real world. Although they usually update news/current affairs, their face-to-face/direct communications are very poor. They contact/communicate with others through out websites like Facebook,Yahoo, Myspace, and MSN in stead of going out with family or meeting friends. Therefore, young people can loss their sensibilities/feeling/emotion in relationships or have difficulty in real communicating. In additions, a lot of website is not good for people to see, especially teenagers. For example, many more websites which cannot censor contain/include/hold incorrect/wrong/erroneous information, violent, sexy films, videos.

In conclusion, besides improving our knowledge I think that the Internet increasingly affect in bad ways both physical and emotion. It Is Not Natural for Young People to Feel Stressed It is not natural for young people to feel stressed and hopeless about the situations they face. All young people want is to be happy, to make a real difference they need our help to develop a more positive mental attitude and to understand that the real source of their happiness or their stress and to develop the inner strength and confidence to deal with any situation, however challenging, is an important goal.

Many young people today put too much emphasis on materialism as a source of their happiness and need our help in understanding the importance of one's inner values example sharing and caring, moving away from "us" and "them" and using their resources to help others respecting the rights of others interdependence and our reliance on others compassion and forgiveness gratitude. It is unrealistic to expect young people to be able to avoid conflict and that is why we need to teach them how to seek a win/win resolution to conflict. This involves helping them to look at situations from different perspectives, not just their own. Young people also need our help in making full use of the opportunities that come their way. Many young people do not have self belief and need our help in identifying their strengths and past successes. This requires different thought processes that involve the young person distancing themselves from strong emotions in order to analyse situations using clarity and objectivity to see what is actually happening, to assess what needs to be done and to develop a strong sense of purpose. This way the young person is able to act out of a clear awareness of their situation not out of anger or fear. They have a better chance of remaining calm in adversity and will have developed their inner strengths. Young people are no different to us, they want to overcome stress. There is no simple technique that will guarantee a calm and peaceful mind because each young person is different and lots of factors are involved.

Health of Young People

My generation is more likely to have better lives than any other generation thanks medicine the young people of today can live longer and healthier unlike generations before us because in these days we have a cure for just about everything and for the


the advancements of modern technology and medical science. Because of the modern

things that we don't have a cure we are working on them to find one. Unlike in the old days when men kind was still at the mercy of disease and in fear of pleagues. The modern medicine is highly developed. Nowadays, there are pills for everything. Diseases which could't be cured thirty years ago can now be treated easily. Also there are countless vitamin preparations for maintaining health. On top of that,there is now light food witch comes with less calories.There is a large abundance of healthy food rich with vitamines and minerals vital for a long and happy life. Young people are also encouraged to keep fit and to walk for ten minutes a day.Although walking from ten to fifteen minutes a day doesn't seem like a lot of excercise,it really helps you out. Some young people play football,some play basketball,some tennis etc... Most young people are healthy. However, more that 2.6 million young people aged 10 to 24 die each year because of illnesses and malnutrition but also becouse of there wrong choices.Alcohol,tobacco,drugs,they destroy the immune system of the human body and with that are one more step closer to death. Conclusion: In conclusion, although the life is much easier today, our young people must be always in ready to face with all hard challenges which can happen at anytime . Thus sports plus food is equal to the well known saying of a healthy body,healthy spirit. Will you live a healthy or an unhealthy life??? The choice is yours. Bibliography: 1.www.studymode.com 2.www.guardian.co.uk 3.www.education.gov.uk

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