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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,

Department of Management Sciences

(Instructions for Students)

Report Format

Consistency in Report Format

• The report should be in standard format i.e. A-4 size paper, with total number of
words 7,000 – 10,000 ( From Chapter 01 to end of report before “notes” )
• Two copies and a CD (soft copy) to be presented to CIIT before the deadline and the
student must bring his copy (3rd one) for viva.
• A uniform writing strategy should be adopted throughout the report.
• Style of tables and data presentation should be uniform
• Each chapter will start from introduction and in the end there will be conclusion.

Guidelines to be followed by students while finalizing their reports

• Report should be presented in a fairly formal manner

• Avoid brightly colored illustration and decorative formatting and all pages in plain
white (no pages with colored background except where it is required)
• Present report in such a way that it meets the expectations of people in terms of
• All paragraphs must be “justified”, but not left/right/center aligned.
• Report should be numbered through using Arabic numerals starting on the first page
of the first chapter ( 1,2,3 ……… )
• The preliminary pages such as contents, acknowledgement etc should be numbered
using Roman numerals (I, II, III ……)
• Page number must be added to the contents pages
• Page margin should be 1.5 inches for left (because of binding) 1.0 inches for right.
For top and bottom it must be 1.0 inches.

(Please see the sample provided) 1

• Page numbers must be in the “center” and at the bottom of page.
Font Size, Style and Line Space

• Font Size should be 12

• Font style should be Times New Roman
• Line space should be one and half.

Headings, Subheadings and Titles

Title Page: Report title should be in large font size (18) but the name of the student
should be smaller size than title (14) …. (Please see the sample provided)

Heading to pages such as the abstract or contents and chapter heading:

These titles should be in 14 and should be in bold.

Subheading through chapters:

Subheading throughout report should be 12 and should be in bold.

Numeral System to the subheading: Use proper numerical system for heading and
subheading. For example, the first subheading of chapter 1 would be numbered 1.1, and
the first second subheading would be numbered 1.1.1. In the second chapter, the
numbering would be 2.1 and 2.1.1 respectively.

• All the text should be typed on one side of the paper.
• Each chapter should begin on a new page.
• Each chapter should be numbered in Arabic numerals, as “Chapter 1”, followed by
the title of the chapter in next line. (Please see the sample provided)
• Do not underline heading or subheading; differentiate them by italic or bold style.

(Please see the sample provided) 2

Use of bullet points: Bullet points should be used in report wherever needed. For
example, bullet points or enumeration in a conclusion, in the presenting of the aim of the
report, rather than discussing the aim in general way. The bullet size and distance should
be similar throughout report.

Tables and Figures numbering:

• Tables and figures are numbered separately through the report. They are numbered
according to the number of the chapter and their sequence in the particular chapter.
For example, the third table in chapter 7 would be designated Table 7.3:
--------------------- with proper heading) Similarly, fifth figure in chapter 1 would be
titled Figure 1.5: ------------------- with proper heading).
• Below each table or figure source should be mentioned.
• Table format should be very simple and formal. Same table format should be
followed throughout the report.

Layout of Quotations:
• To support arguments, extracts or quotations from books, journal, articles or research
paper are usually incorporated in report.
• The normal strategy for longer quotations (more than three lines) is to type the
quotation in italic, to use a narrow line space (usually 1) and to indent the quotation
from left.
• Quotation up to three lines or less should be included within inverted coma.

(Please see the sample provided) 3

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