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A 10" x 33' long test pile was driven in this locality, which took a load

of 29,120# before settlement commenced. The skin friction, therefore, amounts to

320# psf which would be the cohesion value of the saturated clay encountered to a

depth of about 45'. qu, therefore = 640# and the safe shearing value would be

640 x 1.67 = 1070# which is very close to the 17'-5" water head that caused failure.

7) At Cochin, a 50' diameter tank placed on saturated clay running to a depth

of more than 50' failed under a water test of 18'. The unconfined compression test of

a sample obtained from this site showed failure at 564#. Therefore, the safe shear-

ing head would be 564 x 1.67 = 940# which approaches closely the 18' head water

load that caused failure.

From these results we must conclude that for soils coming within the

category of saturated clays the safe allowable shearing load should be, p = 1.67 xqu.

8) The value of Pmax for a square of circular footing placed on the surface

of the ground, (Formula 20), is Pmax = 7.95c For a rectangular footing below ground

(Formula 19):


P = 5.52 (1 +0.38+0.44)

m c b L

For a continuous footing on the surface of the ground:

P = 5.70c (21)

max x '

To use these formulas for building foundations, the factor of safety must

oe taken into consideration. This factor of safety should be based on the sensitivity

of the clay to remolding. This sensitivity equals the unconfined compression strength

of an undisturbed sample divided by the remolded compressive strength. Such

remolding of the sample following the procedure previously outlined. For instance,

in the case of the Cochin unconfined compression test, the undisturbed strength

was 564# psf and the remolded strength 172# psf. Therefore, the sensitivity of this

particular clay is 564 _ 3 3


The safety factors based on sensitivity are outlined in Table 3.

The Cochin clay comes within the medium sensitivity range and the

factor of safety for permanent structures would be 2.7. If the foundation were

placed directly on the ground, Pmax for this soil would be:


7.95 x = 2,240# psf

The safe allowable load would then amount to ~yy~= 830# psf

A factor of safety of 3 reduces the allowable to 750# psf, which is close

to the value that would be obtained from Table 1, Chapter I. Using this table and

interpolating for the qa value for qu, .28 tons ( 564) we obtain about 720# psf for a

square footing. (2000)

Naturally, one must also take into consideration the settlement factors


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