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Open source hardware

2.1 Introduction:
Open source hardware,also called open hardware is the electronic or computer hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. This is built based on the principles analogous to open source software.The hardwares source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it. Ideally, open source hardware uses readily-available components and materials, standard processes, open infrastructure, unrestricted content, and open-source design tools to maximize the ability of individuals to make and use hardware. Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs. Open source hardware allows a fledgling company to gain fast notoriety, if its products are copied by other companies and sold in volume. Even though the originator does not make royalties on devices made elsewhere, the publicity may allow it to sell more of its own product or become known for certain engineering talents.

2.2 Open hardware projects:

Open hardware has got many projects under this.All these follow Free Open Source Software(FOSS)rules. Recently a movement has been started known as Open-Source hardware movement.From this movement amazing things have become realities, most notibly: Reprap, a 3D printer that can clone itself,Beegle board,Raspberry Pie, Arduino, a general purpose Micro-Controller that can interface with the real-world.

2.3 Open source hardware applications and scope:

Open-Source also gives us the tools we need to modify our devices. Open Hardware has great scope in various fields: It is being used in industries , agriculture(so as to improve the yield with less expenditure),schools , education etc. Open source hardware allows you to build prototypes, gadgets, robots, just about anything you can think of to be honest.The idea is to openly share ideas in the community. These ideas come in the form of designs, concepts, schematics, prototypes and projects. There are many other things like rapidly exchanging ideas,things like building rapid prototypes of a mobile device, static device robot or anything in the users mind.

2.4 RASPBERRY PI INTRODUCTION: The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. Its a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. What can you do with it? One of the greatest things about the Raspberry Pi is that theres no single way to use it. Whether you just want to watch videos and surf the web, or you want to hack, learn, and make with the board, the Raspberry Pi is a flexible platform for fun, utility, and experimentation. The Raspberry Pi differentiates itself from a regular computer not only in its price and size, but also because of its ability to integrate with electronic projects. It has more in common with your computer than it does with an Arduino. This is not to say that Raspberry Pi is better than a traditional microcontroller; its just different. Since the Raspberry pi is meant as an educational tool to encourage kids to experiments with computers, it comes preloaded with interpreters and compilers for many different programming languages. For the beginners theres a scratch, a graphical programming language. You can write programmes for your Raspberry Pi in many different programming languages like C, Ruby, Java and pearl.

A few words come up over and over when people talk about the Raspberry Pi : small, cheap, hackable, educational-oriented. However, it would be a mistake to describe it as plug and play, eventhough it is easy enough to plug it in to a TV set and get something to appear on the screen. This isnt a consumer device, and depending on what you intend to do with your Raspberry Pi youll need to make a number of decisions about peripherals and software when getting up and running.

The most unique and noteworthy uses for Raspberry Pi.

Computer Home automation Jukebox Animated picture frame Air-quality device Automated pill dispenser Beetbox

Some of the OS available for pi:

Arch Linux ARM Angstrom Linux Debian ARM Fedora Remix Gentoo PiBang Risc OS Raspbian Raspbmc

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