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January 1976

Report from
North 49. Kasi II
Higashi ku. Sapporo
(M>5 Japan
BOX 173
ADEl, IOWA 50003
Japan has a Christian population of less than one percent of 100,000,000 people.
But you wouldn't know this at Christmas time. They have atiout everything you can
think of when it comes to Christmas celebrations. That which is lacking is Christ.
It is the Church which must confront the Japanese with the real purpose of Christmas.
This we strive to do in our Christmas programs.
The Christmas meeting for the children was held on the 2^th of December at 2 p.m.
The program consisted of singing, plays, and a couple of slide stories. There were
80 children, five mothers, and five helpers present. Neva made cupcakes and with the
help of Mrs. Kimura put them in plastic sacks with a red ribbon. A picture Bible por
tion was given to them. Each child brought 100 yen (300) which paid for part of the
That evening, at seven o'clock, 19 adults and three children were at the church
to celebrate the birth of Christ. Ernest made up a set of slides and Krs. Kiraura re-
corded appropriate scripture verses for them. Various carols were sung as the slides
were being shown. After the formal service every one went into a side room where
they met together in an informal setting. Cake and tangerines were served. Vith the
exception of one woman and her Junior High daughter all had attended previous services
or were Christians. Our prayers are that those who attended might become concerned
about their spiritual lives and turn to Jesus as their Saviour.
Our own Christmas was made more pleasant because many of you remembered us. We
are thankful for your cards and monetary gifts. Charles and Allan drove from Cincin
nati, Ohio, to Hill City, Kansas, to spend the holidays with Linda. We are glad they
could be together.
Because of your prayers and financial help we were able to pay off the contractor
in December. We still have outstanding loans and will probably have to pay capital
gain tax on land vfe sold in Tomakomai. Therefore your continual prayers are welcomed.
V'e had no lack of snow for Christmas. We are more forunate than last year. Since
the bus now comes this far the snow plow comes by earlier. Also our garage makes--it
possible to have the car off the street. The snow from the church's east roof slipped
(in spite of clamps on the roof to prevent the snow from slipping) and broke the west
windows of the neighboring house. The contractor came out the next day and replaced
the clamps. The church replaced $40 worth of window pane.
Many of you remember Mr. Koji Sugiura. He is the minister of the Church of
Christ in Obihiro which we started in 1953. On December 24th he' was operated on for
a head tumor which had caused blindness in one eye, It was non-malignant and he. is
recovering Quite well. They were able to save the left eye. Mr. Sugiura was released
from the hospital on January 21st. They have little money for hospital bills and.
since Mr, Sugi'Lira won't be able to teach for at least three months have little money
to live on. They have been independent of mission support for several years. But
we will forward any money that you might desire to send.
A few months ago, Mr. Noriaki Kimura, a younger brother of the Church 03
preacher in Tomakomai was married to a girl with denonminational background.
live about 35 blocks south of us and come regularly to church. On Sunday, January 18th,
Mrs. Kimura was immersed. Mrs. Kimura is devoted to Christ and a good worker.
JAPAN MISSIONS, 1976, will be published early this year. It is a magazine about
Japan's missionaries written by them. Every church listed in the Directory of the
Ministry will receive a copy. They will also be available at the North American Chris
tian Convention and National Missionary Convention.
Again we want to express our thanks for your support in whatever way you were able
to share. We enjoy your letters, are mindful of your financial support, and covet your
Yours in Kim
Non 49, E.(^
f. Higashi ku, Sapp^
AOEi, icwA seeos
Deax Christian Friends,
When we first built the house and church building here in December, 197^
there were four houses in the block. There are now twenty nine families in this
block alone, A new residence is going up across the street and another one in the
back. In Japan each neighborhood has its own community club. Every household is
represented and dues are paid. This club takes care of snow removal, street
cleaning, garbage stations, street lights, posting of area map signs, and similar
items. The club officers act as a committee to change speed limits, install traf
fic signal lights, and overhead crosswalks, install public phones and mail boxes.
The entire club membership meets anniially and there is no place available locally
to accommodate all who want to attend. In February the group met at the church.
About forty households of the area were represented. Sometimes the first cross
ing of the thresholi of the church is very difficult. These people have made that
i:.rst step. Although they were not coming to hear the Word of God they have ac
cepted the church as part of their community. We feel they look to the church at
least to a degree for community influence.
On April 28th Ernest went by train to Obihiro to visit Mr. Sugiura, preacher
at the Tetsunan Church, who was opperated on for brain tumor in December; Mr.
Svgiura is gradually regaining sight in his right eye and his ear doesn't seem to
bother him. He does have some loss of feeling in the right side of his face. Al
though his sight was sufficient to renew his driver's li-cerise he has decided not
drive for a few years. Since his car was in better shape than the present one
":e are driving we bought his car and Ernest drove it back.
On the return trip Ernest stopped by Tomakomai to attend a church meeting
thure in preparation for the incorporation of the Shin Tomakomai Church of Christ.
Mrs. Kimura, a qualified kindergarten teacher, has started a small nursery school
at the request of immediate neighbors. She has opportunity daily to teach the
children about God and Jesus.
With the coming of spring we think of green and growth. These words also
::haracterize the local Sunday School. We had about ten children who continued to
corio through the winter months but with the coming of the new term lrr"April~"w^
'iave made some new contacts. Most of the children are pre-schoolers and first,
second, and third graders and are young enough to grasps script'Jral truths without
having to discard the traditions of paganism. Their concept of God is in the for-
i.iulating stage so it is easier to accept the truths which are stumbling blocks to
the older people. Beginning with the spring term-> young married couple began
teaching, Mrs, Kimura teaches the first, second, and third graders, Mr, Kimura
teaches the upper grade level, Neva teaches the kindergarten children and Ernest
the Junior High class.
Besides Sunday School we have contact with sixty elementary children through
the English program. The winter Vacation Bible School in January was almost en
tirely from English contacts and their friends. On Children's Day May fifth, we
had a special children's meeting to reach the Sunday School's entire enrollment
snd to interest the English students in the church.- There was an attendance of
thirty six. We showed a Moody Science film besides other activities,
A meeting is being planned for June 3-6 with Stephen Iljima of Yokohama
r.s the evangelist. He is a native of Obihiro and helped in the opening of the work
there. Two girls who were attending regularly a year ago have married and are no
longer in the area. We have contact with several married women in the ai^a, fa-
aC.ies of English students and Sunday School pupils, as well as two or three young
iiien. There are fourteen Junior High and High -School students enrolled in English
classes to whom we present a Bible lesson weekly. We pray that we will be able to
reach these contacts through the meeting,
Allan will be spending the summer with his grandmother in Minburn, Iowa,
Charles will continue to live in Cincinnati where he has a job for the summer and
c'rom where he can carry on his week-end ministry. Charles will represent Japan
missions in two DVBS's,
For the past few years any one sending money to the office received a card to
liU'orm them that the money had been received. This practice will be dropped. Your
cancelled check will be evidence that we received the money. Receipts, although
often quite late, will be sent from Japan as usual. Many thanks for your continued
i^upport and prayers.
Yours in Him, *
I~4 ol(^|E (/Vl i
S 5 t d Vj i VICi,
July 7, 1976
Ernest John R. Noe
North 49, Box 173
Higashi ku. Sapporo 50003
065 Japan
Mission Services, Inc
% Miss Eunice Tovrne
Box 177
Kempton, IN
D*8kr Eunice,
I carf't remember how the former sketch went but the following plusenclosed re
ports might be of help.
The Btbers returned to Japan after their third furlough in August,
197^# exactly twenty years after first going to Japan, They left in
America their daughter, Linda (now Mrs, Gary Worcester) and two sons,
Charles and Allan (both studying at Cincinnati Bible College.)
The Fabers returned to Japan to begin a new work in the northenn
part of the capital city, Sapporo, The preparation for this work was
begun earlier with the purchase of land, A church building and home
were completed in December and the work was begun.
About 60 boys and girls regularly come to the English classes where
a nominal fee is charged. Worship services are attended by 4 or 5
Christians plus denominational people of the area, Sunday school
averages from IO-I5, Recently a Christian couple began to help with
the Sunday school,
Hope the above will be of help to you. The enclosed the latest family
picture we hc,ve. This was taken just 'oeiore we left in 197''+.
.Your^/^in His sercice,
Sdirest D, Fabe]
"The missionary must be aware as he faces the
foreign field that he can do nothing of his own
strength. He must rely upon God for his strength.
... He can feel reassured when he realizes that...
the Word of God is still the 'power of God unto
salvation*." Because Ernest and Neva Faber have
lived by this principle which they discovered early
in their years of service -- because they have recog
nized God as the Source of their strength, and be
cause they have believed in and taught the Bible as
God's Word and as His power for salvation ~ they
have experienced many victories for Christ in their
mission work in Japan.
Ernest D. Faber was born August 30, 1926, in
Minburn, Iowa. Following his high school gradua
tion in 1944, he served in the U. S. Army during
the final months of World War II. During his
enlistment as an occupational soldier in Japan, he
became interested in the Japanese people. After
his discharge he enrolled in Cincinnati Bible Semi
nary, graduating in 1952, then staying for an addi
tional year of graduate study. At this time he min
istered to the Fourth Church of Christ in Cincin
Neva E. Fate was born April 24, 1928, in Clay
Center, Nebraska. She graduated from Cincinnati
Bible Seminary after attending Hastings College
and teaching two years in a rural school. She and
Ernest met at CBS and were married June 13,
The Fabers arrived in Japan in September, 1954,
and enrolled for nearly two years of language
study. Their actual missionary work began in
August, 1956, with an evangelistic meeting in their
home. They also started Sunday school and Eng
lish Bible classes. Many were willing to study in
the English classes for the English knowledge they
could gain; Fabers used these classes as a contact
point to begin to acquaint the students with Bibli
cal truths and to gain their confidence.
Their work at that time was located in Obihiro,
a town in the south-central section of Hokkaido,
Japan's northernmost island. Their joy in witness
ing their first convert came a year later, when Mr.
Oofuchi, a young father, accepted Christ and was
baptized. His commitment to Christ was genuine;
he still is active in the work of the churches in
During the next year, Ernest and Neva extended
their outreach into two other towns, Memuro and
Taisho, by conducting classes and evangelistic ser
Another outreach of the Fabers' Hokkaido
Christian Mission was the radio broadcast "Calvary
Calls", a program produced by the Osaka Bible
Seminary. Initial response to this program, and the
correspondence course offered in conjunction with
it, was favorable, but the support needed to main
tain the program was not forthcoming.
In 1958, a Christian service camp program was
begun for the Hokkaido youth. This program met
with a tragedy during the 1961 camping season
when a young boy, not yet a Christian, drowned.
But the tragedy turned to victory when the Fabers
were able to establish a church at Sunagawa, the
home of the boy's family.
The Obihiro church has been well established
and grounded in New Testament Christianity. It is
being served at present by Mr. Koji Sugiura, a Japa
nese Christian, and is totally independent of mis
sion support. In August, 1968, the Faber family
moved to Tomakomai, another city on Hokkaido
Island, and established a church there. In June,
1970, the congregation hired Mr. Kimura as full-
time minister. He was a product of the Obihiro
church and a graduate of the Osaka Bible Semi
nary. Ernest and Neva continued to work with the
church through teaching and evangelistic outreach
for a few more years. Then, in August, 1974, after
a furlough in the United States, they moved to yet
another area of Hokkaido to establish another
church of Christ.
Their new work is in northern Sapporo, the
capital city of Hokkaido. They chose a new resi
dential development; after the church was con
structed they watched the community literally
"grow up" around them.
The Fabers' present work involves leading in the
activities of the church - four or five Christians
and some denominational members meet regularly
for worship services, and the Sunday school attend
ance averages 10 to 15. Attendance is irregular,
especially during the more severe winter weather of
northern Japan. They also use Vacation Bible
School and evangelistic meetings to reach into the
community. Another aspect of their work is the
English classes they hold for about 60 students.
They charge a nominal fee for the classes. Besides
English lessons, they teach Bible stories weekly to
their students.
The Fabers have four children. Linda (March 2,
1953) attended Platte Valley Bible College and
completed nurses training in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
She is married to Gary Worcester and now lives in
Hill City, Kansas. Their sons Charles (March 13,
1955) and Allan (April 1, 1956) are students at
Cincinnati Bible College. Donald (September 24,
1960) is a high school student; he still lives and
works with his parents in Japan.
The forwarding agent for the Fabers is John R.
Noe, Box 173, Adel, IA 50003. Their field ad
dress is: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Faber, North 49, East
15, Higashi ku, Sapporo, 065, Japan.
BOX 173
ADEL, IOWA 50003
August 1976 Report
"North 49rEas-4^
Higashi ku, Sapporo
065 Japan
Dear Christian Friends,
Tt's canning" season here now. At this time of year we go to the early niorning
wholesale mai^et^to buy in bulk. This we did recently. It meant leaving the house
at 5:^5 a, la. We bought tomatoes, carrots, green beans, peaches, plus a few other
vegetables. Commercially canned green beans, carrots, and tomatoes are not available
Children have returned to school. On August 15th, a Buddhi^st holiday when family
graves are visited and most families hold reunions, there was no Sunday School. Only
the teachers were here, Sunday's attendance was ten altnough the older children were
in:;^olved in the school's softball game. Attendance should increase as fall approa
ches .
In as much as it has been a while since we last wrote perhaps we should bring
you up-to-date. Going back to June, we had our summer evangelistic meeting with
Brother Stephen lijima as the evangelist. The average attendance was sixteen. The
first night five grade-^school children who had heard of the meeting came. One of the
Christians took them into the cry room where they could hear the message and talked
to them there. They were in Sunday School the next Sunday. Some of them continue
to attend.
We have had two contacts through the JAPAN MISSION report. The first one was
from a Christian Chinese housewife (Mrs. Chang) who had been in the States for several
years. Our name, address, and telephone number was given to her by a lady who met us
when we were recruits, Mrs. Chang is married to a Chinese doctor now studying at
Hokkaido University. They have three children. Since then the whole family has been
to church twice. Neva translates the sermon in English for them using the overhead
The other contact came by way of a non-instrumental Church of Christ preacher in
Tokyo. He saw our name in JAPAN MISSIONS and by way of a Fukuoka preacher informed a
family in Sapporo of our location, Mr. and Mrs. Munakata are baptized beleivers.
They have three children. They have come regularly the past two months.
Snrnmer l/BS^was^tieid July 26-30 '^"his is the first week of vacation and about-the-
only week available during the short, one-month summer vacation. The enrollment was
forty with an average attendance of thirty. Mrs. Munakata, Mrs, Kimura, and Ernest
and Neva Faber were the teachers. They were assisted hy Donald Faber and Miss Naka-
The handwork and craft ideas came from Neva's extensive file. In order to en
large the file and to keep it up-to-date we can use up to five copies of pictures,
handwork, crafts, or other Sunday School materials you may have left-over. One copy
is filed and the others passed on to the churches.
The Higashi ku Church (That's the name of the church here) has recently increased
their, pledge toward the building cost to 20^ of their regular giving. With funds from
the English classes they expect to pay at least $1500 during 1976. These funds are
put into a special account to be used for any future expansion of the work. The Toma-
komai church has begun incoi^oration procedures to enable them to hold the title to
the property there.
Charles, our eldest son, who is a senior at Cincinnati Bible College writes to
inform us that he is engaged to Patricia Lynn Miller, a sophomore at CBC. Patti's
home is Bellbrook, Ohio. They plan to be married on December 18 at the Ferry Church
of Christ, Waynesville, Ohio.
Allan has begun his Junior year returning to CBC from his work in Iowa. He
stayed on the family farm (Grandmother's) at Minburn. Donald left August 30th
(Ernest's fiftieth birthday) for Tokyo. He is enrolled as a Junior in Christian Aca-
damy in Japan wher'' ris older brothers attended high school. Now Neva sets the
table for two.
Did you return the paper to let us know of your desires to receive our reports?
li' not drop us a line to let us know. On the basis of those that have returned we
have -Dulled duplicates as well as corrected names, addresses, zip codes, etc. Thank
YOU for your cooperation.
Many thanks for you support. It is certainly appreciated.
In His name,
AOEL, IOWA 50)03
Higashi ku, Sapp
October 1976 report
Bear Christian Friends,
It was a pleasant, sunny afternoon. Twenty-six children, kindergarten age
through sixth grade, gathered at the church for our first Sunday School -physical
fitness day activities. The program was originally scheduled for October tenth
which is the physical Fitness Day holiday but rain forced its postponement. At
that time more than forty were scheduled to participate. The twenty-six young
sters were divided into five groups with the various ages distributed equally
among them. Each group was given the name of a flower and each child proudly
wore the colorful flower-badge of his or her group. The competition was by the
group. Balloon bursting, obstacle race., plank walking, and carrying a ping-
pong ball on a sheet of newspaper were some.of the games. Prizes based on total
points were awarded for first through fifth places. All the awards had some
Christian significance. Adults who assisted were Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Faber, Mr.
and Mrs. Noriaki Kimura, and Mr. and Mrs, Akira Munakata,
The activities were viewed by some of the parents of the children and other
adults of the community. One mother was "heard to say, "It's great to see the
older children concerned about and helpful to the younger children," Another
coramented, "We didn*t think there would be this many present." The program was
held at a mini-park just a block from the church building.
Our prayer is that the children realize the importance of their health and
the church, and that the community become aware of the church and its programs.
In June of this year, shoirtly after the publication of JAPAN MISSIONS^, we
received a call from a non-instrumental church of Christ minister in Tokyo con
cerning a Christian family living somewhat near us. He said he was introducing
us to a preacher in Fukuoka who was personally acquainted with the family. Mr.
and Mrs, Munakata, the family concerned, began attending church services on June
13th, the week following our evangelistic services. Mr. and Mrs. Munakata have
attended church regularly since. Mrs. Mujiiakata helped us with vacation Bible
school this past summer. Sunday, October 17th, this dedicated couple put their
iaenbership in the church here. They will be a worthy addition to^the.-church,
Christian families are a real blessing to the work in Japan where we see so few
men interested in God and Jesus.
Mr. Sugiura, the Obihiro.preacher who was operated on in December la&t year
for a tumor, is progressing quite well. He is preaching regularly and has resumed
his English classes. Since his income from teaching has fallen because of his
illness we have assumed the family's support for a limited time. Mr. Sugiura
asked us to ejctend his thanks to you, our supporter, for the help that you have
given then through the mission.
Because of this unexpected financial output and the expense of sending Don
to a boarding school, we are currently behind in our income. Presently we lack
about $300 a month of meeting our obligations.
As most of you know Hokkaido Christian Mission is an Iowa incorporation with
a board of directors. The board members all live in or around Des Moines, Iowa,
According to the by-laws they meet annually the first Wednesday of December. This
year's meeting is scheduled for December first. The current board members are
John D. Hargett, insurance executive and minister, Ernest D. Faber, missionaxy,
John Noe, school teacher. Max Harland, businessman, Charles Eldridge, businessman,
and J.R. Nee, retired farmer. The board chairman is Mr. Hargett and Mr. John Noe
is the secretary.
v'ith this letter we send our heartfelt greetings. We pray you have a very
iiierry Cl'iristmas and a happy new year in the Lord.
Yours in His service,
We are happy to present to you
this fourth issue of JAPAN MIS
SIONS. Previous issues were pub
lished in 1966, 1968 and 1970,
with a supplement in 1971. Thus,
it has been six years since the last
full issue came out.
In 1971, there were 53 mission
aries in Japan (24 couples and five
single workers.) Since that time,
there have been some changes in
missionary personnel. The follow
ing are no longer in Japan, but are
serving the Lord elsewhere: Claire
and Donna Boulton, Claude and
Evalyn Likins, Donnie and Char
lotte Mings, and Barbara Courtney-
a loss of seven workers. (Stephen
and Carol Fleenor, Walter and Mary
Maxey and Marvel Hurt, although
not included in this issue of Japan
Missions, ARE still working in
Some additional workers have
come to Japan, however. They are
Mark and Lynn Pratt, Ben and No-
buko Hirotaka, Larry and Joanie
Lambdin, Lee and Sandra Jones,
Daynise HoUoway, and Jerri Lynn
Anderson ~ a gain of ten. A loss of
seven - a gain of ten. This makes
a net gain of three workers since
1971. Counting Carolyn Barrick-
low, who has already served as an
intern and plans to be back in the
summer of 1976, there would be a
net gain of four. (Although others
are thinking about Japan, their
plans have not progressed far
enough to announce.)
During these same five years, the
population of Japan has increased
from 104,646,017 to 111,897,763-
an increase of 7,232,542 or 7%. We
sincerely thank the Lord of the
Harvest, and those of you who
prayed to Him, that He has sent 11
new laborers; and especially we
thank Him that this is an increase
of four harvesters. But to even
keep up with the population in
crease, many, many more must put
themselves in the Lord's hire in Ja
We need new missionaries to pio
neer in new areas ~ to enter "un
touched territoiy. There are about
8,000 villages in Japan today of
several thousand people each, with
no church, no minister, no mission-
ary, no witness of any kind." (M.
Maxey, p. 18). We need new mis
sionaries In the cities like Tokyo
where "secularism, as a whole, has
replaced tiie traditional Japanese
religions - creating even greater
hunger within the souls of the
people." (J. Fleenor, p. 11).
We have written this issue of JA
PAN MISSIONS for YOU - to help
you understand Japan and WHY
you must pray the Lord of the Har
vest, earnestly. Hoping you will be
one of those whom the Lord will
send, we have also written a little of
the HOW. We are sure, also, that
those of you who are helping the
Lord send laborers to Japan will
also be interested. You will find
the index of articles concerning the
work of each Japan missionary on
page 32. Other articles - written
for you ~ are:
We Came To Pre-War Japan Harold & Leone Cole.. .2
I Wish Somebody Had Told Me Ray Mings 2
We Came In The Post-War 40's When Harold Sims 3
In Defense Of The Young Norma Bumey 3
We Came In The 50*s Ernest Faber 4
We Came In The 60's Robert Warrick 4
Question Rather Exie Fultz 4
We Came In The 70's Dale Wilkinson 5
I Spent My Life In Japan Grace Famham 6
I Married A Missionary Betty Patton 7
I Married An M.K. And Became A Missionary Corsd Mings 8
A Do-It-Yourself Kit Lee Jones 8
I Came From Another Field Betty Turner 9
I Was A Summer Intern Twice! Carolyn Barricklow.. .10
I Was A Chaplain Harlan Woodruff 11
I Was A Serviceman In Japan Larry Lambdin 11
An Annotated Bibliography Martin Clark 12
I Married A Missionary Bill Turner 13
When Do Japanese Laugh? Lois Sims 13
I Work In English Temporarily Jerri Lynn Anderson. .14
Exotic Disease? ~ Or Everyday Sniffles 14
I Evangelize Down-Country Mark Maxey 15
I Work Mostly In Japanese Audrey West .16
A Prayer Vivian Lemmon 16
Learn The Language?.. .Or Use An Interpreter?.. .Don Bumey 17
I Was A School Teacher Neva Faber 18
Books Are Education Norma Bumey 18
Children Can Be Educated In School Betty Turner 19
Children Can Be Educated At Home -
Even If You Are Not A School Teacher Pauline Maxey 20
The Missionary And His Newsletter .Paul Pratt 21
I Evangelize In The World's Largest City - Tokyo ..Julius Fleenor 22
We Came As A Childless Couple Ethel Beckman 23
Does A Japanese Face Help? Or Hinder? Ben Hirotaka 24
The Forwarding Agent Lonnie Mings 25
Going To Nihon? Learn Nihongo Lynn Pratt 26
We Came As Parents Of Half-Grown Children Mattie Mings 27
So Did We Robert Warrick 27
Can You Ever Get.. .On The Inside Exie Fultz 27
Culture Shock Fatal? Warren Christianson . .28
What Do You Do When ~? 28
How Do I Feed My Family With Prices Like That? .Kathleen Pratt 29
Must Missionaries Be Married? 30
A Visitor's Viewpoint Mary Harding 31
Food Prices In Japan 31
Map 32
Index 32
Jerri Lynn Anderson
Jerri Lynn was in the first class to be
graduated under the Missions Program
of Atlanta Christian College. Before
her senior year she served as a summer
intern with Go Ye Chapel Mission in New
York City. Very soon after graduation
in May of 1974 she went to Hiroshima
to work with Bill and Betty Turner.
Besides starting into language study,
Jerri Lynn immediately began teaching
some English classes, having Sunday
school for the missionary children, and
helping with secretarial work and music.
Her talents include playing the piano
and the guitar.
In August of 1974 she had a bicycle
accident which caused a broken ankle,
and this slowed her down for a while.
However, being in a Japanese hospital
6-25 2-chome, Ushita Asahi
Hiroshima 730 Japan
Cecil and Janet Buffalow
703 West Herbert St.
Demopolis, Alabama 36732
gave her a good opportunity to use the
Japanese language which she was study
Gradually she has taken on more and
more Bible classes, and devotes a good
bit of her time to the work at the Hiro
shima Christian Center, which is a joint
effort on the part of the Hiroshima mis
sionaries. She plays the little electric
organ for services, teaches a Sunday
School class, leads a discussion group
once a month on Sunday evenings, and
from time to time has a series of film
strip meetings using the Visualized Bible
Study lessons. She also is in charge of
making posters and doing other adver
tising for the programs at the Center.
As she becomes more fluent in Japa
nese, she hopes to become more involved
in a program of Bible classes.
by Harold and Leone Cole (p. 9)
Over 200 people were present to see
us off to Japan as our freighter left in
March, 1937. Many thou^t we were
going to the ends of the earthin fact,
we sort of had the same feeling ourselves.
Weshipped only a fewthings dothes,
linens and a few dishes. Once in Japan
we bought a small gas range, a bed and
a chest of drawers. A friend purchased
a table and chairs for us. We rented a
small apartment. It was great!
A cook for the Christian kindergarten
prepared our noon Japanese meal. We
studied Japanese language with a private
tutor an hour a day, five days a week.
Afternoons were spent practicing the
langu^e on the trades people of our
On our very first night, we began
teaching English in the mission's Eng
lish night school. Soon two English
Bible classes were begun. There were
English Bibles available, but no other
Christian literature for children or adults.
We had to prepare our own.
Later we were able to rent another
dwelling place for meetings. The families
of the area were busy making airplane
parts in their home factories, so they
Page 2
gladly sent their untaught children to
us six days a week. It was a wonderful
way of bringing Christ into their lives
and homes.
When Osaka Bible Seminary began in
the fall of 1937, little was available in
the Japanese language. The books for
the Seminary library came from a retired
preacherin ^e States.
Those who responded to the Gospel
were children, youth, and women.
Soon after our arrival in Japan, the coun
try went to war with China (July, 1937).
Men were being sent off to war. The
emphasis upon "Japan and things Japa
nese" robbed us of what might have been
a more fruitful term. We were never
hindered from preaching or teaching
the Gospel until the United Church of
Japan was formed in 1940. We were
then directed not to teach the Old Test
ament, the miracles of Jesus, nor Jesus
as God. We did not enter the Union
Church but closed Osaka Bible Seminary,
and continued to preach.
Leone returned to the States in Octo
ber, 1940. Harold remained in Japan
until April of 1941, when his presence
by Ray Mings (p. 20)
. .that the "Leam Japanese in Three
Weeks" plan doesn't work. Neither
is it a good plan to jump into the work
with an interpreter wito the intention
of learning the language little by little
in spare time. Many, or perhaps most,
missionaries now working in Japan
have taken two or more years intensive
language study. Anything short of
that may be too short unless one is
bom here, which seems to be the best
way to get the language.
. .that it isn't wise to try to help a man
solve his problem unless you know
what his problem is as well as the
answer. It is true that the Gospel
contains, or is, the answer to all
of a man's problems. But, if you don't
know how he is thinking about his
problem, and approach him from
that standpoint, you may never get
through to him with the answer.
. .that not all people have a guilt feeling
and are therefore looking for a means
of salvation. Some of us are still
looking for a simple way to translate
"guilty conscience" into Japanese.
It seems the idea does not naturally
exist here and therefore no termi
. .that not all men fear hell and seek a
means of escape. The reli^ous culture
of Japan seems to condition people
to have little or no fear of punish
ment after death whether they follow
any religious teaching or not.
. .that the old religions of Japan teach
that there is life after death although
the teaching is sometimes vague. A
host of "New Religions" in Japan
sometimes become very explicit and
promise much more than the Christian
missionary can promise. {The emphasis
is on the word "promise" here.)
. .that the idea that some one reli^on
is true and all the others false is a
strange idea to the average Japanese.
Even Japanese Christians sometimes
have a problem with this idea. One
elderly Japanese Christian, being ques
tioned about attending Shinto and
Birddhist places of worship, said
proudly, "I'm not one of these one-
religion people!".
became difficult for the Japanese Chris
tians. They were questioned by secret
police if they even greeted him on the
street, and were followed if they attended
services. Harold promised we'd return
again as soon as possible. This we did in
1947. We returned to a new and very
different Japan! Today the doors are
open wide and the opportunities are
staggering. Come over and join with
us in bringing Christ to the Japanese!
Carolyn Barrkklow
Everybody in Japan is learning English.
School children take English &om the
seventh grade up; factories, hospitals
and business firms provide conversation
classes for their employees. The YMCA's
are crowded with English students, and
practically every missionary in the
country is teaching English or English
Bible classes.
As I dreamed of working in Japan
as a missionary, I learned about the
country's high educational standards, anc
about the high esteem in which teachen
are generally held. Convinced of Japan'j
need for an educated ministry to an edu
cated people, I felt the best way foi
me to share Jesus would be as an English
teacher, using this position as a point
of contact for evangelism.
To test the viability of these thoughts,
I spent a six-week teaching internship
in Hiroshima, and had more offers to
teach than I could handle! My weekly
schedule included five junior high school
classes, a college conversation group,
two adult conversation classes at the
YMCA, and an English Bible class.
Especi^ly in the adult andcollege classes,
I was able to witness to the renewing
power of Jesus both in and out of class.
The junior high students enjoyed learn
ing songs about Jesus. I enjoyed teach
ing, and learned that a teaching role in
c/o Mr. & Mrs. Bill Turner
5-6 Kaminobori-cho
Hiroshima 730 Japan
Mrs. Natalie Johnson
R. R. 1 Box 65
Orleans, Indiana 47452
2366 Ohio Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Missionaries were few and famous.
Mrs. Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs.
Still had preceded us, and helped
us very much in adjusting to the
situation here.
Almost everyone arrived by ship, bringing
several tons of baggage,including much
food, with them.
Two hundred dollars a month was con
sidered standard and adequate living-
link support.
Japan was suffering from the shock of its
first defeat in war and the great de
struction from the bombing.
And there were severe shortages of
Fuel: I burned the crates our freight
was packed in.
Electricity: Almost every night it was
cut off for several long periods.
Money: The official exchange rate
was 50 yen to one dollar.
Housing: We lived in 2 rooms of a
Japanese house.
Food: We lived almost altogether
on things we brought with us for the
first winter.
Transportation: Every ride on the
by Harold Sims (p. 24)
street-cars and electric trains was
BUT: The Japanese people had their
hearts open to the Gospel as never
since. I fondly remember the joy
and excitement of those days:
floor of a home broke through
to the ground under the weight of
the large group gathered for the
Christmas meeting.
*1500 High School boys sat motion
less on a cold gymnasium floor as I
told them through an interpreter
the true meaning of Christmas.
*Many people requested that we
begin a Bible study in their home.
crowds filled the Seta-
gaya church building for Sunday
night preaching services often held
by candlelight with winter wind
blowing through broken window-
panes for which there was no glass
Most missionaries who came in those days
are still in Japan and look back with
the community would enable me not
only to share Jesus, but also to intro
duce my students to the fellowship of
Japanese Christians.
The fact that I will be teaching English
does not mean, though, that I wish to
avoid learning Japanese; two years of
study at the University of Cincinnati
have taught me that it is a language not
easily learned, and will require intensive
study after my arrival in Japan.
After finishing the required work for
teacher certification and a Master's
degree in Education, I will begin working
in Hiroshima during the summer of
Come prepared to learn another culture,
to see Japan as the Japanese see it, and
to evaluate in terms of the Scripture
rather than your native culture. You will
never fully achieve this for you are the
product of your culture and your
thinking will never be Japanese. (Nor
would your white face and big nose ever
become identical to theirs!) but if you
strive to understand and appreciate the
culture you will see things in a different
light. The degree of insight you gain
wiil largely depend on the extent to
which the language is mastered.
Ernest Faber
by Norma Burney (p. 5)
One reads in many places (including
this publication) that the missionary
recruit should be "mature" and "exper
ienced". I was a young inexperienced
missionary once, and now I'm a "mature
experienced" one. Let me tell you that
the young adapt more easily to the culture,
bounce back faster from problems, leam
the language faster, have more energy,
more optimism, and a lot more time left
to serve the Lord. Trained in the Word-
yes! Love the Lordyes! Love people-
yes! But all the "experience" and "ma
turity" gained in America is NOT going
to make up for impaired ability to adapt,
to bounce, or to remember; or take the
place of bubbling physical and mental
The "Mission Field" is neither a dragon
who eats you alive, nor is it a place
where only the "elite" "the well-
deserving" are allowed. It's a place
where you tell your neighbors about
Christ, starting with Who God is. Put
whatever time you have left in God's
hands. Never mind "young" or "mature".
Page 3
by Ernest Faber (p. lo)
In July, 1954, the S.S. Topa Topa, a
freighter with twelve passengers, left
Long Beach for the Orient. In the
fifties and well into the sixties, ships
were the cheapest means of travel.
We arrived in Yokohama in late Aug
ust after over thirty days enroute. During
the fifties, fifteen couples and six women
came. Six of the couples and four of
the women have since left.
Language School was our life for the
first eighteen months. The need to study
the language hasn't changed over the
years, ^though the choice of schools
is greater.
At that time hair cuts were 50 cents
compared to $5 now. (Neva cuts mine.)
Overseas printed matter was 2 cents;
now it is 10 cents. Gasoline has gone
from 38 cents to $1.53 and kerosene has
doubled in price. Bread was 25 cents
compared to today's 72 cent loaf. Japa
nese wages were $25 a month; today
they are at least $330. We came with a
budget of $3000 a year and today we
need over $12,000.
The availability of a mission house in
Tokyo took care of our first housing.
Since then we have built three times
because of unavailibility of adequate
housing and for economical reasons.
It coste five times more now but resale
value of former property compensates.
Our first baptism in Obihiro in 1957
was a year after we began the work in
our house. Tomakomai's first baptism
was two years after starting there, and
in the new work started in Sapporo,
December, 1974, there have been no
baptisms, as yet.
In Obihiro the early contacts were
youth, Tomakomai's contacts were youth
and younger children; whereas the people
attending services in Sapporo are Chris
tians (some denominational) and adults
from the area.
When we first came to Japan no one
had a TV; today no house can be found
without at least a black and white one.
Few fathers had Sundays off; today with
more leisure there is more travelling,
sports, and family centered activities
usually on Sunday.
Children, now as then, attend Sunday
School. English classes remain well
attended. But the type of class which
attracts is different. Many are seriously
seeking the Christian's God. The results
are no greater today but the opportunity
to proclaim Christ is as great as it ever
Question Rather. . .
by Exie Fultz (p. 12)
If God is calling you as a missionary
to Japan, question not so much, "Would
I be accepted by the people of Japan?"
but rather question, "Would I be able to
accept the people of Japan?".
Page 4
George &Ethel Beckman
Since arriving on December 28, 1948,
George and Ethel Beckman have been
affiliated with Osaka Bible Seminary,
Osaka, Japan. George is head of the New
Testament department and teaches
exegesis of all the letters and Revelation,
plus the Inter-Biblical period, Introduc
tion, and Text and Canon. He started
the Greek classes which are now taught
by one of his first students, Mr. Akira
Oda. (Mr. Oda edited the first Greek-
Japanese lexicon, now in the third print
ing, and has recently completed a Greek
grammar manuscript in Japanese ready
for printing. He is a graduate of the
University of Athens.)
Ethel has taught the History of Chris
tian Missions, a course in Christian Women
in the Home and some religious education
courses. The latter are now taught by
Mrs. (Naomi) Saito, MA graduate of
Lincoln Christian College.
During their first five years the Beck-
mans started the Sakyo Church of Christ
in Kyoto, which has been completely
independent of .any missionary help for
several years.
Since 1963, they have lived in Nis-
hinomiya where they are presently
working with two churches that meet
in their home. Ethel teaches Sunday
school for the Koyoen Church of Christ,
which meets Sunday mornings.
The Rokko Church of Christ has
also been meeting in the Beckman home
in the afternoons since the church lost
the use of their meeting place in Kobe
in 1974. Meetings for junior and senior
high school students are held after the
Sunday afternoon service. Ethel works
with the women of this church in a meet
ing once a month.
There are still other midweek Bible
study meetings in the Beckman home.
One class meets every Wednesday evening.
Ethel teaches the Bible to one group of
women, in Japanese, on Wednesday and
8-40 Kamizono-cho
Nishinomiya, 662 Japan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saevre
R. R. 1
Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
to another group, in English, every
Thursday morning. Both groups are
increasing in number and interest.
Ethel is on a continuation committee
that plans Christian Women's Luncheons
held twice a year in a hotel in Kobe.
These luncheons give fellowship for
Christians and a witness to non-Christians,
and reach a great many people.
All the Beckman children, bom and
reared in Japan, are now in college:
John, Oklahoma State University;Jenann,
Minnesota Bible College; Mary, Univer-
sity of CaJifornia at Berkely; Ruth,
Manhattan Christian College.
by Bob Warrick (p. 26)
We arrived in Japan on July 7, 1965,
aboard the P & 0 Orient Lines passenger
ship "Orsova". At that time, a ship
was still cheaper than air travel, and in
addition, a good amount of luggage
was permitted.
At the time of our arrival we had
pledged support of $290 per month with
an average total income of $467. But
we have never to this day been required
to pay rent, so God has provided in other
ways than just cash from the States.
Our present income, ten years later, is
approximately $750 per month. I would,
however, recommend at least $1000
per month for any newmissionary couple
coming to Japan.
Housing was reasonably available in
the 60's, especially near the U.S. military
bases. However, it is now almost com
pletely unavailable in the Tokyo area.
There are not many houses available at
any price, and almost none rent for
under $200 per month.
We began work within 24 hours of
arrival, by teaching English Kble in sum
mer camp, and went from there as the
Lord led. We studied language in Karui-
zawa at a school especially for mis
sionaries, and later with a private tutor
at home. I prefer the school myself,
Churches supporting new missionaries
will get more for their investment if
they encourage their missionaries to
that they have the funds to do it.
(Continuedp. 5)
Don & Norma Burney
2-1-6 AsahimachijTosa Yamadacho
Kami gun, Kochi ken
782 Japan
Harold R. Jones
R.R. 1
La Fontaine, Indiana 46940
Exhortations to come and serve the
Lord in Japanfrom both missionaries
and Japanese ChristiansHed Don and
Norma Bumey to Japan. "Please come
back to Japan and help us preach the
Gospel here." "Come and live in our
house during our furlough and study
the language." "There are millions
who have never heard who may never
hear unless you tell them." Don heard
some of these things while in the Navy in
Japan during the Korean War. Norma
heard others during Missions Emphasis
Week at Lincoln Christian College. Even
though they had planned to spend their
lives among the American Indians, they
both wrote letters which crossed some
where in the Pacific, suggesting to the
other that Japan should be their field of
The Bumeys arrived in Japan in 1955.
They studied language for two years
while engaging in limited evangelistic
work through English Bible Classes and
personal contacts. In 1957, they moved
to Shikoku and began classes and Sunday
services in their rented home. This
church started meeting in its own build
ing in 1960; then built a parsonage in
After their first furlough, the Bumey
family moved to a town about 5 miles
away, bought land and erected a quon-
set house. Again, a church was estab
lished and met in their home for several
They also started printing with an
offset pressVBS courses, children's
lessons, newsletters, posters, etc. The
printing eventually "took over" the
house and room used for the church, and
the Bumeys returned for furlough in
1968 knowing something must be done
toward a permanent meeting place for
this church.
Arriving back in Japan, they found
the Lord was well on His way to solving
their problem. First, a typhoon absolutely
wrecked Don's preparation to build on
to the house to accomodate the church.
Then, they were offered a price for their
land that was almost enough to buy new
land and build a church building and
parsonage in another section of the same
town. (A loan was obtained for the
The Bumeys moved to a near-by
town where they have a church in their
rented home. The other two churches,
with their own buildings, parsonages
and preachers, conduct their own pro
grams. There are 5 Bumey children:
Paul (22), Sarah (20) both in college
in the U.S.; Joe (18), Tom (15) -both
in high school in Tokyo; and Rachel
(6) studying at home.
by Dale Wilkinson (p. 28)
We began our missionary work on
November 7, 1970. We flew by jet from
the U.S. West Coast. Getting around
within Japan was relatively easy after
we adjusted to driving on the left. Japan
has one of the most modem and efficient
public transportation systems in the world.
Modem roads go to remote villages,
and expressways connect major cities.
When we arrived, the cost of living was
higher than we had prepared for. Soon
afterward, the devaluation of the U.S.
dollar and the oil crisis spurred the
already wild inflation of Japan. Most
missionaries went through a time of
financial difficulty. But after priorities
were re-examined, and fresh commit
ments made to the Lord, we were blessed
with increased funds to meet needs.
How much support does a mission
family need these days? It depends on
family size, location, type of activity,
and other factors, but I suggest a mini
mum of $200 per adult and $100 per
child for living expenses. In addition,
funds will be needed for housing, office,
(Continued from p. 4)
When we arrived in Japan, labor was
still very cheap. Industry was thriving
and everything was on the increase.
Many laborers who, in the mid-60's,
were eaming little more than $100 per
month are now dissatisfied with over
$700. Very few people owned their
own cars when we arrived, but now one
in three homes requires garage space.
Within two weeks of arriving in Japan,
we saw our first baptism. The nation
remains open to the Gospel today there
is complete freedom to preach Jesus.
HE did say we were to go to ALL
NATIONS, and that includes Japan.
transportation, language study, children's
schooling, and of course work funds.
Japan is an island nation with few
natural resources and little usable land.
Most supplies are imported, and food is
Missionaries arriving in this decade
must plan ahead to secure housing,
especially those with families. Almost
no one can afford to buy land and erect
buildings. Houses and apartments are
for rent, but are usually small and expen
sive. Rural and semi-rural areas are more
reasonable, but still expensive. We rented
a small Japanese-style house near Sendai
for about $110 a month. It would have
cost much more in Tokyo. We are now
living in another missionary's house
while they are on furlough for a year.
It is just as necessary, and just as
difficult to master Japanese in the 70's
as it ever was, or as it will be, for that
matter. There are excellent language
schools in most major cities. The stand
ard full-time course runs for about
two years and costs about $1000 a year.
Due to a shortage of funds, when we
first came I could only attend part time
for about a year. At present, I am in
full-time study in Tokyo.
The 1970's offer many thrilling and
productive avenues for mission work in
Japan. This is an era of friendship
between Japan and America, and we mis
sionaries are usually treated with respect
and favor. (There are communist and
anti-Christian Buddhist elements in high
governmental places, however, and some
predict that one day Christians will again
be harassed, if not persecuted. At the
present time though, that seems to be
We are finding our place in a church
planting ministry. Others are serving in
many other ways. The missionary of
the 70's serves in a modem and sophis
ticated land but a land of many conflic
ting ideologies and false religions, a
land where over 100 million lost and con
fused souls are searching for meaning
and direction, a land still open to
those who are willing and able to point
out the Way.
Page 5
by Grace Farnham
Miss Famham worked with the Cun
ningham Mission for several years, and
then in 1934 began a new work with
two other missionary ladies in theMabashi
district of Tokyo. Grace remained on
after the war started, and was interned
by the Japanese in September of 1942.
She was repatriated to America after a
year of imprisonment. She returned to
Japan in 1947, and the Mabashi church
was reorganized. In 1956, she helped in
establishing a new work in Chiba pre
fecture. Grace retired from active mis
sionary work in 1961 but came back for
a visit to Japan from September of 1971
to June of 1972. She now lives with
her sister in Eugene, Oregon. They
have a Bible study for older women in
their home once a week, and they are
active in the local church.
Over 50 years ago, in September of
1925, a steamship anchored in Yokohama
Bay and I was thrilled to know that I
was in Japan, although I had wept at
leaving home, knowing that I could not
see loved ones for five years.
I had been inspired to be a missionary,
learning in a mission study class of the
millions who do not know of a loving
God and of the few who are willing to
leave the comforts of home to take the
On shore, the unusual sounds and
sights the clatter of wooden sandals,
the kimonos worn by many, the babies
on mothers' backs, and the jinricksha
drawn by running men made me feel
like the characters in a book which I
was reading had come to life. There
were many things new and interesting,
and the people were very kind. As I
began to understand their speech, I
could "laugh with those who laughed
and weep with those who wept".
The years flew past. There were times
of rejoicing and times of discourage
ment and loneliness. The verse which
came to me was "Nothing shall separate
us from the love of God which is in Christ
Jesus our Lord".
Now after having returned to my
homeland I become homesick for Japan.
Some may think, "Does the Lord
want me to be a missionary?" Of course
God wants you if you have a sincere
desire to bring the Gospel to those who
have not heard. He does not want
millions to die not having heard the
message of eternal life.
Pray for God's leading and go where
He sends. He will give you strength
to endure.
Page 6
Stanley &Mable Buttray
The New Year 1976 has dawned and
with it the beginning of the end of this
20th century! Like a drugged Giant
reeling to his feet to do battle with some
unseen enemy.. .the nations of the world
have staggered to their feet to face an
intensely hostile last quarter of the
20th century!
According to the Japanese calendar,
this is the year of the Dragon. During
the three-day New Years' holiday, 65
million Japanese made their way to
famous shrines and temples hoping to
receive special blessings for the New
With the economic situation at its
lowest since World War II, immorality
on the rise, divorces, crime, smoking,
drinking on the increase, one wonders
where it will end.
On April 27, 1950, Stanley and Mabel
Buttray first set foot on Japanese soil.
They taught in Tokyo Bible Seminary
their first term, started two churches,
and evangelized through many other
means. At present they are involved in
the establishing of a Christian Camp
Christian Camps are a vital part of
the work of churches in America. In
Japan, camps have also proven effective
in Christian work, as workers have
gathered young people in small or rented
facilities. The Buttrays have had a 25
year dream of having our own spacious
camp site which can be used by churches
for year-round camp programseven for
ski camps in the winter. This dream is
beginning to come true. A large tract
of land has been purchased, and part
of it has been cleared for tennis courts,
a ball field, and space for a residence.
There is hope that the property on which
the Buttrays have been living in Tokyo
can be sold soon to provide funds to
erect the necessary buildings.
26-4 2-chome, Kamiochiai
Shinjuku Ku, Tokyo 161 Japan
Telephone: (03)-361-6056
Mrs. Homer Anderson
622 CuUum Street
Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335
When most people think of Japan they think of
Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms. Mt. Fuji is not a
God but it is an object of worship in Japan.
Warren & Eileen
We are one of the new families of the
70's to come to Japan, and have not had
our own work as yet. My first visit to
Japan was in 1964-66 when I was station
ed here with the U.S. Navy. I visited
many missionaries then and as a result,
I saw that Japan is a great country that
has yet to be reached for Christ on a
wide scale. So, I returned to the States
and entered Pacific Christian College,
where I met Eileen. We both graduated
in 1970 with a degree in Missions.
Feeling the need of more preparation,
I entered the M.A. program at the School
of World Mission, Fuller Seminary,
Pasadena, CA. While in the middle of
that program, we took a year (1971-72)
to serve furlough relief for the Harold
Coles in Ono, Japan. That was a good
year during which we observed the
Japanese church there, learned some
basic Japanese, and became parents for
the first time. (We now have three
I returned then in 1972 to finish my
remaining year with the School of World
Mission, but am still working on my
thesis and language requirements. Fol
lowing that, we began organizing the
Kansai Christian Mission, which is a non
profit corporation registered with the
State of California, and speaking among
the churches, mostly in Southern Cali
fornia. In September 1974, we began our
first official term in Japan as we entered
into the 2-year language study program
of the Karuizawa Language School.
Because my mother has been here to help
us, we have both been able to study
Following language study, it has been
our plan to return to the area between
the churches of Ono and Okayama to
work. However, due to the Coles' recent
return to the States because of Ulness,
we have assumed the responsibilities of
the three preaching points in the Karui
zawa area begun by Steve Fleenor and
by Betty Patton (p. 21)
To BE a missionary and not TO
MARRY a missionary was my goal when
I entered Bible College at the age of 21.
Those who had been an influence on my
life were missionaries from foreign
fields. However, I had already decided
that I would not go to a foreign field
unless I was married. After working 3
years on Indian Reservations, marry
ing a missionary and going to a foreign
field became a reality.
Nine months after our marriage,
Andrew and I set foot in Japan. It was
a rainy Monday morning because a
typhoon was nearing Tokyo. On Tues
day, Andrew started to teach in the
Bible College 22 hours a week and
studying the remainder of the day.
Wednesday, I got lost going to language
school and could not speak Japanese.
Thursday a giant typhoon hit Tokyo;
on Friday came my first earthquake;
on Saturday came the aftershocks; on
Sunday there were potato salad sand
wiches and green tea for our reception
at the church. There was no return
ticket or perhaps I might have used it.
Because of Andrew's previous work
and knowledge of Japanese I had a hard
time finding my place of service. For
the next 5 years he taught in the Bible
College and visited churches on the
Lord's Day. I finally found a church
where I could play the pump organ on
the Lord's Day. Also, I became the
treasurer and did the correspondence
for the Seminary. All of this was very
different from teaching Bible classes.
We moved into our new home within
the year and found that caring for tra-
continued by the Coles. With both the
Coles and the Fleenors in the States,
we will plan to continue working in
this area for the rest of this term. In
Asashina, there is a new church (3 Chris
tians so far), a Sunday School, and a nice
building to meet in, so we plan to move
out there this coming Spring while
finishing up language study. Tatashina
and Mochizuki are being kept open with
an English Class and a Bible Class respec
tively. In cooperation with the camp
program of the Stan Buttrays, we will
do what we can to plant new churches
in this area.
2254-3 Karuizawa-machi
Nagano-ken, 389-01 Japan
Telephone: (02674)-2-2452
c/o Miss Marge Phipps
734 Loma Street, No. 12
Long Beach, California 90804
velers and new missionaries to the field
was of great service to others. Our home
has been blessed greatly as we have served
in this way. Since 1960, Andrew has
restarted 2 churches and begun one new
church. I have been contented in shar
ing in the music program, and the food
and fellowship part, and also in camps
and coffee house evangelistic programs.
Many women would not have been
satisfied to be in the background of
mission work. But I feel I have found
my place there. It will not be long until
all of our children will be grown and
away from home. Then perhaps I will
find other and new ways of serving.
I thank God for our marriage and for all
the tests and trials I have had being
Here are some practical things that
might help you. For a few examples, try
I wish someone had told me
. . .that visas may take several months
to be granted, and that in some places
you need a sponsoring group in the
country before your visa can be granted;
. . .that there are, in many countries,
special missionary travel centers which
can reduce the cost of overseas travel
. . .that if you travel by air and have
baggage traveling by sea, you have to fill
out an "Unaccompanied Baggage Form"
while on the plane; it saves a lot of
trouble and import taxes;
.. .that it would be helpful to have a
course in bookkeeping. It's needed al
most daily;
. . .that you may need to learn a few
things about repairing. For example,
can you change a faucet washer? Better
learn how;
.. .that you should check ahead about
the availability and suitability of elec
tricity before taking American appliances
with you;
.. .that you should inquire about avail
able parts and/or service and ribbons
for the kind of typewriter you are taking
.. .that you may need to take with you
some types of medicine from America.
You can't always find what you need.
.. .that your size of shoes or clothing
might not be available. Think carefully
about your sizes if you are going to a
place where the local people are generally
smaller than Americans;
.. .that heating a house can be an un
expected problem. I wish someone had
told me that Japanese houses don't
usually have any form of heating already
supplied. I wish I had checked out the
kerosene oil heaters while in America;
they look mighty good now.
Lee Jones
Page 7
Martin & Evelyn Clark
The work to which Martin and Evelyn
Clark were called was that of educating
preachers. Osaka Bible Seminary was
instituted by Harold and Leone Cole
at the invitation of M.B. and Maude
W. Madden in the fall of 1937. War years
interrupted the program before any
students were graduated.
The Clarks arrived April 23, 1950.
Harold Cole had begun the school upon
returning to Osaka in 1947. Paul Nielsen
and Geoi^e Beckman were assisting and
classes were in progress for the school
year of 1950-51. There were no seminary
buildings since they had been destroyed
in the bombing. Re-organization was
the first objective finally accomplished
by the following school year.
It must be remembered that, in
enumerating achievements, the present
status of Osaka Bible Seminary has not
been the work of one person. When we
arrived there were eight very diligent,
but dissatisfied, students with no alumni,
no buildings of their own, no dormitory,
no supporting churches or Christians and
an ail-American faculty with a minimum
of experience. (We still have an enroll
ment of eight, although at one time
Everyone is familiar with the slogan
"Join the Navy and See the World,"
but how about "Join a Missionary and
See the World?" I had been out of the
U.S. (just into Canada) only once in my
twenty years when my husband of 16
months whisked me across the ocean to
Japan. "Seeing the World" meant look
ing at nothing but ocean for 16 days, so
when I first saw Japan I thought it was
the most beautiful place I'd ever seen.
It was land\
It was difficult to leave my parents
that first time, but they promised, Lord
willing, that they would make one trip
to Japan per term, and they have kept
their word. It is becoming increasingly
possible for relatives to visit the field,
thus lessening the homesickness so many
experience. How we praise God for
Not having children right away, I
should have been able to study the
language for a solid two years, but I
didn'tfor various reasons I thought
good at the timeand now how I wish
I had! Japanese is a difficult language
not impossiblebut difficult, and there
fore a basis of two years of study is
necessary. Anything less means a life-
Page 8
there were 25 students.) Every one
of those first students, and all those
until ten years ago, were recruited by
missionaries. Today, every student is
in school mainly as a result of Japanese
influence. These students today need
little, if any, subsidy compared to full
subsidy in those early years. We now
have one of the most useful and appro
priate buildings adequate for at least
fifty students. The Alumni association
is giving thrilling demonstration of their
concern for their Alma Mater and the
needs of each other. We still lack ade
quate dormitory facilities, but what we
do have is sufficient for now. Our faculty
consists of five Japanese and five Amer
icans all of whom have at least Master's
degrees. Financially speaking, the story
is still more encouraging. Whereas
a few years ago there were no Japanese
sources of regular income, Osaka Bible
Seminary's regular reports now show
ten or more, totaling at least ten percent
of the budget.
There are always times of discourage
ment, but the song writer was correct.
Count your blessingsname them, one
by one! SEE what the Lord hath done.
Praise His Name
4-21 Nakamiya, 4-Chome,
Asahi-ku, Osaka
535 Japan
Telephone: (06(-951-5493
Osaka Bible Seminary
Box 696
San Jose, California 95106
by Coral Mings (p. 19)
time of groping for words, leaning on
interpreters (who, though well-intention
ed, sometimes get things exactly back
wards), and generally feeling inferior
and left-out. I can't stress enough the
importance of adequate language study.
My advice to M.K.'s returning to the
field with wives in tow: get your own
living quarters. My mother-in-law would
be the first to agree, I'm sure. The
closest and most loving of families
can and do have problems when forced
to live together.
My advice to wives of M.K.'s: learn
the basic customs of the culture in
which you are going to live before you
get there. Learn how to greet people
politelyyou'll be doing a lot of that
and you'll save yourself much embar
rassment if you leam ahead how to do
it correctly. Know something of the
money of the country and carry some
with youat least enough to make a
phone call. Study maps of your area
leam your way around quickly. Don't
be a hot-house plantget out and explore.
And finally, be patient with your M.K.
husband. He can't imagine your not
being able to say the simplest words in
the language in which he is so fiuent.
Study hard and leam quickly. In so
doing, youll earn the respect of your
husband, your in-!aws and the people
with whom you work, and SO important
you'll be happy with yourself.
*Missionary Kid
by Lee Jones (p. 15)
As an "experienced" (114 years) mis
sionary, I should be expected to be able
to give expert, exact advice concerning
at-home preparations before coming
overseas. At present, being here is like
a giant do-it-yourself kit, with no instruct
ions included, and a strict deadline to
meet for it's completion. In such a case,
no person can do an absolutely complete
job of giving advice; we can only try.
Even veteran missionaries sometimes for
get, or run up on a new regulation or
piece of red tape. Novice missionary,
be sure your cup runneth over with
patience, foryouH need it on the mission
Harold & Leone Cole
Harold and Leone first went to Japan
in March, 1937 as members of the Osaka
Christian Mission (Madden). Harold had
been asked to be^n a Bible College for
the training of national preachers and
workers. Osaka Bible Seminary began
in 1937 with Mr. Shibano as interpreter
and Mr. Kaneko, his first student. The
Coles worked with the Asahi Church
and Christian kindergarten, taught
English Bible classes and English classes
in a night school as they began the study
of the Japanese language with a private
Hi lAiukkkk:
tutor. They began another Christian
kindei^arten and worship services in a
rented Japanese house at Amijima,
Leone returned to the States in Oct.,
1940 at the third order of the U.S. State
Department. Harold returned in April,
1941 when his presence in Japan became
an embarrassment and trial to the Japa
nese Christians. Harold Jr. was bom
three weeks later.
The Coles spent the summer visiting
their supporting churches and in Sept.
accepted a second ministty with the
Yuma, Arizona church. (Previous ministry
was Sept., 1935 to Dec., 1936). From
March, 1943 to March, 1946, Harold
served as a chaplain in the U.S. Air
After travelling among our churches
in forty states for eleven months with
a house trailer and three children, (Harold
5, Karen 3, Barbara 2), Harold sailed
for Japan in April, 1947 with the family
joining him in November.
Harold reopened Osaka Bible Seminary
and invited four other families to join
the Mission. The Coles' work has consisted
of teaching in the Seminary, teaching
Bible classes, preaching, evangelistic trips
into rural areas, women's and children's
work, Sunday schools, VBSs, intensive
childrens' meetings, printing of tracts,
booklets and boo}^ for all of our churches
in Japan and Okinawa, work in Old
People's Homes, a blind ministry and
film evangelism in homes, schools, offices
and factories. They assisted nationals in
the establishment of eleven churches.
In Dec., 1973 the Coles moved to
Nagano Prefecture to assist Stan Buttray
by Betty Turner (p- 25)
I was a missionary to the Philippines-
first single, then married, and then a
mother. Each change necessitated
some adjustments. However, the greatest
adjustment I ever had to face was when
I as a missionary wife and mother came
from the Philippines to Japan. It was like
entering a different worid!
In the Philippines, English was widely
spoken, but I also learned the dialect of
the area where I worked. On my arrival
in Japan I was not only "deaf and dumb"
but totally illiterate as well.
The place of women in society was
another adjustment. In the Philippines
women are held in high respect and
treated well. I learned all too soon that
this is not true in Japan. Women are
expected to stand on trains, carry heavy
loads, serve the men, etc.
In the Philippines there are only a
few missionaries, but there are five Bible
colleges, training hundreds of national
workers, and there are several hundred
New Testament congregations. In Japan
there are more missionaries, but few
trained nationals, and only one Bible
Filipinos, with a history of over
400 years of Roman Catholic back
ground, have a general belief in the
existence of one true and living God,
and of Jesus Christ His Son, and of the
Bible as the Word of God. The task there
is to lead people to follow what the
Word teaches. In Japan there is no such
background. We must teach that God IS
before we can proceed to teach about
His Son and His Word.
In the Philippines there is freedom
to have released time Bible classes in the
public schools. Also in the warm climate
there, a year-round program of intensive
evangelism is carried out, with many
converts each year.
Results in Japan are painfully slow.
However, having worked in what is termed
a "responsive field" I can testify to the
fact that there is a great need for the
seed to be sown before there can ever
be a harvest in this land. Millions of
Japanese people have still not heard
the gospel.
If I had my "druthers" I would
prefer to work in the Philippines. How
ever, I don't regret having come to Japan
with my husband to share in the difficult
work of plowing and planting. We are
confident that in due time there will be
a tremendous harvest!
in building an all year round Bible camp.
Harold's present work is assisting in
getting the grounds ready for buOdings.
The Coles teach and preach in Karuizawa;
Asashina, where a Christian Center has
been established in a rented building;
Mochizuki and Tateshina towns. All are
located within fifteen minutes of the
camp site. Harold and Leone also minister
once a month to the Christians in a
leprosarium in Kusatsu City.
David (19) is a sophomore in Pacific
Christian College (FuUerton, CA) and
plans to return to Japan as a missionary.
He spent the summer of 1975 in evangel
ism in Japan. He was of great help in
contacting new youths in many areas
and in the opening of the Bible Center
in Asashina. Sept., 1975 marked Harold's
fortieth anniversary in the ministry,
38 years having been dedicated to Japan!
31-1190 Karuizawa Machi
Nagano Ken
389-01 Japan
Mrs. Genevieve Kuhn
1829 Oregon Avenue
Long Beach, California 90806
Kannon Goddess of Mercy
The average Japanese is an idolator.
He worships a god that he can
understand and appreciate with his
five senses. Thus Satan holds an
idolatrous sway over Japan's
millions with an iron grip.
Page 9
by Carolyn Barricklow (p. 3)
The summer of 1970 was a dream
come true: traveling in Japan with the
OHAYO SINGERS. For our sponsors,
the Pratts, it was a costly venture in time,
planning, and money (even though the
singers raised their own air fare). But
the sin^ng group attracted attention.
We were able to sing in schools and other
public places to large crowds; we could
witness to a lot of people and make con
tacts for evangelistic services later on,
or for correspondence courses. We met
a lot of people, made a lot of friends,
and saw a lot of sights. Most important,
though, we learned that missionary life
is not exactly fun and games. We had to
learn to cope with each other as well as
with an alien society. Some of us were
shocked by Japan's integrated public
facilities (No MEN'S or LADIES'?!
Gotta be kiddin'!), some rebelled at shar
ing a public bath, some were drowned
in green tea or surfeited by bean jam
sweets. It was a beginning, a look into
the life of another world.
The summer of 1975 was a dream
come true, but in a different way. I went
alone to Hiroshima, to spend six weeks
in one place as a teacher instead of
traveling as a semi-celebrity. I unpacked
my suitcases, and followed a fairly regular
schedule. I was able to relate to the
community on a day-to-day basis, and
to see the missionaries struggling through
low days in between the peaks of feverish
activity. I faced frustration at the in
adequacy of my college Japanese for
simple things like shopping or catching
a bus. How I learned to appreciate the
virtues of patience and persistence I
saw in my missionary friends!
This is a Shinto Shrine. Few people
come to worship at the shrine
Page 10
Ernest & Neva Faber
Ernest and Neva Faber, with their
18-month-old daughter, Linda, came to
Japan in August 1954. After eighteen
months of language study they moved to
Hokkaido to begin a work in the city of
Obihiro, an agricultural center. Mr.
Stephen lijima, a Tokyo preacher and a
native of Obihiro, led them in selecting
the southern part of this city where
services were begun in their home. By
that time their family had increased by
two more children, Charles and Allan.
The third son, Donald, was bom during
their first furlough in 1960.
They continued to work in Obihiro
until 1967. Mr. Sugiura, a graduate of
the Tokyo Bible Seminary, took charge
of the work at that time. The church
there has its own building and a small
parsonage. It is financially independent
of the mission. They have reimbursed
the mission for the price of the land.
The Fabers moved to the new port
and industrial city of Tomakomai in
1968. Two years after beginning the
work in a small apartment they were
joined by Mr. Kimura. Mr. Kimura, a
graduate of Osaka Bible Seminary, is a
native of Hokkaido who was baptized
My two internships were very different
in scope and nature, but both were
valuable in seeking God's will for my
life. During the summer of travel, I was
able to see lots of missionaries doing lots
of different things; it was a great way
to survey the field. In Hiroshima, I was
able to zero in on my own chosen
ministry, to learn to create my niche in
missionary life, seeing the kingdom grow
day by day.
by Ernest in Obihiro. A church building
was built in 1971 and a parsonage was
added two years later. When the Fabers
went to America for their third furlough
in 1973, Mr. Kimura, with his young
wife, assumed the responsibility for the
work. His salary is partly paid by the
mission but other expenses are met
The Tomakomai mission land and
house were sold. With these funds
three lots were purchased and a mission
house was built in a new residential area
in the northern part of Hokkaido's capital
city, Sapporo. The house and a church
building were completed in December
of 1974 and the work was opened. At
present six adults plus the Fabers attend
services regularly. One of these. Miss
Yoko Fujii, is a former member of
Obihiro's church and a graduate of Osaka
Bible Seminary. She lends valuable
assistance to the work. These adults
provide a nucleus for reaching into the
new community. This small group
budgets 15% of the offerings to the
mission in payment for the church
building. They also meet all operating
English classes are extensively used
to reach the adults, children, and youth
of the area. Vacation Bible Schools
with averages of 25-30 children are held
both during the winter and summer
vacations. These are in addition to regular
Sunday school and worship services.
Evangelistic meetings, specif services,
ahd tract evangelism are also used.
North 49, East 15
Higashi ku, Sapporo
065 Japan
Telephone: (011)-731-8118
John Noe
Box 173
Adel, Iowa 50003
Julius &Virginia Fleenor
The mission was incorporated in 1975
in Portland, Oregon, but has in fact
existed in ministry since October 1950
when Julius and Virginia Fleenor arrived
in Tokyo. Grace Famham (see p. 6),
faithful missionary In Japan for 35
years, provided them housing for their
first year in Japan. After that, land
was donated to them by Japanese Chris
tians. A mission home was built, and
the first church was planted. Since then
they have been used to plant four other
churches in Tokyo and surrounding areas,
all of which are self-supporting and under
Japanese leadership. Plans for relocating
the first church in two separate areas of
Tokyo in order to expand its ministry
are now in process.
The Fleenors brought a three year old
son, Stephen, to Japan In 1950. He and
his father have worlked together in min
istry. During the last four years Stephen
and his family have served here as full
time missionaries. Four daughters
were also born to Julius and Virginia
in Japan, and in 1968 they adopted two
Japanese sons who were ages 4 and 5
then. God has used the children to open
many doors for the gospel.
The following methods are used for
evangelism: (1) A summer camp pro
gram in the mountains since 1952, (2)
Preaching and teaching in homes and
churches, (3) Helping those in trouble,
(4) Opening Christian kindergartens, (5)
Calling in homes and hospitals, (6)
Teaching English Bible in high schools
and colleges, (7) Printing tracts for
evangelism, (8) Giving and selling Bibles
and Bible portions, (9) Street meeting
work, (10) Film evangelism in schools,
rented halls, homes, and camps, and
(11) Training Japanese Christians to
witness to others.
Japan has many open doors. Our
greatest problem is too few workers.
We ask your prayers. Jesus said, "The
harvest truly is plenteous, but the labour
ers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord
of the harvest that He will send forth
labourers into His harvest." Matt. 9:37-38.
Advice to anybody wondering about an
1. Go! Take any opportunity you can,
but prepare for it.
2. Read all you can about Japan and
Japanese customs.
3. Get a pair of chopsticks and learn to
use them.
4. Pack a lot less than you think youH
Carolyn Barricklow
1-5-15 Naka Ochiai
Shinjuku, Tokyo
161 Japan
Telephone: (03)-951-6025
Mr. & Mrs. George Crawford
1075 NW 123rd Ave., Apt. 16
Portland, Oregon 97229
by Larry Lambdin (p. 16}
As a U.S. Army specialist transferred
from Vietnam to Japan, I was a typical
young GI. Although brought up in a
strong Christian home, I had rebelled.
The Christian influence was still in my
life, however, as the first thing I did was
to contact the nearest missionary to my
That contact led a "fallen" Christian
to studying the Bible in order to teach
English Bible on weekends to Japanese
university clubs. From this study I came
to see Jesus, the crucified and risen Lord
as a reality in my life.
On leave from the Army to drive the
first "Ohayo" Singers, we stopped at
the church in Ono. While the singers
were witnessing to the Japanese, the
minister, Mr. Masatami Kikkawa, decided
to witness to me. With Leone Cole
translating, Mr. Kikkawa said, "Japan
needs Evangelism!" I said, "America
needs Evangelism." Mr. Kikkawa then
stated, "America has Christians in the
pews who can do the evangelism, Japan
doesn't. We need missionaries, not for
the money they bring, but for spiritual
guidance.' I earnestly believe God was
using Mr. Kikkawa to show me the need
for missionaries in Japan. Could it be
that God is calling you to Japan as well?
Editors' note: Others who were in the
military service and now serve the Lord
in Japan are: Mark Maxey, Don Burney,
Bill Turner, Harlan Woodruff, Ernest
Faber, Warren Christianson, Robert
Warrick, Harold Cole, and Milton Jones.
by Harlan Woodruff (p. 29)
When the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor, I was preaching in Willamina,
Oregon. As young men, answering the
call of Uncle Sam, left for the battle
fields of the world, I felt called to enter
the chaplaincy. The path led from Willa
mina to Massachusetts, to California,
on to New Caledonia, and then to
Okinawa, where one of the war's fiercest
battles was about to end in the summer
of 1945. During one full year in that
war-torn land came experiences that led
me back as a missionary. Never to be
erased from memory was the sight of
those 10,000 white crosses in seven
American cemeteries. Reports indicated
that 100,000 Okinawans had died;
100,000 Japanese soldiers had been
killed, and ninety-four percent of all
buildings had been destroyed. In the
midst of this utter desolation, where
multitudes groped without hope and
without God in the world, came a voice
both loud and clear: "Whom shall I
send, and who will go for us?" The only
response that could be made was: "Here
am I! Send me".
But the real beginning was in Colo
rado ten years before when I dedicated
myself to the Lord and headed for
Northwest Christian College to prepare
for a work within the will of God. At
school I had committed myself to go
where the need was the greatest; here on
Okinawa 1 saw that need. God put it
all together and we were headed for a
lifetime of service in Japan's most south
ern district, Okinawa Prefecture.
Editors' note: Harold Cole and Mark
Maxey were also chaplains.
Twenty seven years ago when planning
to come to Japan as missionaries we
travelled thousands of miles and visited
many churches. At the end of nine
months, fifteen churches had made a
total promise of $200.00 monthly! Now,
twenty-five years later (except for about
two exceptions) the same churches are
continuing their support which has in
creased four times!
Stanley Buttray
There may be outward culture changes
in the Japanese but attitudes remain
oriental. Anything the Japanese import
becomes Japaneseit has an oriental
flavor. You also will absorb the aroma!
It will be that certain something that
relatives can't put their finger on which
causes children to tell your son that he
sticks out like a sore thumb! It will
be that which caused the priest's friends
to tell him he was no longer Italian.
But it will be a personal blessing im
measurable !
Ernest Faber
Page 11
by Martin Clark (p. s)
Gibney, Frank. Five Gentlemen of
Japan. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle
Company, 1953.
Japan: Fragile Super Power. Tokyo:
Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1975.
Frank Gibney writes well and captures
interest with a style that is highly infor
mative yet records history as a narrative.
In his first volume, the five gentlemen are
actual persons whom he knew intimately.
The two volumes give the reader a per
sonal view into what actually happened
in the life of a Japanese from pre-war
days to the present, including current
(1975) international situations related to
Japan and the United States. Both books
are a MUST for all missionaries, recruits
or anyone interested in Japan, in my
Reischauer, Edwin. Japan: Past and
Present. Charles E. Tuttle Company,
Edwin 0. Reischauer was bom in Japan
of Episcopal missionary parents. His
wife is Japanese, the daughter of a former
ambassador to the United States. He
served a term as U.S. Ambassador to
Japan in Post-War years. His more recent
work along with this one is an excellent
review of Japan's role in current history
through the eyes of a diplomat who
knows his material as no one else can.
Sansom, G.B. The Western World and
Japan. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
Inc., 1931.
G.B. Sansom has written into his histories
of Asia a viewpoint not seen in ordinary
works. This particular book gives a basis
for understanding Japan's unique place
in the world as well as analyzing the fac
tors in geography and history which re
sulted in Japan's becoming "Japan." He
begins with the fall of the Roman Empire
and proceeds to the present.
MacFarland, H. Neill. The Rush Hour
of the Gods. New York: The Mc
Millan Company, 1972.
Many books are available about the var
ious religions of Japan. This one by
MacFarland, however rather than deal
ing with one religion only, analyzes the
basic tenets of the more recent religious
developments and gives the reader a view
into the philosophy of the Japanese mind
in religious thought.
Ben-Dasan, Isaiah. The Japanese and the
Jews. New York: Weatherhill, 1972.
The unique and exclusive character of
the Jews is well known. This book makes
a highly interesting use of this similarity
Page 12
We sat, six of us on Jan. 4, '76, around
a table ladened with Japanese New
Year's delicacies; our host and his wife
(Japanese), three young women of Chi
nese ancestry, and myself. The discus
sion had drifted to what they would real
ly like to be if they could forget cultural
backgrounds, qualifications, the reces
sion, etc. Finally one of them turned to
me and said, "Mrs. Fultz, what would
you really like to be?" A little startled
by the question, I answered, "A mission
ary." There was a ripple of laughter,
and I added, "The work is difficult and
the pay is small but there is no other
work that I'd want to do."
To the answer, "A missionary," I
could have added, "in Japan." Japan
may not be the melting-pot of Asia but
tliere are large numbers of Asians who
find their ways into this small-island
country. Especially in Tokyo there is an
opportunity, I believe, for a work for
Christ among these peoples. These are
to the Japanese by pointing out the
differences. Agreeing or disagreeing with
the author does not lessen the value of
the insight it brings into the cultural
aspects of the Japanese way of life.
Nakane, Chie. Japanese Society. Berkley:
University of California Press, 1972.
Chie Nakane is a Professor of Social
Anthropology in the University of To
kyo. Her ability and sense of humor in
viewing her own people from a cultural
view-point is not only interesting reading,
but one of the most concise (160 pages)
and accurate assessments of Japanese life
to be found.
Drummond, Richard Henry. A History
of Christianity in Japan. Grand
Rapids: Errdmans, 1971.
This is the best yet written on the sub
ject, mainly because of the section on the
those whose language of communication
might be said to be English-Japanese.
Included in this evangelistic opportunity
are Japanese nationals who enjoy study
ing and expressing themselves in English.
For the purpose of using this opportunity
for Christ, The Nations Church of Christ
came into being. Perhaps in the U.S.A.
it would not be called a church, maybe
more of a dream, a hope, a prayer. We
believe it is more than that. It is a task
given to us by the Lord Himself. It is my
privilege that the Lord sees fit to use me
to labor with this particular church in its
early development.
The Lord has not, however, confined
me to Tokyo. We continue to pray and
work for the development of Christian
Summer Institute on the lovely little
island of Awaji in Osaka bay. Here we
hope to develop a program geared es
pecially for the Junior-highs and the
Senior-highs on the island (There are no
colleges). The facilities, when completed,
will serve others too. Two small groups
of Tokyoites have already had retreats
there in previous years. We hope there
will be more. The need - urgent and im
mediate - is for buildings, or funds to
build them. Then wOl come the need for
helpers, especially for summer help.
Write us if you would like to be kept
Isoda Bldg. Apt. E
15-8, 6 chome, Minami-Aoyama
Minato-ku, Tokyo
107 Japan
Mrs. Velda Clatfelter
Box 222
Marshall, Illinois 62441
Roman Catholic Jesuit coverage. The
history covered prior to World War II is
excellent, but his liberal, Council of
Churches bias decidedly weakens his
treatment of the post-war developments.
Garst, Laura Delany. A West Pointer in
the Land of the Mikado. New York:
Fleming H. Revell Co., 1913 (out of
If this can be found, you have a real
Western Frontier novel type introduction
to a thrilling life story of our first mis
sionary to Japan. Charles E. Garst and
his wife chose a pioneer field in Japan -
Akita - where no other foreigner lived
in those primitive days.
(Continued p. 13)
by Bill Turner (p. 25)
From 1950 to 1952 while serving in
the U.S. Army in Japan, I became inter
ested in mission work. After getting out
of the Army I studied at Atlanta Chris
tian College to prepare to be a mission*
ary, in hopes of coming back to Japan.
The idea grew in my mind that to be a
successful missionary it would be better
to be like the Apostle Paul and remain
single. Most people, however, seemed to
believe that one cannot do overseas work
as a single male missionary, so I was per
suaded that it would be better to marry
in order to do a better job for the Lord.
In 1956, I met Betty Yarbrough dur
ing her first furlough from the Philip
pines. I was very impressed with her
ability to serve so well as a single mission
ary. During her next furlough our re
lationship continued to grow, and we
were married in March of 1962.
We went to the Philippines instead of
to Japan because of Betty's obligations
and experience in mission work there.
It is a little ego-deflating to go to a mis
sion field depending almost entirely upon
your wife because of her experience in
the language, culture and work. Betty
was very patient with me in my inexper
ience, and I was slowly brought into the
position of leadership in our mission
In 1965 we left the Philippines be
cause of our son Tim's health and came
to Japan. Here I was at a slight advan
tage because of having served in Japan
with the Army. However, we were both
relative newcomers to the work, so we
labored together in establishing our work
in Japan.
To recruits, we would point out that
there may be difficulties in marrying
someone who has already been in mis
sion work, but they are not insurmounta
ble. I feel that the advantages outnumber
the disadvantages. I am thankful to have
a helpmeet who is a dedicated missionary,
and not just "tagging along" behind a
missionary husband.
(Continued from p. 12)
Maxey, Mark G. Way Down Here. San
Clemente, Calif: Go Ye Books, 1972.
Mark Maxey found an area in our modem
times almost as isolated and unknown as
Akita was to the Garsts. Do you pray-
or get down and get under when the
Jeep breaks down? What do you do
when a typhoon threatens to lift the
roof off the house in which you are
sheltered? Way Down Here is a blow by
blow account of the present day life of
a missionary in Japan.
Research Committee. Now You Live in
Ben & Nobuko Hirotaka
4-6 Keiyu-danchi, Shime machi,
Kasuya gun, Fukuoka ken,
811-22 Japan
Telephone: (09293)-5-6079
Mr. & Mrs. Art Holden
3550 S.E. 68th Ave.
Portiand, Oregon 97206
Japan. Tokyo: The Japan Times,
Ltd., 1975.
This is a new publication giving an excel
lent summary of answers to the questions
about bi-cultural life in Japan related to
such items as visas, landing permits, taxes,
insurance and more. It is a MUST for
Note "A"
There is no history in any form of the
total work of Churches of Christ io
Japan, Maude Whitmore Madden wrote a
number of books, but not histories. All
are out of print as is also the Garst book
and A. McLeans History of the Foreign
Christian Missionary Society which con
tains a good section on origins of work
in Japan.
Note "B""
If these books cannot be located they
may be ordered from Go Ye Books,
147 Ave Cota, San Clemente, CA 92671
or Go Ye Books, Box 14, Kanoya, Kago-
shima 893, Japan.
The non-Christian native may be more
strongly influenced by the attitude of
the missionary than the teaching of the
missionary even though that teaching
is very Biblically based.
George Beckman
Ben Hirotaka was bom in 1937 in
Portland, Oregon, and was taken back to
Japan in 1941. He was placed in the care
of his uncle who was a Buddhist priest
until he retumed to America in 1956. He
became a Christian in 1957. He then at
tended Northwest Christian College,
Christian Theological Seminary and Cin
cinnati Bible Seminary.
Nobuko was bom in Japan in 1939
and was raised here. She visited America
in 1966 and became a Christian there in
1967. Shortly after her conversion she
married Ben.
Ben and Nobuko retumed to Japan in
August, 1973, with the purpose of wit
nessing for Christ Jesus. They lived in
Osaka for one year, and during George
Beckman's and Martin Clark's furiough,
looked after the two missionaries' living
quarters and some of their work. Ben
^so ministered to the Nakamiya Church
of Christ during that time.
In September, 1974, they moved to
their present location, Shime, in Fukuo
ka Prefecture, Kyushu. They rented a
little house on the outskirts of Shime and
began their missionary work. Their first
step was to make friends with the neigh
bors and to get to know as many as they
could. Before converting the people they
must gain trust through friendship. Their
daily lives are concentrated on winning
They teach English and have Bible
study for about 30 children on weekdays.
They started regular Sunday morning
services in August, 1975, with 5 adults.
By December, 1975, the meeting had
grown to 15 to 20 adults every Sunday,
which is just about the maximum their
little house can hold. None of these had
ever read the Bible or heard about Christ
The most important and most difficult
task lies in the future-that is to make
this group a strong and lasting Church of
by Lois Sims (p. 24}
Anger is sometimes expressed or
hidden with a short laugh. Embarrassment
usually is covered by a laugh. Griefoften
a person laughs when informing you of
the death of a loved one.
They don't want to cause any dis
pleasure or sorrow to you. Happiness is
of course expressed with healthy laughter.
Jokesmost American jokes are not
translatable, and many Japanese ones
are plays on words that cannot be under
stood by foreigners.. Kidding is seldom
understood or enjoyed.
Page 13
Daynise Holloway
Her mother's interest in missions
and years of persistent nudges from
Christian friends were the tools God used
to direct Daynise Holloway to Okayama
Ken in Japan. In San Jose Bible College
the first suggestion came from Rebecca
Still. During her teaching years in Oregon,
God used both local church friends
and missionariesespecially Stephen and
Carol Fleenor. From 1970 through the
summer of 1973, Daynise served as
Stephen and Carol's personal repre
sentativegiving slide presentations of
their work in Japan throughout North
west Oregon.
In July of 1972, Daynise came to
Japan to help Stephen and Carol in
English Bible camps in Karuizawa. In
the fall of the following year she returned
to Japan to teach missionary children
in Nagoya. The next summer, she joined
Audrey West in Okayama Ken to serve
while Audrey was on furlough in America.
The last year has been full! At the
Christian Center she taught English Bible
classes as well as meeting guests of the
Center. There were messages at Emi and
occasionally at monthly joint worship
meetings, a girls' Bible class in Emi,
and organ music each Lord's Day morn
ing at Hayashino, as well as the Bible
study that goes with teaching. It was a
most satisfying year.
With Audrey's return from America,
both Audrey and Daynise began to look
earnestly to the future. Plans are being
made to enlarge the work in Okayama
by establishing a church in Susai, a village
of 3,000 people about twenty minutes
south of the Christian Center.
On her return the first of March,
1976, from a brief stay in America,
Daynise plans to establish residence in
Susai, continue her weekly Bible studies
with Mr. Takamore, a private English
teacher in Susai, and work toward making
contacts for the gospel. She will also
help at the Christian Center and continue
playing organ at Hayashino Church of
The last two years' work has brought
Page 14
Susai, Yoshii-Cho
Akaiwa-gun, Okayama Ken
701-25 Japan
Lee Dummer
2014 SW 7th Avenue
West Linn, Oregon 97068
a satisfaction that is difficult to describe.
At times Daynise wonders why it took so
long to answer God's leading to come
to Japan. If you feel that God is speak
ing to you, please, don't delaycome.
by Jerri Lynn Anderson (p. 2)
I came to Japan in June, 1974. I
buckled down to studying Japanese for
about 15 hours each week. Jesus said
to tell others about Him. I could not
yet do so in Japanese, So I began telling
about Him in English. That helps me to
obey Jesus' command in a small way
while I prepare to obey it in a much
laj^er way in the future.
There is a great need to use Japanese
in spreading the Gospel in Japan.
Although a lot of Japanese speak English,
we can only go so deep into Christianity
using English. There is a point at which
comprehension ceases. In order to
present Christ effectively to the most
people we need to use their own native
lan^age. Because of the limits in using
a foreign language we missionaries are
also at a disadvantage. However there
is a ifference. We missionaries are al
ready Christians. We know what we
want to say, we understand already. It
is easier for us to put our experience
into Japanese than for the Japanese to
try to grasp it for the first time in a
language that is not native to them.
If we leam Japanese diligently we can
more clearly and effectively present
the Good News.
Although many Japanese use English
nowadays, there are great numbers of
middleaged and elderly people as well
as small children who don't. These
individuals are important to Jesus also.
They need His saving grace just as much
as anyone else. There is only one way
to get His message of love to them.
That is to communicate it in the only
language they understandJapanese.
I can imagine the question in some
minds about now. "Why don't you use
an interpreter?" We do. But again there
is a problem. Good interpreters are hard
to come by. Christian interpreters are
even fewer. So we can never be sure
if the message we want to send is being
received in correct form or not. It is
better to leam and use Japanese.
I think that even while we are learn
ing Japanese we must be about our task
of preaching Christ. But I don't think
we should be satisfied with using only
English. We can be so much more effec
tive if we will only be willing to tackle
the language and let the Lord help us
to put it into use for Him.
Culture shock, that is. I vote for
everyday sniffles. My definition of
culture shock comes from my experience
of finding it everywhere I have ever seen
a person out of his own environment:
the preacher's wife in southern Illinois
who couldn't wear short shorts like she
had done all her life in California; the
Japanese big city girl who couldn't stand
the "needless, senseless gossip" of a small
Japanese community; the college girls
going to a Missions Seminar who were
told to "put on dresses, girlswe are
going to Texas"; the Japanese Christian
who was "shocked at the language and
behavior" of the childrenon the other
side of the tracksin his own city.
"Why don't they leave me alone
I need some privacy." "Why do they
lie?I want the real reason." "He almost
caused an accident. Why does he sit there
and laugh?" "Why don't they eat my
delicious cake I made just for the meet
ing? Why did they scrape the icing
off?" " Why do they think they are so
superior when they can't even drive
without disobeying the law?" Why!
Why! Why!
Sniffles CAN develop into pneumonia,
however, if not taken care of. If you
will make an effort to really find out
"Why?", and then eliminate the attitude
that groups the Japanese into the word
"they," you can deal with each case of
sniffles as it arises.
The greatest problem in cultural releam-
ing is the unknown. If one comes to
Japan with some understanding of
Japanese culture and a basic knowledge
of the language, there should not be a
traumatic "culture shock". One could
say that culture shock is like getting into
a bath without knowing the temperature.
If it is a scalding hot Japanese bath, the
person will have a traumatic experience.
However, the person who is forewarned
will be able to take proper precautions.
Read books. Learn all you can before
you come.
Warren Christianson
Lee & Sandra Jones
Lee and Sandra Jones came to Hiro
shima as brand-new missionaries in
September of 1974, after being members
of the Capitol View Christian Church
for twenty years. Lee was born in
Atlanta and Sandra was raised there.
God led them to the mission field, al
though Lee's work was in architecture/
engineering, and Sandra's work was bank
ing, later to be a housewife and mother.
They felt very strongly the need to be
missionaries, and they were led to Japan.
In their home church, they were active
in almost every possible activity. They
now feel that God was using this as a
22-11 Ushita Higashi
3-Chome, Hiroshima
730 Japan
Telephone: (0822)-27-8750
David and Ina Shaver
3775 Pitman Road
College Park, Georgia 30349
time of training for them. They have a
strong conviction that God can use many
kinds of people on the mission field.
Their work in Hiroshima is primarily
centered around the Hiroshima Christian
Center, a joint work with Bill and Betty
Turner and Jerri Lynn Anderson. There
are Sunday morning and Sunday night
worship services as well as English/Japa
nese Bible classes at various times during
the week. Special activities have included
weekend retreats, which have been very
well attended. Lee also has some English
classes which seem to be very effective
in making contacts. Sandra does the
Mission bookkeeping.
The Jones' home is on a mountain side,
cool in the summer and quite cool in
the winter. They enjoy living in Japan,
finding the new culture very interesting
and the Japanese people always friendly.
Lee and Sandra have three children:
Gary (8), Jennifer (5), and Peter (bom
in Hiroshima in April, 1975).
Please pray for their work and their
patience. Discouragement seems to be
the devil's biggest tool against a new
by Mark Maxey (p. 18)
Ordinarily when we speak of "down"
geographically we think of going south.
In Japan it's different. When you head
for Tokyo from any direction you go
"up". And when you leave Tokyo for
any destination you go "down".
Actually Tokyo is the political,
financial, cultural and educational center
of the nation. That makes it the popula
tion center also. Draw a hundred mile
circle around Tokyo and you have 1/3
of the nation's population. Your circle
also takes in 2/3 of all the missionaries
and churches in Japan. There are reasons
for thissome good and some bad.
The best reason is that this is the most
concentrated mass of humanity in the
world and therefore the greatest mission
ary opportunity.
What can be our reasons then for living
in a place like Kanoya that nobody
ever heard of?
1. One of our reasons is spiritual. We
asked God to lead us to a place in Japan
where nobody had ever gone with the
Gospel. As far as I know we are the only
non-Asian family to live here perman
ently in Japanese history. You could
have a "first" like that yourself.
2. "Down country" evangelism is
pioneering. You must pioneer in your
own livingrising to the challenge of
"make do . You must also pioneer with
the Gospel because you are entering
untouched territory. There are about
8,000 villages in Japan today with no
church, no minister, no missionary, no
witness of any kind. I am talking about
villages of several thousand people, not
some place like Wall, South Dakota
with one drug store! Doesn't that
challenge you?
3. People "way down here" are dif
ferent. They are clannish, feudalistic,
stubborn, loyal to their old religions and
local superstitions and they speak their
own dialectsan effective way to screen-
out outsiders. They are also people of
characterpolite, friendly, hospitable,
humorous; slower-paced, hard working,
honest and stable.
Obviously countiy people are harder
to convert than city-dwellers who are
much more free to make personal decis
ions about religion. But when you win
rural people, look what you've got
mgged men like Peter and John and
faithful women like Mary and Martha.
Now comes the heartache. These people
move to the cities. In country evangelism
you have to run a 100 yard dash just to
stand still. You "export" Christians all
the time. Again, look what you've done!
By working in the country you have not
neglected the cities after all. You have
provided them with their best Christian
leaders and most faithful members.
That's satisfaction! You can have it too.
4. A rural evangelist has "influence".
Since you are uncommon, you have an
uncommon influence. You can exercise
personal, direct and sustained influence
on people and communities in a far
greater way then is possible in cities. And
the longer you stay, the more your
influence for Christ and the Gospel
The "down country" evangelist has his
price to pay, but he has spiritual compen
sations which are beyond price. Join us!
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers
are few."
The total land area in Japan is
about the same size of California.
However, 80% of the country
is mountainous. Much of it is too
rugged to live in.
Page 15
by Audrey West (p. 27)
The reasons for my working mostly
in Japanese are mainly two; necessity
and opportunity. Since I have lived
almost solely among Japanese people
during service in this country, and since
communication is not only a necessity
but also natural. I have learned what
language I have very much as a child
learns to speak. This means that my
Japanese is that of the area in which I
live. My grasp of the language is not
adequate for special occasions such as
taxes, insurance etc. At those times a
very willing and helpful teacher of Eng
lish comes to the rescue. He also inter
prets during our larger meetings.
The next reason for working in Japa
nese is that the people have requested
my doing so, insisting that much express
ion and feeling are lost in interpreting.
At times some portions of the message
are weakened or perhaps completely
changed during interpreting. Thus, to
preserve rapport, intended meaning, to
say nothing of time, I speak as much as
possible in Japanese.
Please do not permit the fear of
learning another language to deter you
from serving the Lord and the lost in
another country if He is urging you
to "go". He will help you to communi
cate if you really yearn to teach His
truth to those who still haven't heard.
Besides, if you truly love the people,
you won't be able to endure not com
municating with them.
by Vivian Lemmon (p. n)
This is a poem a prayer written by
Miss Lemmon many years ago for in
clusion in the Cunningham Mission
newsletter. She says it still means much
to her.
Long before I ever came to Japan, this
was my prayer.
"Show me your way Dear Lord" I
prayed, "And I will walk therein"
Nor did I know the meaning of my
prayer, nor where 'Twould lead me.'
But He heard my cry, drew near to me,
and led me on and on.
Through days and years of preparation
He lit the way before me.
And when I had fulfilled those times
He led me to a place where I should live
and work for Him.
"This is your place," he said. "These
are My lost ones. And if you love Me
you will love them too."
"Your way is plain, Dear Lord. Though
you have led me far
Still you are here to guide and comfort
me, and give me victory."
Page 16
Larry & Joanie Lambdin
Yase, Konoe-cho 723-50
Sakyoku, Kyoto-shi
601-12 Japan
Telephone: 075-721-5890
Steve & Charlene Case
Route 2, Box 25
Moweaqua, Illinois 62550
Larry and Joanie Lambdin's prepara
tion for mission work began before either
of them remembers, for they were both
raised in Christian homes by parents who
are thoroughly convinced of the need for
Christ in a lost and sinful world. Joanie
grew up in northeastern Ohio and from
early childhood dreamed of being a ser
vant for Christ in a foreign land. After
high school she entered the Cincinnati
Bible Seminary.
Larry's plans were different. He first
entered Purdue University to study
Differences in culture is no cause of
problems, but may reveal and increase
the intensity of problems that already
were present but dormant. Both the
culture of the native and that of the
missionary may be involved, as the
culture of the native may be anti-
Christian whereas the culture of the
missionary may be non-Christian; an
accumulation of some extra-Biblical
practices that seem so essential to the
missionary. An emphasis of these may
seriously hinder the native in becoming
a Christian or remaining one.
George Beckman
I wish every preacher could hear (and
understand) his sermon preached by an
interpeter at least once in his life. He
would find out whether he is saying
anything or not. The (good) interpreter
strips off every bit of flowery language
(he has towho would understand it?),
leaves out or summarizes all jokes (who
would understand them?), and when the
speaker wants to say a thing in two
different ways for emphasis, the inter
preter is often forced to say the same
thing twice, because the speaker will
wait expectantly after the second
Don Burney
engineering, but left to join the U.S.
Army for four yearsduring which time
he served in Japan. While in Japan his
interest in missions grew and he returned
home and entered the Cincinnati Bible
Seminary. Larry and Joanie first met
while students there.
After graduation they raised their
support and left for Japan in January
1975. The elders in Larry's home church
in Moweaqua, Illinois, kindly and prayer
fully agreed to oversee the Lambdin work.
Other area churches, and a few distant
ones, have also agreed to support them
with their prayers and finances.
Two weeks after arriving in Japan,
they entered the Kyoto Japanese Lang
uage School. Many missionaries have
encouraged them to devote at least two
years to a concentrated study of both
the written and spoken language before
beginning any specific evangelistic work.
"After one year of such study," Larry
says, "spending two to four hours of
study at home for each of the hours
of class each week, we appreciate the
wisdom of their advice."
During this important period of
language study they have spent much of
their free time travelling through Japan,
considering the spiritual needs of different
areas. "We've attempted to learn methods,
victories and even failures from the
veteran missionaries in this country.
Also the precious knowledge and gui
dance from the Japanese Christians is
very valuable to our preparation," they
Of course, one never feels fully pre
pared, but when their time of "official"
preparation is completed, they plan to
have carefully and prayerfully come to
a decision on where and how to begin
His work. At this point they hope to
plant churches in one of the many
areas where no evangelistic work is being
They hope to be as effective as possible
so that precious Japanese people will
accept Christ as Lord and Savior. To
God be the Glory.
Vivian Lemmon
: lI
0. -./' l4^
Apt. 21, 22-7, 4-chome
Omiya-cho, Asahi-ku, Osaka
535 Japan
Telephone: (06)-955-4622
Miss Pearl Gerner
419 S. Walsh
Garrett, Indiana 46738
.. . OR USE AN
So even if you don't learn the language,
you can use an interpreter and get by?
Let me tell you about my experience
with interpreters. I im^ine you have
already heard the old joke in which
"Interpreters" are called "Interrupters".
It is too true to be funny. And, of course,
it takes twice as long (or more) to preach
a sermon with an interpreter. IF you
have a good interpreter one who knows
English perfectly (to know what you are
saying); who knows Japanese perfectly
(to translate your culture into the Japa
nese culture); who knows the subject
matter, in this case the Bible then
your audience should be able to receive
your message approximately as you gave
it. BUT, you won't find one with those
qualities often, and if you do, it would
be better for him to preach the sermon
the audience would understand better.
It is amusing to listen to unwary
foreigners speak with an interpreter.
(If it isn't the Gospel which is being
mangled, that is.) My sympathies are
with the interpreter. What is he to do
when an American ship's captain responds
to the Mayor's speech with "If the
Mayor thinks that a mere American can
give the Japanese any advice about
The Japan I came to in 1930 was quite
different from that of today. I lived in
Tokyo with Grace Famham, Majel Lusby
and Ruth Schoonover. We taught English
Bible classes to University students, and
used English in our home.
In later years, living and working
among Japanese people in Tanabe has
been a wonderful experience for me. As
the only American in this small city I
learned to know the life, customs and
problems of the people. To some extent
I shared their lives, though an outsider
can never participate fully. Through
kindergarten, Sunday School, Bible classes,
and church activities I saw them develop
physically and spiritually.
1. I believe a new missionary should be
mature, with practical experience at
home, first. We are dealing with people,
souls in need. There are always tempta
tions, even for mature missionaries.
2. After a period of orientation and lang
uage study, everyone man or woman
should spend at least one term in the
country, or small town, learning to use
the language, to know and love the
people, to appreciate their culture and
customs. If possible live in a Japanese
by Don Burney (p. 5)
beautifying their city, he's all wet!"?
(This particular interpreter didn't know
English well enough. He translated it
, we will be glad to do so," thus
reversing the speaker's meaning and
making him seem big-headed in the eyes
of the Japanese audience.)
I once heard an American Minor
League pitcher preaching that Christ had
changed his life. He no longer threw
"bean-balls" after becoming a Christian.
That one stopped the interpretera
"bean-ball" might be what we Americans
call a "bean bag" but it didn't seem to
fit the context. So he stopped the
sermon. "Excuse me, what is a bean-ball?"
came out in English over the loudspeaker
system. We couldn't hear the speaker's
reply, but much to the amusement of
those in the audience who understood
both English and baseball, the next thing
the mike picked up was the interpreter's
incredulous, "Do you mean you TRIED
to hit them with the ball?" Wisely enough,
the speaker gave up and went on with
his sermon. Very amusing when the
subject matter is baseballvery disturb
ing when it happens to be the Gospel.
My own experience when I first came
to Japan put an end to my using an
home. I learned more about family life
and customs this way than through books
or study.
3. A single missionary is more indepen
dent than a couple. Their first respons
ibility is to each other and the children.
This is scriptural. However, being single
I have been free to go and come without
thought of preparing meals on time.
In some ways perhaps we can get closer
to the people. Often, however, I envy
women with husbands who can fix things,
write letters and reports while wives do
the home work.
There are lonely moments too. Fill
them with praise and service for others.
4. Keep your eyes upon Jesus. Don't
forget why you came to Japan. Educa
tion and preparation are good. But too
much preoccupation with these tends to
alter our first high purpose.
I have found life as a single missionary
challenging and a blessing to me. I hope
I have been a blessing to others. And
the latter years are even better than the
earlier ones. He gives more grace and
joy every day in His service.
Love the Lord and let Him love the
people through you.
interpreter for sermons. Preaching from
the Psalms with a background of the
life of David, I was told by one who
understood the Japanese, that the inter
preter was saying Devil every time I was
saying David. That was enough! No
more interpreters. If a man knows the
way of the Lord well enough to be a
good interpreter, then I must allow
him to preach and not take up his time
with trying to make me understood.
Leam the language.
The Roponngi Expressway. They
do have good highways in Japan
but only about or between the
major cities. They are fast building
new roads.
Page 17
Mark &Pauline Maxey
Mark Maxey first arrived in Japan
in December of 1946 as a military chap
lain. Pauline joined him in June of 1947.
Their experience of living in a nation
physically destroyed but spiritually seek
ing became a turning point in their lives.
They left the army in 1949 to begin the
Kyushu Christian Mission. They arrived
in Japan in August of 1950, and have
spent most of the 25 years since that time
in Kanoya, a city of 65,000 at the very
southern tip of Japan proper. They
reared five children there. Pauline was
their teacher for their first 8 grades.
The oldest son, Walter, and his wife,
Mary, returned to Japan as missionaries
in 1971, making Kagoshima City the
center of their evangelism.
by Neva Faber (p. lo)
There ure any number of possibilities
for educating children on the mission
field, if the parents are willing to face
the problem as a challenge and not as
an obstacle to service. With two years
of teaching experience I was convinced
I could be both mother and teacher. We
located in a rural area and it was my
privilege to teach our children for thir
teen years.
Guided by my former county super
intendent and Nebraska's course of
study, I ordered teacher's editions of
texts and workbooks. The teaching
suggestions were easy to follow and
more satisfactory for me than expensive
correspondence lessons. National Stan
dardized tests and textbook series tests
helped me determine, at least to a degree,
how my children's progress compared
with that of others of their grade level.
We averaged about $50 a year for
books, magazines, newspapers, work
books and other printed materials,
including library books. We were allowed
Page 18
How can a missionary set about try
ing to reach even a small part of this
great nation? Here are some of the
must be lived before it can be preached.
In this way, doors are open to the Japa
nese to listen to what the missionary has
to say about Christ.
PREACHING: The Apostle Paul
said: "It was God's good pleasure through
the foolishness of preaching to save
them that believe." This has not changed.
Preaching for decision is regularly carried
out in 8 churches and numerous preach
ing points.
LITERATURE: The Japanese are a
reading people. We have been producing
such materials as A GUIDE TO CHRIS
TIANITY and the five-book VISUALIZED
BIBLE STUDY series in Japanese.
TRAINING: It takes an extra effort
to produce mature Christians in a non-
Christian society. Special training courses
are offered in the churches to help in
this area.
Christian faith can be a permanent part
of Japan only when it is preached by a
continuing succession of Japanese mes
their own buildings make a permanent
living witness in their communities.
Since membership is small and land cost
is high, we have helped the churches
on a share and share basis in building
school discount prices and companies
supplied catalogues which helped keep
us abreast of trends. Pencils, paper,
and other expendable supplies were
bought locally and these, plus a set of
encyclopedias, were additional costs.
We held classes at some time or
another in every room of the house,
but a special room for study was the
most satisfactory. Bulletin boards for
charts and pupil displays and such refer
ence material as National Geographic and
Reader's Digest are worth the effort.
Ernest made our blackboards. I used
an inexpensive intercom to communicate
with Ernest in his office, to answer the
front door, and to monitor the classroom
when I was called out. I would not re
commend mixing household duties and
school. Presence in the room is a boost
to the child but too much assistance
handicaps him. It is possible to have
baby's play pen in the room.
Our children spoke Japanese before
English and it was difficult to confine
communication to English. Newspapers
on their grade level provided material
for meaningful oral reports and sharing.
The hardest problem was motivation of
written work. It is easier to hear the
lessons than demand written assignments.
We had a 9:00 - 4:00 school day, but
893 Japan
Telephone: (09944)-2-2374
Mrs. Cecil Smith, Jr.
Box 417
North Vemon, Indiana 47265
THE FUTURE: Jesus' command to
"Go.. .teach.. .baptize.. .teach" must be
obeyed till He comes again. We are
pledged to do that in Japan. Weheartily
believe a Christian future awaits this
nation. We want to be a part of that
future. We ask for your partnership in
that future also by every means at
your command induding your own
Friday afternoons were unsupervised
study halls. I found time for housework,
balanced meals, English classes, women's
meetings, preparation of V.B.S. materials,
Bible classes for children and a certain
amount of mission correspondence.
Extras such as projects, parties, open
ing exercises, programs for Dad, Bible
study, typing instruction, field trips
and Japanese instruction (by a Japanese)
were normal in our home education pro
gram. Each of our four children studied
at home six or seven years. There were
no major problems adjusting to the class
room in any of the ten schools they have
attended. Our three older children were
high school honor graduates. Our young
est is enrolled in tenth grade correspond
ence courses.
I look back on those busy but enjoyable
thirteen years with a great deal of satis
faction and gratitude for the opportunity.
by Norma Burney (p. s)
I taught my children at home, too,
and am still teaching one (Rachel, 6 years
old). I can't emphasize too strongly the
importance of a good library. Books have
been a major item in our personal spend
ing. Our children's library is more
extensive than my town and school
library were combined. It is as simple
as: Children without books don't read.
We once bought more than 100 paper
back children's books at once at a special
bargain price, only to have the two older
children come to us less than a month
later to say they had read thosebuy
them another box full. Fill the space
you would have used for canned milk,
baby food, baby clothes, and toys with
books. All those things are available
here; English books aren't.
Lonnie &Coral Mings
Coral and I arrived in Japan in 1962
and studied language for about a year,
working in the meantime with Nakaburi
Church in which we sponsored a young
people's group as well as helped with the
preaching. In the fall of 1963 I began
teaching in the Osaka Bible Seminary.
This was done at first with the aid of an
interpreter and later in Japanese. My
first courses were Church History I and
II, then later I took on two additional
courses. Apologetics and Philosophy, the
latter still being in the experimental
Also for several years I edited the
small Osaka Bible Semin^ magazine,
"Tanemaki," which contained news of
the Seminary and also articles of a
devotional or evangelistic nature.
In 1967 we were back in Japan after
our first furlough, and at that time the
Nakaburi Church asked me to be their
regular pastor. I accepted and have con
tinued this responsibility until the time
of this writing, January 1976. I have
found this task very difficult, but perhaps
it was necessary as an interim measure
while the church was looking for a pastor.
At present a Seminary student is working
with the church as associate-pastor, and
the group hopes that he will take on
responsibilities as regular pastor after he
This church, which met for many
years in a basement room of the Ray
Mings home, put up a building in the
winter of 1970-71. The church has
experienced some growth during the
eight-year period of our ministry with
it, including at least a dozen baptisms,
the addition of several Christian families,
and so forth.
Coral has taught various Bible classes,
English classes, ladies' groups, etc., while
mothering the family and keeping, at
least part of the time, a very large house.
In addition to the above responsibil
ities, we have worked with the Moriguchi
church and also with a preaching point
at Kayashima, halfway between Osaka
and Hirakata. Nothing permanent was
developed from the Kayashima work,
though a few converts were made.
In the future we hope to concentrate
on one phase of the work, instead of
twoeither the Seminary or direct
evangelismrather than attempting to do
both as we have so far.
2-35 Suikoen
Osaka-fu 573 Japan
Mr. Wayne R. Moore
P. O. Box 357
Longmont, Colorado 80501
by Betty Turner (p. 25)
Of course, children can be educated
in schools, you may likely say! But for
the sake of recruits, we'd like to list some
of the various possibilities for educating
your children in schools in Japan. Here
are a few:
missionary children have attended Japa
nese kindergartens. Most such kinder
gartens take children in age from 3 to
5. This is a valuable way for children to
learn Japanese. Some children have gone
on with their kindergarten classmates
into Japanese first grade. Most mission
aries feel that in this case, the child's
English education must be supplemented.
With a 10-month, 6-day week of Japanese
school, and LOTS of homeworkven
during vacation periods, it is usually
too big an order for a youngster to keep
up his English schooling along with his
very heavy Japanese schedule.
We know of only one of our own
missionary children who has gone to
Japanese schools for any length of time.
Tom Burney from Shikoku has had
Japanese schooling except for the second
grade in the U.S. during a furlough.
His parents have given him some supple
mental English teaching. In March of
1976 he will complete the 9th grade,
which is the end of compulsory education
in the Japanese school system. At that
time he will enter the American-style,
English-language Christian Academy In
Japan for his high school work. Tom
could go to Japanese school because
he was born in Japan and was fluent
enough in the language to keep up with
the other children. Not many missionary
children would be able to do this.
several small schools, set up especially
for missionary children. Some are only
elementary schools. In Tokyo there
is a large mission school, Christian
Academy in Japan, from 1st through
12th grades. This school is convenient
for those living in the Tokyo area, but
those whose families live outside Tokyo
must be boarding students.
Some children of missionaries have had
part of their schooling at military base
schools, if they live near one. There are
also International Schools in several
places: Tokyo, Kobe, Nagoya, Kyoto,
Hiroshima, Yokohama Sapporo, and
perhaps others. Not all of them go
through high school. All of them are
very expensive.
addition to the Christian Academy in
Tokyo, there is a boarding school In
Kobe, the Canadian Academy. Osaka
Christian School also has room for a
few boarding students.
With parental supervision, some children
have studied one of a number of available
correspondence courses, such as: The
Calvert System of Baltimore, Maryland;
International Institute of Chicago; The
American School (Chicago) for high
school work; University of Nebraska's
High School course.
The costs of schooling in Japan range
anywhere from $500 per child per year
in some of the mission elementary
schools, to about $4,000 for a boarding
student in some International high
schools. As in America, Japanese public
schools are tuition free and provide
textbooks. There are various nominal
fees, and uniforms must be purchased.
The costs of correspondence courses
vary greatly, and need to be investigated
Tokyo, the largest city in the world
with more than 13 million people.
With the present trend in Japan it
is expected as soon as 1980 that
there will be one great city stretch
ing from Tokyo to Osaka.
Page 19
Ray & Mattie Mings
-N- .
Ray and Mattie Mings came to Japan
twenty five years ago to work with Osaka
Christian Mission. At that time they
had three children: Donnie, Lonnie
and Carol. They lived for the first two
and one half years in a barracks building
apartment, erected over the Osaka Bible
Seminary dining room. This building
was made possible by gifts from churches
in the United States and from a U.S.
Air Force group stationed in Japan.
Immediately upon arrival, Ray began
teaching in Osaka Bible Seminary with
the aid of an interpreter. At the same
time, he and Mattie began language study
every day. The children were enrolled
in the little mission school which was
being conducted on the campus by a
Canadian Nisei teacher.
Using an interpreter, Ray and Mattie
started teaching in Moriguchi, a suburb
of Osaka, and the Moriguchi Church of
Christ was started in a kindei^arten build
ing. After several years, they were able
to move the church to a little dwelling
house which the church purchased with
their own savings and gifts sent by
friends in America.
When the Osaka Christian Mission
missionaries decided to locate in outlying
areas so as to contact more people, Ray
and Mattie built a house and moved to
Nakaburi in the edge of Hirakata.
Hirakata, is a city of over 200,000
population at the present time. It is
about half way between Osaka and
Kyoto. In January of 1954, they started
the Nakaburi Church of Christ in their
house. The church continued to meet
there for the next seventeen years until
they could save up enough money for
their own building. Not being able to
buy land because of outrageously high
costs, they were given permission to build
on the back of the Mings lot.
On May 15, 1954 a third son was
2-35 Suikoen
Hirakata-shi, Osaka-fu
573 Japan
Telephone: (0720)-41-2934
Mrs. Robert P. Webster
1309 Bambridge Lane
Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
bom to Ray and Mattie. Dale studied
at home through all the grades except
the fourth and eighth. He took part
of his high school at Christian Academy
in Tokyo, then returned to the States
to enroll in Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
He was married to Miss Patricia Richard
son on June 21, 1975 and lives in Cincin
Ray and Mattie have just started their
fifth terra of service and they request
your prayers. They also ask that you
pray for workers, japan is still an open
field and people are still receptive to the
by Pauline Maxey (p. laj
We anived on our chosen field in
Japan with two children, aged four and
six. Hundreds of miles from missionary
schools and the only foreigners in our
area, I knew that I would have to teach
the children their school if we were to
remain and do the work in this pioneer
I was not a trained school teacher,
but I understood I had a God-given task.
I do not believe that God gave any com
mands for baby-sitters, but many admoni
tions to train the children He has blest
us with. So this was my task, God given,
to teachto be an exampleand to make
it possible for my husband to evangelize.
It was not easy. There would be many
interruptions. There were all the other
things a mother and wife must do each
day. I felt inadequate, but I continued,
and I know it can be done.
To help me plan these classes the task
was made easier by the home teaching
courses prepared by Calvert School,
of Baltimore, Maryland. The cost of the
Page 20
lessons included all the books and
material needed for the year, plus a
Teacher's Manual which outlined each
day's lessons. Tests were sent back to the
school for grades and criticism. The
course was equal to, and usually above,
the American standards for elementary
school and the children had no problem
fitting into the regular school life while
home on furlough.
We did not have the extra activities
that accompany regular school life,
but I do not believe our five children
felt they missed a great lot, for they were
included in all our work in the churches
and became a part of the community
they will always consider home. They
had music lessons and joined their
Japanese friends in play and youth activi
ties. I can not remember even once that
our children wished to move to the big
city to be in a school.
I do not hesitate to encourage others
to do the same thing. To come while
the children are small or not yet bom,
and let them get the feel of being at
home and starting their school life in
familiar surroundings. The new babies
were with me in school from the time
they were bomin basket, high chair
and at their own little desk. It was a
family affair.
I pray that some other young couples
might be encouraged to enter the harvest
field in some lonely and neglected area,
knowing children can be educated at
home. It can be done, and you will have
the experience of a life-timethe privilege
and responsibility of molding and shaping
the lives of your children.
Our son and his wife have returned
to this area to work for the Lord. They
have two children bom here. Mary is
planning to teach them at home. Perhaps
after 22 years of teaching I might qualify
to be a substitute teacher once in a while
for my Grandchildren.
I know it can be done!
Rural Japan. Notice in the fore
ground a village, another in the
central part of the picture and
still two more, on the left and one
on the right, in the background.
Because of the heavy population it
is possible for a native minister or
missionary to visit several villages
each day and preach God's Word.
by Paul Pratt (p. 23)
The direct support mission method
has precedent in the ventures of the
Apostle Paul. He was chosen and sent
out by the church, returned periodically
to report and sent private messengers
to maintain a personal link with the
churches. He called this a "fellowship
in the gospel". Today, government
postmen take the place of these
The minute the missionary leaves
home base he feels the need for extend
ing his lines of fellowship. His desire
for sharing his experiences with sending
Christians make it so. To them his letters
are a kind of port hole through which
to peek at the work. They must see the
nature of the field, the needs of the
people and the difficulties as well as the
fruits harvested through God's working.
Various types of reports may be used.
The most common ones are the 'friendly
letter' style and the 'newspaper' type
layout. Because of its warm, personal
nature we have elected to use the former.
Though called a 'friendly letter' it is pre
pared with a fixed letterhead. Worded
statements are supplemented by one or
more pertinent photos on each printed
page. Those who have chosen to use
the newspaper type do so in order to be
able to classify content, headline items
and do feature writing. We are advised
by professionals to maintain the same
layout, size and identifying features for
convenience in filing the letters. It goes
without saying that personal letters and
cards are a must for regular answers to
correspondence and to point up various
prayer needs.
Mimeographing remains the most
economical kind of printing. However
the oft quoted phrase "a picture is worth
10,000 words" accentuates the need for
a printing which permits the inclusion
of photos. In the absence of both a
Andrew & Betty Patton
Andrew Patton began his mission work
in Japan in January, 1948 and Betty hers
in September, 1953. Until 1958 they
worked primarily with Tokyo Bible
Seminary. Since then they have been
in evangelism and church planting.
Through their efforts the Nishiogikubo
Church was established in 1948, and they
helped establish the Kamiuma Church
in 1957. Both of these churches are
independent of mission help except
for some preaching and teaching that
Andrew has been doing at Kamiuma.
The Pattons also established the
Sakurayama Church in 1960 and the
Arakawa Church in 1966. These two
churches are now being ministered to by
Brother Hiroaki Sato.
The newest church work started by
the Pattons is that begun at Yachiyodai
in Chiba Prefecture in 1974. This is a
satellite city of Tokyo with a population
of about 110 thousand people. This
work began in the home of a Christian
lady named Mrs. Ihara. The teaching
responsibility was carried on by the wife
of a minister in Tokyo at first, and then
mission press and an expert printer we
have always relied on job printers for
the printing we needed.
The content, dictated by our readers,
must include (1) human interest items
(2) notes about family members (3)
cultural differences (4) news of victories
and progress (5) prayer needs and (6)
hints of items or ways which readers
can directly assist the work.
Airmail letters from Japan arrive
within a week. Ordinary mail takes more
than a month. Should the slower mail
route be employed, care must be taken
that dated items not arrive so late as to
lose their interest value. So, much
thought must be given to planning ahead
and to timing. The writer durst not use
antiquated terms and should avoid
typogfafical errors or the using of astro
nomically long words or sentences all
of which make reading difficult. Yours
for better missionary reporting.
was turned over to Andrew. Later
Mrs. Ihara and her husband returned to
Hiroshima, her home town, leaving the
work at Yachiyodai in the hands of the
Still later it became inconvenient to
meet in private homes and the work is
presently bemg carried on in a rented
house. During the Pattons' furlough the
work is being carried on by the Dale
Wilkinson family who live in the Patton
home. Services for adults, youth, and
children are held regulariy each week.
A good group of children are attending
the Bible School, several youth are
attending the Bible and English classes,
a college professor is very interested in
Christ, and a group of women are meeting
to study God's Word. These are some
of the results already being realized at
Before the Pattons began their
furlough, a young man appeared at the
door of the house at Yachiyodai desiring
to talk about Christ and the Bible. He
made a decision to accept Christ after
studying the Bible with Andrew for an
hour or two. Another young person
attended the meetings one time with
Andrew and has continued studying the
Bible with Dale. She writes that she
did not understand about the Bible or
Christ at first, but now believes in God
and Christ; she says that that has made a
great difference in her life. We pray she
will complete her obedience to Christ
soon. There is an open door for the
gospel in Japan!
7-8 Higashinakano, 3 chome
Nakano-ku, Tokyo
164 Japan
Telephone: (03)-361-0533
G. Wade Fletcher
Route 6, Box 80A
Rushville, Indiana 46173
Page 21
Mark & Lynn Pratt
The purpose of Mark and Lynn Pratt
in coming to Japan (August '75) was to
begin a campus ministry on the Obirin
College Campus (one-half hour from
downtown Tokyo by train). Mark's
parents (Paul and Kathleen Pratt) teach
English there, and saw that working with
these students could easily be a full-
by Julius Fleenor (p. ii)
Tokyo has 12,000,000 residents and
another 1,500,000 commute daily into
the city. Students from all over Japan
and the world flock to the Tokyo
Universities and colleges. English is
studied a\idly throughout Japan, and in
Tokyo, particularly. Secularism, as a
whole, 'las replaced the traditional
Japanese religions among the people of
the citycreating even greater hunger
within the souls of the people of Tokyo.
The missionary can use English as a con
tact point, but churches must be planted
with communication based on an under
standing of the Japanese culture and
Students taught in Tokyo are scattered
all over Japan and even the world. My
first convert teaches at the University of
Maryland and another works in the
Embassy in Germany. Still another
student has traveled to six Asian coun
tries witnessing for Jesus Christ.
Through prayer and God opening
doors, we were used to plant two
churches in the center of Tokyo, and two
on the out-skirts. Land and buildings
Page 22
time ministry. Youth work has been
Mark's favorite area, so things began to
fall into place for their coming to Japan
to serve in this capacity.
The first few months in Japan found
them helping with the work of the church
while also attending language school and
getting settled. They have a 2'^ year-old
daughter, Karis.
Their hopes to build a home and
campus house must be postponed for a
while, so the next best thing seems to be
to move to the Obirin area as soon as
they find a suitable apartment. They do
have the school's permission to use
campus rooms for meetings, and, of
course, students will be welcome in theii
The main elements of campus ministry
in America will apply, they feel, to
campus work in Japan. The Japanese
youth, as do American youth, love con
temporary music, a feeling of belonging
to a fellowship, and just plain old one-
to-one talking. The Japanese are
concerned with learning the English
language and Western ways, too. So,
were donated by Japanese Christians,
American Christians, and an Australian
Christian. Another church, whose two
lady-evangelists were trained in Tol^o,
meets in a home 300 miles north of
Taking students from our English
Bible classes to our summer camp for a
week of Bible study has resulted in over
250 being baptized into Christ.
Thousands of Bibles, Bible portions,
and pamphlets have been sold and given
away introducing people to Jesus. The
opportunity to bring the message of the
cross to thousands for the first time has
been an unending thrill.
For seven years we conducted a Bible
School for Prayer and Evangelism. Many
of the students are now leaders in
churches, three are full time preachers,
and one a foreign missionary.
Street meetings are an open door and
an acceptable means of evangelism.
(Everywhere in Tokyo politicians and
other groups wishing to advance their
ideologies use parks and plazas with a
P.A. system to tell their message.) Some
of our finest church leaders have been
contacted through the street meeting
and Christian pamphlet distribution.
The cnurch building itself attracts
those who come from outside Tokyo.
Some will come in to ask questions.
because they have these interests, it is
fairly easy to develop a friendship.
There will be a few Christians already
on campus, and a campus ministry
will be a means of encouraging them.
It wiU also give them a chance to serve,
as we try to reach out to the rest of the
students. On Sundays we can channel
students to the churches closest to them.
A possibility for the future would be
establishing a church in the Obirin area.
Central Japan Christian Mission
(Campus Ministry)
1210 Kamikasuya
Isehara Shi, Kanagawa
259-11 Japan
Telephone: (0463)-95-1019
Mary Lou Bauer
2910 E. 98th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46280
Christian students can freely conduct
Bible studies in their schools in Japan
and bring their friends into the church.
The success of any work in Tokyo
or elsewhere comes from obedience to
the Word which says "Commit the gospel
to faithful men who will be able to teach
others also".
For the new missionary coming to
Japan, living in Tokyo enables him to
have an excellent language school and a
good school for missionary children.
Land is high, rent is high, but God pro
vides. We must not forsake the cities,
but continue to evangelize. If you are
committed completely to Jesus Christ
and His purposes, know the Word of God,
and have a good basic education and
knowledge of English, God can use you
in Tokyo. God will open up Japanese
homes, or rented rooms for meeting
places, and can move Japanese Christians
to donate land and buildings.
Those who feel called to evangelize
in Tokyo will find many open doors
which have not yet been entered with
the gospel. The missionaries in Tokyo
invite you to contact us for information
regarding your preparation for, and your
entering this field. Without absolute
love and commitment to Jesus Christ,
you will fail. With surrender to His
clearly revealed Word and submission to
the Holy Spirit guiding you step by step,
you can only succeed.
Paul & Kathleen Pratt
1210 Kamikasuya, Isehara City
Kanagawa Ken
259-11 Japan
Telephone: (0463)-95-1019
Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
2910 East 98th Street
Indianapohs, Indiana 46280
Paul and Kathleen Pratt with their
four children sailed for Japan on July
29, 1958. After studying Japanese at
Kobe for two years they went to
Kagoshima to assist young churches, and
to take over a weekly radio broadcast
which had been begun by Mis. Isabel
Dittemore. During these six years a
thirty-eight lesson Bible Correspondence
Course was developed and is still being
used at vanous places in Japan. The
by Ethel Beckman (p. 4)
In almost every missionary guide,
young recruits are advised to wait until
they have reached the mission field and
have had a period of adjustment to the
culture and living conditions in the
country before they begin to have
children. This is especially to the advan
tage of the wife, for she has an opportun
ity to study the language and become
adjusted to the problems of maintaining
a home in the land of their work before
her time and energy are given to the care
of small children. In countries where
native help is readily available at a reason
able cost, the mother can be relieved
from part of the housework, at least.
This was true in Japan twenty or thirty
years ago, but not today. Still, I have
been thankful for the year I had to give
to a concentrated study of the language
before my children were born.
Since Japan is a highly educated
country, and the work here is very slow
and often discouraging, it is advisable
that a missionary recruit have a good
education and some experience in work
ing with a church so that he will be
equipped to meet the resistance to the
gospel and various problems that arise.
For that reason, most recruits to Japan
probably will have been married several
years and will have small children when
they come. While this may mean the
Kajiki Church in Kagoshima Prefecture
which they served is now independent
and has a kindergarten with seventy
pupils enrolled.
They moved to the property of Mr.
and Mrs. William Walker in 1966. They
purchased the land and house which was
built by Mr. Walker and began the San-
nobara Church of Christ in their home in
Isehara City, thirty miles southwest of
Tokyo. Since that time the church has
developed leadership and has a total
membership of fifty persons. With the
aid of other missionaries and a builder,
Dave Reynolds of Eugene, Oregon,
Mr. Pratt led the group in the building
program. From dedication day, Novem
ber 24, 1974 until December, 1975,
fifteen persons have been baptized
into Christ.
Paul ministers part time at another
congregation, teaches in a private home
near Atsugi Naval Air Facility and teaches
English and Bible at still another church.
Both Kathleen and Paul teach English
part time at Obirin Christian College.
Paul teaches a Bible class there and serves
as faculty advisor for a Christian Club.
mother's learning of the language will be
slower, it is no great difficulty that
cannot be overcome. In most cities in
Japan there are good kindergartens
and nursery schools where the children
can go for a part of each day and these
provide good training for the children
as well.
All four of our children were bom in
the city of Kyoto. Since Japan was still
under Allied occupation at that time,
two of our children were bom in an army
hospital. One was bom in a Japanese
maternity hospital, and the youngest in
a Mission hospit^. There are good
hospitals and doctors in Japan today,
so that there is no need for anxiety
about having children bom here. Today
in Japan also, anything that is needed
for the care and feeding of a baby accord
ing to the American way is available in
the Japanese stores.
The largest city in the world is
really crowded. Recently we were
informed that it is no longer legal
to build houses like this in Tokyo.
Their son, Mark, his wife, Lynn, and
2V^ year old Karis Ann, joined their
parents' work In August, 1975. Plans are
being made to build a Christian Campus
House. Hideto Yoshli, recently returned
from study in the Unites States, will
serve with them at Obirin College Campus
This is the interior of a Japanese
home. They remove their shoes at
the door. In most Japanese
churches they also do not wear
shoes. This girl is preparing a cere
monial tea.
I -"'i
This is the new type of home
being built. Because of the great
shortage of land many houses are
stacked one on top of the other.
These are usually owned by the
different companies that the people
work for.
Page 23
Harold & Lois Sims
In 1970 the place in Nakano ward
where Harold and Lois Sims had lived
for 16 years was sold to the doctor who
lived next door. The funds from that
were used to buy a lot and build a house
and chapel building in a new housing
development on the fast-growing western
edge of Tokyo. In the 5 years since that
time, the local church membership has
grown from 2 to 12, and the Sunday
School attendance has increased from 5
the first Sunday to an average of 60
for the year 1975.
Harold and Lois do all of the jobs that
a Japanese minister and his wife would
do, and in the Japanese language, and
derive a lot of joy from the direct contact
with the people and involvement in their
lives and problems, and feel fully
accepted and loved by them. In addition
they teach English conversation classes
to the neighborhood children of all ages
and to some adults to make contacts
for evangelism as well as to earn some
supplemental income for these inflation
ary times. They do not consider
themselves as directors or supervisors of
a "Mission," but as fellow-laborers with
a small number of faithful Japanese
evangelists whom the Lord has raised up
for the great task of making Christ and
His gospel known to these people. The
Simses and the Japanese evangelists are
free and completely financially indepen
dent of one another, and they cooperate
with and respect each other as brothers
in Christ, which they are in truth.
In addition to his main work in the
local church, Harold is presently serving
as Chairman of the Trustees of the
Yotsuya Mission Church of Christ Cor
poration, in which name some of the
former Cunningham Mission property
is still being held; Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Japan Mis
sionary Language Institute; and Treasurer
of the Evangelical Missionary Association
of Japan. From time to time he speaks
at special >?vangelistic and other meetings
in churches in Tokyo and other parts of
Harold and Lois first arrived in Japan
on November 15, 1947. All 5 of their
children were bom in Tokyo. Four of
them are now living in the United States
and only Daniel (15) is living at home.
They have 2 grand-children of their own,
and quite a number of others who receive
affection which they are unable to
express very often to their "own".
3-33-7 Mejirodai
Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
193 Japan
Telephone: (0426)-61-4184
First Christian Church
315 Orange Ave.
Eustis, Florida 32726
Page 24
k> / ^
by Ben Hirotaka (p. 13)
A "Mse/" is a second generation
Japanese-American. He has been bom
in America from parents who came to
America as immigrants. He has been
raised in America. While the first genera
tion Japanese persistently keeps the
Japanese customs and speaks Japanese,
the "nisei" attempts to acclimate himself
to American society. He is very different
in his understanding of the culture. He
is brought up in the American culture
outside his home, and basically in the
Japanese culture at home. He is raised
in a strong ancestoral heritage. Particularly
he has a good understanding of the
Japanese life-philosophy influenced by
the Shinto and Buddhist religions.
During his childhood and youth,
his American culture has conflicted with
his Japanese culture, causing much
agony. He had to find his own person^
answer in his own way. Many times, he
ends up taking the best of both cultures,
and the results have been favorable.
Therefore, any "nisei'' who comes to
Japan as a missionary already possesses
some knowledge of Japanese culture,
and in most cases the cultural adjust
ment is half-way accomplished. This
means he is one step closer to establish
ing identification with the Japanese.
Not only his culture, but his being of
the Japanese race, helps to establish
closer identification with the Japanese.
Acceptance is a reciprocal relationship
accomplished by two sides accepting
each other. The "nisei" missionary
is accepted. The Japanese have a deep-
seated resistance to foreigners, as they
have had throughout all of the history
of Japan. In one sense, they have a
strong racial ego. The white missionary
is accepted, but only up to a certain
point. He faces great difficulty in being
accepted for pastoral counseling. But
the Japanese will bring their life problems
to a "n/sej" without hesitation.
I have mentioned the favorable points,
but there are also hindrances. Because
the "nisei" is Japanese-faced, he is
expected to live in the Japanese society
as the Japanese live. This does not mean
assimilation, because, of course, Christian
culture is neither American culture nor
Japanese culture. It does mean making
the proper adjustment in life-style
necessary to live the Christian culture in
the midst of a rather adverse Japanese
culture. It means to fulfill both the
expectations of the Japanese and the
commission of the Gospel.
When a white missionary makes a
mistake in Japanese society, the Japanese
forgive him. But a Japanese-faced mis
sionary is not allowed to betray his
membership in the Japanese race. To
meet this demand on the part of society,
the Japanese culture the "nisei" exper
ienced in America is not nearly sufficient.
Much more time and effort are demanded
to gain the knowledge and adjustment
necessary for the "nisei" than that
demanded of white missionariesbecause
the "nisei" must adjust more perfectly
than is even possible for the white mis
A "nisei" missionary must have the
attitude of a "servant". He cannot
compete with the Japanese Christians,
because he receives American support.
But because of his financial guarantee,
he is free to start pioneer work where
there are no Christians to support him.
He must be able to say, "For though
I am free from all men, I have made
myself a slave to all, that I might win
the more. . .1 have become all things to
all men, that I might by all means save
some." I Cor. 9:19, 22.
This is the 36 story building in
Tokyo. Until 1967 when this
building was completed the
Japanese were afraid to build with
steel and concrete because of the
many earthquakes.
by Lonnie Mings (p. 19)
As I write I can look out the window
and see several kites soaring on the wind
above the rooftops, and it has just
occurred to me that no kite can stay
aloft in the wild blue yonder without a
responsible person standing on the
ground, holding firmly to the line,
feeding out string, etc. I recall that as
children we even sent "messages" up to
the kite.
This simple analogy may dramatize
the importance of the forwarding agent
who stands on home soil and holds the
life-line of communication and finances
for the missionary. Witoout this vital
contribution no missionary could long
stay "aloft" in his chosen field of work.
The task of the forwarding agent is
large, but his rewards are few. There is
little glory in it, for his contribution is
mainly unseen and unsung. He is the
quiet man or woman who works behind
the scenes willing for his own star to be
eclipsed by that of the missionary so that
souls may be won.
There are many types of forwarding
agents, and some do more work, some
less. My own forwarding agent, for
example, banks the funds, sends out
receipts accompanied by thank-you
letters, pays necessary Stateside bills,
writes salary checks for the missionary,
sends out letters of appeal, watches
inflation and now and then appeals to
the advisory board for a larger s^ary for
the missionary. He sends us a weekly
report, for which we are very grateful,
though some agents send only a monthly
report. But the frequent report enables
one to be constantly aware of his
financial situation thus eliminating
another possible source of frustration to
the missionary who may be thinking he
would like to undertake some project
if he only knew how much money had
come in at home. Also our agent attends
conferences and conventions when time
allows, setting up a booth with displays
of the work. All this he does in his
"spare" time, for he is a fully employed
The forwarding agent who does his
job well can help eliminate one of the
drawbacks of direct-support work-
namely that the missionary has to spend
much of his time writing letters, sending
receipts, mailing material, and generally
maintaining liaison with the supporters.
The missionary has many worries, but if
he has a good man at home "worrying"
about the finances for him, then here
is one area of concern he can more or less
drop, centering his attention on the work
on the field.
It may be said that he who desires to
be a forwarding agent desires a good
thing, but let him be aware of the respon
sibilities involved and let him take up his
job after much prayer and consideration.
Bill &Betty Turner
5-6 Kaminobori-cho
730 Japan
Telephone: (0822)-21-1977
Mrs. Jean Snocker
809 West 23rd
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361
Mrs. Lenice Yarbrough
49 Green Valley Drive
Riverdale, Georgia 30274
THE t=0^\A^Af9DI/\l<3 AGENT\
AGENT, is now on sale for $2.50
plus $.35 postage & handling.
Order from Dr. Neal Clapp, P.O.
Box 88, Clinton, Tennessee 37716.
Bill and Betty Tumer, with two chil
dren, came from the Philippines to Japan
in 1965. They worked with Osaka Bible
Seminary for a school year before con
tinuing on to the States for furlough.
With capable Filipino nationals to take
over the work which they had been
doing, they decided to return to Japan
after their furlough.
They worked with Osaka Bible
Seminary for two more years and then
for two years took care of the church
at Akashi, not far from Osaka. Bill
continued to commute to the Seminary
to help part time.
Before leaving in 1972, an oppor
tunity was presented to the Turners to
work with a Japanese Christian family in
the city of Hiroshima, where as yet there
were no missionaries of churches of
Christ/Christian churches. They arrived
to begin working in Hiroshima in June of
1973. They helped the Kishi family at
the Tomo church and began making con
tacts through English classes.
In 1974 they were joined by Miss Jerri
Lynn Anderson and the Lee Jones family.
At the end of 1974 they were able to rent
a place for a Christian Center, closer
to the downtown area.
Bill continues to help with the church
at Tomo; Betty is starting work in a new
area through English classes at the Civic
HaU and a Bible class in the home of a
Christian couple; Jerri and the Joneses
lead in the Sunday morning classes and
services at the Center. aS co-operate
in the evening programs at the Center.
Bill and Betty teach in three schools and
have other English and Bible classes.
The Turners have three chUdren.
Sheryl (now 12) and Tim (11) were bom
in the Philippines. Steve (8) was bom in
the States.
NOTE TO RECRUITS: Being a forward
ing agent is a BIG job, so be aware of
this when you ask someone to do it.
Be sure they are aware of all it involves,
and that they are willing to take it
seriously. Above all, be sure that you
take it seriously. No matter how little
or how much you ask of your forward
ing agent, remember he or she is giving
his or her time sacrificially to serve the
Lord through YOU.
A book is now available along this line,
by Neal and Dorothy Clapp. Available
for $2,50 plus $.35 postage & handling
from Dr. Neal Clapp, P.O. Box 88,
Clinton, Tennessee 37716.
Page 25
Robert &Joyce Warrick
The Warricks arrived in Japan on
July 7, 1965, and went immediately
to Karuizawa with the Julius Fleenors
to start work in summer camp. They
spent the next year in language school
and then filled in for the Fleenors while
they went on furlough. Upon the
Fleenors' return, Bob and Joyce accepted
the position of house parents at Christian
Academy in Japan, the Tokyo school for
missionary children, and remained there
for two years. During this time, they
helped to start the Hoya Church Hn a
community just 6 minutes by train from
the Academy (about 20 minutes by
car). During these two years, the group
there grew from three to 22, fifteen by
baptism. This group is still active and the
Warricks continue to visit and encourage
them as time permits.
In June of 1969, they returned to the
U.S. for a year of furlough, after which
they settled at their present address in
Japan. While in the States they adopted a
9-year-old boy (David) who returned
to Japan with them. They continued to
work with the Hoya church and to hold
English services for U.S. military people
on Sunday evenings. They also adopted
a Japanese-Negro girl (Miriam), born
That Japanese language: Nihongo. A
summer in Japan with an evangelistic
singing group gave me my first taste of
it. I leamed some basic things: "Hello,"
"Thank you," "Where's the bathroom?"
"Who's (hat tough-looking guy over
there?" (i thought I might need to know
that sometime.)
Then the year before we came to
Japan as missionaries, I studied Japanese
at the University of Cincinnatia blessing
straight from Heaven! But I must caution
you. A year or so of study in America
is NOT going to equip you to work in
Japan. It's a great start (I wouldn't
trade it for anything), but it's just that
a start. Don't expect rapid progress.
But still, get all you can before you come
so you won't feel totally lost and stupid.
If you don't know of a Japanese
course offered near you, there are study-
at-home courses available. Intensive
Course in Japanese includes 60 lessons
on 30 tapes (open reel). This is sold by
Maruzen Bookstores and put out by
Japanese Language Promotion Center.
It costs about $2.00. Another book
which is Japanese for Today has 8
cassette tapes. It may be ordered from
Gakken Co., Ltd., Pub., 440-5 Kami-
ikedai, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 145, Japan,
Page 26
July 4, 1970. In this period they were
teaching several classes of English and
Bible. In 1971, a Japanese Christian
family moved to Sayama and asked the
Warricks to begin Japanese-language
church services. This was the beginning
of Sayama Christian Center. In 1972,
another member was added to the family
when the Warricks went to Korea to
adopt Sung Han Choi, who is now Don
Paul Warrick and is 9 years old. This trip
also saw 40 Korean soldiers accept Christ
during one of the times of preaching,
and word was later received from C. Y.
Kim that he had been able to return to
the base and baptize all of them.
During all this time, an effort was
spent to continue in language study as
well as to assist other missionaries by
helping to maintain equipment in need
of repair. The church grew slowly,
but much seed was planted. In June
of 1973, they returned to the U.S. for
another furlough, to make it possible
for David to be able to have all four years
of high school at one school in Japan and
to formalize the naturalization of Miriam
and Don Paul. They returned to Japan
in 1974 and are continuing in planting,
watering, and seeing God give the
by Lynn Pratt (p. 22)
for close to $100.00.
How hard is it? Well, actually, the
speaking isn't all that bad. Sentence
patterns are fairly regular and so are
verb conjugations. It's the reading and
writing that cause all the hair-pulling!
But while you're learning to speak, you
just take a little longer and learn to read
and write what you're saying. And you
will want to do thisunless you're
going to be led around by the hand all
the time.
The biggest encouragements and dis
couragements in the language come after
you arrive in Japan. You will feel a unity
in learning along with other missionaries.
Discouragements are in abundance,
though. It's a slow process. And just
when I think I'm really getting smart,
I make a terrible goof and feel like
There are many schools to choose
from for your study in Japan, and there
are a lot of people around to help you.
And when you really get in a jam (like
being lost, can't read the signs, and for
got your wallet) some kind-hearted
Japanese person is sure to give you a
hand. So just jump in with ^1 the
enthusiasm you can musterand hang in
4-25-8 Irumagawa
Sayama-shi, Saitama-ken
350-13 Japan
Telephone: (0429)-52-4795
Barbara Warrick
340 E. Park Drive
Huntington, Indiana 46750
The forwarding secretary The major
pre-requisite for this thankless yet
exacting responsibility is RELIABLE
A little of old Japan and a little
of new. Old Japan is the custom
of bowing and the Kimono. New
Japan is the western style dress
and the modern building with
vending machines in the back
Okayama Ken is a part of Ciiugoku
District and has a population of about
1,767,000. Its capital is Okayama
City, sister city to San Jose, California.
New Testament teaching has been done in
three different areas thus far, and another
area is to be entered very soon. Worship
services are now being conducted in six
different locations in the three areas.
Perhaps the most encouraging aspect
of this work is that of the sharing of the
Gospel and the sharing in responsibilities
evidenced in the lives of many of the
Christians here. One church has never
received foreign help but has, rather,
been the one to help others, whether
at home, neighboring Christians, or
foreign visitors.
The Christian Center serves every day
in teaching, encouraging, training, and in
whatever way it can be of service to the
Lord and the Japanese people.
Whosoever will may find a welcome
During the last few years groups of
young people from the U.S. have been
a help and encouragement to all of us
here in Okayama Ken. We are looking
forward to two groups' visits next
summer. Perhaps some of our visitors
may be challenged by our need of
personneland return to help sow and
glean the field of Okayama Prefecture,
Japan. Please join us in prayer.
251-1 Yunago, Mimasaka-cho
Aida-gun, Okayama-ken
707 Japan
Telephone: (08687)-2-1855
Mrs. Dot Isbell
540 E. William
San Jose, California 95112
by Mattie Mings (p. 20)
Leaving America in December of
1950, with Donnie, Lonnie and Carol
we little knew what lay ahead for us and
for the children.
What do you warn your children
against, when you go to a mission field?
One has to be very careful lest he put
prejudice in the child's mind and make
him feel that he is better than the people.
We have seen this happen sometimes.
The people one came to teach can see
this feeling very easily and very quickly
leam which ones are genuinely concerned
for them.
Someone said to us, "Your children
are missing so much by not being in the
United States." Maybe so, but we feel
that they had a special privilege in
growing up on the mission field. They
obtained a knowledge of intemationi
things that cannot be obtained in text
books or in the average school room.
They learned to see the problems of the
world from both sides of the Pacific
Our children were encouraged to help
in the mission work as soon as there was
something they could do. Helping in
Sunday School by playing the piano
or organ, helping in evangelistic meet
ings by setting up equipment and helping
in Christian Service camps. In this way,
a child is exposed to the real work and
ban gain a desire to be a real worker
There are problems but these have
to be worked out with prayer and
discipline. It is very important not to
neglect one's own children for the sake of
the work.
by Bob Warrick (p. 26)
One week before we left the U.S.A.
for the mission field, our oldest son,
Ed, graduated from high school. We
left him an early resident of the Pacific
Christian College dormitory and took
with us our other two children; Barbara,
a ninth-grader, and Keith, in the eighth
grade. A very common expression in
our travels was, "How can you do this
to your children? They will never recover
from this drastic change." Of course,
the last seven years of my 13-year
military career, we had moved 15 times
and lived in seven states. This certainly
didn't hinder their adaptability to
another move. The children's friends had
been Spanish, Indian, Negro, etc., so a
Japanese face probably wasn't as strange
to them as to us.
Upon arriving in Japan, Keith and
Barbara were the first to know the names
of all the train stations and to be able
to get around easily. Although we had
considered our daughter a 'finicky'
eater, the Lord especially blessed her with
a real liking for Japanese food.
We found that Tokyo provided excel
lent educational facilities for missionary
children, on a par with, and in most
ways superior to, the American class
Possibly the biggest 'culture shock'
our children endured was to return to the
U.S.A. and find that there was so very
little public transportation. Our daughter
commented that she felt much safer, day
or night, in Tokyo than she did in any
major city in the U.S.A., including
Inchanapolis, a comparatively quiet city.
I feel that our children were at all
times an asset in our mission venture here
in Japan.
Can You Ever Get...
by Exie Fultz (p. 12)
For twenty-three years I have lived
in Japan as a renter of Japanese housing.
From a Japanese agent I gained the fol
lowing insight. Shortly after I had
signed the lease, he said, "Mrs. Fultz,
why do you stay on in Japan? Don't
you know that you will never really be
accepted by the Japanese people? Of
course, up to a certain point we will
accept you and be friendly. There is,
though, an inner circle around us and
we won't really let you in there." There
is much truth in his words. Yet there
persisted the thought in the back of my
mind that they would have to be wrong
in at least one casein the case of
Christians grown in spiritual stature.
And so it is. This was illustrated to
me last November ('75) quite clearly.
I was visiting a Japanese friend who
now lives on the Japan Sea coast. Along
toward the end of my three-day visit
we started talking about missionaries
returning to their native lands. In the
opinion of my hostess too many mission
aries go home. I explained to her that
if/when we become old and sick we
would not want to be a burden to the
Japanese and that, though I want to live
out my life in Japan, if I were gravely
ill I would feel I should return home.
Her response was instant. Her words
spoken emphatically, "Don't you do
that! You don't have to go back! If you
ever need help let us know! Wherever
you are we'll come and get you! I know
my husband would say the same thing!"
Whether or not this arrangement would
be wise, should the occasion arise, I don't
know (my western reserve??) but I know
that, because of her Christian concern
shown to me, when the Lord comes in
His glory He can well say to her, "I
was a stranger and you took me in."
Matt. 25:35
Page 27
Dale & Peggy Wilkinson
Dale and Peggy Wilkinson first came to
Japan late in 1970 from Ohio, where
Die graduated from Cincinnati Bible
Seminary. From 1972 to 1974, the
Wilkinsons worked mainly in and around
the city of Sendai, which is 230 miles
northeast of Tokyo. They worked with
the Milton Jones family in assisting the
Asahigaoka Church of Christ, and also
conducted Bible studies and children's
3-7-8 Higashi-Nakano
Nakano-ku, Tokyo
164 Japan
Telephone: (03)-361-0533
Japanese Christian Services, Inc.
Box 14652
Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
meetirigs in their home. Besides this,
they helped a Christian family start
a new congregation in their home in a
town north of Sendai.
In 1974 they returned to the U.S.A.
to report on their work and to raise
additional funds. They came back to
Japan in the fall of 1975, and are tempor
arily living in Tokyo. Dale is overseeing
a part of Andrew Patton's work while
by Warren Christianson (p. 7)
Culture shock is the traumatic expe
rience of learning a new set of rules for
behavior in a new culture. The more
drastic extremes of culture shock are
mental or physical breakdown or rejec
tion of one of the two cultures. Culture
shock can, however, be minimized
through preparation to the point where
one may feel he never had it.
It com3s in three stages. The first
of these is the physical, which is the
easiest type to handle. The roads are
smaller, the houses different, and the
food strange, but on the surface, Japan
is very westernized and one soon feels
at home.
The next two areas in which one
experiences culture shock, communica
tions and life values, are intertwined to
a great degree. It is in trying to under
stand the Japanese in these two areas
that the greatest frustrations will occur.
Why do they say it that way? and Why
do they do it that way? are questions
you will ask often.
The problem of misunderstanding be
comes even more evident in the area of
life values, especially because of the thin
1 layer of westernization that has been
added to the culture. Take for example,
law. Resolving the Western concept of
absolute law with the Japanese concept
that law can be altered according to the
Page 28
situation, may be very difficult.
For the missionary, then, the more
subtle and serious culture shock will
come in the areas of communication and
life values. I think that you will find
yourself developing a separate Japanese
personality based upon Japanese
experiences, language and life values.
Those missionaries who have come to
Japan and have survived the varying
degrees of culture shock, have and will
continue to serve God by bringing this
nation to Christ. The ability to adjust
to another culture is a rich gift from God,
and with it, your cultural re-leaming will
be much easier.
I would like to recommend the follow
ing books as introductions in this area.
For culture shock. Frontiers in Mis
sionary Strategy by C. Peter Wagner
(Chicago: Moody Press, 1971.) has a
very good section. Read the rest of the
book, too. For an understanding of
Japanese culture, read Village Japan
by Beardsley, Hall & Ward (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press,); City
Life in Japan, by R. P. Dore (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1967.);
and Japanese Society by Chie Nakane
(Berkley: University of California
Press, 1972.). Please read these, and join
us in this nation of great potential for
the Pattons are on furlough, and is also
engaged in full-time language study.
After language studies are completed,
the Wilkinsons will intensify their church-
planting ministry.
Their mission organization, The
Japanese Christian Services, Inc., is based
in Cincinnati, and is directed primarily
by the elders and deacons of the Pres
ident Drive Church of Christ. Ronald
C. Riddle is their forwarding agent.
1. The man approaching you on the
street stops and uses the gutter for a
You avert your eyes if you wish.
Otherwise you mind your own business.
While it wouldn't be called a custom,
at least it isn't unusual.
2. The male clerk at the grocery store
whom you have never seen before asks
when the baby is to be bom?
Tell him. He is only passing the
time of day.
3. The person, man or woman, who sits
opposite you in the train plays with
your small baby for a while and then
asks if you have enough breast milk?
Say "yes" or "He's bottle fed."
They aren't concerned about your per
sonal business; they are asking about the
baby's welfare.
4. Your neighbor asks you where you
are going as you leave your house?
They always do; she is just being
polite. I always answer the intent. I
say, "Yes, for a little while."
5. A drunk at a wedding to which you
are invited treats you like he would a
Japanese woman? (Throws his arms
around you and wants you to pour
"sake" for him.)
Well, first of all, you realize there Is
no stigma in Japan against being drunk.
(Continued p. 29)
Harlan & Emeline Woodruff
The Okinawa Christian Mission was
conceived in 1945 when Harlan Woodruff
was stationed on the island as an Army
Chaplain at the close of the Second
World War. Okinawa was then under
American Military Occupation and army
red tape demanded that every missionary
coming to the island must bring his own
house, his own transportation, and food
for one year. The actual work was begun
in the f^l of 1949 with a pre-fab house
erected on a plot of land in the northern
city of Nago. Weekly Bible classes were
immediately organized in seven villages.
The first church building was erected in
1950 and became the headquarters for
a small Bible college which was organized
in 1954. This school continued for ten
ye^ and trained the local leaders who
are now in the work. Some of these were
sent to Japan for further training and
seven were sent to the United States for
graduate studies.
The work has had its ups and downs.
One couple continues a separate work,
with a church in their own home. Four
preachers in the northern part of the
island, for the moment at least, prefer
their own program with separate rallies
and camps. Seven other groups work
together in island wide camps, rallies
and a women's fellowship. During these
more than 26 years over 1700 Okinawans
224 Uchidomari
Ginowan, Okinawa
901-22 Japan
Telephone: (0988)-97-4378
Okinawa Christian Mission
First Christian Church
Second and College Sts.
Newberg, Oregon 97132
have been added to the Lord by baptism.
The greatest effort in recent years has
been given to the organizing of two
kindei^artens in the southern part of the
island. The Church in Maeda, under
the leadership of Brother Namio Kamada,
has completed a beautiful building with
adequate facilities for a kindergarten
of 150 children, ages 3 to 5. The Church
in Uchidomari, where Harlan Woodruff
is pastor, sponsors a kindergarten under
the directorship of Miss Toshiko Kinjo.
More adequate facilities are needed for
the 130 children, ages 3 to 5, who now
attend this kindergarten.
It has been gratifying to observe the
growth and maturity of the Okinawan
leadership over the years. They have
proven themselves capable of carrying
on every phase of the total program.
They are gradually moving toward
fmancial independence. But the material
and prayer support of their American
Brethren is still needed for the foresee
able future. Give and pray that we may
enter new areas with the Gospel, continue
our radio ministry, recruit and train more
local leadership, and provide adequate
facilities that these capable and dedicated
leaders may present a more effective
witness for the Lord.
by Kathleen Pratt (p. 23)
We'd sat down at the dinner table and
before our prayer of thanks we solemnly
informed our children that their school
bill was due and we didn't have enough
money on hand. Our nine year old son
assured us that we had nothing to worry
about. "Just go to the bank and get
some more money!" We told him that
it wasn't as simple as that, but perhaps
he was right.
My training for stretching the food
dollar began in a Stateside ministry.
Feeding a family of six on $15.00 a week
then was a challenge too. We weren't
used to the luxury of steaks and beef
roasts at that time either. I heard that
peanut butter sandwiches are as nourish
ing as a steak sandwich. Our family has
consumed hundreds of pounds of peanut
When marketing you'll consider those
foods that are the most nourishing and
stretchable. Buy books about nutrient
cooking, but don't become a slave. Form
the habit of collecting recipes from cook
books, magazines, newspapers and
friends. This will be a valuable hobby.
Usually Japanese foods are cheaper
and youil enjoy learning to cook Japa
nese style. Your family's appetite will
become oriental as you adjust to the
culture. If you don't care for raw fish,
you can fry it or eat canned tuna. If
you have to give up your very favorite
food to come here, I promise you God
will give you something more delicious.
(Our only lack has been that nutrient
that prevents prematurely grayed hair.)
You'll often be reminded of the 'Feed
ing of the Five Thousand', (Matthew
14:16-21). They all ate and were
satisfied with some left over. A junior
high school teacher once called my
attention to the inscription on United
States currency, 7n God We Trust".
There will always be enough in His
'Bank' for our needs, because He has
(Continued from p. 28)
They are treated more like irresponsible
children. So it wouldn't be wise to punch
him in the nose. However, you still
have a problem. We will hope your
host is nearby.
6. A wedding drunk gets angry because
you (a man) won't drink with him, and
is too far gone to understand your
Your host will probably smooth
it over. Also your six-foot stature may
help. He won't remember it when he
sobers up, or may possibly avoid you
because he is ashamed.
7. The congregation you are preaching to
won't look you in the face?
That is all right. Its polite to
stare at your lap while listening, especially
for the women.
8. Your guests won't eat the refresh
ments you have served them?
How did you serve them? If you
put cookies on a plate on the coffee
table and invited them to help them
selves, you can be sure they won't. Serve
them on individual plates set personally
in front of each personthe same goes
for the tea. Then ask them several times
to eat. They probably eventually will.
The truly polite wife serves the guests
and her husband, but doesn't eat herself.
9. The guests to whom you have served
tea in Japanese (handleless) cups, keep
putting their fingers on their ears?
Japanese put their fingers on their
ears not in their mouthto cool them.
I can't think of anything to do at that
time except apologize because the cups
are too full. Next time fill the cup only
2/3 full to allow for holding it on the top
section where it isn't quite so hot.
10. A mother rescues a toddler from in
front of your car and stands and laughs
at you.
Erase the "at you". She laughs
because she is embarrassed at causing
11. You see an older missionary bow to
the telephone when hanging up?
Suppress that smile, Idd. You'U
be doing it yourself in two months.
(Continuedp. 30)
Page 29
Milton & Barbara Jones
The Milton Jones family began work
in Sendai, Japan in 1970, planning to
resume the work of previous missionaries,
M. B. Madden, and the Paul Nielsens.
An unfinished house, a shell of a church
building, debt-free property, and one
Christian were all that remained of the
former work.
Of necessity, the first two years were
spent in repair and construction work.
Some local teaching was started with
children and college students. The
calling of Toshihiko Shimada and family
to assist in the work required completion
of a minister's living facilities in 1972.
With a minister guiding the local con
gregation, new evangelistic outreach and
methods were begun. Preaching at bus
stops, on streets, at shrines and temples,
door-to-door personal work, tract distri
bution, and school evangelism carried
the Gospel to the lost.
At the present time, Sendai has an
active congregation conducting children's
and ladies meetings, classes, and regular
worship services. A newly organized
Bible study group meets in Sakuragaoka
under their sponsorship. Just north in
Kogota, an independent work, organized
and guided by the Koichi Suzuki family,
is growingan excellent example of a
"home" church.
Fire destroyed the mission house in
1973, resulting in the relocation of the
Jones family in Nagano-ken. Prior to
furlough in 1975, work was begun with
shrine evangelism, personal work, and
new ventures in translation work, along
with "house party" and "coffee house"
evangelism with high school and college
Future outreach includes plans for
Christian camp work, puppet evangelism
in schools, and special emphasis on village
evangelism with establishment of small
Page 30
2254-3 Karuizawa-machi
389-1 Japan
Sendai & Rural Missions, Inc.
c/o Mrs. Mildred Glockzin
Route 2, Box 475
North Branch, Minnesota 55056
Along with the first letter to the
Japan missionaries concerning prepara
tion of Japan Missions 1976 was sent
the above question. "Someone" intended
to write an article using this information.
The answers which came back were a
surprise to the editors; they were not
the answers that were blowing around
20 years ago. So, rather than a summary,
we will just quote a few anonymous
There are, of course, three kinds of
missionaries in Japan: single women,
married women, and married men.
No single men. Only one single woman
gave an opinion, but we assume all agree.
(1) She said, "No, marriage is not mandi-
tory for mission service, but the single
missionary must be exceedingly stable
in all areas of life."
The married women said: (1) "NO,
missionaries don't necessarily have to be
married." (2) "As a general rule mission
aries ought to be married." (3) "I can't
add any 'exceptions' to the great commis
sion. However, it would be well for a
single missionary to come as an intern
first. Single youth coming should be
aware of problems in international
marriages, and the limitations of social
contacts with peers." (4) "Definitely
NO." (5) "I don't think its necessary
for either men or women."
The men? (1) "I think it preferable
that the missionary, especially men, be
married. But you know, I don't have
any way to really know. After all,
we are married." (2) "It really doesn't
make any difference what anybody else
thinks. It depends on the person, and
what they feel the Lord wants them to
do." (3) "I feel like it would actually
be a hindrancefor a man if he wasn't
married." (4) "I vote NO." (5) "NO!"
(6) "I would say that missionaries must
be married." (7) "Must missionaries be
married? Of course not! Paul was
unmarried and he was the greatest mis
sionary of them all. One third of the
entire missionary force world-wide are
single women. Does anyone want to
eliminate them? Overseas evangelism
would be infinitely poorer without their
dedicated labors. A generation ago such
a big point was made about marriage
before going overseas that some hasty
and unwise marriages took place to meet
this objection.
Personally, I recommend marriage for
those who would make a life-time mis
sionary committment. I think the record
will show that married missionaries in
general make a more stable and enduring
missionary contribution.
God has called some in a married state
and some in an unmarried state, however,
and all can do service pleasing to him.
And each have areas of service which
they can do best.
Since the unmarried will have to stand
alone physically, they will have to have a
special spiritual dedication to God.
Single women must ask God to bless
their singleness, for there are few chances
to marry overseas. Sometimes single
women solve their loneliness by adopting
children on the field. This brings hap
piness now and heartaches later. Single
missionary men sooner or later marry
someone somewhere in their missionary
careers. There are almost no exceptions
to this.
Speaking as a man and as an observer,
my judgment is that women make better
unmarried missionaries than men do.
Let each be persuaded in his own mind
and then set forth to carry out the "Great
(Continued from p. 29)
12. You see an older missionary talking
on the phone and drawing miscellaneous
marks in the air with his free hand?
Don't worry. He's O.K. He is
trying to understand the other fellow's
explanation of a Kanji (Chinese)
13. A child points frantically at you and
calls to his friends, "Look, an American."
Whatever you do, get used to it.
It doesn't wear off unless you look
like a Japanese. I always wondered what
you would do if you happened to be a
Frenchman or Russian instead.
14. You overhear a man tell his wife,
"The children are so cute. How can the
adults be so ugly?"
Simple. You don't "understand"
or speak any Japanese until he is com
pletely out of the area.
15. The department clerk giggles behind
her hand when you ask for size 38
Storm off if you don't really need
size 38 clothing and want to get her into
trouble with her supervisor. Otherwise
hold your temper and persist politely.
She is probably laughing in embarrass
ment because she has been suddenly
faced with the necessity of answering
a question and can't remember any of the
six or more years of EngUsh she has
by Mary Harding
In 1966-67, I visited Japan for over
four months teaching English and con
ducting Christian Education workshops
for Church of Christ missionaries all over
the islands. I also visited former students
to whom I had taught English in the U.S.
In this way I could see Japanese life on
all strata.
I saw millions of people. Some were
reaching out for something new and
satisfying. Many were satisHed with their
old religions, while some observed them
only as a cultural heritage. But most
were rushing headlong toward passing
entrance examinations into the most
elite schools or gaining higher status
positions in business, and all wanting to
make more money. Most were satisfied
with Japanese progress in industry
and science, as expressed by one student:
"The Japanese don't need any gods."
Almost ^1 wanted to learn or practice
I saw great modem Buddhist temples
with thousands of people participating in
worship and various other educational,
social, and propagating activities. I saw
other enterprises also, all done on a big
scale and with typical Japanese ingenuity
and finesse. Tliis proves to me that if
several Japanese leaders become really
**sold" on Jesus Christ and His work,
they can evangelize Japan in a way
that no foreigner can ever hope to do.
We still need young American mission
aries who love God with all their hearts,
who can love the Japanese people as
themselves, and who are thoroughly
prepared in Bible knowledge, apologetics,
Japanese language, Christian Education,
and modem methods of teaching English
as a second language. We need mission
aries who are glowing with evangelistic
zeal, who will be patient and persistent,
and who will find potential Japanese
leaders and "set them on fire" for Christ
and His kingdom. Then the Japanese
themselves will carry on the work
without American money or personnel
until "the kingdom," not only of Japan
but of other Asian countries has "become
the kingdom of our Lord, and of His
Christ". Rev. 11:15 ARV.
The thing that hurt me the most as
a missionary's kid, in regard to my
education was that I didn't have enough
English books and, consequently, I'm
now one of the world's slowest readers.
If you move to Japan (or any foreign
country) make sure your children have
plenty of books to read in their native
Mark Pratt
(December 1975)
These prices were compiled by Emeline Woodruff (Okinawa), Norma
Bumey (Kochi), Daynise HoUoway (Okayama), Joanie Lamdin (Kyoto),
and Joyce Warrick (Tokyo). Prices are per pound unless otherwise
indicated, (n. a. not available)
per pound
Hamburger $1.29 $2.74 $2.74 $2.55 $2.59
Bread .32 .59 .42
Chicken (legs & thighs) 1.22 1.83 n.a. 1.41 3.35
Mutton 1.67 1.52 n.a. 1.03 n.a.
Beef (lowest price) 2.43 4.23 4.56 3.66
Beef (highest pricenot 4.18 6.54 6.05 6.08 7.62
Soft Margarine 1.32 1.34 1.38 1.24 1.14
Eggs (per dozen) .84 .85 .84 .84 .84
Whole fresh milk (quart) .61 .60 .68 .64 .64
Rice .20 .38 .38 .38 .56
Flour .13 .18 .19 .24 .28
Sugar (granulated) .29 .29 .43 .44 .37
Cabbage .46 .14 .18 .30 .26
Lettuce 1.06 .47 .45 .53 .38
Potatoes .30 .19 .26 .23 .17
Laundry Soap (Cheer) .37 .42 .37 .42 .37
Ritz Crackers 1.16 1.14 .97 .88 .92
Mayonnaise $1.02 1.03 .99 1.03 .97
Nescafe Instant Coffee 7.09 5.93 6.41 5.99 5.70
Nescafe Gold Blend 10.41 9.96 9.65 9.62 9.49
Salad Oil (quart) 1.03 .68 1.02 1.45 1.08
Carrots .44 .35 .53 .53 .33
Tomatoes .76 .31 .57
Oranges (Mikan) .21 .46 .25 .23 .23
Oatmeal 1.09
Boneless ham 3.42
Brown rice .58
Page 31
Anderson 2 14
Barricklow 3 10
Beckman 4 23
Bumey 5 3,1718
Buttray 6
Christianson 7 29
Clark 8 12
Cole 9 2
Faber 10 4,18
Fleenor 11 22
Fultz 12 4,27
Hirotaka 13 24
Holloway 14
Jones, L 15 8
Lambdin 16 11
Lemmon 17 16
Maxey 18 15,20
Mings, L 19 8,25
Mings, R 20 2,27
Patton 21 7
Pratt,M 22 26
Pratt, P 23 21,29
Sims 24 3,13
Turner 25 9,13,19
Warrick 26 4,27
West 27 16
Wilkinson 28 5
Woodruff 29 11
Jones, M 30
Jones, L.
BOX 177
Mings, L.
Mings, R.
Jones, M.
Fleenor, J
Pratt, M.
Pratt, P.
Maxey, M,
Edited by a Committee: Don Burney,
Norma Burney, Betty Turner assisted
by Leone Cole. Headlining by Barbara
Fahs; printed by Mission Services.

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