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Description about the chosen reference book.

Book title Authors

: Key Maths (References book) : David Baker Peter Bland Paul Hogan Barbara Holt Barbara Job Renie Verity Graham Wills


: First edition published in 1995 by Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd Second edition published 2000, reprinted in 2001 by, Nelson Thornes Ltd Delta Place, 27 Bath Road Cheltenham GL 53 TH United Kingdom.

ISBN 0-7487-5524-1

Construct a rubric for the evaluation of mathematics references book


Fully based on Malaysian curriculum.

Mostly based on Malaysian curriculum.

Based on foreign curriculum. Malaysian and

Based on foreign curriculum.

Easy to Language and vocabulary understand and read the content. Uses

Some difficult word used and usually easy to read Uses vocabulary appropriate for the students.

Hard to understand and hard to

Poor language and fully cant understand.

read at times. Uses vocabulary appropriate for the students. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the students.

Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the students.

vocabulary appropriate for the students. Extends students vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the students. Creativity Colorful clear explanation regarding the topic.

Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the students, but does not define them. Typically used the colorful pictures with explanation.

Most contents in black and white and hard to understand.

Fully in black and white without any pictures.

pictures with


Clear example are given Very easy to understand and able to solve the problem

Clear example are given Able to solve the given exercises

More difficult to understand and solve the problem Includes important parts of syllabus

Difficult to solve the problem No solution is given.

understand and

The exercises are based on given example Includes all the component of syllabus Correct given. solutions are

The exercises are based on given example Includes all the component of syllabus Correct appropriate solution with

Most of the solutions are incorrect.

strategy given. 100% of the Mathematical errors steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. Mathematical terminology and notation Uses

More than 75% of steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.

More than 50% of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors. May misuse to use Mathematical terminology and notation and shows

Less than 50% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors.

Uses nearly correct terminology and notations and shows nearly

Fail to use mathematical terms and shows very limited understanding

appropriate terminology and notations and shows understanding

of the problems mathematical concepts and principles.

complete understanding of the problems mathematical concepts and principles. Diagrams and/or sketches are nearly complete, clear and easy to understand. Gives a fairly complete response with reasonably clear explanation or description. The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.

understanding of the problems mathematical concepts.

of the problems mathematical concepts.

Diagram and sketches

Diagrams and/or sketches are appropriate, clear and greatly add to the student's

Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat flawed or unclear.


and/or sketches are completely misrepresenting the problem situation.

understanding Gives a Explanation complete response with a clear, unambiguous explanation or Neatness and organization description. The work is presented in a neat,clear and systematically organized fashion which is easy to read.

The may be

The explanation may be missing or difficult to follow.

explanation is somewhat ambiguous or unclear The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.

The work and

appears sloppy unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.

Category Content Language and vocabulary Creativity


Mathematical errors Mathematical terminology and notation Diagram and sketches Explanation Neatness and organization

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