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Eye on tsunamis Tsunamis aren't moon-driven tides or wind-driven waves at the sea surface. They're caused by violent movements of rocks seafloor earthquakes usually that can put a whole ocean in motion. Since the first one on record along Syria's coast in about 2000 B.C., a few thousand tsunamis have collectively killed more than five hundred thousand people. Nearly half those deaths occurred in a single catastrophe in the Indian Ocean in 2004; as coastal populations have boomed, tsunamis have grown more lethal. Their Japanese name it means "harbor wave" is perhaps a bit too quiet. Most large tsunamis arise around the rim of the Pacific and Indian oceans, along seafloor faults called subduction zones, where colliding tectonic plates trigger large earthquakes. Waves spread in opposite directions from the fault. Within minutes the first waves crash onto nearby land, as in Japan in 2011; within hours they cross the ocean. Even thousands of miles away, a harbor may not be safe. Tsunamis remain dangerous after they've crossed a whole ocean, barreling at the speed of a jetliner. The one that savaged Japan swept a man in California out to sea. Some sixteen thousand people died in Japan last March 11, most of them along hundreds of miles of coast in the Tohoku region, and nearly four thousand are still missing. The tsunami eradicated several towns and villages in Tohoku and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Adaptado de: National Geographic, February 2012.

1. (Uepg 2013) Baseado no que diz o texto como um todo, assinale o que for correto. 01) A maioria dos grandes tsunamis ocorrem nas orlas dos oceanos Pacfico e Atlntico. 02) Os tsunamis no so causados pelo vento ou por mars na superfcie dos mares. 04) H notcia de um homem ser arrastado para o mar nos EUA, em consequncia da mesma catstrofe que atingiu o Japo. 08) A traduo para a expresso "harbor wave" "suave onda". 2. (Uepg 2013) Ainda baseado no texto todo, assinale o que for correto. 01) Os tsunamis podem ser perigosos mesmo aps terem cruzado um oceano inteiro. 02) "Subduction zone" o nome dado a uma rea costeira que foi atingida por um tsunami. 04) Os tsunamis tornaram-se mais letais devido ao aumento das populaes nas reas costeiras. 08) Tsunamis percorrem os oceanos a velocidades muito superiores as dos avies a jato. 3. (Uepg 2013) De acordo com o ltimo pargrafo do texto, assinale o que for correto. 01) Em Tohoku, o tsunami destruiu vrias cidades e vilas. 02) Cerca de seis mil pessoas esto desaparecidas no Japo. 04) A maioria dos dezesseis mil mortos moravam ao longo de centenas de milhas da costa na regio de Tohoku. 08) O Japo sofreu o mais terrvel maremoto seguido de tsunami de sua histria em 2011. 4. (Uepg 2013) Aps a leitura do texto, assinale o que for correto. 01) As rochas submarinas movem-se inesperadamente, causando pnico nas populaes. 02) Centenas de milhares de japoneses ficaram sem teto aps o tsunami de 11 de maro de 2011. 04) Um oceano inteiro pode ser afetado por deslocamentos violentos das placas tectnicas. 08) O primeiro registro de um tsunami data de 2000 a.C. 5. (Uepg 2013) Com base nas informaes contidas no primeiro e segundo pargrafos, assinale o que for correto. 01) Durante um maremoto, gigantescas ondas surgem e se deslocam em direes opostas. 02) Coletivamente, os tsunamis j mataram mais de quinhentas mil pessoas.

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04) Quase a metade do total estimado de mortes causadas por tsunamis ocorreu em uma nica catstrofe. 08) O primeiro tsunami de que se tem registro tambm ocorreu no Japo.

Neil Armstrong, US astronaut, dies aged 82 By Adam Lusher 8:16PM BST 25 Aug 2012

Armstrong underwent a heart-bypass surgery earlier this month to relieve blocked coronary arteries. As commander of the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, hours after Apollo's Eagle lunar module had touched down on July 20 1969. He radioed back to Earth the historic statement: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". He then spent nearly three hours walking on the moon with fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. Praising Armstrong his family said in a statement on Saturday: Neil was our loving husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend. Neil Armstrong was also a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job. He served his Nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut". The statement also said that he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures, at the age of 82. Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. On July 20, 1936, when he was 6, he experienced his first airplane flight in Warren, Ohio, when he and his father Stephen, an auditor for the Ohio state government, took a ride in a Ford Trimotor, a three-engined transport plane that was also known as the "Tin Goose". After serving as a naval pilot from 1949 to 1952, and serving in the Korean War, Armstrong joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) the precursor to NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1955. As a research pilot at NASA's Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., he was a project pilot on many pioneering high speed aircraft, including the well-known, 4000-mph X-15. Armstrong joined the NASA astronaut corps in 1962. He was assigned as command pilot for the Gemini 8 mission. Gemini 8 was launched on March 16, 1966, and Armstrong performed the first successful manned docking of two vehicles in space. His second and last spaceflight was as mission commander for the Apollo 11 moon landing. After commanding the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong subsequently held the position of Deputy Associate Administrator for Aeronautics, NASA Headquarters, in Washington D.C. In this position, he was responsible for the coordination and management of overall NASA research and technology work related to aeronautics. He was Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati between 1971-1979. Armstrong and his wife, Carol, married in 1999, made their home in the Cincinnati suburb of Indian Hill, but he had largely stayed out of public view in recent years. He spoke at Ohio State University during a February event honouring fellow astronaut John Glenn and the 50th anniversary of Glenn becoming the first American to orbit the Earth.

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(Adapted from <www.telegraph.co.uk> and <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/9499759/Neil-Armstrong-US-astronaut-dies-aged82.html>)

6. (Ufpr 2013) Are these statements true (T) or false (F), according to the text? ( ( ( ( ( ) Armstrong had recently turned eighty-two years old when he died. ) Armstrong died due to complications from cardiovascular surgery. ) Armstrong had a heart-bypass surgery in the beginning of the year. ) Armstrongs heart problems occurred because he was an astronaut. ) Armstrongs heart had some blocked arteries that had to be relieved.

Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom. a) T F F T T. b) F T F T F. c) F T T F F. d) T T F F T. e) T F T T F. 7. (Ufpr 2013) Consider the following statements about Neil Armstrong in the Apolo 11 Mission, according to the text: 1. He sent a recording of his famous sentence back to Earth. 2. He tried to leap a few times on the surface of the Moon. 3. He did not really consider himself an American hero. 4. He and Aldrin spent more than 3 hours walking on the Moon. 5. He was the leader of the Apolo 11 mission to the Moon. Which of the statements above are true, according to the text? a) Only 1 and 3. b) Only 2, 3 and 4. c) Only 3 and 5. d) Only 1 and 4. e) Only 2 and 5. 8. (Ufpr 2013) What does the text say about Armstrongs experiences before joining the astronaut corps at NASA? Mark the correct alternative. a) He served as a naval pilot and took part in different wars. b) He worked for the government as a transport plane pilot. c) He was a naval pilot and served in the Korean War. d) He constructed airplanes at NASA's Flight Research Center. e) He worked with his father as an auditor for the Ohio state government. 9. (Ufpr 2013) Which of these statements DOES NOT CORRESPOND to information given in the text about Neil Armstrong? a) He joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1955. b) His last spaceflight was his mission as the Apolo 11 commander. c) His first mission as an astronaut was as the command pilot for the Gemini 8. d) He was honoured for being the first American to orbit the Earth. e) He taught Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati.

Teen Googles his way to new cancer testing method by Lauren O'Neil Posted: August 24, 2012 3:30 PM Last Updated: August 24, 2012 4:48 PM

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Fifteen-year-old high school student Jack Andraka likes to kayak and watch the US television show Glee. And when time permits, he also likes to do advanced research in one of the most respected cancer laboratories in the world. Jack Andraka took home top science fair honours this year for the development of a cancertesting method found to be 168 times faster, 26,000 times cheaper and 400 times more sensitive than the current gold-medal standard. His work was impressive enough to earn the Maryland high school student a total of $100,500 in grants and prizes at the 2012 Intel Science Fair. Even more impressive is the source he credits for much of his success: Google. "I definitely could not have done this research and project without the use of the internet", Andraka told BBC News in an interview published this week. "I basically went to Google and was looking up cancer statistics, also looking at a bunch of different documents on like, single-walled carbon nanotubes and pancreatic cancer biology", he told the BBC. He also said that the method he created detects pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer all in their early stages, where you have possibly a 50pc survival rate. Andraka was able to find enough information using search engines and free online science papers to invent his procedure, which is now being hailed as "revolutionary" by the American Cancer Society and science publications around the world. The test uses a method similar to that of a diabetic testing strip, with a dipstick sensor that can test either blood or urine for the presence of mesothelin in the body a chemical known to be a biomarker for early-stage pancreatic cancer. As Forbes reports, this method could also affect how other types of cancer are diagnosed and treated in the future. Andraka has filed for a patent for his work with the help of lawyers from Johns Hopkins University, where he conducted his tests for the project. Pathology professor Dr. Anirban Maitra was the only doctor out of 200 that Andraka had contacted to give the eager young student lab access at Johns Hopkins to conduct his science fair project. "You're going to read about him a lot in the years to come", Dr. Maitra told the Baltimore Sun in May. "What I tell my lab is, 'Think of Thomas Edison and the light bulb'. This kid is the Edison of our times. There are going to be a lot of light bulbs coming from him". (Adapted from <http://www.cbc.ca/news/yourcommunity/2012/08/teen-googles-his-way-to-newcancer-testing-method.html> and <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19291258>)

10. (Ufpr 2013) Consider the following statements about Jack Andraka: 1. Andraka used gold in his research about cancer-testing methods. 2. Andraka invented a new testing procedure for pancreatic cancer. 3. He won the grand prize at the 2012 Intel International Science Fair. 4. He created an expensive but much faster cancer-detecting method. 5. Andraka is a high school student in the state of Maryland, U.S.A. Which of the statements above are true, according to the text? a) Only 1 and 4. b) Only 2 and 3. c) Only 3 and 5. Pgina 4 de 10

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d) Only 1, 4 and 5. e) Only 2, 3 and 5. 11. (Ufpr 2013) Check the correct alternative, according to the text. a) The American Cancer Society is doubtful about the new cancer-testing method. b) Science publications around the world acclaim the new cancer testing procedure. c) Jack Andrakas cancer-testing method may be used to test diabetes as well. d) The cancer-testing method works better if both blood and urine are used together. e) Jack Andrakas new method will possibly cure pancreatic cancer in the future. 12. (Ufpr 2013) According to the text, Jack Andraka: 1. thinks the Internet played a very important role in his research. 2. said he had used online search engine Google to study about cancer. 3. is quite positive that his method can detect nearly all kinds of cancer. 4. said the information he had found on pancreatic cancer was very basic. 5. says that 50 pc is not a very good survival rate for pancreatic cancer. Which of the items above are true, according to the text? a) Only 1 and 4. b) Only 1 and 2. c) Only 3 and 5. d) Only 1, 4 and 5. e) Only 2, 3, 4 and 5. 13. (Ufpr 2013) Identify the correct alternative, according to the text. a) Jack won around a hundred thousand dollars in prizes and grants. b) The fifteen-year-old boy got a job as a researcher at INTEL. c) Andraka took part in a Science Fair in the state of Maryland. d) The fifteen-year-old boy likes to watch sports programs on TV. e) Andraka won a gold medal at an International Science Fair.

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Resposta da questo 1: 02 + 04 = 06. 01) Incorreta. A maioria dos grandes tsunamis ocorre nas orlas dos oceanos Pacfico e ndico (most large tsunamis arise around the rim of the Pacific and Indian oceans ). 02) Correta. Os tsunamis realmente no so causados pelos ventos ou mars ( tsunamis aren't moon-driven tides or wind-driven waves at the sea surface ). 04) Correta. Um tsunami que surgiu no Japo foi capaz de arrastar um homem para o mar na Califrnia (the one that savaged Japan swept a man in California out to sea ). 08) Incorreta. A traduo literal de harbor wave seria onda do cais. Resposta da questo 2: 01 + 04 = 05. 01) Correta. Os tsunamis realmente permanecem perigosos mesmo aps cruzar um oceano inteiro (tsunamis remain dangerous after they've crossed a whole ocean ). 02) Incorreta. Subduction Zone o nome dado s falhas no fundo do mar (seafloor faults). 04) Correta. O crescimento populacional das reas costeiras fez com que os tsunamis se tornassem mais letais (as coastal populations have boomed, tsunamis have grown more lethal). 08) Incorreta. A velocidade de um tsunami prxima da de um avio a jato ( barreling at the speed of a jetliner). Resposta da questo 3: Gabarito Oficial: 01 + 04 + 08 = 13. Gabarito SuperPro: 01 + 04 = 05. 01) Correta. O tsunami erradicou vrias cidades e vilas em Tohoku ( the tsunami eradicated several towns and villages in Tohoku). 02) No ltimo pargrafo colocado que o nmero de pessoas desaparecidas no Japo de cerca de quatro mil, diferente de seis mil como afirmado na frase. 04) Correta. O texto fala que a maioria dos dezesseis mil mortos moravam ao longo da regio de Tohoku (Some sixteen thousand people died in Japan last March 11, most of them along hundreds of miles of coast in the Tohoku region). 08) Incorreta. O gabarito oficial informa que essa proposio est correta, porm o ltimo pargrafo no afirma que o pior maremoto seguido de tsunami da histria do Japo ocorreu em 2011. Na verdade, nenhuma comparao feita entre tsunamis no ltimo pargrafo. Apesar de a grande mdia ter noticiado que o tsunami que afligiu o Japo em 2011 tenha sido o pior de sua histria, o texto no traz essa informao em nenhuma ocasio, muito menos no ltimo pargrafo. Em outras palavras, o texto realmente aborda o tsunami de 2011, mas no encontrada a informao de que ele tenha sido o pior da histria japonesa (embora tal fato poder ser considerado notrio). No entanto, uma vez que as respostas devem ser baseadas nos textos, a proposio [08] seria incorreta. Resposta da questo 4: 01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15. 01) Correta. O texto no fala que as rochas submarinas deslocam-se de modo inesperado. No entanto, uma vez que seus movimentos possuem causas naturais, sensato pensar que eles ocorram de modo sbito. O texto usa o adjetivo violent (violento) para se referir ao movimento das rochas. 02) Correta. O texto fala que centenas de milhares de pessoas ficaram desabrigadas (hundreds of thousands homeless). 04) Correta. Os tsunamis so capazes de afetar oceanos inteiros (t sunamis remain dangerous after they've crossed a whole ocean).

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08) Correta. O primeiro tsunami registrado ocorreu na costa da Sria em aproximadamente 2000 a.C. Resposta da questo 5: 01 + 02 + 04 = 07. 01) Correta. O texto nos informa que as ondas se espalham em direes opostas a partir da falha (Waves spread in opposite directions from the fault ). 02) Correta. Desde o primeiro registro, milhares de tsunamis j mataram mais de cinco mil pessoas (Since the first one on record along Syria's coast in about 2000 B.C., a few thousand tsunamis have collectively killed more than five hundred thousand people ). 04) Correta. Quase metade do total de cinco mil mortes foi causada em uma nica catstrofe no oceano ndico em 2004 (Nearly half those deaths occurred in a single catastrophe in the Indian Ocean in 2004). 08) Incorreta. O primeiro tsunami documentado foi na costa da Sria ( Syrias coast). Resposta da questo 6: [D] Primeira afirmao Correta O texto que noticia a morte de John Glenn de 25 de Agosto e Armstrong nasceu dia 5 de Agosto. Assim, pode-se dizer que a afirmao est correta ao dizer que Armstrong had recently turned eightytwo years old when he died (Armstrong havia recentemente completado oitenta e dois anos quando morreu). Segunda afirmao Correta A afirmao diz que Armstrong morreu devido a complicaes de uma cirurgia cardiovascular. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: he died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures (ele morreu devido a complicaes resultantes de procedimentos cardiovasculares). Terceira afirmao Incorreta A afirmao diz que Armstrong submeteu-se a uma cirurgia de ponte de safena no comeo do ano. Na verdade, o texto afirma que Armstrong submeteu-se a tal procedimento no incio do ms (Armstrong underwent a heart-bypass surgery earlier this month). Quarta afirmao Incorreta O texto em nem nenhum momento associa a doena de Armstrong ao fato de ele ter sido astronauta. Quinta afirmao Correta A afirmao diz que o corao de Armstrong tinha algumas artrias bloqueadas que tinham de ser desobstrudas. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: Armstrong underwent a heart-bypass surgery earlier this month to relieve blocked coronary arteries (Armstrong submeteu-se a uma cirurgia de ponte de safena no incio deste ms para desobstruir artrias coronrias entupidas). Resposta da questo 7: [C] Afirmao 1 Incorreta Neil Armstrong enviou uma mensagem via rdio para a Terra, e no uma gravao ( recording). Afirmao 2 Incorreta O texto no coloca que Armstrong tentou saltar ( leap) algumas vezes na superfcie da Lua. Na verdade, a palavra leap (salto) faz parte de sua clebre mensagem de rdio. Afirmao 3 Correta A afirmao coloca que Armstrong no se considerava realmente um heri americano. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: Neil Armstrong was also a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job (Neil Armstrong era tambm um relutante heri americano que sempre acreditou que ele estava apenas fazendo seu trabalho ).

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Afirmao 4 Incorreta A afirmao coloca que Armstrong e Aldrin passaram mais de trs horas andando na Lua. Na verdade, o texto afirma que ele e Aldrin passaram aproximadamente trs horas andando na Lua (he then spent nearly three hours walking on the moon with fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin). Afirmao 5 Correta Armstrong foi o lder da misso Apolo 11. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em After commanding the Apollo 11 mission (Depois de comandar a misso Apolo 11). Resposta da questo 8: [C] A alternativa [C] est correta, pois afirma que Armstrong era um piloto naval e serviu na guerra da Coreia. A resposta pode ser encontrada em: After serving as a naval pilot from 1949 to 1952, and serving in the Korean War (Depois de servir como piloto naval de 1949 a 1952 e de servir na guerra da Coreia). A alternativa [A] est errada porque afirma que Armstrong serviu em vrias guerras. Resposta da questo 9: [D] A alternativa [D] afirma que Armstrong recebeu reconhecimento por ter sido o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra. Na verdade, o primeiro americano a fazer isso foi John Glenn. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: fellow astronaut John Glenn and the 50th anniversary of Glenn becoming the first American to orbit the Earth (o companheiro astronauta John Glenn e o quinquagsimo aniversrio de Glenn como o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra) . Resposta da questo 10: [E] Afirmao 1 Incorreta A afirmao diz que Andraka utilizou ouro na sua pesquisa sobre mtodos para testar a presena de cncer. No entanto, o texto nada fala sobre isso. Afirmao 2 Correta A afirmao diz que Andraka inventou novo procedimento de teste para o cncer de pncreas. A resposta pode ser encontrada pela leitura geral do texto, uma vez que constitui sua ideia central. Afirmao 3 Correta A afirmao diz que Andraka ganhou o prmio principal na Feira Internacional de Cincias de 2012. A resposta pode ser encontrada em: "His work was impressive enough to earn the Maryland high school student a total of $100,500 in grants and prizes at the 2012 Intel Science Fair (Seu trabalho foi impressionante o suficiente para que o estudante de Maryland ganhasse um total de US$ 100.500 em bolsas e prmios na Feira Internacional de Cincias de 2012) e em Jack Andraka took home top science fair honours this year (Jack Andraka levou para casa honras mximas da feira de cincias deste ano). Afirmao 4 Incorreta A afirmao coloca que Andraka criou um mtodo caro, porm muito mais rpido de detectar cncer. Na verdade, o mtodo de Andraka 168 vezes mais rpido, 26.000 mais barato e 400 vezes mais preciso do que o melhor mtodo atual (168 times faster, 26,000 times cheaper and 400 times more sensitive than the current gold-medal standard ) Afirmao 5 Correta A afirmao diz que Andraka um aluno do ensino mdio do estado de Maryland, nos Estados Unidos. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: Maryland high school student (estudante do ensino mdio de Maryland).

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Resposta da questo 11: [B] A alternativa [B] est correta, pois afirma que publicaes de cincias em todo o mundo reconhecem a importncia do novo procedimento de teste de cncer. O texto afirma que o procedimento de Andraka is now being hailed as revolutionary by the American Cancer Society and science publications around the world (est sendo elogiado como revolucionrio pela Sociedade Americana de Cncer e por publicaes de cincias em todo o mundo). Resposta da questo 12: [B] Afirmao 1 Correta A afirmao diz que Andraka acredita que a Internet tenha tido um papel muito importante em sua pesquisa. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: I definitely could not have done this research and project without the use of the internet" (eu definitivamente no poderia ter feito essa pesquisa e o projeto sem usar a Internet). Afirmao 2 Correta A afirmao diz que Andraka disse que ele tinha usado o buscador Google para estudar sobre o cncer. A resposta pode ser encontrada em: I basically went to Google and was looking up cancer statistics, also looking at a bunch of different documents on like, single-walled carbon nanotubes and pancreatic cancer biology (Eu basicamente fui ao Google e estava procurando por estatsticas de cncer, tambm olhando uma poro de documentos diferentes sobre nanotubos de carbono com apenas uma parede e a biologia do cncer de pncreas). Afirmao 3 Incorreta A afirmao diz que Andraka est bem confiante de que seu mtodo possa detectar praticamente todos os tipos de cncer. Na verdade, o Andraka afirma que the method he created detects pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer all in their early stages (o mtodo que ele criou detecta cncer no pncreas, ovrio e pulmes em seus estgios iniciais). Afirmao 4 Incorreta A afirmao coloca que Andraka disse que a informao que ele achou sobre cncer de pncreas era muito simples/bsica. O texto nada fala sobre isso. Afirmao 5 Incorreta A afirmao diz que 50 por cento no um ndice de sobrevivncia muito bom para o cncer de pncreas. O texto nada fala sobre isso. Resposta da questo 13: [A] A alternativa [A] est correta porque afirma que Jack ganhou em torno de cem mil dlares em prmios e bolsas. A justificativa pode ser encontrada em: a total of $100,500 in grants and prizes (um total de $100.500 em bolsas e prmios).

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Resumo das questes selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaborao: Nome do arquivo: 27/01/2013 s 10:36 TEXTOS

Legenda: Q/Prova = nmero da questo na prova Q/DB = nmero da questo no banco de dados do SuperPro Q/prova Q/DB Matria Fonte Tipo

1..................118172.............Ingls..................Uepg/2013..............................Somatria 2..................118173.............Ingls..................Uepg/2013..............................Somatria 3..................118175.............Ingls..................Uepg/2013..............................Somatria 4..................118169.............Ingls..................Uepg/2013..............................Somatria 5..................118170.............Ingls..................Uepg/2013..............................Somatria 6..................121793.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 7..................121790.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 8..................121791.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 9..................121792.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 10................121794.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 11................121795.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 12................121796.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha 13................121797.............Ingls..................Ufpr/2013................................Mltipla escolha

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