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Farmer A: How is this?! Everything is arid land, dry and can not be overgrown with any.

While there is no more water wells. Farmer B: Yeah yeah ... continue what we harvest. This season we will surely fail to harvest again. Where we have to pay tribute to the ruler. Farmer 3: Let us work harder and see if we can still get results, although not in accordance with our expectations. Farmer 4: Yeah .... yes .... and we are resigned to it in this state. Farmer A: Yeah what can we do, rulers did not ever want to know about our troubles. Farmer B: Yeah they want is, tributes and tribute from us. Kyai Barumbung listen to grievances, finally sought help from the Almighty obtainment of water sources. Kyai Barumbung: Assalamualaikum ... Overall: Walaikum salam Kyai Barumbung: What are you doing?! Why not work. What are you experiencing with your plants?! Farmer A: This pack ... father trying to see ... arid land ... plants can no longer thrives and while the water was no longer can be found ... Farmer B: Then how can we harvest later, while authorities wants just ask and ask tribute from us Farmer 3: We already no more power to sir the burden of life and suffering. But how else

Then the farmer went home, while Kyai Berumbung invoke Allah instructions. And it came to a miracle, Kyai Barumbung find a source of water. Kyai Barumbung: Alhamdulillah ... Allah turns. gives what is expected by residents ... Farmers 5: Assalamualaikum .... Kyai Barumbung: Walaikumsalam ... what's this?! Farmers 5: Alhamdulillah Kyai has given us the source of water for the villagers here, thanks clerics ... Kyai Berumbung: Do not thank me, thank Allah SWT ... Assalamualaikum .. Farmers 5: Walaikumsalam ... Weh ... the inhabitants of all, this is water ... The farmers say thanks to each other and the fountain was named: SOURCE BERUMBUNG Activities farmer watering crops and farmers grow crops in the fields. Farmer 3: Really thankful, thanks to berumbung sources abundant harvests. But the bitter life we never enjoy the results because they have to be submitted as a tribute. why am I talking to myself huh? Kera suddenly slipped behind cucumber plants. People on the throw. Farmer A: "Soon we will harvest we crop hopefully this whole time we enjoy, not like before which is often stolen by thieves. Farmer B: "You're right, the years since it became the ruling authorities here, instead of prosperity that we get, which must deal with thieves, not to mention must submit tribute to them. Stop activity clerics berumbung arrival. From behind the musician berumbung clerics stood looking at the environment fields.

Kyai berumbung: "Assalamualaikum" The farmers: "Wa'alaikum salam" Kyai: "How are you and your family all?" Farmer A: "Our newspaper and our family is not so good clerics, every time we face the harvest, we are always haunted by the unrest, especially in recent years yields we can not enjoy our own" Kyai: "Astaghfirullah .... Well, what has happened so far with you guys? " Farmer B: "Like clerics, our actual harvest is abundant, but since the ruler was in power, the situation our country is not safe, robbery, oppression, extortion and even theft of our property has been rampant, we can not do much, because of the lives at stake." Kyai: "Good heavens, it's inhuman to them, behave like animals, like this, you should try to get out of this problem soon, Arm yourself with knowledge and skills membeladiri, and accompanied by prayer to God. Kyai go out and Kyai Barumbung entered the stage and sat down at the right stage The Farmers berwudhuk to hear discourse berumbung clerics. Kyai: "My brothers and sisters, life is not as beautiful and not as easy as we dream, obstacles, trials, obstacles, came and went during the breath still contained entities, as long as it precisely we should continue to seek refuge and strength in God to get through it all, do not argue that we surrender to God's provision when we are desperate. Kyai Berumbung tells of persecution by the authorities in Madura. Kyai: "I still remember when we first nation ruled by evil rulers of the rulers over now, at that time the people has always been a target of the arbitrariness of the ruler who lived with squander tribute that we pay every time, when they see people suffering from hunger, even every day a lot of dead bodies scattered like leaves in autumn miscarriages, babies crying poor are scattered

across the corner of the street continues to deafen those who heard it, and the sad again they told us to make dishes tasty and much when we wrapped extreme pain of having to starve ......... Farmer 3: "Sorry clerics, whether at that time no one is against the cruelty of greedy rulers that?" Kyai: "Of course there is my brother, every time someone opposes peguasa, an instant it was also the ruler seeks by all means to memberangusnya, ranging from bribing by any inducement to sweep away without a trace. Farmer 4: "And what about the fate of us now, please give us a way out ......." Kyai Berumbung further dialogue with the students / farmers about the tribute to be submitted to the authorities and public unrest about the theft merajalelah a result of the amount of tribute to be handed over to the authorities. To the extent that the cucumber was stolen. Kyai: "What can I do to ease your suffering?" Farmers 5: "Kyai Barumbung we ta'dzimi, we can still live up to now because desperate scavenge food that we get from plants remaining in our fields, although our yields sufficient but everything should we leave it to the authorities as a tribute, tribute suppose to buy the rest of our life, and more worrying again, we make the cucumber plant byproduct that too disappeared stolen mercilessly, even if the only remaining living trunks. Dance farmers The farmers (students) facing Kyai Berumbung to listen to advice. Kyai: "Assalamualaikum wr.wb." The farmers: "Waalaikum salam wr.wb." Kyai: "Alhamdulillah wa give thanks, we are still in the protection of Allah, even though we are being tested by God, and in a condition which is very sad indeed visible the peguasa they and their minions who would much suffering in the Day of Judgment. The world is just a temporary stopover, then use the best time for amendment of life, with the knowledge and endeavor.

Kyai barumbung approached santrinya (animal monkey) and told him to keep the cucumber fields surrounding territory. Kyai: Assalamu'alaikum ... "O my disciples, Come here ....... starting tonight I give you the task to keep the cucumber-dill they do not lose it stolen, if you fail, it's far better to die for you. The Farmer: Walaikumsalam ... Scenes monkey coloring cucumber Pupils report to clerics Barumbung farmers no longer stealing cucumbers and communities now not fret anymore. And the magic that was once the color green cucumber now turned into white cucumber.

Kyai: "Assalamualaikum wr.wb. how are you today? "

Farmer A: "Waalaikum salam wr.wb. Thank God we are much better news clerics, since apes belong clerics maintain our fields since it was also our cucumber plant is not stolen again, we apologize for prejudice when clerics as if not give us a way out on his time, turned out to clerics is wise in solving our problems ...... once again we apologize clerics. Kyai: (smile) "You should be grateful to Allah, I am just an intermediary to convey life lessons to you, not one of God's creation in vain, including animal ape, he used God's grace in the form of instinct / intellect in solving the problem, let alone a human being you are God made much more perfect and complete in solving any problems of life, do not you realize it, it arose, O my brothers, using all the skills and all the grace of God in accordance with the conditions we are experiencing, not just by saying thank but using God's grace as it should be for the benefit of the living. Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.


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