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The following ritual is designed to purify the space you work in, and to expand the auric body

and harden it. This ritual also acts as an invocation of Solar energies, and should balance out any troubles as well as ground yourself properly between Celestial, Cthonic and Earthly energies. It also should benefit spiritual "Sight" and strengthen the sensation of Sia (perception)

Step One: Draw the Eye of Heru according to the suns position, starting from there, trace it in the four quarters. If it has set recently, begin in the west, if it is the middle of the night, then begin facing northwards. Also note that the positioning of the four quarters is not Elemental, but rather reflects the infinite cycle of the Solar light as it is born, lives, and dies and travels the underworld to be born again, though this in itself connected to the elemental natures and directions, that does not mean the elements are the basis for the reasoning Step Two: Speak aloud the invocation and banishing words. The language is Kemetic, or Ancient egyptian. I advise "How to read Egyptian Heiroglyphs, by Mark Collier and Bill Manley" if you want to construct Kemetic Rituals in the original tongue "Nis Heru Sekhem Neter Nefer" (I call Heru the powerful and perfect god ) "Wab tew Shems Khesf Khefty" (Purify your follower and repel his enemy)

"NAME Kheper Heru Neter Nefer" (Name Becomes Heru the perfect god)

"Hisst Nej tew Shemsu Name Kheper Heru" (Favour and protect your follower Name as he becomes Heru) "Ra hetep Khefty Hwint" (The day is in peace, the enemy beaten" "Hsi Heru Sti-eb Shemsu" (Praise Heru beloved of his Follower) Feel the four eyes suddenly flare up in light, as the Symbol of the Solar light appears within your heart. The symbol being the Circle with a dot about it, the planatery glyph of Solar. Your eyes are also replaced By the eyes of Heru, your left shining in silver and the right in gold. Feel your sphere of sensation begin to charge with the energies of the sun and feel it repel unwanted energies as it expands outwards. Step Three: Speak "S'khadi Shu Khenem Name tew Heru NAME Kheper Ph'ati" (May you travel Shu in union with NAME oh Heru, as NAME becomes strength) "Name Kheper Shu, Khenem Nut Geb" (NAME becomes Shu and unites as Nut and Geb)

At this point, feel the ground beneath you and the heavens above you unite, and feel an explosion in your heart which is where they unite. Hold your hands above your head, as Shu in the image below and allow the mind to act as a connection between the infinite light of the heavens, and your physical self (Body and animal persona). _________________________________________

The following ritual, begins by invoking the light of Solar into the body and allowing it to purify the sphere and prepare it. The first part calls the energies of the god Herwu into the sphere and allows his light to charge it. The second part of the ritual, or part three is based on the following image

The Top goddess is Nut who is the heavens, and the bottom deity is Geb who is the earth. Shu who seperates them both, yet unites them both is the Mind and Air. Thus we can see that we have, Body, Mind and Spirit, and acting as Shu we connect our mind to both the body and the spirit, allowing a state of balance. This part of the ritual, allows the energies invoked from Heru, be used to connect and balance the body and sphere of sensation with these three things, and so therefore total union is established. Glorius art thou, Thine lady behind the Veil of Purity, Queen of the silvered waters, Shining in the heavens as the Celestial Serpent! Great, is the Goddesses Kebetchet Hail to thy name, Thy Jackal of the mountain, Seasoned traveller of the Heavens, Prince of the gates and keeper of mine heart, Hail to thou, lord of the true twilight! Great is the Name, Anpu Infinite is thine light, She whom cries in the wrath of spirit, Divine justice, lady of the ever burning flame eternal, Beautiful is she of the red deserts, Eternal is her Greatness, Hail to thou, Lady of Justice Eternally, thou art Sekhmet! Oh Thou neteru, Mine masters behold that ectasy be induced at the thought of thy names within the heart of thine disciple!

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