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Healthy Living Galleries 1. Side Stretches To do the side stretches, you need to stand straight. Keep your feet apart, at the shoulders width. Raise one arm over your head and lean to that side as far as possible. Repeat this with the other arm. You should feel the strain on the side of your belly, since that is where the fat burns off, with the help of this exercise

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Straight Leg Lift Lie down straight on your back, on a yoga mat. Place a thin book or other block between your inner thighs. Now, slowly, bring your legs straight up, with the feet pointing toward the ceiling, and without the knees bending. Keeping the back pressed to the ground, maintain this position for a few seconds, before bringing the legs down without bending. Repeat

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Locust Pose Lie down flat on your yoga mat, with your face facing down. Stretch out your legs and arms as far wide as possible. Keeping both arms and legs absolutely straight, lift the head, arms, chest and legs all at the same time. Maintain this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering all parts simultaneously. Repeat.

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Bridge Pose This pose is very helpful in burning the belly fat as well as building the muscles of the abdomen. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep your feet apart from each other. Your arms should be straight by the side of your body. Now lift your torso off the ground, leaving your head, arms and feet planted right where they are. Maintain the position for a few seconds, before gradually lowering the body back on the mat. Repeat.

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Modified Wheel Another tremendous yoga posture, this one is great for reducing belly fat too. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep the feet a little apart from each other. Keep your feet and palms flat on the ground. Now lift your hips and torso up towards the ceiling. Maintain the position for a few seconds. Gently lower the body back to the ground. Repeat. Regular practice of some or all of the above positions s bound to flex our abs muscles and burn the extra flab around the belly.

Steps To Do The Cobra Pose: 1. Lie flat on your stomach and rest your head on your folded arms. 2. Your feet must be kept together, upturned and flat. 3. Look upwards with your forehead facing in the front. 4. Bring your arms to your sides so that you can support your body weight. 5. Lift your upper body while supporting your weight on your arms. Your body must be up from your waist going forward. 6. Arch your back as much as you can and push your head backwards while you continue to look in front. Benefits Of The Cobra Pose

This yoga asana helps relieve stress as it forces you to breathe deeply. Bhujangasana is a great yoga pose for kids because it helps to expand your chest. The more you use your lungs, the better it functions. Most kids do not use the capacity of their lungs. So make them do this yoga asana regularly.

The cobra pose strengthens your lower back. It helps get rid of lower back and neck pain.

This yoga pose also strengthens your arms. You are supporting the entire weight of your body on your arms. This will help build biceps and triceps.

Bhujangasana is a great yoga pose for women. This is because it helps regularise your menstrual cycle. You apply a lot of pressure on your lower abdomen while practicing this pose and thus, it regulates your periods.

The most obvious benefit of this yoga asana is that it aids weight loss. This is one of the best ways to lose belly fat

Half-Wheel Pose (Ardha Chakrasana) This posture is extremely helpful in completely stretching the abdominal and spinal muscles and can be performed as the great precursor to the Hand-to-Foot Pose. Step One Stand straight on the mat, with your arms extended above your head. Step Two While inhaling deeply, gradually bend backwards with your arms still outstretched and you fingers interlocked. Step Three As you feel the tension in your ribs, bend as far backwards as possible forming an arch with your spine. Step Four Hold this position for 5 counts and return to your starting position. Step Five

The Boat Pose (Navasana) This posture is excellent in building abdominal core strengths and creating greater muscular resistance among the legs, hamstrings and spine. Step One Sit on the floor with your spine straight, your legs parted and outstretched in front of you. Step Two Gradually bring the legs up to a 45 degree angle keeping them straight at the joints, all the way. Step Three Let the torso fall back as you raise your legs, but take care not to bend your spine. The resultant position will be a V shape. Step Four Stretch your arms out in a straight line in front of you, perfectly aligned with the shoulders. Step Five

Plank Pose (Vashisthasana) This yoga posture can be continued from the Downward-Facing Dog pose discussed earlier. This enhances resistance in the abdominal muscles and also improves the strength in the arms and shoulders. Step One Having assumed the Downward Facing Dog Pose, adjust your body weight such that your arms are directly below your shoulders. Step Two Lower your hips till your torso is in a straight line with the legs. Step Three Distribute the weight among your toes and hands such that you can comfortably rest in this position without straining your limbs. Step Four

Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) This posture is great for building resistance in the abdominal muscles, along with strengthening the spine. Step One Rest your body on all fours, with your hands underneath your shoulders and knees aligned under the hips. Step Two Keep your hands and feet on the ground and push your hips outward, keeping your feet straight. Step Three Balance your weight on the forearms and fingers and keep your head hung low. Step Four Balance your weight in such a way that the bulk is removed from the arms, thereby reducing muscular strain.

When it comes to having the perfect body, no workout technique is more effective than yoga. While it can be used to achieve ideal health, yoga can also aid in sculpting the abs perfectly. Here are some yoga postures to help you achieve the perfect body you dream of. All you need is a yoga mat to get you started.

Hand and Knees Balance The following posture tests core strengths, builds muscular mass, improves balance while building your abs at the same time. Step One Rest your body on all fours, with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees resting directly underneath your hips. Step Two Extend your right leg out and keep it straight on the floor. Step Three Lift your right leg to the same height as your hips. Keep them in the same alignment as before. Step Four Lift your left arm to the shoulder level and keep it outstretched. Step Five Balance your body weight on the right arm and left leg and keep your spine straight. Hold this position for 10 counts. Step Six Exhale as you return to your starting position. Rest for 5 counts and repeat the posture with the other

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