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BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Movement of Substances across the Plasma Membrane SBP 2011 1 (a) 4551/2

Movement of substances across the plasma membrane in the cell is important for t he continuity in life of organisms. The process helps to maintain a constant int ernal environment. (i) Explain the importance of plasma membrane for the surviva l of living organism. [4 marks] living organism need nutrients / oxygen / glucos e / mineral / any suitable example to continue their life`s processes ions insid e cells must be kept at different concentration to outside the cells. to maintai n a constant internal environment/ (homeostasis) The substances across the plasm a membrane from the external environment cells produce waste products which exit through the plasma membrane The movement / types / amount of substances in and out of the cells is regulated by plasma membrane. the cells need to maintain sui table pH of the cells for enzyme activity so that cell can secretes useful subst ances / hormones / enzymes (ii) Diagram 1.1 shows two types of transport of substances through plasma membrane. Diagram 1.1 Explain the two types of transport of substances through plasma memb rane shown in Diagram 1.1. [6 marks] Type 1 facilitated diffusion occur diffusio n of small molecules / ions move from higher concentration to the higher concent ration of solute through pore protein does no need energy

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Type 2 Active transport occur The molecules such as sodium ions / potassium ions / glucose / amino acid move against concentration gradient / from lower concent ration to the higher concentration through carrier protein have active site with bind with particular molecule need energy / ATP (b) A student carry out the exp eriment to determine the concentration of an external solution which is isotonic to the cell sap. The student immersed the potato strip in a different concentra tion of sugar in 30 minutes time. Diagram 1.2 shows graph plotted to show the ch ange in mass against concentration of solution. Diagram 1.2 (i) Based on the graph in Diagram 1.2, state the concentration of th e solution that is isotonic to cell sap. [1 mark] 2

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Isotonic to the sap cell: 0.27 mol dm-3/ 0.28 mol dm-3/ 0.29 mol dm-3 (ii) Explain what happen to the cell at point P , Q and R. 4551/2 [9 marks] Point P The mass of potato increase (This occur because) the solution concentration is hypotonic to the sap cell of the potato The water molecule diff use out from lower concentration/ hypotonic region to the higher concentration/ hypertonic region by osmosis cell becomes turgid (so the mass increased) Point Q The potato does not lose or gain mass This occur because the concentration o th e solution is isotonic to the cell sap Diffusion of water molecule is at equilib rium / equal rate no net gain or loss of water molecule (so the mass is maintain ed) Point R The mass of potato decrease (This occur because) the solution is hyp ertonic to the cell sap The water molecule diffuse out from cells / from higher concentration to the lower concentration / solution at surrounding by osmosis ce ll becomes flaccid (so the mass decreased) 3

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Nutrition SBP 2011 1 (a) Diagram 1.1 show the digestive system of a herbivore. 4551/2 Diagram 1.1 Describe how cellulose in the plant fibres are digested and how the products of digestion of cellulose are absorbed into the body of the herbivore. [10 marks] How cellulose in the plant fibres are digested This is the digestive system of a non ruminant example a rabbit. Mouth: Plant tissues are cut, crushed and grind by the teeth / incisors / premolars / molars. Plant cell walls are di srupted / cellulose exposed Stomach / duodenum / ileum No enzyme cellulase secre ted / No digestion of cellulose. Caecum (Enlarged )/ contains microorganisms / b acteria / protozoa which secrete cellulase to digest the cellulose Appendix Enla rged / contains mi.croorganisms / bacteria / protozoa which secrete cellulase to digest the cellulose. Cellulase hydrolyse cellulose to glucose in the caecum an d appendix Absorption of glucose Some glucose are absorbed by the caecum. No abs orption of glucose in rectum Re-swallow the digested cellulose/glucose / pallet from the caecum after it has left the anus / coprophagy All the glucose is absor bed into the blood capillaries of the villus in the ileum 4

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (b) Diagram 1.2 shows a food pyramid. 4551/2 Diagram 1.2 Based on Diagram 1.2, explain how a teenager may be able to plan his daily diet wisely to maintain his normal growth and good health. [10 marks] A g ood dietary habit for normal growth and good health of an adolescent: practicing a daily balance diet the diet comprises all food classes // carbohydrates, lipo ids, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and fibers // foods from level 1, level 2 , level 3 and level 4. in the correct amount should take more foods from level 1 , 2 and 3 / containing carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables / proteins for susta ining better general body growth / normal metabolism of the body. the adolescent requires more carbohydrates (as level 1) for example energy production / energy resources in the body More proteins (as level 3) for rapid muscular growth / re placement of dead tissues / cells / repairing damaged cells and synthesis of fun ctional proteins/ enzymes / antibody /hormones / insulin vitamins / minerals ser ve as co-enzyme / co-factor for normal enzyme activities elements like Ca/ P / i odine are important for growth of bones / teeth / development of endocrine gland / thyroid fibers helps peristalsis in the alimentary canal / avoiding constipat ion should avoid from consuming excessive fats (as level 4) which is the princip al cause of cardiovascular problems / heart problem / hypertension / thromboses coronary / arterosclerosis / obesity 5

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Kedah 2011 2 Diagram 2.1 shows a food pyr amid. 4551/2 Diagram 2.1 (a) Explain why ice cream, butter cake are placed at level 4 in the food pyramid. [6 marks] (b) Food at level 4 should only be taken in smallest unt / ratio. Ice cream contain a lot of sugar. Sugar has high energy value. Exce ssive sugar in the body will lead to obesity / diabetes. Butter cake contain a l ot of lipid. Lipid has high energy value. Excessive lipid will form adipose tiss ue in the body // increase cholesterol level in body. (Excessive lipid will) lea d to heart attack / cardiovascular disease / stroke. Explain the importance of consuming food from level 2 in our daily diet. [4 mark s] Food at level 2 contains a lot of water, vitamins, minerals and roughage / fi bre. Water is important in all cell activities / physiological / biochemical pro cesses in our body. Body need enough vitamins to preserve / maintain health // A ny suitable example of vitamin and the related function Body need enough mineral s to preserve / maintain health and growth // Any suitable example of mineral an d the related function. Roughage is necessary in the diet to stimulate peristals is / to prevent constipation. (c) Diagram 2.2 shows a few examples of fresh food and processed food. Diagram 2.2

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Discuss the good effects and bad effects of processed food in our daily life. 4551/2 [10 marks] Good Effect : By producing processed food Food can be preserved / kep t longer. to prevent food poisoning / wasting of food. Crops can be planted / li vestock / poultry can be reared in big scale. to prevent food shortage. (food ar e packaged) to increase the commercial value / easier to be transported. more ty pes / varieties of food can be produced. Bad Effect : By regular consuming of processed food SBP 2010 3 (a) Diagram 3.1 s hows three processes involved before the food substances taken in areable to be incorporated into the body cells of humans. Loss a lot of nutrition value (under high temperature during the process). (Contain) preservative / colouring / dye / flavour which is carcinogenic. lead to mutation / cancer / health problem / su itable example. Contain excessive salt / sugar. lead to high blood pressure / di abetes / obesity Diagram 3.1 Explain the digestion of butter before it is absorbed by P. [4 marks ] (b) (Butter) contains lipids / fats Digestion occurs in the duodenum / ileum T he bile salts emulsify the fats / turn into tiny droplets (Catalyses by enzyme) lipase By hydrolysis Fat into fatty acids and glycerol Describe the absorption and assimilation of the food taken in during breakfast. [10 marks] Absorption 7

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Products of digestion; glucose, amino aci ds, fatty acids and glycerols. Glucose and amino acids enters the blood capillar ies of villi Fatty acids and glycerols enters lacteal of villi Assimilation (i) Glucose Used by cells to produce energy // Cellular respiration Excess glucose i s converted into glycogen And stored in the liver / muscles (When liver is satur ated with glycogen) glucose is converted into fats. (ii) Amino acids Used to mak e proteins / enzymes / cell cytoplasm / muscle cells Used in growth / cell repai rs Excess amino acids converted into urea And eliminate in the urine Excess may be converted into fats 4551/2 (iii) Fats Used in building plasma membrane / cell membranes Excess fats are sto red in adipose tissues (c) About 50% of the small intestine of a man is cut and removed due to cancer. Explain the effect to the function of structure P and to the amount of stored carbohydrates in his organ Q. [6 marks] To the function of villi Less digested food is absorbed Because total surface area decrease / less Less digested food transported Because less blood capillaries / lacteals Johor 2 010 4 (a) Photosynthesis occur in two stages which are light reaction and dark r eaction. Describe the differences between the light reaction and dark reaction. [4 marks] Light reaction Occurs in granum Requires light Involves photolysis of water Materials required is water / chlorophyll Produces oxygen and water 8 Dark reaction Occurs in stroma Does not require light Involves reduction/fixation of carbon dioxide Materials required is carbon dioxide / hydrogen atoms / ATP Prod uces glucose To the amount of glycogen in the liver Less glycogen (stored in the liver) No excess glucose Absorbed by villi Glucose absorbed (by villi) does not meet the body needs

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 (b) In countries with four seasons, plants are grown in greenhouse. Based on the sta tement, explain why this method is carried out to ensure the production of crops throughout the year. [6 marks] In the temperate countries light intensity / tem perature changes throughout the year. In winter, temperature is very low. In aut umn, the plants shed their leaves // Light intensity / temperature is low. Rate of photosynthesis is very low. In spring and summer, the light intensity / tempe rature are optimum for photosynthesis. So the rate of photosynthesis is maximum / highest. In the greenhouse, light intensity / concentration of carbon dioxide / temperature are maintained at optimum level (for photosynthesis) throughout th e year. So the rate of photosynthesis is maintained at maximum level throughout the year (regardless of changes in light intensity or temperature). The plants a re able to increase yields / increase the crops production throughout the years. (c) Graph in Diagram 4 shows the changes in the rate of photosynthesis throughout th e day in a tropical country. Diagram 4 Based on the graph, explain the changes in the rate of photosynthesis in the plant throughout the year. [10 marks] 0000 to 0600 The rate of photosynth esis is very low. The light intensity / temperature is (very) low. (At low tempe rature), photosynthetic enzymes are inactive. 0600 to 1200 The rate of photosynt hesis increase (rapidly) Light intensity / Temperature also increases. Enzymes f or photosynthesis become more active. Stomata open wider to allow absorption of more carbon dioxide. At 1200 The rate of photosynthesis is maximum / the highest . The light intensity maximum / temperature is optimum (for photosynthesis) / st omata open fully. Enzymes are the most active.

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 1200 to 1800 The rate of photosynthesis d ecreases. Light intensity / temperature decreases. Photosynthetic enzymes are le ss active. Stomata openings / pores become smaller. Less carbon dioxide is absor bed. 1800 to 2300 The rate of photosynthesis becomes very low / stopped / ceased . Light intensity very low / temperature is very low / no light Photosynthetic e nzymes are not active. Stomata closed. Very little / no carbon dioxide is absorb ed. Perlis 2010 5 The photographs in Figure 5.1 show three individuals with diff erent needs for energy. 4551/2 Figure 5.1 (a) (i) What is a balanced diet? Why do we need a balanced diet? [2 m arks] A balanced diet is the foods that contain correct proportion of nutrients which include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water and die tary fibre / roughage. or A balanced diet is one which contains the correct prop ortions of all the different food requirement of the body. We need a balanced di et to supply enough energy for each days activities. (ii) Based on your biologica l knowledge about balanced diet, explain the factors that determine the energy r equirement for the three individuals in figure 5.1. [8 marks] A lady athlete: An athlete is a very active person and has high rate of metabolism to produce ener gy. The diet should include more carbohydrates to supply enough energy to carry out the vigorous activity in sports // She needs to contract and relax her muscl es frequently for her vigorous activities. // Energy is needed to contract the m uscles. The diet should include more protein to build new tissues to replace tis sues that are dead or damaged. 10

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 She also needs calcium, sodium and potassium to strengthen the bones and to prev ent muscular cramp. A pregnant lady: A pregnant lady has a high rate of metaboli sm to provide energy for herself and the baby. The pregnant lady also needs more iron and calcium to build red blood cells to avoid anemia. She needs high quant ity of calcium and phosphate to form strong teeth and bones for the baby. An old lady: An old lady has low rate of metabolism as she does not need energy to gro w. (age) An old lady needs less carbohydrates and fats because she is less activ e and thus do not need much energy. She needs calcium and phosphorus to prevent osteoporosis. She should avoid food that contains a lot of fats, sugar and salt because excess fat can lead to heart diseases, excess sugar can cause diabetes m ellitus and excess salt can cause high blood pressure. (b) Figure 5.2 shows huma ns digestive system. X is part of the cross section of structure Y. Figure 5.2 (i) What are the processes that occur in structure Y? Describe the pr ocesses by giving examples. [5 marks] Digestion // Intestinal glands of the wall of ileum secrete a few enzymes to complete the digestion process. Digestion pro cess is complete in ileum to produce simple sugars (glucose, fructose and galact ose), amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol. Example: 1. Enzyme erepsin (peptida se) peptide to amino acids. 2. Enzyme sucrose sucrose to glucose and fructose

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Absorption // The wall of ileum has many projections called villus to absorb the products of digestion. Blood capillaries in the villus absorb simple sugars, am ino acids, minerals, vitamins B and C (example) lacteal of the villus absorb fat ty acids, glycerol, fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. (ii) Describe the adapta tions of X that allow structure Y to carry out its function efficiently. [5 mark s] X is villus has very thin epithelium that is only one cell thick. the thin ep ithelium facilitate the diffusion of digested food // enable digested food to mo ve across easily. X is greatly folded structure. provides a large surface area f or efficient absorption of digested food. It has a mass network of blood capilla ries. to transport the digested food such as glucose, amino acids, minerals and vitamin B and C that has been absorbed. Each villus has a lacteal. to transport lipid soluble nutrient // fatty acids, glycerol and lipid soluble vitamins. SPM 2006 6 Diagram 6 shows three organisms, P, Q and R. P Q Diagram 6 R (a) (i) Describe the type of nutrition in P and Q. [4 marks] P Autotroph synthesizes its own food from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight Q Heterotroph consumes fo od from organic substances in the environment (ii) Explain one similarity and four differences between the alimentary canal of Q an d R. [10 marks] 12

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Similarity: The alimentary canals of both Q and R have bacteria / protozoa to hydrolyse cellulose 4551/2 Differences: R has 4 stomach chambers while Q has one stomach chamber. Where dig estion of cellulose occur. The size of the caecum in R is small and short while in Q it is big and long. In Q, it is a place where bacteria hydrolyse cellulose. The bacteria and protozoa in R are found in the rumen and recticulum while in Q there are mostly found in the caecum. Bacteria secrete cellulase. In R, food pa sses through the stomach chamber twice while in Q food passes through stomach ch amber once. To digest food by increasing the efficiency of the cellulase reactio n. (b) Constipation, night blindness and anemia are three health problems. State the cause and suggest the ways to overcome these health problems from nutrition al aspects. [6 marks] Health Causes Ways to overcome problems Constipation Night blindness Anaemia SPM 2008 7 (a) (i) After absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, the undigested substances in the colon result in the formation of fa eces. Explain the formation of faeces in human. [4 marks] The contents in the sm all intestine that are not absorbed enter the colon. The intestinal content cons ists of a mixture of water, indigestible food, bacteria, dead cells and pigments . The contents move slowly along the colon by peristalsis. Water is reabsorbed a nd faeces are formed. Malnutrition is a condition due to taking an unbalanced di et in which certain nutrients are lacking, in excess or in the wrong proportions . Explain the effect on a child who is given insufficient amounts of any two nut rients of food for a long period of time. [6 marks] A child who is deficient in protein may suffer from kwashiorkor. Protein is need for normal growth. Lack of protein causes growth of the child to be stunned. A child who is deficient in vi tamin C may suffer from scurvy. Vitamin C is need for healthy gums swollen and b leeding gums. A child who is deficient in roughage may suffer from constipation. Roughage is needed to stimulate peristalsis. Lack of roughage causes difficultl y in defaecation. 13 Insufficient amounts of fibrous food Insufficient vitamin A Insufficient iron Eat more vegetables and fruits Eat more carrots and tomatoes Eat more spinach (ii)

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 (b) Table 7 shows the food intake by a boy aged 15 years in his daily menu. The dail y energy requirement for him is 12 500 kJ. Types of food Quantity taken /g Energ y content /kJ Rice Potato chips Chicken curry Boiled egg Butter Milk Sausage Sar dine 400 500 300 150 50 280 300 150 Table 8 1 600 1 000 300 630 3 000 300 500 90 0 (i) Based on Table 7, state the value of energy contained in this daily food intake. Does the food intake satisfy his daily energy requirement? [2 marks] 8 230 kJ T he energy produced from the food taken daily is insufficient. (ii) This boy takes this menu continuously for a long time. Explain the consequences to his health. [8 marks] The menu is an unbalanced diet because: Does not contai n the 7 classes of food in the appropriate proportions Does not contain sufficie nt roughage Contains only certain vitamins Contains enough fat Contains enough p rotein Contains less minerals Leads to malnutrition Leads to constipation Leads to deficiency disease Causes healthy life Causes normal growth Leads to deficien cy disease Adabi 2011 8 (a) What is meant by a balanced diet? [2 marks] A balanced diet is a diet made up of all the seven classes of food in the right proportion for the bo dys needs. The seven classes of food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, water and roughage. (b) Discuss the importance of the following class es of food: (i) roughage (ii) water 14

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Roughage: Provides the bulk to intestinal contents because of its high water hol ding capacity. Aids in peristalsis Aids in bowel movement Lowers the cholesterol level in the blood Deficiency of roughage can lead to constipation Water: Mediu m for all cellular biochemical reactions Medium for transportation for respirato ry gases and nutrients Regulates body temperature Aids peristaltic temperature M aintain osmotic pressure in the tissue fluid and blood plasma (c) Discuss a diet appropriate for the following target group: (i) children (ii) pregnant mothers Children: Appropriate food for children Children are in stage of growth. They ne ed the food contain More carbohydrate, to provide extra energy for active childr en More protein to build body and tissues More fats, to provide energy and tissu es More iodine mineral to produce thyroxine hormone essential for physical and m ental growth More vitamin especially D for the absorption of calcium and phospho rus and folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defect High calcium and phosphoru s content grow of bone and tissues Pregnant mother They need the food contain Hi gh protein such as meat (20% more than non-pregnant woman) for building foetus b ody tissues High carbohydrate content such as meat (14% more than non-pregnant w oman) for building foetus body tissues High calcium and phosphorus content (50% more than non-pregnant woman) for building foetus body tissues Extra vitamins, e specially D for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and folic acid to reduc e the risk of birth defect Extra irons for making red blood cells 15

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Respiration Kedah 2011 1 The diagram 1.1 shows two processes of energy production in human muscles. 4551/2 Oxygen Glucose Chemical equation: 2898 kJ Energy Process P C 6 H12 O 6 Glucose Chemical equation: C 6 H12 O 6 C 3 H 6 O 3 150kJ glucose lactic acid energy 150 kJ Energy (a) Process Q Based on Diagram 1.1 , explain process P and process Q. [4 marks] Process P Aerobic respiration. glucose is completely oxidized / breakdown in the presence of oxygen the quantity of energy produced is higher Process Q Anaerobi c respiration glucose is not completely oxidized / the glucose molecules breakdo wn partially (into lactic acid) the quantity of energy produced is lower (b) Dia gram 1.2 shows the respiratory centre and chemoreceptor which are involved in th e regulation of the carbon dioxide content in the body. 6O 2 6CO 2 6H 2 O 2898kJ glucose oxygen carbon water energy dioxide

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Diagram 1.2 4551/2 Based on Diagram 1.2, explain how respiratory centre responses when the carbon d ioxide content in the body increases during vigorous exercise. [6 marks] During vigorous exercise, carbon dioxide is produced and increased in the respiring cel ls. Higher concentration of carbon dioxide in blood results in decrease in blood pH / increase acidity. The drop in pH is detected by the central chemoreceptors (in the medulla oblongata ) The central chemoreceptors generate the nerve impul ses The nerve impulse is sent to the respiratory centre The respiratory generate the new impulse. The impulses is sent to the diaphragm and the intercostal musc les Cause respiratory muscle to contract and relax faster As a result, the breat hing rate increase (causes) More carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body, the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood return to normal level (c) Diagram 1. 3 shows the inhalation process in a fish. bucal cavity Gil Opercular cavity Diagram 1.3 (i) Describe the breathing mechanisms in fish. [4 marks] When the mo uth opens, the floor of the buccal cavity is lowered. Increase the volume/ space of the buccal cavity This lowers the pressure in buccal cavity . Water with dis solved oxygen is drawn into the mouth. When the mouth closes, the floor of bucca l cavity is raised. Water flow through the lamellae and gaseous exchange between the blood capillaries and water takes place. Oxygen diffuses from the flowing w ater through the gill lamellae into the blood capillaries. Carbon dioxide diffus es from the blood capillaries via the gill lamellae into the flowing water. 17

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Diagram 1.4 shows the respiratory structu re X and Y in the fish and human. 4551/2 Diagram 1.4 (ii) Explain the similarities between respiratory structure X and Y in order to function efficiently. [6 marks] Both / fish and human have thin/one cell thick walls Gases can diffuse easily across the thin wall Human have a larg e number of alveolus while fish have a large number of filaments.// both structu re X are exist in large numbers To increase surface area for exchange of gases B oth structure X and Y/alveolus and gills are surrounded by a network of blood ca pillaries. To facilitate efficient exchange of and transport of respiratory gase s / oxygen and carbon dioxide. Pahang 2010 2 (a) Diagram 2 Diagram 2 (i) and (ii) show the respiratory structures of an insect. D escribe the respiratory structure and breathing mechanism of an insect. [8 marks ] Respiratory structure the tracheal system consists of network of trachea the t rachea is lined with chitin to prevent from collapsing spiracle is tiny openings that allow air to go in and out the trachea branch into fine tubes called trach eole the tracheole branch throughout the body and penetrate into body tissues/mu scle

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Breathing mechanism when the insect inhal es, the abdominal muscles relax and spiracles open air pressure inside the trach ea decreases and air is drawn in when the insect exhale, the abdominal muscles c ontract so increase air pressure inside trachea and forces air out through spira cles insect inhale and exhale through rhythmic contraction and expansion of thei r abdominal muscles the body movement and contractions of abdominal muscles spee d up the rate of diffusion of gases from trachea into body cells (b) 4551/2 Like animals, plants also respire aerobically to obtain energy for metabolism. T hey derive most their energy from cellular respiration. During cellular respirat ion, the plant cells take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Based on the abo ve statement, describe the intake of oxygen by plants for respiration. [6 marks] Structure involved the intake occurs by diffusion mainly through stomata and le nticels stomata can be found in epidermis of the leaves /the stems of herbaceous plants lenticels can be found on the stems and roots of plants Explanation when stomata open, they connect the air spaces (within the leave) to atmosphere oxyg en from atmosphere diffuses into the air spaces then dissolves in the film of wa ter around the mesophyll cells so the concentration of oxygen in the cells becom es lower than in the air spaces thus, oxygen diffuse continuously from air space s to the cell during daytime, carbon dioxide that is produced during respiration is used in photosynthesis the excess carbon dioxide diffuses into the air space s and then through stomata into atmosphere (c) Diagram 2.2 Diagram 2.2 shows two types of different organelles. Explain the dif ferences between the process that take place in organelle P and organelle Q. [6 marks] P: mitochondrion Q: chloroplast The differences between the process in or ganelle P and Q: Organelle P / Mitochondrion Organelle Q / Chloroplast Process R espiration Photosynthesis

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Aim Raw materials Products Energy Release energy Glucose, oxygen Energy, water, carbon dioxide Not required Stores energy Water, carbon dioxide, light 4551/2 Glucose / starch, water and oxygen Required in form of light 20

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Dynamic Ecosystem Kedah 2011 1 Diagram 1. 1 shows the distribution zones of mangrove trees K and L found in Kuala Kedah. 4551/2 Diagram 1.1 (a) (i) Explain how mangrove trees K able to survive in zone U. [6 m arks] (ii) Mangroove trees K are Avicennia sp./ Sonneratia sp. have long ound cable roots that support them in the soft and muddy soil have thin, vertica l breathing roots/ pneumatophores(which project above the water around the trees ). gaseous exchange / breathing the root cells also have a higher osmotic pressu re prevent water lost from cells ( in the sea water ) Salt water that enters the root cells is excreted through hydatodes (the pore in the epidermis of the leav es) Able to germinate while still being attach to the parent tree / vivipary whi ch increase the chances of survival of the seedlings Mangrove tree L is a successor of mangrove tree K. Explain how the process of su ccession occurs. [4 marks] Pneumatophore of pioneer sp / Avicennia sp / Sonnerat ia sp traps/ collect muds / organic substances/ sediments Increase the thickness of the soil / land become higher As time pass by the soil becomes more dense/ c ompact and firm/

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS drier The condition favours the growth of Rhizophora sp. The Rhizophora sp. replaces the pioneer species. 2 (a) 4551/2 Panthera tigris (i) Diagram 2.1 (ii) The classification of organisms is very important in ecological studies. Diagram 2.1 (i) and (ii) shows two different animals based on the above diagram, explai n how a classification system is used to name both of these animals. [4 marks] b ased on Linnaeus Binomial system the first name begin with capital letter refers to genus whereas second name begins with small letter refers to species the nam es are written in italic (based on example from question) Panthera is the genus and tigris is the species (b) (i) Diagram 2.2 (ii) Name and describe the interactions shown in Diagram 2.2 (i) and (ii). [4 marks] Diagram 2.2 (i) Commensalism a clown fish gains protection from (predators) by l iving among sea anemones sea anemones unaffected Diagram 2.2 (ii) Mutualism alge synrthesis for itself and for fungus 22

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 fungus supplies carbon dioxide and nitrogenous compound for alga to synthesise i ts food Diagram 2.3 (c) Most microorganisms are harmless and useful to human being. Diag ram 9.3 shows an example of a type of microorganism from the kingdom of Fungi. D escribe the benefits of using above microorganism to produce useful products for humans. (d) bread making flour, sugar and yeast are used. Yeast helps the to rise through fermentation that release carbon dioxide beer making two specie s of yeast are used, beer is brewed from barley grains wine is made through ferm entation of grape juices produce ethanol soya sauce is made from soya beans ferm ented by the action of fungi It is important for us to conserve and preserve our biodiversity. Suggest three ways how to implement it. o [6 marks] Replanting programs after selective loggin g in rainforest Each house/school plant at least one tree Campaign through media /NGO/private sectors Banner/radio/television/pamphlet Recycle/reuse/reduce waste products Build the centre for recycling/any relevant explanation Stop open burn ing Dig and put the waste in the ground Car pool/use public transport Reduce the use of fuel and release of pollutants Any relevant fact Any relevant explanatio n 23

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Endangered Ecosystem Kedah 2011 1 (b) Dia gram 1.2 shows a section of a river that flows through rural and urban areas. 4551/2 People live in residential area complained that the river water has turned green and many fishes die. Explain the phenomenon. [10 marks] Eutrophication occur Fa rmers use fertilizers that usually contains nitrates/phosphate Fertilizer/animal waste/silage which contain nitrate/phosphate may washed out in water when it ra ins/leaching/run into the river. Increase the nutrient content in the river Alga e in the river grow faster (when they are supplied with extra nitrate/(phosphate )/ Algal bloom (they may grow so much) that they completely cover the water. blo ck the sunlight to reach the plants in the water. Rate of photosynthesis decreas e/ not occur The aquatic plants die Bacteria decomposed dead plant Population of bacteria increase oxygen in the water used up by the bacteria Dissolve oxygen a lso reduced/ BOD increase Caused aquatic plants and fish die 24

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Johor 2010 2 (a) Diagram 2.1 shows a phen omenon which occur in the Earths atmostphere. 4551/2 Diagram 2.1 (i) Explain how the phenomenon happens and its effect on the environ ment. [6 marks] Causes of the phenomenon: This phenomenon is called green house effect Combustion of fossil fuels from vehicles / factories / forest burning / c oal-fired power station excessive deforestation increase carbon dioxide concentr ation in the atmosphere cause by industries pollutants / CFC / methane Effects o f the phenomenon carbon dioxide traps heat / infra-red light / long-wave radiati on increase in global / world atmospheric temperature / cause a rise in Earths te mperature / global warming melting of polar ice / rise in the sea levels (ii) Su ggest measures needed to be taken to overcome the phenomenon. [4 marks] Use alte rnative source of energy to reduce the usage of fossil fuels / energy generated from wind / water / solar restrict open burning / forest burning / use incinerat or reduce deforestation for farming / other development projects selective harve sting / logging / cut matured tree only replanting more trees which have been cu t down the use of technology / unleaded petrol / catalytic converter (b) Diagram 2.2 shows another environmental phenomenon which has become a current topic of discussion. 25

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Diagram 2.2 Name this phenomenon and discuss the effects of the phenomenon on hu mans and ecosystem. [6 marks] The phenomenon is known as the thinning / depletio n of the ozone layer More ultraviolet ray reaches the Earths surface Ultra-violet ray will deteriorate / weaken the humans body immune system An increase in the n umber of people suffering from skin cancer / melanoma / cataract High ultraviole t rays destroy phytoplankton break the food chain of marine life / the aquatic e cosystem the number of stomata / chlorophyll of the leaves will be reduced Rate of photosynthesis decreases Changes in climate pattern (c) Explain the concept o f sustainable development and the need for it to protect our environment. [4 mar ks] (Sustainable development refers to) the measures undertaken to ensure that h uman activity optimally utilize Earths natural resources such that they can be re plenished natural // suitable explanation Sustainable development is necessary a s the rate at which man is using the finite natural resources will compromise fu ture generations demands // suitable explanation/ necessary to exploit natural re sources at the same time measures taken so that these resources can be replenish ed and be available for future generations. Ultimately, the natural resources, i f continued to be depleted, will no longer be able to sustain human society // s uitable explanation Sustainable development involves the protection of air / lan d / water / flora and fauna / forests which make up the surrounding we live in a nd survive upon. includes proper usage of renewable resources in order to mainta in a stable / balanced ecosystem 26

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Kedah 2010 3 (a) Diagram 3.1 shows the in formation relating to the campaign of recycling practice. 4551/2 Diagram 3.1 Based on the given information, explain how recycle practice able to preserve the balance of environment. [10 marks] The tree Less tree will be chop ped / felled More CO2 absorbed by the trees for photosynthesis Avoid the increas ing of CO2 in the atmosphere. Reduce the impact of Green house effect // global warming Less habitat of fauna and flora will be destroyed. Reduce / avoid the ex tinction of fauna and flora. To maintain / preserve the biodiversity. The oil / fuel // Save Energy Reduce the burning of oil / fuel More fuel/energy can be pre served for future. Less green house gases / acidic gases released. Reduce / avoi d the impact of green house effect / acid rain. The Landfill Less landfill will be opened Landfill cause leaching / ground water pollution. Less diseases / heal th problem caused by the improper managed landfill. The Water Less used water / effluent / untreated sewage released into river. Reduce / avoid the impact of wa ter pollution / avoid the extinction of aquatic organisms. 27

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 (b) Diagram 3.2 shows a large area of forest involved in the building of a dam. Diagram 3.2 Discuss the good and bad economical and environmental effects of thi s development. [10 marks] Good Effect Generate hydropower electricity As reservo ir / to store water / supply fresh water Supply water for agricultural / industr ies. Place/site for recreation / tourism Reduce the flood problem at the downstr eam. Bad Effect Flooded / submerge trees / habitat of the fauna and flora Less t ree / plants to carry out photosynthesis // Less CO2 absorbed for photosynthesis Amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increase Increase the impact of green house eff ect / global warming. Many species of fauna and flora extinct // Reduce the biod iversity. Reduce the flow of water at the downstream. Cause the population of aq uatic life at the downstream reduce. Reduce the land used for residential / agri cultural Flooded / destroy / loss of historical building / site. 28

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Melaka 4 (a) 4551/2 A group of farmers planned to develop an agriculture nearby the lake. Besides to obtaining a high agriculture yield, they suggested that the area be made into a eco-tourism area. The following are a part of the details of their planning: Ty pe of plants: Strawberry and rose plant. Location: Near a natural lake. Type of fertilisers used: Compost, lead nitrat salt, potassium nitrate, magnesium nitrat e and phosphate. Based on the detail above, explain the effect on the lake if th eir planning is not managed properly. [10 marks] the leaching of chemical fertil iser/phosphate/nitrate from agriculture area to the lake Increase the fertility of the lake Encourages eutrophication (encourage algal growth) The growth alga p revent the light from reaching the base of the lake This reduce and prevents pho tosynthesis by aquatic plant. Reduse the oxygent release Aquatic plants and anim als die due to lack oxygent. decomposition of dead plants, animals and organic m ater by saprofitic bacteria iccure This will decrease the dissolved oxygen conte nt BOD increase the water polluted This couse the aquatic animals die. (b) Diagram 4 shows one phenomenon in the ecosystem due to an unplanned development. Diagram 4 Based on the Diagram 4, explain the phenomenon and its effect to the e nvironment. [10 marks] (Name the effect) (The phenomenon) is acid rain Factors / motor vehicles / factory released large amount of nitrogen oxyde

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS SBP 2010 5 (a) Diagram 5.1 show eveloped area. 4551/2 and sulfur dioxyde oxyde of nitrogen combine with water vapour (in atmosphere) t o form nitric acid. sulphur dioxyde combined with water vapour (in atmosphere) t o form sulphuric acid. the rain fall as the acid rain. Effect may corrode the bu ilding acidic water couse aquatic animal died. minerals in soil dissolved/washed into river. siol become infertile / not suitable for plant to growth. Less yiel d / plant become die becouse the infertile soil. The ecological ballamce of ecos ystem distrupt. Diagram 5.1 Explain how the human activity affects the river aquatic ecosystem. [10 marks] Water pollution Caused by abundant supply of fertilisers (that are di scharged from the plantation into the river). Fertilisers contain high concentra tion of nitrates and phosphates Encourage eutrophication. They promote the rapid growth of algae // As a result, the population of algae increases. The surface of river is covered up by the algae (which grow extensively). The plants in the lower depths of the water cannot obtain sunlight. Hence, the plants die (when th ey are unable to carry out photosynthesis). The number of aerobic bacteria / dec ompose the dead plants also increases. They use more of the oxygen (in the water ) during the decomposition. This reduces the concentration of oxygen in the wate r Causes the death of more aquatic organisms. The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD ) increases (as a result of the rapid growth of the algae and the process of dec omposition of the bacteria). (b) Diagram 5.2 shows an environmental phenomenon. 30

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Diagram 5.2 (i) Discuss the good and bad effects in the formation of a layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. [5 marks] Good effect: Trap heat / provide t emperature suitable to sustain life on earth. Bad effects: Increase global tempe rature // Greenhouse effect. Reduce agricultural productivity // Rate of photosy nthesis. Change in global climate // Draught // Hurricane. Melting of ice caps i n the artic. Rise in sea level // Big flooding // Sea water entering agricultura l area. Death of plants / animals / humans // Reduce biodiversity. (ii) Can we s ave the world from the impact of the phenomenon? Justify your opinion. [5 marks] Opinion: Yes Suggestion: Avoid cutting down trees/ deforestation Plants absorb CO2 in the atmosphere Replanting To absorb CO2 by plants Avoid open burning To a void the release of CO2 into the atmosphere Use public transport/LRT Less vehicl es producing CO2 Use alternative energy from natural source (such as solar, wind , water flow) To decrease the release of CO2 by using fossil fuels as the energy source. 31

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Transport SBP 2011 1 (a) Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 shows the stages in blood clotting. 4551/2 Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2 Based on the diagram and on your biological knowledge, describe how the mechanism of blood clotting helps to prevent infection when a wound occurs. [10 marks] Wall of blood vessel is broken / damage / injured / severed The conne ctive tissue in the vessel wall is exposed to blood. Platelets stick to the coll agen fibres in the connective tissue. Then aggregation of platelets forms platel et plug. The clumped platelet, damaged cells and clotting factors in the plasma forms activators known as thromboplastine. Thromboplastine, in the presence of C a2+ and vitamin K convert prothrombin ( inactive plasma protein) into thrombin ( active plasma protein). Thrombin catalyses the conversion of soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin. Fibrin threads form a network that mesh over the wound trap ping red blood cells and sealing the wound. A blood clot is formed preventing fu rther blood loss from the vessel. prevent bacteria / pathogen / microbe from ent ering the cell through wound (b) The statement below describes the lymphatic sys tem. Lacteals in interstinal villi transport products of lipids About 10% of int erstitial fluid returns to the circulatory system via the lymphatic system. Based on these statements, explain why the lymphatic system is considered comple mentary to the blood circulatory system.

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 [10 marks] Statement 1: In the small intestine, the products of lipid which are fatty acids and glycerol are first transport into the lacteals in the villi. The lacteals fuse to form larger lymphatic vessels and enter the lymphatic system. Lymphatic fluid carrying the products of lipid digestion eventually drains into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct merges into the left subclavian vein which is a part of the blood circulatory system. Thus the lymphatic system complements the circulatory system in transporting the products of digestion. Statement 2: (90% of) tissue fluid form at capillary network (interstitial fluid) must be ret urn to the circulatory system. The remaining (10%) flows into blind-ended lymph capillaries which are found in capillary network. These lymph capillaries drain into larger lymph vessels which eventually drain back into the blood circulatory system via the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. Thus, the lymphatic system complements the circulatory system in ensuring that the volume of blood i n blood vessels is kept constant. SBP 2010 2 (a) Diagram 2.1 shows a body defens e mechanism. Diagram 2.1 Explain the bodys response towards the entry of bacteria into the bod y. [4 marks] Pathogens / bacteria succeed in penetrating the skin / first line o f defence. Chemicals / proteins / antigens (produced by the pathogens) Attract t he phagocytes / neutrophils / macrophages / monocytes (to the infected area) By using pseudopodia Surround / engulf / kill / destroy the pathogens / bacteria by lysozymes / lysosomes. 33

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (b) A non-specific immune response. 4551/2 Microorganisms are very useful in medicinal field. They are widely used in biote chnology in producing substances to fight against diseases. Explain this stateme nt by using two examples of the application. [6 marks] Example 1 The production of insulin. Insert human gene (which controls the synthesis of insulin) into bac teria Bacteria are cultured / multiplied Insulin produced (by bacteria is collec ted) Example 2 The production of antiserum. (Specific) antigens / pathogens are injected into an animal. The animal produces (specific) antibody Antiserum is ex tracted / taken (from the animals blood). To stimulate passive immunity (in human s). Example 3 The production of vaccine. (A suspension) containing weakened / de ad antigens / pathogen. Injected into human (body / blood) To stimulate the prod uction of antibody (actively) // to achieve active immunity. Example 4 The produ ction of antibiotics. Chemicals produced by microorganisms / Penicilium notatum / Streptomyces to kill other microorganisms / bacteria. Example: penicillin / st reptomycin. Penicillin is used to treat gonorrhea / syphilis / lung infection. S treptomycin is used to treat tuberculosis / TB. 34

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (c) 4551/2 The graphs in Diagram 2.2 show the concentration of antibodies in the blood of t wo individuals, X and Y, after given two injections of different substances. (i) Diagram 2.2 Explain with examples why both individuals are immuned to specific a ntigens. [5 marks] Individual X is immune to (a disease such as) tuberculosis / TB / chicken pox / poliomyelitis / polio. Individual Y is immune to (a disease / toxin such as) tetanus / snake venom. Both involved in the increase in the leve l / concentration of antibodies (in the blood / body), Above the immunity level. The antibodies attack / neutralize specific antigens / pathogens in the body // The active sites on the antibodies are specific to certain antigens. Produce sp ecific (immune) response. (ii) Describe the differences between the immunity obtained by the individuals. [5 ma rks] X Active immunity Immunity achieved through the injection of a vaccine Does not result in an immediate immunity (against a disease) Lymphocytes (in the bod y will be activated to) produce antibody The immunity usually last for a long ti me Passive immunity Immunity achieved through the injection of an antiserum / se rum which contains a specific antibody result in an immediate immunity (against a disease) Antibody is received from the injections The immunity lasts only for a short term / and offers temporary protection Y 35

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Second injection ( booster) is necessary to increase the antibody production (to a level that protects the person against the disease) Adabi 2011 3 (a) 4551/2 Second injection is given when (the person still infected and) his antibo dies has dropped below immunity level, (therefore he needs antiserum injection a gainst the disease) Describe the role played by each of the following in maintaining the circulation of blood in the human body. (i) The heart (ii) The blood vessels (iii) The musc le of the limb [12 marks] Heart: The heart is a muscular organ with two distinct valves, the left side receives and pumps out oxygenated blood, the right side r eceives and pumps out oxygenated, the right side receives and pumps out deoxygen ated blood Rhythmic contractions of the heart help pump blood into the pulmonary and systemic circulations The blood is pump into the systemic circulation at a lower pressure because the lungs are situated close to the heart The heart rate changes according to the bodys requirements Example, strenuous activity causes th e heart rate to increase Blood vessel: Arteries are vessels that are thick-walle d, containing muscle and elastic tissue within the walls Arteries are capable of peristaltic movement which pushes blood further along the arteries: this is imp ortant for arteries that supply tissues that are distant from the heart Veins ar e vessels with thinner walls and they have valves The pressure of blood in veins is very low, thus the presence of valves aid the flow of blood towards the hear t Capillaries have wall which are one-cell thick and permeable. This allow the e xchange of material between the blood and body cells. Muscle of the limb: Large veins are located between the muscles of limbs The constriction of muscles squee ze the veins Blood in the veins are forced to move in one direction only (toward s the heart) (b) Diagram 3.1 shows a red blood cell structure. One of the major function of blood is the transport of oxygen. Diagram 3.1 Describe how the structure of red blood cells is adapted to perform this function. [4 marks] 36

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 The biconcave disc provides a large surface area to volume ratio This increases the rate of gaseous exchange The absence of a nucleus provides more space to sto re haemoglobin The flexible and elastic membrane of a red blood cell allows it t o squeeze through narrow capillaries (c) Diagram 3.2 shows that the blood circulatory systems of an amphibian and a human . Amphibian Diagram 3.2 Based on the diagram compare both circulations. Human [4 marks] Similarities: Both are closed circulation systems Both are double circ ulatory system Differences: Amphibian Have three chambers in the heart Human Hav e four chambers in the heart There is some mixing of the oxygenated There is no mixing of the oxygenated and and deoxygenated blood in the ventricle deoxygenated blood in the ventricle (inc omplete circulatory system) (complete circulatory system)

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS TIMES 2011 4 4551/2 (a) Diagram 4.1 shows the movement of water from the roots to the leaves and out to the atmosphere. Diagram 4.1 Based on Diagram 6.1, describe the movement of water from roots to t he leaves. [10 marks] Root pressure The cell sap of root hair (usually) hyperton ic to the surrounding soil solution Water diffuses into the root by osmosis. (As they absorb more water by osmosis), a cell sap becomes more dilute compared to neighbouring cells. Water (therefore) moves to these adjacent cells which become more diluted themselves, so osmosis continues across the cortex (At the same ti me), ions from the soil are actively secreted into the xylem vessels and this ca uses osmotic pressure to increase Water flows continuously into the xylem and th is create a pressure known as root pressure Root pressure gives an initial upwar d force to water and mineral ions in the xylem vessels Capillary action Water mo ves up through the xylem in the stems by capillarity (with is the upward movemen t of a fluid in a narrow bore tube) Capillary action is due to combined force of cohesion (water molecule have attraction for each other) and adhesion (water mo lecules are attracted to the side of the vessels) Water molecule form a continuo us water column in the xylem vessel (due to cohesion and adhesion force enable w ater to move up along the xylem vessels) (As water is pulled upwards) the cohesi on of water (which is due to hydrogen bonding holds the water molecule together) prevent the water column in the xylem breaking apart (At the same time) the adh esion of the water (to the wall of the xylem vessel and tracheids) prevents grav ity from pulling the water down the column 38

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Transpirational pull The lost of water from the mesophyll cells during transpira tion is replaces by water which flows in from the xylem vessels in the leaves Th is creates a tension / suction force in the water column because water has cohes ive properties called transpiration pull The transpiration pull draws water from the xylem in the leaves/stems/roots. The continuous flow of water through the p lant is known as the transpiration stream (b) Diagram 4.2 shows part of the bloo d circulatory system and the lymphatic system in the human body. Diagram 4.2 (i) Explain the differences between the composition of fluid P and f luid Q. (ii) [4 marks] Fluid Q/lymph has a larger numbers of lymphocyte compare to fluid P/blood lymphocyte is produced by the lymph nodes in lymph system Fluid Q/lymph has lower contents of oxygen compare to fluid P/blood oxygen has been u sed up by the cell Describe how fluid Q is formed from blood until it is brought back into the bloo d circulatory system. [6 marks] (When the blood flows from arteries into capilla ries)there is higher hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of the capillaries (This high pressure) forces some plasma to pass through the capillary walls int o the intercellular spaces (between the cells) Once the fluid leaves the capilla ry walls, it is called interstitial/tissue fluid // The interstitial fluid fills the spaces between the cells and constantly bathes the cells 90% of the interst itial fluid diffuses back into blood capillary 10% of the interstitial fluid tha t has not been reabsorbed into the bloodstream goes into the lymph capillaries. (Once inside the lymph capillaries) the fluid is known as lymph. The lymph capil laries unite to form larger lymphatic vessels. From the lymphatic vessels, lymph eventually passes into the thoracic duct/the right lymphatic duct. The thoracic duct empties its lymph into the right subclavian vein. (Hence, lymph drains bac k into the blood). 39

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Support and Locomotion SBP 2011 1 (a) 4551/2 Diagram 1.1 shows the human vertebral coloumn. P and R are two types of vertebra e in the human vertebral column.

Diagram 1.1 (i) Explain the adaptation of vertebrae P and vertebrae Q to functio n efficiently. [6 marks] (ii) P is thoracic vertebrae Have long spinous s and directed downwards for muscle / ligament attachment articulate with ribs t o make up the side of the thoracic cavity. Q is lumbar vertebrae Largest / stron gest vertebrae Their processes are short / thick Have large centrum which bear t he weight of lower back To provide support to the (upper) body Are attach to man y of the back muscles [4 marks] Mechanical support Protection for internal organ s A firm base the attachment of muscles Gives shape to the organism Explain why human requires endoskeleton for efficient daily activities.

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Helps in movement of the organism Site fo r production of blood cells Storage for phosphate and calcium (b) Explain why: A n athlete must do a warming up before the event Elderly people experiences pain at their joint. 4551/2 [10 marks] An athlete must do a warming up before the event to increase temperat ure of body / muscle enabling more efficient use of energy more efficient of glu cose oxidation increase blood circulation / increase heartbeat/supply oxygen fas ter prevent injuries to muscle muscle can contract more efficiently prevent musc le cramp / allow muscle to be stretch more easily Elderly people experiences pai n at their joint small amount of synovial fluid produced (by the synovial membra ne) thus increase friction between the end of the bones cartilage has become thi nner thus cartilage is unable to cushions the joint / absorbs shock / further in creases the friction between the end of bone ligaments become shorter / loss ela sticity result in stiff / painful joint difficulty in movement Kedah 2010 2 (a) Diagram 2.1 show a fish. Diagram 2.1 (i) State two adaptations of the fish on how to reduce the resistanc e in water. [2 marks] fish have streamline shapes // the anterior of the fish is smooth and rounded // the body is long and tapers towards the end. the body of a fish is covered with scales that have a slimy coating (ii) Explain the role of body muscle in the mechanisms of locomotion in fish. [6 marks] myotomes muscles are arranged in both side of the body the vertebral column of the fish is flexi ble and can bent from side to side myotome muscles act antagonistically in fish. / carry out opposite action in a fish when the muscles on right side contract, t he muscle on the left side relax the tail/body will be bent to the right. 41

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 when the muscles on left side contract, the muscle on the right side relax the t ail/body will be bent to the left. alternate contraction of the right and left m yotome block enable its tail to move left and right to produce a force that prop el the fish forward. (b) Diagram 2.2 shows a forearm of humans. Diagram 2.2 (i) Explain the similarity and difference between joint S and T. [8 marks] Similarities: Both Joint S and Joint T has a cavity filled with svnovial fluid // lined with synovial membrane Synovial fluid acts as lubricant to reduce friction between bones // absorbs shock of the movement. The end surfaces of th e humerus bone of Joint S and Joint T are covered with cartilage To protect the bone / reduce friction between the bones Both Joint S and T are connected with l igaments to absorb shock // strengthen the articulation of bones/ joint. Differe nces: Joint S is hinge joint Joint S allows the movement of bones in one plane / direction Joint T is ball-and-socket joint. Joint T allows rotational movement of bones in all directions. (ii) Osteoporosis is a bone disorder. Arthritis caus e painful joint. Explain the condition of osteoporosis and arthritis respectivel y. [4 marks] Osteoporosis the bone become thinner / more brittle / porous / frag ile. Loss of bone mass. Lack of calcium / phosphorus / vitamin D Arthritis Carti lage between bones become thinner. Ligaments become shorter / loss elasticity Le ss production of synovial fluid. The joints become swollen / stiff / painful 42

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Coordination and Response TIMES 2011 1 (a ) 4551/2 Diagram 2.1 shows reflex arc when a hand touches a hot object while Diagram 2.2 shows synapse. Diagram 2.1 Diagram 2.2 Based on Diagram 2.1 and 2.2, explain the pathway of an impulse in a reflex arc shown in Diagram 2.1. [8 marks] the heat on the object stimulates the nerve endi ngs (receptors) in the skin. impulses are triggered. This impulses travel along the sensory/afferent neurone to the spinal cord. in the spinal cord, the impulse s are transmitted first across a synapse to the interneurone and then across ano ther synapse to the motor/efferent neurone. (at least 2 type of neurone) At syna pse When an impulse reach a presynaptic membrane, it triggers the synaptic vesic les to release neutrotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitter d iffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors which are attached to the postsynaptic membrane. The binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptors lea ds to the generation of a new impulse Impulses leave the spinal cord along the m otor/efferent neurone to the effector the effector is the biceps muscle which th en contracts. This brings about a sudden withdrawal of the hand. (b) (i) Explain with the help of diagrams, how geotropism is brought about in a plant root and shoot. [8 marks] Diagram : 43

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Shoot The auxin that is produced at the tip of shoot. auxin moves downward/ accu mulate on the underside of the shoot tip due to the pull of gravity. the high co ncentration of auxin accelerates the growth stimulating greater cell elongation on the underside relative to the cells on the upper side. this differential elon gation causes the shoot to bend away from gravity / grow downwards. Root The aux in that is produced at the tip of root. auxin moves downward/ accumulate on the underside of the root tip due to the pull of gravity. the high concentration of auxin inhibits the growth slowing down cell elongation on the underside relative to the cells on the upper side. this differential elongation causes the shoot t o bend towards gravity / grow downwards. (ii) Explain the advantages of geotropi sm to a plant. [4 marks] Advantages Ensures the root grow/penetrate deep into so il The roots always contact with the soil water/mineral/nutrients The roots alwa ys contact with the soil water/mineral/nutrients Kedah 2010 2 (a) Diagram 3.1 sh ow the structure of a synapse. Explanation To anchor the plant firmly in the gro und The roots always contact with the soil water/mineral/nutrients The roots alw ays contact with the soil water/mineral/nutrients Diagram 3.1 Explain how the nerve impulse is transmitted across the synapse. [6 marks] Nerve impulses arrive at the axon terminal of (presynaptic) neurone. Caus es the synaptic vesicles to move towards the (presynaptic) membrane and fuse wit h the membrane. 44

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Neurotransmiters /acetylcoline (examples) molecules are released from synaptic v esicles. (The neurotransmitter molecules) diffuse across the synaptic cleft into the postsynaptic knob / dendrite / cell body of neighbouring neurone.. The neur otransmitter molecules bind to specific receptor sites in the postsynaptic knob. The binding triggers / generates new nerve Impulses. The impulses then move alo ng the postsynaptic neurone. The release of neurotransmitter is in one direction , from the synaptic knob to the postsynaptic neurone. Mitochondria in the synapt ic knob generate ATP / energy to synthesis neurotransmitter molecules. (b) Diagr am 3.2 shows a reflex action that involves neurone X and Y. Describe the reflex action. [4 marks] The receptor at the terminal of X stimulat ed by the heat. The receptor generates a nerve impulse. The nerve impulse travel s along X / afferent neurone to the spinal cord. In the spinal cord, the nerve i mpulse is transmitted to an interneurone. From the interneurone, the nerve impul se is transmitted to an efferent neurone/ neurone Y. Nerve impulse travels along efferent neurone / Y and reach the effector / muscle tissue / fingers. Muscles contract to withdraw the hand / finger. (c) When a man is chased by a fierce dog , he is experiencing fight or flight situation. Explain how the nervous system and the endocrine system of the man coordinate to respond to his situation. [10 mar ks] The receptors in the eyes detect the dog. Nerve impulses are generated and t ransmitted to the brain via the afferent neurone. The hypothalamus in the brain is stimulated. It actives the sympathetic nervous system to generate nerve impul ses. Nerve impulses are transmitted to the adrenal medulla to stimulate secretio n of adrenaline. Adrenaline carried / transported by blood circulatory system to the targeted organs. Adrenaline promotes the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. (Adrenaline) increases the breathing rate. More oxygen will be taken into the bo dy (Adrenaline) increases the rate of heartbeat/ blood pressure. Rate of the blo od flow increase. More glucose and oxygen will be supplied to the muscles. More energy produced by the muscles. // metabolic rate increase. Body has enough ener gy to face the fight or flight situation. 45

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Melaka 2010 3 (a) (i) 4551/2 Diagram 3.1 shows the formation of glomerular filtrate in process Y during urine formation. Diagram 3.1 Based on Diagram 3.1, describe briefly the formation of the glomerul ar filtrate. [4 marks] Process Y is ultrafiltration A process whereby water and solutes from glomerulus being forced to filter through the membrane of Bowmans ca psule by the high hydrostatic pressure forming glomerular filtrate that contains water, glucose, amino acids, urea, mineral salts and other small molecules (b) En. Kamal was informed by his doctor that his left kidney fail to function. By u sing your biology knowledge, explain the effect of his kidney failure on his hea lth and give a suggestion to overcome this problem. [6 marks] less efficient in filtration of waste products and excess water in blood plasma as a result, urea uric acid/ creatinine / salt concentration will be increase increase the blood p ressure use haemodialysis machine / kidney transplant to replace the function of kidney; filtrate all the waste product and excess water. Table 3.2 shows the co ncentration of solutes in the blood plasma, glomorular filtration and urine of a n adult. Concentration of solutes (g/dm3) Solute Blood plasma Glomerular filtrat e Urine Glucose Amino acid 1.0 1.5 46 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 (c)

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Protein Urea Sodium ion, Na+ 80.0 0.3 3.2 Table 4.2 0.0 0.3 3.2 0.0 20.0 1.6 4551/2 Base on the Table 3.2, explain why the concentration of solutes in the plasma, g lomerular filtration and urine of the adult are differ. [10 marks] Glucose reabs orbed by facilitated diffusion into blood capillary Glucose needed by our body A cid amino reabsorbed by facilated diffusion Acid amino is needed for body growth / tissue repair Protein is a big molecule and cannot move via membrane plasma. Protein is still circulate in blood capillary. Urea is secreted substances and c annot move back to blood capillary Water is reabsorb by osmosis and the concentr ate of urea increase. Sodium ion is move back to blood capillary via active tran sport Sodium is importance for maintain the blood pressure. Pahang 2010 4 (a) Diagram 4.1 Diagram 5.1 shows the negative feedback mechanism that regulated the blood glucose level in human being. (i) Explain briefly the meaning of negative feedback in Diagram 4.1. [2 marks] it is a corrective mechanism (which reverses t he original change and brings the system back to normal) when the blood glucose level decreases, it will increase and finally back to normal// vice versa (ii) D escribe how hormone X and Y regulate the blood glucose level in humans. [8 marks ] Hormone X and Y are produced by pancreas 47

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Hormone X/glucagon is secreted by alpha cells whereas hormone Y/insulin is secre ted by beta cells if the blood sugar level is lower than normal, more hormonebX/ glucagon is secreted into blood stream hormone X/glucagon is transported by the blood to the liver hormone X/glucagon causes/stimulates the liver to breakdown g lycogen to glucose this causes the level of glucose to rise and back to normal i f the blood sugar level is higher than normal, more hormone Y/insulin is secrete d hormone Y/insulin causes/stimulates the liver to convert glucose into glycogen this causes the level of glucose decrease and back to normal (b) (i) Diagram 5.2 Diagram 4.2 shows the various structures involved in regulation of b ody temperature in the human body. A worker enters a cold room that stores froze n meat. Explain how the regulation of the workers body temperature occurs. [6 mar ks] when the environment is too cold, the stimuli is detected by receptors in th e skin impulse is sent to brain/hypothalamus hypothalamus send impulse to the ef fectors sweat glands are not stimulated so no sweating vasoconstriction of arter ioles in the skin, less blood flows to the skin so less heat is lost (to surroun ding) erector muscle contracts, hair raise up so trap more heat adrenal gland se crete adrenaline whereas thyroid gland secretes thyroxin to increase metabolic r ate shivering takes place, this results in increased the production of heat (ii) Plants, like animals must respond to conditions and changes in the environment in order to survive. In plant, response is controlled by chemicals called plants hormone or plant growth regulators. A plant hormone is a chemical substance whi ch is produced by a plant and influences the growth and development of the plant . Based on the statement above, state and explain the use of hormones in agricul tural. [4 marks] Auxin promote the growth of adventitious root induce the develo pment of fruit without fertilization/parthenocapy/fruit without seed

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS prevent young developing fruit from falli ng off prematurely gardeners use auxins to stimulate growth of fruits/to delay f ruit ripening 4551/2 Ethylene promoting the ripening of fruits // the unripe imported fruit will be e xposed to ethylene gas for sale Johor 2010 5 (a) Describe how the structure of t he kidney are adapted to enable them to play a role in homeostasis. [4 marks] (e ach kidney) contains hundreds of thousand / a large number of nephrones / nearly one million nephrones to filter substances from the blood efficiently (each kid ney) has ureter to carry away the urine / solution of wastes dissolved in water / creatinine / toxin and drugs (each kidney) has rich capillary network ultrafil tration / reabsorption can take place efficiently Has Bowmans capsule / proximal convoluted tubule / loop of Henle / distal convoluted tubule / collecting duct u ltrafiltration / reabsorption / secretion (b) Diagram 5 shows a simplified versi on of a kidney dialysis machine. Diagram 5 Describe how the machine is used to remove waste products such as urea from a person with kidney failure. [6 marks] blood from the patients vein is pas sed through a machine which contains a dialyser / dialysis solution dialysis tub ing has a semi-permeable membrane concentration of waste molecules / urea in blo od is higher than in the dialysis solution // there is concentration gradient be tween the blood and dialysis solution 49

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 waste molecules / urea / excess salts diffuse through membrane from blood to dia lysis solution dialysis solution is continuously being replaced // essential sub stances remain in the blood plasma protein / red blood cells are not able to dif fuse through membrane of dialysis tubing because the size is bigger / too big th e direction of the flow of blood is opposite to the direction of dialysis soluti on to ensure the waste molecule / urea is continuously being remove from blood t o dialysis solution the filtered blood re-enters the patients blood vessel / vein (c) Table 5 shows the composition of human blood and urine. Chemical substances Water Plasma protein Glucose Urea Percentage in blood, % 97 8 0.10 0.03 Table 5 Percentage in urine, % 95 0 0 2.0 Explain the differences between the percentages of chemical substances in blood and urine. [10 marks] percentage of water in blood is higher than in urine in th e proximal convoluted tubule the Na+ are pumped into the capillary // some salts are reabsorbed by active transport the movement of solutes into the capillary n etwork decreases the solute concentration of the filtrate but increases the solu te concentration in the capillary network as a result, water diffuses into blood capillaries by osmosis from the proximal convoluted tubule / Loop of Henle / di stal convoluted tubule / collecting duct percentage of plasma protein is higher in blood compared to urine // percentage of plasma protein is nil in urine size of plasma proteins are larger / too large which cannot be filtered out / diffuse d out during ultrafiltration percentage of glucose is higher in blood but nil in urine all glucose are reabsorbed by active transport at proximal convoluted tub ule percentage of urea is higher in urine than in blood urea is actively transpo rted from the blood capillary to the distal convoluted tubule by active secretio n process urea is filter but not reabsorbed into the blood selective reabsorptio n 50

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Reproduction and Growth Kedah 2011 1 4551/2 Diagram 1.1 shows menstrual cycle which is controlled by certain hormones produc ed by pituitary and ovary. Diagram 1.1 (a) Explain the changes and the functions of each type of hormone pr oduced by pituitary and ovary. [8 marks] FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) From day 1 to day 5, pituitary gland stars to secrete FSH FSH stimulates the develop ment of follicle And stimulates the tissue of ovary to secrete oestrogen Oestrog en From day 5 to day 13, concentration of oestrogen continue to increase Oestrog en causes the repair and heal of the endometrium lining Endometrium lining becom es thicker and ( filled with blood vessels) LH (Luteinising Hormone) On day 13, the LH level increases Causing ovulation / Graafian follicle releases secondary oocyte. LH causes the formation of corpus luteum Corpus luteum secretes progeste rone Progesterone Progesterone maintains the thickening of endometrium for impla ntation

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Progesterone inhibits the secretion of FSH and LH If the secondary oocyte is not fertilised by a sperm, corpus luteum disintegrate / progesterone decreases Endo metrium lining begins to breakdown and menstruation starts (b) Diagram 1.2 shows the growing of pollen tube in the style and the process of double fertilisation in flowering plant. Diagram 1.2 (i) Describe the growing process of pollen tube in the style and and the process of double fertilisation in flowering plant. [7 marks] Growing of po llen tube process Sugary/sucrose solution stimulate the growing of pollen tube p ollen tube grows down the style towards the ovule The generative nucleus divides to form two male gametes nuclei Leading the front is the nucleus tube Double fe rtilization Pollen tube penetrate the micropyle to reach the egg cell Nucleus tu be disintegrate one of male nucleus fuses with egg cell to form a diploid zygote other male gamete nucleus fuses with the two polar nuclei forming a triploid nu cleus. which later develops into the endosperm the synergid cells and the antipo dal cells disintegrate

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Diagram 1.3 shows the stages of secondary growth in a dicotyledonous stem. 4551/2 Diagram 1.3 (ii) Explain the process of secondary growth in dicotyledonous stem. [5 marks] Secondary growth of dicotyledonous stem Secondary growth of dicotyled onous stem involves vascular cambium and cork cambium Vascular cambium divides a ctively by mitosis. To form ring of cambium / new cells Cells at inner layer wil l form secondary xylem Cells from outer layer will form secondary phloem Cork ca mbium divides by mitosis to form new cells The new cells at the inner layer form parenchyma The new cells at the outer layer form cork (tissue) 53

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 2 (a) 4551/2 Diagram 2 shows the level of four hormones and the sequence of events that occur during a menstrual cycle of a healthy woman. Diagram 2 Describe how the menstrual cycle is affected if the pituitary hormones peak up seven days later. [10 marks] Menstruation / menses will occur a week la ter (than usual) // on the 7th day of the following cycle / month. FSH peaks up on day-20 / a week later / just before day-21. LH peaks up on day 20 / a week la ter / just before day-21. ovulation only occur a week later / day-21 due to stim ulation / from a rise of LH level of estrogen remains high until day-21 because graafian follicle that release estrogen remains intact / due to no LH corpus lut eum will only be formed on day-21 / a week later this causes level of progestero ne to increase after day 21 and remains high as level of progesterone high, the lining of uterine wall / endometrium will remains thick longer when corpus luteu m degenerate, level of progesterone drops this causes the lining of endometrium to disintegrate causing menses which occurs a week later than usual (b) In Malays ia, it is estimated that one baby is abandoned every 10 days in the Klang Valley , and 100 babies abandoned every year nationwide. The Star Online, September 27, 2008

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages in the application of science and t echnology in human reproduction in handling the issue. [10 marks] Advantages: St erilise method; vasectomy / by cutting the vas deferens in testes to prevent the sperms from going to prostate glands// ejaculation does not contain sperms use of (male) condoms prevent / reduce chances of sperms from going into cervix / ut erus Use female diaphragm that covers the cervix // Use of female condom which i s fitted inside vagina Block entrance of sperms into the uterus // Prevent entra nce of sperms into uterus // sexually transmitted disease Contraceptive pills // Contraceptive implant// Depo-vera injection prevent development of follicle // inhibit ovulation // difficulties in implantation of zygote Morning after pill P revent fertilization Sterilization by cutting and tying the fallopian tube Preve nt the egg travelling along the fallopian tube / sperms reaching the ovum. Disad vantages: Sterilising method cause permanent disabilities to produce sperm / ovu m hence the person is not able to produce off springs anymore Condoms; sometimes sperms can still penetrate therefore chances of getting pregnant is still there Pills are unreliable because they have to be taken consistently All these metho ds will cause teenages / unmarried adults to increase their sexual activities (b ecause they are not afraid to get pregnant thus increasing the moral issues in t he societies). 3 Sexual reproduction in plants involves the production of pollen grains and ovules. (a) By using a flow chart describe how pollen grains are for med in plants. [10 marks] Pollen grains are male gametes (produced in the anther/pollen sac (pollen sac) c ontains diploid pollen parental cell/ pollen mother cell/ microspore mother cell

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (each pollen mother cell) undergoes meios is Producing 4 haploid microspores(n) nucleus of (every) microspore undergoes mi tosis forming two nuclei The generative nucleus and the tube nucleus Microspore with surfaces adapted for dispersion and is now called pollen 4551/2 Reproduction technology has contributed a lot to human health and population gro wth. (b) Describe how infertility is overcome in humans using the following meth ods: Sperm banking Artificial insemination In vitro fertilization Surrogate moth er [10 marks] Sperm bank Used when the man/spouse/male suffers from low sperm co unt/production of weak/unhealthy sperms Sperms are donated and donors identity is recorded/secret Genetic biodata of donor and the woman recipient should match f or successful fertilization Artificial insemination Practiced by a couple when t he man is sterile Donors sperm are injected into the womans uterus during ovulati on No sexual intercourse is involved The genetic background and health of donor is screened before acceptance In vitro fertilization Practiced when the womans ov um cannot be fertilized due to blockage of fallopian tube Ovum is extracted (fro m the woman) and fertilized outside the body/in Petri dish/test tube Fertilized ovum/zygote grows in culture medium Than it is implanted into the womans uterus S urrogate mother Method practiced when a woman cannot be pregnant in normal way T he zygote is obtained by invitro fertilization Another woman is implanted with t he couple zygote (Surrogate mother) carries the baby only until it is born 4 Height (cm) Length (cm) Time (year) Graph 4.1 (a) 56 Graph 4.1 (b) Time (day)

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (a) Graphs 4.1 (a) and 4.1 (b) show the g rowth curve of human and insect. Based on the graphs, compare the growth process in human and insect. 4551/2 [10 marks] Similarities - height of man / length of instar increases by time - b oth show horizontal line / constant growth during adult Difference - Form of gra ph Sigmoid form for human and like series of steps in insect - Age of organism t he height measured yearly, but in insect used day for measuring the length - Cau sed of different human have endoskeleton but insect have exoskeleton - Stages in volve in human, the curve has three different phases, but there are five steps i n insect // nymphal stages - Vertical and horizontal line : curve for human did not shows different line (only the curve from continuous points), but there are five different horizontal and vertical lines each - Zero growth no point to show zero growth in human, but there are 5 time of zero growth (at horizontal line) - Sudden growth : no sudden growth for human, but there are sudden growth in ins ect (at vertical line) - Ecdysis : no ecdysis in human but ecdysis occurred in i nsect - Mitosis : the cells in human undergo mitosis all the time, but in insect , mitosis only occurred at certain time (during ecdysis) - Absorption of air : i n human, there are no absorption of air, but in insect, during ecdysis (b) A cou ple, Mr Zafrie and Mrs Munirah had married almost ten years but still do not hav e any child. After undergone an inspection, they found that the husband does not have any problem but the Fallopian tube of Mrs Munirah is blocked. Based on you r biological knowledge in reproduction technology, explain how the couple can ha ve children. [10 marks] In-vitro technique means fertilization occurs outside of the body the wife injected with hormone to fasten the development of the second ary oocyte / ovum in ovary secondary oocyte / ovum release out by using laparosc ope (from ovary before ovulation) sperms from husband fertilize with the seconda ry oocyte in a Petri dish (contains culture medium) (after fertilization) zygote will divide by mitosis (after 2 days) formed embryo until eight cells stage emb ryo transferred to the endometrium of the uterus wall through cervix (using pipp et) embryo implant at the endometrium of uterus wall and develop baby that is de livered is called test tube baby This technique is complicated / expensive and t he probability to success is low 57

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 3 (a) 4551/2 (i) (ii) Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.1 (i) and (ii) shows the formation of pollen grains a nd development of the embryo sac. Describe both processes. [8 marks] Pollen grai ns pollen is produced in the anther (which consists of four pollen sacs) each po llen sac contains hundreds of pollen mother cells which is diploid each mother c ells undergoes meiosis to form four haploid microspores/cells/tetrad each cell / tetrad develop into pollen the nucleus of each cell/microspore/tetrad undergoes mitosis to form (pollen) tube nucleus and generative nucleus Embryo sac embryo s ac mother cell (diplod/2n) undergoes meiosis to form four haploid cells/megaspor es three of the cells/megaspores degenerate, leaving only one(in the ovule) nucl eus of megaspore undergoes mitosis three times to form eight haploid nuclei thre e of eight nuclei migrate to one end of the cell to form antipodal cells another two nuclei/polar nuclei move to the centre near the opening of ovule/micropyle) one of three nuclei develops into egg cell/female gamete flanked by two synergi d cells the structure formed is known as embryo sac

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (b) 4551/2 Diagram 3.2 Diagram 3.2 shows the process of double fertilization in plant. Desc ribe the process and explain the importance of double fertilization for the surv ival of flowering plants. [6 marks] The process of double fertilization a pollen grain on stigma initiates the fertilization process sugar (solution) in the sti gma stimulates the pollen to germinate and form a pollen tube the pollen tube gr ows down the style towards the ovule (during the growth of pollen tube) the gene rative nucleus divides by mitosis and form two male gamete nuclei the male nucle i follow the tube nucleus down the pollen tube pollen tube reaches ovule through micropyle and tube nucleus disintergrates one male gamete nucleus fuses with eg g nucleus forming diploid zygote(2n) other male gamete nucleus fuses with the tw o polar nuclei forming a triploid nucleus(3n) Explaination genetic information o f parents plants is passed down to the next generation (diploid zygote) variatio n in next generation (as a result of the formation of the male gamete fuses with egg cell) endosperm provides food for developing embryo during germination seed s are surrounded by ovary which develops into fruit, thus fruit protect the seed s for survival in new habitat (c) A husband and wife with seven children plan not to have anymore child. Based on your biological knowledge, explain the methods that can be recommended to them. [6 marks] Diaphragm inserted into vagina to cover the cervix to stop sperm from entering the uterus IUD fitted into uterus by doctor and can be left in the uter us (2 years) and prevent implantation Spermicide chemical cream/gel/foam is appl ied to vaginal walls before copulation and kill the sperms ejaculated into vagin a Contraceptive pills prevents ovulation (by inhibiting the secretion of FSH and LH) Tubal ligation

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 both the fallopian tubes are cut and tied (in an operation) causes the ovum cann ot reach the part of Fallopian tube, fertilization is not occurred 60

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Inheritance and Variation 4551/2 Melaka 2010 1 (a) Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 shows the distribution of two type of vari ations in human. Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2 With suitable examples, explain the type of variation for characteristic P and c haracteristic Q. [4 marks] P Height // weight continuous variation because have differences very slightly Controls by environment. Q Blood type discontinuous va riation Controls by genetics. (b) Diagram 1.3 shows few stages that involved in the production of insulin hormone through genetic engineering technology. 61

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS 4551/2 Diagram 1.3 By using your biology knowledge, explain how this technology can be use in insulin hormone production. [6 marks] The gene for the insulin is isolate d from human pancreas cell The bacterial plasmid is isolated (DNA found in bacte ria) The bacterial plasmid is cut by using enzyme The enzyme used to incorporate gene for insulin production into the plasmid the bacteria are cultured in biore actor the plasmid replicate as a bacteria divide asexually . the bacteria can pr oduce insulin in large quantity, purified and isolate. (c) Diagram 1.4 shows dif ferences among cats. Diagram 1.5 shows the factors affected the differences. Diagram 1.4 Diagram 1.5 Explain how these factors in the diagram will cause the differences among the cats in Diagrams 1.4. [10 marks] Meiosis produce varies gamet with dif ferent genetic contents; through homologous chromosomes random assortment during metaphase 1 Fertilization 62

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS random fertilization between sperm and ov um produce zygote with varies genetic materials. 4551/2 Crossing over crossing over occurs between the homologous chromosomes during pro phase 1 result recombinants gens produce varies gamete cells Perlis 2010 2 (a) F igure 2 shows various types of thumbprints. Figure 2 (i) Explain the type of variation shown in Figure 2. [4 marks] (ii) Dis continuous variation Contrasting features No intermediate values Caused by genet ic factors Can be inherited Compare the variation shown in figure 9 with the type of variation shown by body mass. [6 marks] Body mass Continous variation Features change gradually Interme diate values Caused by genetic factor and affected by environmental factors Cann ot be inherited if characteristic affected by environmental factors Graph shows normal distribution Thumbprints Discontinous variation Contrasting features No i ntermediate values Caused by genetic factor Can be inherited Graph shows discret e distribution 63

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (b) 4551/2 Two parents who are both thin and are able to roll their tongues have a son who is fat and is able to roll their tongue. Explain how this happens. [10 marks] Th in parents can have a fat son even though the son inherits genes for thinness fr om his parents Body size is affected by environmental factors Continuous variati on Due to diet, the size of body changes The ability to roll the tongue is deter mined by genetic factors Alleles for the ability to roll the tongue can be inher ited Genes for this characteristic is dominant Hence, the son can roll his tongu e Kedah 2010 3 (a) Diagram 3.1 shows some examples of variation in human. 64

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Diagram 3.1 (i) 4551/2 Based on Diagram 3.1, state the examples of continuous variation and discontinuo us variation. [2 marks] Continuous variation : body weight, height Discontinuous variation : types of earlobe, types of finger print. State four differences bet ween continuous variation and discontinuous variation. [4 marks] (ii) (b) Diagram 3.2 (a) and (b) show two examples of hereditary diseases. 65

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS Diagram 3.2 Explain one characteristic of each disease. 4551/2 [4 marks] Albinisme Albinisme is caused by the change in gene // mutation Body / skin unable to produce black pigment (melanin) The skin and hair of albinos are white // their eyes are pink. Sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell anaemia is caused by the change in the genes // mutation. haemoglobin produced is not normal / ab normal Abnormal haemoglobin unable to bind / transport / carries with oxygen eff iciently. The patient will always feel weak / cannot carries out vigorous activi ties. (c) Diagram 3.3 shows an experiment to show the differences between two gi nger plants which is obtained from tissue culture and are planted in two differe nt environments. Diagram 3.3 66

BIOLOGY SPM ESSAY QUESTION COLLECTIONS (i) 4551/2 Explain the abiotic factors that cause the differences between the two ginger pl ants in set A and set B. [8 marks] Sun light Plants need light energy to carry o ut photosynthesis for growth Set A, plants are obtain more / exposed to sunlight // Plants in set B obtain less sunlight / not exposed to Sunlight. Growth rate of plants in Set A is higher than plants in Set B. Space Plants need (space) to grow a large root system / leaves Plants able to absorb sufficient water and min erals/sunlight. Set A, plants have larger space for the root and leaves to Grow // Plants in set B have smaller space for the root and leaves to grow. Soil / mi nerals Plants need mineral for (healthy) growth. Loam soil provides more mineral s in Set A. // Sandy loam soil in Set B contains less minerals. Loam soil able t o trap / store water better than sandy loam soil. (ii) Explain the role of tissue culture in this experiment. [2 marks] Plantlets from tissue culture have the same genetic material. This is to show /ensure/proof the differences of plants in Set A and Set B are not caused by genetic factor / hav e the same genetic material. // This is to show /ensure/proof the differences of plants in Set A and Set B are caused by abiotic factors. 67

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