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Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco De Miranda

Aprendizaje Dialgico Interactivo Programa Ingeniera Civil y Qumica U.C: Ingls Instrumental II Subida de Archivo Name:____Annery Lee Pow____________________ Date: 08/05/13

Environmental impact of The Biomass Using biomass as a fuel produces air pollution in the form of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, NOx (nitrogen oxides), VOCs (volatile organic compounds), particulates and other pollutants, in some cases at levels above those from traditional fuel sources such as coal or natural gas. - Black carbon a pollutant created by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels, and biomass is possibly the second largest contributor to global warming. In 2009 a Swedish study of the giant brown haze that periodically covers large areas in South Asia determined that it had been principally produced by biomass burning, and to a lesser extent by fossil-fuel burning. Researchers measured a significant concentration of 14C, which is associated with recent plant life rather than with fossil fuels. Biomass systems can reduce waste energy from 66% to 25% compared to traditional fossil fuels, meaning a significantly smaller amount of input material (biomass) is used, therefore having a positive effect on the global environment and use of fuel. In addition, modern biomass systems utilize biomass sources such as energy crops with a 1 year lifecycle, meaning that (carbon) emissions are able to be recycled within 1 year following their emission considerably better than the millions of years needed to recycle coal or nuclear materials. The same modern biomass systems use filters. These filters capture carbon and other pollutants before they enter the atmosphere. Thus in the biomass lifecycle, the pollutants are captured by trees and crops, they are burnt, pollutants are captured and less are released back into the environment. Any pollutants released are then re-absorbed by trees and plants. Consequently, each burning cycle can significantly lower the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere and the biomass unit acts like a large cleaning unit for the planet. Biomass power plant size is often driven by biomass availability in close proximity as transport costs of the (bulky) fuel play a key factor in the plant's economics. It has to be noted, however, that rail and especially shipping on waterways can reduce transport costs significantly, which has led to a global biomass market. To make small plants of 1 MWel economically profitable those power plants have need to be equipped with technology that is able to convert biomass to useful electricity with high efficiency such as ORC

technology, a cycle similar to the water steam power process just with an organic working medium. Such small power plants can be found in Europe. Responde: 1. Qu produce la biomasa? 2 ptos R= La Biomasa se utilizada como combustible puede producir un impacto negativo al ambiente como es la contaminacin del aire ya que este forma Monxido de Carbono, Dixido de Carbono y muchos compuestos orgnicos voltiles que producen dicha contaminacin; tambin es un contribuyente principal al calentamiento Global. 2. Cmo se produca la neblina marrn en el sur de Asia? 3 ptos R= Se determin por mediante de estudios que esta neblina marrn se produce principalmente por la quema de biomasa y tambin con un porcentaje menor por la quema de combustibles fsiles. 3. De qu manera la biomasa puede tener un uso positivo en el medio ambiente? 3 ptos R= Primeramente si se utiliza un sistema de biomasa adecuado puede reducir la energa residual esto quiere decir que reduce considerablemente los residuos que entran de biomasa en comparacin de los combustibles fsiles tradicionales. Tambin estos sistemas utilizan filtros lo cual sirven para absorber carbono y otros contaminantes antes de que estas entren a la atmosfera para as realizar un ciclo de vida de biomasa en donde los rboles y planta constituyen un papel importante de reducir significativamente la cantidad de contaminantes en la atmsfera y la unidad de biomasa acta como una gran unidad de limpieza para el planeta. 4. Que deben tener las plantas de energa para rentables? 3 ptos hacerlas econmicamente

R= Para que las plantas de energa sean econmicamente rentables deben de estar equipado con tecnologa que es capaz de convertir la biomasa en electricidad til con alta eficiencia; Las mejores plantas se encuentran ubicadas en Europa

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