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FMUppine Addresis
D, Fiie.f

Forwarding Agignt
I. E. Hartsock

C-iUtnerdi DeU.vtiy CJ'Vy,, PJrftUippinfeB

1, Sprmg \/A.ley. O'isjo

Jisn^. (io 19^0

Dear Christian Fri^rvds?

'tl ssesjis I have been a i.on^ time on t^e. w.^.y.. biu-t at last l bwe

privilege of writing Semmsiry,, Dav^c City, Well,, nmyb<& itmm was ciome. acqii^aMtted
Imm c.

:j news letter from tsu campii^s of Davao Bibl@ the FhUippineSo How gi^d am to ftiCire! jioi.st a lutle homesickness iit IrM as 1 and find work to do^ 1 leeiing horn
for,., to so many p^opl(S,y I Rfe&il
aii -, b-iife iei start by s^y%M< '"nsiar^k yo;ui"

J hgivg-' so rs^jiclii to ba
nty^T fc'fe ^ie to

to all of: yoM wfeo )fe4ve sant money to mak U possible to? m lo comt fee feh PMiippin^-s -yt?i.r re.s?oRse to my letter amt'inq m.y nrnds wm wott4<?d-isl. ftAd I to yoi^ . m tJm r^yash of my last we^ks liiom-s..
1 not afe.l to sUl of 'Tfty recsipta arAd J'i'avfe broiai^ltntl 'hsisaii to

the PMU.pp.lRi'S with

hm^., a??d it will yofii wUl bit

1 sh^ll m s^n<dup^> thesn by svoirfijce


sojisf:? w^ek..-:? to reach ih^Jr d'rtlliB'SjUo);i. ?o t witii im..

Frois now oi\o -my forwardm^js is^ieirU. I . t , H'^sr^sock, *mil bm

'ceipts /roTiJ- li'is

in Oklo for all money recGlvRd for at.y w-ork

1 mkiht


Si cj^.c^ek. o.r

to j?!jy call for fiiaMsJto

w^s fcicd, I stiU do f-noi h&vre ejEso'dgt"

ftsgiyiiat mj^'port to Uv tm.,

550!f]f^ewhr<e that will iMs

mrntm, so tiMH: I will not h^v# to aisk Mi.s SFik-ltfe to stuppon I -am Sh<$ imtt moi'^ c.ali..?. on he^r now jshe cap fiJl,..
w,i55M lo b. d3U adsied b^jdesi to i to Wp

siow ffctel Lf dc:. not

I .airi;,

to (he members? of .iny family, who provide me

p.iacfei? ifry last mo.uthii in itht Sti:afc'K{?>. .and feeip^d witlij p.afr.kina mail , sxjid aii the other details of gee!Ein<g rissdy ic v^sry h^ppy to my aister and brotMier-ln'^^w,, Barbers a.nd Jim Hs^rtsook,; with JT?e in Lo.f5 Asigelss when 1 left along wj.Sls Mro & Mrs., Byron
iormmx fy4iisters to my homas chwch i^ni Ferry,, and jTiiy nephipws., Dojii S<2ott,y
m6 Johi and Tom Harts ock<,

Jyne 6, 1S50, P^qe 2

My ?np by Jei Clipper- across the oce^n was too rapid lo

eventful--orUy i?lghtaen hotw-s of actual flyh-xg xim^-^-buX 1 did enjoy stops in H^-waii, Tokyo, >md HoAgKorvg, before landing in jvianila on May ;! ,
.! enjoyed fellowship in Hawaii mib Jessica Floyd and other fi^Uhful missionsries there, ^snti was happy lo see the wonderfsil work S;h4.^y are
doiwg in Suiaset Chrisi-iaxi School and in the various churches on the
of Oahu.

In Manila, 1 stayed wifch Mr. & MrSc J. Willis Hdliti tvhile atiendii^g feo some o.L- the regolalions of the immigration office. I enjoyed beirjig with them, and seeing lirfU hand the ',vo/k ihai has beer^ done dnd. is being don#?
in the City of Manila. Like ms^ny ot you, I have read and beai'd oi the work,

of the PluUppine M.issi.o)i Churches of Chaist lor ao long, asi^d in paiticiiiar of the work of Mr. & Mrs, Wolfe^ that it. ;h t^'iriiiing to me to set it lor
myself o

While in Maniki, I received an invitation from Cbsrles

Roberta Seiby to visit them in Aparri, and since this was an oppoitiriity
tc renew a friendship of many years' standing, .and m the Bmne iime

the work of Aparri Blfoie S@miniary, I was Mppy to qo to thmt city., fhey truly doing a wonderfui work there, and I wish ml of yoy might it lor

Vv'hen I returned to Manila, M.?'

Mrs=., Eipidio Bataiid were in

that city, and met ma at the airporio It was good lo met tham# ainee m will be co-workers In Davao Bihie together with Miss Smith
Mfo Magv^ipoCo

1 finally anived in D,vao City on Friday, M^y 13, and 1 horn 5

date means an auspicious beginning of ^lany yeers ot fmifc:fui work I've had time to get mqminted v^^iih the campis, to in^^et the go^kts. md
Ruth the carabao, and the pigs and the chic^^^ns, and even Misa

4ogp Rover, who hasn't fully made up his mind yet whether I'm welcome
Of noto I have met a few of the students, ms I. sists looking forward to meeting the rest when the new school term opens o
There is a tremendous amoirnt of vrak to be done here for the tord

through the training of workers in Davao Bible Seminary# and I ^/^ry ^PPy to be a parit of ito I know you are happy to be a part of it, too., through your prayers mid your support of fche work May God bless yotii,
every one

In His Sen/ice,

Beriha Filer

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