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Nostratic Etymological Index

By Allan R. Bomhard


B, A R. (1943 ) Nostratic Etymological Index / by Allan R. Bomhard (1) Nostratic Hypothesis; (2) Comparative Linguistics; (3) Proto-Indo-European.


Copyright 2013 by Allan R. Bomhard. All rights reserved.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............. i Proto-Nostratic *b .......... 1 Proto-Nostratic *p (> Proto-Afrasian *p) ...... 11 Proto-Nostratic *p (> Proto-Afrasian *f) ... 17 Proto-Nostratic *p .. 19 Proto-Nostratic *d ....... 21 Proto-Nostratic *t ... 27 Proto-Nostratic *t ... 33 Proto-Nostratic *d . 37 Proto-Nostratic *t . 39 Proto-Nostratic *t . 41 Proto-Nostratic *s .. 43 Proto-Nostratic * .... 45 Proto-Nostratic *c .. 47 Proto-Nostratic *c ... 49 Proto-Nostratic *s .... 51 Proto-Nostratic * .... 53 Proto-Nostratic * .. 55 Proto-Nostratic * ...... 57 Proto-Nostratic * .... 59 Proto-Nostratic *g ... 61 Proto-Nostratic *k .......... 67 Proto-Nostratic *k ... 73 Proto-Nostratic *g . 79 Proto-Nostratic *k .... 81 Proto-Nostratic *k .... 85 Proto-Nostratic * ... 89 Proto-Nostratic *q .......... 91 Proto-Nostratic *q .......... 93 Proto-Nostratic * .. 95 Proto-Nostratic *q .... 97 Proto-Nostratic * . 99 Proto-Nostratic * 101 Proto-Nostratic * .. 103 Proto-Nostratic *h .. 111 Proto-Nostratic * .. 113 Proto-Nostratic * .. 119 Proto-Nostratic *x .. 123 Proto-Nostraitc *x .... 125 Proto-Nostratic * .. 127 Proto-Nostratic *y .. 129 Proto-Nostratic *w ......... 131 Proto-Nostratic *m ......... 137

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.



43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Proto-Nostratic *n .. 147 Proto-Nostratic *n .... 151 Proto-Nostratic *l ... 153 Proto-Nostratic *r ...... 157 English-Nostratic Index ..... 159

FOREWORD This Nostratic Etymological Index contains all of the Proto-Nostratic roots and their derived verbal and nominal forms cited in the second volume of the forthcoming second revised, corrected, and expanded edition of my book Reconstructing ProtoNostratic: Comparative Phonology, Morphology, and Vocabulary (Leiden and Boston, MA: E. J. Brill [2008]). This Index does not include either the supporting data from the daughter languages or the references. Those data and references can be found in volume 2 of the first edition of that book as well as in Chapter 3 of my book The Nostratic Hypothesis in 2011: Trends and Issues (Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man [2011]). In comparing the lexical material from the various Nostratic daughter languages, I have tried to be very careful about the issue of semantic plausibility. Where there is either a one-to-one or an extremely close semantic correspondence, there is, of course, no problem. Unfortunately, things are not always this straightforward. Quite often, there is not a one-to-one semantic correspondence in such cases, we must be able to derive the proposed cognates from the postulated ancestor form by widely-attested semantic shifts and not by mere speculation. Therefore, in attempting to determine whether or not particular lexical items from the various language families under consideration might be related, I have made extensive use of Carl Darling Bucks A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages as a control for the semantic development of the proposed lexical parallels, and references to the appropriate sections of this work are given at the end of each proposed Nostratic etymology. It may be noted that, in examining the lexicons of Kartvelian, Afrasian, Uralic-Yukaghir, ElamoDravidian, Altaic, and Eskimo-Aleut, semantic shifts similar to those described by Buck for the Indo-European languages are found over and over again in these other language families as well. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that, in order to gain a complete understanding of how I arrived at my proposals, Bucks dictionary must be consulted. However, in a number of instances, where I felt it was warranted due to the wide semantic differences found among the forms cited from the daughter languages, I have given brief explanations within the etymologies themselves. As valuable as Bucks dictionary is, however, it is not without its shortcomings. In the first place, as noted by Buck himself, the dictionary is not complete due to the nature of the material involved, Buck and his assistants had to be selective in choosing what to include. Next, the research upon which the dictionary is based is now well over half a century old (it was published in 1949). Therefore, Bucks dictionary must be supplemented by more recent scholarship. Unfortunately, however, this work is spread throughout so many journal articles, dissertations, and books that it is virtually impossible to consult all of it, especially when one is dealing with multiple language families. It is not enough, moreover, simply to compare dictionary forms. Rather, when working with the lexical data from the various Nostratic daughter languages, one must strive to ascertain the underlying semantics, that is to say, the fundamental meaning or meanings from which the full set of semantic nuances are derived,



based upon actual usage, wherever this is possible, and one must be cognizant of the interrelationship between social, cultural, and conceptual factors on the one hand and semantic structures on the other. It goes without saying that this is neither a simple nor an easy undertaking. The approach that I have followed thus leads to the establishment of what may be called families of words in the tradition of the great Indo-European comparative dictionaries such as Pokorny and Walde. The starting point is always the reconstructed Nostratic forms. The material cited from the individual Nostratic daughter languages is then to be judged primarily by whether or not it can be convincingly derived from the antecedent Nostratic forms either directly or through widely-attested semantic shifts. The difficulties involved in dealing with semantic change in unattested languages have been clearly articulated by Winter: The difficulties encountered by the etymologist reaching out toward unattested and hence textless languages are deep-rooted and virtually insurmountable. When one reads an intelligently written, richly documented book such as Blank 1997, one cannot help being impressed with the fact that it is relatively easy to describe and classify semantic changes such as metonymy and metaphor that occurred in the course of the history of an individual language or a group of closely related languages, but that there is a near total absence of what one might call determinacy and hence predictability as to the kind and direction of the changes that can be shown to have taken place and therefore can be expected to occur again under comparable circumstances. The applicability of a form may remain unchanged, it may be extended to cover additional meaning configurations, it may be narrowed, it may be eliminated altogether; new denotations added may concern closely related items, as in the case of metonymy, or seemingly very different ones, as when metaphors are used. As long as one limits oneself to a retrospective analysis of data from historically well-attested languages, the lack of regularity will not affect the descriptive adequacy of ones findings; if, however, one turns to the study of prehistoric stages of a language or a group of languages, one is left with hardly any welldefined criteria by which to evaluate ones hypotheses (and those of others). The only criterion that seems to be operationally usable derives from the assumption made above: if both phonetic and semantic change occurred in relatively small steps, feature by feature, component by component, then the likelihood that a hypothesis might be correct can be said to be supported in a more than subjective way. This does not eliminate the difficulty that observable change can occur in all possible directions and that to complicate matters even further, in the course of a historical development, the direction may change at any time. If that is the case, it follows that in the absence of observable data that is, under conditions normal for reconstructional linguists no objectifiable criteria can be called upon by the etymologist, and his proposals will always reflect his personal preferences. Another important point that needs to be reiterated concerns how I segment the reconstructed forms I am dealing with. Comparison of the various Nostratic



daughter languages indicates that the rules governing the structural patterning of roots and stems is Proto-Nostratic were most likely as follows: 1. 2. 3. There were no initial vowels in Proto-Nostratic. Therefore, every root began with a consonant. There were no initial consonant clusters either. Consequently, every root began with one and only one consonant. Medial clusters were permitted, however. Two basic root types existed: (A) *CV and (B) *CVC, where C = any nonsyllabic, and V = any vowel. Permissible root forms coincided exactly with these two syllable types. A stem could either be identical with a root or it could consist of a root plus a single derivational morpheme added as a suffix to the root: *CVC+C-. Any consonant could serve as a suffix. Note: In nominal stems, this derivational suffix was added directly to the root: *CVC+C-. In verbal stems, it was added to the root plus formative vowel: *CVC+V+C-. A stem could thus assume any one of the following shapes: (A) *CV-, (B) *CVC-, (C) *CVC+C-, or (D) (reduplicated) *CVC-CVC-. As in Proto-Altaic, the undifferentiated stems were real forms in themselves and could be used without additional suffixes or grammatical endings. However, when so used, a vowel had to be added to the stem: (A) *CV- > *CV (no change), (B) *CVC- > *CVC+V, (C) *CVC+C- > *CVC+C+V, or (D) (reduplicated) *CVC-CVC- > *CVC-CVC+V. Following Afrasian terminology, this vowel may be called a terminal vowel (TV). Not only did terminal vowels exist in Proto-Afrasian, they are also found in Dravidian, where they are called enunciative vowels, and in Elamite, where they are called thematic vowels. In Proto-Dravidian, the enunciative vowel was only required in stems ending in obstruents, which could not occur in final position.



The original root structure patterning was maintained longer in Afrasian, Dravidian, and Altaic than in the other branches, while the patterning found in Proto-IndoEuropean and Proto-Kartvelian has been modified by developments specific to each of these branches. The root structure constraints found in Proto-Indo-European were an innovation. In Proto-Uralic, the rule requiring that all words end in a vowel was an innovation and arose from the incorporation of the so-called terminal vowel into the stem. It should be mentioned here that reduplication was a widespread phenomenon. On the basis of the evidence of Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Kartvelian, ProtoAfrasian, Proto-Dravidian, and Proto-Altaic, it may be assumed that there were three fundamental stem types: (A) verbal stems, (B) nominal and adjectival stems, and (C) pronominal and indeclinable stems. Some stems were exclusively nominal. In the majority of cases, however, both verbal stems and nominal stems could be built from the same root. In Proto-Nostratic, only pronominal and indeclinable stems could end in a vowel. Verbal and nominal stems, on the other hand, had to end in a consonant, though, as noted above, when the undifferentiated stems were used as real words in themselves, a terminal vowel had to be added to the stem.



The terminal vowels were morphologically significant (as were the formative vowels). Etymological (where they exist) and non-etymological dictionaries for individual languages have also been heavily consulted, as have journal articles and papers beyond count a complete list can be found in the references at the end of volume 1 of my 2008 book. The second edition of this book has a greatly expanded list of references. Proto-Nostratic verbs are cited in their root/stem form, nouns in the status indeterminatus form (that is, *-a). Adjectives did not exist as an independent grammatical category in ProtoNostratic. Intransitive verbs could function as adjectives. Also, adjectives were differentiated from nouns mainly by syntactical means a noun placed before another noun functioned as an attribute to the latter. In the Nostratic vocabulary that follows, the attributive meaning is indicated by adj.

ALLAN R. BOMHARD Charleston, SC, USA Completed June 2013


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic p-wb-b-

ProtoNostratic b-b1.

ProtoAfrasian b-b-

ProtoDravid. p-pp-/-vv-

ProtoKartvel. b-b-

ProtoIE b -b-

ProtoEskimo p-v-

Proto-Nostratic root *ba- (~ *b-): (vb.) *ba- to pour; (n.) *ba-a torrent, outpour Proto-Nostratic root *ba- (~ *b-): (vb.) *ba- to tie, to bind; to attach, to fasten; (n.) *ba-a tie, bond, bandage, fastening Proto-Nostratic (n.) *baba father (nursery word) Proto-Nostratic (n.) *baaba child, babe (nursery word) Proto-Nostratic root *bad- (~ *bd-): (vb.) *bad- to split, to cleave, to separate, to divide; (n.) *bad-a split, crack, breach, opening Proto-Nostratic root *bad- (~ *bd-): (vb.) *bad- to waste, to dissipate, to squander; (n.) *bad-a dissipation, waste, wasteland, desolated area Proto-Nostratic root *bad- (~ *bd-): (vb.) *bad- to occur, to happen, to experience, to endure; to cause to endure, to make to suffer, to oppress; (n.) *bad-a experience, happening, trouble, distress, suffering, oppression Derivative: (n.) *bad-a need, want, lack, deprivation Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bad-a need, want, lack, deprivation (> hunger): Derivative of: (vb.) *bad- to occur, to happen, to experience, to endure; to cause to endure, to make to suffer, to oppress; (n.) *bad-a experience, happening, trouble, distress, suffering, oppression


3. 4. 5.






Proto-Nostratic root *bad- (~ *bd-): (vb.) *bad- to fall down, to lie down; to decay, to weaken; to perish; (n.) *bad-a lying down, fall, sleep, ruin

10. Proto-Nostratic root *bad- (~ *bd-): (vb.) *bad- to bring into being, to bring forth; to bring into action, to initiate, to instigate, to activate, to originate; (n.) *bad-a creation, initiation, origination 11. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bag-a goat, sheep 12. Proto-Nostratic root *bag- (~ *bg-): (vb.) *bag- to tie or bind together; (n.) *bag-a collection of things bound together: bunch, bundle, pack 13. Proto-Nostratic root *bah- (~ *bh-): (vb.) *bah- to shine; (n.) *bah-a brilliance, brightness, splendor, beauty; light; (adj.) shining, bright, radiant 14. Proto-Nostratic root *ba- (~ *b-): (vb.) *ba- to make noise; (n.) *ba-a noise, sound; voice 15. Proto-Nostratic root *ba- (~ *b-): (vb.) *ba- to cut, to cut off, to strike; (n.) *ba-a cut, strike, blow 16. Proto-Nostratic root *bak- (~ *bk-): (vb.) *bak- to declare, to utter, to announce, to assert, to proclaim; (n.) *bak-a declaration, utterance, announcement, assertion, proclamation 17. Proto-Nostratic root *bak- (~ *bk-): (vb.) *bak- to cleave, to split, to break open; (n.) *bak-a crack, split, break 18. Proto-Nostratic root *bal- (~ *bl-): (vb.) *bal- to be or become dark, obscure, blind; (n.) *bal-a darkness, obscurity, blindness; (adj.) dark, obscure, blind 19. Proto-Nostratic root *bal- (~ *bl-): (vb.) *bal- to well up, to surge, to overflow, to pour over; (n.) *bal-a outpour, downpour, surge, flow


20. Proto-Nostratic root *bal- (~ *bl-): (vb.) *bal- to bite, to eat; (n.) *bal-a bite, morsel 21. Proto-Nostratic root *bal- (~ *bl-): (vb.) *bal- to shine, to be bright; (n.) *bal-a glitter, gleam, brightness 22. Proto-Nostratic root *ban- (~ *bn-): (vb.) *ban- to pour, to sprinkle, to drip; (n.) *ban-a a drop (of water, rain, dew, etc.) 23. Proto-Nostratic root *ban- (~ *bn-): (vb.) *ban- to separate, to open, to spread; (n.) *ban-a separation, opening, stretch, spread, scattering 24. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *ban- (~ *bn-): (vb.) *ban- to cut, to strike; (n.) *ban-a cut, wound 25. Proto-Nostratic root *ban- (~ *bn-): Extended form: (vb.) *ban-V-d- to tie, bind, fasten, or twist (together); (n.) *ban-d-a tie, bond Note: Only the extended form is attested in the daughter languages. 26. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to swell, to puff up, to expand; (n.) *bar-a swelling, bulge, increase Derivatives: (vb.) *bar- to bristle (up), to stand on end; (n.) *bar-a bristle, point, spike (vb.) bar- to blow; (n.) * bar-a wind (vb.) *bar- to be thick, bushy, shaggy; to be coarse, rough, harsh (n.) *bar-a roughness, coarseness, harshness; thickness, shagginess; (adj.) rough, harsh, coarse; thick, shaggy, bushy 27. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to bristle (up), to stand on end; (n.) *bar-a bristle, point, spike Derivative of: (vb.) *bar- to swell, to puff up, to expand; (n.) *bar-a swelling, bulge, increase


28. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) bar- to blow; (n.) * bar-a wind Derivative of: (vb.) *bar- to swell, to puff up, to expand; (n.) *bar-a swelling, bulge, increase 29. Proto-Nostratic *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to be thick, bushy, shaggy; to be coarse, rough, harsh; (n.) *bar-a roughness, coarseness, harshness; thickness, shagginess; (adj.) rough, harsh, coarse; thick, shaggy, bushy Derivative of: (vb.) *bar- to swell, to puff up, to expand; (n.) *bar-a swelling, bulge, increase 30. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to bear children, to give birth; (n.) *bar-a child 31. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to take or seize hold of, to grasp; (n.) *bar-a hold, grasp, seizure 32. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bar-a seed, grain 33. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to shine, to be bright, to sparkle, to flash; (n.) *bar-a light, brightness; lightning 34. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to be kind, charitable, beneficent; to do good; (n.) *bar-a goodness, kindness; (adj.) good, kind, beneficent 35. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to split (with a tool or weapon); to cut into, to carve; to scrape; (n.) *bar-a carving, engraving, cuttings, chip 36. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to make a sound, to utter a noise; (n.) *bar-a sound, noise 37. Proto-Nostratic *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to walk, to go (away); (n.) *bar-a walking, going (away), leaving, departing


38. Proto-Nostratic root *bar- (~ *br-): (vb.) *bar- to be or become barren, desolate, useless, unfruitful; (n.) *bar-a open, fallow, or barren land; (adj.) barren, desolate, useless, unfruitful 39. Proto-Nostratic root *baw- (~ *bw-): (vb.) *baw- to be or become aware of or acquainted with, to observe, to notice; (n.) *baw-a awareness, knowledge 40. Proto-Nostratic root *bay- (~ *by-): (vb.) *bay- to apportion, to divide into shares, to distribute, to allot, to share; (n.) *bay-a portion, share 41. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bay-a honey, bee 42. Proto-Nostratic root *ba- (~ *b-): (vb.) *ba- to be abundant, to be numerous, to be much, to be many; (n.) *ba-a abundance; (adj.) abundant, much, many 43. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ber-a swamp 44. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *b[e]r-a knee 45. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bey-a spirit, soul, self 46. Proto-Nostratic relational marker *bi in addition to, with, together with 47. Proto-Nostratic root *bin- (~ *ben-): (vb.) *bin- to tie (together), to fasten, to twist together, to bind (together); (n.) *bin-a tie, bond 48. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bin-a, *ban-a younger relative: (m.) younger brother, younger son; (f.) younger sister, younger daughter 49. Proto-Nostratic root *bir- (~ *ber-): (vb.) *bir- to swell, to rise, to grow; (n.) *bir-a largeness, greatness, height, tallness; (adj.) big, large, great, tall Extended form: (vb.) *bir-V-g- to be high; (n.) *bir-g-a height, high place; (adj.) high, tall, lofty Note: The unextended form is found in Dravidian.


50. Proto-Nostratic root *bir- (~ *ber-): (vb.) *bir- to sing, to play (a musical instrument); (n.) *bir-a singing, playing (a musical instrument), musical instrument 51. Proto-Nostratic root *bir- (~ *ber-): (vb.) *bir- to cut, rip, pull, break, or tear off; to pull; (n.) *bir-a the act of cutting, ripping, pulling, breaking, or tearing off 52. Proto-Nostratic *bir- (~ *ber-): (vb.) *bir- to enjoy, to savor; (n.) *bir-a fruit Extended form: (n.) *bir-q-a plum 53. Proto-Nostratic root *bit- (~ *bet-): (vb.) *bit- to press between the fingers, to squeeze, to crush; (n.) *bit-a squeeze, pinch, pressure 54. Proto-Nostratic root *bi- (~ *be-): (vb.) *bi- to break, to split, to prick (tr.); to split apart, to break open, to burst forth (intr.); (n.) *bi-a break, slit, hole, piece broken off 55. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bor-a a dark color; (adj.) dark, dark-colored 56. Proto-Nostratic root *bud- (~ *bud-): (vb.) *bud- to set fire to something, to kindle; (n.) *bud-a blaze, light, fire 57. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bud-a lowest part or region (of anything) 58. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bud-a stick 59. Proto-Nostratic root *bug- (~ *bog-): (vb.) *bug- to blister, to swell; (n.) *bug-a boil, blister, pustule 60. Proto-Nostratic root *bug- (~ *bog-): Extended form: (vb.) *bug-V-r- to make a sound, to make a noise; (n.) *bug-r-a sound, noise Note: Only the extended form is attested in the daughter languages.


61. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *buk-a (~ *bok-a) male of small, hoofed animals: hegoat, buck 62. Proto-Nostratic root *bul- (~ *bol-): (vb.) *bul- to swell, to expand, to spread out, to overflow; to puff up, to inflate; (n.) *bul-a large quantity or amount; expansion, spread, inflation; puff, blow Derivatives: (n.) *bul-a (~ *bol-a) penis, testicle(s) (vb.) *bul-V-- to ripen, to blossom, to bloom, to sprout, to mature; (n.) *bul--a increase, growth, ripening, maturity, prosperity, blossoming Reduplicated: (vb.) *bul-bul- to swell, to bubble up; (n.) *bul-bul-a puff, bubble, swelling 63. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bul-a (~ *bol-a) penis, testicle(s): Derivative of: (vb.) *bul- to swell, to expand, to spread out, to overflow; to puff up, to inflate; (n.) *bul-a large quantity or amount; expansion, spread, inflation; puff, blow 64. Proto-Nostratic root *bul- (~ *bol-): Extended form: (vb.) *bul-V-- to ripen, to blossom, to bloom, to sprout, to mature; (n.) *bul--a increase, growth, ripening, maturity, prosperity, blossoming Derivative of: (vb.) *bul- to swell, to expand, to spread out, to overflow; to puff up, to inflate; (n.) *bul-a large quantity or amount; expansion, spread, inflation; puff, blow 65. Proto-Nostratic root (reduplicated) *bul-bul- (~ *bol-bol-) (> *bum-bul- [~ *bom-bol-]): (vb.) *bul-bul- (> *bum-bul-) to swell, to bubble up; (n.) *bul-bul-a (> *bum-bul-a) puff, bubble, swelling Derivative of: (vb.) *bul- to swell, to expand, to spread out, to overflow; to puff up, to inflate; (n.) *bul-a large quantity or amount; expansion, spread, inflation; puff, blow 66. Proto-Nostratic root *bul- (~ *bol-): (vb.) *bul- to mix, to mix up, to confuse; (n.) *bul-a mixture, confusion, turbidity, blur Derivative: (n.) *bul-a that which is dark, dark colored; that which has mixed colors, that which is spotted


67. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bul-a that which is dark, dark-colored; that which has mixed colors, that which is spotted Derivative of: (vb.) *bul- to mix, to mix up, to confuse; (n.) *bul-a mixture, confusion, turbidity, blur 68. Proto-Nostratic root *bul- (~ *bol-): (vb.) *bul- to crush, to grind, to weaken, to wear down; to become worn out, weak, tired, old; (n.) *bul-a that which is worn out, weak, tired: weakness, decline, decay, wear, etc.; (adj.) worn out, weak, tired, old 69. Proto-Nostratic root *bun- (~ *bon-): (vb.) *bun- to puff up, to inflate, to expand, to swell; (n.) *bun-a rounded protuberance, swelling, lump, hump, growth Extended form: (vb.) *bun-V-g- to swell, to increase, to expand; (n.) *bun-g-a swelling; (adj.) swollen, fat, thick Derivative: (vb.) *bun- to flow, to overflow; (n.) *bun-a flow, flood 70. Proto-Nostratic root *bun- (~ *bon-): (vb.) *bun- to flow, to overflow; (n.) *bun-a flow, flood Derivative of: (vb.) *bun- to puff up, to inflate, to expand, to swell; (n.) *bun-a rounded protuberance, swelling, lump, hump, growth 71. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to twist, to turn; (n.) *bur-a twist, turn Derivatives: (vb.) *bur- to fight, to wrangle (over), to quarrel, to wrestle; (n.) *bur-a fight, dispute, quarrel, battle, struggle (vb.) *bur- to bore, to pierce; (n.) *bur-a gimlet, borer, auger 72. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to fight, to wrangle (over), to quarrel, to wrestle; (n.) *bur-a fight, dispute, quarrel, battle, struggle Derivative of: (vb.) *bur- to twist, to turn; (n.) *bur-a twist, turn


73. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to bore, to pierce; (n.) *bur-a gimlet, borer, auger Derivative of: (vb.) *bur- to twist, to turn; (n.) *bur-a twist, turn 74. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to blow, to blow about, to whirl, to rage; (n.) *bur-a storm, whirl, rage 75. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to bite, to eat; (n.) *bur-a food 76. Proto-Nostratic root *bur- (~ *bor-): (vb.) *bur- to cover, to wrap up; (n.) *bur-a cover, covering 77. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bur-a (fine, soft) feathers, fur, wool, (body) hair 78. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *bur-a eyelash, eyebrow 79. Proto-Nostratic root *buw- (~ *bow-): (vb.) *buw- to go, to come, to proceed, to spend time; (n.) *buw-a going, coming, staying; abode, dwelling, residence 80. Proto-Nostratic root *buw- (~ *bow-): (vb.) *buw- to become, to arise, to come into being, to grow; (n.) *buw-a growth, fullness, prosperity; blossom, bloom



Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic p-pp -p-

ProtoNostratic p -p-

ProtoAfrasian p-p-

ProtoDravid. p-pp-/-v-

ProtoKartvel. p-p-

ProtoIE p -p-

ProtoEskimo p-p(p)-

81. Proto-Nostratic root *pa- (~ *p-): (vb.) *pa- to split or break open, to split or break apart; (n.) *pa-a crack, split, opening, break 82. Proto-Nostratic root *pa- (~ *p-): (vb.) *pa- to cover up; (n.) *pa-a skin, hide, covering 83. Proto-Nostratic root *pa- (~ *p-): (vb.) *pa- to eat; (n.) *pa-a food, nourishment 84. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pak-a scab, dried mucus 85. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal-a (metathesized variant *lap-a in Uralic, Altaic, and part of Afrasian) spleen 86. Proto-Nostratic root *pal- (~ *pl-): (vb.) *pal- to split, to cleave; (n.) *pal-a split, crack Derivative: (n.) *pal-a stone 87. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal-a stone Derivative of: (vb.) *pal- to split, to cleave (in the sense to chip or break stone[s]); (n.) *pal-a split, crack 88. Proto-Nostratic root *pal- (~ *pl-): (vb.) *pal- to spread, to extend; (n.) *pal-a that which is wide, flat, level, broad, open: expanse, open space or surface; (adj.) wide, flat, level, broad, open Derivative: (n.) *pal- flat of the hand, palm



89. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal- flat of the hand, palm Derivative of: (vb.) *pal- to spread, to extend; (n.) *pal-a that which is wide, flat, level, broad, open: expanse, open space or surface; (adj.) wide, flat, level, broad, open 90. Proto-Nostratic root *pal- (~ *pl-): (vb.) *pal- to fill; (n.) *pal-a fullness; (adj.) much, many 91. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal-a settlement, settled place 92. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal-a thumb, big toe 93. Proto-Nostratic root *pal- (~ *pl-): (vb.) *pal- to cover, to hide, to conceal; (n.) *pal-a covering 94. Proto-Nostratic root *pal- (~ *pl-): (vb.) *pal- to burn, to be warm; to smart, to be painful; (n.) *pal-a burn, burning sensation, pain 95. Proto-Nostratic root *pa- (~ *p-): (vb.) *pa- to take in hand, to take hold of, to handle; (n.) *pa-a hand, handle Extended form (Indo-European and Uralic): (vb.) *pa-V-k- to take in hand, to take hold of, to handle; (n.) *pa-k-a hand, handle 96. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pa-a front part, head, forehead, face 97. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to be fond of, to care for, to feel affection for; to be pleased, happy, satisfied, or delighted with; (n.) *par-a love, affection; delight, joy: 98. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to separate, to divide, to break (apart); (n.) *par-a part, portion, share 99. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to spread, to scatter; (n.) *par-a breadth, width, extension, space; (adj.) broad, extended, spread out, scattered



100. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to press forward, to precede, to hasten in advance, to overtake, to surpass, to outstrip; (n.) *par-a leader, master, lord, hero; (adj.) chief, foremost, first 101. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to move swiftly, to hasten, to be in a hurry, to be greatly agitated; to flutter, to fly, to flee; (n.) *par-a flying, flight, fleeing Note also: (vb.) *pir- to move swiftly, to hasten, to be in a hurry, to be greatly agitated; to flutter, to fly, to flee; (n.) *pir-a flying, flight, fleeing 102. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *par-a calf, heifer Note also: (n.) *pur-a calf, heifer 103. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *par-a, (?) *pur-a house 104. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to go or pass; to go or pass over or across; to go forth or out; (n.) *par-a going, passage, journey, crossing 105. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to cover; (n.) *par-a covering 106. Proto-Nostratic root *par- (~ *pr-): (vb.) *par- to ripen, to mature, to grow old, (hair) to turn gray; (n.) *par-a ripeness, maturity; (adj.) ripe, mature, gray 107. Proto-Nostratic root *pas- (~ *ps-): (vb.) *pas- to breathe out, to blow; to fart; (n.) *pas-a a fart 108. Proto-Nostratic root *pas- (~ *ps-): (vb.) *pas- to split, to cleave, to break, to shatter; (n.) *pas-a split, break; part, share, portion 109. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pas-a sperm, semen; male genitals, penis; descendant, offspring



110. Proto-Nostratic root *pat- (~ *pt-): (vb.) *pat- to flutter, to quiver, to tremble, to palpitate, to move rapidly; (n.) *pat-a haste, hurry 111. Proto-Nostratic root *pat- (~ *pt-): (vb.) *pat- to hasten, to move quickly; (n.) *pat-a foot 112. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pat-a chaff, husk, (unripe or blighted) grain 113. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *pek-: (vb.) *pek- to warm, to heat (> to cook, to bake); (n.) *pek-a warmth, heat; (adj.) warm, hot (> cooked, baked) 114. Proto-Nostratic root *pel-: (vb.) *pel- to tremble, to shake; to be frightened, fearful, afraid; (n.) *pel-a fright, fear 115. Proto-Nostratic root *pid- (~ *ped-): (vb.) *pid- to seize, to hold, to clutch, to capture, to cling to; (n.) *pid-a hold, grasp 116. Proto-Nostratic root *pin- (~ *pen-): (vb.) *pin- to watch (over), to protect, to nourish, to nurture; (n.) *pin-a protection, care; feeding, nourishing, nourishment 117. Proto-Nostratic root *pir- (~ *per-): (vb.) *pir- to bring forth, to bear fruit; (n.) *pir-a birth, issue, offspring, descendant, fruit 118. Proto-Nostratic root *pir- (~ *per-): (vb.) *pir- to move swiftly, to hasten, to be in a hurry, to be greatly agitated; to flutter, to fly, to flee; (n.) *pir-a flying, flight, fleeing Note also: (vb.) *par- to move swiftly, to hasten, to be in a hurry, to be greatly agitated; to flutter, to fly, to flee; (n.) *par-a flying, flight, fleeing 119. Proto-Nostratic root *pir- (~ *per-): (vb.) *pir- to twist, to turn; (n.) *pir-a twist, twining, turn; twine, string, rope, cord



120. Proto-Nostratic root *pir- (~ *per-): (vb.) *pir- to tremble, to shake; to be afraid, to fear; (n.) *pir-a trembling, fear 121. Proto-Nostratic root *pit- (~ *pet-): (vb.) *pit- to spread, to open; to burst open; to be open; (n.) *pit-a opening, open space; (adj.) open, spacious; wide, broad 122. Proto-Nostratic root *pit- (~ *pet-): (vb.) *pit- to give birth to; (n.) *pit-a genitals (male or female); birth, origin 123. Proto-Nostratic root *pu- (~ *po-): (vb.) *pu- to swell, to fatten; (n.) *pu-a swelling, fullness, fat(ness) 124. Proto-Nostratic root *pul- (~ *pol-) stem indicating downward motion: (vb.) *pul- to fall, to fall down, to collapse, to ruin, etc.; (n.) *pul-a fall, collapse, ruin; (n.) fallen, ruined, weakened; low, base, vile, mean 125. Proto-Nostratic root *pul- (~ *pol-): (vb.) *pul- to swell; (n.) *pul-a a swelling (on the skin): blister, abscess, pimple, etc. Derivative: (n.) *pul-a that which is fat, swollen, etc. (> tallow, grease, fat, oil, blubber, etc. in the daughter languages) 126. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pul-a that which is fat, swollen, etc. (> tallow, grease, fat, oil, blubber, etc. in the daughter languages) Derivative of: (vb.) *pul- to swell; (n.) *pul-a a swelling (on the skin): blister, abscess, pimple, etc. 127. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pur-a calf, heifer Note also: (n.) *par-a calf, heifer 128. Proto-Nostratic root *pu- (~ *po-): (vb.) *pu- to breathe out, to sigh; to blow, to puff (up), to inflate; (n.) *pu-a puff, breath, snort; bulge



Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic p-pp -p-

ProtoNostratic p -p-

ProtoAfrasian f-f-

ProtoDravid. p-pp-/-v-

ProtoKartvel. p-p-

ProtoIE p -p-

ProtoEskimo p-p(p)-

129. Proto-Nostratic root *pa- (~ *p-): (vb.) *pa- to warm, to heat, to burn; (n.) *pa-a fire, flame, spark Extended form: (vb.) *pa-V-w- to warm, to heat, to burn; (n.) *pa-w-a fire, flame, spark 130. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pal-a skin, hide 131. Proto-Nostratic root *pid- (~ *ped-): (vb.) *pid- to tear, to pluck, to pull; to tear off, to pluck off, to pull off; to tear out, to pluck out, to pull out; (n.) *pid-a the act of pulling, tearing, plucking 132. Proto-Nostratic root *pil- (~ *pel-): (vb.) *pil- to split, to cleave; (n.) *pil-a split, crack 133. Proto-Nostratic root *pin- (~ *pen-): (vb.) *pin- to break; (n.) *pin-a break 134. Proto-Nostratic root *pir- (~ *per-): (vb.) *pir- to ask, to request, to entreat, to beseech, to pray; (n.) *pir-a request, entreaty, prayer 135. Proto-Nostratic root *put- (~ *pot-): (vb.) *put- to vomit; (n.) *put-a vomit 136. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *put-a hole, opening



137. Proto-Nostratic root *puw- (~ *pow-): (vb.) *puw- to puff, to blow, to exhale; to puff up, to inflate; (n.) *puw-a a puff, the act of blowing, breath


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic p-pp-p-

ProtoNostratic p-p-

ProtoAfrasian p-p-

ProtoDravid. p-pp-/-v-

ProtoKartvel. p-p-

ProtoIE p-p-

ProtoEskimo p-p-/ -pp-

138. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pap-a old man, old woman 139. Proto-Nostratic root *pul- (~ *pol-): (vb.) *pul- to swell; (n.) *pul-a swelling, hump, lump, bulge; (adj.) swollen, round, bulbous 140. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *pul-a mist, fog, haze; smoke, steam; cloud 141. Proto-Nostratic root *put- (~ *pot-): (vb.) *put- to cut, tear, break, or pull off or apart; (n.) *put-a cut-off, pulled-off, torn-off, or broken-off piece or part


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-td-d-

ProtoNostratic d-d-

ProtoAfrasian d-d-

ProtoDravid. t-()-

ProtoKartvel. d-d-

ProtoIE d -d-

ProtoEskimo t--

142. Proto-Nostratic relational marker *da- (~ *d-) along with, together with, in addition to 143. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *da- mother, sister; (reduplicated) (n.) *da-da- mother, sister (nursery words) 144. Proto-Nostratic root *dab- (~ *db-): (vb.) *dab- to make fast, to join together, to fit together, to fasten (together); (n.) *dab-a joining, fitting, fastening 145. Proto-Nostratic root *dag- (~ *dg-): (vb.) dag- to put, to place, to put in place; to be put in place, to be stable, to be firmly established; (n.) *dag-a place 146. Proto-Nostratic root *da- (~ *d-): (vb.) *da- to glitter, to shine, to burn; (n.) *da-a day 147. Proto-Nostratic root *dal- (~ *dl-): (vb.) *dal- to cut, to prick, to pierce, to gash, to notch, to gouge, to wound; (n.) *dal-a gash, notch, strike, split 148. Proto-Nostratic root *dal- (~ *dl-): (vb.) *dal- to stir up, to disturb, to roil (water), to agitate; to be disturbed, confused, agitated, troubled; (n.) *dal-a disturbance, agitation Note also: (vb.) *dul- to disturb, to perplex, to bewilder, to confuse, to ruffle, to upset, to baffle, to stir up trouble, to agitate; to be disturbed, perplexed, bewildered, confused, ruffled, upset, baffled, troubled, agitated (> to drive someone crazy, mad, insane; to be crazy, mad, insane; to be dumb, stupid); (n.) *dul-a confusion, disturbance, trouble, agitation, perplexity (> madness, craziness, insanity; stupidity)



149. Proto-Nostratic root *dal- (~ *dl-): (vb.) *dal- to oppress, to harass, to weaken, to tire; (n.) *dal-a tiredness, weakness, exhaustion, weariness; (adj.) oppressed, tired, weary, weak, exhausted 150. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *daq-a male of certain animals: billy-goat, ram 151. Proto-Nostratic root *dar- (~ *dr-): (vb.) *dar- to bend, to twist, to turn; to twist, wrap, or join together; (n.) *dar-a bend, turn, curve; that which bends, turns, winds, or twists: winding course or way; (adj.) bent, curved, crooked; wrapped, twisted, turned, or joined together 152. Proto-Nostratic root *dar- (~ *dr-): (vb.) *dar- to pound, to break; to harm, to injure, to torment; (n.) *dar-a harm, injury; (adj.) harmful, malevolent (> bad in Kartvelian and, within Indo-European, in Celtic) 153. Proto-Nostratic root *dar- (~ *dr-): (vb.) *dar- to be or become dark; (n.) *dar-a dark spot, darkness; (adj.) dark, black 154. Proto-Nostratic root *dar- (~ *dr-): (vb.) *dar- to swell, to enlarge; (n.) *dar-a swelling, inflammation, blister, blotch, blemish; outgrowth, tumor 155. Proto-Nostratic root (?) *daw- (~ *dw-): (vb.) *daw- to sound, to resound, to make a noise; (n.) *daw-a sound, noise 156. Proto-Nostratic root *daw- (~ *dw-): (vb.) *daw- to put, to place, to set; to set up, to establish; to do, to make; (n.) *daw-a work, labor; deed, act 157. Proto-Nostratic root *daw- (~ *dw-): (vb.) *daw- to become deathly sick, to be ill; to die; (n.) *daw-a (deadly) disease, sickness; death 158. Proto-Nostratic root *day- (~ *dy-): (vb.) *day- to throw, to cast, to put, to place; (n.) *day-a act, deed



159. Proto-Nostratic root *day- (~ *dy-): (vb.) *day- to look at, to consider, to examine; (n.) *day-a judgment, examination, consideration 160. Proto-Nostratic root *day- (~ *dy-): (vb.) *day- to take, to bring, to convey; (n.) *day-a leader, guide 161. Proto-Nostratic root *did- (~ *ded-): (vb.) *did- to swell, to rise; (n.) *did-a prominence, protuberance; (adj.) swollen, raised 162. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dig-a fish 163. Proto-Nostratic root *di- (~ *de-): (vb.) *di- to be confused, puzzled, perplexed; (n.) *di-a confusion, perplexity 164. Proto-Nostratic root *dil- (~ *del-): (vb.) *dil- to shine, to be or become bright; (n.) *dil-a daylight, morning 165. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dim-a raised or elevated place; (adj.) raised, elevated 166. Proto-Nostratic root *diq- (~ *deq-): (vb.) *diq- to crush, to pound or tamp (earth), to mold or knead (clay); (n.) *diq-a earth, clay, mud 167. Proto-Nostratic root *diy- (~ *dey-): (vb.) *diy- to suck, to suckle; (n.) *diy-a breast, teat, nipple 168. Proto-Nostratic root *dow-, *doy-: (vb.) *dow-, *doy- to slacken, to slow down; to grow weary, weak, faint; (n.) *dow-a, *doy-a slackness, slowness, laxity, weariness, fatigue; (adj.) slow, slack, lax, weary 169. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dub-a back, hind part 170. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dud-a tip, point 171. Proto-Nostratic root *dul- (~ *dol-): (vb.) *dul- to burn, to be bright, to warm, to heat up; (n.) *dul-a heat, warmth, fire



172. Proto-Nostratic root *dul- (~ *dol-): (vb.) *dul- to disturb, to perplex, to bewilder, to confuse, to ruffle, to upset, to baffle, to stir up trouble, to agitate; to be disturbed, perplexed, bewildered, confused, ruffled, upset, baffled, troubled, agitated (> to drive someone crazy, mad, insane; to be crazy, mad, insane; to be dumb, stupid); (n.) *dul-a confusion, disturbance, trouble, agitation, perplexity (> madness, craziness, insanity; stupidity) Note also: (vb.) *dal- to stir up, to disturb, to roil (water), to agitate; to be disturbed, confused, agitated, troubled; (n.) *dal-a disturbance, agitation 173. Proto-Nostratic root *dul- (~ *dol-): (vb.) *dul- to dangle, to hang, to swing back and forth; (n.) *dul- hanging, swinging; shaking, agitation, disturbance 174. Proto-Nostratic root *dum- (~ *dom-): (vb.) *dum- to cut (off), to sever; (n.) *dum-a cut, severance; piece cut off, bit, fragment 175. Proto-Nostratic root *dum- (~ *dom-): (vb.) *dum- to be silent; (n.) *dum-a silence 176. Proto-Nostratic root *dum- (~ *dom-): (vb.) *dum- to cover over, to obscure; to cloud over; to become dark, to make dark, to darken; (n.) *dum-a darkness, cloud, fog; (adj.) dark, cloudy Derivative: (n.) (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a darkness, cloud; (adj.) dark, cloudy 177. Proto-Nostratic (n.) (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a darkness, cloud; (adj.) dark, cloudy: Derivative of: (vb.) *dum- to cover over, to obscure; to cloud over; to become dark, to make dark, to darken; (n.) *dum-a darkness, cloud, fog; (adj.) dark, cloudy 178. Proto-Nostratic root *dun- (~ *don-): (vb.) *dun- to run, to flow (out), to leak; (n.) *dun-a flow, spill, leak 179. Proto-Nostratic root *dun- (~ *don-): (vb.) *dun- to cut off, to cleave, to split; (n.) *dun-a part, share; piece cut off, bit, fragment



180. Proto-Nostratic root *dur- (~ *dor-): (vb.) *dur- to bore, to drill, to make a hole; (n.) *dur-a hole, opening 181. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dur-a goat, sheep, ram (perhaps originally horned animal) 182. Proto-Nostratic root *duw- (~ *dow-): (vb.) *duw- to blow about, to fly about, to scatter; to be blown, strewn, or scattered about; (n.) *duw-a anything blown, sprinkled, scattered, or strewn about: smoke, steam, vapor; rain, shower, drizzle, raindrops; dust; (adj.) blown about, sprinkled, scattered, strewn


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-t(t)t-t-

ProtoNostratic t-t-

ProtoAfrasian t-t-

ProtoDravid. t-t(t)-

ProtoKartvel. t-t-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo t-t(t)-

183. Proto-Nostratic demonstrative stems: Proximate: *ta- (~ *t-) this; Intermediate: *ti- (~ *te-) that; Distant: *tu- (~ *to-) that yonder 184. Proto-Nostratic root *ta- (~ *t-): (vb.) *ta- to reduce, to diminish, to wear away, to lessen; to waste away, to grow thin; (n.) *ta-a wear, decay, dissipation, maceration 185. Proto-Nostratic root *tak- (~ *tk-): (vb.) *tak- to twist, to bend; to fasten, twist, bend, join, or hook together; to be twisted, bent; (n.) *tak-a hook, peg 186. Proto-Nostratic root *tak- (~ *tk-): (vb.) *tak- to touch, to push, to strike; (n.) *tak-a touch, stroke 187. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *tal-a head, top, end 188. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- (primary meaning) to stretch, to spread, to extend, (secondary meaning) to endure, to suffer, to bear; (n.) *tal-a stretch, spread, thinness, breadth; pain, suffering, endurance; (adj.) stretched, spread out, extended (> broad, wide, thin, flat, etc.) 189. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- to press, to thrust, to force, to push; (n.) *tal-a pressure, thrust, force, push



190. Proto-Nostratic root *tan- (~ *tn-): (vb.) *tan- to extend, to spread, to stretch; to endure, to be long-lasting; (n.) *tan-a extension, width, length, breadth; (adj.) stretched, extended, wide, broad, long-lasting Derivative: (vb.) *tan- to be or become worn out, tired, old; (n.) *tan-a exhaustion, weariness, fatigue; (adj.) worn out, tired, old 191. Proto-Nostratic root *tan- (~ *tn-): (vb.) *tan- to grow weary, exhausted, tired, old; (n.) *tan-a exhaustion, weariness, fatigue, old age; (adj.) tired, weary, exhausted, old Derivative of: (vb.) *tan- to extend, to spread, to stretch; to endure, to be long-lasting; (n.) *tan-a extension, width, length, breadth; (adj.) stretched, extended, wide, broad, long-lasting 192. Proto-Nostratic root *tap- (~ *tp-): (vb.) *tap- to strike, to knock, to hit, to beat, to pound; to trample; (n.) *tap-a stroke, slap, blow, hit Note also: (vb.) *tap- to strike, to beat, to pound; (n.) *tap-a stroke, blow 193. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to draw, to drag, to pull; (n.) *tar-a drag, pull; something dragged or pulled along Possible derivative: (vb.) *tar- to spread, to spread out or about, to expand, to extend; to stretch, to stretch out; to scatter, to strew; (n.) *tar-a stretch, spread, expanse; (adj.) stretched, tight, taut; spread, scattered, dispersed 194. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to spread, to spread out or about, to expand, to extend; to stretch, to stretch out; to scatter, to strew; (n.) *tar-a stretch, spread, expanse; (adj.) stretched, tight, taut; spread, scattered, dispersed Perhaps derived from: (vb.) *tar- to draw, to drag, to pull, in the sense to stretch by pulling; (n.) *tar-a drag, pull; something dragged or pulled along



195. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to tear, to break, to split, to pierce; (n.) *tar-a cut, tear, split, incision; wound, injury; spear 196. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to rub, to wear down; (n.) *tar-a wear; (adj.) worn out, rubbed, abraded Possible Derivatives: (vb.) *tar- to wither, to wane, to dry up; (n.) *tar-a dryness; (adj.) withered, dry, dried up, arid (vb.) *tar- to scratch, to scrape, to plane; (n.) *tar-a scratching, scraping, raking; rake, comb 197. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to wither, to wane, to dry up; (n.) *tar-a dryness; (adj.) withered, dry, dried up, arid Perhaps derived from: (vb.) *tar- to rub, to wear down; (n.) *tar-a wear; (adj.) worn out, rubbed, abraded 198. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to scratch, to scrape, to plane; (n.) *tar-a scratching, scraping, raking; rake, comb Perhaps derived from: (vb.) *tar- to rub, to wear down; (n.) *tar-a wear; (adj.) worn out, rubbed, abraded 199. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to drink; (n.) *tar-a a drink; the act of drinking; (adj.) drunk, tipsy, intoxicated 200. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to tremble, to shake; (n.) *tar-a trembling, shaking (from fear, fright) 201. Proto-Nostratic root *taw- (~ *tw-): (vb.) *taw- to swell; (n.) *taw-a swelling, protuberance, bulge, lump, hump; (adj.) swollen, full, fat 202. Proto-Nostratic *tek-: (vb.) *tek- to take (away), to grasp, to seize, to remove; (n.) *tek-a the act of taking, grasping, seizing, removing



203. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *tep-: (vb.) *tep- to warm, to burn; (n.) *tep-a heat, warmth Note also: (vb.) *tab- to be or become warm; to make warm, to heat up; to cook; (n.) *tab-a heat, warmth; (adj.) hot, warm; cooked, baked 204. Proto-Nostratic second person pronoun stem: *ti- (~ *te-) you; (oblique form) *ta- (~ *t-) 205. Proto-Nostratic root *tik- (~ *tek-): (vb.) *tik- to form, to fashion, to make, to create; (n.) *tik-a tool used to form, fashion, make, or create something: axe, adze, chisel, etc.; the act of forming, fashioning, making, or creating something: action, deed, etc. 206. Proto-Nostratic root *tik- (~ *tek-): (vb.) *tik- to press or squeeze together; (n.) *tik-a pressure, solidity, hardness, massiveness, firmness; (adj.) compact, thick, massive, solid, firm 207. Proto-Nostratic root *tir- (~ *ter-): (vb.) *tir- to have enough or more than enough, to have all needs fulfilled, to be satisfied, to have plenty; (n.) *tir-a abundance, fullness; (adj.) enough, abundant, full Extended form: (vb.) *tir-V-p- to have enough, to have all needs fulfilled, to be satisfied, to have plenty; (n.) *tir-p-a abundance, excess, surplus, plenty 208. Proto-Nostratic root *tir- (~ *ter-): Extended form: (vb.) *tir-V-p- to have enough, to have all needs fulfilled, to be satisfied, to have plenty; (n.) *tir-p-a abundance, excess, surplus, plenty Derivative of: (vb.) *tir- to have enough or more than enough, to have all needs fulfilled, to be satisfied, to have plenty; (n.) *tir-a abundance, fullness; (adj.) enough, abundant, full 209. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *tor-a dust, soil, earth



210. Proto-Nostratic root *tow-: (vb.) *tow- to snow; (n.) *tow-a snow-storm; snow, (hoar)frost 211. Proto-Nostratic root *tuk- (~ *tok-): (vb.) *tuk- to burn, to blaze; (n.) *tuk-a ash(es), soot 212. Proto-Nostratic root *tul- (~ *tol-): (vb.) *tul- to lift, to raise; to pile up, to stack (in a heap); (n.) *tul-a hill, mound; stack, heap 213. Proto-Nostratic root *tum- (~ *tom-): (vb.) *tum- to cover over, to hide; to become dark; (n.) *tum-a darkness; (adj.) dark 214. Proto-Nostratic root *tup-: (vb.) *tup- to spit; (n.) *tup-a spittle, saliva 215. Proto-Nostratic root *tur- (~ *tor-): (vb.) *tur- to cram, to push in, to stuff, to thrust in, to press in; (n.) *tur-a pressure, force, thrust


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-tt-t-

ProtoNostratic t-t-

ProtoAfrasian t-t-

ProtoDravid. t-t(t)-

ProtoKartvel. t-t-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo t-t-

216. Proto-Nostratic root *tab- (~ *tb-): (vb.) *tab- to be or become warm; to make warm, to heat up; to cook; (n.) *tab-a heat, warmth; (adj.) hot, warm; cooked, baked Note also: (vb.) *tep- to warm, to burn; (n.) *tep-a heat, warmth 217. Proto-Nostratic root *tad- (*td-): (vb.) *tad- to hinder, to stop, to obstruct; (n.) *tad-a hindrance, obstacle, impediment, obstruction 218. Proto-Nostratic root *ta- (~ *t-): (vb.) *ta- to break, to split; to crush, to grind, to pound; (n.) *ta-a break, split, division; anything ground or pulverized 219. Proto-Nostratic root *tak- (~ *tk-): (vb.) *tak- to be fit, appropriate, suitable, proper; (n.) *tak-a fitness, appropriateness, suitability, propriety; (adj.) fit, appropriate, suitable, proper 220. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- to lick; (n.) *tal-a licking 221. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- to plunge, sink, dive, dip, or fall into; to immerse; (n.) *tal-a immersion; depth 222. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- to stretch out, to extend; (n.) *tal-a length; height; (adj.) long, tall; high



223. Proto-Nostratic root *tal-: (vb.) *tal- to drip, to fall in drops, to sprinkle, to wet, to moisten; (n.) *tal-a dew, (rain) drop, drizzle 224. Proto-Nostratic root *tan- (~ *tn-): (vb.) *tan- to fill, to stuff, to pack or load tightly together; (n.) *tan-a closeness, thickness, density; load, burden; (adj.) tightly packed or pressed together; close, thick, dense 225. Proto-Nostratic root *tan- (~ *tn-): (vb.) *tan- to tie, to bind, to plait, to weave; (n.) *tan-a anything woven or plaited 226. Proto-Nostratic root *tap- (~ *tp-): (vb.) *tap- to strike, to beat, to pound; (n.) *tap-a stroke, blow Note also: (vb.) *tap- to strike, to knock, to hit, to beat, to pound; to trample; (n.) *tap-a stroke, slap, blow, hit 227. Proto-Nostratic root *taq- (~ *tq-): (vb.) *taq- to cover, to protect; (n.) *taq-a covering 228. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to tear, to rend, to cut, to sever; (n.) *tar-a rip, tear, cut, slice Extended form: (vb.) *tar-V-p- to tear, to rend, to pluck; (n.) *tar-p-a tearing, rending, plucking 229. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): Extended form: (vb.) *tar-V-p- to tear, to rend, to pluck; (n.) *tar-p-a tearing, rending, plucking Derivative of: (vb.) *tar- to tear, to rend, to cut, to sever; (n.) *tar-a rip, tear, cut, slice 230. Proto-Nostratic root *taw- (~ *tw-): (vb.) *taw- to go, to leave, to go away; to let go; (n.) *taw-a distance, remoteness; (adj.) far away, remote, at a distance



231. Proto-Nostratic root *taw- (~ *tw-): (vb.) *taw- to hit, to strike; (n.) *taw-a stroke, blow, injury, harm, damage 232. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *tay-a (elder) male in-law, (elder) male relative 233. Proto-Nostratic root *tay- (~ *ty-) or *tiy- (~ *tey-): (vb.) *tay- or *tiy- to shine, to gleam, to be bright, to glitter, to glow; to burn brightly; (n.) *tay-a or *tiy-a light, brightness, heat 234. Proto-Nostratic root *te-: (vb.) *te- to say, to speak; (n.) *te-a sound, speech 235. Proto-Nostratic root *tel-: (vb.) *tel- to ask for, to request, to beg, to beseech; (n.) *tel-a request, wish, desire 236. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *tid-a elevated ground, hill, mountain: 237. Proto-Nostratic root *til- (~ *tel-): (vb.) *til- to say, to tell; to recount, to list, to enumerate; (n.) *til-a talk, speech, discourse, tale Derivative: (n.) *til-a tongue, language 238. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *til-a tongue, language: Derivative of: (vb.) *til- to say, to tell; to recount, to list, to enumerate; (n.) *til-a talk, speech, discourse, tale 239. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *tox-: (vb.) *tox- to give, to bring; (n.) *tox-a giving, gift, present 240. Proto-Nostratic root *tu- (~ *to-): (vb.) *tu- to separate, divide, or split into two parts; to cut in half; (n.) *tu-a separation or division into two; two halves (used as the base for the numeral two in Indo-European and Altaic)



241. Proto-Nostratic root *tuk- (~ *tok-): (vb.) *tuk- to knock, to beat, to strike, to pound, to trample; (n.) *tuk-a knock, thump, blow, stroke 242. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *tul-a wedge, peg 243. Proto-Nostratic root *tum- (~ *tom-): (vb.) *tum- to quiet, to calm, to pacify, to tame; (n.) *tum-a quietness, calmness, peace, tranquility; (adj.) quiet, calm, tame, peaceful 244. Proto-Nostratic root *tuq- (~ *toq-): (vb.) *tuq- to be dark, cloudy, dusty, dirty, sooty, smoky; (n.) *tuq-a darkness, (dark) cloud, dust, dirt, soot, smoke


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-t--/ -d-

ProtoNostratic d-d-

ProtoAfrasian d-d-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-/ -y-

ProtoKartvel. g-g-

ProtoIE d -d-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

245. Proto-Nostratic root *dab- (~ *db-): (vb.) *dab- to beat, to hit, to strike, to harm, to injure; (n.) *dab-a stroke, blow, harm, injury; slaughter, killing 246. Proto-Nostratic root *dak- (~ *dk-): (vb.) *dak- to blaze, to be bright; (n.) *dak-a (burning) embers, fire, flame 247. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *dan-w-a a kind of tree or bush 248. Proto-Nostratic root *dar- (~ *dr-): (vb.) *dar- to hold firmly; (n.) *dar-a firm grip; hand, arm 249. Proto-Nostratic root *daw- (~ *dw-): (vb.) *daw- to run, to flow; (n.) *daw-a stream, current, flow; (adj.) running, flowing 250. Proto-Nostratic indefinite pronoun stem *di- (~ *de-) this one, that one 251. Proto-Nostratic root *di- (~ *de-): (vb.) *di- to reach, to arrive at, to come to; to surpass, to exceed; (n.) *di-a arrival, attainment, ripening 252. Proto-Nostratic root *dip- (~ *dep-): (vb.) *dip- to stink, to give off a strong odor; (n.) *dip-a pungent smell, stench


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-t--

ProtoNostratic t-t-

ProtoAfrasian t-t-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-/ -y-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c(c)-

253. Proto-Nostratic deictic stem *ta- that over there, that yonder (not very far) 254. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): (vb.) *tal- to strike with a sharp instrument; (n.) *tal-a strike, blow; sharp instrument Derivative: (n.) *tal-m-a breach, opening, gap; crack, fissure, rift; hole 255. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-): Extended form: (n.) *tal-m-a breach, opening, gap; crack, fissure, rift; hole Derivative of: (vb.) *tal- to strike with a sharp instrument; (n.) *tal-a strike, blow; sharp instrument 256. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to advance to or toward an end or a goal; to attain or achieve an end or a goal, to reach, to come to, to arrive at; (n.) *tar-a advance, arrival, goal, attainment, end, aim; approach 257. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *tin-a the other or opposite side; (adj.) different, other 258. Proto-Nostratic root *tiq- (~ *teq-): (vb.) *tiq- to swell; (n.) *tiq-a swelling, growth 259. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *tom-a wild bovine 260. Proto-Nostratic root *tum- (~ *tom-): (vb.) *tum- to strike, to beat, to pound, to knock; to tire out, to weary; to be or become weak or weary, to fade, to waste away; (n.) *tum-a fatigue, weariness, dullness, stupor


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic t-tt--

ProtoNostratic t-t-

ProtoAfrasian t-t-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-/ -y-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

261. Proto-Nostratic root *tad- (~ *td-): (vb.) *tad- to strike, to beat, to pound, to hammer; (n.) *tad-a hammer 262. Proto-Nostratic root *tak- (~ *tk-): (vb.) *tak- to cut into small pieces, to chop, to chip; (n.) *tak-a chip, small piece 263. Proto-Nostratic root *tal- (~ *tl-) and/or *til- (~ *tel-): (vb.) *tal- and/or *til- to overshadow, to cover over, to make dark; (n.) *tal-a and/or *til-a shade, shadow; covering; darkness 264. Proto-Nostratic root *tam- (~ *tm-): (vb.) *tam- to be sour, bitter; (n.) *tam-a that which is sour, bitter, rotten, or spoiled 265. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to be or become stuck, joined, or bound together; to be firmly or strongly attached; (n.) *tar-a firmness, solidity, strength; (adj.) firm, solid, strong, steadfast Derivative: (vb.) *tar- to be rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard; (n.) *tar-a that which is rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard; (adj.) rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard 266. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to be rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard; (n.) *tar-a that which is rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard; (adj.) rough, coarse, rigid, stiff, hard Derivative of: (vb.) *tar- to be or become stuck, joined, or bound together; to be firmly or strongly attached; (n.) *tar-a firmness, solidity, strength; (adj.) firm, solid, strong, steadfast



267. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-): (vb.) *tar- to cut, to split; (n.) *tar-a cut, split, rip, tear; damage; (adj.) cut, split, ripped, torn 268. Proto-Nostratic root *tar- (~ *tr-) (onomatopoeic): (vb.) *tar- to make a noise; (n.) *tar-a (rustling or rumbling) noise 269. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *taw-a bad thing, evil, wickedness; (adj.) bad, evil 270. Proto-Nostratic root *ti- (~ *te-): (vb.) *ti- to think, to consider; (n.) *ti-a thought, consideration, idea 271. Proto-Nostratic root *tip- (~ *tep-): (vb.) *tip- to pinch, to nip; (n.) *tip-a fingernail, claw 272. Proto-Nostratic root *tor-: (vb.) *tor- to run, to flow; (n.) *tor-a running, flowing; (adj.) speedy, swift


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic s-ss-s-

ProtoNostratic s -s-

ProtoAfrasian s -s-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-/ -y-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE s-s-

ProtoEskimo s-s-

273. Proto-Nostratic root *sam- (~ *sm-): (vb.) *sam- to be hot, sunny; (n.) *sam-a summer 274. Proto-Nostratic root *saw- (~ *sw-): (vb.) *saw- to be dry, arid, withered; (n.) *saw-a dryness, dry place; (adj.) dry, arid, withered 275. Proto-Nostratic root *saw- (~ *sw-) or *sew-: (vb.) *saw- to give birth, to bring forth, to be born; (n.) *saw-a son, child 276. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *saw-a wild boar 277. Proto-Nostratic root *sax- (~ *sx-): (vb.) *sax- to be or become hot, warm; to heat up, to make hot, to warm, to burn; (n.) *sax-a warmth, heat; sun 278. Proto-Nostratic root *sen-: (vb.) *sen- to change, to deteriorate, to grow old; (n.) *sen-a old age; old person; (adj.) aged, old 279. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *sil-a fat, lard 280. Proto-Nostratic root *sil- (~ *sel-): (vb.) *sil- to take (away), to seize, to snatch; (n.) *sil-a removal, robbery, plunder



281. Proto-Nostratic root *sir- (~ *ser-): (vb.) *sir- to twist, turn, tie, or bind together; (n.) *sir-a band, cord, any cord-like object: sinew, tendon, nerve, vein Perhaps related to: (n.) *sir-a root (of tree or plant) 282. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *sir-a root (of tree or plant) Perhaps related to: (vb.) *sir- to twist, turn, tie, or bind together; (n.) *sir-a band, cord, any cord-like object: sinew, tendon, nerve, vein 283. Proto-Nostratic root *sol-: (vb.) *sol- to be safe, well, sound; (n.) *sol-a safety; health, welfare; (adj.) safe, well, sound 284. Proto-Nostratic root *sor-: (vb.) *sor- to surge, gush, flow, spring, or spread forth; (n.) *sor-a surge, gush, flow 285. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *sub-a end, edge; top, front part 286. Proto-Nostratic root *sur- (~ *sor-): (vb.) *sur- to frighten; to be or become frightened, to fear; (n.) *sur-a fear 287. Proto-Nostratic root *suw- (~ *sow-): (vb.) *suw- to be proper, fitting, suitable, appropriate, good, well, fine, beautiful; (n.) *suw-a propriety, suitability, appropriateness; (adj.) proper, fitting, suitable, appropriate Semantics as in Geez / Ethiopic annaya [] to be beautiful, to be good, to seem good, to be well, to be fine, to be excellent, to be fitting, to be appropriate and its derivatives.


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---/ -d-

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE d -d-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

288. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to push, to shove, to drive; (n.) *ag-a push, shove, force Related to: (vb.) *ag- to stuff, press, or squeeze tight; (n.) *ag-a plug; (adj.) pressing, squeezing, cramming 289. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to stuff, press, or squeeze tight; (n.) *ag-a plug; (adj.) pressing, squeezing, cramming Related to: (vb.) *ag- to push, to shove, to drive; (n.) *ag-a push, shove, force 290. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to whet, to sharpen; (n.) *ag-a edge, side 291. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to make fun of, to deride, to mock; to make sport, to play about, to joke; (n.) *ak-a mockery, ridicule, sport 292. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-) or *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- or *ar- to run, flow, leak, or spill out; to spring forth, to issue (from); to flow or gush forth; (n.) *ar-a or *ar-a drizzle, rain, downpour; current, stream, torrent 293. Proto-Nostratic root *er- or *er-: (vb.) *er- or *er- to pierce, to jab, to stab, to thrust or shove into; (n.) *er-a or *er-a spear, javelin, weapon



294. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-) or *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- or *il- to flow, to flow forth; (n.) *il-a or *il-a drip, drop, raindrop; (adj.) flowing, trickling, dropping, sprinkling Probably identical to: (vb.) *il- or *il- to glide, to slide; (n.) *il-a or *il-a the act of slipping, sliding, gliding; (adj.) smooth, slippery 295. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-) or *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- or *il- to glide, to slide; (n.) *il-a or *il-a the act of slipping, sliding, gliding; (adj.) smooth, slippery Probably identical to: (vb.) *il- or *il- to flow, to flow forth; (n.) *il-a or *il-a drip, drop, raindrop; (adj.) flowing, trickling, dropping, sprinkling 296. Proto-Nostratic root *im- (~ *em-) or *im- (~ *em-): (vb.) *im- or *im- to blow, to play (a wind instrument); (n.) *im-a or *im-a blowing, playing (a wind instrument) 297. Proto-Nostratic root *um- (~ *om-) or *um- (~ *om-): (vb.) *um- or *um- to take, to seize; (n.) *um-a or *um-a the act of taking or seizing; (adj.) taking, seizing 298. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *u-a nipple, breast


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic c-c-

ProtoAfrasian c-c-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. c-c-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c(c)-

299. Proto-Nostratic root *cag- (~ *cg-): (vb.) *cag- to prick, to pierce; (n.) *cag-a prick, sting, rupture 300. Proto-Nostratic root *ca- (~ *c-): (vb.) *ca- to crush, to pound, to grind, to beat, to bruise, to destroy; (n.) *ca-a the act of crushing, beating, thrashing, pounding, grinding; (adj.) crushing, beating, thrashing, pounding, grinding 301. Proto-Nostratic root *cal- (~ *cl-): (vb.) *cal- to cut, to split, to cleave, to break off or apart; (n.) *cal-a cut, crack, split; stroke, blow Derivative: (n.) *cal-a part, piece, chip, fragment 302. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *cal-a part, piece, chip, fragment: Derivative of: (vb.) *cal- to cut, to split, to cleave, to break off or apart; (n.) *cal-a cut, crack, split; stroke, blow 303. Proto-Nostratic root *cuk- (~ *cok-): (vb.) *cuk- to close, to shut, to cover; (n.) *cuk-a closure, cover, stoppage


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic c-c-

ProtoAfrasian c-c-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. c-c-

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

304. Proto-Nostratic root *cal- (~ *cl-) or *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *cal- or *al- to stretch out, to extend, to exceed; to be wealthy, to prosper, to do well; (n.) *cal-a or *al-a wealth, prosperity, abundance 305. Proto-Nostratic root *car- (~ *cr-) stem indicating downward motion: (vb.) *car- to slip or slide down, to fall down, to roll down, to lean or bend down, to throw down; (n.) *car-a the act of slipping, sliding, falling, or rolling down; (particle) *car- down 306. Proto-Nostratic root *car- (~ *cr-) or *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *car- or *ar- to be or become visible, clear, evident; to reveal, to make known, to make clear, to clarify; (n.) *car-a or *ar-a visibility, clarity; (adj.) visible, clear, evident 307. Proto-Nostratic root *caw- (~ *cw-): (vb.) *caw- to be or become dry, withered, emaciated, lean; (n.) *caw-a that which is withered, dry, lean, blighted; (adj.) dry, withered, lean, blighted Extended form: (vb.) *caw-V-l- to be or become dry, withered, emaciated, lean; (adj.) *caw-l-a that which is withered, dry, lean, blighted; (adj.) dry, withered, lean, blighted 308. Proto-Nostratic root *cil- (~ *cel-): (vb.) *cil- to strip off, to peel off, to pick, to pluck; (n.) *cil-a peeling, picking, plucking 309. Proto-Nostratic root *cir- (~ *cer-): (vb.) *cir- to squeak, to chirp, to cheep, to peep; (n.) *cir-a a kind of bird



310. Proto-Nostratic root *cur- (~ *cor-): (vb.) *cur- to twist, to turn, to revolve; to press, tie, or bind together; to wrap up; to surround, to encircle, to enclose; (n.) *cur-a that which is tied, twisted, wrapped, or bound together: coil, wrapping, binding, loop, etc.; that which surrounds, encircles, or encloses: enclosure, wall, surroundings, circle


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic s-ss-s-

ProtoNostratic s-s-

ProtoAfrasian s-s-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. s-s-

ProtoIE s-s-


311. Proto-Nostratic root *sa- (~ *s-): Extended form: (vb.) *sa-V-y- to sift; (n.) *sa-y-a sieve 312. Proto-Nostratic root *sad- (~ *sd-): (vb.) *sad- to hear, to listen, to judge; (n.) *sad-a hearing, judgment, condemnation, punishment 313. Proto-Nostratic root *sag- (~ *sg-) or *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *sag- or *ag- to reach, to arrive at, to attain, to achieve, to get, to obtain; (n.) *sag-a or *ag-a acquisition, attainment, victory 314. Proto-Nostratic root *sa- (~ *s-) or *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *sa- or *a- to examine, to consider, to try to find out, to try to understand, to think about; (n.) *sa-a or *a-a thought, idea, understanding, inquiry, examination, consideration, investigation 315. Proto-Nostratic root *sak- (~ *sk-): (vb.) *sak- to cut, to split; (n.) *sak-a any sharp instrument used for cutting: knife, sword, dagger, axe, etc. 316. Proto-Nostratic root *sak- (~ *sk-): (vb.) *sak- to tie, to bind, to fasten; (n.) *sak- fastening, loop 317. Proto-Nostratic root *sal- (~ *sl-): (vb.) *sal- to go up, to lift up, to raise up; (n.) *sal-a ascent; height; (adj.) elevated, high, raised



318. Proto-Nostratic root *sam- (~ *sm-): (vb.) *sam- to resemble, to be like; (n.) *sam-a form, shape, appearance, likeness; (adj.) similar, alike, same 319. Proto-Nostratic root *san- (~ *sn-) or *an- (~ *n-), *sin- (~ *sen-) or *in- (~ *en-), *sun- (~ *son-) or *un- (~ *on-): (vb.) *san- or *an-, *sin- or *in-, *sun- or *un- to sense, to perceive; (n.) *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a (a) that which senses or perceives: mind, nose; (b) that which is sensed or perceived: perception, sense, feeling 320. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *s[e]n-a or *[e]n-a (the root vowel is uncertain but is probably *e) sinew, tendon 321. Proto-Nostratic second person pronoun stem *si- (~ *se-) you 322. Proto-Nostratic 3rd person pronoun stem *si- (~ *se-) he, she, it; him, her; they, them; 3rd person possessive suffix *-si (~ *-se) his, her, its; their 323. Proto-Nostratic root *sig- (~ *seg-): (vb.) *sig- to flow forth, to rain; (n.) *sig-a flowing, raining, storm 324. Proto-Nostratic root *si- (~ *se-): (vb.) *si- to scatter, to strew, to cast or throw, to sprinkle (with water); (n.) *si-a the act of scattering, strewing, casting, or throwing about; (adj.) scattered, strewn, cast, or thrown about


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---/ -d-

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKarvel. --

ProtoIE d -d-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

325. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to die, to fade, to wither; (n.) *a-a death 326. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ag-a a small tree, a bush or shrub 327. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to call (out), to cry (out); (n.) *a-a call, cry; name 328. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to fasten, to tie; (n.) *al-a string, strap, cord 329. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to wear out, to be used up, to cease to function; (n.) *aw-a cessation, end, extinction; (adj.) worn out, used up, wasted, decrepit, old 330. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *em-a anything that is sour, bitter, pungent, sharp; (adj.) sour, bitter, pungent, sharp


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian c-c-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c(c)-

331. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to leave, to leave behind, to abandon, to get rid of, to empty; to set free, to release, to let go; (n.) *al-a freedom, leisure, emptiness; (adj.) empty, abandoned, released, freed (from), at leisure Semantics as in Sanskrit ric- and its derivatives: ric- to empty, to evacuate, to leave, to give up, to resign; to release, to set free; to leave behind; to separate, to remove from, ricyte to be emptied, to be deprived of or freed from, rikt- emptied, empty, void. 332. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to bring forth, to produce, to grow, to be born; (n.) *an-a that which is brought forth, produced, grown: fruit; bringing forth: birth 333. Proto-Nostratic root *e-: (vb.) *e- to press, to squeeze, to crush; (n.) *e-a the act of pressing, squeezing, crushing; that which is pressed, squeezed, crushed: crumb(s) 334. Proto-Nostratic root *ok-: (vb.) *ok- to bend, to twist, to turn, to wind; (n.) *ok-a the act of bending, twisting, turning, winding


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian c-c-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE t-t-

ProtoEskimo c-c-

335. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *am-a reed, grass 336. Proto-Nostratic root *ik- (~ *ek-): (vb.) *ik- to be small; (n.) *ik-a small things; (adj.) small 337. Proto-Nostratic root *ir- (~ *er-): (vb.) *ir- to cut, to cut off, to cut through; to cut into, to scratch, to scrape; (n.) *ir-a that which is cut, cut off, cut into: slice, board, plank, scratch; that which cuts: knife, axe, adze


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic s-ss-s-

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian s-s-

ProtoDravid. c-c(c)-

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE s-s-


338. Proto-Nostratic demonstrative pronoun stem *a- (~ *-) this, that 339. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to split, to rip apart, to tear asunder; (n.) *ar-a that which splits: knife 340. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to drink, to swallow; (n.) *aw-a drink, juice 341. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to sigh, to pant, to gasp, to breathe deeply; (n.) *aw-a breath, sigh Related to: (vb.) *aw- to sleep, to rest; (n.) *aw-a sleep, slumber, rest 342. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to sleep, to rest; (n.) *aw-a sleep, slumber, rest Related to: (vb.) *aw- to sigh, to pant, to gasp, to breathe deeply; (n.) *aw-a breath, sigh 343. Proto-Nostratic root *i- (~ *e-): (vb.) *i- to separate into (equal) parts, to divide; (n.) *i-a part, portion, separation, division, section 344. Proto-Nostratic root *iw- (~ *ew-): (vb.) *iw- to swell; (n.) *iw-a swelling; (adj.) swollen, puffed up



345. Proto-Nostratic root *uw- (~ *ow-): (vb.) *uw- to be wet, moist; to make wet, to soak; (n.) *uw-a liquid, moisture; (adj.) moist, wet, soaked Extended form: (vb.) *uw-V-l- to be wet, moist; to make wet, to soak; (n.) *uw-l-a liquid, moisture; (adj.) moist, wet, soaked

Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-xg-g-

ProtoNostratic g-g-

ProtoAfrasian g-g-

ProtoDravid. k-k-

ProtoKartvel. g-g-

ProtoIE g -g-

ProtoEskimo k- q--

346. Proto-Nostratic root *ga- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ga- to go, to leave, to depart; to leave behind, to abandon, to forsake; (n.) *ga-a abandonment, lack, want, need, deprivation, loss, deficit; (adj.) abandoned, forsaken, left behind; wanting, lacking, deprived of 347. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gab-a front, front part Probably identical to: (n.) *gab-a peak, tip, top 348. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gab-a peak, tip, top Probably identical to: (n.) *gab-a front, front part Note also: (n.) *gub-a highest point, summit, top 349. Proto-Nostratic root *gab- (~ *gb-): (vb.) *gab- to grasp, to seize; (n.) *gab-a hand, arm 350. Proto-Nostratic root *gad- (~ *gd-): (vb.) *gad- to be or become big, great, mighty; (n.) *gad-a bigness, greatness, might; (adj.) big, great, mighty 351. Proto-Nostratic root *gad- (~ *gd-): (vb.) *gad- to cut, to split, to strike (with an instrument); (n.) *gad-a that which cuts: (pick)axe, saw; that which is cut, split: cut, split, piece, fragment, bit 352. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gad-a kid, young goat



353. Proto-Nostratic root *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to cut, break, tear, or pluck off; to separate; (n.) *gal-a cut, break, tear, separation Derivative: (vb.) *gal- to dig, scoop, or hollow out (> to plow); (n.) *gal-a the act of digging, scooping, or hollowing out 354. Proto-Nostratic root *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to dig, scoop, or hollow out (> to plow); (n.) *gal-a the act of digging, scooping, or hollowing out Derivative of: (vb.) *gal- to cut, break, tear, or pluck off; to separate; (n.) *gal-a cut, break, tear, separation 355. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gal-a pot, vessel 356. Proto-Nostratic root *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to be or become visible, clear, obvious, evident; to regard, to look at, to peer at; (n.) *gal-a visibility, clarity, understanding; (adj.) clear, plain, evident 357. Proto-Nostatic *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to cry out, to shout, to clamor; to be noisy, boisterous; (n.) *gal-a clamor, uproar, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, noise 358. Proto-Nostratic root *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to ache, to be in pain, to be ill, to suffer; (n.) *gal-a ache, pain, disease, illness 359. Proto-Nostatic (n.) *gal-a blemish, fault, scar, sore on the skin 360. Proto-Nostratic root *gal- (~ *gl-): (vb.) *gal- to be strong, powerful; to be able; (n.) *gal-a strength, power, ability 361. Proto-Nostratic root *gam- (~ *gm-): (vb.) gam- to bend, to be bent; (n.) gam-a a bent or curved object: hook; wrist, ankle; etc. 362. Proto-Nostratic root *gam- (~ *gm-): (vb.) *gam- to fill (up); (n.) *gam-a plenty, surplus, abundance



363. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ga-a (with different extensions in the various daughter languages: *ga-s- and/or *ga-s-, *ga-t-, etc. and sporadic loss of ) a waterfowl, an aquatic bird: goose, duck, etc. 364. Proto-Nostratic root *ga- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ga- to bend: to bend forward; to bend back; to bend to the side; (n.) *ga-a side, corner, flank, edge 365. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to seize, to grasp, to take hold of; (n.) *gar-a hand 366. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to cut, to split; (n.) *gar-a cut, injury; that which cuts: (pick)axe; (adj.) cut, separated, shortened 367. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to scratch, to scrape; (n.) *gar-a that which scratches, scrapes: spade, rake Derivative: (n.) *gar-b-a itch, scab, sore 368. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gar-b-a itch, scab, sore: Derivative of: (vb.) *gar- to scratch, to scrape; (n.) *gar-a that which scratches, scrapes: spade, rake 369. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to swell, to increase, to grow; (n.) *gar-a swelling, increase, growth; great quantity, abundance, excess Identical to: (vb.) *gar- to stick out, to stand out, to jut out, to project, to protrude; to be or become erect, rigid, stiff; (n.) *gar- tip, point, peak 370. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to stick out, to stand out, to jut out, to project, to protrude; to be or become erect, rigid, stiff; (n.) *gar- tip, point, peak Identical to: (vb.) *gar- to swell, to increase, to grow; (n.) *gar-a swelling, increase, growth; great quantity, abundance, excess



371. Proto-Nostratic root *gas- (~ *gs-): (vb.) *gas- to touch, to feel, to handle; (n.) *gas-a hand 372. Proto-Nostratic root *gat- (~ *gt-): (vb.) *gat- to take (with the hand), to grasp; (n.) *gat-a hand 373. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gen-a jaw, cheek 374. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *g[e]n-d-a virility, strength; a male (human or animal) 375. Proto-Nostratic pronominal base of unclear deictic function *gi- (~ *ge-) 376. Proto-Nostratic root *gib- (~ *geb-): (vb.) *gib- to bestow upon, to give; (n.) *gib-a gift 377. Proto-Nostratic root *gid- (~ *ged-) or *id- (~ *ed-): (vb.) *gid- or *id- to force, drive, or press together; to join; to unite; to gather (together); to collect; (n.) *gid-a or *id-a force, compulsion; collection, heap; union; (adj.) pressed close together, near, united 378. Proto-Nostratic root *gil- (~ *gel-): (vb.) *gil- to glide, to slip, to slide; (n.) *gil-a gliding, sliding; (adj.) smooth, slippery 379. Proto-Nostratic root *gil- (~ *gel-): (vb.) *gil- to freeze; (n.) *gil-a ice 380. Proto-Nostratic root *gin- (~ *gen-) or *in- (~ *en-): (vb.) *gin- or *in- to be young, small, weak; (n.) *gin-a or *in-a youth, young one; (adj.) young, small, weak 381. Proto-Nostratic root *gin- (~ *gen-): (vb.) *gin- to grind, to pound, to break or crush into pieces; (n.) *gin-a the act of grinding, pounding, crushing 382. Proto-Nostratic root *gir- (~ *ger-): (vb.) *gir- to gird, to enclose; (n.) *gir-a enclosure, fence, wall



383. Proto-Nostratic root *gir- (~ *ger-): (vb.) *gir- to be or become old; (n.) *gir-a old age, old person; (adj.) old 384. Proto-Nostratic root *gir- (~ *ger-) or *ir- (~ *er-): (vb.) *gir- or *ir- to move, to move swiftly, to hasten, to hurry; to run, to flow; to go, to walk; (n.) *gir-a or *ir-a movement, flow, flux, step, course 385. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gol-a edge, corner, valley 386. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gub-a highest point, summit, top Note also: (n.) *gab-a peak, tip, top 387. Proto-Nostratic root *gub- (~ *gob-: (vb.) *gub- to cook, to roast, to burn; (n.) *gub-a the act of cooking; that which is used for cooking: pot, pan; stove, furnace 388. Proto-Nostratic root *gud- (~ *god-): (vb.) *gud- to throw, to toss, to shake; (n.) *gud-a that which is thrown or tossed off or aside: rubbish, refuse, castout things 389. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gul-a (~ *gol-a) enclosed space 390. Proto-Nostratic root *gun- (~ *gon-): (vb.) *gun- to perceive, to notice; (n.) *gun-a notice, memory, mind, perception, remembrance, recollection 391. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *gup- (~ *gop-): (vb.) *gup- to extinguish; to be extinguished, to die out, to perish; (n.) *gup-a loss, destruction 392. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) (?) *gur- (~ *gor-): (n.) *gur-a gut, cord 393. Proto-Nostratic root *gur- (onomatopoeic): (vb.) *gur- to rumble, to roar, to growl, to gurgle; (n.) *gur-a rumbling, roaring, gurgling, growling noise or sound



394. Proto-Nostratic root *gus- (~ *gos-): (vb.) *gus- to go outside of or forth from; to make to go outside or forth from, to drive away, to chase away; (n.) *gus-a outsider, stranger 395. Proto-Nostratic root *guw- (~ *gow-): (vb.) *guw- to observe, to notice, to watch, to pay attention to, to heed, to be or become aware of; (n.) *guw-a observation, heed, awareness, attention, notice 396. Proto-Nostratic root *guw- (~ *gow-): (vb.) *guw- to hunt wild animals; (n.) *guw-a wild animal, wild beast, game; (adj.) wild, untamed Extended form: (vb.) *guw-V-r- to hunt wild animals; (n.) *guw-r-a wild animal, wild beast, game; (adj.) wild, untamed Notes: 1. The unextended stem is preserved in Egyptian. 2. The Afrasian (Cushitic and Chadic) and Indo-European forms are deverbatives: *guw-V-r-.


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-k(k)k -k-

ProtoNostratic k -k-

ProtoAfrasian k-k-

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE k -k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k(k)-q(q)-

397. Proto-Nostratic 1st person pronoun stem (stative) *ka398. Proto-Nostratic demonstrative pronoun stem: Proximate: *ka- (~ *k-) this; Intermediate: *ki- (~ *ke-) that; Distant: *ku- (~ *ko-) that yonder 399. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kab-a he-goat, male sheep, buck, ram 400. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kab-a foot, hoof 401. Proto-Nostratic root *kad- (~ *kd-): (vb.) *kad- to cover, to wrap, to clothe; (n.) *kad-a covering, shield, protection Perhaps identical to: (vb.) *kad- to tie, to bind; (n.) *kad-a tie, band, fastening 402. Proto-Nostratic root *kad- (~ *kd-): (vb.) *kad- to tie, to bind; (n.) *kad-a tie, band, fastening Perhaps identical to: (vb.) *kad- to cover, to wrap, to clothe; (n.) *kad-a covering, shield, protection 403. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kal-a female in-law Note also: (n.) *kel-a female in-law 404. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to make a noise, to sound; to call out, to shout; (n.) *kal-a noise, sound



405. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to guard, to hold (back), to watch; (n.) *kal-a protection, care, support; restraint, detention, custody, hold 406. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to point out, to make clear, to make known, to disclose, to explain; (n.) *kal-a study, learning; investigation, explanation, clarification 407. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kal-a reed, stalk, stem, blade of grass, haulm 408. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to rob, to steal, to hide; (n.) *kal-a theft 409. Proto-Nostratic root *kam- (~ *km-) or *qam- (~ *qm-): (vb.) *kam- or *qam- to seize, to grasp, to grip, to clutch; (n.) *kam-a or *qam-a grip, hold, hand(ful); bond, fetter 410. Proto-Nostratic root *kam- (~ *km-): (vb.) *kam- to work, to labor, to toil; to do, to make; (n.) *kam-a work, labor, toil 411. Proto-Nostratic root *kam- (~ *km-): (vb.) *kam- to gather together, to collect; (adv.) together, along with; (n.) *kam-a collection, assemblage, gathering 412. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kan-a stem, stalk, stick 413. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kan-a ~ *kin-a ~ *kun-a bee, honey 414. Proto-Nostratic root *ka- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ka- to make a noise, to sound; (n.) *ka-a noise, (ringing or tinkling) sound 415. Proto-Nostratic root *kap-: (vb.) *kap- to take, seize, or grasp with the hand; to press or squeeze with the hand; (n.) *kap-a hand 416. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kap-a bowl, cup, jar, container; skull



417. Proto-Nostratic root *kap- (~ *kp-): (vb.) *kap- to buy; to pay back; (n.) *kap-a recompense, tribute, pay-back 418. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to cut, to cut into, to cut off; (n.) *kar-a cut, incision Derivative: (n.) *kar-a skin, hide; bark, rind 419. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a skin, hide; bark, rind: Derivative of: (vb.) *kar- to cut, to cut into, to cut off; (n.) *kar-a cut, incision 420. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to twist, turn, spin, or wind around; (n.) *kar-a ring, circle, curve; (adj.) round, curved, twisted Possible derivative: (n.) *kar-a edge, side, bank 421. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a edge, side, bank Perhaps a derivative of: (vb.) *kar- to twist, turn, spin, or wind around; (n.) *kar-a ring, circle, curve; (adj.) round, curved, twisted 422. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a hardness, strength, firmness, fortitude; (adj.) hard, strong, firm Identical to: (n.) *kar-a roughness, coarseness; (adj.) rough, coarse 423. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a roughness, coarseness; (adj.) rough, coarse Identical to: (n.) *kar-a hardness, strength, firmness, fortitude; (adj.) hard, strong, firm Derivative: (n.) *kar-a bitterness, pungency, harshness; (adj.) bitter, pungent, harsh, sharp, caustic, hot (of taste), acrid 424. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a bitterness, pungency, harshness; (adj.) bitter, pungent, harsh, sharp, caustic, hot (of taste), acrid Derivative of: (n.) *kar-a roughness, coarseness; (adj.) rough, coarse 425. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a blackness, darkness; (adj.) black, dark



426. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a heart, core, essence 427. Proto-Nostratic root *kas- (~ *ks-): (vb.) *kas- to cut or break off, to divide, to separate; (n.) *kas-a cut, separation, division, break; cutting, clipping, fragment, piece, bit 428. Proto-Nostratic root *kat- (~ *kt-): (vb.) *kat- to plait, to weave, to twist; (n.) *kat-a that which is plaited, woven, twisted: mat, net, knot Derivative: (n.) *kat-a rag, cloth 429. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kat-a rag, cloth: Derivative of: (vb.) *kat- to plait, to weave, to twist; (n.) *kat-a that which is plaited, woven, twisted: mat, net, knot 430. Proto-Nostratic root *kat-: (vb.) *kat- to fall down, to set down, to drop down; (n.) *kat-a lower part, lower place, lower thing; (adj.) lower, inferior; (particle) *kat- down 431. Proto-Nostratic root *kat-: (vb.) *kat- to make a harsh, shrill screech or sound: to cackle, to caw, to screech, to cry, to yelp; (n.) *kat-a cackling, cawing, screeching, crying, yelping; (adj.) harsh, shrill, sharp, piercing (of sounds) 432. Proto-Nostratic root *kaw- (~ *kw-): (vb.) *kaw- to swell, to expand, to inflate, to grow, to increase; (n.) *kaw-a accumulation, inflation, expansion, growth; heap, pile; height 433. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kay-a solitude, loneliness, separateness; (adj.) alone Extended form (Afrasian and Indo-European): (n.) *kay-w-a solitude, loneliness, separateness; (adj.) alone 434. Proto-Nostratic root *kay- (~ *ky-): (vb.) *kay- to put, to place, to set, to lay; to be placed, to lie; (n.) *kay-a resting place, abode, dwelling; cot, bed 435. Proto-Nostratic root *kay- (~ *ky-): (vb.) *kay- to be or become warm or hot; to make warm, to heat; (n.) *kay-a heat



436. Proto-Nostratic root *kay-: (vb.) *kay- to scoop out; (n.) *kay-a spoon, ladle Extended form: (vb.) *kay-V-w- to dig; (n.) *kay-w-a cave, pit, hollow 437. Proto-Nostratic root *kil- (~ *kel-): (vb.) *kil- to make a sound or a noise; to say, to speak, to talk; (n.) *kil-a sound, noise; tongue, speech, language 438. Proto-Nostratic root *kil- (~ *kel-): (vb.) *kil- to rise, to ascend, to lift up; (n.) *kil-a hill, height; (adj.) raised, high 439. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kir-a uppermost part (of anything): horn, head, skull, crown of head; tip, top, summit, peak 440. Proto-Nostratic root *kir- (~ *ker-): (vb.) *kir- to freeze, to be cold; (n.) *kir-a frost, cold 441. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kiw-a stone 442. Proto-Nostratic root *kol-: (vb.) *kol- to tie, bind, fasten, fit, combine, or join two things together; to couple, to pair; (n.) *kol-a any combination of two things: couple, pair 443. Proto-Nostratic roots *kon-k-, *kok-: (vb.) *kon-V-k-, *kok- to be bent, curved, crooked; (n.) *kon-k-a, *kok-a hook, clasp; (adj.) bent, curved, crooked 444. Proto-Nostratic root *kul- (~ *kol-): (vb.) *kul- to hear, to listen; (n.) *kul-a renown, fame; ear Possible derivative: (vb.) *kul- to tell; (n.) *kul-a story, tale



445. Proto-Nostratic root *kul- (~ *kol-): (vb.) *kul- to tell; (n.) *kul-a story, tale Perhaps a derivative of: (vb.) *kul- to hear, to listen; (n.) *kul-a renown, fame; ear Assuming semantic development as in Greek to tell of, to make famous, to celebrate; or Pi (causative) svti (also supti) to cause to hear, to tell, to declare, to announce (suti to hear); or Romany (Palestinian) snar to inform all ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *kl-ew-/*kl-ow-/*kl-u- to hear. 446. Proto-Nostratic root *kum-: (vb.) *kum- to heap up, to pile up, to accumulate; (n.) *kum-a large amount, accumulation, heap; crowd, multitude 447. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kum-a man, male; penis 448. Proto-Nostratic root *kum- (~ *kom-): (vb.) *kum- to char, to blacken; to burn, to smolder; to be or become hot; (n.) *kum-a (hot or smoldering) ashes, embers, charcoal; heat, warmth; (adj.) warm, hot; glowing, smoldering; black 449. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kur-a blood 450. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kuwan-a or *kun-a originally a generic term meaning young (especially of animals); later specialized as young dog, puppy (as in Kannaa and Kolami cited below) and then simply dog Note: This term may be an early borrowing.


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-kk-k-

ProtoNostratic k-k-

ProtoAfrasian k-k-

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE k-k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k- -q-

451. Proto-Nostratic root *kab- (~ *kb-): (vb.) *kab- to seize, to take hold of; to seize with the teeth, to bite; (n.) *kab-a seizure, grasp, grip, hold; bite 452. Proto-Nostratic root *kac- (~ *kc-): (vb.) *kac- to labor, to strain; to become fatigued, exhausted, wearied (from straining, laboring); (n.) *kac-a trouble, difficulty, pain, strain 453. Proto-Nostratic root *ka- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ka- to put, join, fasten, wrap, fold, or tie together; (n.) *ka-a tie, band, knot, fastening, wrapping 454. Proto-Nostratic root *kad- (~ *kd-): (vb.) *kad- to tie, to fasten; to build, to construct; (n.) *kad-a tie, band, fastening 455. Proto-Nostratic root *kak- (onomatopoeic): (vb.) *kak- to cackle, to chatter; (n.) *kak-a crackling sound Derivative: (n.) *kak-a (onomatopoeic bird name) partridge 456. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kak-a (onomatopoeic bird name) partridge Derivative of: (vb.) *kak- to cackle, to chatter; (n.) *kak-a crackling sound 457. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to feed, to nourish; (n.) *kal-a nourishment, sustenance, nutriment 458. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kal-a stone, rock



459. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to take away, to remove, to deprive of; to decrease, to diminish, to reduce; to be or become reduced or diminished; (n.) *kal-a littleness, small quantity, scarcity; few things; lack, want, poverty, deficiency, insufficiency; (adj.) little, scanty, sparse, meager, insufficient, lacking, short of, wanting, needy 460. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to burn, to warm, to cook, to roast; (n.) *kal-a cooking, roasting, baking; glowing embers 461. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to move, to tremble, to shake, to agitate, to stir, to mix; (n.) *kal-a agitation, trembling, perturbation, distress, confusion, uneasiness, disturbance 462. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to come into being, to be born; (n.) *kal-a existence, presence, appearance, birth 463. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to separate, to remove, to strip off or away: to pluck, tear, or pull off or out; (n.) *kal-a separation, removal, stripping off or away, etc. Derivative: (n.) *kal-a bald spot; (adj.) bald, bare 464. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *kal-a bald spot; (adj.) bald, bare Derivative of: (vb.) *kal- to separate, to remove, to strip off or away: to pluck, tear, or pull off or out; (n.) *kal-a separation, removal, stripping off or away, etc. 465. Proto-Nostratic root *kan- (~ *kn-): (vb.) *kan- to get, to acquire, to create, to produce, to beget; (n.) *kan-a birth, offspring, child, young, produce; (adj.) born, begotten, produced 466. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kan-a jaw, cheek 467. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kan-a thickness, density, fatness, abundance; (adj.) thick, dense, fat, abundant, much



468. Proto-Nostratic root *kan- (~ *kn-): (vb.) *kan- to pound, to beat, to strike; (n.) *kan-a knock, strike, cuff, thump; mallet, club, cudgel, truncheon 469. Proto-Nostratic root *ka- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ka- to bend, twist, turn, or tie together; (n.) *ka-a wreath, rope, cord, fiber, tie, band, string Derivative: (n.) *ka-a knot, knob, joint 470. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ka-a knot, knob, joint Derivative of: (vb.) *ka- to bend, twist, turn, or tie together; (n.) *ka-a wreath, rope, cord, fiber, tie, band, string 471. Proto-Nostratic root *kan- (~ *kn-): (vb.) *kan- to observe, to perceive; (n.) *kan-a the act of observing, perceiving; that which observes, perceives: eye; perception, observation, recognition, comprehension 472. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kap-a and/or *kep-a jaw, jawbone Note: The Altaic cognates seem to point to Proto-Nostratic *kep-a, while the Indo-European cognates can be derived from either *kap-a or *kep-a. 473. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kap-a nape of the neck, back of the head 474. Proto-Nostratic root *kap- (~ *kp-): (vb.) *kap- to cover; to shut, to close; (n.) *kap-a covering 475. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to shout, to screech, to call (out to), to cry (out); (n.) *kar-a call, cry, invocation, proclamation; roar, lamentation 476. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a blackness, darkness, obscurity; dark cloud, rainy weather; dirt, grime; (adj.) dark, dark-colored; dirty, soiled 477. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to twist, to turn, to bend, to wind; to tie (together), to bind; (n.) *kar-a that which is tied or bound together: bunch, bundle; (adj.) bent, curved, crooked; tied, bound Possible derivative: (n.) *kar-a protuberance, lump, hump, breast



478. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a protuberance, lump, hump, breast Possibly derived from (in the sense curved shape, swelling): (vb.) *kar- to twist, to turn, to bend, to wind; to tie (together), to bind; (n.) *kar-a that which is tied or bound together: bunch, bundle; (adj.) bent, curved, crooked; tied, bound 479. Proto-Nostratic root *kat- (~ *kt-): (vb.) *kat- to add, join, bring, come, gather, or mix together; (n.) *kat-a blend, mixture, conglomeration, gathering 480. Proto-Nostratic root *kaw- (~ *kw-): (vb.) *kaw- to bend, twist, curve, or turn round; to rotate; (n.) *kaw-a any round object; (adj.) bent, curved, round 481. Proto-Nostratic root *kaw- (~ *kw-): (vb.) *kaw- to take, to seize, to grasp, to hold; (n.) *kaw-a hand 482. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *kel-a female in-law: husbands sister, sister-in-law; daughter-in-law Note also: (n.) *kal-a female in-law 483. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ken-a knot, joint 484. Proto-Nostratic root *kep-: (vb.) *kep- to cut, chop, split, or break into small pieces; to munch, to chew; (n.) *kep-a the act of cutting, chopping, splitting, or breaking into small pieces, the act of mincing; chewing (the cud), rumination 485. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *ker-: (vb.) *ker- to decay, to wear out, to wither, to waste away, to become old; (n.) *ker-a old age, old person; (adj.) decayed, worn out, withered, wasted, old 486. Proto-Nostratic root *ker-: (vb.) *ker- to gather, to collect; to take a handful, to pick, to pluck; (n.) *ker-a collection, gathering, handful



487. Proto-Nostratic root *kir- (~ *ker-) or *kur- (~ *kor-): (vb.) *kir- or *kur- to cut, to cut into, to incise, to engrave, to notch; to cut off, to sever, to nip off, to clip; to cut in two, to split; (n.) *kir-a or *kur-a cut, slit, notch; chip, piece cut off 488. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *kom-a hand, fist Perhaps related to: (vb.) *kum- to seize, to grasp, to press together; (n.) *kum-a heap, mass, lump, clump; pressure, compression 489. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kor-a or *kar-a crane 490. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kos-a bone 491. Proto-Nostratic root *kud- (~ *kod-): (vb.) *kud- to strike; (n.) *kud-a stroke, blow, knock, cuff, thump 492. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kud-a (~ *kod-a) vessel, pot 493. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ku-n-a (~ *ko-n-a) gnat, mosquito 494. Proto-Nostratic root *kul- (~ *kol-): (vb.) *kul- to lift, to raise, to pick up; to rise, to ascend; to make high, to elevate; (n.) *kul-a highest point 495. Proto-Nostratic root *kul- (~ *kol-): (vb.) *kul- to be or become cold; to freeze; (n.) *kul-a cold, coldness, chill, frost 496. Proto-Nostratic root *kum- (~ *kom-): (vb.) *kum- to sigh, to weep, to lament, to moan, to groan; (n.) *kum-a sigh, mourning, lamentation, moan, groan, roar, grumble 497. Proto-Nostratic root *kum- (~ *kom-): (vb.) *kum- to seize, to grasp, to press together; (n.) *kum-a heap, mass, lump, clump; pressure, compression Perhaps related to: (n.) *kom-a hand, fist



498. Proto-Nostratic root *kum- (~ *kom-): (vb.) *kum- to bend, to curve; to bend the head or body, to bow or stoop down; (n.) *kum-a bend, curve; the act of bending, bowing, stooping Identical to: (n.) *kum-a a bent or curved object: hollow, cavity; knob, lump, hump; etc. 499. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kum-a a bent or curved object: hollow, cavity; knob, lump, hump; etc.: Identical to: (vb.) *kum- to bend, to curve; to bend the head or body, to bow or stoop down; (n.) *kum-a bend, curve; the act of bending, bowing, stooping 500. Proto-Nostratic root *kun- (~ *kon-): (vb.) *kun- to bend; to bend or fold together; to tie or bind together; (n.) *kun-a that which is bent, folded, crooked, curved, hooked: bend, fold, curve, curvature, angle, wrinkle 501. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ku-a buttocks, rump, anus 502. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kut-a shortness, smallness; (adj.) short, small


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-xg-g-

ProtoNostratic g-g-

ProtoAfrasian g-g-

ProtoDravid. k-k-

ProtoKartvel. gw/u-gw/u-

ProtoIE g-g-

ProtoEskimo k- q--

503. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *gal-a snake 504. Proto-Nostratic root *gan- (~ *gn-): (vb.) *gan- to hit, to strike, to slay, to kill, to wound, to harm, to injure; (n.) *gan-a strike, harm, injury 505. Proto-Nostratic root *gan- (~ *gn-): (vb.) *gan- to swell, to abound; (n.) *gan-a swelling, abundance, large quantity, prosperity 506. Proto-Nostratic root *gar- (~ *gr-): (vb.) *gar- to turn, to twist, to wind, to wrap, to roll; (n.) *gar-a any round or circular object; (adj.) rolling, round, bent, twisted, turned 507. Proto-Nostratic root *gir- (~ *ger-): (vb.) *gir- to be or become hot, to warm; (n.) *gir-a heat, fire


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-k(k)k -k-

ProtoNostratic k-k-

ProtoAfrasian k-k-

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. kw/u-kw/u-

ProtoIE k-k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k(k)-q(q)-

508. Proto-Nostratic post-positional intensifying and conjoining particle *ka- (~ *k-) 509. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to go, to walk, to move about; (n.) *kal-a walking, walk, wandering, roaming Probably identical to: (vb.) *kal- to revolve, to go around, to roll; (n.) *kal-a circle, circuit 510. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to revolve, to go around, to roll; (n.) *kal-a circle, circuit Probably identical to: (vb.) *kal- to go, to walk, to move about; (n.) *kal-a walking, walk, wandering, roaming Derivative: (n.) *kal-a that which turns, rolls, revolves, or goes round and round (> wheel in the daughter languages) 511. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kal-a that which turns, rolls, revolves, or goes round and round (> wheel in the daughter languages) Derivative of: (vb.) *kal- to revolve, to go around, to roll; (n.) *kal-a circle, circuit 512. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to end, to come to an end; to bring to an end, to complete, to finish; (n.) *kal-a end, finish, completion, fulfillment 513. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (adv.) (?) *kal- far off, far away, distant



514. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kal-a a large fish 515. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to cut; (n.) *kar-a piece cut off; knife Derivatives: (vb.) *kar- to cut a groove, to hollow out, to dig; (n.) *kar-a cut, hole, hollow, digging, excavation, pit, groove, trench (vb.) *kar- to cut short, to reduce, to decrease, to diminish, to lessen; (n.) *kar-a shortness; (adj.) short 516. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to cut a groove, to hollow out, to dig; (n.) *kar-a cut, hole, hollow, digging, excavation, pit, groove, trench Derivative of: (vb.) *kar- to cut; (n.) *kar-a piece cut off; knife 517. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to cut short, to reduce, to decrease, to diminish, to lessen; (n.) *kar-a shortness; (adj.) short Derivative of: (vb.) *kar- to cut; (n.) *kar-a piece cut off; knife 518. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-a vessel, pot 519. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to procure; (n.) *kar-a payment, procurement 520. Proto-Nostratic root *kat- (~ *kt-): (vb.) *kat- to move rapidly, to shake; (n.) *kat-a rapid movement, shaking 521. Proto-Nostratic (particle) *kay- when, as, though, also Possibly derived from: Relative pronoun stem *ki-; interrogative pronoun stem *ka522. Proto-Nostratic root *kay- (~ *ky-): (vb.) *kay- to repay in kind, to return an equal measure; (n.) *kay-a payment, repayment



523. Proto-Nostratic root *key-: (vb.) *key- to do, to make, to create; to form, to fashion; (n.) *key-a act, deed, creation 524. Proto-Nostratic relative pronoun stem *ki- (~ *ke-); interrogative pronoun stem *ka- (~ *k-) 525. Proto-Nostratic root *kir- (~ *ker-): (vb.) *kir- to twist or twine together, to tie together, to bind, to fasten; (n.) *kir-a twist, tie, bundle, rope; the act of twisting or twining together: work, craft, act, action 526. Proto-Nostratic (n.) (?) *kur-a body, belly 527. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kur-a worm, grub, maggot, insect


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-kk-k-

ProtoNostratic k-k-

ProtoAfrasian k-k-

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. kw/u-kw/u-

ProtoIE k-k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k- -q-

528. Proto-Nostratic root *kad- (~ *kd-): (vb.) *kad- to strike, to beat, to smash, to pound; (n.) *kad-a knock, stroke, thrust Note also: (vb.) *ked- to destroy, to damage, to ruin; to decay, to rot, to spoil; (n.) *ked-a death, destruction, damage, ruin, decay 529. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kad-a hind part, end, tail 530. Proto-Nostratic root *ka- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ka- to hit, to strike, to beat, to pound; to push or press in; (n.) *ka-a club, cudgel; (adj.) hit, beaten, pounded, pushed or pressed together, crammed, filled 531. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to go: to go away from, to go after or behind; (n.) *kal-a track, way 532. Proto-Nostratic root *kal- (~ *kl-): (vb.) *kal- to gush forth, to overflow; to flow, to leak, to ooze, to drip, to trickle; (n.) *kal-a gush, flow, drip, trickle; river, stream, spring 533. Proto-Nostratic root *kam- (~ *km-): (vb.) *kam- to burn slowly, to smolder; to be hot, to be red-hot, to be glowing; to smoke; (n.) *kam-a embers, ashes; heat; smoke 534. Proto-Nostratic root *kan- (~ *kn-): (vb.) *kan- to suckle, to nurse; to suck; (n.) *kan-a udder, bosom, breast Derivative: (n.) *kan-a woman, wife



535. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *kan-a woman, wife Derivative of: (vb.) *kan- to suckle, to nurse; to suck; (n.) *kan-a udder, bosom, breast Semantic development as in Latin fmina female, woman from the same root as in fl to suck, hence, one who gives suck. 536. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to be cold; (n.) *kar-a cold, coldness 537. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to rest, to stay, to remain; (n.) *kar-a stillness, quietude, repose, rest, resting place; (adj.) still, quiet, at rest 538. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to crush, to grind; (n.) *kar-a grinding pestle, grinding stone; stone, rock 539. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kar-b-a the inside, the middle, interior, inward part 540. Proto-Nostratic root *kar- (~ *kr-): (vb.) *kar- to thunder, to rumble; (n.) *kar-a rain, storm, stormy weather, thunderstorm 541. Proto-Nostratic root *kas- (~ *ks-): (vb.) *kas- to strike fire, to put out (fire); (n.) *kas-a spark, fire 542. Proto-Nostratic root *kas- (~ *ks-) (onomatopoeic): (vb.) *kas- to sigh, to moan, to groan; to whisper, to murmur, to mumble; (n.) *kas-a sigh, moan, groan, whisper, murmur, mumble 543. Proto-Nostratic root *kat- (~ *kt-): (vb.) *kat- to burn, to smolder, to smoke; (n.) *kat-a burning, heat, smoke 544. Proto-Nostratic root *kat- (~ *kt-): (vb.) *kat- to cut; (n.) *kat-a knife, cutting instrument; (adj.) sharp



545. Proto-Nostratic root *ked-: (vb.) *ked- to destroy, to damage, to ruin; to decay, to rot, to spoil; (n.) *ked-a death, destruction, damage, ruin, decay Note also: (vb.) *kad- to strike, to beat, to smash, to pound; (n.) *kad-a knock, stroke, thrust 546. Proto-Nostratic root *kiy- (~ *key-): (vb.) *kiy- to be putrid, purulent; (n.) *kiy-a pus 547. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *kow-a bullock, ox, cow 548. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *koy-a outer covering: skin, hide, leather; bark (of a tree), shell, crust 549. Proto-Nostratic root *kur- (~ *kor-): (vb.) *kur- to be heavy, weighty, solid, bulky; (n.) *kur-a heaviness, weight, solidity, thickness; (adj.) heavy, weighty, solid, bulky


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-xg-g-

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian - (?) -- (?)

ProtoDravid. k-k-

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE g -g-

ProtoEskimo k- q--

550. Proto-Nostratic root *ad- (~ *d-): (vb.) *ad- to make a loud sound or loud noise; (n.) *ad-a loud noise, clap of thunder, loud clatter, loud rumble Reduplicated (Semitic and Dravidian): (vb.) *ad-ad- to make a loud sound or loud noise; (n.) *ad-ad-a loud noise, clap of thunder, loud clatter, loud rumble 551. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to come, to go; (n.) *al-a the act of coming or going; trip, voyage 552. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to flow; (n.) *al-a ravine, gully, watercourse, river 553. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to stir up, to agitate, to disturb; to be stirred up, agitated, disturbed; (n.) *al-a agitation, disturbance, perturbation; quarrel, fight, battle 554. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to gather together, to bring together, to put together, to join together, to come together, to do together; (n.) *am-a gathering, collection, crowd, multitude, throng 555. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to mutter, to groan, to grumble, to howl, to roar; (n.) *ar-a groan, howl, murmur, roar, cry Reduplicated (Semitic and Kartvelian): (vb.) *ar-ar- to mutter, to groan, to grumble, to howl, to roar; (n.) *ar-ar-a groan, howl, murmur, roar, cry



556. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to crush, to grate, to grind; to melt, to dissolve; (n.) *ar-a the act of crushing, grating, grinding; (adj.) crushed, grated, ground, dissolved, melted, softened 557. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to dig, to dig up, to dig out; (n.) *ar-a that which is used to dig: spade; that which is dug (out): furrow, ditch, gutter, canal 558. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a stick, staff, rod, pole, stalk, stem 559. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a wildfowl, wild goose Reduplicated: (n.) *ar-ar-a wildfowl, wild goose 560. Proto-Nostratic root *at- (~ *t-): (vb.) *at- to bite; (n.) *at-a bite; (adj.) biting, sharp, bitter Derivative: (n.) *at-a jaw, chin 561. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *at-a jaw, chin Derivative of: (vb.) *at- to bite; (n.) *at-a bite; (adj.) biting, sharp, bitter 562. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- to shine, to glisten; (n.) *il-a brilliance, shine; (adj.) shining, glistening, gleaming, brilliant 563. Proto-Nostratic root *it- (~ *et-): (vb.) *it- to tickle; (n.) *it-a armpit 564. Proto-Nostratic root *ub- (~ *ob-): (vb.) *ub- to bend, to twist; (n.) *ub-a that which is twisted, bent, curved: hunch, wattle


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-k(k)k -k-

ProtoNostratic q -q-

ProtoAfrasian q- (?) -q- (?)

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. q-q-

ProtoIE k -k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k(k)-q(q)-

565. Proto-Nostratic root *qad- (~ *qd-): (vb.) *qad- to move, to put in motion, to be in motion; (n.) *qad-a way, path, direction, passage; movement, motion; hard work, diligence 566. Proto-Nostratic root *qal- (~ *ql-): (vb.) *qal- to strike, to split, to cut, to wound, to injure; (n.) *qal-a stroke, blow, wound, cut, slash, damage, injury 567. Proto-Nostratic root *qam- (~ *qm-): (vb.) *qam- to cover, to conceal; (n.) *qam-a covering 568. Proto-Nostratic root *qar- (~ *qr-): (vb.) *qar- to make a rasping sound, to be hoarse; to creak, to croak; (n.) *qar-a neck, throat 569. Proto-Nostratic root *qat- (~ *qt-): (vb.) *qat- to beat, to strike, to fight; (n.) *qat-a anger, fury, wrath, spite; fight, battle, quarrel; killing, slaughter


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-kk-k-

ProtoNostratic q-q-

ProtoAfrasian q- (?) -q- (?)

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. q-q-

ProtoIE k-k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k- -q-

570. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qab-a jaw 571. Proto-Nostratic root *qal- (~ *ql-) or *qel-: (vb.) *qal- or *qel- to glitter, to sparkle, to shine, to be or become bright; to make bright; (n.) *qal-a or *qel-a any bright, shining object: star 572. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qal-a sexual organs, genitals, private parts (male or female) 573. Proto-Nostratic root *qam- (~ *qm-): (vb.) *qam- to crush, to grind; to chew, to bite, to eat; (n.) *qam-a bite; tooth 574. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qan-a field, land, (open) country 575. Proto-Nostratic root *qar- (~ *qr-): (vb.) *qar- to rot, to stink; (n.) *qar-a rotten, stinking, putrid thing; (adj.) rotten, stinking, putrid 576. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qaw-a head, forehead, brow 577. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qel-a neck, throat 578. Proto-Nostratic root *qin- (~ *qen-): (vb.) *qin- to freeze, to be or become cold; (n.) *qin-a cold, frost

CHAPTER 29 PROTO-NOSTRATIC * Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-xg-g-

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian g-g-

ProtoDravid. k-k-

ProtoKartvel. w/u-w/u-

ProtoIE g-g-

ProtoEskimo k- q--

579. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to curve, to bend, to roll; to be round; (n.) *al-a round object: circle, globe, sphere, ball, etc. Derivative: (n.) *al-a head, skull 580. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *al-a head, skull Derivative of: (vb.) *al- to curve, to bend, to roll; to be round; (n.) *al-a round object: circle, globe, sphere, ball, etc.


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic k-kk-k-

ProtoNostratic q-q-

ProtoAfrasian q- (?) -q- (?)

ProtoDravid. k-k(k)-

ProtoKartvel. qw/u-qw/u-

ProtoIE k-k-

ProtoEskimo k- q-k- -q-

581. Proto-Nostratic root *qad- (~ *qd-): (vb.) *qad- to abide, to dwell; to relax, to rest, to be or become calm; (n.) *qad-a dwelling, abode, house 582. Proto-Nostratic root *qal- (~ *ql-): (vb.) *qal- to call (out), to cry (out), to shout; (n.) *qal-a call, cry, outcry, sound, noise, hubbub, uproar 583. Proto-Nostratic root *qal- (~ *ql-): (vb.) *qal- to strike, to hit, to cut, to hurt, to wound, to slay, to kill; (n.) *qal-a killing, murder, manslaughter, destruction, death Probably identical to: (vb.) *qal- to throw, to hurl; (n.) *qal-a sling, club; throwing, hurling 584. Proto-Nostratic root *qal- (~ *ql-): (vb.) *qal- to throw, to hurl; (n.) *qal-a sling, club; throwing, hurling Probably identical to: (vb.) *qal- to strike, to hit, to cut, to hurt, to wound, to slay, to kill; (n.) *qal-a killing, murder, manslaughter, destruction, death 585. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *qar-a edge, point, tip, peak 586. Proto-Nostratic root *qar- (~ *qr-) or *qur- (~ *qor-): (vb.) *qar- or *qur- to call out, to cry out; (n.) *qar-a or *qur-a call, cry, shout 587. Proto-Nostratic root *qar- (~ *qr-) or *qur- (~ *qor-): (vb.) *qar- or *qur- to hear; (n.) *qar-a or *qur-a ear



588. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *qat- (~ *qt-): (vb.) *qat- to say, to speak, to call; (n.) *qat-a call, invocation, invitation, summons 589. Proto-Nostratic root *qur- (~ *qor-): (vb.) *qur- to swallow; (n.) *qur-a neck, throat


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic s -- (?) -

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. c-k-

ProtoKartvel. x-x-

ProtoIE k -k-

ProtoEskimo V-V-

590. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *a-a (young) sheep or goat 591. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to prick, to pierce, to stab; (n.) *ak-a stab, thrust, jab; thorn, spike, prong, barb 592. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to cut, split, or break open; (n.) *al-a slit, crack 593. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to cause harm, to injure, to cause strife; (n.) *ar-a injury, harm, strife 594. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to cut, to cut into; (n.) *ar-a cut, slit, slice, slash; that which cuts: saw, knife, axe Extended form: (vb.) *ar-V-t- to make incisions, to cut into; (n.) *ar-t-a scratch, incision 595. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): Extended form: (vb.) *ar-V-t- to make incisions, to cut into; (n.) *ar-t-a scratch, incision Derivative of: (vb.) *ar- to cut, to cut into; (n.) *ar-a cut, slit, slice, slash; that which cuts: saw, knife, axe 596. Proto-Nostratic root *ay- (~ *y-): (vb.) *ay- to grow old, to turn gray (hair); (n.) *ay-a old age, gray hair



597. Proto-Nostratic root *er-: (vb.) *er- to burn, to roast; (n.) *er-a ash(es), charcoal, burnt wood; firewood; (adj.) burned, heated, roasted, charred, parched 598. Proto-Nostratic root *i- (~ *e-): Extended form: (vb.) *i-V-r- to comb; (n) *i-r-a hair: Note: The original meaning of the stem *i- (~ *e-) may have been to scratch, to scrape (> to comb > hair); this stem may be preserved in Cushitic: Proto-Cushitic *Vaf-/*Vif- or *laf-/*lif- to claw, to scratch. For derivation of the word for hair from a stem with the meaning to scratch, to scrape, cf. Sanskrit ka- hair of the head from the same stem found in Lithuanian kati to scrape, Old Prussian coysnis comb. 599. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-) or (?) *ir- (~ *er-): (vb.) *il- or (?) *ir- to see; (n.) *il-a or (?) *ir-a eye 600. Proto-Nostratic root *ir- (~ *er-): (vb.) *ir- to be highly esteemed, eminent, illustrious, glorious; (n.) *ir-a high rank, chief, chieftain, ruler 601. Proto-Nostratic root *un- (~ *on-): Extended form: (vb.) *un-V-k- to hook up, to hang up, to suspend (tr.); to dangle, to hang (intr.); (n.) *un-k-a peg, hook 602. Proto-Nostratic root *ut- (~ *ot-): (vb.) *ut- to cut, to split; (n.) *ut-a cut, split


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic - -

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. t-()-

ProtoKartvel. k-k-

ProtoIE k-k-


603. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to bite, to gnaw; (n.) *ar-a bite Extended form (in Semitic and Indo-European): (vb.) *ar-V-s- to bite, to gnaw; (n.) *ar-s-a tooth; morsel bitten, food, nourishment 604. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- to be bent, curved, round; (n.) *il-a bent, curved, round thing or object; (adj.) bent, curved, round 605. Proto-Nostratic root *im- (~ *em-): (vb.) *im- to join, bind, press, or unite together; (n.) *im-a bond, tie, union, connection; (adj.) joined, bound, pressed, or united together; tied, harnessed, glued, etc. 606. Proto-Nostratic root *uk- (~ *ok-): (vb.) *uk- to push, to shove, to thrust (in), to press (in); (n.) *uk-a push, shove, thrust


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE --

ProtoEskimo --

607. Proto-Nostratic 1st singular personal pronoun stem *a- (~ *-), *i- (~ *e-) I, me No doubt originally the same as the deictic particles *a-, *i- listed below. Note: The Chukchi forms support the view that we are dealing with what was originally a deictic particle here inasmuch as the same patterning is found in both the first and second person predicative pronoun stems. Moreover, it is the proximate deictic form *i- (~ *e-) that is represented in ChukchiKamchatkan as opposed to the distant form *a- (~ *-) found in Afrasian (the Proto-Indo-European forms *e+k-, *e+g-, and *e+k- are phonologically ambiguous). This seems to indicate that independent developments were involved in each branch, using the same basic elements. 608. Proto-Nostratic demonstrative stems (originally deictic particles): Proximate: *i- (~ *e-) this; Intermediate: *u- (~ *o-) that; Distant: *a- (~ *-) that yonder, that over there Note: These stems often combined with other deictic particles: *a/i/u+na-, *a/i/u+a-,*a/i/u+ma-,*a/i/u+ta-, *a/i/u+ka-, *a/i/u+ya-, etc. 609. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ab-a strength, power; (adj.) strong, mighty 610. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ab(b)a ~ *ap(p)a father, forefather (nursery word) 611. Proto-Nostratic root *ad- (~ *d-): (vb.) *ad- to be strong, mighty, powerful, exalted; (n.) *ad-a lord, master; (adj.) strong, mighty, powerful, exalted 612. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ad-a thorn; (adj.) pointed, sharp, prickly 613. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *a-a cow



614. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to be young, youthful, tender, fresh; (n.) *a-a a youth, young man, younger brother; (adj.) young, tender 615. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to eat; (n.) *ak-a food, meal; fodder, feed, morsel 616. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to be evil, wicked, bad; to hurt, to harm; (n.) *ak-a evil, wickedness, harm 617. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to dig; (n.) *ak-a that which is dug: digging, ditch, trench, hole; that which is used to dig: carving tool, chisel, cutter, gouge 618. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *akka older female relative (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *akka older male relative 619. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *akka older male relative (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *akka older female relative 620. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to be hot, to burn; to warm oneself; (n.) *ak-a heat, fire 621. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to purify, to cleanse (> to sift, to clean grain in the daughter languages); (n.) *al-a the act of washing, cleaning; that which is washed, cleaned Semantics as in Sanskrit pun ti to make clean, clear, pure, or bright; to cleanse, to purify, to purge, to clarify; (with sktum) to cleanse from chaff, to winnow; to sift, to discriminate, to discern, (passive) pyte to be cleaned, washed, or purified; related to Old High German fowen to sift, to clean grain and Latin prus clean, pure. 622. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-) (perhaps also *el-, *ul-): (vb.) *al- to be not so-and-so or such-and-such; (n.) *al-a nothing



Originally a negative verb stem meaning to be not so-and-so or such-andsuch later used in some branches as a negative particle. 623. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to seize, to grasp, to take, to touch, to hold (closely or tightly); (n.) *am-a grasp, hold, hand(ful); (adj.) seized, grasped, touched, held, obtained 624. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *am-a time, moment, point of time; (particle) now 625. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *am(m)a mother (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *ema older female relative; mother; (older) woman 626. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to load up and go, to send off; (n.) *an-a load, burden 627. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to be quiet, still, at peace, at rest; (n.) *an-a tranquility, peace, rest; (adj.) quiet, still, peaceful, restful 628. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to draw near to, to approach, to come (close to); (n.) *an-a nearness, proximity Derivative: (particle) *an-to, towards, over, for, against, upon, on 629. Proto-Nostratic (particle) *an-to, towards, over, for, against, upon, on Derivative of: (vb.) *an- to draw near to, to approach, to come (close to); (n.) *an-a nearness, proximity 630. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ana mother, aunt (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *ena mother, elder sister 631. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to divide, to separate; (n.) *a-a separation, difference; (adj.) separate, different 632. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *a()a (older) female relative (nursery word) 633. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *a()a (older) male relative



634. Proto-Nostratic root *ap- (~ *p-): (vb.) *ap- to be more, over, above, extra; (n.) *ap-a that which is more, over, above, extra; (adj.) many, more, extra, additional, numerous, teeming (particle) *ap- also, moreover, besides Note: The CVC- patterning shows that this stem could not originally have been a particle, though this is how it is preserved in the daughter languages. Though the original meaning is unknown, we may speculate that it may have been something like (vb.) to be more, over, above, extra; (n.) that which is more, over, above, extra; (adj.) many, more, extra, additional, numerous, teeming. 635. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to cut (off, apart), to sever, to separate, to part asunder; (n.) *ar-a half, side, part; (adj.) severed, separated, parted, disjoined 636. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a male, man, husband 637. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a associated or related person or thing; associate, companion, friend; kinsman, relative; (adj.) associated, related 638. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-) (used as the base for the designation of various horned animals): (n.) *ar-a ram, goat, mountain-goat, chamois, ibex, gazelle, etc. 639. Proto-Nostratic root *as- (~ *s-): (vb.) *as- to gather, to collect; (n.) *as-a the act of gathering, collecting 640. Proto-Nostratic root *as- (~ *s-): (vb.) *as- to put, to place, to set; to sit, to be seated; (n.) *as-a place, seat; (adj.) put, placed, set, established 641. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *atta older male relative, father (nursery word) 642. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ata older relative (male or female) (nursery word) 643. Proto-Nostratic coordinating conjunction *aw-, *wa- (~ *w-) or 644. Proto-Nostratic root *ay- (~ *y-) (interrogative verb stem): (vb.) *ay- to do what?, to act in what manner? Derivative: Interrogative-relative pronoun stem *ay-, *ya- (relative) who, which, what; (interrogative) who?, which?, what?



645. Proto-Nostratic interrogative-relative pronoun stem *ay-, *ya- (relative) who, which, what; (interrogative) who?, which?, what?: Derivative of: (vb.) *ay- to do what?, to act in what manner? 646. Proto-Nostratic root *ay- (~ *y-): (vb.) *ay- to go, to proceed; (n.) *ay-a journey Note also: (vb.) *iy- to come, to go; (n.) *iy-a approach, arrival; path, way 647. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ay(y)a mother, female relative (nursery word) 648. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ay(y)a father, male relative (nursery word) 649. Proto-Nostratic negative particle *e no, not 650. Proto-Nostratic root *eb-: (vb.) *eb- to become weak, exhausted, wasted, debilitated, wiped out; to yield, to succumb; to go mad, to become insane, to lose ones mind; to lose ones way; (n.) *eb-a weakness, exhaustion; madness, silliness, foolishness; (adj.) weakened, exhausted, debilitated, wiped out; mad, foolish, silly, halfwitted 651. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *ek-: (vb.) *ek- to move quickly, to rage; to be furious, raging, violent, spirited, fiery, wild; (n.) *ek-a rapid or violent movement, fury, rage 652. Proto-Nostratic root *ek-: (vb.) *ek- to diminish, to decrease, to reduce; to be insufficient, lacking, wanting; to be small, weak, lowly, ignoble, common, ordinary, plain, simple; (n.) *ek-a diminishment, reduction, decrease, loss; deficiency, want, need, lack 653. Proto-Nostratic root *el-: (vb.) *el- to shine, to radiate, to glitter, to glisten; (n.) *el-a luster, splendor, light



654. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *ema older female relative; mother; (older) woman (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *am(m)a mother 655. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ena mother, elder sister (nursery word) Note also: (n.) *ana mother, aunt 656. Proto-Nostratic root *ep-: (vb.) *ep- to burn, to be hot; to cook, to boil, to bake; (n.) *ep-a the act of cooking, baking; oven 657. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *er-a earth, ground 658. Proto-Nostratic root *ib- (~ *eb-): (vb.) *ib- to well up, to overflow, to spill over; to pour out or over; (n.) *ib-a spill, overflow, flood, deluge 659. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- to live, to be alive; to be, to exist; (n.) *il-a dwelling, habitation, house; (adj.) living, alive, existing 660. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *il-a (~ *el-a) deer 661. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- to see, to know; (n.) *il-a eye 662. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *in-a (~ *en-a) place, location (> in, within, into in the daughter languages) 663. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ina or *ia younger relative (male or female) (nursery word) 664. Proto-Nostratic root *it- (~ *et-): (vb.) *it- to chew, to bite, to eat, to consume; (n.) *it-a the act of eating; that which is eaten: food, nourishment 665. Proto-Nostratic root *iy- (~ *ey-): (vb.) *iy- to come, to go; (n.) *iy-a approach, arrival; path, way Note also: (vb.) *ay- to go, to proceed; (n.) *ay-a journey



666. Proto-Nostratic 1st person personal pronoun stem *iya: (a) by me; (b) agent marker of the 1st singular of verbs; (c) postnominal possessive pronoun: my 667. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *om-a rounded prominence at the end of a bone forming a ball and socket joint with the hollow part of another bone, condyle (of the lower jaw, the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, etc.) Note: Semantic shifts took place in Semitic, Indo-European, and, in part, Altaic; the original meaning was preserved in Egyptian and Turkic. 668. Proto-Nostratic root *or-: (vb.) *or- to move rapidly, quickly, hastily; to set in motion; (n.) *or-a any rapid motion: running, flowing, pouring, etc.; (adj.) rapid, quick, hasty 669. Proto-Nostratic root *or-: (vb.) *or- to rise (up); (n.) *or-a rising movement or motion Extended form: (vb.) *or-V-g- to climb on, to mount, to copulate (with); (n.) *or-g-a mounting, copulation 670. Proto-Nostratic root *or-: Extended form: (vb.) *or-V-g- to climb on, to mount, to copulate (with); (n.) *or-g-a mounting, copulation Derivative of: (vb.) *or- to rise (up); (n.) *or-a rising movement or motion 671. Proto-Nostratic root *ot-: (vb.) *ot- to move to or toward; to move away from; to move out of the way, to step aside; (n.) *ot-a movement to or toward; movement away from; step, track 672. Proto-Nostratic root *ow-: Extended form: (vb.) *ow-V-- to hatch eggs; (n.)*ow--a egg Dolgopolsky has proposed a very attractive etymology here. However, it must be noted that Arabic " eggwhite, albumen is isolated within Semitic. Moreover, even though the Proto-Indo-European form is traditionally reconstructed as *u i om egg, no single reconstruction can account for all of the forms found in the Indo-European daughter languages. Accordingly, there



are difficulties with this etymology. If this is a valid etymology, it would imply that the Proto-Indo-European form is to be reconstructed as *ou i om egg, with short vowel in the first syllable and a laryngeal (* [= *]) between *u and *i (the long vowel found in the first syllable of the forms attested in several of the Indo-European daughter languages would then be due to compensatory lengthening following the loss of this laryngeal). There may have been a nonapophonic *o (original, or inherited, *o) in the first syllable, in which case the Proto-Nostratic form would have been *ow--. Reconstructing a medial laryngeal (* [= *]) would also account for the Germanic developments. *ow-yo-m (traditional *ou i om) egg cannot, as is often assumed, be a derivative of the common Proto-Indo-European word for bird, which requires an initial a-coloring laryngeal (preserved in Armenian): *Aw-i-s [*Aw-i-s], *Aw-y-s > Armenian hav bird, hen, chicken; Latin avis a bird; Umbrian (acc.) avif bird; Sanskrit (nom. sg.) v-, (Rigveda) v- a bird; etc. 673. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ul-a the bottom or lowest part of anything; the sole of the foot; soil, earth, ground, land Semantics as in Latin slum the bottom or lowest part of anything; the sole of the foot; soil, earth, ground, land (cf. Buck 1949:1.212). 674. Proto-Nostratic deictic stem indicating distance farthest away from the speaker *ul- (~ *ol-) that over there, that yonder 675. Proto-Nostratic root *um- (~ *om-): (vb.) *um- to bear, to give birth; (n.) *um-a offspring, descendant 676. Proto-Nostratic root *up- (onomatopoeic): (vb.) *up- to blow; (n.) *up-a puff of air, breath 677. Proto-Nostratic root *ut- (~ *ot-): (vb.) *ut- to stretch, to lengthen; (n.) *ut-a wide-open space, outdoor area, exterior; length, distance; (adj.) wide, broad, long


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic h-h-

ProtoAfrasian h-h-

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE h-h-

ProtoEskimo --

678. Proto-Nostratic root *hag- (~ *hg-): (vb.) *hag- to burn, to be on fire, to be aflame, to be ablaze, to shine brightly; (n.) *hag-a midday heat, heat of sun, sunlight 679. Proto-Nostratic root *hak- (~ *hk-): (vb.) *hak- to be sluggish, slow; to do or approach something gradually, slowly, step by step; (adv.) slowly, gradually; (n.) *hak-a slowness, gradualness, sluggishness 680. Proto-Nostratic root *hak- (~ *hk-): (vb.) *hak- to press, squeeze, pack, or cram together; to confine, to oppress; (n.) *hak-a oppression, affliction, pain 681. Proto-Nostratic root *hal- (~ *hl-): (vb.) *hal- to light up, to beam forth, to shine, to brighten up, to radiate; (n.) *hal-a clearness, brightness, radiance, purity; (adj.) clear, pure, bright, shining, radiant 682. Proto-Nostratic root *hal- (~ *hl-): (adv.) *hal- else, otherwise; (n.) *hal-a other side; (adj.) other 683. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ham-a blackness; black object; (adj.) black 684. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ham-a water 685. Proto-Nostratic root *ham- (~ *hm-): (vb.) *ham- to take into the mouth, to eat; (n.) *ham-a mouth 686. Proto-Nostratic root *ha- (~ *h-): (vb.) *ha- to split apart, to open (tr.); to gape, to open the mouth, to yawn; (n.) *ha-a opening: yawn, gape, mouth; hole; crack, crevice



687. Proto-Nostratic root *hap- (~ *hp-): (vb.) *hap- to turn, to turn away, to turn back; (n.) *hap-a the act of turning away, turning back, overturning; (adj.) turned away from, turned back, overturned 688. Proto-Nostratic root *haw- (~ *hw-): (vb.) *haw- to long for, to desire; (n.) *haw-a desire 689. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *hay-a a kind of cereal or grain 690. Proto-Nostratic exclamation of surprise, astonishment, grief, or misfortune *hay 691. Proto-Nostratic root *her- and/or *hor-: (vb.) *her- and/or *hor- to escape, to flee, to run away; (n.) *her-a and/or *hor-a escape, flight; (adj.) escaped, liberated, freed


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic - -

ProtoAfrasian - -

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. x-x-

ProtoIE - -

ProtoEskimo --

692. Proto-Nostratic root *ac- (~ *c-): (vb.) *ac- to pick, to pluck; (n.) *ac-a the act of picking, plucking; (adj.) picked, plucked 693. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to be pressed or weighed down; to be oppressed; to be vexed, distressed, disheartened, afflicted, troubled; (n.) *ag-a trouble, affliction, oppression, distress, grief, sadness 694. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to cover over, to hide, to conceal, to obscure, to overshadow; (n.) *ag-a mist, darkness, cloudy weather; (adj.) misty, dark, cloudy 695. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to be mentally sharp, keen; (n.) *ak-a wisdom, sound judgment, understanding 696. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to spread, to widen, to extend; (n.) *ak-a expanse, wide-open space, earth, field 697. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to direct, to guide, to command; (n.) *ak-a direction, guidance, command, decree; leader, chief, chieftain, ruler, headman 698. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to lay waste, to destroy, to kill, to slaughter; (n.) *al-a destruction, violence, killing, slaughter Note also: (vb.) *xal- to wear down, to wear out, to weaken; to be worn out, worn down, weakened; (n.) *xal-a weakness, exhaustion, fatigue, weariness; (adj.) weak, worn out, tired, exhausted, weary



699. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to wash, to rinse, to clean; (n.) *al-a the act of washing, cleaning; (adj.) washed, clean(ed) 700. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to lower; (n.) *al-a that which is beneath or under; lower part, underpart; (adj.) lower 701. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to grow, to be strong; (n.) *al-a health, strength, power; (adj.) healthy, strong, powerful; grown, great, large 702. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *al-a hole, hollow, cavity 703. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to be sharp, sour, bitter, acid; (n.) *am-a any sharp-tasting, sour, bitter, or acid foodstuff; (adj.) sharp, sour, bitter, acid 704. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to become still, quiet, tranquil; to rest, to settle down, to remain, to abide; (n.) *am-a abode, resting place; stillness, tranquility; (adj.) seated, settled 705. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to show favor; to be gracious, affectionate, tender; (n.) *an-a affection, tenderness, favor, graciousness 706. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to bend, to curve, to twist; (n.) *an-a bend, curve, twist 707. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): Extended form: (vb.) *an-V-g- to tie tightly, to constrict, to make narrow; to choke, to strangle; (n.) *an-g-a throat; (adj.) narrow, constricted 708. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to dive into water (bird); (n.) *a-a an aquatic bird



709. Proto-Nostratic root *ap- (~ *p-): (vb.) *ap- to take, gather, or collect (with the hands or arms); (n.) *ap-a that which has been gathered or collected: plenty, fullness, abundance, wealth, possessions, property; embrace, armful, handful 710. Proto-Nostratic root *ap- (~ *p-): (vb.) *ap- to move quickly, to run, to flow; (n.) *ap-a (flowing or running) water, river, stream, current 711. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to prepare, to make ready, to put together; (n.) *ar-a way, manner, method 712. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a arm, hand 713. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to be superior, to be higher in status or rank, to be above or over; (n.) *ar-a nobleman, master, chief, superior; (adj.) free-born, noble 714. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ar- to scratch, to scrape (> to plow in the daughter languages); (n.) *ar-a scraping, scratching 715. Proto-Nostratic *ar-: (1) particle introducing an alternative: or, (2) conjoining particle: with, and, (3) inferential particle: then, therefore Note: The CVC- patterning shows that this stem could not originally have been a particle, though this is how it is preserved in the daughter languages. The original meaning is unknown. 716. Proto-Nostratic root *as- (~ *s-): (vb.) *as- to burn, to be hot; (n.) *as-a cinder, ember, ashes; heat 717. Proto-Nostratic root *as- (~ *s-) (used as the base to designate various tree names): (n.) *as-a a tree and its fruit 718. Proto-Nostratic root *at- (~ *t-): (vb.) *at- to shake, to tremble; to be shaken, startled, frightened, terrified, afraid; (n.) *at-a trembling, shaking 719. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *aw-a a relative on the mothers side



720. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to surge up, to overflow, to rain; (n.) *aw-a torrential rain, torrent, deluge Probably related to: (vb.) *aw- to swell, to increase; (n.) *aw-a swelling, increase, growth; great number or amount 721. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to swell, to increase; (n.) *aw-a swelling, increase, growth; great number or amount Probably related to: (vb.) *aw- to surge up, to overflow, to rain; (n.) *aw-a torrential rain, torrent, deluge 722. Proto-Nostratic root *aw- (~ *w-): (vb.) *aw- to weave, to braid, to plait, to twist, to turn; (n.) *aw-a the act of weaving, braiding, plaiting 723. Proto-Nostratic root *ay- (~ *y-): (vb.) *ay- to live, to be alive; (n.) *ay-a life, age Extended form: (vb.) *ay-V-w- to live, to be alive; (n.) *ay-w-a life, age 724. Proto-Nostratic root *ay- (~ *y-): Extended form: (vb.) *ay-V-t- to swell, to be fat; (n.) *ay-t-a a swelling, fat; (adj.) fat, swollen 725. Proto-Nostratic root *a- (~ *-): (vb.) *a- to cut into, to carve, to notch; (n.) *a-a that which is cut: incision, notch, nick; that which cuts: saw, chisel, axe, hatchet 726. Proto-Nostratic root *in- (~ *en-): Extended form: (vb.) *in-V-k- to reach, to come to, to arrive at, to gain; to offer, to present; (n.) *in-k-a gain, mastery, experience; offering, present 727. Proto-Nostratic root *iw- (~ *ew-), *iy- (~ *ey-): (vb.) *iw-, *iy- to lack, to stand in need, to be in want; (n.) *iw-a, *iy-a need, want, lack, deficiency



728. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *ok-a sharp point 729. Proto-Nostratic root *ok-: (vb.) *ok- to scrape, to scratch; (n.) *ok-a scraping, scratching 730. Proto-Nostratic root *on-: (vb.) *on- to swell, to grow, to rise; (n.) *on-a height, elevation, swelling 731. Proto-Nostratic root *ul- (~ *ol-): (vb.) *ul- to destroy, to lay waste, to cause to perish; (n.) *ul-a ruin, destruction; end, death 732. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) hawk-like bird: falcon, hawk, eagle, kite 733. Proto-Nostratic root *ur- (~ *or-): (vb.) *ur- to pound, to grind, to crush, to waste away or wear down by rubbing; (n.) *ur-a pestle, mortar 734. Proto-Nostratic root *ut- (~ *ot-): (vb.) *ut- to shake, to shiver, to tremble; (n.) *ut-a trembling, shaking; (adj.) shaking, shivering, trembling


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE - -

ProtoEskimo --

735. Proto-Nostratic root *ag- (~ *g-): (vb.) *ag- to bud, to sprout, to grow; (n.) *ag-a outgrowth, bud, sprout, protuberance 736. Proto-Nostratic root *ak- (~ *k-): (vb.) *ak- to beat, to strike, to break; (n.) *ak-a the act of beating, striking, breaking 737. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to be high, tall, elevated, exalted; to rise high; to ascend; (n.) *al-a highest point: peak, summit, mountain; (particle) *al- on, upon, on top of, over, above, beyond 738. Proto-Nostratic root *al- (~ *l-): (vb.) *al- to make a fire, to light a fire, to ignite, to kindle, to burn; (n.) *al-a fire, torch 739. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to sink, to dip, to plunge; (n.) *am-a deep place, valley; (adj.) sunken, deep 740. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to lift, to raise, to make high; (n.) *am-a highest point, tip, top Extended form (Semitic and Indo-European): (vb.) *am-V-d- to lift, to raise, to make high; (n.) am-d-a highest point, tip, top 741. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to shoot, to hurl, to throw; (n.) *am-a arrow



742. Proto-Nostratic root *an- (~ *n-): (vb.) *an- to breathe, to respire, to live; (n.) *an-a life, breath 743. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *a-a upper part; (particle) *a- up, above 744. Proto-Nostratic root *ap- (~ *p-): (vb.) *ap- to grasp, to seize, to take hold of, to take by force; (n.) *ap-a grasp, hold, seizure 745. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ar-a back, rear; hindquarters, behind 746. Proto-Nostratic root *ar- (~ *r-): Extended form: (vb.) *ar-V-g- to climb on, to mount; to rise, to ascend; to lift up, to raise; (n.) *ar-g-a climbing, mounting 747. Proto-Nostratic root *at- (~ *t-): (vb.) *at- to move, to proceed, to advance (in years); (n.) *at-a maturity, old age; advance; (adj.) mature, old; advanced 748. Proto-Nostratic root *en-: (vb.) *en- to see, to notice, to pay attention; (n.) *en-a sight, view, attention 749. Proto-Nostratic root *e-: (vb.) *e- to think, to consider; (n.) *e-a thought, idea, notion, concept, intention, deliberation 750. Proto-Nostratic root *ey-: (vb.) *ey- to know, to recognize; (n.) *ey-a sight, recognition; (adj.) known, seen, recognized 751. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ig-a young of an animal, calf 752. Proto-Nostratic root *im- (~ *em-): (vb.) *im- to suck, to swallow; (n.) *im-a the act of sucking, swallowing; breast, nipple, teat 753. Proto-Nostratic root *or-: (vb.) *or- to turn or twist round; (n.) *or-a turning, twisting; binding, tying; sewing, weaving 754. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ub-a bosom, breast



755. Proto-Nostratic root *un- (~ *on-): (vb.) *un- to eat, to drink, to swallow; to feed (on), to suck (milk from a breast); (n.) *un-a food, meal 756. Proto-Nostratic root *ur- (~ *or-): (vb.) *ur- to be firm, hard, strong; (n.) *ur-a firmness, hardness, strength; (adj.) firm, hard, strong 757. Proto-Nostratic root *ut- (~ *ot-): (vb.) *ut- to smell; (n.) *ut-a smell, odor, fragrance 758. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *uw-a (~ *ow-a) herd of small animals, sheep and goats


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic -x--

ProtoNostratic x-x-

ProtoAfrasian x-x-

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. x-x-

ProtoIE - -

ProtoEskimo --

759. Proto-Nostratic root *xal- (~ *xl-): (vb.) *xal- to wear down, to wear out, to weaken; to be worn out, worn down, weakened; (n.) *xal-a weakness, exhaustion, fatigue, weariness; (adj.) weak, worn out, tired, exhausted, weary Note also: (vb.) *al- to lay waste, to destroy, to kill, to slaughter; (n.) *al-a destruction, violence, killing, slaughter 760. Proto-Nostratic root *xal- (~ *xl-): (vb.) *xal- to divide, to allot, to apportion, to enumerate, to count; (n.) *xal-a division, allotment, portion, share; measurement, calculation, number 761. Proto-Nostratic root *xa- (~ *x-): (vb.) *xa- to lift, to raise; to rise, to go upward, to ascend; (n.) *xa-a that which is most prominent, foremost, visible, or noticeable; (particle) *xa- on top of, over, above Extended form: (n.) *xa-t-a the most prominent or foremost (person or thing), front, front part 762. Proto-Nostratic root *xa- (~ *x-): Extended form: (n.) *xa-t-a the most prominent or foremost (person or thing), front, front part Derivative of: (vb.) *xa- to lift, to raise; to rise, to go upward, to ascend; (n.) *xa-a that which is most prominent, foremost, visible, or noticeable; (particle) *xa- on top of, over, above 763. Proto-Nostratic root *xat- (~ *xt-): (vb.) *xat- to cut into, to hollow out, to engrave, to prick, to pierce; (n.) *xat-a slice, carving, engraving, engraved line, incision



764. Proto-Nostratic root *xol-: (vb.) *xol- to be separated or apart from, by oneself, alone; to set apart; (n.) *xol-a solitude, seclusion, loneliness; (adj.) alone, lonely


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic w-x-

ProtoNostratic x-x-

ProtoAfrasian x-x-

ProtoDravid. v-/-v-

ProtoKartvel. xw/u-xw/u-

ProtoIE --

ProtoEskimo v-v-

765. Proto-Nostratic root *xal- (~ *xl-): (vb.) *xal- to pull (off, out), to tear (off, out); (n.) *xal-a the act of pulling or tearing (off, out) 766. Proto-Nostratic root *xat- (~ *xt-): (vb.) *xat- to scratch, to scrape; (n.) *xat-a the act of scratching, scraping 767. Proto-Nostratic root *xat- (~ *xt-): (vb.) *xat- to chatter, to speak; (n.) *xat-a chatter, talk 768. Proto-Nostratic root *xel-: (vb.) *xel- to gulp down; (n.) *xel-a neck, throat 769. Proto-Nostratic root *xir- (~ *xer-): (vb.) *xir- to make a loud noise, to make a shrill sound; (n.) *xir-a loud noise


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic ---

ProtoNostratic --

ProtoAfrasian --

ProtoDravid. --

ProtoKartvel. --

ProtoIE - -

ProtoEskimo --

770. Proto-Nostratic root *am- (~ *m-): (vb.) *am- to be or become dark; to cover, to hide; (n.) *am-a darkness; sunset, evening 771. Proto-Nostratic root *il- (~ *el-): (vb.) *il- to bear, to give birth, to beget (of humans); (n.) *il-a child, youth, young person; (adj.) young, immature


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic y-y-y-

ProtoNostratic y-y-

ProtoAfrasian y-y-

ProtoDravid. y-/-y-

ProtoKartvel. y-/-

ProtoIE y-y-

ProtoEskimo y-y-

772. Proto-Nostratic root *ya- (~ *y-): (vb.) *ya- to tie, to bind, to gird; (n.) *ya-a binding, bond, bandage; belt, girdle 773. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *yam-a water, sea 774. Proto-Nostratic root *yan- (~ *yn-): (vb.) *yan- to say, to speak; (n.) *yan-a saying, word, expression 775. Proto-Nostratic root *yaw- (~ *yw-): (vb.) *yaw- to produce young; (n.) *yaw-a youth, young person, child; (adj.) young 776. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *yiw-a (~ *yew-a) grain 777. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *yor-a set of two, group of two; a pair of (> two)


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic w-w-

ProtoNostratic w-w-

ProtoAfrasian w-w-

ProtoDravid. v-/-v-

ProtoKartvel. w-w-

ProtoIE w-w-

ProtoEskimo v-v-

778. Proto-Nostratic 1st person personal pronoun stem *wa- (~ *w-) I, me; we us 779. Proto-Nostratic sentence particle *wa- (~ *w-) and, also, but; like, as 780. Proto-Nostratic root *wa- (~ *w-): (vb.) *wa- to call, to cry out, to shout; (n.) *wa-a cry, howl, clamor, shout, noise 781. Proto-Nostratic root *wad- (~ *wd-): (vb.) *wad- to take, to lead, to carry, to bring; (n.) *wad-a the act of taking, leading, carrying, bringing 782. Proto-Nostratic root *wa- (~ *w-): (vb.) *wa- to strike, to stab, to wound; (n.) *wa-a wound, scar; knife, sword, blade, spear(head) 783. Proto-Nostratic root *wak- (~ *wk-): (vb.) *wak- to rouse, to stir up, to excite; (n.) *wak-a energy, vigor, strength, power, might 784. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to be or become strong; (n.) *wal-a strength, power 785. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to pull (out); (n.) *wal-a pulling, dragging 786. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to cry out, to call out, to shout; (n.) *wal-a sound, noise, cry, wail, lamentation, howl, hubbub



787. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to go, to go away, to depart; (n.) *wal-a departure, flight, escape 788. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to flow, to wet, to moisten; (n.) *wal-a flow, trickle; wetness, moisture, dampness; (adj.) wet, damp 789. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to set fire to, to burn, to heat up, to warm; (n.) *wal-a heat, warmth, boiling 790. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to crush, to grind, to wear out; to rub, to press; to be worn out, weak; to fade, to wither, to waste away; (n.) *wal-a distress, pain, difficulty; weakness, hunger, starvation 791. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to turn, to roll, to revolve; (n.) *wal-a circle, circumference; turn, rotation; (adj.) round 792. Proto-Nostratic root *wal- (~ *wl-): (vb.) *wal- to blaze, to shine, to be bright; (n.) *wal-a whiteness, glitter, luster, brightness, light; (adj.) shining, bright, white 793. Proto-Nostratic root *wam- (~ *wm-): (vb.) *wam- to eject, to spit out, to spit up; (n.) *wam-a spittle, vomit 794. Proto-Nostratic root *wan- (~ *wn-): (vb.) *wan- to stay, to remain; (n.) *wan-a abode, dwelling 795. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wan-a share, portion, period (of time) 796. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wan-a first, first-born, eldest 797. Proto-Nostratic root *wan- (~ *wn-): (vb.) *wan- to bend; (n.) *wan-a bend, curve; (adj.) crooked, bent, curved 798. Proto-Nostratic root *wa- (~ *w-): (vb.) *wa- to strike, to stab, to wound, to cut; (n.) *wa-a cut, slash, gash, wound; harm, injury; dagger, knife



799. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *war-a man, male, male animal 800. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-): (vb.) *war- to look, to watch out for, to observe, to care for; (n.) *war-a watch, vigil, guardianship, care; watchman, guard, keeper, warder 801. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-): (vb.) *war- to comb; (n.) *war-a comb 802. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-): (vb.) *war- to stretch, to extend, to expand; (n.) *war-a width, breadth, length; (adj.) wide, broad Probably identical to: (vb.) *war- to raise, to elevate, to grow, to increase; (n.) *war-a uppermost, highest, or topmost part 803. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-): (vb.) *war- to raise, to elevate, to grow, to increase; (n.) *war-a uppermost, highest, or topmost part Probably identical to: (vb.) *war- to stretch, to extend, to expand; (n.) *war-a width, breadth, length; (adj.) wide, broad 804. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-): (vb.) *war- to burn, to blaze; (n.) *war-a blaze, flame, heat, warmth 805. Proto-Nostratic root *war- (~ *wr-) and/or *wir- (~ *wer-): (vb.) *war- and/or *wir- to say, to speak, to tell, to point out, to make known; (n.) *war-a and/or *wir-a news, report, gossip, speech 806. Proto-Nostratic root *was- (~ *ws-): (vb.) *was- to be or become worn out, tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted; (n.) *was-a weariness, fatigue, exhaustion Identical to: (vb.) *was- to crush, to grind, to pound, to wear out; to wither, to fade, to rot away, to waste away, to dry up, to decay; (n.) *was-a the act of crushing, grinding, pounding; wasting away, decay, decomposition



807. Proto-Nostratic root *was- (~ *ws-): (vb.) *was- to crush, to grind, to pound, to wear out; to wither, to fade, to rot away, to waste away, to dry up, to decay; (n.) *was-a the act of crushing, grinding, pounding; wasting away, decay, decomposition Identical to: (vb.) *was- to be or become worn out, tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted; (n.) *was-a weariness, fatigue, exhaustion 808. Proto-Nostratic root *wa- (~ *w-): (vb.) *wa- to add (to), to augment, to increase, to heap up; (n.) *wa-a augmentation, increase, addition, increment; (adj.) increased, augmented, heaped up, filled, full 809. Proto-Nostratic root *wat- (~ *wt-): (vb.) *wat- to pass (of time); to grow old, to age; (n.) *wat-a year, age; (adj.) old 810. Proto-Nostratic root *wat- (~ *wt-): (vb.) *wat- to say, to speak, to be talkative; (n.) *wat-a sound, cry, chatter, babble, report 811. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wat-a the belly, stomach, bowels; womb; the interior or inside of anything 812. Proto-Nostratic exclamation *way woe! 813. Proto-Nostratic root *wa- (~ *w-): (vb.) *wa- to flow; (n.) *wa-a running water 814. Proto-Nostratic root *wed-: (vb.) *wed- to strike (with a weapon); (n.) *wed-a death, ruin, murder; strike, cut, wound, scar; weapon, axe 815. Proto-Nostratic root *wel-: (vb.) *wel- to slay, to fight; (n.) *wel-a conquest, victory, defeat, slaughter, massacre; fight, battle, attack 816. Proto-Nostratic root *wel-: (vb.) *wel- to be open, to be vacant; (n.) *wel-a open space, open land, field, meadow



817. Proto-Nostratic root *wel-: (vb.) *wel- to well up, to surge, to flow forth, to flood; (n.) *wel-a deluge, flood, inundation; surge, wave 818. Proto-Nostratic root *wet-: (vb.) *wet- to wet, to moisten; (n.) *wet-a water 819. Proto-Nostratic root *wig- (~ *weg-): (vb.) *wig- to carry, to convey; (n.) *wig-a burden, load; conveyance, cart, vehicle 820. Proto-Nostratic root *wil- (~ *wel-): (vb.) *wil- to become bright, to manifest, to appear, to come into view; (n.) *wil-a appearance, manifestation; light, brightness, radiance, splendor; (adj.) bright, manifest, clear 821. Proto-Nostratic root *win- (~ *wen-) or *wi- (~ *we-): (vb.) *win- or *wi- to strive for, to wish for, to desire; (n.) *win-a or *wi-a wish, desire 822. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wir-a poplar 823. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *wos-: (vb.) *wos- to trade, to deal; (n.) *wos-a trade, commerce 824. Proto-Nostratic root *wot-: (vb.) *wot- to take hold of, to seize, to grasp, to collect, to take away; (n.) *wot-a the act of taking, seizing, grasping 825. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *woy-: (vb.) *woy- to make an effort, to act with energy; (n.) *woy-a strength, power 826. Proto-Nostratic root (vb.) *woy-: Extended form: (vb.) *woy-V-k- to arrange or put in order; (n.) *woy-k-a arrangement, order; straightness, correctness, rectitude; (adj.) straight, right, correct, true 827. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wun-d-a (~ *won-d-a) (young, fine, or soft) hair 828. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *wur-a (~ *wor-a) squirrel



829. Proto-Nostratic root *wur- (~ *wor-): (vb.) *wur- to scratch, to incise, to dig up; (n.) *wur-a pit, ditch 830. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *wuy- (~ *woy-) or *Huy- (~ *Hoy-): (vb.) *wuy- or *Huy- to swim; (n.) *wuy-a or *Huy-a swim, swimming


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic m-mm-m-

ProtoNostratic m-m-

ProtoAfrasian m-m-

ProtoDravid. m-m-

ProtoKartvel. m-m-

ProtoIE m-m-

ProtoEskimo m-m-

831. Proto-Nostratic indefinite pronoun stem *ma- (~ *m-), *mi- (~ *me-), *mu(~ *mo-) one, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody; other, another: Note: This may originally have been a demonstrative stem (as suggested by Illi-Svity), with three degrees of distance: Proximate: *ma- (~ *m-) this; Intermediate: *mi- (~ *me-) that; Distant: *mu- (~ *mo-) that yonder As in the stems: Proximate: *ka- (~ *k-) this; Intermediate: *ki- (~ *ke-) that; Distant: *ku- (~ *ko-) that yonder *ta- (~ *t-) this; *ti- (~ *te-) that; *tu- (~ *to-) that yonder

832. Proto-Nostratic (nursery word) (n.) *ma(a) mother, mommy, (reduplicated) *mam(m)a, *mema mother; (mothers) breast, milk; used as a verb, the meaning was probably to suckle, to nurse; to suck (the breast) 833. Proto-Nostratic negative/prohibitive particle *ma()- (~ *m()-) no, not 834. Proto-Nostratic root *ma- (~ *m-): (vb.) *ma- to increase (in number), to be abundant, to be many; (n.) *ma-a large quantity, plenty, abundance; (adj.) great, big, large, many, abundant 835. Proto-Nostratic root *mad- (~ *md-): (vb.) *mad- to stretch, to expand, to lengthen, to draw out, to measure out; (n.) *mad-a measure, measurement, amount; extent, limit Note also: (vb.) *mat- to stretch, to expand, to lengthen, to draw out, to measure out; (n.) *mat-a measure, measurement, amount; extent, limit 836. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mad-w-a honey, mead



837. Proto-Nostratic root *mag- (~ *mg-): (vb.) *mag- to be of great influence, importance, or power; to be eminent, exalted, highly esteemed, glorious, illustrious; (n.) *mag-a strength, power, might; glory, splendor, magnificence, grandeur, nobility, honor, distinction, excellence; (adj.) strong, powerful, eminent, exalted, highly esteemed, glorious, illustrious 838. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *mag-a earth, land 839. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mag-a young person, child; (adj.) young 840. Proto-Nostratic root *ma- (~ *m-): (vb.) *ma- to increase, to swell, to exceed, to surpass, to be great; (n.) *ma-a bigness, greatness, fullness, excellence; (adj.) big, great, full 841. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mak-a neck 842. Proto-Nostratic root *mak- (~ *mk-): (vb.) *mak- to deceive, to trick, to cheat; to be deceived, troubled, confused, perplexed; (n.) *mak-a deception, trickery, confusion 843. Proto-Nostratic root *mak- (~ *mk-): (vb.) *mak- to be great, strong, mighty, powerful; (n.) *mak-a strength, power; (adj.) great, strong, powerful; much, many Note also: (vb.) *mik- to exceed, to surpass, to be in excess, to grow, to increase, to swell, to expand; (n.) *mik-a growth, excess, increase, abundance, fullness; (adj.) large, big, great, much 844. Proto-Nostratic root *mak- (~ *mk-): (vb.) *mak- to be happy, cheerful; to be pleasant, agreeable; (n.) *mak-a happiness, joy, pleasure 845. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mal-a hill, mountain 846. Proto-Nostratic root *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to fill, to be or become full, to increase; (n.) *mal-a fullness, abundance; (adj.) full, filled, abundant, numerous, many



847. Proto-Nostratic root *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to be favorably disposed towards, to care about, to be devoted to, to like; (n.) *mal-a goodness, pleasantness; (adj.) good, pleasant, pleasing 848. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mal-a honey 849. Proto-Nostratic root *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to draw (out), to squeeze (out), to suck (out); to give suck, to suckle, to nurse; (n.) *mal-a milk; breast 850. Proto-Nostratic root (Eurasiatic only) *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to rub, to wipe, to stroke; (n.) *mal-a the act of rubbing, wiping, stroking 851. Proto-Nostratic (adj.) *mal-a other, next, second 852. Proto-Nostratic root *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to bend, to twist, to turn; (n.) *mal-a bend, turn Derivative: (vb.) *mal- to be confused, perplexed, disturbed, bewildered, mistaken; (n.) *mal-a confusion, perplexity, bewilderment 853. Proto-Nostratic root *mal- (~ *ml-): (vb.) *mal- to be confused, perplexed, disturbed, bewildered, mistaken; (n.) *mal-a confusion, perplexity, bewilderment Derivative of: (vb.) *mal- to bend, to twist, to turn; (n.) *mal-a bend, turn 854. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to suckle, to nurse (a child), to breastfeed; (n.) *man-a suckling, young (of humans and animals); breast 855. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to count, to reckon (> to consider, to think > to recount > to say, to speak); (n.) *man-a counting, reckoning Note: There may be more than one Proto-Nostratic root involved here: (1) *man- to count, to reckon and (2) *man- to say, to speak.



856. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to stay, to remain, to abide, to dwell; to be firm, steadfast, established, enduring; (n.) *man-a dwelling, house, home 857. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to protect, to watch over, to stand guard over, to care for, to take care of, to tend; (n.) *man-a protection, care, guardianship; watchman, herdsman, guardian, protector 858. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to swell, to expand, to grow, to increase; (n.) *man-a multitude, crowd, herd, flock Related to (extended form): (vb.) *man-V-g- to swell, to expand, to grow, to increase; (n.) *man-g-a great number, large amount; abundance; multitude, crowd; (adj.) many, numerous, copious, abundant; swollen, big, fat, strong 859. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): Extended form: (vb.) *man-V-g- to swell, to expand, to grow, to increase; (n.) *man-g-a great number, large amount; abundance; multitude, crowd; (adj.) many, numerous, copious, abundant; swollen, big, fat, strong Related to: (vb.) *man- to swell, to expand, to grow, to increase; (n.) *man-a multitude, crowd, herd, flock 860. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to lust after, to desire passionately, to copulate with, to have sexual intercourse, to beget; (n.) *man-a ardent desire, passion, lust Derivative: (n.) *man-a progenitor, begetter, man, male; penis 861. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *man-a progenitor, begetter, man, male; penis Derivative of: (vb.) *man- to lust after, to desire passionately, to copulate with, to have sexual intercourse, to beget; (n.) *man-a ardent desire, passion, lust 862. Proto-Nostratic root *man- (~ *mn-): (vb.) *man- to hold, to take; (n.) *man-a hand, paw



863. Proto-Nostratic root *maq- (~ *mq-): (vb.) *maq- to twist, to turn; to overturn, to turn upside down, to turn round; (n.) *maq-a twist, turn; overturning 864. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to strive against, to oppose, to fight with or against; to argue, to quarrel, to contend, to dispute, to disagree; (n.) *mar-a quarrel, argument, dispute, fight 865. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mar-a (young) man, male (human or animal) 866. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to turn: to overturn, to turn round, to turn over, etc.; to twist, to whirl, to roll; to bend; (n.) *mar-a the act of turning, turning over, turning round, etc.; rope, coil, string, cord Derivative: (vb.) *mar- to go (round), to walk, to run; to go after, to run or chase after (> to seek, to pursue); (n.) *mar-a walk, walking, passage; road, track, way Note also: (vb.) *mur- to turn, to twist, to bend; (n.) *mur-a bend, curve 867. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to go (round), to walk, to run; to go after, to run or chase after (> to seek, to pursue); (n.) *mar-a walk, walking, passage; road, track, way Derivative of: (vb.) *mar- to turn: to overturn, to turn round, to turn over, etc.; to twist, to whirl, to roll; to bend; (n.) *mar-a the act of turning, turning over, turning round, etc.; rope, coil, string, cord 868. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to smear, to anoint, to rub (with grease, oil, fat, ointment); (n.) *mar-a grease, oil, fat, ointment, unguent 869. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to soil, to stain; (n.) *mar-a spot, stain, dirt; (adj.) dark, dirty, soiled 870. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *mar-a marsh, swamp



871. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mar-a tree, wood 872. Proto-Nostratic root *mar- (~ *mr-): (vb.) *mar- to be weakened, to wither away, to decay; to be or become sick, to fall ill; to die (from a fatal disease), to perish; (n.) *mar-a sickness, illness, fatal disease, malady, ailment; death 873. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mat-a or *met-a middle; (particle) *mat- or *metin the middle of, with, among 874. Proto-Nostratic root *mat- (~ *mt-): (vb.) *mat- to stretch, to expand, to lengthen, to draw out, to measure out; (n.) *mat-a measure, measurement, amount; extent, limit Note also: (vb.) *mad- to stretch, to expand, to lengthen, to draw out, to measure out; (n.) *mad-a measure, measurement, amount; extent, limit 875. Proto-Nostratic root *mat- (~ *mt-): (vb.) *mat- to be or become wet, moist; (n.) *mat-a moisture, wetness; dew, rain; (adj.) wet, moist 876. Proto-Nostratic root *maw- (~ *mw-): (vb.) *maw- to be wet; (n.) *maw-a water, liquid, fluid 877. Proto-Nostratic root *mel-: (vb.) *mel- to rub (> to rub into, to crush, to grind down; to rub smooth, to polish, to wipe; to wear out, to soften; to become worn out, weak, tired, weary); (n.) *mel-a smoothness, softness; weakness; (adj.) smooth, soft, tender, weak, worn out, tired, weary Note also: (vb.) *mol- to rub (> to rub into, to crush, to grind down; to rub smooth, to polish, to wipe; to wear out, to soften; to become worn out, weak, tired, weary); (n.) *mol-a crumb, piece, morsel; mortar; (adj.) crushed, ground, worn out or down 878. Proto-Nostratic interrogative pronoun stem *mi- (~ *me-) who?, which?, what?, relative pronoun stem *ma- (~ *m-) who, which, what 879. Proto-Nostratic first person singular *mi (~ *me) I, me, first person plural (inclusive) *ma (~ *m) we, us



Note: in Afrasian and Dravidian, first person singular *mi and first person plural (inclusive) *ma have been mostly lost. 880. Proto-Nostratic root *mi- (~ *me-): (vb.) *mi- to cut; (n.) *mi-a cutting instrument: knife (later also sickle, scythe) 881. Proto-Nostratic root *mig- (~ *meg-): (vb.) *mig- to give; (n.) *mig-a gift 882. Proto-Nostratic root *mi- (~ *me-): (vb.) *mi- to measure, to mark off; (n.) *mi-a measure, measurement 883. Proto-Nostratic root *mik- (~ *mek-): (vb.) *mik- to exceed, to surpass, to be in excess, to grow, to increase, to swell, to expand; (n.) *mik-a growth, excess, increase, abundance, fullness; (adj.) large, big, great, much Note also: (vb.) *mak- to be great, strong, mighty, powerful; (n.) *mak-a strength, power; (adj.) great, strong, powerful; much, many 884. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *min-a (a kind of) fish 885. Proto-Nostratic root *mir- (~ *mer-): (vb.) *mir- to stab, to pierce, to wound, to cause pain; (n.) *mir-a wound, pain 886. Proto-Nostratic root *mol-: (vb.) *mol- to rub (> to rub into, to crush, to grind down; to rub smooth, to polish, to wipe; to wear out, to soften; to become worn out, weak, tired, weary); (n.) *mol-a crumb, piece, morsel; mortar; (adj.) crushed, ground, worn out or down Note also: (vb.) *mel- to rub (> to rub into, to crush, to grind down; to rub smooth, to polish, to wipe; to wear out, to soften; to become worn out, weak, tired, weary); (n.) *mel-a smoothness, softness; weakness; (adj.) smooth, soft, tender, weak, worn out, tired, weary 887. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mor-a any body of water: sea, lake, flood, stream, pool, cistern, reservoir, basin, canal, channel



888. Proto-Nostratic *muk- (~ *mok-): (vb.) *muk- to strain, to make great efforts; (n.) *muk-a straining (as a woman in labor or as when defecating), effort; fatigue, suffering 889. Proto-Nostratic root *mun- (~ *mon-): (vb.) *mun- to protrude, to stand out; to jut out; to be first, foremost, in front of; (n.) *mun-a topmost or most prominent part, highest or farthest point 890. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *mun-a egg, testicle Extended form (Dravidian and Slavic): (n.) *mun-d-a (~ *mon-d-a) egg, testicle 891. Proto-Nostratic root *mu- (~ *mo-): (vb.) *mu- to torment, to torture, to afflict; to cause pain, trouble, distress, suffering, difficulty; to suffer; to be in pain, trouble, distress, suffering, difficulty; (n.) *mu-a suffering, pain, malady, difficulty, distress, affliction, calamity, misery 892. Proto-Nostratic root *mur- (~ *mor-): (vb.) *mur- to crush, to break, to destroy; (n.) *mur-a break, breach, rupture, fracture; (adj.) crushed, broken, destroyed, ruptured, mutilated; weakened 893. Proto-Nostratic root *mur- (~ *mor-): (vb.) *mur- to turn, to twist, to bend; (n.) *mur-a bend, curve Note also: (vb.) *mar- to turn: to overturn, to turn round, to turn over, etc.; to twist, to whirl, to roll; to bend; (n.) *mar-a the act of turning, turning over, turning round, etc.; rope, coil, string, cord 894. Proto-Nostratic (Eurasiatic only) (n.) *mur-a mulberry, blackberry 895. Proto-Nostratic root *mur- (~ *mor-): (vb.) *mur- to make noise, to make sound, to murmur; (n.) *mur-a noise, sound, murmur Reduplicated: (vb.) *mur-mur- to make noise, to make sound, to murmur; (n.) *mur-mur-a noise, sound, murmur



896. Proto-Nostratic root *mus- (~ *mos-): (vb.) *mus- to immerse, dip, or plunge in water, to bathe; (n.) *mus-a immersion, dip, plunge, bath Extended form (Indo-European and Uralic): (vb.) *mus-V-k- to immerse, dip, or plunge in water, to bathe; (n.) *mus-k-a immersion, dip, plunge, bath 897. Proto-Nostratic root *muy- (~ *moy-): (vb.) *muy- to return, to give back; (n.) *muy-a that which is returned or given back: return, recompense, requital, repayment, etc.


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic n-nn-n-

ProtoNostratic n-n-

ProtoAfrasian n-n-

ProtoDravid. n-n-/-n-

ProtoKartvel. n-n-

ProtoIE n-n-

ProtoEskimo n-n-

898. Proto-Nostratic first person singular personal pronoun *na (~ *n) I, me Note: On the basis of Dravidian (and possibly Altaic), the original form of this stem may have been *a (~ *), but this is not certain. Sumerian [Emegir] .e [= /a-/] I supports such a reconstruction as well. g 899. Proto-Nostratic first person plural exclusive personal pronoun *na (~ *n) we, us 900. Proto-Nostratic deictic particle *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne) this, that 901. Proto-Nostratic interrogative-relative particle *na- (~ *n-) 902. Proto-Nostratic negative/prohibitive particle *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne), *nu (~ *no) no, not 903. Proto-Nostratic root *na- (~ *n-): (vb.) *na- to come, to go, to journey, to travel; (n.) *na-a journey 904. Proto-Nostratic root *nab- (~ *nb-): (vb.) *nab- to burst forth, to gush forth; (n.) *nab-a a bursting or gushing forth Derivative: (n.) *nab-a heavy rain, storm cloud, cloudy sky 905. Proto-Nostratic (n.) (Eurasiatic only) *nab-a heavy rain, storm cloud, cloudy sky Derivative of: (vb.) *nab- to burst forth, to gush forth; (n.) *nab-a a bursting or gushing forth



906. Proto-Nostratic root *nad- (~ *nd-): (vb.) *nad- to press, to crush, to mash; (n.) *nad-a anything crushed or mashed 907. Proto-Nostratic root *nad- (~ *nd-): (vb.) *nad- to vex, to disturb, to annoy, to irritate, to agitate; to be annoying, irritating, malicious, rude, bad, mean, base; (n.) *nad-a vexation, disturbance, annoyance, irritation, trouble; (adj.) annoying, irritating, malicious, rude, bad, mean, base 908. Proto-Nostratic root *nag- (~ *ng-): (vb.) *nag- to strike, to split, to pierce, to stab; (n.) *nag-a stroke, blow, wound 909. Proto-Nostratic root *na- (~ *n-): (vb.) *na- to tremble, to shake; to fear, to be afraid; (n.) *na-a fear 910. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *nak-a (animal) skin, pelt, hide 911. Proto-Nostratic root *nak- (~ *nk-): (vb.) *nak- to lie down, to go to sleep, to go to bed; (n.) *nak-a bedtime, evening, nighttime 912. Proto-Nostratic root *nap- (~ *np-), *nip- (~ *nep-), *nup- (~ *nop-): (vb.) *nap-, *nip-, *nup- to breathe, to blow; (n.) *nap-a, *nip-a, *nup-a breath, life 913. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *nat-a woman, female relative 914. Proto-Nostratic root *nat- (~ *nt-): (vb.) *nat- to moisten, to wet; (n.) *nat-a wetness, dampness, moistness; (adj.) wet, damp, moist 915. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *ner-a the highest, foremost, or most prominent person or thing 916. Proto-Nostratic root *net-: (vb.) *net- to turn, to twist together, to tie, to bind, to weave, to entwine; (n.) *net-a anything twisted together, woven, entwined: mat, net, web, etc.; weaving, entwining, braiding 917. Proto-Nostratic second person personal pronoun stem *ni (~ *ne) and/or *na (~ *n) you



918. Proto-Nostratic root *nik- (~ *nek-): (vb.) *nik- to strike, to hit; (n.) *nik-a injury, harm, damage, wound, murder, destruction; suffering, pain 919. Proto-Nostratic root *ni- (~ *ne-): (vb.) *ni- to lift (up), to raise; to carry, to take; to rise, to arise; (n.) *ni-a the act of lifting, raising, carrying 920. Proto-Nostratic (particle) *nu now, at present, currently 921. Proto-Nostratic root *nus- (~ *nos-): (vb.) *nus- to be small, minute, soft, weak, delicate; (n.) *nus-a smallness, insufficiency, decrease, diminishment; (adj.) small, minute, soft, weak, delicate Derivatives: (n.) *nus-a woman, female; any female connected by marriage: wife, bride, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law (vb.) *nus- to be weakened, debilitated, sick; to ache, to suffer, to be in pain; (n.) *nus-a weakness, sickness, disease, malady, ache, pain, affliction 922. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *nus-a woman, female; any female connected by marriage: wife, bride, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law Derivative of: (vb.) *nus- to be small, minute, soft, weak, delicate; (n.) *nus-a smallness, insufficiency, decrease, diminishment; (adj.) small, minute, soft, weak, delicate Semantic development as in Naiki kora daughter-in-law, bride and Telugu kalu daughter-in-law, both from the same stem found in Tamil kur a young, tender, Kannaa koa tenderness, tender age, youth, Tuu kor weak, small, etc. 923. Proto-Nostratic root *nus- (~ *nos-): (vb.) *nus- to be weakened, debilitated, sick; to ache, to suffer, to be in pain; (n.) *nus-a weakness, sickness, disease, malady, ache, pain, affliction Derivative of: (vb.) *nus- to be small, minute, soft, weak, delicate; (n.) *nus-a smallness, insufficiency, decrease, diminishment; (adj.) small, minute, soft, weak, delicate


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic n -nn -n-

ProtoNostratic n -n-

ProtoAfrasian n-n-

ProtoDravid. --


ProtoIE n-n-


924. Proto-Nostratic root *na- (~ *n-): Extended form: (vb.) *na-V-r- to appear, to arise, to sprout, to come into being; to grow (up), to mature; (n.) *na-r-a shoot, sprout, seedling Derivative: (n.) *na-r-a young man, boy, youth 925. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *na-r-a young man, boy, youth Derivative of: (vb.) *na-V-r- to appear, to arise, to sprout, to come into being; to grow (up), to mature; (n.) *na-r-a shoot, sprout, seedling 926. Proto-Nostratic root *nam- (~ *nm-): (vb.) *nam- to press, to squeeze; (n.) *nam-a pressing, squeezing 927. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *nap-a offspring, descendant, young one 928. Proto-Nostratic root *nuk- (~ *nok-): (vb.) *nuk- to shake, to tremble; (n.) *nuk-a shaking, trembling


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic l-ll-l-l-

ProtoNostratic l-l-

ProtoAfrasian l-l-

ProtoDravid. l-l-

ProtoKartvel. l-l-

ProtoIE l-l-


929. Proto-Nostratic root *lab- (~ *lb-): (vb.) *lab- to take hold of, to grasp; (n.) *lab-a taking, grasping Possible derivative: (vb.) *lab- to eat greedily, to lap (up), to suck milk; (n.) *lab-a eating, sucking 930. Proto-Nostratic root *lab- (~ *lb-): (vb.) *lab- to eat greedily, to lap (up), to suck milk; (n.) *lab-a eating, sucking Possibly related to or derived from: (vb.) *lab- to take hold of, to grasp; (n.) *lab-a taking, grasping Assuming semantic development from to grasp with the teeth > to eat greedily as in Proto-Tungus *laba-da- to eat greedily. 931. Proto-Nostratic root *lag- (~ *lg-): (vb.) *lag- to put, place, lay, or set down; (n.) *lag-a the act of putting, placing, laying, or setting down 932. Proto-Nostratic root *lah- (~ *lh-): (vb.) *lah- to shine, to blaze, to burn; (n.) *lah-a shining, blazing, burning 933. Proto-Nostratic root *la- (~ *l-): (vb.) *la- to make flow, to pour, to moisten, to wet; (n.) *la-a flowing, pouring; moistness, wetness 934. Proto-Nostratic root *la- (~ *l-): (vb.) *la- to strike, to fight; (n.) *la-a fight, battle, slaughter



935. Proto-Nostratic root *lak- (onomatopoetic): (vb.) *lak- to lick, to lap up; (n.) *lak-a licking 936. Proto-Nostratic *lak- (~ *lk-): (vb.) *lak- to go on foot, to travel on foot; (n.) *lak-a leg, foot 937. Proto-Nostratic root *lak- (~ *lk-): (vb.) *lak- to gather, to collect; (n.) *lak-a collection; (adj.) gathered, collected, picked, chosen 938. Proto-Nostratic root *lak- (~ *lk-), *lik- (~ *lek-), *luk- (~ *lok-) (onomatopoetic): (vb.) *lak-, *lik-, *luk- to lick; (n.) *lak-a, *lik-a, *luk-a licking 939. Proto-Nostratic root *lam- (~ *lm-): (vb.) *lam- to bend down, to stoop down, to sink down, to lie down, to duck down; to be or become bent down, curved down; to be low; (n.) *lam-a lowland, low-lying ground, any piece of land; (adj.) low Extended form: (vb.) *lam-V-d- to bend down, to stoop down, to sink down, to lie down, to duck down; to be or become bent down, curved down; to be low; (n.) *lam-d-a lowland, low-lying ground, any piece of land; (adj.) low 940. Proto-Nostratic root *las- (~ *ls-), *lis- (~ *les-), *lus- (~ *los-) (?) (onomatopoetic): (vb.) *las-, *lis-, *lus- to lick, to lap (up); (n.) *las-a, *lis-a, *lus-a tongue; lip 941. Proto-Nostratic (n.) *lat-a skin 942. Proto-Nostratic root *law- (~ *lw-): (vb.) *law- to bend, to twist, to turn; (n.) *law- bend, twist, turn 943. Proto-Nostratic root *law- (~ *lw-): (vb.) *law- to shine; (n.) *law-a light, glow; (adj.) shining, gleaming, glowing, bright 944. Proto-Nostratic root *law- (~ *lw-): (vb.) *law- to separate, to divide, to part, to sever, to detach; (n.) *law-a part cut off, separation, division



945. Proto-Nostratic root *law- (~ *lw-): Extended form: (vb.) *law-V-- to moisten, to water; to wash, to clean; (n.) *law--a the act of bathing, washing 946. Proto-Nostratic root *lax- (~ *lx-): (vb.) *lax- to strike, to hit, to beat; (n.) *lax-a the act of striking, hitting, beating; stroke, hit, blow 947. Proto-Nostratic root *li- (~ *le-): (vb.) *li- to come into being, to arise, to grow, to become; (n.) *li-a being, becoming 948. Proto-Nostratic root *lip- (~ *lep-): (vb.) *lip- to form, to fashion, to mold; (n.) *lip-a form, mold


Eurasiatic Proto- ProtoUralic Altaic r-r-r--

ProtoNostratic r-r-

ProtoAfrasian r-r-


ProtoKartvel. r-

ProtoIE r-r-




949. Proto-Nostratic root *ra- (~ *r-): (vb.) *ra- to see, to perceive; (n.) *ra-a sight, observation, perception; (adj.) seeing, perceiving Extended form: (vb.) *ra-V-y- to see, to perceive; (n.) *ra-y-a sight, observation, perception; (adj.) seeing, perceiving 950. Proto-Nostratic root *rag- (~ *rg-): (vb.) *rag- to stir, to move, to shake; (n.) *rag-a trembling, quaking, shaking, rocking; movement; collapse (from shaking) 951. Proto-Nostratic root *rak- (~ *rk-): (vb.) *rak- to twist, to turn, to bend; to tie, to bind, to fasten; (n.) *rak-a twist, turn, bend; tie, bond, cord Derivative: (vb.) *rak- to put, join, fit, or fasten (together); to assemble, to prepare, to construct; (n.) *rak-a the act of putting, joining, fitting, or fastening (together); the act of assembling, preparing, constructing 952. Proto-Nostratic root *rak- (~ *rk-): (vb.) *rak- to put, join, fit, or fasten (together); to assemble, to prepare, to construct; (n.) *rak-a the act of putting, joining, fitting, or fastening (together); the act of assembling, preparing, constructing Derivative of: (vb.) *rak- to twist, to turn, to bend; to tie, to bind, to fasten; (n.) *rak-a twist, turn, bend; tie, bond, cord 953. Proto-Nostratic root *rak- (~ *rk-): (vb.) *rak- to stretch, to extend, to draw out; (n.) *rak-a the act of stretching, extending, drawing out; stretch, extension; (adj.) stretched, extended, drawn out



954. Proto-Nostratic root *rak- (~ *rk-): (vb.) *rak- to observe, to watch, to regard attentively; to supervise, to control; (n.) *rak-a observation, watchfulness, care, protection 955. Proto-Nostratic root *raq- (~ *rq-): (vb.) *raq- to move quickly, to move back and forth; (n.) *raq-a any rapid motion: shaking, trembling, jumping, dancing, etc. 956. Proto-Nostratic root *rat- (~ *rt-): (vb.) *rat- to turn, to roll; to run; (n.) *rat-a turning, rolling; running 957. Proto-Nostratic root *raw- (~ *rw-): Extended form: (vb.) *raw-V-- to be spacious, wide; (n.) *raw--a space, room; (adj.) spacious, wide 958. Proto-Nostratic root *rek-: (vb.) *rek- to sprinkle, to spray, to wet, to moisten; (n.) *rek-a sprinkling, spray, rain 959. Proto-Nostratic root *riy- (~ *rey-): (vb.) *riy- to prosper, to thrive, to flourish, to increase, to grow; (n.) *riy-a increase, growth, prosperity, wealth 960. Proto-Nostratic root *rom-: (vb.) *rom- to stop, to rest, to relax; (n.) *rom-a rest, quietude, calmness, tranquility, relaxation; (adj.) quiet, tranquil, still, gentle, silent, relaxed 961. Proto-Nostratic root *row-: (vb.) *row- to cut, tear, or break apart; (n.) *row-a cut, tear 962. Proto-Nostratic root *rum- (~ *rom-): (vb.) *rum- to grow or become dark; to darken; (n.) *rum-a darkness, night; twilight, dusk; (adj.) dark


English Meaning abandon, to abandoned abandonment abide, to Proto-Nostratic *al*ga*al-a *ga-a *ga-a *qad*am*man*gal-a *hag*gal*wa*buw-a *kay-a *qad-a *am-a *wan-a *gan*al*a*xa*ap-a *ap*ar*tar-a *pul-a *ba-a *tir-a *tir-p-a *cal-a or *al-a *gam-a *gar-a *kan-a *gan-a *ap-a *ma-a *mal-a *man-g-a *mik-a *ba-a Number 331 346 331 346 346 581 704 856 360 678 360 808 79 434 581 704 794 505 737 743 761 634 634 713 196 125 42 207 208 304 362 369 467 505 709 834 846 859 883 42

ability ablaze, to be able, to be add (to), to abode

abound, to above

above, that which is above, to be abraded abscess abundance




English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tir-a *kan-a *ma-a *mal-a *man-g-a *ba*ma*kum*kaw-a *kum-a *gal-a *nus-a *gal*nus*sag- or *ag*tar*am-a *am*am-a *baw*kan*sag-a or *ag-a *kar-a *daw-a *day-a *key-a *kir-a *woy*tik-a *kir-a *bad*kat*wa-a *ap-a *tar-a *at-a *at*tar*at-a *tik-a *ir-a *par-a *an-a

Number 207 467 834 846 859 42 834 446 432 446 358 923 358 923 313 256 703 703 703 39 465 313 424 156 158 523 525 825 205 525 10 479 808 634 256 747 747 256 747 205 337 97 705

abundant, to be accumulate, to accumulation ache ache, to achieve, to achieve an end or a goal, to acid (= bitter; sour) acid, to be acid foodstuff, any acquainted with, to be or become acquire, to acquisition acrid act

act with energy, to action activate, to add together, to addition additional advance advance (in years), to advance to or toward an end or a goal, to advanced adze affection



English Meaning affectionate, to be afflict, to afflicted, to be affliction

Proto-Nostratic *an*mu*ag*hak-a *ag-a *mu-a *nus-a *hag*pel*pir*at*na*an*ay-a *ay-w-a *wat-a *wat*sen-a *dal*dul*kal*al*nad*dal*dul*dul*al*par*pir*dal-a *dul-a *dul-a *kal-a *al-a *mak*mar-a *tar-a *sam-a *il-a *il*ay*ay-V-w*bay-

Number 705 891 693 680 693 891 923 678 114 120 718 909 629 723 723 809 809 278 148 172 461 553 907 148 172 172 553 101 118 148 172 173 461 553 844 872 256 318 659 659 723 723 40

aflame, to be afraid, to be

against age

age, to aged agitate, to

agitated, to be

agitated, to be greatly agitation

agreeable, to be ailment aim alike alive alive, to be

allot, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *xal*xal-a *kay-a *kay-w-a *xol-a *xol*da- (~ *d-) *kam*kay*ap*wa- (~ *w-) *mat- or *met*mad-a *mat-a *ar*wa- (~ *w-) *qat-a *kun-a *guw-a *guw-r-a *guw*guw-V-r*gam-a *bak*bak-a *nad*nad-a *nad-a *nad*mar*ku-a *xol*wil*na-V-r*sam-a *kal-a *wil-a *bay*xal*tar-a *iy-a *an*hak-

Number 760 760 433 433 764 764 142 411 521 634 779 873 835 874 715 779 569 500 396 396 396 396 361 16 16 907 907 907 907 868 501 764 820 924 318 462 820 40 760 256 665 628 679

allotment alone

alone, to be along with also

among amount and anger angle animal, wild animals, to hunt wild ankle announce, to announcement annoy, to annoyance annoying annoying, to be anoint (with greast, oil, fat, ointment), to anus apart from, to be appear, to appearance

apportion, to approach approach, to approach something slowly, to



English Meaning appropriate appropriate, to be appropriateness aquatic bird ardent desire argue, to argument arid arid, to be arise, to

Proto-Nostratic *tak-a *suw-a *tak*suw*tak-a *suw-a *ga-a *a-a *man-a *mar*mar-a *tar-a *saw-a *saw*buw*ni*na-V-r*li*dar-a *gab-a *ar-a *ap-a *it-a *woy-V-k*woy-k-a *di-a *tar-a *iy-a *di*tar*sag- or *ag*in-V-k*am-a *kay*wa- (~ *w-) *kil*kul*al*ar-V-g*xa*sal-a *tuk-a *er-a

Number 219 287 219 287 219 287 363 708 860 864 864 197 274 274 80 919 924 947 248 349 712 709 563 826 826 251 256 665 251 256 313 726 741 521 779 438 494 737 746 761 317 211 597


armful armpit arrange in order, to arrangement arrival

arrive at, to

arrow as ascend, to

ascent ash(es)



English Meaning ashes ashes, (hot or smoldering) ask, to ask for, to assemblage assemble, to assembling, the act of assert, to assertion associate associated associated or related person or thing astonishment, exclamation of asunder, to part at a distance at present at rest attach, to attached, to be firmly or strongly attack attain, to attain an end or a goal, to attainment

Proto-Nostratic *kam-a *as-a *kum-a *pir*tel*kam-a *rak*rak-a *bak*bak-a *ar-a *ar-a *ar-a *hay *ar*taw-a *nu *kar-a *ba*tar*wel-a *sag- or *ag*tar*di-a *tar-a *sag-a or *ag-a *guw-a *en-a *guw*en*bur-a *wa*wa-a *wa-a *ana *baw*guw*baw-a *guw-a *tik-a *sak-a *ir-a *ar-a

Number 533 716 448 134 235 411 952 952 16 16 637 637 637 690 635 230 920 537 2 265 815 313 256 251 256 313 395 748 395 748 73 808 808 808 630 39 395 39 395 205 315 337 594

attention attention, to pay auger augment, to augmentation augmented aunt aware of, to be or become awareness axe



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *a-a *wed-a *baaba *wat-a *dub-a *ar-a *kap-a *taw-a *nad-a *nad-a *dar-a *ak*nad*taw-a *dul*dul*ep*pek*tab-a *pek-a *kal-a *ep-a *kal-a *kal-a *al-a *sir-a *kad-a *ka-a *kad-a *ka-a *ba-a *ya-a *kar-a *ak-a *kal-a *kar-a *koy-a *bar-a *bar*bar-a *pul-a *nad-a *nad-

Number 725 814 4 810 169 745 473 269 907 907 152 616 907 269 172 172 656 113 216 113 460 656 464 464 579 281 402 453 454 469 2 772 421 591 464 419 548 38 38 38 124 907 907

babe babble back (= hind part; hindquarters) back of the head bad

(bad) bad, to be bad thing baffle, to baffled, to be bake, to (bake, to) baked (baked) baking baking, the act of bald bald spot ball band (= cord)

bandage bank (= shore) barb bare bark (= outside covering of trees) barren barren, to be or become barren land base (= vile) base (= vile), to be



English Meaning basin bath bathe, to bathing, the act of battle

Proto-Nostratic *mor-a *mus-a *mus-k-a *mus*mus-V-k*law--a *bur-a *al-a *qat-a *wel-a *la-a *il*hal*tal*um*il*bar*pir*guw-a *guw-r-a *tap*tap*tuk*dab*tum*tad*ca*kan*kad*ka*qat*ak*lax*ka-a *ca-a *ca-a *ak-a *lax-a *suw*bah-a *buw*li*li-a

Number 887 896 896 896 896 945 72 553 569 815 934 659 681 188 675 771 30 117 396 396 192 226 241 245 260 261 300 468 528 530 569 736 946 530 300 300 736 946 287 13 80 947 947

be (= exist), to beam forth, to bear (= endure), to bear (= give birth), to bear children, to bear fruit, to beast, wild beat, to

beaten beating beating, the act of

beautiful, to be beauty become, to becoming (= coming into being)



English Meaning bed bed, to go to bedtime bee beg, to beget, to beget (of humans), to begetter begotten behind (= hindquarters) being being, to come into


Number 434 911 911 41 413 235 465 860 771 861 465 745 947 80 462 924 947 526 811 772 700 151 498 500 706 797 852 893 942 951 151 185 334 361 364 477 498 500 564 579 706 797 852

belly belt beneath, that which is bend

bend, to

*kay-a *nak*nak-a *bay-a *kan-a ~ *kin-a ~ *kun-a *tel*kan*man*il*man-a *kan-a *ar-a *li-a *buw*kal*na-V-r*li*kur-a *wat-a *ya-a *al-a *dar-a *kum-a *kun-a *an-a *wan-a *mal-a *mur-a *law-a *rak-a *dar*tak*ok*gam*ga*kar*kum*kun*ub*al*an*wan*mal-



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *mar*mur*law*rak*ga*car*lam*lam-V-d*ga*kaw*kum*kum*ga*tak*ka*kun*ok-a *kum-a *dar-a *bar-a *bar*dar-a *kon-k-a, *kok-a *kar-a *kaw-a *gar-a *il-a *wan-a *kun-a *ub-a *tak*gam*kon-V-k-, *kok*il*lam*lam-V-d*gam-a *kum-a *il-a *pir*tel*ap*gib-

Number 866 893 942 951 364 305 939 939 364 480 498 498 364 185 469 500 334 498 151 34 34 151 443 477 480 506 604 797 500 564 185 361 443 604 939 939 361 499 604 134 235 634 376

bend back, to bend down, to

bend forward, to bend round, to bend the body, to bend the head, to bend to the side, to bend together, to

bending, the act of bends, that which beneficent beneficent, to be bent

bent, that which is bent, to be

bent down, to be or become bent object bent thing or object beseech, to besides bestow upon, to



English Meaning bewilder, to bewildered, to be bewilderment beyond big

Proto-Nostratic *dul*dul*mal*mal-a *al*bir-a *gad-a *ma-a *man-g-a *mik-a *gad*pal-a *gad-a *ma-a *daq-a *ba*tan*sak*kad*kar*kir*ya*net*rak*ban-V-d*bin*sir*cur*kun*im*kol*cur-a *or-a *ya-a *cir-a *pir-a *pit-a *an-a *kal-a *kan-a *bar*saw*um-

Number 172 172 853 853 737 49 350 840 859 883 350 92 350 840 150 2 225 316 402 477 525 772 916 951 25 47 281 310 500 605 442 310 753 772 309 117 122 332 462 465 30 275 675

big, to be or become big toe bigness billy-goat bind, to

bind (together), to bind together, to

bind two things together, to binding

bird, a kind of birth

birth, to give



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *il*pit*dum-a *dun-a *gad-a *kas-a *bal-a *kab-a *at-a *qam-a *ar-a *bal*bur*kab*at*qam*ar*ar-V-s*it*at-a *em-a *kar-a *at-a *am-a *em-a *tam-a *tam*am-a *kar-a *dar-a *kar-a *kum-a *ham-a *mur-a *kum*kar-a *kar-a *ham-a *ham-a *wa-a *kal-a *bud-a *war-a

Number 771 122 174 179 351 427 20 451 560 573 603 20 75 451 560 573 603 603 664 560 330 424 560 703 330 264 264 703 424 153 425 448 683 894 448 425 476 683 683 782 407 56 804

birth to, to give bit (= piece; fragment)


bite, to

biting bitter

bitter, anything that is bitter, that which is bitter, to turn bitter foodstuff, any bitterness black

blackberry blacken, to blackness

black object blade (= knife-edge) blade of grass blaze



English Meaning blaze, to

Proto-Nostratic *tuk*dak*wal*war*lah*lah-a *dar-a *gal-a *kat-a *caw-a *caw-l-a *caw-a *caw-l-a *bal-a *bal*bal-a *bug-a *pul-a *dar-a *bug*kur-a *buw-a *bul-V-*buw-a *bul-V-*bul--a *dar-a *ba-a *tap-a *tap-a *taw-a *tuk-a *dab-a *tal-a *cal-a *kud-a *qal-a *nag-a *lax-a *bul-a *bar*bur*pas-

Number 211 246 792 804 932 932 154 359 479 307 307 307 307 18 18 18 59 125 154 59 449 80 64 80 64 64 154 15 192 226 231 241 245 254 301 491 566 908 946 62 28 74 107

blazing blemish blend blighted blighted, that which is blind blind, to be or become blindness blister

blister, to blood bloom bloom, to blossom blossom, to blossoming blotch blow (= hit; stroke)

blow (= blast of air) blow, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *pu*puw*im- or *im*up*nap-, *nip-, *nup*bur*duw*im-a or *im-a *puw-a *duw-a *duw-a *duw*pul-a *bul-a *saw-a *ir-a *kur-a *mor-a *bug-a *ep*wal-a *gal*ba-a *ban-d-a *bin-a *kam-a or *qam-a *im-a *ya-a *rak-a *kos-a *bur*dur*bur-a *kan-a *saw*an*kal*kan-a *ub-a *ul-a *kar-a *im-a *cur-a

Number 128 137 296 676 912 74 182 296 137 182 182 182 126 66 276 337 526 887 59 656 789 357 2 25 47 409 605 772 951 490 73 180 73 465 275 332 462 534 754 673 477 605 310

blow about, to blowing blowing, the act of blown about blown about, anything blown about, to be (blubber) blur boar, wild board (= plank; panel) body body of water, any boil (= blister) boil, to boiling boisterous, to be bond

bone bore, to borer born born, to be

bosom bottom of anything bound (= tied) bound together bound together, that which is



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kar-a *tar*tom-a *kum*wat-a *kum-a *kap-a *na-r-a *aw*net-a *aw-a *bad-a *tal-m-a *mur-a *par-a *tal-a *tan-a *war-a *bak-a *bi-a *pa-a *pas-a *pin-a *ta-a *gal-a *kas-a *mur-a *bi*pas*pin*dar*tar*ta*ak*mur*par*pa*put*cal*row*gin*kep*bir-

Number 477 265 259 498 811 498 416 925 722 916 722 5 255 892 99 188 190 802 17 54 81 108 133 218 353 427 892 54 108 133 152 195 218 736 892 98 81 141 301 961 381 484 51

bound together, to be or become bovine, wild bow down, to bowels bowing, the act of bowl boy braid, to braiding braiding, the act of breach



break, to

break (apart), to break apart, to

break into pieces, to break into small pieces, to break off, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *put*cal*gal*kas*bak*bi*pa*al*ak-a *kep-a *bir-a *diy-a *u-a *kar-a *kan-a *im-a *ub-a *mal-a *man-a *mam(m)a, *mema *man*pu-a *puw-a *aw-a *up-a *an-a *nap-a, *nip-a, *nup-a *an*nap-, *nip-, *nup*aw*pas*pu*nus-a *bah-a *hal-a *wal-a *wil-a *law-a *qal-a or *qel-a *bal*bar*dil*dul-

Number 141 301 353 427 17 54 81 592 736 484 51 167 298 478 534 752 754 849 854 831 854 128 137 341 676 742 912 742 912 341 107 128 922 13 681 792 820 943 571 21 33 164 171

break open, to

breaking, the act of breaking into small pieces, the act of breaking off, the act of breast

breast, (mothers) breastfeed, to breath

breathe, to breathe deeply, to breathe out, to bride bright

bright, shining object, any bright, to be



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tay- or *tiy*dak*wal*qal- or *qel*dil*wil*qal- or *qel*hal*bah-a *bal-a *bar-a *tay-a or *tiy-a *hal-a *wal-a *wil-a *bah-a *il-a *il-a *day*tox*wad*bad*pir*saw*an*bad*bad*kal*kat*am*wad-a *an-a *bar-a *bar*tal-a *pal-a *par-a *pit-a *tan-a *ut-a *war-a *pal-a *mur-a

Number 233 246 792 571 164 820 571 681 13 21 33 233 681 792 820 13 562 562 160 239 781 10 117 275 332 10 10 512 479 554 781 332 27 27 188 88 99 121 190 677 802 88 892

bright, to be or become bright, to become bright, to make brighten up, to brightness

brilliance brilliant bring, to

bring forth, to

bring into action, to bring into being, to bring to an end, to bring together, to bringing, the act of bringing forth bristle bristle (up), to (broad) broad

broad, that which is broken



English Meaning broken-off piece or part brought forth, that which is brow bruise, to bubble bubble up, to buck (= male of small, hoofed animals) bud bud, to build, to bulbous bulge

Proto-Nostratic *put-a *an-a *qaw-a *ca*bul-bul-a (> *bum-bul-a) *bul-bul- (> *bum-bul-) *buk-a (~ *bok-a) *kab-a *ag-a *ag*kad*pul-a *bar-a *pu-a *pul-a *taw-a *kur-a *kur*kow-a *bag-a *kar-a *bag-a *kar-a *kir-a *tan-a *an-a *wig-a *pal-a *pal*pa*pa-V-w*da*dul*tep*tuk*sax*gub*kum*kal*kat*er*ak*ep-

Number 141 332 576 300 65 65 61 399 735 735 454 139 26 128 139 201 549 549 547 12 477 12 477 525 224 626 819 94 94 129 129 146 171 203 211 277 387 448 460 543 597 620 656

bulky bulky, to be bullock bunch bundle


burn burn, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *hag*as*al*wal*war*lah*tay- or *tiy*kam*er-a *kat-a *lah-a *pal-a *er-a *bi*nab*pit*nab-a *ag-a *dan-w-a *bar-a *bar*wa- (~ *w-) *ku-a *kap*iya *xol*kat*kak*kat-a *mu-a *xal-a *par-a *pur-a *ig-a *a-a *kar-a *qal-a *qar-a or *qur-a *qat-a *qat*wa*a*qal-

Number 678 716 738 789 804 932 233 533 597 543 932 94 597 54 904 121 904 326 247 29 29 779 501 417 666 764 431 455 431 891 760 102 127 751 327 475 582 586 588 588 780 327 582

burn brightly, to burn slowly, to burned burning burning sensation burnt wood burst forth, to burst open, to bursting forth bush bush, a kind of bushy bushy, to be but buttocks buy, to by me by oneself, to be cackle, to cackling calamity calculation calf


call, to call (out), to



English Meaning call (out to), to call out, to

Proto-Nostratic *kar*kal*qar- or *qur*wal*tum-a *tum*qad*tum-a *rom-a *ar-a *mor-a *pid*pin-a *kal-a *war-a *man-a *rak-a *mal*par*man*war*wad*wig*ni*wad-a *ni-a *wig-a *bar*a*bar-a *xat-a *ak-a *day*si*si-a *gud-a *si-a *kar-a *kay-w-a *kum-a *al-a *kat*kat-a

Number 475 404 586 786 243 243 581 243 960 557 887 115 116 405 800 857 954 847 97 857 800 781 819 919 781 919 819 35 725 35 763 617 158 324 324 388 324 424 436 499 702 431 431

calm calm, to calm, to be or become calmness canal capture, to care

care about, to care for (= like), to care for (= take care of), to carry, to

carrying, the act of cart (= conveyance) carve, to carving carving tool cast (= throw; toss), to cast about cast-out things casting about, the act of caustic (= pungent) cave cavity caw, to cawing



English Meaning cease to function, to cereal, a kind of cessation chaff chamoix change, to channel char, to charcoal charitable, to be charred chase after, to chase away, to chatter chatter, to cheat, to cheek cheep, to cheerful, to be chew, to

Proto-Nostratic *aw*hay-a *aw-a *pat-a *ar-a *sen*mor-a *kum*kum-a *er-a *bar*er-a *mar*gus*xat-a *wat-a *kak*xat*mak*gen-a *kan-a *cir*mak*kep*qam*it*kep-a *par-a *ir-a *ak-a *ar-a *ir-a *ak-a *baaba *bar-a *saw-a *kan-a *il-a *yaw-a *mag-a *bar*kul-a *at-a

Number 329 689 329 112 638 278 887 448 448 597 34 597 867 394 767 810 455 767 842 373 466 309 844 484 573 664 484 100 600 697 713 600 697 4 30 275 465 771 775 839 30 495 561

chewing (the cud) chief (= principal; main; leading) chief (= ruler)

chieftain child

children, to bear chill chin



English Meaning chip

Proto-Nostratic *bar-a *tak-a *cal-a *kir-a or *kur-a *tak*cir*tik-a *ak-a *a-a *an-V-g*tak*kep*kep-a *lak-a *as-a *cur-a *kar-a *kal-a *al-a *wal-a *kal-a *gar-a *wal-a *mor-a *gal-a *wa-a *gal*ad-a *ad-ad-a *kal-a *car- or *ar*car-a or *ar-a *gal-a *kon-k-a, *kok-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *tip-a *diq-a *al*law-V-*al-a *al-a *al-a

Number 35 262 302 487 262 309 205 617 725 707 262 484 484 937 716 310 420 510 579 791 510 506 791 887 357 780 357 550 550 406 306 306 356 443 550 550 271 166 699 945 699 621 621

chip, to chirp, to chisel

choke, to chop, to chop into small pieces, to chopping into small pieces, the act of chosen cinder circle

circuit circular object, any circumference cistern clamor clamor, to clap of thunder clarification clarify, to clarity clasp clatter, loud claw clay clean, to clean(ed) cleaned, that which is cleaning, the act of



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *al-a *al*car-a or *ar-a *gal-a *hal-a *wil-a *car- or *ar*gal*car- or *ar*kal*hal-a *bad*bak*pal*pas*pil*dun*cal*or-V-g*ar-V-g*ar-g-a *pid*kir- or *kur*kas-a *tan-a *cuk*kap*tan-a *cuk-a *kat-a *kad*pul-a *dum-a (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a *tuq-a *nab-a *dum*dum-a (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a *ag-a *tuq*nab-a *ag-a

Number 699 621 306 356 681 820 306 356 306 406 681 5 17 86 108 132 179 301 670 746 746 115 487 427 224 303 474 224 303 429 401 140 176 177 244 905 176 176 177 694 244 905 694

cleanse, to clear

clear, to be or become clear, to make clearness cleave, to

climb on, to climbing cling to, to clip, to clipping close close, to closeness closure cloth clothe, to cloud

cloud, (dark) cloud, storm cloud over, to cloudy

cloudy, to be cloudy sky cloudy weather



English Meaning club (= weapon)

Proto-Nostratic *kan-a *ka-a *qal-a *kum-a *pid*kam- or *qam*bar-a *tar-a *kar-a *tar-a *bar*tar*bar-a *kar-a *cur-a *mar-a *kir-a *kul-a *kar-a *qin-a *kir*kar*kul*qin*kul-a *kar-a *pul-a *rag-a *pul*gid- or *id*kam*ker*as*wot*lak*ap*lak-a *ap-a *as-a *gid-a or *id-a *kam-a *ker-a *am-a

Number 468 530 584 497 115 409 29 266 423 266 29 266 29 423 310 866 440 495 536 578 440 536 495 578 495 536 124 950 124 377 411 486 639 824 937 709 937 709 639 377 411 486 554

clump clutch, to coarse

coarse, that which is coarse, to be coarseness coil (= loop; cord) cold (= chill; chilly)

cold, to be cold, to be or become coldness collapse collapse (from shaking) collapse, to collect, to

collect (with the hands or arms), to collected collected, that which as been collecting, the act of collection



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *lak-a *bag-a *tar-a *war-a *i-V-r*war*kol-a *kol*buw*al*iy*na*an*buw*kal*na-V-r*li*wil*di*tar*in-V-k*kal*kat*am*buw-a *al-a *ak-a *ak*wos-a *ek*tik-a *ar-a *kal*kal-a *kan-a *kum-a *gid-a or *id-a *pal*qam*ag*e-a *sad-a

Number 937 12 198 801 598 801 442 442 79 551 665 903 628 80 462 924 947 820 251 256 726 512 479 554 79 551 697 697 823 652 206 637 512 512 471 497 377 93 567 694 749 312

collection of things bound together comb comb, to combination of two things, any combine two things together, to come, to

come (close to), to come into being, to

come into view, to come to, to

come to an end, to come together, to coming coming, the act of command command, to commerce common, to be compact companion complete, to completion comprehension compression compulsion conceal, to

concept condemnation condyle (of the lower jaw, the shoulder,



English Meaning the elbow, the hip, etc.) confine, to confuse, to confused, to be

Proto-Nostratic *om-a *hak*bul*dul*dal*di*dul*mak*mal*bul-a *di-a *dul-a *kal-a *mak-a *mal-a *kat-a *im-a *wel-a *day*ti*sa- or *a*e*man*day-a *ti-a *sa-a or *a-a *an-V-g*an-g-a *kad*rak*rak-a *it*kap-a *mar*rak*day*wig*wig-a *pek*tab*gub*kal*ep-

Number 667 680 66 172 148 163 172 842 853 66 163 172 461 842 853 479 605 815 159 270 314 749 855 159 270 314 707 707 454 952 952 664 416 864 954 160 819 819 113 216 387 460 656


conglomeration connection conquest consider, to


constrict, to constricted construct, to constructing, the act of consume, to container contend, to control, to convey, to conveyance (cook, to) cook, to



English Meaning (cooked) cooked cooking cooking, that which is used for cooking, the act of copious copulate (with), to copulate with, to copulation cord

Proto-Nostratic *pek-a *tab-a *kal-a *gub-a *gub-a *ep-a *man-g-a *or-V-g*man*or-g-a *pir-a *sir-a *al-a *gur-a *ka-a *mar-a *rak-a *sir-a *kar-a *ga-a *gol-a *woy-k-a *woy-k-a *kay-a *xal*man*man-a *qan-a *kol-a *kol*gir-a or *ir-a *dar-a *bur-a *cuk-a *bur*pal*par*taq*cuk*kad*kap*qam*am-

Number 113 216 460 387 387 656 859 670 860 670 119 281 328 392 469 866 951 281 426 364 385 826 826 434 760 855 855 574 442 442 384 151 76 303 76 93 105 227 303 401 474 567 770

cord-like object, any core corner correct correctness cot count, to counting country, (open) couple couple, to course course, winding cover cover, to



English Meaning cover over, to

Proto-Nostratic *dum*tum*tal- and/or *til*ag*pa*bur-a *pa-a *pal-a *par-a *taq-a *tal-a and/or *til-a *kad-a *kap-a *qam-a *kow-a *a-a *bad-a *bak-a *pa-a *pal-a *pil-a *tal-m-a *cal-a *al-a *ha-a *kak-a *kir-a *tur*hak*ka-a *ag-a *kor-a or *kar-a *dul-a *dul*dul*qar*tik*kan*key*tik-a *tik-a *bad-a *key-a

Number 176 213 263 694 82 76 82 93 105 227 263 401 474 567 547 613 5 17 81 86 132 255 301 592 686 455 525 215 680 530 289 489 172 172 172 568 205 465 523 205 205 10 523

cover up, to covering

cow crack (= break; fracture; rift)

crackling sound craft (= work; trade) cram, to cram together, to crammed cramming crane (= large wading bird) (craziness) (crazy, to be) (crazy, to drive someone) creak, to create, to

create something, tool used to creating something, the act of creation



English Meaning crevice croak, to crooked

Proto-Nostratic *ha-a *qar*dar-a *kon-k-a, *kok-a *kar-a *wan-a *kun-a *kon-V-k-, *kok*par-a *kum-a *am-a *man-a *man-g-a *kir-a *mol-a *e-a *bit*bul*diq*ta*ca*e*kar*ar*qam*ur*wal*was*mel*mol*mur*nad*gin*ar-a *mol-a *mur-a *nad-a *e-a *ca-a *ca-a *e-a *gin-a *ar-a

Number 686 568 151 443 477 797 500 443 104 446 554 858 859 439 886 333 53 68 166 218 300 333 538 556 573 733 790 807 877 886 892 906 381 556 886 892 906 333 300 300 333 381 556

crooked, that which is crooked, to be crossing crowd

crown of head crumb crumb(s) crush, to

crush into pieces, to crushed

crushed, anything crushed, that which is crushing crushing, the act of



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *was-a *koy-a *a-a *kar-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *qal-a *qar-a or *qur-a *wa-a *wal-a *wat-a *kat*a*kar*qal*gal*qar- or *qur*wa*wal*kat-a *kan-a *ka-a *kan-a *kud-a *kap-a *daw-a *ar-a or *ar-a *ap-a *kun-a *dar-a *kar-a *kum-a *kun-a *an-a *wan-a *mur-a *kum*al*an*kaw*dar-a *kar-a *kon-k-a, *kok-a

Number 807 548 327 475 555 555 582 586 780 786 810 431 327 475 582 357 586 780 786 431 468 530 468 491 416 249 292 710 500 151 420 498 500 706 797 893 498 579 706 480 151 420 443

crust cry

cry, to cry (out), to

cry out, to

crying cudgel cuff (= stroke; blow) cup current (= stream)

curvature curve

curve, to

curve round, to curved



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kar-a *kaw-a *il-a *wan-a *kun-a *ub-a *kon-V-k-, *kok*il*lam*lam-V-d*gam-a *kum-a *il-a *kal-a *ba-a *ban-a *dum-a *tar-a *tar-a *cal-a *gad-a *gal-a *gar-a *kar-a *kas-a *kir-a or *kur-a *kar-a *qal-a *ar-a *ut-a *wa-a *wed-a *row-a *ir-a *a-a *ba*ban*dal*tar*tar*tar-a *cal*sak-

Number 477 480 604 797 500 564 443 604 939 939 361 499 604 405 15 24 174 195 228 301 351 353 366 418 427 487 516 566 594 602 798 814 961 337 725 15 24 147 228 267 267 301 315

curved, that which is curved, to be curved down, to be or become curved object curved thing or object custody cut

cut, that which is cut, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ir*gad*gar*kar*kir- or *kur*kar*kat*qal*qal*ar*ut*wa*mi*kar*put*row*tu*kir- or *kur*bar*ir*kar*kir- or *kur*ar*ar-V-t*a*xat*ir-a *tak*kep*dum*gad-a *ar*ir-a *ba*bir*put*dun*ir*gal*kar*kas*kir- or *kur*put-a

Number 337 351 366 418 487 515 544 566 583 594 602 798 880 516 141 961 240 487 35 337 418 487 594 595 725 763 337 262 484 174 351 635 337 15 51 141 179 337 353 418 427 487 141

cut a groove, to cut apart, to cut in half, to cut in two, to cut into, to

cut into, that which is cut into small pieces, to cut (off), to cut (off, apart), to cut off, that which is cut off, to

cut-off piece or part



English Meaning cut open, to cut short, to cut through, to cuts, that which

Proto-Nostratic *al*kar*ir*ir-a *gad-a *gar-a *ar-a *a-a *ak-a *kas-a *kat-a *mi-a *kep-a *bir-a *bar-a *sak-a *wa-a *taw-a *tar-a *ked-a *qal-a *nik-a *ked*wal-a *nat-a *wal-a *nat-a *raq-a *dul*un-V-k*bal-a *bor-a *dar-a *dum-a (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a *tum-a *kar-a *kar-a *ag-a *mar-a *rum-a *bul-a *tuq-

Number 592 517 337 337 351 366 594 725 617 427 544 880 484 51 35 315 798 231 267 545 566 918 545 788 914 788 914 955 173 601 18 55 153 176 177 213 425 476 694 869 962 67 244

cutter cutting cutting instrument cutting into small pieces, the act of cutting off, the act of cuttings dagger damage

damage, to damp dampness dancing dangle, to dark

dark, that which is dark, to be



English Meaning dark, to be or become

Proto-Nostratic *bal*dar*am*dum*tum*rum*rum*dum*tal- and/or *til*kar-a *bor-a *kar-a *bul-a *bor-a *dar-a *dum*rum*bal-a *dar-a *dum-a (*dum-k-a >) *dun-k-a *tum-a *tuq-a *tal-a and/or *til-a *kar-a *kar-a *ag-a *am-a *rum-a *kel-a *nus-a *da-a *dil-a *daw-a *wos*daw-a *a-a *ked-a *qal-a *ul-a *wed-a *mar-a *daw-

Number 18 153 770 176 213 962 962 176 263 476 55 476 67 55 153 176 962 18 153 176 177 213 244 263 425 476 694 770 962 482 922 146 164 157 823 157 325 545 583 731 814 872 157

dark, to become

dark, to grow dark, to make dark cloud dark-colored dark-colored, that which is dark color dark spot darken, to darkness

daughter-in-law day daylight (deadly) disease deal (= trade; exchange), to death

deathly sick, to become



English Meaning debilitated debilitated, to be debilitated, to become decay

Proto-Nostratic *eb-a *nus*eb*bul-a *ta-a *ked-a *was-a *bad*ker*ked*was*mar*ker-a *mak*mak*mak-a *bak-a *bak*bul-a *was-a *ek-a *nus-a *kal*kar*ek*ak-a *aw-a *daw-a *day-a *tik-a *key-a *am-a *am-a *il-a (~ *el-a) *wel-a *kal-a *ek-a *iw-a, *iy-a *ga-a *e-a *nus-a *nus*par-a

Number 650 923 650 68 184 545 807 9 485 545 807 872 485 842 842 842 16 16 68 807 652 921 459 517 652 697 329 156 158 205 523 739 739 660 815 459 652 727 346 749 921 921 97

decay, to

decayed deceive, to deceived, to be deception declaration declare, to decline decomposition decrease decrease, to

decree decrepit deed

deep deep place deer defeat deficiency

deficit deliberation delicate delicate, to be delight



English Meaning delighted with, to be deluge

Proto-Nostratic *par*ib-a *aw-a *wel-a *tan-a *kan-a *tan-a *kan-a *ga*wal*bar-a *wal-a *bad-a *ga-a *kal*ga-a *tal-a *ak*pas-a *pir-a *um-a *nap-a *tel-a *haw-a *win-a or *wi-a *man-a *haw*win- or *wi*man*bar-a *bar*bad-a *ca*ked*al*ul*mur*mur-a *gup-a *ked-a *qal-a *al-a *ul-a

Number 97 658 720 817 224 467 224 467 346 787 37 787 8 346 459 346 221 291 109 117 675 927 235 688 821 860 688 821 860 38 38 6 300 545 698 731 892 892 391 545 583 698 731

dense density depart, to departing departure deprivation deprive of, to deprived of depth deride, to descendant


desire, ardent desire, to desire passionately, to desolate desolate, to be or become desolated area destroy, to

destoyed destruction



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *nik-a *law*kal-a *sen*mal*tal-a *mat-a *daw*a*mar*a-a *tin-a *a-a *kac-a *wal-a *mu-a *mu*mu*ar-a *ak-a *kay-V-w*kar*ar*ak*gal*gup*ar*ar*wur*kar-a *ak-a *gal-a *qad-a *ta*kal*kar*ek*kal*ek-a *nus-a *mus-a *mus-k-a *am-

Number 918 944 405 278 847 223 875 157 325 872 631 257 631 452 790 891 891 891 557 617 436 516 557 617 354 391 557 557 829 516 617 354 565 184 459 517 652 459 652 921 896 896 739

detach, to detention deteriorate, to devoted to, to be dew die, to die (from a fatal disease), to difference different difficulty

difficulty, to be in difficulty, to cause dig, that which is used to dig, to

dig out, to

dig up, to digging digging out, the act of diligence diminish, to

diminished, to be or become diminishment dip (= plunge; immersion) dip, to



English Meaning dip in water, to dip into, to direct, to direction dirt

Proto-Nostratic *mus*mus-V-k*tal*ak*qad-a *ak-a *tuq-a *kar-a *mar-a *kar-a *mar-a *tuq*mar*kal*til-a *gal-a *nus-a *daw-a *ag*ar-a *tar-a *bur-a *mar-a *mar*bad*bad-a *ta-a *ar*ar-a *taw-a *ut-a *kal*mag-a *bad-a *kal-a *ag-a *wal-a *mu-a *mu*mu*ag*bay*dal-

Number 896 896 221 697 565 697 244 476 869 476 869 244 864 406 237 358 923 157 693 635 194 72 864 864 5 6 184 556 556 230 677 513 837 7 461 693 790 891 891 891 693 40 148

dirty dirty, to be disagree, to disclose, to discourse disease disease, (deadly) disheartened, to be disjoined dispersed dispute dispute, to dissipate, to dissipation dissolve, to dissolved distance distant distinction distress

distress, to be in distress, to cause distressed, to be distribute, to disturb, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *dul*al*nad*dal-a *dul-a *dul-a *gal-a *kal-a *al-a *nad-a *dal*dul*al*mal*ar-a *ak-a *wur-a *tal*a*par*i*kas*a*xal*law*bay*tu*ta-a *i-a *kas-a *xal-a *law-a *tu-a *daw*kam*key*hak*am*cal- or *al*kuwan-a or *kun-a *car*kat*bal-a

Number 172 553 907 148 172 173 357 461 553 907 148 172 553 853 557 617 829 221 708 98 343 427 631 760 944 40 240 218 343 427 760 944 240 156 410 523 679 554 304 450 305 430 19


disturbed, to be


dive into, to dive into water (bird), to divide, to

divide into shares, to divide into two parts, to division

division into two do, to

do something slowly, to do together, to do well, to dog down downpour



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ar-a or *ar-a *tar-a *tar*tar-a *wal-a *tar*an*mal*mad*mat*rak*rak-a *rak-a *pak-a *tar-a *dur*tar-a *aw-a *tar*aw*un*tar-a *il-a or *il-a *kal-a *ban*tal*kal*ag*gus*gid- or *id*duw-a *tal-a *ar-a or *ar-a *ban-a *il-a or *il-a *tal-a *kat*il-a or *il-a *tal*tar-a *tar-a *caw-a *caw-l-a

Number 292 193 193 193 785 193 628 849 835 874 953 953 953 84 197 180 199 340 199 340 755 199 294 532 22 223 532 288 394 377 182 223 292 22 294 223 430 294 223 199 197 307 307

drag drag, to dragged along, something dragging draw, to draw near to, to draw (out), to draw out, to

drawing, the act of drawn out dried mucous dried up drill, to drink (= beverage) drink, to

drinking, the act of drip drip, to

drive, to drive away, to drive together, to drizzle

drop (of water, rain, dew, etc.) drop, (rain) drop down, to dropping drops, to fall in drunk dry



English Meaning dry, that which is dry, to be dry, to be or become dry place dry up, to dryness duck (= aquatic bird) duck down, to dug (out), that which is dug, that which is dullness (dumb, to be) dusk dust

Proto-Nostratic *caw-a *caw-l-a *saw*caw*caw-V-l*saw-a *tar*was*tar-a *saw-a *ga-a *lam*lam-V-d*ar-a *ak-a *tum-a *dul*rum-a *duw-a *tor-a *tuq-a *tuq*qad*man*buw-a *kay-a *qad-a *il-a *wan-a *man-a *ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) *kul-a *qar-a or *qur-a *diq-a *tor-a *er-a *ul-a *ak-a *mag-a *bal*bur*pa*qam-

Number 307 307 274 307 307 274 197 807 197 274 363 939 939 557 617 260 172 962 182 209 244 244 581 856 79 434 581 659 794 856 732 444 587 166 209 657 673 696 838 20 75 83 573

dusty, to be dwell, to dwelling

eagle ear earth

eat, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ak*it*ham*un*lab*it-a *lab-a *it-a *sub-a *ag-a *ga-a *gol-a *kar-a *qar-a *muk-a *woy*muk*ow--a *mun-a *mun-d-a *wam*ena *wan-a *kul*war*dim-a *sal-a *al*dim-a *on-a *hal*caw*caw-V-l*as-a *kum-a *kam-a *dak-a *kal-a *ap-a *mag-a *ir*mag*al-a

Number 615 664 684 755 930 664 930 664 285 290 364 385 421 585 888 825 888 672 890 890 793 655 796 494 803 165 317 737 165 730 682 307 307 716 448 533 246 460 709 837 600 837 331

eat greedily, to eaten, that which is eating eating, the act of edge

effort effort, to make an efforts, to make great egg

eject, to elder sister eldest elevate, to elevated elevated, to be elevated place elevation else emaciated, to be or become ember embers embers, (burning) embers, glowing embrace eminent eminent, to be emptiness



English Meaning empty empty, to encircle, to encircles, that which enclose, to enclosed space encloses, that which enclosure end

Proto-Nostratic *al-a *al*cur*cur-a *cur*gir*gul-a (~ *gol-a) *cur-a *cur-a *gir-a *tal-a *tar-a *sub-a *aw-a *kal-a *kad-a *ul-a *kal*tal-a *bad*tal*tan*bad*man*kir- or *kur*xat*xat-a *wak-a *woy*bar-a *xat-a *bir*dar*tir-a *tir*tir-V-p*tir*pir*pir-a *net*net-a *net-a *til-

Number 331 331 310 310 310 382 389 310 310 382 187 256 285 329 512 529 731 512 188 7 188 190 7 856 487 763 763 783 825 35 763 52 154 207 207 208 207 134 134 916 916 916 237

end, to endurance endure, to

endure, to cause to enduring, to be engrave, to engraved line energy energy, to act with engraving enjoy, to enlarge, to enough enough, to have enough, to have more than entreat, to entreaty entwine, to entwined, anything entwining enumerate, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *xal*gar*her-a and/or *hor-a *wal-a *her- and/or *hor*her-a and/or *hor-a *kar-a *daw*as-a *man*dag*mag-a *ir*mag*am-a *nak-a *car-a or *ar-a *gal-a *car- or *ar*gal*taw-a *ak-a *ak*ad-a *mag-a *ad*al*mag*day-a *sa-a or *a-a *day*sa- or *a*kar-a *di*cal- or *al*ma*mik*mag-a *ma-a *tir-p-a *gar-a *mik-a *mik-

Number 760 370 691 787 691 691 426 156 640 856 145 837 600 837 770 911 306 356 306 356 269 616 616 611 837 611 737 837 159 314 159 314 516 251 304 840 883 837 840 208 369 883 883

erect, to be or become escape escape, to escaped essence establish, to established established, to be established, to be firmly esteemed, highly esteemed, to be highly evening evident evident, to be or become evil evil, to be exalted exalted, to be

examination examine, to excavation exceed, to

excellence excess

excess, to be in



English Meaning excite, to exhale, to exhausted

Proto-Nostratic *wak*puw*dal-a *tan-a *eb-a *xal-a *kac*was*eb*tan*dal-a *tan-a *eb-a *xal-a *was-a *il*kal-a *il-a *bar*bul*bun*bun-V-g*tar*kaw*war*mad*man*man-V-g*mat*mik*pal-a *tar-a *ak-a *bul-a *kaw-a *bad-a *in-k-a *bad*kal*kal-a *yan-a *pal-

Number 783 137 149 191 650 759 452 806 650 191 149 191 650 759 806 659 462 659 26 62 69 69 194 432 802 835 858 859 874 883 88 194 696 62 432 7 726 7 406 406 774 88

exhausted (from straining, laboring), to become exhausted, to be or become exhausted, to become exhausted, to grow exhaustion

exist, to existence existing expand, to


expansion experience experience, to explain, to explanation expression extend, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tal*tan*tar*tal*cal- or *al*ak*war*rak*par-a *tal-a *tan-a *rak-a *rak-a *par-a *tan-a *rak-a *mad-a *mat-a *ut-a *aw-a *gup*gup*ap-a *ap-a *ap*kan-a *il-a or (?) *ir-a *il-a *bur-a *bur-a *pa-a *tum*a*wal*was*dow-, *doy*sen*ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) *bad-a *pul-a *pul*bad*pul-

Number 188 190 194 222 304 696 802 953 99 188 190 953 953 99 190 953 835 874 677 329 391 391 634 634 634 471 599 661 78 78 96 260 325 790 807 168 278 732 9 124 124 9 124


extending, the act of extension

extent exterior extinction extinguish, to extinguished, to be extra extra, that which is extra, to be eye

eyebrow eyelash face fade, to

faint, to grow falcon fall fall, to fall down, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *car*kat*mar*tal*tal*pul-a *car-a *bar-a *kul-a *taw-a *kal*kal*pas-a *pas*mun-a *tik*key*lip*tik-a *tik-a *dab*ba*bin*sak*al*kad*kad*kir*rak*ban-V-d*dab*rak*tak*ka*kol*ba-a *dab-a *sak-a *kad-a *ka-a *kad-a *rak-a *bun-g-a

Number 305 430 872 223 221 124 305 38 444 230 513 513 107 107 889 205 523 948 205 205 144 2 47 316 328 402 454 525 951 25 144 952 185 453 442 2 144 316 402 453 454 952 69

fall ill, to fall in drops, to fall into, to fallen falling down, the act of fallow land fame far away far off fart fart, to farthest point fashion, to

fashion something, tool used to fashioning something, the act of fast, to make fasten, to

fasten (together), to

fasten together, to fasten two things together, to fastening

fastening (together), the act of fat (= large)



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *taw-a *kan-a *ay-t-a *man-g-a *pul-a *mar-a *sil-a *pul-a *ay-V-t*mar-a *baba *ab(b)a ~ *ap(p)a *atta *ay(y)a *dow-a, *doy-a *tan-a *tum-a *xal-a *was-a *muk-a *was*kac*pu-a *kan-a *pu*gal-a *an-a *an*mal*pel-a *pir-a *sur-a *na-a *pir*sur*na*pel*bur-a *ak-a *kal*un*pin-a

Number 201 467 724 859 126 868 279 126 724 872 3 610 641 648 168 191 260 759 806 888 806 452 123 467 123 359 705 705 847 114 120 286 909 120 286 909 114 77 615 457 755 116

(fat [= grease]) fat (= grease) fat (= lard) fat, that which is fat, to be fatal disease father


fatigued, to be or become fatigued (from straining, laboring), to become fat(ness) fatness fatten, to fault favor favor, to show favorably disposed towards, to be fear

fear, to

fearful, to be feathers, (fine, soft) feed feed, to feed (on), to feeding



English Meaning feel, to feel affection for, to feeling

Proto-Nostratic *gas*par*san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *nus-a *nus-a *kal-a *kel-a *ay(y)a *nat-a *a()a *akka *ema *gir-a *kam-a or *qam-a *kal-a *ka-a *qan-a *ak-a *wel-a *ek*bur-a *al-a *qat-a *wel-a *mar-a *la-a *bur*qat*wel*la*mar*mar*pal*tan*mal*gam*ka-a *wa-a *mal-a *suw*tip-a

Number 371 97

female female connected by marriage, any female in-law female relative female relative, (older) female relative, older fence fetter few things fiber (= string; cord) field

fiery, to be fight

fight, to

fight against, to fight with, to fill, to

fill (up), to filled

fine, to be fingernail

319 922 922 403 482 647 913 632 618 654 382 409 459 469 574 696 816 651 72 553 569 815 864 934 72 569 815 934 864 864 90 224 846 362 530 808 846 287 271



English Meaning finish (= completion) finish, to fire

Proto-Nostratic *kal-a *kal*bud-a *pa-a *pa-w-a *dul-a *dak-a *gir-a *kas-a *ak-a *al-a *hag*al*al*wal*er-a *tik-a *tar-a *kar-a *ur-a *ur*man*dar-a *tar*dag*tik-a *tar-a *kar-a *ur-a *par-a *wan-a *wan-a *ka*mun*dig-a *min-a *kal-a *tal-m-a *kom-a *tak-a *tak*rak-

Number 512 512 56 129 129 171 246 507 541 620 738 678 738 738 789 597 206 265 422 756 756 856 248 265 145 206 265 422 756 100 796 796 397 889 162 884 514 255 488 219 219 952

fire, to be on fire, to light a fire, to make a fire to, to set firewood firm (= solid)

firm, to be firm grip firmly attached, to be firmly established, to be firmness

first first-born first person personal pronoun stem (stative) first, to be fish fish, (a kind of) fish, large fissure fist fit (= appropriate) fit, to be fit (together), to



English Meaning fit together, to fit two things together, to fitness fitting (= joining) fitting (= proper) fitting, to be fitting (together), the act of flame

Proto-Nostratic *dab*kol*tak-a *dab-a *suw-a *suw*rak-a *pa-a *pa-w-a *dak-a *war-a *ga-a *bar*pal-a *tal-a *pal-a *pal-a *par*pir*her- and/or *hor*par-a *pir-a *par-a *pir-a *her-a and/or *hor-a *wal-a *man-a *bun-a *ib-a *wel-a *mor-a *wel*riy*bal-a *bun-a *dun-a *daw-a *sor-a *gir-a or *ir-a *kal-a *wal-a *bun*daw-

Number 144 442 219 144 287 287 952 129 129 246 804 364 33 88 188 88 89 101 118 691 101 118 101 118 691 787 858 70 658 817 887 817 959 19 70 178 249 284 384 532 788 70 249

flank (= side) flash, to flat flat, that which is flat of hand flee, to

fleeing flight

flock flood

flood, to flourish, to flow

flow, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tor*il- or *il*gir- or *ir*kal*al*ap*wal*wa*la*sor*ar- or *ar*il- or *il*sig*wel*dun*ar- or *ar*daw-a *tor-a *il-a or *il-a *sig-a *or-a *la-a *maw-a *par*pat*pir*gir-a or *ir-a *par*pir*duw*par-a *pir-a *ak-a *pul-a *dum-a *kun-a *ka*kun*kun-a *par*bur-a *pa-a *ar-s-a

Number 272 294 384 532 552 710 788 813 933 284 292 294 323 817 178 292 249 272 294 323 668 933 876 101 110 118 384 101 118 182 101 118 615 140 176 500 453 500 500 97 75 83 603

flow, to make to flow forth, to

flow (out), to flow out, to flowing

fluid flutter, to

flux fly, to fly about, to flying fodder fog fold (= bend) fold together, to folded, that which is fond of, to be food



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ak-a *it-a *un-a *eb-a *eb-a *pat-a *kab-a *lak-a *an*tal-a *tur-a *ag-a *gid-a or *id-a *tal*gid- or *id*ab(b)a ~ *ap(p)a *pa-a *qaw-a *par-a *xa-t-a *xa-a *mun*ner-a *ner-a *sam-a *lip-a *tik*key*lip*tik-a *tik-a *ga*ga-a *gus*gus*kar-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *mur-a *dum-a *dun-a *cal-a *gad-a

Number 615 664 755 650 650 111 400 936 629 189 215 288 377 189 377 610 96 576 100 762 761 889 915 915 318 948 205 523 948 205 205 346 346 394 394 422 559 559 892 174 179 302 351

foolish foolishness foot

for force

force, to force together, to forefather forehead foremost foremost (person or thing) foremost, that which is foremost, to be foremost person foremost thing form form, to

form something, tool used to forming something, the act of forsake, to forsaken forth from, to go forth from, to make to go fortitude fowl, wild fracture fragment



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kas-a *ut-a *ar-a *her-a and/or *hor-a *al-a *al-a *gil*kir*kul*qin*a*ar-a *pel-a *sur*pel*at*sur*gab-a *xa-t-a *pa-a *sub-a *gab-a *xa-t-a *kir-a *kul-a *qin-a *bir-a *pir-a *an-a *pir*kal-a *taw-a *tir-a *wa-a *ma-a *mal-a *mal*buw-a *pal-a *pu-a *tir-a *ap-a *ma-a

Number 427 757 713 691 331 331 379 440 495 578 614 637 114 286 114 718 286 347 762 96 285 347 762 440 495 578 52 117 332 117 512 201 207 808 840 846 846 80 90 123 207 709 840

fragrance free-born freed freed (from) freedom freeze, to

fresh, to be friend fright frighten, to frightened, to be frightened, to be or become front front part



fruit, to bear fulfillment full

full, to be or become fullness



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *mal-a *mik-a *bur-a *ek*gub-a *ar-a *qat-a *ek-a *in-k-a *in-V-k*guw-a *guw-r-a *tal-m-a *ha-a *ha*dal-a *wa-a *dal*aw*ker*as*lak*gid- or *id*kam*kat*am*ap*lak-a *ap-a *kam-a *kat-a *ker-a *am-a *as-a *ar-a *pit-a *qal-a *pas-a *rom-a *sag- or *ag*kan*al*tox-a

Number 846 883 77 651 387 557 569 651 726 726 396 396 255 686 686 147 798 147 341 486 639 937 377 411 479 554 709 937 709 411 479 486 554 639 638 122 572 109 960 313 465 331 239

fur furious, to be furnace furrow fury gain gain, to game (= wild animals) gap gape gape, to gash gash, to gasp, to gather, to

gather (together), to gather together, to

gather (with the hands or arms), to gathered gathered, that which as been gathering

gathering, the act of gazelle genitals (male or female) genitals, male gentle get, to get rid of, to gift



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *gib-a *mig-a *bur-a *gir*ya*ya-a *tox*gib*mig*muy*bar*saw*um*il*pit*muy-a *tox-a *bal-a *tay- or *tiy*il-a *law-a *il- or *il*gil*gil-a *il-a or *il-a *il*el*il-a *bal-a *wal-a *da*tay- or *tiy*qal- or *qel*el*al-a *mag-a *ir*mag*mag-a *law-a *tay- or *tiy*kum-a *law-a

Number 376 881 73 382 772 772 239 376 881 897 30 275 675 771 122 897 239 21 233 562 943 295 378 378 295 562 653 562 21 792 146 233 571 653 579 837 600 837 837 943 233 448 943

gimlet gird, to girdle give, to

give back, to give birth, to

give birth to, to given back, that which is giving gleam gleam, to gleaming glide, to gliding gliding, the act of glisten, to glistening glitter glitter, to

globe glorious glorious, to be glory glow glow, to glowing



English Meaning glowing, to be glowing embers glued gnat gnaw, to go, to

Proto-Nostratic *kam*kal-a *im-a *ku-n-a (~ *ko-n-a) *ar*ar-V-s*buw*par*taw*ga*gir- or *ir*kal*kal*al*ay*iy*wal*na*par*kal*mar*kal*bar*taw*kal*wal*kal*par*gus*lak*par*gus*par*mar*sal*taw*al*tar-a *bag-a *dur-a *ar-a *a-a *gad-a

Number 533 460 605 493 603 603 79 104 230 346 384 509 531 551 646 665 787 903 104 531 867 510 37 230 531 787 531 104 394 936 104 394 104 867 317 230 331 256 11 181 638 590 352

go across, to go after (= follow), to go after (= pursue), to go around, to go (away), to go away, to

go behind (= follow), to go forth, to go forth from, to go on foot, to go out, to go outside of, to go over, to go (round), to go up, to go, to let goal goat

goat, (young) goat, young



English Meaning goes round and round, that which going going (away) going, the act of good good, to be good, to do goodness goose goose, wild gossip gouge gouge, to gracious, to be graciousness gradually (= slowly) gradually, to do or approach something gradualness grain (= seed) grain, a kind of grain, (unripe or blighted) grandeur grasp

Proto-Nostratic *kal-a *buw-a *par-a *bar-a *al-a *bar-a *mal-a *suw*bar*bar-a *mal-a *ga-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *war-a and/or *wir-a *ak-a *dal*an*an-a *hak*hak*hak-a *bar-a *yiw-a (~ *yew-a) *hay-a *pat-a *mag-a *bar-a *pid-a *kab-a *am-a *ap-a *bar*tek*gab*gar*gat*kam- or *qam*kaw*kum*am*ap*wot-

Number 511 79 104 37 551 34 847 287 34 34 847 363 559 559 805 617 147 705 705 679 679 679 32 776 689 112 837 31 115 451 623 744 31 202 349 365 372 409 481 497 623 744 824

grasp, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *lab*kap*am-a *lab-a *tek-a *wot-a *am-a *ar*ar-a *ar-a *par-a *ay-a *par*ay*pul-a *mar-a *bir-a *gad-a *al-a *ma-a *ma-a *mak-a *mik-a *ma*mak*gad*aw-a *mag*mag*aw-a *man-g-a *mag*gar-a *bir-a *gad-a *ma-a *ag-a *hay *kar-a *bul*ta*ca*gin-

Number 929 415 623 929 202 824 335 556 556 556 106 596 106 596 126 868 49 350 701 834 840 843 883 840 843 350 721 837 837 721 859 837 369 49 350 840 693 690 476 68 218 300 381

grasp with the hand, to grasped grasping grasping, the act of grass grate, to grated grating, the act of gray gray hair gray, (hair) to turn (grease) grease great

great, to be great, to be or become great amount great importance, to be of great influence, to be of great number great power, to be of great quantity greatness

grief grief, exclamation of grime grind, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kar*ar*qam*ur*wal*was*mel*mol*ca-a *ca-a *gin-a *ar-a *was-a *kar-a *kar-a *kam-a or *qam-a *kab-a *dar-a *kam- or *qam*kum-a *kas-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *kum*kas*ar*ar-ar*kar-a *mol-a *ta-a *ar-a *er-a *ul-a *tid-a *yor-a *bir*buw*an*gar*kaw*al*on*ag-

Number 538 556 573 733 790 807 877 886 300 300 381 556 807 538 538 409 451 248 409 496 542 555 555 496 542 555 555 516 886 218 556 657 673 236 777 49 80 332 369 432 701 730 735

grind down, to grinding grinding, the act of

grinding pestle grinding stone grip grip, firm grip, to groan

groan, to

groove ground (= pulverized) ground (= pulverized), anything ground (= land) ground (= land), elevated group of two grow, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *war*man*man-V-g*mik*li*riy*dow-, *doy*sen*par*tan*sen*ay*wat*ta*na-V-r*dow-, *doy*dow-, *doy*gur*gur-a *al-a *an-a *bul--a *bun-a *buw-a *tiq-a *gar-a *kaw-a *aw-a *mik-a *riy-a *kur-a *kum-a *ar*ar-ar*war-a *kal*man-a *war-a *man-a *ak-a *day-a *ak*al-a

Number 803 858 859 883 947 959 168 278 106 191 278 596 809 184 924 168 168 393 393 701 332 64 69 80 258 369 432 721 883 959 527 496 555 555 800 405 857 800 857 697 160 697 552

grow faint, to grow old, to

grow thin, to grow (up), to grow weak, to grow weary, to growl, to growling noise or sound grown grown, that which is growth

grub (= maggot; larva) grumble grumble, to guard guard, to guardian guardianship guidance guide guide, to gully



English Meaning gulp down, to gurgle, to gurgling noise or sound gush gush forth, to

Proto-Nostratic *xel*gur*gur-a *sor-a *kal-a *sor*ar- or *ar*kal*nab*nab-a *gur-a *ar-a *il-a *i-r-a *bur-a *wun-d-a (~ *won-d-a) *ar-a *eb-a *tad-a *tad*pa-a *pa-k-a *dar-a *gab-a *gar-a *gas-a *gat-a *kap-a *kaw-a *kom-a *ar-a *man-a *pal-a *kam-a or *qam-a *am-a *ker-a *ap-a *ker*pa-a *pa-k-a *pa*pa-V-k*gas-

Number 768 393 393 284 532 284 292 532 904 904 392 557 659 598 77 827 635 650 261 261 95 95 248 349 365 371 372 415 481 488 712 862 89 409 623 486 709 486 95 95 95 95 371

gushing forth gut gutter (= ditch) habitation hair hair, (body) hair, (young, fine, or soft) half half-witted hammer hammer, to hand

hand, flat of hand(ful) handful handful, to take a handle handle, to



English Meaning hang, to hang up, to hanging happen, to happening happiness happy, to be harass, to hard

Proto-Nostratic *dul*un-V-k*un-V-k*dul-a *bad*bad-a *mak-a *par*mak*dal*tar-a *kar-a *ur-a *tar-a *tar*ur*qad-a *tik-a *kar-a *ur-a *dar-a *taw-a *dab-a *gan-a *ar-a *ak-a *wa-a *nik-a *dar*dab*gan*ak*ar*dar-a *im-a *bar-a *kar-a *kat-a *bar*kat*kat*bar-a *kar-a

Number 173 601 601 173 7 7 844 97 844 149 266 422 756 266 266 756 565 206 422 756 152 231 245 504 593 616 798 918 152 245 504 616 593 152 605 29 424 431 29 431 431 29 424

hard, that which is hard, to be hard work hardness


harm, to

harm, to cause harmful harnessed harsh (= coarse; rough) harsh (= pungent) harsh (of sounds) harsh, to be harsh screech, to make a harsh sound, to make a harshness (= coarseness; roughness) harshness (= pungency)



English Meaning haste hasten, to

Proto-Nostratic *pat-a *par*pat*pir*gir- or *ir*par*or-a *ow-V-*a-a *kal-a *ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) *ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) *pul-a *si- (~ *se-) *buk-a (~ *bok-a) *pa-a *tal-a *kir-a *qaw-a *al-a *ak-a *sol-a *al-a *al-a *tul-a *gid-a or *id-a *kaw-a *kum-a *kum-a *kum*wa*wa-a *sad*kul*qar- or *qur*sad-a *kar-a *pek-a *dul-a *tep-a *tab-a *tay-a or *tiy-a *sax-a

Number 110 101 111 118 384 100 668 672 725 407 732 732 140 322 61 96 187 439 576 580 697 283 701 701 212 377 432 446 497 446 808 808 312 444 587 312 426 113 171 203 216 233 277

hasten in advance, to hasty hatch eggs, to hatchet haulm hawk hawk-like bird haze (= mist) he he-goat head

headman health healthy heap

heap up, to heaped up hear, to

hearing heart heat



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kay-a *kum-a *gir-a *kam-a *kat-a *ak-a *as-a *wal-a *war-a *hag-a *pek*pa*pa-V-w*kay*dul*tab*sax*wal*er-a *kur-a *kur-a *kur*nab-a *guw-a *guw*kab-a *par-a *pur-a *bir-a *bir-g-a *tal-a *sal-a *kaw-a *kil-a *on-a *am-a *si- (~ *se-) *-si (~ *-se) *man-a *uw-a (~ *ow-a) *man-a *par-a *pa-a

Number 435 448 507 533 543 620 716 789 804 678 113 129 129 435 171 216 277 789 597 549 549 549 905 395 395 399 102 127 49 49 222 317 432 438 730 623 322 322 858 758 857 100 82

heat of sun heat, to

heat up, to

heated heaviness heavy heavy, to be heavy rain heed heed, to he-goat heifer height

held her [oblique] her [possessive] herd herd of small animals herdsman hero hide (= animal skin)



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *pal-a *kar-a *koy-a *nak-a *pal*tum*kal*ag*am*bir-g-a *tal-a *sal-a *kil-a *bir-V-g*al*kul*am*am-V-d*bir-g-a *ir-a *ar*ar*war-a *ner-a *gub-a *kul-a *al-a *am-a *am-d-a *mun-a *ner-a *mag-a *tul-a *tid-a *kil-a *mal-a *si- (~ *se-) *dub-a *kad-a *tad*ar-a *tad-a *-si (~ *-se)

Number 130 419 548 910 93 213 408 694 770 49 222 317 438 49 737 494 740 740 49 600 713 713 803 915 386 494 737 740 740 889 915 837 212 236 438 845 322 169 529 217 745 217 322

hide, to


high, to be high, to make

high place high rank higher in rank, to be higher in status, to be highest part highest person highest point

highest thing highly esteemed hill

him hind part hinder, to hindquarters hindrance his



English Meaning hit

Proto-Nostratic *tap-a *ka-a *lax-a *tap*taw*dab*gan*ka*qal*nik*lax*lax-a *tow-a *qar*bar-a *pid-a *kal-a *kam-a or *qam-a *kab-a *am-a *ap-a *pid*kaw*man*am*kal*dar*bi-a *put-a *dur-a *tal-m-a *kar-a *ak-a *ha-a *al-a *dur*kay-w-a *kum-a *kar-a *al-a *gal*kar*xat-

Number 192 530 946 192 231 245 504 530 583 918 946 946 210 568 31 115 405 409 451 623 744 115 481 862 623 405 248 54 136 180 255 516 617 686 702 180 436 499 516 702 354 516 763

hit, to

hitting, the act of (hoar)frost hoarse, to be hold

hold, to

hold (closely or tightly), to hold back, to hold firmly, to hole

hole, to make a hollow (= cave)

hollow out, to



English Meaning hollowing out, the act of home honey


Number 354 856 41 413 836 848 837 400 185 361 443 601 185 601 500 439 113 216 448 424 273 533 620 656 716 277 435 448 507 277 103 581 659 856 555 555 780 786 555 555 582 786 69

honor hoof hook

hook together, to hook up, to hooked, that which is horn hot

hot (of taste) hot, to be

hot, to be or become

hot, to make house


howl, to hubbub hump

*gal-a *man-a *bay-a *kan-a ~ *kin-a ~ *kun-a *mad-w-a *mal-a *mag-a *kab-a *tak-a *gam-a *kon-k-a, *kok-a *un-k-a *tak*un-V-k*kun-a *kir-a *pek-a *tab-a *kum-a *kar-a *sam*kam*ak*ep*as*sax*kay*kum*gir*sax*par-a, (?) *pur-a *qad-a *il-a *man-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *wa-a *wal-a *ar*ar-ar*qal-a *wal-a *bun-a



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *pul-a *taw-a *kar-a *kum-a *ub-a *bad-a *wal-a *guw*guw-V-r*qal*am*qal-a *pat-a *gir- or *ir*par*pir*qal*ak*ar-a *kel-a *pat-a *a- (~ *-), *i- (~ *e-) *wa- (~ *w-) *mi (~ *me) *na (~ *n) *ar-a *gil-a *ti-a *sa-a or *a-a *e-a *al*ek*gal*daw*mar*gal-a *mar-a *mag-a *ir*mag*il-a *mus*mus-V-k-

Number 139 201 478 499 564 8 790 396 396 584 741 584 110 384 101 118 583 616 636 482 112 607 778 879 898 638 379 270 314 749 738 652 358 157 872 358 872 837 600 837 771 896 896

hunch (hunger) hunger hunt wild animals, to hurl, to hurling hurry hurry, to hurry, to be in a hurt, to husband husbands sister husk I

ibex ice idea

ignite, to ignoble, to be ill, to be ill, to become ill, to fall illness illustrious illustrious, to be immature immerse in water, to



English Meaning immerse into, to immersion

Proto-Nostratic *tal*tal-a *mus-a *mus-k-a *tad-a *bi *da- (~ *d-) *mun*mat- or *met*tay-a *kal-a *kel-a *kir- or *kur*wur*tar-a *kar-a *ar-t-a *a-a *xat-a *ar-V-t*bar-a *bul--a *gar-a *aw-a *wa-a *mik-a *riy-a *bun-V-g*gar*kaw*aw*war*wa*ma*mal*man*man-V-g*mik*riy*ma*wa-a *wa-a *kat-a

Number 221 221 896 896 217 46 142 889 873 232 403 482 487 829 195 418 595 725 763 595 26 64 369 721 808 883 959 69 369 432 721 803 808 840 846 858 859 883 959 834 808 808 430

impediment in addition to in front of, to be in the middle of in-law, (elder) male in-law, female incise, to incision

incisions, to make increase

increase, to

increase (in number), to increased increment inferior



English Meaning inflammation inflate, to

Proto-Nostratic *dar-a *bul*bun*pu*puw*kaw*bul-a *kaw-a *bad*bad-a *dar*dab*gan*qal*ar*dar-a *tar-a *taw-a *dab-a *gar-a *gan-a *qal-a *ar-a *wa-a *nik-a *sa-a or *a-a *dul*dul*eb*dul-a *kur-a *wat-a *kar-b-a *bad*tal-a *kal-a *nus-a *kal-a *ek*e-a *kar-b-a *wat-a *ka- (~ *k-)

Number 154 62 69 128 137 432 62 432 10 10 152 245 504 566 593 152 195 231 245 366 504 566 593 798 918 314 172 172 650 172 527 811 539 10 254 459 921 459 652 749 539 811 524

inflation initiate, to initiation injure, to


inquiry (insane, to be) (insane, to drive someone) insane, to become (insanity) insect inside of anything inside, the instigate, to instrument, sharp insufficiency insufficient insuffient, to be intention interior interior of anything interrogative pronoun stem



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ay-, *ya*mi- (~ *me-) *na- (~ *n-) *tar-a *wel-a *sa-a or *a-a *kal-a *qat-a *kar-a *qat-a *kar-b-a *nad*nad-a *nad*nad-a *pir-a *ar- or *ar*si- (~ *se-) *gar-b-a *-si (~ *-se) *ak-a *er- or *er*kap-a *er-a or *er-a *gen-a *kan-a *kap-a and/or *kep-a *at-a *qab-a *kap-a and/or *kep-a *gid- or *id*rak*dab*dar*tak*ka*kat*am*im*kol*dar-a *im-a *tar-

Number 645 878 901 199 817 314 406 588 475 588 539 907 907 907 907 117 292 322 368 322 591 293 416 293 373 466 472 561 570 472 377 952 144 151 185 453 479 554 605 442 151 605 265

interrogative/relative particle intoxicated inundation investigation invitation invocation inward part irritate, to irritating irritating, to be irritation issue (= offspring) issue (from), to it itch its jab jab, to jar javelin jaw

jawbone join, to join (together), to join together, to

join two things together, to joined together joined together, to be or become



English Meaning joining joining (together), the act of joint joke, to journey

Proto-Nostratic *dab-a *rak-a *ka-a *ken-a *ak*par-a *ay-a *na-a *na*par-a *mak-a *sad*day-a *sad-a *ak-a *aw-a *raq-a *gar*mun*ak*war-a *gad-a *gan*qal*al*dab-a *qat-a *qal-a *al-a *bar-a *bar*bud*al*bar-a *ar-a *ur-a (and/or *er-a ?) *diq*b[e]r-a *sak-a *ir-a *ar-a *kar-a *kat-a

Number 144 952 470 483 291 104 646 903 903 97 844 312 159 312 695 340 955 370 889 695 800 352 504 583 698 245 569 583 698 34 34 56 738 34 637 732 166 44 315 337 339 515 544

journey, to joy judge, to judgment judgment, sound juice jumping jut out, to keen, to be keeper kid kill, to


kind (= benevolent) kind, to be kindle, to kindness kinsman kite knead (clay), to knee knife



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ar-a *wa-a *wa-a *mi-a *ka-a *kum-a *tuk-a *kan-a *kud-a *kad-a *tap*tuk*tum*kat-a *ka-a *ka-a *ken-a *il*ey*baw-a *ey-a *car- or *ar*kal*war- and/or *wir*daw-a *kam-a *kam*kac*bad-a *ga-a *kal-a *ek-a *iw-a, *iy-a *iw-, *iy*ga-a *kal-a *ek*kay-a *mor-a *kum*kar-a *kum-a *wal-a

Number 594 782 798 880 470 499 241 468 491 528 192 241 260 428 453 470 483 661 750 39 750 306 406 805 156 410 410 452 8 346 459 652 727 727 346 459 652 436 887 496 475 496 786

knob knock

knock, to


know, to knowledge known known, to make

labor labor, to lack

lack, to lacking lacking, to be ladle lake lament, to lamentation



English Meaning land (= countryside) land (= earth; ground) land, any piece of language lap (up), to lap up, to lard large

Proto-Nostratic *qan-a *ul-a *mag-a *lam-a *lam-d-a *til-a *kil-a *lab*las-, *lis-, *lus*lak*sil-a *bir-a *al-a *ma-a *mik-a *kum-a *man-g-a *kal-a *gan-a *ma-a *bul-a *bir-a *dow-a, *doy-a *dow-a, *doy-a *kay*lag*al*ul*lag-a *wad*par-a *day-a *ak-a *wad-a *dun-a *dun*kal*ar- or *ar*caw-a *caw-l-a *caw*caw-V-l*car-

Number 574 673 838 939 939 238 437 930 940 935 279 49 701 834 883 446 859 514 505 834 62 49 168 168 434 931 698 731 931 781 100 160 697 781 178 178 532 292 307 307 307 307 305

large amount large fish large quantity large quantity or amount largeness lax laxity lay, to lay down, to lay waste, to laying down, the act of lead, to leader

leading, the act of leak leak, to leak out, to lean (= emaciated) lean, to be or become lean down (= bend down), to



English Meaning lean, that which is learning leather leave, to

Proto-Nostratic *caw-a *caw-l-a *kal-a *koy-a *taw*al*ga*al*ga*bar-a *ga-a *lak-a *al-a *al-a *tan-a *tal-a *ut-a *war-a *ut*mad*mat*ta*kar*taw*al*pal-a *pal-a *her-a and/or *hor-a *tal*lak*lak-, *lik-, *luk*las-, *lis-, *lus*tal-a *lak-a *lak-a, *lik-a, *luk-a *kay*bad*nak*lam*lam-V-d*ay-a *ay-w-a *an-a

Number 307 307 406 548 230 331 346 331 346 37 346 936 331 331 190 222 677 802 677 835 874 184 517 230 331 88 88 691 220 935 938 940 220 935 938 434 9 911 939 939 723 723 742

leave behind, to leaving left behind leg leisure leasure, at length

lengthen, to

lessen, to let go, to level level, that which is liberated lick, to


lie (= recline), to lie down, to




English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *nap-a, *nip-a, *nup-a *tul*kul*am*am-V-d*xa*ni*sal*kil*hal*ar-V-g*ni-a *bah-a *bar-a *bud-a *tay-a or *tiy-a *el-a *wal-a *wil-a *law-a *bar-a *wa- (~ *w-) *mal*sam*sam-a *mad-a *mat-a *las-a, *lis-a, *lus-a *uw-a *uw-l-a *maw-a *til*sad*kul*kal-a *kal-a *il*ay*ay-V-w*an*il-a *tan-a *an-a

Number 912 212 494 740 740 761 919 317 438 681 746 919 13 33 56 233 653 792 820 943 33 779 847 318 318 835 874 940 345 345 876 237 312 444 459 459 659 723 723 742 659 224 626

lift, to

lift (up), to lift up, to

lifting, the act of light (= luminosity)

lightning like (= as) like, to like, to be (= to resemble) likeness limit lip liquid

list (= enumerate), to listen, to little littleness live, to

living load



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *wig-a *tan*an*in-a (~ *en-a) *bir-g-a *kay-a *kay-w-a *xol-a *xol-a *tal-a *ut-a *haw*tan-a *tan*war*day*gal*cur-a *sak-a *par-a *ad-a *eb*eb*ga-a *gup-a *ek-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *xir-a *ad*ad-ad*xir*ad-a *ad-ad-a *ad*ad-ad*par-a *pul-a *lam-a *lam-d-a *lam-

Number 819 224 626 662 49 433 433 764 764 222 677 688 190 190 800 159 356 310 316 100 611 650 650 346 391 652 550 550 550 550 769 550 550 769 550 550 550 550 97 124 939 939 939

load tightly together, to load up and go, to location lofty loneliness

lonely long long for, to long-lasting long-lasting, to be look, to look at, to loop lord lose ones mind, to lose ones way, to loss

loud clatter loud noise

loud noise, to make a

loud rumble loud sound, to make a love low

low, to be



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *lam-V-d*kat-a *al-a *kat-a *al-a *kat-a *kat-a *al*ul-a *bud-a *lam-a *lam-d-a *ek*lam-a *lam-d-a *bun-a *pul-a *taw-a *kar-a *kum-a *kum-a *man-a *man*el-a *wal-a *bad-a *ta-a *eb-a *dul*dul*eb*dul-a *eb-a *kur-a *mag-a *daw*tik*kam*key*woy*car- or *ar*kal*dab-

Number 939 430 700 430 700 430 430 700 673 57 939 939 652 939 939 69 139 201 478 497 499 860 860 653 792 9 184 650 172 172 650 172 650 527 837 156 205 410 523 825 306 406 144

lower lower part lower place lower thing lower, to lowest part of anything lowest part or region (of anything) lowland lowly, to be low-lying ground lump

lust lust after, to luster lying down maceration mad (mad, to be) (mad, to drive someone) mad, to go (madness) madness maggot magnificence make, to

make an effort, to make clear, to make fast, to



English Meaning make fun of, to make known, to

Proto-Nostratic *ak*car- or *ar*kal*war- and/or *wir*tik-a *ak*tik-a *mar-a *mu-a *nus-a *kum-a *ar-a *war-a *man-a *g[e]n-d-a *mar-a *war-a *pas-a *tay-a *ay(y)a *tay-a *akka *atta *a()a *daq-a *buk-a (~ *bok-a) *kab-a *dar-a *nad-a *nad*kan-a *kum-a *ar-a *war-a *man-a *mar-a *pap-a *wil-a *wil*wil-a *ar-a *qal-a *ba-a

Number 291 306 406 805 205 291 205 872 891 923 447 636 799 861 374 865 799 109 232 648 232 619 641 633 150 61 399 152 907 907 468 447 636 799 861 865 138 820 820 820 711 583 42

make something, tool used to make sport, to making something, the act of malady


male (human or animal) male animal male genitals male in-law, (elder) male relative male relative, (elder) male relative, older male relative, (older) male of certain animals male of small, hoofed animals male sheep malevolent malicious malicious, to be mallet man

man, (young) man, old manifest manifest, to manifestation manner manslaughter many



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *pal-a *ap-a *ma-a *mak-a *mal-a *man-g-a *ba*ma*mar-a *mi*nad*nad-a *kum-a *wel-a *tik-a *tik-a *par-a *ad-a *ar-a *in-k-a *kat-a *net-a *par-a *at-a *bul-V-*par*na-V-r*bul--a *par-a *at-a *a- (~ *-), *i- (~ *e-) *wa- (~ *w-) *mi (~ *me) *na (~ *n) *mad-w-a *wel-a *kal-a *ak-a *un-a *pul-a *nad-a *nad*mad-a

Number 90 634 834 843 846 859 42 834 870 882 906 906 497 815 206 206 100 611 713 726 428 916 106 747 64 106 924 64 106 747 607 778 879 898 836 816 459 615 755 124 907 907 835

many, to be marsh mark off, to mash, to mashed, anything mass massacre massive massiveness master

mastery mat mature mature, to



mead meadow meager meal (= food; repast) mean (= nasty) mean (= nasty), to be measure



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *mat-a *mi-a *mi*mad*mat*xal-a *mad-a *mat-a *mi-a *ar*ar-a *gun-a *ak*ar-a *hag-a *kar-b-a *mat-a or *met-a *gad-a *wak-a *mag-a *gad-a *ab-a *ad-a *ad*mak*gad*mam(m)a, *mema *mal-a *kep-a *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *gun-a *nus-a *nus*mu-a *hay *pul-a *ag-a *mal*ag-a *bul*kal-

Number 874 882 882 835 874 760 835 874 882 556 556 390 695 711 678 539 873 350 783 837 350 609 611 611 843 350 831 849 484

measure, to measure out, to measurement

melt, to melted memory mentally sharp, to be method midday heat middle might


mighty, to be mighty, to be or become milk mincing, the act of mind

minute (= small) minute (= small), to be misery misfortune, exclamation of mist mistaken, to be misty mix, to

319 390 921 921 891 690 140 694 853 694 66 461



English Meaning mix together, to mix up, to mixed colors, that which is mixture moan moan, to mock, to mockery moist

Proto-Nostratic *kat*bul*bul-a *bul-a *kat-a *kum-a *kas-a *kum*kas*ak*ak-a *uw-a *uw-l-a *mat-a *nat-a *mat*tal*wal*wet*nat*la*law-V-*rek*nat-a *la-a *uw-a *uw-l-a *wal-a *mat-a *lip-a *lip*diq*am-a *ma(a) *ap-a *ap-a *ap*ap*dil-a *bal-a *ak-a *mol-a *ar-s-a

Number 479 66 67 66 479 496 542 496 542 291 291 345 345 875 914 875 223 788 818 914 933 945 958 914 933 345 345 788 875 948 948 166 624 831 634 634 634 634 164 20 615 886 603

moist, to be moisten, to

moistness moisture

mold mold, to mold (clay), to moment mommy more more, that which is more, to be moreover morning morsel

morsel bitten



English Meaning mortar mosquito most prominent (person or thing) most prominent, that which is most prominent part most prominent person most prominent thing mother

Proto-Nostratic *ur-a *mol-a *ku-n-a (~ *ko-n-a) *xa-t-a *xa-a *mun-a *ner-a *ner-a *da *da-da*am(m)a *ana *ay(y)a *ema *ena *ma(a) *mam(m)a, *mema *qad-a *or-a *raq-a *qad*qad*tul-a *or-V-g*ar-V-g*tid-a *al-a *mal-a *ar-a *or-g-a *ar-g-a *kum-a *ham-a *ha-a *ham*gir- or *ir*kal*qad*at*rag*kal*ot*raq-

Number 733 886 493 762 761 889 915 915 143 143 625 630 647 654 655 831 831 565 668 955 565 565 212 670 746 236 737 845 638 670 746 496 684 686 684 384 461 565 747 950 509 671 955

motion motion, any rapid motion, to be in motion, to put into mound mount, to mountain

mountain-goat mounting mourning mouth mouth, to take into the move, to

move about, to move away from, to move back and forth, to



English Meaning move hastily, to move out of the way, to move quickly, to

Proto-Nostratic *or*ot*pat*ek*or*ap*raq*pat*kat*or*par*pir*gir- or *ir*ot*gir-a or *ir-a *qad-a *rag-a *kat-a *ek-a *ek-a *ot-a *ot-a *ba-a *pal-a *kan-a *mak-a *mik-a *ba*pak-a *diq-a *mur-a *kum-a *am-a *man-a *man-g-a *kas-a *kas*kep*qal-a *wed-a *nik-a *kas-a *ar-a

Number 668 671 111 651 668 710 955 110 520 668 101 118 384 671 384 565 950 520 651 651 671 671 42 90 467 843 883 42 84 166 894 446 554 858 859 542 542 484 583 814 918 542 555

move rapidly, to

move swiftly, to

move to or toward, to movement

movement, rapid movement, violent movement away from movement to or toward much

much, to be mucous, dried mud mulberry multitude

mumble mumble, to munch, to murder




English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ar-ar-a *mur-a *mur-mur-a *kas*mur*mur-mur*bir-a *mur-a *ar*ar-ar*iya *a-a *kap-a *an-g-a *an-V-g*gid-a or *id-a *an*an-a *qar-a *qel-a *qur-a *xel-a *mak-a *bad-a *ga-a *ek-a *iw-a, *iy-a *tir*tir-V-p*iw-, *iy*kal-a *e *ma()- (~ *m()-) *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne), *nu (~ *no) *sir-a *kat-a *net-a *war-a and/or *wir-a *mal-a *a-a *rum-a *nak-a

Number 555 895 895 542 895 895 50 892 555 555 666 327 473 707 707 377 628 628 568 577 589 768 841 8 346 652 727 207 208 727 459 649 833 902 281 428 916 805 851 725 962 911

murmur, to

musical instrument mutilated mutter, to my name nape of the neck narrow narrow, to make near near to, to draw nearness neck


needs fulfilled, to have all need, to stand in needy negative/prohibitive particle

nerve net news next nick (= incision; notch) night nighttime



English Meaning nip, to nip off, to nipple

Proto-Nostratic *tip*kir- or *kur*diy-a *u-a *im-a *e *ma()- (~ *m()-) *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne), *nu (~ *no) *mag-a *ar-a *ar-a *ba-a *bar-a *bug-r-a *daw-a *gal-a *kal-a *ka-a *kil-a *qal-a *wa-a *wal-a *mur-a *mur-mur-a *tar-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *xir-a *ba*bug-V-r*daw*tar*kal*ka*kil*mur*mur-mur*ad*ad-ad*xir*bar*gal-

Number 271 487 167 298 752 649 833 902 837 713 713 14 36 60 155 357 404 414 437 582 780 786 895 895 268 550 550 769 14 60 155 268 404 414 437 895 895 550 550 769 36 357


nobility noble nobleman noise

noise, (rustling or rumbling) noise, loud

noise, to make

noise, to make a

noise, to make a loud

noise, to utter a noisy, to be



English Meaning nose

Proto-Nostratic *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *e *ma()- (~ *m()-) *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne), *nu (~ *no) *dal-a *kir-a or *kur-a *a-a *dal*kir- or *kur*a*al-a *gun-a *guw-a *baw*gun*guw*en*xa-a *e-a *pin*kal*pin-a *pa-a *pin-a *kal-a *ar-s-a *it-a *am-a *nu *xal-a *ap-a *mal-a *man-g-a *ba*kan*mal*man*pin*kal-a *bal-a



319 649 833 902 147 487 725 147 487 725 622 390 395 39 390 395 748 761 749 116 457 116 83 116 457 603 664 624 920 760 634 846 859 42 534 849 854 116 457 18


notch, to

nothing notice notice, to

noticeable, that which is notion nourish, to nourishing nourishment

now number numerous

numerous, to be nurse, to nurse (a child), to nurture, to nutriment obscure



English Meaning obscure, to obscure, to be or become obscurity observation

Proto-Nostratic *dum*ag*bal*bal-a *kar-a *guw-a *kan-a *ra-a *ra-y-a *rak-a *baw*guw*kan*war*rak*kan-a *kan-a *tad-a *tad*tad-a *sag- or *ag*am-a *gal*bad*ut-a *dip*in-V-k*in-k-a *pas-a *pir-a *kan-a *um-a *nap-a *pul-a *mar-a *mar-a *bul-a *tan-a *sen-a *aw-a *gir-a *ker-a *at-a

Number 176 694 18 18 476 395 471 949 949 954 39 395 471 800 954 471 471 217 217 217 313 623 356 7 757 252 726 726 109 117 465 675 927 126 868 868 68 191 278 329 383 485 747

observe, to

observes, that which observing, the act of obstacle obstruct, to obstruction obtain, to obtained obvious, to be or become occur, to odor odor, to give off a strong offer, to offering offspring

(oil) oil ointment old



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *wat-a *gir*bul*ker*par*tan*sen*ay*wat*tan-a *sen-a *gir-a *ker-a *ay-a *at-a *pap-a *sen-a *gir-a *ker-a *pap-a *a()a *a()a *akka *ema *akka *atta *ata *an*al*hag*al*xa*kal*pal-a *pit-a *pal-a *ban*pit*ha*pit*wel*pit*bar-a

Number 809 383 68 485 106 191 278 596 809 191 278 383 485 596 747 138 278 383 485 138 632 633 618 654 619 641 642 629 737 678 737 761 532 88 121 88 23 121 686 121 816 121 38

old, to be or become old, to become old, to grow

old age

old man old person

old woman (older) female relative (older) male relative older female relative older male relative older relative (male or female) on on fire, to be on top of ooze, to open open, that which is open, to

open, to be open, to burst open land



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *wel-a *pal-a *pit-a *wel-a *pal-a *ha*bad-a *ban-a *pa-a *pit-a *put-a *dur-a *tal-m-a *ha-a *mar*tin-a *bad*dal*hak*dal-a *ag*bad-a *hak-a *ag-a *aw-, *wa- (~ *w-) *ar*woy-k-a *woy-V-k*woy-V-k*ek*pit-a *bad*bad-a *tin-a *hal-a *mal-a *tin-a *hal-a *hal*qal-a *ut-a *koy-a *dar-a

Number 816 88 121 816 88 686 5 23 81 121 136 180 255 686 864 257 7 149 680 149 693 7 680 693 643 715 826 826 826 652 122 10 10 257 682 851 257 682 682 582 677 548 154

open space

open surface open the mouth, to opening

oppose, to opposite side oppress, to

oppressed oppressed, to be opression

or order order, to arrange in order, to put in ordinary, to be origin originate, to origination other

other side otherwise outcry outdoor area outer covering outgrowth



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ag-a *ba-a *bal-a *gus*gus*gus-a *par*ep-a *an*xa*ap-a *ap*ar*ib-a *bal*bul*bun*kal*ib*aw*tal- and/or *til*ag*par*maq*mar*hap-a *hap-a *maq-a *kow-a *tum*bag-a *tan*hak*tan-a *pal-a *tal-a *gal-a *kac-a *hak-a *wal-a *mir-a *mu-a *nik-a

Number 735 1 19 394 394 394 100 656 629 761 634 634 713 658 19 62 70 532 658 720 263 694 100 863 866 687 687 863 547 243 12 224 680 224 94 188 358 452 680 790 885 891 918

outpour outside of, to go outside, to make to go outsider outstrip, to oven over (= above) over (= above), that which is over (= above), to be overflow overflow, to

overshadow, to overtake, to overturn, to overturned overturning ox pacify, to pack pack tightly together, to pack together, to packed tightly together pain



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *nus-a *gal*mu*nus*mir*mu*pal*kol-a *yor-a *kol*pal-a *pat*gub-a *aw*er-a *par-a *pas-a *dun-a *cal-a *i-a *ar-a *law*ar*law-a *ar-a *kak-a *par*wat*par*par*par-a *qad-a *mar-a *man-a *qad-a *iy-a *man-a *guw*en*kap-a *kap*kar-a *kay-a

Number 923 358 891 923 885 891 94 442 777 442 89 110 387 341 597 98 108 179 302 343 635 944 635 944 635 456 104 809 104 104 104 565 867 860 565 665 862 395 748 417 417 519 522

pain, to be in

pain, to cause painful, to be pair pair, to palm (= flat of the hand) palpitate, to pan pant, to parched part

part, to part asunder, to part cut off parted partridge (onomatopoeic bird name) pass, to pass (of time), to pass across, to pass over, to passage

passion path paw pay attention, to pay-back pay back, to payment



English Meaning peace peace, to be at peaceful peak (= pinnacle)

Proto-Nostratic *tum-a *an-a *an*tum-a *an-a *gab-a *gar-a *kir-a *qar-a *al-a *cir*gal*tak-a *tul-a *un-k-a *nak-a *bul-a (~ *bol-a) *pas-a *kum-a *man-a *san- or *an-, *sin- or *in-, *sun- or *un*gun*kan*ra*ra-V-y*san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *kan-a *ra-a *ra-y-a *kan-a *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *gun-a *kan-a *ra-a

Number 243 627 627 243 627 348 370 439 585 737 309 356 185 242 601 910 63 109 447 861

peep, to peer at, to peg

pelt (= animal skin) penis

perceive, to

319 390 471 949 949

perceived, that which is


perceives, that which

perceiving perceiving, the act of perception

319 471 949 949 471

319 390 471 949



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ra-y-a *wan-a *bad*gup*mar*ul*dul*di*dul*mak*mal*di-a *dul-a *mal-a *kal-a *al-a *ur-a *kar-a *gad-a *gar-a *ker*ac*kul*ac-a *lak-a *ac-a *cal-a *gad-a *kas-a *mol-a *bi-a *dum-a *dun-a *kir-a or *kur-a *kar-a *bur*dal*tar*er- or *er*cag*ak*xat*mir-

Number 949 795 9 391 872 731 172 163 172 842 853 163 172 853 461 553 733 538 351 366 486 692 494 692 937 692 302 351 427 886 54 174 179 487 515 73 147 195 293 299 591 763 885

period (of time) perish, to

perish, to cause to perplex, to perplexed, to be


perturbation pestle pestle, grinding (pick)axe pick, to pick up, to picked picking, the act of piece

piece broken off piece cut off

pierce, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *nag*kat-a *kaw-a *tul*kum*pul-a *bit-a *tip*kay-w-a *kar-a *wur-a *kal*dag-a *as-a *in-a (~ *en-a) *dag*daw*day*kay*as*lag*dag*as-a *kay*lag-a *gal-a *ek*tan*kat*aw*tan-a *kat-a *aw-a *tar*ir-a *bir*im- or *im*ak*bir-a *im-a or *im-a *mal-a *mak*mal-a

Number 908 431 432 212 446 125 53 271 436 516 829 406 145 640 662 145 156 158 434 640 931 145 640 434 931 356 652 225 428 722 225 428 722 198 337 50 296 291 50 296 847 844 847

piercing (of sounds) pile pile up, to pimple pinch pinch, to pit

point out, to place

place, to

place down, to place, to put in placed placed, to be placing down, the act of plain (= evident) plain, to be plait, to

plaited, anything plaited, that which is plaiting, the act of plane, to plank play (a musical instrument), to play (a wind instrument), to play about, to playing (a musical instrument) playing (a wind instrument) pleasant pleasant, to be pleasantness



English Meaning pleased, to be pleasing pleasure plenty

Proto-Nostratic *par*mal-a *mak-a *tir-p-a *gam-a *ap-a *ma-a *tir*tir-V-p*pid*tar-V-p*ker*ac*pid*gal*kal*pid*kal*ac-a *tar-p-a *pid-a *ac-a *ag-a *bir-q-a *sil-a *mus-a *mus-k-a *am*mus*mus-V-k*tal*bar-a *dud-a *gar-a *qar-a *am-a *war- and/or *wir*ad-a *ar-a *mel*mol*mor-a *wir-a

Number 97 847 844 208 362 709 834 207 208 131 229 486 692 131 353 463 131 463 692 229 131 692 289 52 280 896 896 739 896 896 221 27 170 370 585 624 805 612 558 877 886 887 822

plenty, to have pluck, to

pluck off, to

pluck out, to plucked plucking plucking, the act of plug plum plunder plunge plunge, to plunge in water, to plunge into, to point (= tip)

point of time point out, to pointed pole polish, to pool poplar



English Meaning portion

Proto-Nostratic *bay-a *par-a *pas-a *i-a *xal-a *wan-a *ap-a *ka- (~ *k-) *gal-a *gub-a *kud-a (~ *kod-a) *kar-a *dar*tap*ta*tap*tuk*tum*tad*ca*gin*kan*kad*ka*ur*was*diq*ka-a *ca-a *ca-a *gin-a *was-a *ba*ban*la*ib*bal*ib*or-a *la-a *kal-a *gal-a

Number 40 98 108 343 760 795 709 508 355 387 492 518 152 192 218 226 241 260 261 300 381 468 528 530 733 807 166 530 300 300 381 807 1 22 933 658 19 658 668 933 459 360

possessions post-positional intensifying and conjoining particle pot (= container)

pound, to

pound (earth), to pounded pounding pounding, the act of

pour, to

pour out, to pour over, to pouring poverty power



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ab-a *al-a *wak-a *wal-a *woy-a *mag-a *mak-a *ad-a *al-a *mag-a *mak-a *gal*ad*mak*pir*pir-a *par*ar*rak*rak-a *kal-a *tox-a *in-k-a *in-V-k*nu *tal*ag*e*wal*nad*nam*bit*par*uk*tur*ka*tik*cur*gid- or *id*kum*im*hak*kap-

Number 609 701 783 784 825 837 843 611 701 837 843 360 611 843 134 134 100 711 952 952 462 239 726 726 920 189 289 333 790 906 926 53 100 606 215 530 206 310 377 497 605 680 415


powerful, to be

pray, to prayer precede, to prepare, to preparing, the act of presence present (= gift) present, to presently press, to

press between the fingers, to press forward, to press (in), to press in, to press together, to

press with the hand, to



English Meaning pressed, that which is pressed close together pressed down, to be pressed tightly together pressed together pressing pressing, the act of pressure

Proto-Nostratic *e-a *gid-a or *id-a *ag*tan-a *ka-a *im-a *ag-a *nam-a *e-a *bit-a *tal-a *tik-a *tur-a *kum-a *cag-a *bi*dal*cag*ak*xat*ad-a *qal-a *buw*ay*at*bak*bak-a *kar-a *kar*kar-a *kan-a *an*kan*kan-a *an-a *man-a *gar*did-a *xa-a *ak-a *gi- (~ *ge-) *tak-a

Number 333 377 693 224 530 605 289 926 333 53 189 206 215 497 299 54 147 299 591 763 612 572 79 646 747 16 16 475 519 519 465 332 465 465 332 861 370 161 761 591 375 219

prick prick, to

prickly private parts (male or female) proceed, to

proclaim, to proclamation procure, to procurement produce produce, to produced produced, that which is progenitor project, to prominence prominent, that which is most prong pronominal base of uncertain deictic function proper



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *suw-a *tak*suw*cal- or *al*ap-a *tak-a *suw-a *riy*bul--a *buw-a *cal-a or *al-a *gan-a *riy-a *pin*taq*man*man-a *pin-a *kad-a *kal-a *man-a *rak-a *gar*mun*did-a *taw-a *kar-a *ag-a *bun-a *an-a *bul-a *bul-bul-a (> *bum-bul-a) *pu-a *puw-a *up-a *puw*bar*bul*bun*pu*puw*iw-a *tar-a

Number 287 219 287 304 709 219 287 959 64 80 304 505 959 116 227 857 857 116 401 405 857 954 370 889 161 201 478 735 69 628 62 65 128 137 676 137 26 62 69 128 137 344 193

proper, to be

property propriety prosper, to prosperity

protect, to

protector protection

protrude, to protuberance

protuberance, rounded proximity puff

puff of air puff, to puff up, to

puffed up pull



English Meaning pull, to

Proto-Nostratic *bir*pid*tar*put*bir*pid*kal*xal*wal*pid*kal*xal*tar-a *put-a *wal-a *pid-a *bir-a *xal-a *xal-a *ta-a *kar-a *em-a *kar-a *em-a *dip-a *sad-a *kuwan-a or *kun-a *hal-a *al*hal-a *mar*kiy*kiy-a *tal-a *ag-a *uk-a *tak*tal*ag*uk*tur*ka*ka-a

Number 51 131 193 141 51 131 463 765 785 131 463 765 193 141 785 131 51 765 765 218 424 330 424 330 252 312 450 681 621 681 867 546 546 189 288 606 186 189 288 606 215 530 530

pull apart, to pull off, to

pull (out), to pull out, to

pulled along, something pulled-off piece or part pulling pulling, the act of pulling off, the act of pulling out, the act of pulverized, anything pungency pungent pungent, anything that is pungent smell punishment puppy pure purify, to purity pursue, to purulent, to be pus push

push, to

push in, to pushed together



English Meaning pustule put put, to

Proto-Nostratic *bug-a *as-a *dag*daw*day*kay*as*lag*woy-V-k*dag*dag*qad*kas*rak*ka*am*ar*lag-a *rak-a *qar-a *kiy*qar-a *di*rag-a *bur-a *al-a *qat-a *mar-a *bur*mar*or-a *tum-a *kar-a *an-a *rom-a *tum*an*am*tum-a *kar-a *rom-a *pat*hal-a

Number 59 640 145 156 158 434 640 931 826 145 145 565 541 952 453 554 711 931 952 575 546 575 163 950 72 553 569 864 72 864 668 243 537 627 960 243 627 704 243 537 960 110 681

put down, to put in order, to put in place, to put in place, to be put into motion, to put out (fire), to put (together), to put together, to

putting down, the act of putting (together), the act of putrid putrid, to be putrid thing puzzled, to be quaking quarrel

quarrel, to quick quiet

quiet, to quiet, to be quiet, to become quietness quietude quiver, to radiance



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *wil-a *bah-a *hal-a *el*hal*kat-a *bur-a *ek-a *bur*ek*ek*duw-a *ar-a or *ar-a *kar-a *mat-a *rek-a *sig*aw*il-a or *il-a *duw-a *nab-a *sig-a *kar-a *tul*kul*am*am-V-d*ar-V-g*xa*war*ni*sal*did-a *dim-a *sal-a *kil-a *dim-a *ni-a *tar-a *gar-a *tar-a *daq-a *dur-a

Number 820 13 681 653 681 429 74 651 74 651 651 182 292 540 875 958 323 720 294 182 905 323 476 212 494 740 740 746 761 803 919 317 161 165 317 438 165 919 198 367 198 150 181

radiant radiate, to rag rage rage, to raging, to be rain

rain, to raindrop raindrops rain, heavy raining rainy weather raise, to

raise up, to raised

raised place raising, the act of rake raking ram (= male sheep)



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kab-a *ar-a *or-a *or-a *raq-a *kat-a *ek-a *qar*al-a *di*tar*sag- or *ag*in-V-k*ar*ar-a *man*man-a *kan-a *ey-a *ey*ey-a *gun-a *kap-a *muy-a *til*man*woy-k-a *kam*ta*kal*kar*ek*kal*ek-a *am-a *kal-a *gud-a *gal*rak*ar-a *ar-a *ata *ina or *ia

Number 399 638 668 668 955 520 651 568 552 251 256 313 726 711 745 855 855 471 750 750 750 390 417 897 237 855 826 533 184 459 517 652 459 652 335 407 388 356 954 637 637 642 663

rapid rapid motion, any rapid movement rasping sound, to make ravine reach, to

ready, to make rear reckon, to reckoning recognition recognize, to recognized recollection recompense recount, to rectitude red-hot, to be reduce, to

reduced, to be or become reduction reed refuse (= rubbish) regard, to regard attentively, to related relative (= kinsman) relative (male or female), older relative (male or female), younger



English Meaning relative, (elder) male relative, female relative, male relative on the mothers side relative pronoun stem

Proto-Nostratic *tay-a *ay(y)a *nat-a *ay(y)a *aw-a *ki- (~ *ke-) *ay-, *ya*ma- (~ *m-) *qad*rom*rom-a *rom-a *al*al-a *kar*am*wan*man*gun-a *taw-a *taw-a *sil-a *kal-a *tek*kal*kal*tek-a *tar*tar-V-p*tar-p-a *kul-a *kay*kay-a *war-a and/or *wir-a *wat-a *kar-a *pir-a *tel-a *pir*tel*muy-a *sam*mor-a

Number 232 647 913 648 719 524 645 878 581 960 960 960 331 331 537 704 794 856 390 230 230 280 463 202 459 463 202 228 229 229 444 522 522 805 810 537 134 235 134 235 897 318 887

relax, to relaxation relaxed release, to released remain, to

remembrance remote remoteness removal remove, to

removing, the act of rend, to rending renown repay in kind, to repayment report repose request request, to requital resemble, to reservoir



English Meaning residence resound, to respire, to rest (= relaxation)

Proto-Nostratic *buw-a *daw*an*aw-a *kar-a *an-a *rom-a *kar-a *aw*kar*qad*am*rom*an*an-a *kay-a *kar-a *am-a *kal-a *muy-a *kay*muy*muy-a *car- or *ar*cur*kal*wal*kal-a *al*ak-a *tal-m-a *woy-k-a *tar-a *tar-a *tar*gar*kar-a *kar-a *al*tar-a *tar-a *ar*bir-

Number 79 155 742 342 537 627 960 537 342 537 581 704 960 627 627 434 537 704 405 897 522 897 897 306 310 510 791 511 331 291 255 826 266 266 266 370 419 420 699 228 267 339 51

rest, at rest, to

rest, to be at restful resting place

restraint return return an equal measure, to return, to returned, that which is reveal, to revolve, to

revolves, that which rid of, to get ridicule rift right (= correct) rigid rigid, that which is rigid, to be rigid, to be or become rind ring (= circle) rinse, to rip rip apart, to rip off, to



English Meaning ripe ripen, to ripeness ripening ripped ripping off, the act of rise, to

Proto-Nostratic *par-a *bul-V-*par*par-a *bul--a *di-a *tar-a *bir-a *bir*did*kil*kul*on*ar-V-g*xa*ni*or*al*or-a *or-a *kal-a *al-a *ap-a *mar-a *kal-a *kar-a *kum-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *gur*ar*ar-ar*gur-a *gub*kal*er*er-a *kal-a *kal*sil-a *kal-a *kar-a *rag-a

Number 106 64 106 106 64 251 267 51 49 161 438 494 730 746 761 919 669 737 669 669 532 552 710 867 509 475 496 555 555 393 555 555 393 387 460 597 597 460 408 280 458 538 950

rise (up), to rise high, to rising motion rising movement river

road roaming roar

roar, to

roaring noise or sound roast, to

roasted roasting rob, to robbery rock (= stone) rocking (= swaying; shaking)



English Meaning rod roil (water), to roll, to

Proto-Nostratic *ar-a *dal*gar*kal*al*wal*mar*rat*car*gar-a *rat-a *car-a *kal-a *raw--a *pir-a *ka-a *kir-a *mar-a *sir-a *ked*qar*was*kaw*wal-a *qar-a *qar-a *tam-a *bar-a *tar-a *kar-a *tar-a *bar*tar*bar-a *kar-a *pul-a *kar-a *kaw-a *gar-a *il-a *wal-a *al-a *kaw-a

Number 558 148 506 510 579 791 866 956 305 506 956 305 511 957 119 469 525 866 282 545 575 807 480 791 575 575 264 29 266 423 266 29 266 29 423 139 420 480 506 604 791 579 480

roll down, to rolling rolling down, the act of rolls, that which room rope

root (of tree or plant) rot, to rot away, to rotate, to rotation rotten rotten thing rotten, that which is rough

rough, that which is rough, to be roughness round

round object round object, any



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *gar-a *il-a *al*il*bun-a *om-a *wak*tar*wal*mal*mel*mol*mel*mol*mel*mol*mar*tar-a *mal-a *gud-a *nad-a *nad*dul*dul*bad-a *pul-a *ked-a *ul-a *wed-a *pul*ked*pul-a *ir-a *ak-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *gur*kar*gur-a *kep-a *ku-a

Number 506 604 579 604 69

round thing or object round, to be rounded protuberance rounded prominence at the end of the bone forming a ball and a socket joint with the hollow of another bone rouse, to rub, to

rub into, to rub smooth, to rub (with greast, oil, fat, ointment), to rubbed rubbing, the act of rubbish rude rude, to be ruffle, to ruffled, to be ruin

ruin, to ruined ruler rumble, loud rumble, to rumbling noise or sound rumination rump

667 783 196 790 850 877 886 877 886 877 886 868 196 850 388 907 907 172 172 9 124 545 731 814 124 545 124 600 697 550 550 393 540 393 484 501



English Meaning run, to

Proto-Nostratic *dun*daw*tor*gir- or *ir*ap*rat*her- and/or *hor*ar- or *ar*daw-a *tor-a *or-a *rat-a *wa-a *cag-a *mur-a *mur-a *ag-a *sol-a *sol*sol-a *tup-a *sam-a *par*tir*tir-V-p*bir*gad-a *ar-a *a-a *te*til*kil*qat*yan*war- and/or *wir*wat*man*yan-a *pak-a *gar-b-a *kal-a *gal-a *wa-a

Number 178 249 272 384 710 956 691 292 249 272 668 956 813 299 892 892 693 283 283 283 214 318 97 207 208 52 351 594 725 234 237 437 588 774 805 810 855 774 84 368 459 359 782

run away, to run out, to running

running water rupture ruptured sadness safe safe, to be safety saliva same satisfied, to be

savor, to saw (= cutting tool)

say, to

saying scab scanty scar



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *wed-a *kal-a *par*duw*tar*si*par-a *duw-a *tar-a *si-a *duw-a *duw*ban-a *si-a *gal*kay*gal-a *bar*tar*ir*gar*ar*ok*xat*gar-a *tar-a *ar-a *ok-a *xat-a *ir-a *ar-t-a *tar*ir*gar*ar*ok*xat*wur*gar-a *tar-a *ar-a *ok-a *xat-a

Number 814 459 99 182 194 324 99 182 194 324 182 182 23 324 354 436 354 35 198 337 367 714 729 766 367 198 714 729 766 337 595 198 337 367 714 729 766 829 367 198 714 729 766

scarcity scatter, to


scattered about scattered about, anything scattered about, to be scattering scattering about, the act of scoop out, to scooping out, the act of scrape, to

scrapes, that which scraping

scraping, the act of scratch scratch, to

scratches, that which scratching

scratching, the act of



English Meaning screech, to screeching sea seat seated seated, to be seclusion second section see, to

Proto-Nostratic *kat*kar*kat-a *yam-a *mor-a *as-a *am-a *as*xol-a *mal-a *i-a *il- or (?) *ir*il*en*ra*ra-V-y*bar-a *na-r-a *mar*ra-a *ra-y-a *ey-a *pid*tek*sil*um- or *um*gab*gar*kam- or *qam*kab*kaw*kum*am*ap*wot*bar*kap*kab*am-a *um-a or *um-a *tek-a *um-a or *um-a *wot-a

Number 431 475 431 773 887 640 704 640 764 851 343 599 661 748 949 949 32 924 867 949 949 750 115 202 280 297 349 365 409 451 481 497 623 744 824 31 415 451 623 297 202 297 824

seed seedling seek, to seeing seen seize, to

seize hold of, to seize with the hand, to seize with the teeth, to seized seizing seizing, the act of



English Meaning seizure

Proto-Nostratic *bar-a *kab-a *ap-a *bey-a *pas-a *an*pal-a *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *san- or *an-, *sin- or *in-, *sun- or *un*san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *san-a or *an-a, *sin-a or *in-a, *sun-a or *un-a *a-a *bad*ban*par*gal*kas*kal*a*ar*law*i*tu*gar-a *ar-a *xol*ban-a *i-a *gal-a *kas-a *kal-a *a-a *law-a *tu-a *kay-a

Number 31 451 744 45 109 626 94

self semen send off, to sensation, burning sense


sense, to


sensed, that which is


senses, that which

separate (= different) separate, to

separate into (equal) parts, to separate into two parts, to separated separated from, to be separation

separation into two separatness

319 631 5 23 98 353 427 463 631 635 944 343 240 366 635 764 23 343 353 427 463 631 944 240 433



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kay-w-a *as-a *daw*kay*as*xol*kat*lag*wal*bud*al*or*yor-a *daw*lag-a *am*am-a *pal-a *pal-a *dum*tar*kir- or *kur*ar*law*dum-a *ar-a *or-a *man*qal-a *tal-a and/or *til-a *tal-a and/or *til-a *bar-a *bar*bar-a *pel*pir*tar*gud*kal*kat*at*ut*na-

Number 433 640 156 434 640 764 430 931 789 56 331 668 777 156 931 704 704 91 91 174 228 487 635 944 174 635 753 860 572 263 263 29 29 29 114 120 200 388 461 520 718 734 909

set (= put; placed) set, to

set apart, to be set down, to set fire to, to set fire to something, to set free, to set in motion, to set of two set up, to setting down, the act of settle down, to settled settled place settlement sever, to

severance severed sewing sexual intercourse, to have sexual organs (male or female) shade shadow shaggy shaggy, to be shagginess shake, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *nuk*rag*at*dul-a *kat-a *at-a *ut-a *nuk-a *rag-a *raq-a *tar-a *sam-a *bay-a *par-a *pas-a *dun-a *xal-a *wan-a *bay*kat-a *ad-a *em-a *kar-a *at-a *am-a *em-a *am*kat-a *tal-a *sak-a *ok-a *am-a *ag*pas*si- (~ *se-) *bag-a *dur-a *a-a *uw-a (~ *ow-a) *koy-a *kad-a *il-a *bah-

Number 928 950 718 173 520 718 734 928 950 955 200 318 40 98 108 179 760 795 40 544 612 330 424 560 703 330 703 431 254 315 728 703 290 108 322 11 181 590 758 548 401 562 13

shaken, to be shaking

shaking (from fear, fright) shape share

share, to sharp (= pointed; cutting) sharp (= pungent)

sharp (= pungent), anything that is sharp (= pungent), to be sharp (of sounds) sharp instrument sharp instrument used for cutting, any sharp point sharp-tasting foodstuff, any sharpen, to shatter, to she sheep sheep, (young) sheep and goats shell shield shine (= luster; sparkle) shine, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *bal*bar*da*dil*tay- or *tiy*il*qal- or *qel*el*hal*wal*lah*law*hag*bah-a *il-a *hal-a *wal-a *lah-a *law-a *ut*ut-a *na-r-a *am*kut-a *kar-a *kal-a *gar-a *kut-a *kar-a *qar-a or *qur-a *wa-a *gal*kal*kar*qal*wa*wal*ag-a *uk-a *ag*uk*er- or *er*duw-a

Number 21 33 146 164 233 562 571 653 681 792 932 943 678 13 562 681 792 932 943 734 734 924 741 502 517 459 366 502 517 586 780 357 404 475 582 780 786 288 606 288 606 293 182

shine brightly, to shining

shiver, to shivering shoot (= sprout) shoot, to short short of shortened shortness shout shout, to

shove shove, to shove into, to shower



English Meaning shrill (of sounds) shrill screech, to make a shrill sound, to make a shrub shut, to sick, to be sick, to be or become sick, to become deathly sickness

Proto-Nostratic *kat-a *kat*kat*xir*ag-a *cuk*kap*nus*mar*daw*daw-a *mar-a *nus-a *ag-a *ga-a *kar-a *ar-a *sa-y-a *sa-V-y*aw-a *kum-a *kas-a *pu*aw*kum*kas*en-a *ey-a *ra-a *ra-y-a *dum-a *rom-a *dum*eb-a *eb-a *sam-a *ek*sir-a *s[e]n-a or *[e]n-a *bir*bir-a *am*lam-

Number 431 431 431 769 326 303 474 923 872 157 157 872 923 290 364 421 635 311 311 341 496 542 128 341 496 542 748 750 949 949 175 960 175 650 650 318 652 281 320 50 50 739 939


sieve sift, to sigh

sigh, to


silence silent silent, to be silliness silly similar simple, to be sinew sing, to singing sink, to sink down, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *lam-V-d*tal*da *da-da*ena *kel-a *nus-a *as*pa-a *pal-a *kar-a *koy-a *lat-a *nak-a *kap-a *kir-a *al-a *dow-a, *doy-a *dow-, *doy*dow-a, *doy-a *tap-a *qal-a *ar-a *wa-a *dab-a *qat-a *al-a *wel-a *la-a *al*gan*qal*wel*bad-a *aw-a *aw*nak*tar-a *ir-a *ar-a *xat-a *il- or *il*gil-

Number 939 221 143 143 655 482 922 640 82 130 419 548 941 910 416 439 580 168 168 168 192 566 594 798 245 569 698 815 934 698 504 583 815 9 342 342 911 228 337 594 763 295 378

sink into, to sister sister, elder sister-in-law sit, to skin

skin, (animal) skull

slack slacken, to slackness slap slash


slaughter, to slay, to

sleep sleep, to sleep, to go to slice

slide, to



English Meaning slide down, to sliding sliding, the act of sliding down, the act of sling slip, to slip down, to slippery slipping, the act of slipping down, the act of slit

Proto-Nostratic *car*gil-a *il-a or *il-a *car-a *qal-a *gil*car*il-a or *il-a *gil-a *il-a or *il-a *car-a *bi-a *kir-a or *kur-a *al-a *ar-a *dow-a, *doy-a *hak*dow-, *doy*hak*hak*dow-a, *doy-a *hak-a *hak*hak-a *aw-a *ik-a *gin-a or *in-a *kut-a *nus-a *ik*gin- or *in*ek*nus*tak-a *tak*kal-a *ik-a *kut-a *nus-a *pal*kad*mar*ut-a

Number 305 378 295 305 584 378 305 295 378 295 305 54 487 592 594 168 679 168 679 679 168 679 679 679 342 336 380 502 921 336 380 652 921 262 262 459 336 502 921 94 528 868 757

slow slow, to be slow down, to slowly slowly, to do or approach something slownesss sluggish, to be sluggishness slumber small

small, to be

small piece small pieces, to cut into small quantity small things smallness smart, to smash, to smear (with greast, oil, fat, ointment), to smell



English Meaning smell, pungent smell, to smoke

Proto-Nostratic *dip-a *ut*pul-a *duw-a *tuq-a *kam-a *kat-a *kam*kat*tuq*kum*kam*kat*kum-a *il-a or *il-a *gil-a *mel-a *mel-a *gal-a *sil*pu-a *tow-a *tow*tow-a *al(perhaps also *el-, *ul-) *uw*uw-V-l*uw-a *uw-l-a *mel-a *nus-a *nus*mel*mol*ar-a *mel-a *tor-a *ul-a *mar*kar-a *mar-a *ul-a

Number 252 757 140 182 244 533 543 533 543 244 448 533 543 448 295 378 877 877 503 280 128 210 210 210 622 345 345 345 345 877 921 921 877 886 556 877 209 673 869 476 869 673

smoke, to smoky, to be smolder, to

smoldering smooth

smoothness snake snatch, to snort snow snow, to snow-storm so-and-so, to be not soak, to soaked soft soft, to be soften, to softened softness soil (= earth) soil, to soiled (= dirty) sole of the foot



English Meaning solid

Proto-Nostratic *tik-a *tar-a *kur-a *kur*tik-a *tar-a *kur-a *kay-a *kay-w-a *xol-a *saw-a *tuk-a *tuq-a *tuq*gar-b-a *gal-a *bey-a *ba-a *bar-a *bug-r-a *daw-a *te-a *kal-a *kil-a *qal-a *wal-a *wat-a *mur-a *mur-mur-a *kak*ka-a *sol-a *sol*daw*kal*ka*bar*bug-V-r*kil*mur*mur-mur*ad*ad-ad-

Number 206 265 549 549 206 265 549 433 433 764 275 211 244 244 368 359 45 14 36 60 155 234 404 437 582 786 810 895 895 455 414 283 283 155 404 414 36 60 437 895 895 550 550

solid, to be solidity


son soot sooty, to be sore sore on the skin soul sound (= noise)

sound, (crackling) sound, (ringing or tinkling) sound (= healthy) sound (= healthy), to be sound, to

sound, to make a

sound, to make a loud



English Meaning sound judgment sour sour, anything that is sour, that which is sour, to be sour, to turn sour foodstuff, any space spacious spacious, to be spade sparse spark

Proto-Nostratic *ak-a *em-a *am-a *em-a *tam-a *am*tam*am-a *par-a *raw--a *pit-a *raw--a *raw-V-*gar-a *ar-a *kal-a *pa-a *pa-w-a *kas-a *bar*qal- or *qel*te*kil*qat*xat*yan*war- and/or *wir*wat*man*tar-a *er-a or *er-a *wa-a *te-a *til-a *kil-a *war-a and/or *wir-a *tor-a *buw*pas-a *al-a *bar-a *ak-a *dun-a

Number 695 330 703 330 264 703 264 703 99 957 121 957 957 367 557 459 129 129 541 33 571 234 437 588 767 774 805 810 855 195 293 782 234 237 437 805 272 79 109 579 27 591 178

sparkle, to speak, to

spear spear(head) speech

speedy spend time, to sperm sphere spike (= barb) spill



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ib-a *ar- or *ar*ib*kar*bey-a *ek*tup*wam*wam*qat-a *tup-a *wam-a *pal-a *bah-a *el-a *wil-a *mag-a *bad-a *bak-a *pa-a *pal-a *pas-a *pil-a *dal-a *tar-a *ta-a *tar-a *cal-a *gad-a *ut-a *gad-a *bad*bak*bi*pal*pas*pil*dun*tar*ta*tar*cal*sak-

Number 658 292 658 420 45 651 214 793 793 569 214 793 85 13 653 820 837 5 17 81 86 108 132 147 195 218 267 301 351 602 351 5 17 54 86 108 132 179 195 218 267 301 315

spill out, to spill over, to spin around, to spirit spirited, to be spit, to spit out, to spit up, to spite spittle spleen splendor


split, that which is split, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ar*gad*gar*kir- or *kur*qal*ut*nag*bar*bi*pa*ha*kep*tu*pa*al*ar-a *kep-a *ked*tam-a *kay-a *ak-a *ak*mar-a *bul-a *rek-a *rek*ban-a *bul-a *pal*tal-a *tan*tar-a *ban*par*pit*tal*tar*ak*tar*sor*par-a *tal-a *bul-

Number 339 351 366 487 566 602 908 35 54 81 686 484 240 81 592 339 484 545 264 436 291 291 869 67 958 958 23 62 88 188 190 194 23 99 121 188 194 696 194 284 99 188 62

split (with a tool or weapon), to split apart, to

split into small pieces, to split into two parts, to split open, to splits, that which splitting into small pieces, the act of spoil, to spoiled, that which is spoon sport sport, to make spot spotted, that which is spray spray, to spread

spread, to

spread about, to spread forth, to spread out spread out, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tar*kal-a *sor*ar- or *ar*ban*tal*rek*si*duw-a *duw-a *il-a or *il-a *rek-a *ag-a *na-r-a *bul-V-*ag*na-V-r*bad*cir*bit-a *mal*bit*e*nam*ag*tik*hak*kap*e-a *ag-a *nam-a *e-a *wur-a (~ *wor-a) *ak-a *er- or *er*ak*wa*wa*mir*nag*dag*tul-a *tul-

Number 194 532 284 292 22 223 958 324 182 182 294 958 735 924 64 735 924 6 309 53 849 53 333 926 289 206 680 415 333 289 926 333 828 591 293 591 782 798 885 908 145 212 212

spring (= stream) spring forth, to sprinkle, to

sprinkle with water, to sprinkled sprinkled about, anything sprinkling sprout sprout, to

squander, to squeak, to squeeze squeeze (out), to squeeze, to

squeeze tight, to squeeze together, to squeeze with the hand, to squeezed, that which is squeezing squeezing, the act of squirrel stab stab, to

stable, to be stack stack (in a heap), to



English Meaning staff stain stain, to stalk

Proto-Nostratic *ar-a *mar-a *mar*kal-a *kan-a *ar-a *man*bar*gar*mun*qal-a or *qel-a *at*wal-a *kar*wan*man*buw-a *tar-a *man*kal*pul-a *duw-a *kal-a *kan-a *ar-a *dip-a *ot-a *ot*hak*bud-a *kan-a *ar-a *gar*tar-a *tar-a *tar*gar*kar-a *an-a *rom-a *an*am*kar-a

Number 558 869 869 407 412 558 857 27 370 889 571 718 790 537 794 856 79 265 856 408 140 182 407 412 558 252 671 671 679 58 412 558 370 266 266 266 370 537 627 960 627 704 537

stand guard over, to stand on end, to stand out, to star startled, to be starvation stay, to

staying steadfast steadfast, to be steal, to steam stem

stench step step aside, to step by step, to do or approach something stick

stick out, to stiff stiff, that which is stiff, to be stiff, to be or become still (= quiet)

still, to be still, to become stillness



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *am-a *cag-a *dip*qar*qar-a *qar-a *kal*rag*dal*al*wak*dul*al*wat-a *pal-a *kiw-a *kal-a *kar-a *kar-a *kum*lam*lam-V-d*kum-a *tad*rom*cuk-a *bur-a *sig-a *kar-a *nab-a *kar-a *kul-a *gub-a *woy-k-a *woy-k-a *kac-a *kac*muk*muk-a *gus-a *an-V-g*al-a

Number 704 299 252 575 575 575 461 950 148 553 783 172 553 811 87 441 458 538 538 498 939 939 498 217 960 303 74 323 540 905 540 445 387 826 826 452 452 888 888 394 707 328

sting stink, to stinking stinking thing stir, to stir up, to

stir up trouble, to stirred up, to be stomach stone

stone, grinding stoop down, to

stooping, the act of stop, to stoppage storm

storm cloud stormy weather story stove straight straightness strain strain, to straining (as a woman in labor or as when defecating) stranger strangle, to strap



English Meaning stream

Proto-Nostratic *daw-a *ar-a or *ar-a *kal-a *ap-a *mor-a *tar-a *gal-a *g[e]n-d-a *kar-a *ab-a *al-a *ur-a *wak-a *wal-a *woy-a *mag-a *mak-a *ban-a *tal-a *tar-a *rak-a *tal*tan*tar*ut*war*mad*mat*rak*tar*tal*cal- or *al*tal-a *tan-a *tar-a *rak-a *rak-a *tar*si*si-a *duw-a *si-a *duw-a

Number 249 292 532 710 887 265 360 374 422 609 701 756 783 784 825 837 843 23 188 194 953 188 190 194 677 802 835 874 953 194 222 304 188 190 194 953 953 194 324 324 182 324 182



stretch, to

stretch out, to


stretching, the act of strew, to strewing about, the act of strewn strewn about strewn about, anything



English Meaning strewn about, to be strife strife, to cause strike

Proto-Nostratic *duw*ar-a *ar*ba-a *dal-a *tal-a *kan-a *gan-a *wed-a *ba*ban*tak*tap*tap*taw*tuk*dab*tum*tad*kan*kud*gan*kad*ka*qal*qat*qal*ak*wa*wa*nag*nik*la*lax*kas*wed*gad*tal*ak-a *lax-a *pir-a *al-a *ka-a

Number 182 593 593 15 147 254 468 504 814 15 24 186 192 226 231 241 245 260 261 468 491 504 528 530 566 569 583 736 782 798 908 918 934 946 541 814 351 254 736 946 119 328 469

strike, to

strike fire, to strike (with a weapon), to strike (with an instrument), to strike with a sharp instrument, to striking, the act of string



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *mar-a *kal*kal*kal-a *kal-a *mar*win- or *wi*tak-a *tap-a *tap-a *tuk-a *dab-a *cal-a *kud-a *kad-a *qal-a *nag-a *lax-a *mal*mal-a *tar-a *kar-a *ab-a *ad-a *al-a *ur-a *mag-a *mak-a *man-g-a *gal*ad*al*ur*mak*wal*dip*tar*bur-a *tar*kal-a *tur*tan*ag-

Number 866 463 463 463 463 864 821 186 192 226 241 245 301 491 528 566 908 946 850 850 265 422 609 611 701 756 837 843 859 360 611 701 756 843 784 252 265 72 265 406 215 224 289

strip away, to strip off, to stripping away stripping off strive against, to strive for, to stroke

stroke, to stroking, the act of strong

strong, to be

strong, to be or become strong odor, to give off a strongly attached, to be struggle stuck together, to be or become study stuff, to



English Meaning (stupid, to be) (stupidity) stupor succumb, to such-and-such, to be not suck (milk from a breast), to suck (out), to suck, to

Proto-Nostratic *dul*dul-a *tum-a *eb*al(perhaps also *el-, *ul-) *un*mal*diy*kan*im*mal*lab*lab-a *im-a *diy*kan*mal*man*man-a *tal*gal*mu*nus*bad*bad-a *tal-a *muk-a *mu-a *nik-a *mu*mu*tak-a *suw-a *tak-a *suw-a *tak*suw*sam-a *gub-a *kir-a *al-a *qat-a

Number 172 172 260 650 622 755 849 167 534 752 849 930 930 752 167 534 849 854 854 188 358 891 923 7 7 188 888 891 918 891 891 219 287 219 287 219 287 273 386 439 737 588

suck, to give suck milk, to sucking sucking, the act of suckle, to

suckling suffer, to

suffer, to make to suffering

suffering, to be in suffering, to cause suitability suitable suitable, to be summer summit




English Meaning sun sunken sunlight sunny, to be sunset superior superior, to be supervise, to support surge

Proto-Nostratic *sax-a *am-a *hag-a *sam*am-a *ar-a *ar*rak*kal-a *bal-a *sor-a *wel-a *bal*wel*sor*aw*par*di*ma*mik*tir-p-a *gam-a *hay *cur*cur-a *cur-a *un-V-k*kal-a *qur*im*un*im-a *ber-a *mar-a *bar*bir*bug*bul*bul-bul- (> *bum-bul-) *bun*bun-V-g*pu*pul-

Number 277 739 678 273 770 713 713 954 405 19 284 817 19 817 284 720 100 251 840 883 208 362 690 310 310 310 601 457 589 752 755 752 43 870 26 49 59 62 65 69 69 123 125

surge, to surge forth, to surge up, to surpass, to

surplus surprise, exclamation of surround, to surroundings surrounds, that which suspend, to sustenance swallow, to

swallowing, the act of swamp swell, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *pul*dar*did*taw*tiq*iw*gar*kaw*gan*aw*ay-V-t*on*ma*man*man-V-g*mik*bar-a *bul-bul-a (> *bum-bul-a) *bun-a *bun-g-a *pu-a *pul-a *dar-a *taw-a *tiq-a *iw-a *gar-a *gan-a *aw-a *ay-t-a *on-a *pul-a *tor-a *par*wuy-a or *Huy-a *wuy- or *Huy*wuy-a or *Huy-a *dul*dul-a *bun-g-a *pul-a *did-a *taw-a

Number 139 154 161 201 258 344 369 432 505 721 724 730 840 858 859 883 26 65 69 69 123 139 154 201 258 344 369 505 721 724 730 125 272 101 830 830 830 173 173 69 139 161 201


swelling (on the skin) swift swiftly, to move swim swim, to swimming swing back and forth, to swinging swollen



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *iw-a *ay-t-a *man-g-a *pul-a *sak-a *wa-a *kad-a *tek*sil*gat*ap*day*um- or *um*kaw*am*wad*man*ni*kal*wot*ap*man*bar*pa*pa-V-k*gar*kab*ap*wot*lab*pa*pa-V-k*kap*um-a or *um-a *lab-a *tek-a *um-a or *um-a *wad-a *wot-a *til-a *kul-a *til-a *xat-a

Number 344 724 859 126 315 782 529 202 280 372 709 160 297 481 623 781 862 919 459 824 744 857 31 95 95 365 451 744 824 929 95 95 415 297 929 202 297 781 824 237 445 237 767

swollen, that which is sword tail take (away), to take (with the hand), to take (with the hands or arms), to take, to

take away, to take by force, to take care of, to take hold of, to

take in hand, to take with the hand, to taking taking, the act of

tale talk (= speech; discourse)



English Meaning talk, to talkative, to be tall

Proto-Nostratic *kil*wat*bir-a *bir-g-a *tal-a *al*bir-a *pul-a *tum-a *tum*diq*tar-a *tar-a *tar-a *tar-a *gal-a *row-a *pid*tar*tar*tar-V-p*put*row*ar*bir*pid*put*gal*kal*xal*pid*kal*xal*tar-p-a *pid-a *bir-a *xal-a *xal-a *diy-a *im-a *ap-a *til*kul-

Number 437 810 49 49 222 737 49 126 243 243 166 194 195 228 267 353 961 131 195 228 229 141 961 339 51 131 141 353 463 765 131 463 765 229 131 51 765 765 167 752 634 237 445

tall, to be tallness (tallow) tame tame, to tamp (earth), to taut tear (= split)

tear, to

tear apart, to tear asunder, to tear off, to

tear out, to

tearing tearing, the act of tearing off, the act of tearing out, the act of teat teeming tell, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *qat*war- and/or *wir*man*a-a *mel-a *a*an*an-a *sir-a *s[e]n-a or *[e]n-a *at*mun-a *mun-d-a *bul-a (~ *bol-a) *ti- (~ *te-) *a- (~ *-) *ki- (~ *ke-) *u- (~ *o-) *mi- (~ *me-) *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne) *di- (~ *de-) *ta*a- (~ *-) *ul- (~ *ol-) *tu- (~ *to-) *ku- (~ *ko-) *a- (~ *-) *ul- (~ *ol-) *mu- (~ *mo-) *ta*kal-a *-si (~ *-se) *si- (~ *se-) *ar*ar*si- (~ *se-) *bar-a *bun-g-a *tik-a *tan-a *kan-a *bar*bar-a

Number 588 805 857 614 877 614 705 705 281 320 718 890 890 63 183 338 398 608 831 900 250 253 608 674 183 398 608 674 831 253 408 322 322 715 715 322 29 69 206 224 467 29 29

tend, to tender tender, to be tenderness tendon terrified, to be testicle testicles that

that one that over there

that yonder

that yonder (not very far) theft their them then therefore they thick

thick, to be thickness



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *tan-a *kan-a *kur-a *tal-a *ta*ti*e*man*sa- or *a*tal-a *ta- (~ *t-) *a- (~ *-) *ka- (~ *k-) *i- (~ *e-) *ma- (~ *m-) *na (~ *n), *ni (~ *ne) *di- (~ *de-) *ak-a *ad-a *kay*ti-a *sa-a or *a-a *e-a *ca-a *ca-a *riy*qar-a *qel-a *qur-a *an-g-a *xel-a *am-a *day*si*gud*qal*am*car*qal-a *si-a *si-a *gud-a *gud-a

Number 224 467 549 188 184 270 749 855 314 188 183 338 398 608 831 900 250 591 612 521 270 314 749 300 300 959 568 577 589 707 768 554 158 324 388 584 741 305 584 324 324 388 388

(thin) thin, to grow think, to

think about, to thinness this

this one thorn though thought

thrashing thrashing, the act of thrive, to throat

throng throw, to

throw down, to throwing throwing about, the act of thrown about thrown aside, that which is thrown off, that which is



English Meaning thrust

Proto-Nostratic *tal-a *tur-a *kad-a *ak-a *uk-a *tal*uk*tur*er- or *er*pal-a *tuk-a *kan-a *kud-a *ad-a *ad-ad-a *kar*kar-a *it*ba-a *ban-d-a *bin-a *kad-a *ka-a *kad-a *ka-a *kir-a *im-a *rak-a *ban-V-d*ba*tan*sak*al*kad*kad*ya*net*rak*an-V-g*bin*kar*bag*sir-

Number 189 215 528 591 606 189 606 215 293 92 241 468 491 550 550 540 540 563 2 25 47 402 453 454 469 525 605 951 25 2 225 316 328 402 454 772 916 951 707 47 477 11 281

thrust, to thrust (in), to thrust in, to thrust into, to thumb thump

thunder, clap of thunder, to thunderstorm tickle, to tie

tie (together), to tie, to

tie tightly, to

tie together, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *cur*ka*ka*kun*kir*kol*kar-a *im-a *xal-a *cur-a *kar-a *tar-a *am-a *am-a *dud-a *gab-a *gar-a *kir-a *qar-a *am-a *am-d-a *tar-a *dal*tum*bul-a *dal-a *tan-a *mel-a *bul-a *was*bul*mel*mol*tan*dal-a *an*kam*bi *da- (~ *d-) *kam-a *kam*til-a *kil-a

Number 310 453 469 500 525 442 477 605 759 310 477 194 624 624 170 348 370 439 585 740 740 199 149 260 68 149 191 877 68 806 68 877 886 191 149 629 411 46 142 410 410 238 437

tie two things together, to tied

tied together, that which is tight time time, point of tip (= point)

tipsy tire, to tire out, to tired

tired, that which is tired, to be or become tired, to become

tired, to grow tiredness to together together with toil toil, to tongue



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *las-a, *lis-a, *lus-a *tik-a *tik-a *qam-a *ar-s-a *tal-a *sub-a *gab-a *gub-a *kir-a *am-a *am-d-a *war-a *mun-a *al-a *dar*mu*tar-a *put-a *ba-a *ar-a or *ar-a *aw-a *aw-a *mu*gud*gud-a *gud-a *tak-a *tak*gas*am*am-a *an*kal-a *ot-a *mar-a *wos-a *wos*tap*tuk*rom-a *am*tum-a

Number 940 205 205 573 603 187 285 348 386 439 740 740 803 889 738 152 891 267 141 1 292 720 720 891 388 388 388 186 186 371 623 623 629 531 671 867 823 823 192 241 960 704 243

tool used to form something tool used to make something tooth top

topmost part torch torment, to torn torn-off piece or part torrent

torrential rain torture, to toss, to tossed aside, that which is tossed off, that which is touch touch, to

touched towards track

trade trade, to trample, to tranquil tranquil, to become tranquility



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *an-a *am-a *rom-a *na*lak*mar-a *dan-w-a *ag-a *as-a *pat*pel*pir*tar*kal*at*ut*na*nuk*pir-a *kal-a *at-a *ut-a *nuk-a *rag-a *raq-a *tar-a *kar-a *ak-a *kap-a *mak*mak-a *kal-a *wal-a *kal*il-a or *il-a *al-a *bad-a *dul-a *kac-a *ag-a *nad-a *mu*mu-

Number 627 704 960 903 936 871 247 326 717 110 114 120 200 461 718 734 909 928 120 461 718 734 928 950 955 200 516 617 417 842 842 532 788 532 294 551 7 172 452 693 907 891 891

travel, to travel on foot, to tree tree, a kind of tree, small tree and its fruit tremble, to


trembling (from fear, fright) trench tribute trick, to trickery trickle trickle, to trickling trip trouble

trouble, to be in trouble, to cause



English Meaning trouble, to stir up troubled, to be

Proto-Nostratic *dul*dal*dul*ag*mak*woy-k-a *kan-a *sa- or *a*sa- or *a*dar-a *gal-a *bul-a *gal-a *bur-a *pir-a *dar-a *wal-a *mal-a *maq-a *law-a *rak-a *bur*pir*dar*cur*ok*kar*gar*hap*aw*wal*mal*maq*mar*mur*net*law*rak*rat*kar*or*hap*hap-

Number 172 148 172 693 842 826 468 314 314 154 357 66 357 71 119 151 791 852 863 942 951 71 119 151 310 334 477 506 687 722 791 852 863 866 893 916 942 951 956 420 753 687 687

true truncheon try to find out, to try to understand, to tumor tumult turbidity turmoil turn

turn, to

turn around, to turn away, to turn back, to



English Meaning turn gray, (hair) to turn over, to turn round, to

Proto-Nostratic *par*mar*kaw*maq*mar*sir*ka*maq*gar-a *hap-a *hap-a *dar-a *or-a *rat-a *ok-a *mar-a *hap-a *hap-a *mar-a *mar-a *dar-a *kal-a *rum-a *pir-a *kir*pir-a *kir-a *bur-a *pir-a *kir-a *an-a *maq-a *law-a *rak-a *bur*pir*dar*tak*cur*ok*kat*kar*gar-

Number 106 866 480 863 866 281 469 863 506 687 687 151 753 956 334 866 687 687 866 866 151 511 962 119 525 119 525 71 119 525 706 863 942 951 71 119 151 185 310 334 428 477 506

turn together, to turn upside down, to turned turned away from turned back turned together turning turning, the act of turning away, the act of turning back, the act of turning over, the act of turning round, the act of turns, that which twilight twine twine together, to twining twining together, the act of twist

twist, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *ub*an*aw*mal*maq*mar*mur*law*rak*kar*kaw*or*bin*dar*tak*sir*ka*kir*net*ban-V-d*kar-a *gar-a *kat-a *ub-a *tak*dar-a *net-a *cur-a *or-a *ok-a *kir-a *dar-a *yor-a *tu-a *kol-a *or-a *kan-a *al-a *al-a *sa-a or *a-a *gal-a *ak-a *kal-a

Number 564 706 722 852 863 866 893 942 951 420 480 753 47 151 185 281 469 525 916 25 420 506 428 564 185 151 916 310 753 334 525 151 777 240 442 753 534 700 700 314 356 695 461

twist around, to twist round, to twist together, to

twist (together), to twisted twisted, that which is twisted, to be twisted together twisted together, anything twisted together, that which is twisting twisting, the act of twisting together, the act of twists, that which two two halves two things, any combination of tying udder under, that which is underpart understanding




English Meaning unfruitful unfruitful, to be or become unguent union unite, to unite together, to united united together untamed upon up upper part uppermost part uppermost part (of anything) uproar upset, to upset, to be upward, to go us

Proto-Nostratic *bar-a *bar*mar-a *gid-a or *id-a *im-a *gid- or *id*im*gid-a or *id-a *im-a *guw-a *guw-r-a *an*al*a*a-a *war-a *kir-a *gal-a *qal-a *dul*dul*xa*wa- (~ *w-) *ma (~ *m) *na (~ *n) *aw-a *aw*bar-a *bar*bak*bak-a *wel*gol-a *am-a *duw-a *wig-a *sir-a *gal-a *kud-a (~ *kod-a) *kar-a *nad*nad-a *ag-

Number 38 38 868 377 605 377 605 377 605 396 396 629 737 743 743 803 439 357 582 172 172 761 778 879 899 329 329 38 38 16 16 816 385 739 182 819 281 355 492 517 907 907 693

used up used up, to be useless useless, to be or become utter, to utterance vacant, to be valley vapor vehicle vein vessel (= pot)

vex, to vexation vexed, to be



English Meaning victory view view, to come into vigil vigor vile violence violent, to be violent movement virility visibility visible visible, that which is visible, to be or become voice vomit vomit, to voyage wail walk walk, to

Proto-Nostratic *sag-a or *ag-a *wel-a *en-a *wil*war-a *wak-a *pul-a *al-a *ek*ek-a *g[e]n-d-a *car-a or *ar-a *gal-a *car-a or *ar-a *xa-a *car- or *ar*gal*ba-a *put-a *wam-a *put*al-a *wal-a *kal-a *mar-a *bar*gir- or *ir*kal*mar*bar-a *kal-a *mar-a *cur-a *gir-a *kal-a *tar*bad-a *ga-a *kal-a *ek-a *iw-a, *iy-a *iw-, *iy*ga-a

Number 313 815 748 820 800 783 124 698 651 651 374 306 356 306 761 306 356 14 135 793 135 551 786 509 867 37 384 509 867 37 509 867 310 382 509 197 8 346 459 652 727 727 346


wall wandering wane, to want

want, to be in wanting



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *kal-a *ek*war-a *pek-a *tab-a *kum-a *pa*pa-V-w*dul*tep*sax*kal*gir*wal*pal*pek*tab*sax*kay*tab*kay*ak*pek-a *dul-a *tep-a *tab-a *sax-a *kum-a *wal-a *war-a *al*law-V-*al-a *al-a *al-a *al-a *law--a *bad-a *bad*ta*tum*ker*wal-

Number 459 652 800 113 216 448 129 129 171 203 277 460 507 789 94 113 216 277 435 216 435 620 113 171 203 216 277 448 789 804 699 945 699 621 621 699 945 6 6 184 260 485 790

wanting, to be warder warm

warm, to

warm, to be warm, to be or become

warm, to make warm oneself, to warmth

wash, to washed washed, that which is washing, the act of

waste waste, to waste away, to



English Meaning

Proto-Nostratic *was*ur*aw-a *ker-a *eb*bad-a *was-a *war-a *guw*kal*rak*war*pin*man*rak-a *war-a *man-a *ham-a *yam-a *wet-a *maw-a *ap-a *wa-a *law-V-*al-a *ga-a *ub-a *wel-a *ar-a *kal-a *qad-a *iy-a *mar-a *dar-a *wa- (~ *w-) *ma (~ *m) *na (~ *n) *bul-a *dal-a *gin-a or *in-a *xal-a *mel-a *nus-a

Number 807 733 329 485 650 6 807 800 395 405 954 800 116 857 954 800 857 684 773 818 876 710 813 945 552 363 564 817 711 531 565 665 867 151 778 879 899 68 149 380 759 877 921

waste away by rubbing, to wasted wasted, to become wasteland wasting away watch watch, to

watch out for, to watch (over), to watch over, to watchfulness watchman water

water, (flowing or running) water, running water, to watercourse waterfowl wattle wave way (= method) way (= path)

way, winding we




English Meaning weak, that which is weak, to be

Proto-Nostratic *bul-a *tum*gin- or *in*ek*wal*nus*bul*tum*eb*mel*mol*dow-, *doy*bad*bul*dal*xal*pul-a *eb-a *mur-a *xal*mar*nus*bul-a *dal-a *eb-a *xal-a *wal-a *mel-a *nus-a *cal-a or *al-a *ap-a *riy-a *cal- or *al*er-a or *er-a *wed-a *bul-a *ta-a *tar-a *ta*ur*bul*tar*xal-

Number 68 260 380 652 790 921 68 260 650 877 886 168 9 68 149 759 124 650 892 759 872 923 68 149 650 759 790 877 923 304 709 959 304 293 814 68 184 196 184 733 68 196 759

weak, to become

weak, to grow weaken, to


weakened, to be



wealthy, to be weapon wear (= abrasion)

wear away, to wear away by rubbing, to wear down, to



English Meaning wear out, to

Proto-Nostratic *aw*ker*xal*wal*was*mel*mol*kac*dal-a *dow-a, *doy-a *tan-a *tum-a *xal-a *was-a *dal-a *dow-a, *doy-a *tan-a *xal-a *mel-a *tum*tum*was*tum*mel*mol*dow-, *doy*tan*tan*kat*aw*net*or-a *net-a *aw-a *net-a *tul-a *kum*ag*kur-a *kur-a *kur*sol-a

Number 329 485 759 790 807 877 886 452 149 168 191 260 759 806 149 168 191 759 877 260 260 806 260 877 886 168 191 225 428 722 916 753 916 722 916 242 496 693 549 549 549 283

wearied (from straining, laboring), to become weariness


weary, to weary, to be weary, to be or become weary, to become

weary, to grow weave, to

weaving weaving, the act of web wedge weep, to weighed down, to be weight weighty weighty, to be welfare



English Meaning well well, to be well, to do well up, to

Proto-Nostratic *sol-a *sol*suw*cal- or *al*bal*ib*wel*uw-a *uw-l-a *wal-a *mat-a *nat-a *tal*wal*wet*nat*la*rek*uw*uw-V-l*maw*mat*uw*uw-V-l*wal-a *mat-a *nat-a *la-a *ay-, *ya*ma- (~ *m-) *ay-, *ya*mi- (~ *me-) *ay*ay*kay*ag*ay-, *ya*ma- (~ *m-) *ay-, *ya*mi- (~ *me-) *bur-a *bur*mar-

Number 283 283 287 304 19 658 817 345 345 788 875 914 223 788 818 914 933 958 345 345 876 875 345 345 788 875 914 933 645 878 645 878 644 644 521 290 645 878 645 878 74 74 866


wet, to

wet, to be

wet, to be or become wet, to make wetness

what [relative pronoun stem] what? [interrogative pronoun stem] what?, to do what manner?, to act in when whet, to which [relative pronoun stem] which? [interrogative pronoun stem] whirl whirl, to



English Meaning whisper whisper, to white whiteness who [relative pronoun stem] who? [interrogative pronoun stem] wicked, to be wickedness (wide) wide

Proto-Nostratic *kas-a *kas*wal-a *wal-a *ay-, *ya*ma- (~ *m-) *ay-, *ya*mi- (~ *me-) *ak*taw-a *ak-a *tal-a *pal-a *pit-a *tan-a *ut-a *war-a *raw--a *ut-a *ak-a *pal-a *raw-V-*ak*par-a *tan-a *war-a *kan-a *nus-a *guw-a *guw-r-a *guw-a *guw-r-a *guw*guw-V-r*guw-a *guw-r-a *saw-a *tom-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *ar-a *ar-ar-a *ek-

Number 542 542 792 792 645 878 645 878 616 269 616 188 88 121 190 677 802 957 677 696 88 957 696 99 190 802 535 922 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 396 276 259 559 559 559 559 651

wide-open space wide, that which is wide, to be widen, to width

wife wild wild animal wild animals, to hunt wild beast wild boar wild bovine wild fowl wild goose wild, to be



English Meaning wind (= breeze) wind, to

Proto-Nostratic *bar-a *ok*kar*gar*kar*dar-a *ok-a *dar-a *mal*mel*mol*eb-a *eb*mal-a *ak-a *tel-a *win-a or *wi-a *win- or *wi*bi *ar*mat- or *met*tar*a*ker*wal*was*mar*tar-a *saw-a *caw-a *caw-l-a *ker-a *saw*caw*caw-V-l*caw-a *caw-l-a *way *kan-a *nat-a *nus-a *ema *pap-a

Number 28 334 477 506 420 151 334 151 850 877 886 650 650 850 695 235 821 821 46 715 873 197 325 485 790 807 872 197 274 307 307 485 274 307 307 307 307 812 535 913 922 654 138

wind around, to winding couse or way winding, the act of winds, that which wipe, to

wiped out wiped out, to become wiping, the act of wisdom wish wish for, to with

wither, to

wither away, to withered

withered, to be withered, to be or become withered, that which is woe! woman

woman, (older) woman, old



English Meaning womb wood wool word work

Proto-Nostratic *wat-a *mar-a *bur-a *yan-a *daw-a *kam-a *kir-a *qad-a *kam*kur-a *mol-a *xal*bul-a *tar-a *aw-a *ker-a *xal-a *mel-a *mol-a *bul-a *xal*wal*bul*was*mel*mol*ban-a *tar-a *qal-a *wa-a *wa-a *wed-a *mir-a *nag-a *nik-a *dal*gan*qal*qal*wa*wa*mir*tan-a

Number 811 871 77 774 156 410 525 565 410 527 886 759 68 196 329 485 759 877 886 68 759 790 68 806 877 886 24 195 566 782 798 814 885 908 918 147 504 566 583 782 798 885 225

work, hard work, to worm worn down worn down, to be worn out

worn out, that which is worn out, to be worn out, to become


wound, to

woven, anything



English Meaning


Number 916 428 72 401 506 151 453 76 310 151 310 310 453 569 469 72 500 361 686 686 809 431 431 650 204 321 917 204 380 465 614 771 775 450 854 380 614 775 450 352 865 614 925

woven, that which is wrangle (over), to wrap, to wrap together, to wrap up, to wrapped together wrapped together, that which is wrapping wrath wreath wrestle, to wrinkle wrist yawn yawn, to year yelp, to yelping yield, to you

you [oblique] young

young (especially of animals) young (of humans and animals) young, to be young, to produce young dog young goat (young) man young man

*net-a *kat-a *bur*kad*gar*dar*ka*bur*cur*dar-a *cur-a *cur-a *ka-a *qat-a *ka-a *bur*kun-a *gam-a *ha-a *ha*wat-a *kat*kat-a *eb*ti- (~ *te-) *si- (~ *se-) *ni (~ *ne) and/or *na (~ *n) *ta- (~ *t-) *gin-a or *in-a *kan-a *a-a *il-a *yaw-a *kuwan-a or *kun-a *man-a *gin- or *in*a*yaw*kuwan-a or *kun-a *gad-a *mar-a *a-a *na-r-a



English Meaning young of an animal young one young person

Proto-Nostratic *ig-a *gin-a or *in-a *nap-a *il-a *yaw-a *mag-a *bin-a, *ban-a *a-a *bin-a, *ban-a *bin-a, *ban-a *ina or *ia *bin-a, *ban-a *bin-a, *ban-a *gin-a or *in-a *a-a *il-a *yaw-a *na-r-a *a-

Number 751 380 927 771 775 839 48 614 48 48 663 48 48 380 614 771 775 925 614

younger brother younger daughter younger relative younger relative (male or female) younger sister younger son youth

youthful, to be

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