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"Success , acknowledgment, fame, glory..

many of us fight for reasons like that, but you dont build a good name from one day to the next. It is necessary to work hard even if there are stumbles and falls. It is necessary to overcome obstacles, it is necessary to have motivation, to persevere, and insist. Life is a succession of battles . Job, family friends, all of us have a current status Brothers, what we do in lifeechoes an eternity. and also expectations for the future three weeks from now I will be harvesting my crops imagine where you will be, and it will be so. However, the twists and turns of life take us by surprise. Greatness is a vision Exactly! One cannot always do only what one likes, but for those who like what they do and are proud of always doing better, make more progress day by day. There are moments of quiet and hectic, decisive moments, when our intentions are not enough. That is when life demands of us courage, boldness, creativity and an unquenchable fighting spirit. The truth, is that problems and setbacks happen more frequently than we would like. Times change, new challenges arise and new objectives. The warriors looks into the eyes of the future without fear or arrogance but with the confidence of those who are ready for battle. Living is also being prepared for difficult situations. How we approach the difficulties is what makes the difference. Sometimes we ask, how can we cope with the radical changes that we are faced with? It is like acting in a new scenario where things we used to do so well now need to be relearned. strength and honor And how can we fight without letting go of fundamental values, and more, how do we know exactly what needs to be done at the right time? The amazing thing is that it is precisely upon facing adverse situations that many discover the best in themselves. Ethics, friendships, the capability to develop new strategies based on experience, the talents to promote positive alliances, the spirit of leadership, the awareness of the strength that resides in true team work. All of this comes to the floor when required by circumstances. When one knows that there is an important ultimate goal. Naturally it is not easy to give up habits, customsit is not easy to adapt to new environments or employ resources we are not familiar with. But all warriors know that pessimism and uncertainty hold one back in moments like this. Even if the threat comes from many sides, with agility, strength and determination, we can achieve our goals. The combination of energy and intelligence, as well as a balance between emotion and reason are essential to success. It is a most satisfying feeling to reach the end of a task with a sense of duty fulfilled and receive the accolades and respect of all our colleagues, the admiration of the people we love, to hear our names spoken with pride, the pride of having seen the obstacles, the opportunities of growth, the price of being able to face lifes ups and downs and win the pride of being a winner who did not give up fundamental values". - Unknown to me

Es necesario trabajar duro, es necesario superar los obstculos. Es necesario tener motivacin, perseverar e insistir. La vida es una sucesin de batallas. Lo que hagamos en la vida har eco en la eternidad y tambin expectativas para el futuro. Haciendo progresos da a da. Hay momentos de calma y frenticos momentos decisivos. Cuando las buenas intenciones no son suficientes, es cuando la vida nos demanda coraje, valenta, creatividad y un indiscutible espritu de lucha. Capacidad de crear nuevas estrategias basadas en la experiencia, todo esto aflora cuando las circunstancias lo exigen, cuando se sabe que existe un objetivo mayor a ser alcanzado. Todos los guerreros saben que el pesimismo y la inseguridad nos harn retroceder en momentos como estos.

Aunque la amenaza venga de muchas partes con agilidad fuerza y determinacin podemos alcanzar nuestros objetivos. La combinacin de energa e inteligencia es como el equilibrio entre la emocin y la razn, son esenciales para el xito.

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