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IN DEFENSE OF CHISM In Defense of Anarchism Robert Paul Wolff UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkel les » London University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California ‘University of California Prese, Lid London, England ‘First California Paperback Printing 1998 Library of Congres ‘Wolff, Robert Paul. in defense of anarchiem / Robert Paul Wolff. Pe om. Originally published: New York : Harper & Row, 1970, in series: Harper Torchbooks, TB 1541. With new pref Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0.520-21573-7 1, Authority, 2, Democracy. 3. Anarchiem, 4, State, The 1, Tite JCST1.Was 1998 1335'.83—dea 9e-161s1 cP Cataloging in-Pablication Date Copyright © 1970, 1998 by Robert Paul Wolf, All rights reserved. Printed inthe United States of America 08 07 06 05 9876 "The paper used in this publication ie both acid-fr nd totally chlorine-free (TCR). It meets the minimum requirements of ANSUNISO Z39.49-1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper). @

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