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<HTML>...........................</HTML> it is the main tag under which the entire HTML page should be written.

There are 2 basic tags comes under <HTML> i.e. <HEAD>...............</HEAD> <BODY>...............</BODY> <HEAD>...............</HEAD> it is the tag under which the head part of the page is being defined.the most co mmon tag comes under <HEAD> is <TITLE>.....................</TITLE> it is used to set the title of the HTML page . <BODY>...............</BODY> The <BODY> tag contains all the tags used for creating the web page.the attribut es of <BODY> are 1.bgcolor : to set the background color of the page 2.background : to set an image as the background of the page 3.link : to set the color of the linked data which is by default blue. 4.vlink : to set the color of the visited linked data which is by defau lt purple. 5.alink : to set the color of the active linked data which is by default red. 6.text : to set the color of the text data which is by default black. The most common tags comes under <BODY> are <CENTER>..............................</CENTER> used for making the data as center aligned <u>.....................................</u> used to put an underline below the text <B>.....................................</B> used to make text as bold <i>.....................................</i> used to make text as italic <FONT>............................</FONT> it is used to apply the different font style into the page.the atributes are 1.face : to specify the name of the font 2.size : to specify the size of the text 3.color : to specify the color of the text <PRE>.........................</PRE> it is a tag used make the data appears same in the browser as it appears in the editor. <HR> to insert a horizontal ruler in the page.the attributes are 1.size : to set the height of the HR 2.width : to set the width of the HR 3.color : to set the color of the HR <BR> to insert a break in the page <IMG> to insert an image in the page.the attributes are 1.src : to set the path of the image 2.height :to set the height of the image 3.width :to set the width of the image 4.alt :to set an alternate message for the image <OL>.......................................</OL> to write the text using ordered list.attributes are 1.type :to set the type of list such as


A,B,C,......... a,b,c,........... I,II,III,.......... i,ii,iii,........... <UL>.......................................</UL> to write the text using unordered list.attributes are 1.type :to set the type of list such as square/round <LI>..................</LI> it it used to specify the list of data of <OL> & <UL> <ADDRESS>..............................</ADDRESS> to write the footer message for the page. ********************************* <SUP>........................................</SUP> to write the text as super script. <SUB>........................................</SUB> to write the text as sub script. <P>..........................................</P> to insert a paragraph into the page.the attributes are 1.align : to set the alignment of the paragraph. that may be left/right/center <A>.................................</A> it is the anchor tag to insert a hyperlink to the page.the attributes are 1.href : to set the path of the hyperlinked page 2.target : to specify the target container for the hyperlinked pa ge which may be _blank _top _self any frame name <H1>...............................</H1> <H2>...............................</H2> <H3>...............................</H3> <H4>...............................</H4> <H5>...............................</H5> <H6>...............................</H6> all of these <h> tags are used for setting the text in different heading levels <EMBED>..............................</EMBED> it is used to run any media file in the page the attributes are 1.src : to specify the source of the media file to be played. 2.hidden : to make the media player window visible true/false. <MARQUEE>..........................</MARQUEE> it is tag used to make the text or image as scroll.the attributes are 1. height : to specify the height of the marquee 2. width : to specify the width of the marquee 3. bgcolor : to specify the background color of the marquee 4. direction: to specify the direction of the marquee which may be left/ right/up/down 5. scrolldelay: to specify the no. of milliseconds to be delayed after e ach animation 6. scrollamount: to specify the no. of pixels jumbed in between each ani mation 7. loop :to specify the no. of times the data will scroll 8. behavior: to specify the behavior of the marquee which may scroll/sli de/alternate.

<TABLE>........................</TABLE> it is used to insert a table into the page.attributes are 1.height : to specify the height of the table 2.width : to specify the width of the table 3.align : to specify the allignment of the table which may be left/right /center 4.border : to specify the border width of the table 5.bordercolor: to specify the border color of the table 6.bgcolor : to specify the background color of the table 7.background: to set an image as the background of the table 8.cellspacing: to specify the spacings between the cells. 9.cellspadding: to specify the spaces between the cells wall & cells da ta. <TR>..........................</TR> to insert a new row into the table the attributes are 1.bgcolor : to specify the background color of the row 2.background: to set an image as the background of the row <TH>..........................</TH> to insert a new heading into the row the attributes are 1.bgcolor : to specify the background color of the cell 2.background: to set an image as the background of the cell 3.align : to set the alignment of the cell. 4.valign : to set the verticle alignment of the cell. 5.rowsapn: to span the cell row wise 6.colspan: to span the cell column wise <TD>..........................</TD> to insert a new data into the row the attributes are .......... same as <TH> <FORM>................................</FORM> it is used to insert a form into the page the attributes are 1.method :to specify the method type which may be post/get 2.name :to specify the name of the form 3.action :to specify the name of the page where the form value wi ll be submitted after pressing the submit button <INPUT> This tag is used to take input from the users.the attributes are 1.type : to specify the type of value to be taken which may be text/password/radio/checkbox/button/reset/submit 2.name : to specify the name of the input type 3.value : to specify the value to be given to the input type. 4.size : to specify the size of the input type 5.maxlength : to specify the maxm length of the input type [used with te xt or password] <SELECT>..........................</SELECT> it is used to create a list box the atributes are 1.name : to specify the name of select 2.size : to specify the size of select 3.multiple : to set the multiple choice true/false <OPTION>...................</OPTION> it is used to specify the values for creating the select. the attributes are 1.value : to specify the value of the list item <TEXTAREA>...........................</TEXTAREA> it is used to create a textarea.the attributes are 1.name : to specify the name of textarea 2.row : to specify the no of rows of textarea 3.cols : to specify the no of cols of textarea

<FRAMESET>..............................</FRAMESET> it is used to split the broswer window in %ages the attributes are 1.rows :to split the window row wise. 2.cols :to split the window column wise. <FRAME>.....................</FRAME> to create a frame in the splitted window.the attributes are 1.name :to specify the name of the frame 2.src :to specify the source of the page to be displayed in frame 3.frameborder: to specify the width of frameborder 4.scrolling : to make the scrolling bar yes/no.

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