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Physiological Effects: Besides therapeutic effects, glucocorticoids also

possess some effects which are called “permissive” effects. It means that in
the absence of glucocorticoids, many normal functions become deficient.
For example, in the absence of glucocorticoids, the lipolytic responses of fat
cells to catecholamines, ACTH and growth hormone are diminished.
Glucocorticoids promote glycogen deposition in liver by inducing glycogen
synthetase and promoting Gluconeogenesis.
They inhibit glucose utilization by peripheral tissues. They cause increased
release of glucose from liver. They cause hyperglycemia and thus stimulate
insulin release.
They stimulate lipase and cause lipolysis. They also promote lipolysis due to
glucagon, growth hormone, adrenaline and thyroxine. The cAMP induced
breakdown of triglycerides is enhanced and fatty acids and glycerol are
released into the circulation.
The increased insulin release stimulates lipogenesis and to a lesser degree
inhibit lipolysis, leading to a net increase in fat deposition.
Glucocorticoids cause breakdown of proteins and mobilization of
aminoacids from peripheral tissues. This protein breakdown is manifested as
--- muscle wasting, lipolysis, loss of osteiod from bone and thinning of skin.
Thus glucocorticoids are catabolic. They try to maintain glucose supply to
brain, during starvation, by exerting following effects.
1. Gluconeogenesis.
2. Inhibition of peripheral glucose uptake.
3. Release of aminoacids from muscle catabolism.
4. Stimulation of lipolysis.

Prepared By Dr. SEHAR ALVI

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