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iv mnax.

Charmin, W. Transfusion of blood 97 Diarrhcnn, sulphate of copper in 106

Hazmoptysis 107 Diseases, names of $5

Ila-vaccination 279 causing death in infancy 4%)

Inflammation of the of oung children, b Dr.

tongue 84 lundell 75 , 771, 820

Cases communicated 625 of the skin in infants 593

Case of tumor in ab- Dislocation of humerus ve weeks 331

domen 785 " of the femur upwards f-

On paruria mellita 801 teen days 332

Chaplin, H. R. Ergot in uterine he- of humerus and 'acturo of

morrha e 701 the neck 12

Chaplin, . P., notice of 641 ofthe head ofhumerus for-

Chapman, N., on icterus 56 wards 2)

Anomalous cases of Dispensary reports, for January 45

dro sy 59 for February 92

Charcoal, cases ofsutg'ocation from 172 for March 154

Cheever, A. Letter 78 for A ril 251

Chickenpox, case ofmali ant 212 for ay 317

Children, diseases of, by lundell 757, 771, for June 394

820 for July 475

" Hunter on management of 362, " for August 540

373, 390, 408 for September 6%

Jackson on dentition 241, 257, for October 653

273, 289 for November 718

Choate, G. Iodine in gout 521 for December 812

Cholera, opium in 776 Dissection, bodies left for 315

Chorea, carbonate of iron in 107 report on obtaining bodies

Chlorine in phthisis 271, 55 for 792, 804

Circular ligatures, application of 250 Distortion ofthe spine 729

I in intermittents 765 Doses, uncertainty of, in drops 145

Colby, M. F. Spirits turpentine in Dropsy, cases of 59, 625

intermittents 712 Drowning, recovery from 555

Colchicum, prurigo cured by 90 Dumaresq, P. J. Account of the den-

Columbian Medical College, account of 334 gue fever 497

Copper, sulphate ofin diarrhoea 106 Du u tren, on a case of violence to a

Convulsions cured by ligatures 752 071i d of fteen months 346

case of long continued 427 Dysentery, cases of 590

Conant, H. Account of the blowing of Madeira 125

snake 462 Dysenteric cholera, opium in 776

Copaiba, new method of administering 524

Corrosive sublimate, employment of Editor; Letter 798

externally 412 Editors notices 14, 96, 127, 830

Cotton, use ofin burns 506 Emphysema, case of 102

Cowpox produced from grease in the following labor 783

horse 537 Epilepsy, case of 461

Coxe, J. R., on the capsules renales 41 Ergo, in retained placenta 281

Group, treatment of 15 -_ in uterine hemorrhage 428, 645, 701

cl'uslcewl respiration of 671 Erysipelaa, nature and treatment of 513,529

Cushing, E. 1)., MD. Case of 263 treatment by tinctures 511

Cutaneous disease, cases of 67 treatment by listen 609

Cuvicr. Explanation of accidental Escharotic 137

colors 619 Experience and practice 751

Cyanic acid 671 Extra uterine etation, case of 571

Eye, chronic inflammation of 577

Danforth, Samuel, M.D., biographical Eye and ear inrmary, report of 703

sketch of 17

Davis, E. G. Remarks on Goods Fauces, abscess in 332

Nosology 358 Fecundity, remarkable case of 461

Deafness from quinine 106 Fever, prevalent in families 553

Dentition, morbid effects of %1, 257, 273, gastro-enteritis, case of 30

2159 intermittent, cases of 81

Dengue of Havana 561, 662 Fisher, D. Case of diti'use inammation 673

at New-Orleans 497 Fistula lachrymalis 75

Diarrhoea and tormina of infants, cause Five children at one birth 332

of .

Diabetes melhtus

Diarrhoea, chronic case of

509, 501


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