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US History Goal # 4 Review Sheet 1. Why were cattle trails in Texas dependent on railroads in Kansas? 2.

What invention ended the open range? 3. What region was influenced the greatest by the transcontinental railroad? 4. What political movement did mid-western farmers start? 5. What business abused its power and forced farmers to become active politically? 6. What resulted from the destruction of the buffalo herds on the Great Plains? 7. What farm organization evolved into the Populist Party? 8. What law passed in 1862 encouraged western settlement by giving 160 acres of land to new settlers? 9. Sand Creek, Colorado was the sight of what event in 1864? 10. Who was killed by a large group of Sioux at Little Bighorn? 11. Where did U.S. soldiers kill 200 innocent Sioux in 1890? 12. What was the subject of Helen Hunt Jacksons A Century of Dishonor? 13. What was the goal of the Dawes Act passed in 1887? 14. Why did farming decline in the late 1880s? 15. What problems did western farmers face in the late 1800s? 16. Why railroads become a problem for farmers on the Great Plains? 17. What did western farmers want the government do to the money supply? 18. What farm organization elected candidates and passed state laws to control railroads? 19. What case upheld state regulations of railroads? 20. What made it possible to ship slaughter cattle east? 21. Who was the Republican candidate in 1896 and what monetary system did he support? 22. What monetary system was supported by the Democrats in 1896?

23. Who was nominated by both the Democrats and Populists in 1896? 24. Who founded the grange movement? 25. The type of house that most settlers had on the great plains? 26. The _______________________ was a major cattle route from San Antonio Texas through Oklahoma to Kansas. 27. What did Chinese workers help to complete that will greatly influence the West Cost? 28. What area in Nevade had the richest deposit of Silver in US history? . The _______________ gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges (Morrill Act)? 29. What is another name for the partial refund that companies got for shipping large volumes of supplies? 30. The leader of the Nez Perce who refuse to move from a reservation in Idaho in 1877. Then fled, but later were forced to surrender. 31. What gorup of people had their rights violate by the Oklahoma Land Rush? 32.What was the name of Helen Hunt Jackson book condemning the governments Indian policy and its record of broken treaties? 33. The group of African American Soliders who fought the Native Americans from 1865 trough 1890 was ? 34.What was the name of the town were the transcontinental road came together for the first time? 35. What was the name of the Populist Party Platform that deal with treatment of average Americans? 36. In 1887, Congress passed the _________________________ which created the Interstate Commerce Commission, the first true federal regulatory agency. It was designed to address the issues of railroad abuse and discrimination and required the following: Shipping rates had to be "reasonable and just"; Rates had to be published Secret rebates were outlawed; Price discrimination against small markets was made illegal. .

37. What was used with great success to ship meat to the east coast markets by keeping it fresh longer? 38. What was used to provide a source of electricity out on the farms? 39. What took over the Granger Laws in keeping railroad rates down for farmers as well as others? 40. What Act provided for Indian land ownership and citizenship? 41. What court case held that states have no authority to regulate railroads rates for interstate commerce? 42. Who said You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross a gold? 43. Who made I will fight no more forever?

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