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, , ( 1969,
60). , ,
( 1985, 121). 1962-1967 .
(, 1990, 42).
2011-1012 . .

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726 737 .,
1%. 5,5%
760- . , ,
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764-766 . 10 .
770-/1370- . ,
Tyragetia, s.n., vol. VII [XXII], nr. 2, 2013, 381-388.

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1. () II, , 1 .
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(, 2004b, 77, 25,
26; , 2008, 434, 118/11119/12). ,

II ,

2. , .. , 3 . (, 2004a, 51,
55). . 1/2.

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16. , -, 7(7?)7 ..,
. . 2/16.
6 .
.. 4 3 : /
- / 7 (7) 7.

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: - (, 2002, 107, 12). 6-

( 2007
82, 9-10). -,
777 .

, 1990: .. , .. ,
( 1990).
1985: .. , XIII-XIV . ( 1985).
1997: .. , XIV . -. .: , . 5 ( 1997), 177-188.
2007: .. , . .: (. . .. )
. XIII-XV . ( 2007), 80-84.
, 2000: .. , .. , . .: , III ( 2000), 56-147.
, 2002: .. , .. , . .:
, IV ( 2002), 73-165.
, 2010: .. , .. , . .:
, 8 ( 2010), 437-504.
, 2004a: .. , .. , 1395
. .: , V ( 2004), 23-75.
, 2004b: .. , .. ,
( ). 1-2 (12-13), 2004, 73-85.
, 2008: .. , .. ,
. .: , 6 ( 2008), 415-486.
2010: .. , . .:
, II ( 2010), 105-108.
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1832: .. , ( 1832).
1969: .. , - ( 1969).
1954: .. ,
1946-1952 . 42, 1954, 424-457.
1970: .. , 1959-1962 . .: (. . .. )
( 1970), 194-222.

Emisiuni inedite sau rare de puluri ale Hoardei de Aur din situl Ninij Dulat
(Caucazul de Nord)
Aezarea Ninij Dulat este situat pe malul rului Terek, n apropiere de oraul Majskij, Republica KabardinoBalkar. Locuitorii acestui ora au gsit n timpul lucrrilor agricole o mare cantitate de monede din perioada
Hoardei de Aur. Autorii au intrat n posesia imaginilor electronice ale pieselor descoperite n perioada anilor 20102012 i n articolul de fa prezint rezultatele obinute n cercetarea monedelor de cupru provenite de la Ninij


II. Materiale i cercetri

n baza emisiunilor datate s-a stabilit, c intervalul cronologic de batere a pulurilor cuprinde o perioad de 100 ani,
situat ntre anii 1420-1520. n primele patru decenii ale acestei perioade, piaa local a fost asigurat de emisiunile de cupru produse de capitale, iar pe la 1360 cu puluri de la Canibek II, btute la Madjar. Circulaia cea mai
intens a pulurilor a avut loc n ultimul deceniu al secolului al XIV-lea, cnd n zon au ptruns emisiuni ale tuturor
centrelor monetare ale epocii. n finalul perioadei anunate, la nceputul secolului al XV-lea, predomin emisiunile
atelierelor Orda al-cedid i Haci-Tarhan.
Printre monedele aflate n discuie se afl mai multe tipuri i variante de puluri inedite, 16 dintre care sunt descrise
n articol. Emisiunile de cupru ale lui Canibek II sunt reprezentate de dou tipuri inedite, precum i de 10 variante
necunoscute. Sunt discutate i apte tipuri de puluri btui la Haci Tarhan, printre care i unul nepublicat de tip
Animale lng treuc, din anul 805 AH. Atelierul Orda al-cedid este reprezentat n complexul studiat de dou
tipuri de monede cu simbolistic animalier.
Ultima moned analizat este un pul inedit purtnd cunoscuta tamga ochelari, a unui neidentificat emir Ibrahim
din anul 777 AH.
Lista figurilor:
Fig. 1. Reconstrucia grafic a pulurilor lui Canibek II: 1, 2 - cu tamgaua petior; 3 - fr tamga; 4, 5 - cu
imaginea unui animal pe revers.
Fig. 2 . Reconstrucia grafic a pulurilor anonime: 6-12 - puluri btute la Haci Tarhan; 13-15 - puluri btute la rda
l-cedid; 18 - pul emis de emirul Ibrahim.
Fig. 3. Puluri emise de Canibek II (foto): 1, 2 - cu tamgaua petior 3 - fr tamga; 4, 5 - cu imaginea unui animal
pe revers.
Fig. 4. Puluri anonime (foto): 6-12 - puluri btute la Haci Tarhan; 13-15 - puluri btute la rda l-cedid; 18 - pul
emis de emirul Ibrahim.

Unpublished and rare coins of the Golden Horde from the site of Nizhny Dzhulat
(North Caucasus)
The ancient settlement of Nizhny Dzhulat is located on the right bank of the Terek River near the town of Maysky in
Kabardino-Balkaria. A large amount of the Golden Horde coins was found there by locals during agricultural work.
The authors obtained electronic images of coins found in 2010-2012. In this paper they summarize the results of
the study of copper coins from the Nizhny Dzhulat complex.
Based on the dated coins, the chronology of copper coins covers 100-year period from 1420s to 1520s. In the complex there are many rare and unpublished types and variants for coins, 16 of which are described in the article.
Copper coinage of Djanibek II presents two new types and ten new variants. There were considered seven types of
Haji-Tarkhan coins, including the unreleased dated type of Animals at the trough of 805 AH. Horde minted alJadids coins are presented here with two types of animalistic symbolism and with a review of the unreleased coin
with tamga glasses of Emir Ibrahim al-Jadids coinage of 777 AH.
List of illustrations:
Fig. 1. Reconstruction of registered copper coins of Djanibek II: 1, 2 - tamga Fish; 3 - without tamga; 4, 5 - with
an animal on the reverse.
Fig. 2. Reconstruction of anonymous copper coins: 6-12 - Haji-Tarkhan copper coins; 13-15 - Horde minted alJadids copper coins; 18 - copper coin of Emir Ibrahim.
Fig.3 . Photos of registered copper coins of Djanibek II: 1, 2 - tamga Fish; 3 - without tamga; 4, 5 - with an animal
on the reverse.
Fig. 4. Photos of anonymous copper coins: 6-12 - Haji-Tarkhan copper coins; 13-15 - Horde minted al-Jadids copper coins; 18 - copper coin of Emir Ibrahim.

, / 2319, 344038 , , e-mail: may16100@rambler.ru
. , . , 21 606000 , , e-mail: vpleb@mail.ru


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