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Emotional Intelligence EQ! What is it? Why is it so important?!

The idea of emotional intelligence (EQ) appears for the first time in the early writings of Darwin as to the meaning of the expression of emotions for survival and adaptation. Development of this area began psychologist from Harvard University - H. Gardner, in the 80s of last century. In 1975 in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, he departs from prying practical questions: why students with high scores on the SAT for admission into college do not develop as well in his studies and therefore do not achieve most impressive successes in the profession and in life after graduation. 10 years ago intellect has been synonymous with the mental faculties. But today it is subdivided into general abilities, practical intelligence, verbal intelligence, etc. The term "emotional intelligence" triggered a strong interest in the country and on the other - quite a controversy. Some see it as frivolous kind of intelligence, others emphasize the importance of the fact that emotions can be managed. To achieve its goals, especially important today is the ability to communicate with people: to understand the foreign reaction and to be able to predict to negotiate, cooperate, be a friend to others etc. Unfortunately this is not given to everyone. Emotional intelligence ... or why it is important to recognize your feelings? All emotions are calls to action, they are instant plans for dealing with the situation that evolution is encoded in our country. Biological and emotional in man are so intimately connected that emotional balance reflects the balance of the various control systems in the body. For example, emotional conflict that the individual is thought to be under control years ago and even forgotten, have broken the biological resistance and contributed to

the emergence of disease. Suppression of emotions rarely without its consequences. To live in harmony with yourself, it is very important to develop not only intellectual but also emotional skills. If at first reading the phrase "emotional intelligence" scares you, this is because we are accustomed to associate intelligence with pure logic, which excludes any type of emotion. It turns out, however, that intelligence and emotions are indeed closely related. People who fail to identify or understand their own emotions often take wrong decisions despite their high education and scholarship. The opposite is also true - if you know and control their emotions, handle life far better, although you may lack some specific knowledge. Ability to anticipate and influence the feelings of others is one of the most important skills for any conscious person. In the kindergarten and school child needs Extraverted his intelligence to "persuade" his companions that he was "worthy" of their company. Over time are needed specific skills and inner sense of building friendships, the first love, etc. For the adult world feel of the correct reply or response in a specific situation is fundamental to the way of life. If you do not know and do not know how to control your own emotions, it's hard to be a part of your life - you can not act, only react to what is happening. In fact there is a study which claims that emotional intelligence affects much more of a job and the joy of life than traditional intelligence. Surely everyone knows the highly intelligent people with no emotions under control. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is not limited to reading the emotions. It also requires intellectual and rational interpretation of the facts and understanding of the environment in order to identify anything that affects the emotional. Inherently emotional intelligence is a global intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to not be afraid of your emotions and not to repress, but instead to use them and accept it as a normal part of life. However, this is only possible if we know ourselves well and if properly understand their feelings and manage them. It is assumed that solving them is peculiar to us women, but it is equally important for the opposite sex. Knowing and feeling our own emotions and those of others is related to our skills to listen and have a good relationship. Valedictorian and losers.

Intellect is no guarantee of success in life. Excellent grades are not a guarantee of excellent relations with others. It is no secret that excellent grades in school, a high IQ and the results of SAT-tests can not predict the success of the child as an adult with sufficient inerrancy. Unlike the centennial history of the theory of mental intelligence / Q / concept of emotional intelligence / EQ / is brand new and currently the number of definitions is close to that of researchers. For starters, we can say that emotional intelligence is the ability and skill to perceive, assess and manage their emotions, and others around us. According to modern psychologists development of emotional intelligence is a key factor for adequate participation of the individual in life, when he not only react to what is happening, but operates decide. Managing emotions - their own and those of others - begins at a very early age. Parents can encourage the development of emotional intelligence, encouraging your child to express their feelings and emotions with words (eg, joy, sadness, anger, happiness). The child begins to understand how she feels and knows how to finish. Gardner introduced the concept of "range of intelligence" that includes various fields: Verbal component; mathematical and logical tendencies; Spatial thinking; Kinesteticheski abilities; Musicality; Interpersonal skills (interpersonal intelligence); intrapsychic capacity (internal satisfaction, harmony between the way of life and mental state) The last component in the spectrum is considered by some psychologists as the most important human psychological and life skill manifested in "the ability to find comfort."

Between the concepts of effective and rational is not equated. Intellectual abilities are not the only ones that matter for the best career. In organizations, in labor and in business increasingly highlights the role of emotions and emotional skills. Some authors consider that the "traditional" intelligence contributes only 20% of the success of the human. Assuming that the strategy to solve the problem, there are three steps: Description of the problem or the collection of facts; Fix the problem or offer a theoretical solution to the facts; Application of the decision or finding a way to implement the chosen solution in practice; then the first two steps are related to logical thinking and the third step requires more emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence - to define elusive. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) helps us a fresh way to find out who we really are behind "our way of thinking" and how to "present" to others. EQ is the ability to manage our emotions intelligently. Shows how to deal with stress, anger, fear, anxiety and depression. EQ incorporates categories such as social competence, self-control and optimism. How to nurture your child in emotional intelligence? Although emotional intelligence is inherent in human nature, it must - like rational intelligence to be brought up. The awakening of the emotional aspect of the person is required purposeful activity in the family. Family environment is essential. If a child lives with people who deny their emotions or consider them a weakness, it may be able to taste and pleasure of understanding of emotions. Such a child can be closed in themselves, to experience difficulties in adapting to lag behind in development and even, from a scientific point of view, be attributed to those suffering from emotional Mr edostatachnost. It would be smart from an intellectual standpoint, but abnormal emotionally. Emotional intelligence is not innate. It is the intelligence that is acquired first in the family. One thing is certain: it all starts before the "first seven". Emotional literacy is as important as mathematics and grammar. Hours of study of "Self" to "Social Development" no longer perceived as exotic practice in schools in America and Europe. Emotions are central to the ability to live. Sentimental Education is part

of the overall education of the child. Every stage of its development is characterized by specific features in mental functioning and efforts on the development of his emotional competence must comply with it. Well a child must be accustomed to self-control. If you help him to build a generally positive attitude towards thinking and experiences will not often need to limit and control the negative feelings. Moreover, emotions can also be learn. The longer we experience sadness, fear, anger, the more often you will come back to these conditions. Conversely, the prevalence of positive mood and feelings play more positive. It is important to know that emotions are contagious. We can not expect that in a depressing environment, conflict and aggression relationship, the child will grow calm, confident and happy. Enough for parents to monitor the behavior and reactions of the child in everyday life and seeks to stimulate positive emotions and attitudes, and to limit the negative perception, experiences and actions. In the event that there are things that bother him or who believes that does not know how or can not handle, it is best to contact the children's counselor. Personal example of parents is a major role model for the child. Emotional intelligence and its coefficient, however, does not give necessarily "inherited". That the parents or one of them are closed and uncommunicative, does not mean they do not have developed social skills, and even less, it follows that their child will experience a social deficit. On the contrary, the principle of compensation, the child may develop more active in social relationships. But not the quantity but the quality of communication is important. The good news is that social skills can learn and develop as long as they perceive the necessity and benefits of it. It is very important for parents to realize that emotional intelligence is a matter of judgment or rules of behavior and the understanding of the behavior and attitudes of everything that can affect the self and the right to life that I have. Therefore a process that helps to build a global identity. Parents need to help nurture the emotions not to equate to certain rules, but to balance the manifestations of emotion and to prevent confusion or suppressing them.

Acquisition of emotional intelligence is "occupation" for life, but the important thing is that it starts from childhood. One of the best gifts that you can make your child is to give him a good head start in the world of emotions. How to increase your emotional intelligence? How to improve your emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is not granted. It is a habit, like the ability to ride a bike. And like any habit can be developed. How? 1. All emotions need to be acknowledged. Negative emotions more. You can lie to whom you want, but not themselves, especially when it comes to socially acceptable behavior. You can admit to himself (but not others): "This movie is ridiculous sob melodrama, but he touched me and cry". 2. Decide what your vocabulary. How many words you use to describe your feelings? Try to briefly list the 10 emotions. If you have a limited vocabulary, deal with expanding your knowledge. What you will learn are distinguish feelings if you do not even know their names? 3. What are all emotions can be understood by others. Even more, it is not bad to be aware of the feelings of the people you communicate with. Do you know that 100% of their emotions? And if you be interested? Or share your experiences and ask for the same? 4. Surrounding people are the source of a variety of emotional reactions. Watch people: how they respond to their requirements, the claims, the pleasant news of the aggression of compliments. Find new ways to respond to the types of situations. 5. Can you control yourself? It is believed that the control (which is a sense that much in life depends on you, not on the circumstances) a strong contributor to the development of emotional intelligence. Like any other skill and emotional intelligence can be developed. This happens as we recognize and express their feelings and by showing interest in the emotions of others. It is important to learn to master and manage anger and aggression, not to repress them, and to defend their opinions without fear that they will be rejected.

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, focus on building skills in the five areas identified by Yale psychologist Peter Salovey (one of his followers developed the theory of D. Goleman): Explore emotions and work on it to improve its ability to recognize the feelings at the time of occurrence. Develop a habit to monitor your feelings from one moment to another. Adjust your emotions, and improve your ability to deal with them and to recover quickly from states of anxiety and stress. Motivate, like learn to organize their emotions to achieve goals. Apply selfcontrol and self-discipline and practice suppression of impulse. Cultivate self-empathy and put yourself in the place of the other person. Try to identify and feel what the other feels. Manage relationships. Abhor appropriate feelings of others by helping them. Strive to achieve skills in social interaction. Actually, emotions are subject to continuous development, which is what makes them "smart". The person with high emotional intelligence listen "internal" voice and is able to recognize her feelings. He discusses not only the healthy logic, but intuition. Able to use analytical abilities in solving their personal emotions and recognizing the feelings of people relevant to it. Man with low emotional intelligence act without thinking what caused the other to do just this way, and not excited about his motives. He does not respect others and is only interested in himself, making it difficult to integrate into society. In today's technological society pay more attention to the acquisition of professional knowledge and emotions frustrate. This leads to alienation and many people with low emotional intelligence are not encouraged or taught to develop it. Knowing and feeling our own emotions and those of others is related to our skills to listen and have a good relationship.

Success in life, business, university, and in our relationships is related mostly not with our IQ, but with our EQ. Emotional intelligence is the greatest invention of the twentieth century on understanding the infinite possibilities of the human brain. In addition to the ability to acquire and operate a knowledge, one should seek the deployment of its potential in the world of emotions. Emotional intelligence is a significant leap in the understanding of human behavior. This is not a fashion or another panacea for easy success. This is a serious discipline that allows a person to explore new areas of nature. Today, human intelligence is measured not only IQ, but also with EQ (emotional intelligence). His success and realization based on its overall education intellectually and emotionally.

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