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Compel Them to Come

by FrancesHunter Charles and Francis Hunter were gifted writers who have gone on to be with Jesus, the One they loved so much. Joan Hunter is their daughter and she can be reached at http:// oanhunter.org

!ublished originally by


Compel Them to Come

By Frances Hunter

As we race toward the last of the last days, every year seems to be more exciting than the last one! There is an increase of all that God is doing because one day very soon it will be the last day. ever have we ex!erienced greater !assion for lost souls than we feel today. "verywhere we go, everyone we tal# with ex!resses the same heart$ cry that we have heard in ourselves % G& '", G& '", G& '" into all the world and !reach the gos!el to every creature before it is too late. (hile we all antici!ate being gloriously lifted u! in the air to meet )esus, we must reali*e that, from that day on, there will be no further o!!ortunity to go out after those !eo!le who are lost and dying. +n the fourteenth cha!ter of ,u#e, )esus told a !arable about a very generous man who !lanned a huge ban-uet and invited everybody he #new. +n our years of ex!erience with large events, + don.t believe the man.s ban-uet was a last$minute idea. He would have !lanned for it and sent out invitations months in advance so that everyone on the guest list would have am!le time to arrange

their schedules. He !robably even sent out reminders because he was really excited and loo#ing forward to all of his guests eating and fellowshi!!ing with him. As the time neared, all the floors were !olished, the decorations were !erfected, and lavish !re!arations were com!leted to the last detail.

Where Are The Guests?

Finally, it was the day of the ban-uet. The host !aced the floor anxiously as a few !eo!le began to arrive. He

chec#ed with all the chefs to ma#e sure the meal was being !re!ared !erfectly. He had !lenty of a!!eti*ers available and music !laying gaily to encourage his friends to relax and begin to fellowshi! as they arrived. Time began to !ass, and the host reali*ed that the ban-uet hall was not filling u! as he had antici!ated. &nly a few of the !eo!le on the long invitation list were !resent. 0an you imagine him loo#ing out over the tables and what disa!!ointment he must have felt as he saw em!ty seats all over the !lace1 Time was tic#ing away, and the host reali*ed that shortly all of the wonderful array of foods would be done to !erfection, and there were too many !eo!le missing. He immediately sent his

servant out to !ersonally visit all the !eo!le he had invited and tell them to hurry u! because everything was all ready for the ban-uet! The servant went out and began #noc#ing on doors. But the Bible says that even though the guests were to be treated royally with this wonderful feast and would ex!erience an unforgettable evening with this great man, they all had excuses for not coming. ,et me as# you, if the governor of your state, or the owner of your favorite s!orts team, or some well$#nown celebrity sent you an invitation to come to an evening of delicious food and live entertainment, all ex!enses !aid, would you be there1 + would! But loo# at some of the lame excuses the !eo!le had3 "ut they all with one accord began to ma#e e$cuses. %he first said to him, &' have bought a piece of ground, and ' must go and see if ' as# you to have me e$cused.( )nd another said, &* have bought five yo#e of o$en, and ' am going to test them. ' as# you to have me e$cused.( +till another said, &' have married a wife, and therefore ' cannot come.(

+o that servant came and reported these things to his master,-u#e 52356$758. The benevolent host was a!!alled. He had butchered his finest stoc# and hired the best chefs to !re!are a feast that would be remembered for years to come. The tables were set and the meal was going to have to be served soon or it would be ruined. All those !eo!le who had been invited had shown no regard for his invitation. He could hardly believe his #indness was being refused by so many. He became furious. %hen the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, &.o out /uic#ly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind( 9,u#e 523758. The servant gathered u! other servants to hel! him, and they went all through the streets bringing in every !oor !erson and homeless !erson and handica!!ed !erson they could find and sat them down at the ban-uet tables. )nd the servant said, &0aster, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.( %hen the master said to the servant, &.o out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to

come in, that my house may be filled. For ' say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper( 9,u#e 52377$728. The word compel has such an interesting definition. +t comes from a Gree# word that means ;to constrain, whether by threat, entreaty, force or !ersuasion.< =o those servants went out and literally grabbed !eo!le by the hand and coaxed, threatened and forced them to come with them to the master.s ban-uet. =ome of those !eo!le !robably didn.t want to go anywhere, but when they ended u! seated in the master.s ban-uet hall and began to feast on the sum!tuous foods and !arta#e in the festivities, + believe they were really glad to be there!

How Many Are Dying this Very Minute Without Jesus?

>ecently, someone showed us on the +nternet something that really got our attention. +t was a web site that clic#s off the number of !eo!le who are dying right while you are watching the com!uter screen. 5?@ !eo!le die every single minuteA :,/B? !eo!le

die every hourA and in one day.s time, 54/,??? !eo!le leave this life, either with or without )esus 0hrist as their ,ord and =avior. The !o!ulation has never been greater than it is todayA and never has there been a more urgent need for the Body of 0hrist to com!el the lost to receive )esus in their heart! How many of those who are dying will arrive at the gate of heaven to hear )esus say, ;+ never #new youA de!art from Ce< 9Catthew @37/81 During the 0hristmas holidays, 0harles and + were in the Bush +ntercontinental Air!ort in Houston, which at that time seemed to be the busiest air!ort in the world. And the !eo!le in that air!ort were Eust racing and racing, and they were all running to catch other !lanes and running to go some !lace or another. They were racing, racing, racing. All you could see in their faces was, ;+.ve got to get there, +.ve got to get there,

+.ve got to get there.< (e were watching them as we were Eust sitting there, and we were saying,; + wonder if they #now where they.re going1 + wonder how many of them really #now where they are going1 How many of them are going to end u! in heaven1 How many are going to end u! in hell1

Is There Really a Hell?

'ears ago we were in Tulsa, &#lahoma when ,ester =umrall shared a vision that God gave him when he was nineteen years old. +t was a vision he had never forgotten and one which has remained in our hearts. He was sitting next to the !ul!it in a tiny country church and suddenly he was no longer aware of anything going on around him. +n an o!en vision God showed him all the !eo!le of the world of every color and dressed in every native costume. God lifted him u! until he was loo#ing down u!on humanityA and as he loo#ed down u!on the uncountable multitude, he saw the !eo!le % thousands and thousands abreast % running, running, running, running as fast as they could.

Then all of a sudden they got right to the brin# of a great big cliff. And Dr. =umrall said when they got there, God too# him over so he could loo# down and see the ex!ressions on their faces. (hat he saw left an indelible im!ression on his mind, which caused him to s!end the rest of his life !reaching the gos!el. He saw loo#s of absolute horror on the multitude of faces as they saw below them the fires of hell. They screamed in anguish and tried to sto!, but they couldn.t because of the thousands behind them that Eust !ushed them over into the abyss of hell itself. For the next sixty$five years, ,ester =umrall tried to #ee! as many !eo!le as he could from going into the horrors of hell. =o many times !eo!le thin#, ;&h well, + can.t go over to +ndia, + can.t go over to Africa, + can.t go to !laces li#e that.< o, not everyone is called to go onto foreign soil, but you can go to the !erson next door and com!el them to come, even if you have to drag them by the hair of their head. + want you to !ur!ose in your heart right now to com!el the lost to come into the Fingdom of God. As# God right now to give you a greater burden for souls, for the unsaved, than you have ever had in your entire life. Gromise Him that with His hel!

you are going to be a doer of His word and not Eust a hearer. The 0hristian world has been flooded with more boo#s and 0Ds and DHDs than ever before in history. And it is wonderful that 0hristians have so many teaching tools available to them to hel! them grow u! in 0hrist. But God is saying, not Eust through 0harles and Frances, but through ministries everywhere, that the time of sitting and absorbing is over. +t.s time to go out and begin to do the wor#s of God. +n ,u#e 52372, the master said to his servant, &1one of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.( All those !eo!le had been invited, but they did not comeA and then it was too late. They would never again be as#ed to another ban-uet. There is only going to be one marriage su!!er in heaven. (hoever does not acce!t the invitation will never get another invitation, once the ban-uet has begun. All + have to do when + thin# of somebody who is not saved, is thin# of ,ester =umrall running over there to the edge of that abyss and seeing all those screaming !eo!le literally being !ushed into the gates of hell. There are others who have had dreams and visions and life ex!eriences of seeing

hell. =ome !eo!le today do not believe there is a hell. They wonder how God could send anybody to such a horrible !lace. But )esus taught on hell. He ex!lained that God didn.t ma#e hell for !eo!leA He made hell an everlasting fire for the devil and his angels 9Catthew 743258. God never intended for man to go there. He sent )esus away from His throne and the beauty and Eoy of heaven to die a !ainful death and bear the sins of the world, so that not a single !erson would ever have to go into that terrible !lace with the devil. Then He commanded believers, each and every one of us, to G& '", G& '", G& '"!

Witnessing Is So Simple
'ears ago, when + first became a 0hristian, + taught on witnessing. From the day + got saved, + went out and + thought, ;The world is lost, they.re all dying, they.re all going to hell. There.s nobody but me. +.ve got to save them all!< That.s what a fanatic + was when + got saved. + loo#ed at them all and + thought, ;&h! +.ve got to go! +.ve got to run! There.s nobody but me tal#ing about )esus.<

There were others out there, of course, but + had not !ersonally heard anyone really telling !eo!le that they were lost and they needed to acce!t )esus. + had gone to church most of my life. + never heard anyone in church tell me + was lost and needed to get saved. =o, on the day + got saved, God convinced me that the whole world was on their way to hell and + had to get them saved. &ne day + got saved, and the next day + was out there winning the lost to )esus. obody ever told me how to win !eo!le to )esus. + never had a course on witnessing. + Eust did it. + went out and told what )esus had done for me. + said, ;)esus delivered me from cigarettes! He delivered me from alcohol! He forgave all my sins! He bubbles out of my heart in fantastic Eoy and indescribable love for everybody!< obody can argue with your testimony. (hen you get u! there and you say, ;God forgave all my sins. + am s!otless. + am a brand new creation!< obody can argue with you. God gave me !eace in my heart that + never had before. + had followed the things of the world around. + loo#ed for worldly excitement in wild !arties and all that #ind of stuff, and nothing ever

gave me !eace. othing ever gave me ha!!iness, but )esus gave me Eoy in my heart. That.s why + have to share Him with every !erson + meet. "veryone is loo#ing for cleansing from sin. "veryone is loo#ing for !eace and searching for real ha!!iness. 'ou don.t have to have a wee#$ long seminar to tell someone what )esus did for you, because they already #now they need what )esus has given to you! +f somebody has got to sit down and tell you how to witness, then there is something missing in your heart. =omething is wrong on the inside of you. Beloved, that may ste! on your toes, but + ho!e it does. Do you #now why1 Because each and every one of us ought to be out there saying, ;Do you #now what )esus did for me1 (ould you let me tell you how )esus gave me !eace1 0an + share how )esus too# away all of my guilt1 Did you #now there are two #inds of !eo!le % those who are saved and those who are about to be... which one are you1< &ne morning, many years ago, 0harles and + loo#ed out of our window and + said, ;&h, ,ord, + !ray for all those that are out there manicuring

their grass. + !ray for all of those that are out there cutting all those little twigs off of their trees. + !ray for all those who are in bed this morning getting over a hangover. Glory to God, + Eust !ray for them.< Do you #now what God said to me1 He said, ;Go out and com!el them to come. Go out and com!el them to come.< That afternoon, 0harles and + visited our neighbor, right next door. He was bald$headed as he could be, but we made u! our minds that we were going to grab hold of his hair anyway and !ull him into the #ingdom of God! (hat an incredible Eoy it was to hear him as# )esus into his heart!

Don t Ta!e Anything "or Grante#

This 0hristmas was one of the most s!ecial ones of our entire life. ,ast year, our first grandson, whom + had not seen in over thirty years, contacted me and we were reunited. This year, 0harles and + flew to Ghoenix to s!end 0hristmas with him, his wife and their children, as well as all our other family members. Cy grandson.s wife is one of nine sisters who all live

near each other. They all gather together every month with all their s!ouses and children. They are the most loving family + have ever met in my entire life. But one of the first things + did after we arrived in Ghoenix and had begun to visit with them was to as# them, ;Did you #now there are two #inds of grandsons and granddaughters$in$law and great$grandchildren1 Those who are saved and those who are about to be % which are you1< + had shared the miracles of God for about an hour and they were fascinated with them. They all res!onded in unison, I(e.re about to be!< And each and every one of them received )esus in their heart. HalleluEah! Don.t Eust com!el the stranger to come % be sure you com!el your loved ones to come into the #ingdom of God. Don.t ta#e anything for granted! 'ou might say, ;+ can.t be a witness because + might turn them off.< +.ve got news for you % they.re turned off already! Don.t worry, don.t worry, don.t worry! They.re turned off! 'ou can only hel! them to get turned on. ;(ell, they might thin# +.m a fanatic.< They thin# you.re a fanatic already! =o don.t worry

about that. They.re em!ty, and you.re full. They #now something is missing. They might thin# you are cra*y, but when they see that Eoy of the ,ord bubbling out, bubbling over and running all over the !lace, there.s Eust something about it they are going to want. And they will begin to say, ;0ome on, give me some of that living water. + want whatever it is that ma#es you bubble over all the time.<

Things of the World Can Rob People of Eternal Life

,et.s loo# bac# at ,u#e 52375. The servant went out to those on the guest list, and they came u! with every excuse not to come to the ban-uet. The first man said, ;+.ve bought a new !iece of ground and +.ve got to ta#e care of it.< (orldly !ossessions, even good ones, can literally !ull you away from the things of God if you will let them. God wants you to have every blessing in the world, but He doesn.t want the blessing to ;have you.< A lot of !eo!le don.t #now how to handle their blessings. The minute they begin to achieve success in their business or get a

raise and can afford some nice luxuries, they don.t have time for God. =omeone who has as#ed God for increase for many years and then gets really blessed will often forget where the blessings came from. They say, ;&h, +.ve wor#ed so hard, and + really deserve this and that. + give my em!loyer his money.s worth. + don.t cheat anyone. +.m a good !erson. + don.t mistreat my family. + don.t need to go to church. + ta#e my #ids hunting and fishing and + buy my family everything they need.< Hell is going to be full of men who said things li#e that. Hell is going to be full of sweet old ladies, too, who never got born again. They always had wor# to do and their ;god< was in staying busy, busy, busy. They never had time to as# )esus into their heart and de!end on Him to set their !riorities. Things of this world consumed these !eo!le so that they never !aid attention to the invitation from the Caster.

Obsession with Success Competes With Salvation

Then the next man said, ;+.ve Eust bought five teams of oxen. =o +.ve got to go out and wor# with them and

train them.<

This is an exam!le of someone.s Eob becoming the god of their life. They become so involved in becoming a success that they Eust don.t have time to res!ond to an invitation which might ta#e a tiny !ortion out of their daily !lanner or goal boo#. They don.t have time for that Full Gos!el Businessmen.s meeting that a friend invited them to. They can.t fit church into their schedule. They have better things to do than listen to the !reacher !ouring his heart and soul into a television crusade. Then, it.s too late $ and there are no more invitations. + remember, years ago, when + owned a !rinting com!any before + got saved, my excuse to the !astor who came in every wee# and !ersonally invited me to come to church was, ;'ou Fnow, + have wor#ed so hard all wee# long. =unday morning is the only morning + have to slee!.< Then, to show how religious + was, + said, ;+.m sure God doesn.t mind if + slee! on =unday morning.< + was so determined to be a success that + had no time for the things of God. But one of the things + have discovered is, it is so easy to become a success when you do it with God instead of

without Him. God can ma#e you a success faster than you will ever ma#e a success of yourself, if you learn to de!end on Him. God has a way of s!ea#ing to your em!loyer that you can never do. 'ou can wor# really hard and you can say all the right little things that you want to, but when you have fellowshi! with God, you can say, ;God, would you mind s!ea#ing to him1 'ou #now, God, +.ve been tithing and tithing and tithingA now, God, + need a raise because + want to give some more into your #ingdom.< God will !ass u! all those other !eo!le that are in your firm and He will s!ea# to your boss about giving you a raise, and your boss will never even #now what ha!!ened to him. HalleluEah!

Who Do ou Place !irst in our Life"

Then, in ,u#e 5237? was another !oor excuse. The last man said, ;+ have Eust gotten married and, since we are newlyweds, + can.t come.< (e can let family get in the way of our coming to God and our !rogress with God. 'ou might thin#, ; ow, Frances, you don.t sound very much li#e a family !erson.< 'es, + am. + love my

children, and even before them, + love my husband. But God comes first in my life. And + !raise God that He comes first in 0harles. life. + !raise God that He is first in the life of my children. That is the !ro!er order of our affection % God, s!ouse, and children. (hen things are in !ro!er order, your life is o!en to the blessings of God. =o many times we can use our family as an excuse. But + have a s!ecial word for you... ;'ou are res!onsible.< The devil will tell you, ;'ou.re going to turn your husband off if you !ut God first.< Don.t worry about that. +f he.s not !utting God first, he.s turned off already. (hen you get to heaven, you are res!onsible for yourself. 'ou will answer to God and not your husband when you get to heaven. =o God has to come before your family. + remember when + first got saved and + started on this mad, wild love affair with God. + stood u! in a church and + said, ;+ love God more than + love my daughter.< Cy daughter was thirteen at the time. And the whole church went, ;??????hhhhhh< in a loud moan of shoc#, as if they were all thin#ing, ;+sn.t she terrible1< o, + was not terrible, because when the =!irit of God

came into me and + reali*ed + loved Him more than anything else that could !ossibly exist in the universe, He gave me a su!ernatural love for my daughter that was far greater than any + could ever have had in the natural. The blessing of !utting God first, even before your family, is that they all benefit when He gives you su!ernatural love for them and su!ernatural Eoy and !atience and faith and gentleness. 'our family rea!s the benefit of you !utting God first, and as a result they learn to !ut God first also. Cy daughter loves God Eust li#e her mother does. =he now has an anointed healing ministry and God is using her to bless !eo!le because she !uts Him first. (hen you !ut God first and you let your family see the Eoy of the ,ord in you, they are going to want the same thing. 'ou let them see you trusting God in every situation, and they are going to learn to trust God. 'ou don.t want them to !ut their reliance on you as their !arent % you want them to !ut their total reliance and total de!endence on God. Then they will teach their families to do the same. (hen you teach your family to !ut God totally first, you leave them a legacy that no

amount of money can buy and no inheritance can e-ual.

The #aster Wants $is %an&uet $all !illed

+n ,u#e 5237/, the master of the ban-uet % who is )esus % was furious that all the ! eo!le who were

invited ignored his invitation, even after they were reminded. He said, &.o out /uic#ly into the streets and lanes of the city, end bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.( For years, + thought that )esus was saying to go and bring in !oor !eo!le, not the rich because they didn.t need it. The rich need )esus Eust as badly as the !oor do. =ometimes + thin# they need Him more, because they get satisfied with success and they get self$sufficient. + was satisfied with success before + got saved. But + was really among the !oor because + was so !oor in s!irit. + didn.t #now what the love of God could do in the life of a !erson. + didn.t #now the Eoy that )esus could give to a !erson. The !oor which )esus calls for are those who don.t #now )esus. They can be !oor while living in the finest mansion. These are those who are !oor

on the inside because there is a total unfulfillment in their life that they will not even reali*e until they come to saving #nowledge of the ,ord )esus 0hrist. The master said, ;Bring in the maimed.< Cany times when + thin# of the maimed, + thin# of those who have been wounded. )esus was really giving some good advice here. He said to go to the !eo!le who are in need, and those are the !eo!le who will listen to you. =ometimes those !eo!le who are so affluent and who have everything, in the material sense, will #ee! shoving you off. But the word of God never returns void. 'ou Eust #ee! on !utting the word of God into their hearing, and one of these days it is going to get !ast their ears into their s!irits, and they.re going to suddenly say, ;&h, + remember that lady twenty years ago who witnessed to me about the love of God.< There are many ways of being maimed. +t is not always a flesh wound. There can be an accident or a !hysical tragedy. But there can be a divorce that is imminent. There can be a situation that has torn someone.s soul a!art The easiest !erson to reach with the gos!el is someone who is hurting. 'ou can say to them, ;)esus has got the answer to

everything that.s wrong with you.< 'ou can say, ;+f you.re hurting, you come on with me. 0ome with me. + can ta#e you to =omeone who will heal your hurt< ;Bring in the lame.< Do you #now that the lamest !erson you will ever see will be strong when they wal# in a covenant relationshi! with God. +n their wea#ness, God.s strength is made !erfect. God ta#es the load. There is a young man who a!!eared on >obert =chuller.s !rogram recently, who has no arms and no legs. He was born without limbs. 'et, the s!irit of God on him Eust ma#es him glow. He radiates with God.s love. His life has !hysical restrictions we can only imagineA yet, he has a worldwide ministry, sharing God.s love with multitudes. His covenant with God has made him stronger than many !eo!le who have arms, legs, and !lenty of other !hysical strengths to go with them throughout life. Fenneth 0o!eland did a marvelous illustration on being in covenant with God at a Believers. 0onvention. He ex!lained that, in olden times, sometimes two !arties would cut their wrists and let the blood flow together to show they were one in covenant relationshi!. =ometimes, to show that

the two were wal#ing as one, they would cut a vein in the leg of one !erson and a vein in the leg of the second !erson, and then they would tie the legs together to show that the two could wal# as one. =o it is, when we are in covenant with God and we wal# as one with God. As + listened to this illustration, + thought, ;The most cri!!led !eo!le in the world are those who do not #now the Eoy of wal#ing with God.< To be truly lame is to not understand that all of the strength of God belongs to us, and all the blessings of Abraham belong to you and to me. ;Bring in the blind,< the master said. There are none so blind as those who see and yet do not see. There are none so blind as those who !ass by a s!irit$filled church and never see that they are em!ty on the inside when they could go into that little church and be filled. There are those who see the word of God and who do not see the !ower of the truth that is within it and do not see the relevance for today. Those are the !eo!le who are blind. Go out and bring those !eo!le in. 0om!el them to come with you. Bring those !eo!le in who are hurting. Go into your neighborhood and ta#e a loo# around and say,

;(ho.s that !erson1 (hat does that !erson really need most1< begin to !ray for those !eo!le until you have courage to go out and get them. =ometimes it ta#es a little courage to go out there and com!el them to come. Then the master of the ban-uet in-uired of his servant, and the servant said, ;+.ve done as you as#ed. + brought in all those !oor and lame and maimed and blind !eo!le, but there is still room for more.<

$ou Must Get Serious an# %&ey the Master

Do you #now that heaven has been !re!ared for billions of !eo!le, and it is not very crowded yet1 There is still room for more. )ust as the earthly host had made !re!arations for a huge ban-uet with guests from all over the land, God has made !re!arations for every single !erson who has lived or ever will live. There is room for every one of them. Cany have not made it, and many of those :,/B? !eo!le who die every sixty minutes will not go into the heaven that God has !re!ared for them. Heaven has lots more room. Go out and get the !eo!le and com!el them to come.

Then the master said to the servant, ;Go out into the highways.< That is your busy !laces. Go into the sho!!ing mall where you see lots of !eo!le. Go into !laces where there are meetings. Go into cafeterias. Tal# to !eo!le. 0harles and + were in (yatt.s 0afeteria Eust throwing the word of God all over the !lace. (e draw !eo!le into conversations about how good God is. +f someone has a headache, we !ray for them on the s!ot. +f they have a bac#ache, we grow their legs out. +t doesn.t matter where they are % in a restaurant or an air!ort. (hen you !ray for someone and they get healed, do you thin# they will say ; o< when you lead them to as# )esus into their life1 (e have never had a !erson refuse )esus after He has healed them. Don.t share doom and gloom with the !eo!le. =hare the good news! =hare what exciting things )esus has done for you. =ometimes !eo!le thin# they don.t have a testimony. "verybody has got a testimony. +f )esus 0hrist lives in your heart, you.ve got a testimony because you.ve got the divine =on of God living big inside of you. 'ou have a right and a calling to be enthusiastic and offer the !eo!le that excitement and Eoy!

Then the master said, ;Go into the hedges.< 'ou are going to have to root out some of those !eo!le that never seem to go into !ublic !laces. Go to that lady who.s afraid to go outside of her house and tal# to her. Go after that !erson who is uncomfortable in crowds or fearful of !eo!le in their heart and com!el them to come. +f you invite them to church, tell them it.s not Eust to be in a church building but to receive what God has for them and to hear what He has to say to them. Drag them by the hair of their head. Gic# them u! in your car. Don.t let them get away from what God has for them. +f someone says, ; o<, what have you lost1 'ou haven.t lost a thing by as#ing. A lot of !eo!le have told us ; o< over the years. + thin# sometimes !eo!le hear 0harles and me tell about so many exciting conversions that they thin#, ;(ow, everybody that they tal# to acce!ts )esus.< o, they don.t. (e have had lots of !eo!le tell us ; o<. Do you thin# that discourages me one bit1 ot in the least. + have done what God said to do, and + can say, ;Their blood is not on my hands.<


'od $olds ou (ccountable for Obe)ing $im

,et.s loo# at "*e#iel /35:$5B. 1ow it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the -ord came to me, saying, +on of man, ' have made you a watchman for the house of 'srael, therefore hear a word from 0y mouth, and give them warning from 0e. 2hen ' say to the wic#ed, 34ou shall surely die,5 and you give him no warning, nor spea# to warn the wic#ed from his wic#ed way, to save his life, that same wic#ed man shall die in his ini/uity6 but his blood ' will re/uire at your hand.( That is a stern word from God. ow loo# at what He says next3 &4et, if you warn the wic#ed, and he does not turn from his wic#edness, nor from his wic#ed way, he shall die in his ini/uity6 but you have delivered your soul.( +n other words, the blood of the one who dies in his sin is not on your hands. 'ou have delivered your soul because you shared )esus with them. 'ou have nothing to lose. They have everything to lose, and you may be the one God uses to save

them. &r you may be the one God uses to !lant a seed that they will remember one day which will still lead them to salvation. They have everything to gain if you will Eust share the love of God.

*t+s so Eas) to Sa), -'od Loves ou./

(itnessing is Eust ex!ressing the love of God, even if you sim!ly say, ;Do you #now that God loves you in a !ersonal way1< obody ever told me that God loved me as an individual. + #new that God loved the whole world % ;For .od so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life( 9)ohn /35:8. + #new that He loved the world in general, but nobody ever said, ;For God so loved Frances...< obody ever too# the Bible and made it !ersonal and said, ;Frances, God loves you. 'ou are really s!ecial and God loves you.< The most tremendous thing in the world is to #now that God loves you. =o many times + hear !eo!le say, ; obody loves me. obody loves me. obody loves me.< 'es, someone does! God loves you! "ven when the rest of the world gets to the

!oint that you might thin# they don.t love you, oh, how God loves you. Cany !eo!le don.t share the love of God because they are so afraid that they will offend somebody. The love of God will never offend anybody % and what have you got to lose1 (hen you do get someone saved, you will be hoo#ed for life. There is nothing in this world that will set your s!irit soaring li#e !ersonally leading someone to )esus!


ou Love Them Enough to Warn Them"

There is a true story about a fire in ,as Hegas which started in a large, modern hotel. The fire alarms went off in the middle of the night, and !eo!le ran through the long hallways, #noc#ing on the doors, warning the hotel guests to get out before the hotel burned. =ome of the !eo!le behind those doors answered, ;(hat1 &h, don.t bother me. They.ve got good fire e-ui!ment in this city. This building isn.t going to burn. Anyway, +.m tired and + had a little too much to drin# last night. +t.s too much effort to get u!.<

=ome of those !eo!le that didn.t come out when they were warned died that night in that hotel fire. They could easily have been saved, but they didn.t heed the warning. 0harles and + once stayed in a motel which had the fire alarm go off four times in one night. After the second alarm, you might start to thin#, ;(ell, there is something wrong with that e-ui!ment< (e did thin# that, but we still got right out of bed and made sure there was no smo#e and no fire. (hen an alarm is going off, you don.t lie there in bed and wait to smell smo#e. +t could -uic#ly be too late. + want you to thin# about the unsaved !eo!le that you #now % your neighbor, the !erson who lives u!stairs, the !erson at the office. 'our flesh will come u! with all #inds of excuses. But you Eust need to share the love of God. )ust tell somebody, ;God loves you.< That is witnessing. Tell somebody what )esus has done in your life. 'our testimony might not be real exciting, but it could be exactly what that !erson needs to hear. Any testimony where )esus comes into your heart, ta#es away your sins, fills you with !eace and faith

and ho!e is exciting, so you have a lot you can say to bless !eo!le. +f you.re afraid to tal#, thin# about that ,as Hegas fire. (hat if there had been members of your family in that hotel1 (hat if some of your friends or wor# !lace associates were in there and it was burning1 (ould you have stood downstairs and debated and thought, ;(ell, + can.t go and tell them that the building is burning, because they might be offended if + wo#e them u! in the middle of the night1< o. 'ou would have run u! there and !ounded on those doors with all your might. 'ou would have awa#ened them and com!elled them to come out before they got burnt u!. 'et we #now there is an eternal fire !re!ared for the devil and his angels, which God never intended for his finest creation to go. (ill we stand by, afraid to o!en our mouth, or will we ma#e certain that !erson is saved1

Ever) Soul #atters to 'od

There is a whole world out there, the maEority of which is on their way down that !ath which God showed to ,ester =umrall, moving, moving,

moving towards the gates of hell from which they will never esca!e. =ome of you may thin#, ;How can + ma#e a difference when there are so many that are lost1 + can never reach the whole world.< There is a little story which touched my heart because it is so real and so true. A little boy was wal#ing along the beach after a big storm. After the strong waves had receded, thousands of starfish were lying there, strewn out all across the sand, struggling with all their might because they were out of the water and they were going to die. This little boy was wal#ing along and he would bend over and !ic# u! a starfish and then wal# into the water and toss the starfish out where it would live. Then he would come bac# to the dry sand, bend down and !ic# u! another starfish, wal# to the water.s edge and toss that one out into the dee! where it would live. A man a!!roached the little boy and said, ;=on, you can.t begin to save all those thousands of starfish, so why bother at all1 (hat does it matter1< The boy ga*ed at the man in wonder. He held u! the tiny starfish in his hand and said to the man, ;+t matters to this one!<

Compel Them (nd The) Will Than0 ou in Eternit)

)esus said, ;0om!el them to come. Go out and find them and ma#e them come in. Jse force if you have to!< )esus told this !arable as His !ersonal instructions to us. +t is not a little ;iffy< suggestion. lt is the heartbeat of )esus. He is the Caster, the generous host in the story, and we are the servants. +n the !arable, the servant went out immediately and did exactly what he was told to do. (hen + first became a 0hristian, + went out and !ic#ed u! three carloads of sinners every =unday morning. + hon#ed, went inside to hel! them, whatever it too#. + didn.t acce!t any excuses. + com!elled them to come because, from the moment + was saved, something within me did not want anybody, not one !erson, to go to hell. )esus has a massive amount of !eo!le on his invitation list, and it brea#s His heart to see chairs He #nows will be unfilled if we don.t go out and com!el them to come in. He is counting on us to go out and get them. ,i#e the faithful servant He wants our res!onse to be, ;'es, =ir. + will do as

'ou say. The ban-uet is nearly ready and +.m going to hel! 'ou fill u! all those em!ty chairs!< Father, right now, ' lift up every person who is reading the words on this page. %han# 4ou for the power of your word. %han# 4ou for the power of the Holy +pirit. Father, than# you that the Holy +pirit gives us boldness to obey Jesus and go out and share the love of .od with every person that we meet. .rant to us a greater desire to win the lost than we have ever had in our entire life, in Jesus5 name. )men.


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