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CH 10 Growing pains 1789 constitution ratified and republic continues to grow Huge expansion of population and people move

ve west

Washington for President Unanimously chosen to be president in 1789 Started the precedents of the Presidency. (cabinet, two terms)

The Bill of Rights Antifederalists refused to ratify constitution without a Bill of Rights so they drew one up To add amendments there needed to be 2/3s of states or 2/3s of both houses of Congress. 1791 the needed amount of states ratified the amendments. Judiciary Act of 1789 organized federal courts

Hamilton and Public Credit Argued National Debt could be blessing He proposes the Hamilton Financial plan which involved creating a Bank of the U.S. to regulate commerce, Excise taxes to raise revenue* (hurt poor farmers), Fund at par: pay face value to get more money from the aristocrats, Assume state debts government taking responsibility would unify the states, Tariff would tax foreign goods making Northern industrial products cheaper to buy.

Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank Jefferson argued using Amendment 10 that the right to regulate money circulation was reserved to states Hamilton utilizes the Elastic Clause saying it is necessary and proper because without a bank, currency circulation is impossible. Washington sides with Hamilton and so do the North. The south has strong opposition for the Bank. Bank made in 1791 and chartered for twenty years in Philadelphia.

Mutinous Moonshiners in Penn-1794 Many farmers upset about the excise tax so they rebel against gov. When Gov. came in with a huge army they crush the few insurrectionists there and prove rebellions are weak but army is strong.

Emergence of Political Parties

Credit restored by Hamilton could now trade with Netherlands and Britain. Even though financially the plan was successful not everyone agreed with it In particular Jeffersonians disagreed with the federalist institution US had been going against Washington because it became bipartisan and dividing continually

The Impact of the French Revolution Foreign policy splits the two parties further Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans feel the need to cheer on the French Ally Federalist do not want to support France because that would be working against Britain

Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation George Washington wanted to avoid war at all costs 1793 he claims the neutrality proclamation, a fact that Jeffersonians hated it; Federalists uplifted by it French Citizen Edmond Genet was sent to America to influence them believing that being neutral was not their true wish. He was kicked out of the country

Embroilments with Britain Ever since 1783 Britain was still in America. They did not want to give up control of Canada or the great lakes. They paid Indians to kill many Americans and take the land. Little Turtle, chief of the Miamis, attacked the Ohio river and brutally beat Americans General Mad Anthony Wayne forced Indian evacuation however, the British refused to house the Indians therefore they were massacred. 1795 the Treaty of Greenville is signed to end the battles. The Indians gave up lands in the Northwest in return for $20,000. Britains Navy seized West Indies and expected the Americans to help the French under contract but they didnt. British Navy seized neutral American ships in the Indies angering Patriotic Jeffersonians.

Jays Treaty and Washingtons Farewell John Jay is sent to redress relationship with Britain. He gets a treaty that says British will leave posts on U.S. soil, pay damages on American seized ships, but did not promise to stop impressments and stop the supplying of arms to Natives America had to pay pre-revolutionary war debts Jeffersonians hated the treaty they did not want to be friendly with British Spanish scared that U.S. is friendly with U.K. so they allow us to use the Mississippi thru Pinckneys treaty of 1795

John Adams becomes president John Adams becomes the second president with Jefferson as his vice. He had big shoes to fill and did not have the financial genius Hamilton.

Unofficial Fighting with France French pissed off by Jays Treaty it meant U.S. was friends with Britain its nemesis Adams sends his representatives to France to negotiate with Talleyrand. They are received by three random French men instead of Talley rand and requested 250,000 just for a talk (XYZ Affair) Federalists happy about French misbehavior while Jeffersonians disappointed Sort of fighting in West Indies we were seizing French ships there

Adams puts Patriotism above party Adams refuses to declare the desire for war; he sends three reps to France this time they are received respectively Convention of 1800 meant France is not our complete ally anymore

Federalist Witch Hunt Alien act raised the number of years from 5 to 14 to become a citizen which pushed foreigners to the Democratic-Republican Party Sedition act stopped the people from criticizing the president. Anyone who did so could be thrown In jail

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Jefferson and Madison wanted to cater to the foreigners affected by Alien and Sedition acts so they came up with the compact theory. The states make up the national government therefore they are the national government. This means they can nullify laws they see unfit.

Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans Federalists- loose interpretation, strong central government, industrialization, aristocracy, Britain sympathizers D-R- strict interpretation, weak central government, agrarian, poor, pro-France

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