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The big energy companies control 99 percent of the market, but energy cooperatives -- democratically run community renewable energy programmes -- are springing up in the fight against the "fossil fuel economy". So if we can't leave it to our utility companies, and the lobbying power that comes with their position means government is unlikely to take drastic measures, who can we depend on to deliver the energy we want and that the planet needs? The answer might be that we have to do it ourselves. The Tesla Energy Global Cooperative plans global construction of Thermal Solar Power Plants in planetary localities with high solar radiation. The first pilot project of Tesla Energy Cooperative Solar Power Plant and FREE DECENTRILIZED ENERGY distribution and transmission facility is planned to be built in Brazil. The decentralized free energy distribution facility is a combined effort of the Nikola Tesla Institute in Brasilia and Tesla Energia Brasil ltda. The prototype facility is based on long distance Resonance Waveguide energy transmission using one wire, and induction energy transmission in short distance applications.

Tesle Energy Global Distribution System

The planned Thermal Solar Energy power plants to deliver Electrical Energy globally using resonance waveguide method to cooperative users. The Tesla Energy Global Distribution System plans to deliver energy not only to your homes, but to your electric cars and mobile devices as well. For further technical information, please visit http://www.teslaenergia.com.br and http://www.tesla.org.br

Tesla Energy Global Cooperative Principles

Voluntary And Open Membership Cooperatives are open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership. Democratic Member Control Cooperatives are controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Members have equal voting rights - one member, one vote. Members' Economic Participation Members contribute equally to the capital of their cooperative. Surpluses are allocated to the benefit of members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative. Autonomy And Independence Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. Education, Training and Information Cooperatives provide education and training to their members, and inform the general public about the nature and benefits of wireless energy transmission. Cooperation Among Cooperatives Cooperatives serve their members most effectively by working together through local, national, regional and international structures. Concern For Community Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies accepted by their members.

Eletricidade sem fio? Voc j se imaginou em um mundo sem fios e cabos e ainda assim possuir todos os benefcios da eletricidade? Nikola Tesla, considerado um dos maiores inventores da idade moderna, j possua esta ideia e, em 1894, aos 38 anos de vida, na tentativa de se aproximar da transmisso da energia eltrica sem fio, conseguiu dar incio a transmisso de comunicao pelo ar, revelando uma de suas grandes invenes, a Rdio Frequncia. Grande precursor desta tecnologia, Tesla ainda patenteou outras centenas de invenes como o motor assncrono e a corrente alternada, entre outras. Transmisso de energia sem uso de fios a curtas distncias Energia sem fio de longa distncia

Mtodo de acoplamento indutivo ressonante Transmisso de energia ressonante utilizando um fio Potncia at 5 kW Ligao sem fios utilizando onda guiada subterrnea Potncia de 100kW at 1MW

Prottipo de transferncia de energia 25kW, Academia de Cincias Agrcolas da Federao Russa (Instituto para a eletrificao da Agricultura)

Nossas previses sobre o desenvolvimento e a utilizao de mtodos de onda guiada ressonante na transmisso de energia eltrica: Substituio das Instalaes de transmisso de ar por sistemas de onda guiada subterrnea; Mquinas-robs com corpos ativos podero operar em plantaes agrcolas; Criao de um sistema global de energia solar de gerao de energia eltrica para cada pessoa na Terra; Lanamento de veculos espacias da Terra com propulso a jato eltrico. Eles tero uma razo de massa de carga til ao lanamento de massa 80-90% ao invs de 5% de hoje; Fonte de alimentao de aeronaves no espao e transmisso de energia eltrica para objetos na Terra feita por meio de mtodos sem fio; Utilizao de mtodos de ressonncia para o tratamento mdico de pessoas e animais, para a exterminao de ervas daninhas (no lugar de pesticidas), para tornar a gua potvel e desinfeco de resduos, para a criao de novos materiais especialmente puros (em primeiro lugar solar de silcio) e para a produo de hidrognio.

Nikola Tesla - Sistema Global de Transmisso de Energia Sem Fios

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