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Chapter 1 Supplementary Exercises

Problem 1

In the manufacture of a certain type of automobile, four kinds of major defects and seven kinds of minor defects can occur. For those situations in which defects do occur, in how many ways can there be twice as many minor defects as there are major ones?

Number of defects will be n Therefore number of minor defects will be 2 n 2n 0 note: this is because the defects might or might not occur Series Sum (4nX7(2n,3) =4x 21+ 6x35+4x7 =84+210+28 =322 ways

Problem 2

A machine has nine different dials, each with five settings labeled 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. a) In how many ways can all the dials on the machine be set? If you have 9 dials each have 5 different settings you will get 5^9 or 1953125

b) If the nine dials are arranged in a line at the top of the machine, how many of the machine settings have no two adjacent dials with the same setting?

= 5X65536 = 327680

Problem 7

(a) There are 12 men at a dance. (a) In how many ways can eight of them be selected to form a cleanup crew? 8 men to be selected out of 12. The number of possible combinations would be (12, 8) = 495 (b) How many ways are there to pair off eight women at the dance with eight of these 12 men? When you pair each woman with man you will begin with 1 st woman can be paired with 12 men, 2nd woman with 11 men and so on. When you get to the 8 th woman you can be paired with 5 men. The solution goes (12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5 = 1995480)

Problem 8

In how many ways can the letters in WONDERING be arranged with exactly two consecutive vowels?

Vowels are O E - I (3) x 2 x [ 2x6 + 6x5] = 6 x 42 x 720= 181440

Problem 9

Dustin has a set of 180 distinct blocks. Each of these blocks is made of either wood or plastic and comes in one of three sizes (small, medium, large), five colors (red, white, blue, yellow, green), and six shapes (triangular, square, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, circular). How many of the blocks in this set differ from a) The small red wooden square block in exactly one way? (For example, the small red plastic square block is one such block.) b) The large blue plastic hexagonal block in exactly two ways? (For example, the small red plastic hexagonal block is one such block.)

Problem 15(a)

a) How many of the 9000 four-digit integers 1000, 1001, 1002, . . . , 9998, 9999 have four distinct digits that are either increasing (as in 1347 and 6789) or decreasing (as in 6421 and 8653)? b) How many of the 9000 four-digit integers 1000, 1001, 1002, . . . , 9998, 9999 have four digits that are either nondecreasing (as in 1347, 1226, and 7778) or nonincreasing (as in 6421, 6622, and 9888)?

Problem 18

a) Determine the number of nonnegative integer solutions to the pair of equations x1 + x2 + x3 =6, x1 + x2 + + x5 = 15, xi 0, 1 i 5. b) Answer part (a) with the pair of equations replaced by the pair of inequalities x1 + x2 + x3 6, x1 + x2 + + x5 15, xi 0, 1 i 5.

Problem 24

Determine the value of the integer variable counter after execution of the following program segment. (Here i, j, k, l, m, and n are integer variables. The variables r, s, and t are also integer variables; their valueswhere r 1, s 5, and t 7have been set prior to this segment.) counter: = 10 fori:= 1 to 12 do forj := 1 to r do counter:= counter + 2 fork := 5 to s do forl := 3 to k do counter:= counter + 4 form:= 3 to 12 do counter:= counter + 6

forn := t downto7 do counter:= counter + 8

Problem 25 (a&b)

a) Find the number of ways to write 17 as a sum of 1s and 2s if order is relevant. b) Answer part (a) for 18 in place of 17.

Chapter 2

Sec 2.1 Problem 2

1. Determine whether each of the following sentences is a statement. a) In 2003 George W. Bush was the president of the United States.- Statement b) x+ 3 is a positive integer.Statement c) Fifteen is an even number.Statement d) If Jennifer is late for the party, then her cousin Zachary will be quite angry. e) What time is it? f) As of June 30, 2003, Christine Marie Evert had won the French Open a record seven times. Statement 2. Identify the primitive statements in Exercise 1. A,b,c,f

Sec 2.1 Problem 3

2. Let p, q be primitive statements for which the implication pq is false. Determine the truth values for each of the following. a) pq False b) p q True c) q p- True d) q-Truep- False

Sec 2.1 Problem 10

Verify that [p(q r)] [(pq)(pr)] is a tautology.

Sec 2.1 Problem 13 (1 is T and 0 is F)

If statement q has the truth value 1, determine all truth value assignments for the primitive statements, p, r, and s for which the truth value of the statement (q[( p r) s]) [ s ( r q)] is 1.

Sec 2.2 Problem 3

Use the substitution rules to verify that each of the following is a tautology. (Here p, q, and r are primitive statements.) a) [p(q r)] [p (q r)] b) [(pq)r] [ r (p q)]

Sec 2.2 Problem 4

For primitive statements p, q, r, and s, simplify the compound Statement

[[[(pq) r] [(p q)r]] q]s.

Sec 2.2 Problem 17

15. Define the connective Nand or Not . . . and . . . by (p q) (p q), for any statements p, q. Represent the following using only this connective. a) p b) p q c) p q d) pqe) pq 16. The connective Nor or Not . . . or . . . is defined for any statements p, q by (p q) (p q). Represent the statements in parts (a) through (e) of Exercise 15, using only this connective.

17) For any statements p, q, prove that a) (p q)(p q) b) (p q)(p q)

Sec 2.3 Problem 1

1. The following are three valid arguments. Establish the validity of each by means of a truth table. In each case, determine which rows of the table are crucial for assessing the validity of the argument and which rows can be ignored.

a) [p(pq) r] [(p q)r] b) [[(pq)r] q (pr)](p q) c) [[p(q r)] q](p r)

Sec 2.3 Problem 4

4. For each of the following pairs of statements, use Modus Ponens or Modus Tollens to fill in the blank line so that a valid argument is presented. a) If Janice has trouble starting her car, then her daughter Angela will check Janices spark plugs. Janice had trouble starting her car.So her daughter will check Janice spark plugs.

b) If Brady solved the first problem correctly, then the answer he obtained is 137.

Bradys answer to the first problem is not 137.So Brady solves the problem wrong.

Sec 2.4 Problem 1

1. Let p(x), q(x) denote the following open statements. p(x): x 3 q(x): x+1 is odd If the universe consists of all integers, what are the truth values of the following statements?

a) q(1) True b) p - True (3) c) p(7) q(7) - False d) p(3) q(4) False e) (p(4) q(3)) - True f )p(4)q(3) - True

Sec 2.4 Problem 2

2. Let p(x), q(x) be defined as in Exercise 1. Let r(x) be the open statement x >0. Once again the universe comprises all integers. a) Determine the truth values of the following statements. i) p(3) [q(3) r(3)] ii) p(2)[q(2)r(2)] iii) [p(2) q(2)]r(2) iv) p(0)[ q(1)r(1)] b) Determine all values of x for which [p(x) q(x)] r(x) results in a true statement.

Sec 2.4 Problem 6

6. Let p(x, y), q(x, y) denote the following open statements. p(x, y): x2 y q(x, y): x + 2 < y If the universe for each of x, y consists of all real numbers, determine the truth value for each of the following statements.

a) p(2, 4) b) q(1, ) c) p(3, 8) q(1, 3) d) p (1/2,1/3)q(2, 3) e) p(2, 2)q(1, 1) f ) p(1, 2)q(1, 2)

Sec 2.5 Problem 1

EXAMPLE 2.52: Suppose that we start with the universe that comprises only the 13 integers 2, 4, 6, 8, . . . , 24, 26. Then we can establish the statement: For all n (meaning n_ 2, 4, 6, . . . ,26), we can write n as the sum of at most three perfect squares. The results in Table 2.24 provide a case-by-case verification showing the given (quantified) statement to be true. (We might call this statement a theorem.) Table 2.24 2=1+1 4=4 6=4+1+1 8=4=4 10=9+1 12=4+4+4 14=9+4+1 16=16 18=16=1+1 20=16+4 22=9+9+4 24=16+4+4 26=25+1


In Example 2.52 why did we stop at 26 and not at 28?

Because it is the 13th integer.

Sec 2.5 Problem 2


In Example 2.52 why didnt we include the odd integers between 2 and 26?

Because of we are dealing with perfect squares so we must use even numbers.

Sec 2.5 Problem 4

4. Let n be a positive integer greater than 1. We call n prime if the only positive integers that (exactly) divide n are 1 and n itself. For example, the first seven primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. (We shall learn more about primes in Chapter 4.) Use the method of exhaustion to show that every integer in the universe 4, 6, 8, . . . , 36, 38 can be written as the sum of two primes.

Sec 3.1 Problem 1

Which of the following sets are equal? a) {1, 2, 3} b) {3, 2, 1, 3} c) {3, 1, 2, 3} d) {1, 2, 2, 3}

Sec 3.1 Problem 2

Let A _ {1, {1}, {2}}. Which of the following statements are true? a) 1 A b) {1} A c) {1} A d) {{1}} A e) {2} A f ){2} A f g) {{2}} A h) {{2}} A

Sec 3.1 Problem 18

Sec 3.1 Problem 21

One quarter of the five-element subsets of {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} contain the element 7. Determine n ( 5).

Sec 3.2 Problem 3

a) A= {1,3,7,11,4,9} A= {1,3,4,7,9,11} B = {2,4,6,8.9}

b) C= {1,2,4,5,9} D= {5,7,8,9}

Sec 3.2 Problem 8

a) True b) False c) True

Sec 3.3 Problem 1

During freshman orientation at a small liberal arts college, two showings of the latest James Bond movie were presented. Among the 600 freshmen, 80 attended the first showing and 125 attended the second showing, while 450 didnt make it to either showing. How many of the 600 freshmen attended twice?

600-450= 150 or n (A u B)= 150

Sec 3.3 Problem 2

A manufacturer of 2000 automobile batteries is concerned about defective terminals and defective plates. If 1920 of her batteries have neither defect, 60 have defective plates, and 20 have both defects, how many batteries have defective terminals?

2000-1920= 80 (80 is defective) N (AuB) = 80 (A) =60 n (AB)= 20 80=60+n (b) =20 = 40

Sec 3.3 Problem 4

Sec 3.3 Problem 5

How many permutations of the digits 0, 1, 2, . . . ,9 either start with a 3 or end with a 7?

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