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THE HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974 Our people are our company. We will not compromise safety and health. Our objective is to achieve zero accidents.

E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD AIM AND RESPONSIBILITY 1. E C Chemical Productions Ltd fully supports the aims of the Health Safety at Work Act 1974 and similar laws. E C Chemical Productions Ltd procedures and practices aim to keep to these laws. E C Chemical Productions Ltd will provide healthy and safe working environments for its employees and those who may be affected by its activities. II. E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD POLICY 2. When reviewing or producing new policy, E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will take account of all new relevant laws (both national and European). E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will take guidance from the Health Safety Executive. Environmental Health Officers. E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will consult employees in order to meet its targets.

TARGETS a) To make sure that work conditions are safe and healthy E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will attempt to identify all hazards, assess the risks involved and take action to avoid them.

b) To make sure that whenever E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD purchases anything for use in the company, E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD looks at the potential risks to health and safety. This includes buildings, plant, equipment, substances, and transport, tools and work methods. c) To make sure that health and safety risks are assessed records are kept and training given where needed, so that everyone involved is fully informed. Whenever personal protective equipment is provided, this must be recorded and training given. d) E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD expects its employees to wear the protective equipment whenever the rules or procedures apply. This is the law. e) When new Health Safety Procedures are issued to make sure that everyone concerned will know about them and what to do in order to keep safe. Easily understood safety information will be provided. This legal obligation applies to existing and new processes. f) To make sure that employees are provided with health surveillance as is appropriate having regard to the risks to their health and safety which are identified by risk assessment. g) To make sure suitable safety training is provided for all employees. This is particularly important for new employees and existing employees who may need additional training when new equipment or processes or materials are introduced. To ensure that, when accidents happen, systems for collecting analyzing and presenting information about the facts of those accidents are followed. All personal injury accidents will be recorded in the Accident Book and Company Log - Incident, Accident Form. h) To provide first aid and prompt treatment for injuries and illness for everyone at work. j) E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will consult with employees in an effort to get plans right first time.

k) To assure that E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD does not endanger the safety of anyone not employed by E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD. l) To co-ordinate the activities of anyone who works for E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD so that contractors are able to keep to the laws about health, safety and welfare of employees and others.

III. EMPLOYEES LEGAL DUTIES 3. E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD and the law expect all employees to act thoughtfully and responsibly, avoiding careless behavior that would cause injury or ill-health to themselves or others. A zero lost time accident rate can be achieved only with the active support of every employee. Each employee must help to make sure that no time is lost through accidents by:a) Taking reasonable care for the health safety of yourself, your colleagues or members of the public. b) Using any plant, machinery or equipment in accordance with any training or instructions received. c) Reporting to E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD Management any work situation which is a threat to safety, including any problems with E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD Health Safety arrangements. Any failure to report may result in disciplinary action.

IV. HEALTH SAFETY HELP 4. The HSE resources provide information for the exchange of information on occupational health safety.

V. IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY 5. The General Manager is the Head /Lead on Health and Safety in E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD. He is responsible to the board of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD for the development of standards and systems which make sure that all companies within the group are fully aware of what the laws says and meet agreed minimum standards.

6. The General Manager chairs the Health Safety Management Meeting. This meeting is attended by Reps from all companies operating business within. They are responsible for:a) Setting standards of Health Safety which all divisions of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD must meet. b) Developing a Health Safety Plan for E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD. c) Making sure that everyone meets their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. And in the UK legal framework supporting European legislation d) Having an informed view of the likely demands of future laws. e) Getting Health and Safety information in order to review the performance across all E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD activities. f) Reviewing the need for change ass result of new laws or performance statistics. g) Reporting on Health and Safety in E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD to the Board.

7. The E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD Policy Procedures show how policy is implemented. It defines the responsibilities of Directors, Managers and employees for the implementation of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD Health and Safety Policy. It explains how E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD provides safe workplaces.

8. All Managers are responsible for safety within their function. They must:a) Issue instructions on Health Safety within their department. b) Make sure that these instructions are clearly communicated, understood by everyone and consistently enforced. c) Monitor the effectiveness of Health and Safety instructions and report on them to the Managing Director in his role as officer in charge of Health and Safety.

9. Managers are also responsible for properly applying policies, rules and instructions. Supervisors at all levels have a duty to make sure that working instructions, which provide safe sites and procedures, are issued and understood by everyone in their work group. Everybody up and down the chain of command has an individual responsibility for Health Safety.


10. The effectiveness of this policy will be measured by:a) Regular audits and self-appraisals so that Managers can satisfy themselves that policies are being correctly applied or that corrective action is taken.

b) Looking at reports on such matters as fire prevention, security and medical care. c) The discussions and recommendations of Health Safety Meetings. d) The reports of safety representatives who will be given the necessary resources to do their job. e) Looking at accident reports, and evaluating lessons learned which will be built into the safety culture of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD.

11. The Health Safety Management Meeting will regularly review the general effectiveness of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD Health Safety arrangements. Minimum twice a year.


12. E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD will co-operate with all employees. They will be given the help they need to do an effective job. They will be consulted in good time to enable them to:a) Take part in discussion about issues which may have a great affect on the Health and Safety of all employees. b) Have a clear understanding of who in E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD gives proper Health Safety advice. c) Understand any Health Safety information the company needs to give to employees they represent. d) Be told about company plans for any Health Safety Training required for employees.

e) Review the Health Safety implications of new technologies in E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD.

13. E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTD and all members of staff will try and work together to achieve the aim of Zero Accidents.

VII.THE PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO SAFETY 14. The maintenance of E C CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS LTDs clean Health Safety record is dependent on all its staff being committed to:

MAINTAIN - Tools and equipment in good condition stored appropriately ORGANISE - Work Safely RECEIVE/GIVE - Clear instructions ENSURE - Use of personal protective equipment SUPPORT - Local Safety ATTEND - Safety Training FOLLOW - Safety Rules REPORT - Potential hazards

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