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g. r.i Wllbelmina, June 10 For S. F.




Fer TiDfOBtrr:

From TsnrftBTcrt Niagara. June- 21



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Makura, June 20;

Evening Bulletin. Est 1SR2. No. 'K6S. Hawaiian star. Vol. XX, No. tI3.



51 OX








Imp liiiij yu'JiLili





n Ciri-MinJn-



Recommendation of Investigators Will Deter mine Future of Project

n D.vC, June 9. The learns authoriutive- ly from the navy department that n o action will be taken on a possible abandonment of the Peart Harbor d rydock until the special board of erv-(ineera, named to make, an investigation of the situation, reports here, which will be some time after July 1, it is now expected. Everything depends on the recommendations, of this board. The reC. S. ALBERT. port will leave Honolulu on June 18th.



Racing Stands and Cricket Grounds Ruined by Militants Hours Sees $175,000 Damage Dons Last Twenty-fou- r ' by Fire and Bomb
nrwr Cable . LONDON, Eng June 9. Militant tuffiragettet have destroyed the Hunt Park grandstand and the boathouse o n the River Lea. They have also succeeded In burning the North Middiese x cricket club's stands, doing a total h our of $175,C00. damage within the last twenty-fou- r
" ,

Secretary Lane Says Appointment Date Way Of f While President Freely Admits That He Is Greatly Puzzled And Cannot Tell When He Will Make
A Nomination;

Y interior department. .Whe.n all the pairs' relating to Waller, McCandless and Watson were . transmitted to President Wilson It seemed that an early adjustment of the muddle was This w.is supplemented by an announcement from the president that he would make an appointment In the near future. This feeling of optimism has disappeared. The president now declarer that he is puzzled by the situation and has no idea when he will name a gov ernor of Hawaii.. Apparently he has been confused by the rival claims for 'preference and does not see his way clear to select some man and send his name to the senate. He fully leallzes that when that action is taken there will be an Immediate .pouring in of charges and the confirmation

WASHINGTON', C Junw "The governorship situation is all up In the air:. No solution of the problem appears in sight. The imminence f a wttlement of the questipn has vanished. There is no indication now r.f an appointment being made at an early date." Such is the disheartening statement made by Secretary Lane of the I).
. :

f Fpfdal



outby the eistant facts. It is well known that the Gay-le- r the board is still Investigating drydock site, to determine whether conditions are suitable for a ship basin built according ta the present specifications, but this drydock matter is the only one which is, now under investigation. The fact that work on the yard is still being pushed, and that money is being spent right along, indicates that there is.no thought of letting the million already spent In dredging the channel, and in construcA Joscphus Pan Ms, secrctarr of (lie tion work, go for nothing. ;x So far as I know, there la no quesnavy, who will finally pass on the rt tion of abandoning Pearl Harbor," of (lie tiajier board.
icers here, borne

That the proposition of abandoning Pearl Harbor as a naal base has never been considered by the Navy Department, is the opinkm of naval off-



said Rear Admiral C. B. T. Moore this morning, reiterating a statement reporter sev made to a ard of which eral days ago. "The Civil Engineer Gayler is chairman is considering the drydock situation, and its report hasn't been submitted yet, as certain weight tests are now causing delay. No report has been made to Admiral Stanford or to the Navy Department on this matter, since Ad miral Stanford left here." The reference to June 18 in the Washington dispatch applies to the earliest date that Civil Engineer Hax rls, who came here with Admiral Stanford, and who is a member of the Gav- ler board, can be relieved from duty here. It is probable that he will am plify the report of the hoard with a verbal statement of conditions.
Star-Bulleti- n .

Wilson Will Be Upheld . By Senate Investigators

WASHINGTON, The last senator today testified be. fore the special committee investigating President Wilson's charges cf In- sidious lobbying on the part of Interests seeking to modify various items on the new tariff bill. The special commitee, of which Senator Overman of North Carolina Is chairman, will undoubtedly uphold the stand taken hy President Wilson and recommend stringent legislation to restrict the activl- ties of lobbyists. Senator Overman has already Indicated the trend that the committee's report is likely to take by declaring that the lobbying has been a pervasive appeal to public sentiment and the bringing of pressure to bear on the senators by arousing public opinion.
fAwnH:iated D. C June 9.








ing the Louisiana contingent. All Associated Freu Cable WASHINGTON, D. C, June 9. The supreme court of the United The fact seems to have been ' newspaper men connected with either strated to the sugar trust that the taction were also closely observed, States today handed down a notable decision In connection with railway planters of Hawaii and Louisiana are The plan was to discover how all Federal. Inspector Here Writes and public service coffission powers by sustaining the right of the Minns-sot- a. , how much money not iouring all the money on earth these, railway commission t& regulate railroad rates. "The decision htids Letter Criticising Planters' into this town fqr the purpose of de- they expended, their sources of that. the commission's orders are valid unless they amount to confiscation, Immigration Policy, . the press and congress In come, their acquaintances and con-an- y of property. Many important cat's have been held up pendlag the decision event all of Burns' detectives nections and their probable remit-hav- e of the Minnesota ease. been withdrawn and peace tanees based on their methods of llv- - "I know fall well (bat It Is stated ing. they, (Spanish and Portuguese) are again reigns. " Representatives of the sugar trust! The net result of this experiment' brought here 'to Amerleanize the Isl became obsessed with the idea that was disappointing to Mr. Lowreyand ands, but I enn see no honest efforts s of Hawaii and Lou- - the sugar trust. Not ,one of the 19 g meet ; their demands, and the the itiana were deluging this burg with detectives imported from .'New York of the Dlanters Is belnir ex loose change. F. CV Lowrey, head of ever discovered that any of the men UL.L, iI,p?OS, Their here, determined to under surveillance wa living at the enea. l0,D. ,? the sugar lobby importation makes it eTi- accelerated or'anwirpd'tn fin n,.t hu.- lartr,, thi snnnnd nnr. inn nf th nnt MsocUtd Ynn Cable years there In two next the that dent juntion-funmoney than he had! was and who were the glng around more C D. Jlrne's fi:. :vr.:!ii WASHINGTON. June ,vIUJ?e; morc.TJupinps.Xhan.Chinesje In I ifj called, ofl. Burns. forhorpgtlx.eariieva,. tneficiarks.' af today Sherman laws the Instituted suit under .antitrust a;3lntt ths East a; bunch of his gumshoe artists.. In oi he newspaper correspondents who tbeJHawalliin Islands. : declaring man a In Company, Kodak combination it cf trade. restraint , anti-fresugar end response nineteen sleuths were ship-- were taking the .1 feel a certain loneliness In let They appeared ting these facts and considerations ped over from New York and began of; the controversy. keyhole3 riding consistently to and street cars( fore you, and I know that I will be transoms. be f Chairman'of Finance Committee Says Other Tariff Items Are The Burns men shadowed Sidney and grabbing an occasional sandwich' without local countenance; and any Senators Who Could unuuu, Subject to Change of Schedule i person, in tut s commonity, wno cnu .""vj.wum '.I AVhen it became evident that the , win, all looking after the Hawaiian! -m iha oniM - Defeat Measure Appear Afraid of Party Ostracization Associated Press Cable-- ' cane growers interests, former Sen- - flood of funds pouring in from Ha--1 ... t, FRANCISCO, Cat., SAN June 9. Reports on the weather from Eastern . ator Murphy J. foster. National Com-- - wall and Louisiana was a myth the'-""- " Is reason no nevertheless there By C. S. ALBERT troth England New and other North Atlantic points show Canada, states the mltteeman Ewing,and others corapris-- : Burns men were speedily .withdrawn. CurrPHptnilfnoel why I should suppress It, and I trust thtt this Is the coldest June in fifty years. ISpeolal - From Montreal comes the report that snow Is flying there, you will receive these remarks as set Vermont, Intention of cooperatin with the Re- D. C, Juno 1 WASHINGTON. colder, report New any Pennsylvania In York , . and than publicans. setweather the his splr In bill are the the deliberation and with In forth tariff items "Two ' Senators Smith, of Arizona, PitIt of honest ImpatIality.', Extract tory of local observations. tled beyond change or dispute: These m i mtm i s free wool. All the man, Newlands, Thompson, Shafroth from letter written by Richard L. Hal-seare free sugaf-angreat Aihero ar fiublect to increase or mod afid Walsh have grumbled a( inspector in charge of federal Im They refuse made and threats. tleal no further be heed migration work in Hawaii, to the com there but ification missioner-generprgument regarding sugar and wool." to openly declare their separation of Immigration. This was the emphatic statement from the Democratic party and affiliThey "' Keefe " '"" :'.;.;';.."'.::.;; tAssoclated Press Cable'' The end of the made by Senator Simmons, chairman ation with the Republicans. ; continue to be deluged with protests report is not yet. of the finance committee, to the LONDON, Eng., June 9. The Balkan delegates here negotiating peace correspondent He said the from; their constituents at home im- Disposition of Budget Settled-Allowa- nce When that report, buried two years terms with Turkey have departed, the agreements having been signed. Promotion Made for ago, was resurrected and handed to tiubcommittees having these sched- ploring them to vote against free suCommittee and Mayor Fer n's Suggestion for a Police In congress In a printed form, it con- ules, in charge had concluded their gar... Some of them say this sentiFRATERNAL SOCIETIES MISS NELL YOUNG HERE m the rear of a Meeting spector Action Approval of Formal hearings and agreed to recommend ment is manufactured and inspi (l) at Meets jtained resugar men. by Others beet he the views, pamphlet, a letter from Inspector. HalHONOR DEAD BROTHERS free sugar and wool. Their FROM MAINLAND TO Movf Qoccinn IMCAl ': oelUII sey of the local Immigration station, ', .;.;. said, would undoubtedly be accepted gard it as genuine and think( the beet . i WED W. E. BELL of the com- irrnwprs 'will b forced out of busi by the majority inembera arrangement present in until Important caucus work an the ' Holding Commissi-betweesugar (2)"aTetter by ' Members of the loca lodges of Inde- the placing on of ness the n from mittee. ' hall, the i thffr chambers inniifKni oi.i tn county at.the'citv ti,ov engineer city fw and the ensugar l of liOLi l of Immigration Daniel J. This leaves the fate It lUVUUtU W n.M. A romance whiqh had its beginning pendent Order of Odd Fellows and passed on the apnropria-fea- r and roads committee Is ended and Keefe addressed the 'secretary: of on the mainland more than two years Knights of Pythias turned out in full to tirely to the senate. ' Unless four their people, but are terrorized by the I supervisors the different departments of being ostracized by their pactions for department of labor, and (3) a ago will be culminated Wednesday , tfae Democrats are found willing to desert speplanning j several important the latter is permitted to employ yesterday, ty associates. from Ignacio de Arana, consul evening when Miss Nell Young of Sa force yesterday in observance of letter aptheir party associates and vote with own his without assistants the disposition of the The possible loss of patronage Is changes in the for sPaln here- - addressed to President cramento, California, and W. E. Bell, cial memorial services in honor of the Republicans free sugar will remonms, proval of the committee. . But the ma--' :F. money county next tne six lor detjerrent. those members who have passed away. The i forceful passed another M. Swanzy of the Hawaiian Sugar as bill Underwood , main in the ! formerly of E. O. Hall and Son and According to the codes of the organinew office in the by the house. Up to this time Senat- president is holding up all federal pie establishing a increasing (Continued on page four) now connected ' witn tne Hawaiian the allowpolice force, i xiaiscjr a icyuii u uairu Electric Company, will be married in zations, the services were' not includ- ' ors Thornton and Ransdell. of Louis- and waiting to see how senators stand ance luspetiui 0 0 m Berger's Kappeiimeister for April 3, 1913, Commissioner Keefe's Central Unloh Church at eight o'clock. ed In a Joint program, each order cele-iana, are the only two Democrats diminishing it, as Xgi 5C K S S .3 S S S,g band, brating separately. Following servithan rather an page April 18, 1913. Consul (Continued four): on announced positively liavp who C3 letter is dated had been feared, aud voting to reB de Arana's letter is dated October 17, Dr. Doremus Scudder performing the ces in their respective assembly halls, ' ceremony. ; store the appropriation for the promothe members "of the organizations 1912. THIS IS fio PLACE coast then visited the various cenfeterles to trip during a was the It meeting began tion committee. The w i The bulk of the document is taken years ago that Bell met Miss throughout the city where their dead FOR at 10 o'clock in thPmorning and did up with the report made on January two 8 Young. After his return to Honolulu not adjourn until after noon. ANTHONY COMSTOCK H 25, '1911, by Commissioner Keefe,: fol an active correspondence was begun comrades lie buried, banking each V ' Many important and m lowing a visit he made to Hawaii in which resulted in Miss Young's arri- grave high with flowers. matters' : were brought before the Hi For many years Paris The members of the three lodges December of the previous year. This val in this city this morning in the France caucus and finally disposition plans of . the Knights of Pythias were presnot Illinois has boasted of set- - X report, though never officiajly printed Sonoma. She was met at the wharf made, the Democrats carrying out ent at the First Methodist Church last ting the styles in feminine attire M until now, was made public by Keefe by her future husband, and the date evening, at which time a Special ser-- " the polio; i icy inaugurated when was understood, shortly & himself, it af of the wedding settled then and there. for the civilized world. But, nevwas vice they took t f Hce. Though the spirit a er again! held. The address of the M. ter he wrote it. At that time, the re-- The couple- - 'will be married In the economy evening d, applications was and run for delivered by Rer. R. El of Honolulu is now it with a capi- - X port was declared so biased and inac- presence of intimate friends and relaDeclaration of President Wilson Calls Forth a Storm That Re- increase cf wages were voted down. Smithfollowing mer which the roll g worthless, curate as to be and Charles tives only, and following the ceremony tal I. We lead, others follow, for call of the dead Was read and pray-- , fuses to.Subside Until the Charges Have Been Probed to the appropriations during the coming ji jj. the !'atest wrinkie is our own'. at Nagel, then secretary of commerce and a reception will be held at the Bell era offered In their memory. sem fcrlott will be in excess east guch is the decision of iS labor, pigeon-hole- d it V the Satisfaction of Members of Congress residence, Kaimuki. of former ont, &C those who have seen. The report remained in the pigeon yesThe entire bii Igct. was settled t, Ed Towse conducted the meeting: at The of course, is so M hole until a few weeks ago. During : i By C. S. ALBERT terday, except'.' iiiat portion relating prison yesterday afternoon,: tfe- -' sugar stages M ;Oahu early of the tariff old be of the style as a almost to BOY SCOUTS Special tin Cortvsptndfnv to permanent paving and street gradreport by Iivering was a short address in which he fight, for called completely the date out but of when MA MET nrCIPCDC opinion, constituted these "insidious ing, which war. deferred until the next WASHINGTON, D. C. June io niAlYlL slit-ski- rt x. drew Cali lessons Congressman E. UrrlOLno Raker of from the return of . the John with the slits that . ...l i r. .lorntinii liv Prpsiililt lobbies. ' I meeting. More money is asked for repreprodigal son. X Mrs. Theodore Richards the of who told house fornia, are combined with a is slits in addition, all tnose nere, repre-- this work than was granted during deWilson in uh official statement from played organ a of during course strap the sentatives, slipper the low, adjourned a meeting recent in the absence of her childlike of At and . the White House tuat "insidious seining .. legitimate inuusirieb ui&abi- - the last period. an:l a fight over it j half-hos. the slit allpwing for a X bate, that the report carried valuable the Boy Scouts of. Hawaii, the follow- - husband. ' k- information on - industrial conditions. ing officers were elected to serve dur-- j or two of tne lobbies" are seeking to influence nusiy ailecud oy tne tanii dui aa1 may be the result. view of the abbreviate report ing the coming year: George R. Car- members of. "congress to obtain iranied, proceeded : to defend them-- city fathers are opposed to increas- that dispels all doubt well, X In this way the long-buriA Night In a Prophet's Changes in tne penamg larui inrasure selves uuu ueu) uiui auj iuiiupri i j ing the amount- of money for this X style! ViCe that's House" subject of an address was V,H0lt the tT'aFrS??l immediately aroused a hornet's nest, ions were being made to secure page apthree) n' (Continued on secre.. This new vogue made its by delivered Blanche B. Cox at Cot X. pearance on the streets of Hono- Such a buzzing has not been witness- changes. Senator Tncniton uwk tne ANTI OF SUFFRAGE ' the Salvation iMua1" flltor those defended in the benate and X lulu yesterday; in many a day. a petite little X neld Arm Union in l,n f Church growers cane X. In on nere both branches behalf the cf BE WILL DISCUSSED Republicans X woman traversing Hotel street, The Reginald F. ,aa. avanintr TOa1, ' V Louisiana. the promptly in demanded X congress M. above of attired exactly as described ing was held in accordance with the appointment of committees to Investi The Manoa circle of the Woman's X excepting that a mere male bers of the Hawaiian Council elected custom that in speaking for the Hawaiian the organization set X. Thjry desired to producers of tugar Society will meet this gate the charge. may not be familiar with the George to fill a number of vacancies on that aside one day each year during which X. "influbeing X were they know how In body are Admiral C. B. T, Moore, afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. technical feminine terms. K. Carter said: its work for the year may be preenced" and by whom. The resolution Brother Lewis, W. R. Farrington, R. time "I believe that the people of Ha-- ! Steere, in College Hills The meet- - any event, this mere male and X j to the public. The meeting was sented X, offered by Senator Cummins request- waii or any other part of the country ing will be a purely educational one O. Matheson. W. F. Dillingham and all other mere males turned to X largely attended and in addition to the a" X. list of Have a rignt to spend their money mj dealing with the. study of woman's X take a second look and thorWarren B. Wood. The Court of Honed the president to furnish Adjutant Duncan read from address X X the style; nov; names, clearly indicating who, In his any legitimate way or send their rep-- ' oughly nothing to do with 'or and has or absorb the consists of James A. Wilder, the scriptures. Adjutant Payne reason, of course, .pf being able X Kamehameha Day's Eve will be cel- Dr. W. C. Hobdy, Judge W. L. Whit- prayer and Ensign Payne sang. offered resenatives nere to protect them-- 1 the business of the suffrage move- ment as a whole. This afternoon an- - a to thoroughly describe it stives 'from a death blow. ebrated at Waikiki Inn by one of their ney, Paul Super and H. M. von Holt. arguments will be brought j X" "Shocking!" said, the jealous popular dances Tuesday, night, June "On their own admission the re-- j Construction work on the last of a fineries have maintained a lobby and up and their merits discussed. The IS mcmhora nf lh fairer RfX' whd' X. 10th. The best Hawaiian orchestra in Honolulu Lodge No. 409. F. and A. novelty the for quarterly meeting the sugar of witnessed of pontoons to be used in tho series and Woman's the M., play will hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock town will for the occasion. conducted a campaign for free Society will be held on X first time, while the members of floating, drydock is big Inter-lslan- d tne next day being a holiday everyone this evening in the Masonic temple. since 1909. They nave carried thi3 the rank' and file of the sterner to enjoy an evening a meeting of the board of harbor now under way with the prospect Of out turn should Tie largest stock la tie city U te on under the name of a fictitious corn- - Wednesday, the lStij. the piace not- A sotto voce said. "Bully!" X. of good music and dancing. has been called for 2:30 a rapid completion. The real work of luittee of wholesale erocers. but the yet decided upon. All women inter- a sex Uetfrssk cordially tfcted in the question are invited to are hotel the of tomorrow o'clock and friends afternoon in the assembling the drydock will soon be . ''' part organization. page in under way. four) the on take (senate (Continued LTD, advertisement chamber. invited. H. HENDRICKS,

Senator Burton and other Republican leaders have repeatedly declared that they will carefully scrutinize any man designated for governor of Hawaii. It is a good and important position, they say. and som iierson of high standing and eminent fitness should be selected for the place. They deny any disposition to he captious or quarrelsome and protest that nothing will be done by way of reprisal on the Democrats for refusing to approve' ':- the reappointment of Governor Prear. Despite these assurances it is known tbo Republicans will investigate any complaints made against whoever Is eventually chosen as governor ny v' President Wilson. The coming and going of Delbert E. Metzger has not changed the situa- t'on. He made a good impression on tne presiuem anu secretary bane, uui the other candidates have gobbled op the great mass of endorsements. The- - suggestion of Damon. Wilder and Pinkham as possible dark horses has not made any perceptible alteration In the attitude of the president ' , and Secretary Lane. of Hawaii should reconcile ' Democrats These officials both believe the man some for the governorship. They eolidlyon unite their differences and mentioned or some one already one of those be it care whether not do not yet suegfsted. It would be an mfuranee cf party harmony and absence

will be held up indefinitely.


u h u




mm im







Minnesota Wins Big Fiht To Regulate Railroad Rates




1. demon--




McReynolds Files Suit To

ULimiUir uiiuiiiunu


mm mm











Coldest June In 50 Years :

.':-- ':



Ktar-Uulkt- ln





Peace Agreement Reached




Star-bulleti- n

50-pa- ge





er-gene- ral








tar-l!ul- l.









n5Ti Sfi:Sthe




asspfiaisfi as sass&B


Visitors-commissioner- s




MONDAY, ''JUNE 0,1913.













Sunday, June 8. Kauai ports Kinau. str., a. m. Maul ports Claudine, str a. m. Maui, Molokai and Lanai ports Mikahala. str., a. m. Kauai ports W. G. I rail, str.. a. m. Port Townsend John Smith, Am. , sch., am. Pert San Luis Santa Maria, Am.









Fort Street.
Honolulu's Largest Exclt Clothina Stare. Charge ..Accounts Invited Weekly and Monthly Payments.


str., p. ra.
p. m.


W. F. G a r mes. Am. sch Monday, June 9.








San Francisco

Sonoma, O. S. S.,




tn which' Is combfneS ta


Enterprise, M.

N. S.

S., a. m. Kiyo Maru, Japanese str., a. m. South Bend Repeat, Am. sclu, a. m.

Central and Scuth American ports





KalTnluI porta, June 9. E. G. Bart-let- t, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Robello, C. C.

Per str. Claudine, for Lahalna



South American ports bordering the Pacific are making preparation for increased business following the opening of the great Panama canal; according to the predictions ventured this morning by several prominent Japan- ese plantation- - owners and mlne operators who are en route from the wfcst coast of Central and South America as passengers in the Toyo Klsen Kaisha liner Kiyo Maru, an arrival at Honolulu awaiting pratique and fumigation at the hands of the federal quarantine ''
Is estimated that the new Valp riso' port work, now well under, way, nnfl fir. nnl w vlll w hnmrdeAm. v v in j w jw n ill .not w iV tons nitrates The Kiyo brought


Manchuria Will Arrive, Late. Hancock, who is now alleged to be The Pacific Mall liner Manchuria none other than H. Aubrey Schwartz, from the Far East will be a late arri- is said to have" gone aboard the Soval today according to a wireless mes- noma a half hour before the sailing sage Received at the agency of hour and requested that he be given and Company. The Man- a steerage ticket to Honolulu. He churia is expected off the port at four was advised to secure the. passage at "and if all is well on board be th& office, but claimed that he did not o'clock connnH-z-lic1 o and 117 Ktppracft nasgranted a prompt pratique, at the have the time. tengers for Oriental ports. The list hands of the Federal quarantine offWhen informed as to the rate for the while European, Includes but one icials. Honolulu, PeruHancock alias - Schwartz, Chinese, Japanese, are others This vessel brings 1800 . tons Ori- decided to proceed to Sidney, N. S. vians, Chileans and Mexicans. W., paying $80 for the passage to the Captain Togo Reported good weatfier ental merchandise for discharge here. dis- Antipodes. present to is the intention It trip. throughout the entire patch the vessel for San Francisco It is alleged that the man Is wanted on or about three o'clock tomorrow on a felony charge and that he had afternoon. There is room for sixty Been indicted by the grand jury, just additional passengers .for the coast. completing its sessions at the Coast The Manchuria is n earing port with city. y forty-thre- e bags of mail and a total offered, na or Hancock Schwartz of 215 cabin passengers, how many when approached by the Ho for this port are not known. It is nolulu officers who met the Sonoma expected that the greater part of the 'at quarantine ,thls morning. 515 Asiatic steerage passengers it reIs reported to The Oceanic ports having on board will disembark have met with liner fine weather on the voyage to the Islands. A large raft Including piles for Ku-hi- o here. Forty cabin and four steerage pasBay wharf, in tow of Young BroHuki-hukAmerican Hawaiian Movements. senger launch were' landed here. ' The thers freighter through list includes' 46 cabin, 39 secThe American-Hawaiia- n broke adrift pn Saturday morning whllo off Kinau Light, with the re- Arizonan, now at the railway wharf. Is ond class and 5 steerage. The vessel sult that a. number of lone Diles were being made ready to sail for 'Salina is scheduled to sail for Sydney? via sent adrift, causing a vast amount of Cruz by the way of Port Allen, Kahu-lu- i Pago Pago at 2:30 o'clock this afterrecovand Hilo, the vessel to depart n noon, following the discharge of 346 their extra work in effecting " ' ' ery. or about 5 o'clock this venlng. The tons general cargo. .The through " The Huklhukt left Honolulu some Arizonan will leave the Islands for freight totals 1050 tons. The Sonoma is npw trapablebf makdays ago with material for the new the isthmus with the rcgtilatlon-OofJ- , wharf. According to ." wireless mes- tons sugar and scattering consign- ing mucfr better timer with the instai sages received by Jack "'Young late ments of preserved pines. lation of new oil burning apparatus. Saturday afternoon, some nasty weaGeneral Freight Agent C P. Morso A complete system of spraying fi mixther was encountered as tire launch has been advised that the Virginian ture of water and oil has been fitted and her tow struck the choppy seas sailed from Seattle with several thou- to the furnaces which is claimed inIn the channel sand tons cargo for discharge at Hon sures far better steaming power. in charge of Bob Iulu and the Island ports and should First Assistant Engineer Aiken laid The .Huki-huPurdy was obliged to put Into Makena, arrive here on or about June 16. off for a trip and hhs place; is "filled by J. H, Keenan-,and later was enabled to proceed to piles morning . On1 the present voyage the Sonoma the Kihel,' where this can easily be rated as a "honeymoon" were safely anchored while the launch Cummins' Gas Engine Tested. "Admiral" Eben Low has tried Out liner, no less than a half dozen Is reported ' will steam for Honolulu new motor driven machinery re- bridal couples bein gaboard, and desthe Hafor supplies before proceeding to cently placed in the1 steamer John tined for the Antipodes. " waii and completing the tow. Cummins, with the result that the test Purser Charlie Pray, Chief Steward has proved highly satisfactory to the Joe Carleton and Dr.. G. W Clark are Sought Fire on Steamer Lurline. i epresentati vc8 of , the company who given the credit of having done much to The fire department wis called Installed the engines, as well as to the I ui nuu tu mw pleasure oi inc inp LurNavigation steamer the Matson line yesterday morning, a report hav- owner of the vessel. The Cummins is wrougn acts or courtesy and their aswitli Captain ing reached headquarters that fire had todajr receiving the finishing touches sistance .In been discovered in. the hold-- A gen- preparatory to going into commission Trask in the arrangement of several eral alarm brought several companies along .the latter part of this wees. pleasing, social functions1 and dinners.' to. the waterfront but though a thor- This vessel will be employed in the ough search, of the vessel was made, transportation of material and supno blaze was discovered. The Lurline plies from Honolulu to windward Oahu ' has been taking on. sugar, and general ports. : y tomorcargo preparatory to departure row evening for San Francisco. Ascot Win Leave Coal. Several hundred tons European coal, loaded at CardifT are being discharged Deonrtures This Day. i nree inier-iaiujiBicaniers are us from the British steamship Asoot at d for departure at r o clock this even- - the railway wharf today. The Ascot the following: Tne brought 1300 Spanish immigrant to in?. They include Before' sailing from Astoria! Ore.'; TToTt tr-foiifil trfa with ro the port and following their disem- with a big shipment material for senders and mail. S The Likelike for barkation the vessel has been fumi- Pearl Harbor, Captain of TutlolT, roaster Kana!, covering gated and cleaned preparatory to sailalong ports windward . of the American achooner, W. I 111 oeau route, 1 nis me vesselt wm uikc ing for Makatea island, where a' ship- Garmes, failed to have his vessel fumicargo and mail onlv. , The steamer ment of phosphate rock will be loaded, gated, with tne result that Dr. Trotter ports. dispatch for destined for Australian Claudine Is listed for av md jammer at the quaranheld the pasr evening." taking ports Maui this tine anchorage upon arrival here yessengers, mail and general cargo." Tuesday Sailings. terday afternoon until this, important , r;'.'" Inter-Tslan- d announces the sail- formula is carried out according to The nienafrh nt Ail Tanker ing of the Kilauea for Kona and Kau regulation. The consignment of 45.000 barrels ports at noon tomorrow, taking passen- federal The schooner Is reported to have visgers, mail and cargo for all windward B(oam tanlrr Santa Maria, are being ports along Hawaii. The steamer ited Central and South American ports pumprd into the storage tanks of the Kinau is today loading for Kauai ports prior to loading cargo at the Columbia Union Oil Comnany todav and the ves- preparatory to dispatch at 5 oclock to- j river for" the Hawaiian islands. j The Garmes was riding at anchor sel is exnecled to be dispatched for morrow evening. The Mikahala Is off the port this morning with .1,183,16 aftpmoon. The Jhe coast lalo this also on the berth to sail for Maai, feet of lumber and piles destined f r Santa Maria sailed fron Port Hartford Molokai and Lanal ports at the same the new naval station. The vessel i3 on May 20. Captain Winnett reports date and hour. expected to today be and then released a fair trip, with average run" of to towed Harbor. 'Pearl weather. Many Immigrants for Maul. steamer Claudine, The Inter-IslanCollier at Port Allen. trternrise for Hilo Today. to sail for regular ports of call along British According to officers rn the steamer cargo be tons to 300 thnn With less Maui, will carry at least '150 Spanish dischargerl hre. the Matson N'sv'ga-tic- n immigrants who reached this port last Kinau, the British freighter Hornelen steamer Enterprise,, rm arrival at week . as passengers In the British is being discharged of the last of a shipment of 5000 tons Australian coal thfi port this mornine.; will be steamship Ascot The Claudine has at Port Allen. The vessel arrived 4 nt .o'clock about for Hilo ' cm rrtes been discharged of a small amount cf from' Newcastle June 1. The Kinau vessel Thf this afternoon. cirgo and is scheduled to depart for yesterday with a large genabont 3O0 tons freight in transit for the Valley Isle at 5 o'clock this even- returned cargo eral of island products, includiV ing.''. the Big Island. ing molasses, 58 sacks taro, 100 sacks rice, 171 packages sundries, 50 cases . Report. Bringirq Coal for Honolulu. Yu Suqar return Inter-Islanand 7C00 sacks sugar. The of th With the has been advised honey, The Inter-Islan- d on the boards for dispatch for is Kinau thn, follow Honolulu at Kinau ctoimer through cables that the British steam- Kauai ports at; 5 o'clock ; tomorrow: ing report of sugar awaiting shipment ship Peachy, with 5000 tons Australian evening. : reon the Garden Island has been coaV sailed from Newcastle for Hono1 1., , 1S:0; K. K. S. W ceived: K. lulu last Friday. This vessel Is ex- Big Dredge Nears Port o; V. R.. S5n; M. A. K.. r,o.4.-.pected to arrive here about Juno 2S. A large dredger which has been d - mVb 47.SS7: .K. P.. W.200; L. P 2 service in deepening Hilo and ing steamer Mikahala The Inter-Islan000; G.F., 7000. harbor, will arrive at Honolulu with a few passengers and general within the next twenty-four hours, accargo including 3820 sacks sugar, one cording Hvrides to Sail for the Coast. to advices received herd yesfreighter ion N'aviat horse, 77 packages sundries, 201 head terday. The Matson dredge The will be towed from Tirades having visited Honolulu.'. Port sheep. S3 hogs, 8 crates eggs and 10 " Allen and KahuluU Is scheduled t. sail crates chickens was an arrival from Kahuliu to Honolulu by the Inter-Islan- d steamer Helene. The tow is S.in Vranoisro on Maui. Molokai and Tnal ports on. from Hito for expected to be accomplished in about to is shipment vessel a Sunday morning. This Wednesday. taUnR full sixteen hours with the present weathporta o'clock Sve agency of at regular through sail for the sugar. snprJd er prevailing. ; evening. tomorrow Castle & Cooke.

and other merchandise for Honolulu and Is expected to be berthed at Hack-fel- d wharf late this afternoon or to'( morrow morning. The nitrates will be, discharged hefe before the vessel proceeds to Japan and China. The Kiyp Maru is carrying 9 cabin,

A delegation of Honolulu's "finest," A'ruling of Importance to concerns now using Pearl Harbor as a port of under the direction of Chief of Decall, for commercial purposes, has just tectives McDuffy, paid an early call been received by Admiral Moore from to the Oceanic liner Sonoma from Washington. It is that until provision San Francisco this morning, and in is made by congress for the applica- returning to the city, had In their tion of the pilotage fees to the pay of custody, a steerage passenger who on the regular naval pilot, no fees will the ship's papers ' was listed as H. be charged. At the present'time such Hancock. Local police officers received a funds as are collected go into the yesterday morning requestwireless general fund, and are of no direct place under arrest a ing that benefit to the local station, or Its main- man who they Is claimed tallies to the it tenance. smallest detail the description The Matson Navigation Company is forwarded from with Francisco by San probably most affected by this ruling, Chief D. A. White. Police of pilot fees for the Bennington amountThe :exact nature of the charge aling to nearly. ?100 a month. leged as filed against the Sonoma passenger has not yet been received.


e, Aubrey Robinson, William Sam Kauwi, Mra Wright, Miss A. Wright, Miss K. Ryan, Miss M. Kau-lil- i. Miss M. Keawe, M iss B. Bertle-manMiss Tv Brandt, Miss A. Mahl-koMiss E. Ellis, Miss M. Water-housMrs! E. B.. Waterhouse, Miss 1. Martin, Miss R. Kekela, Edwin Crow-el- l, Andrew E. Iona, Henry Robinson, John Fassoth, William' Akana, A. Waterhouse, ;E. Kopke, John Fassoth, - - v. Chang Sack. r r Per str. Kilauea, for. Kona and Kau ports, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mul-le- r, Miss M. Muller. Miss F. Muller, Mrs. G. E. Campbell, Miss M Campbell, Mrs. E. C. Judd, Miss E.: Farley, Mrs. A. C. Farley, Mrs. W,, H. Stone, Sr., Francis Todd; Mr. and Mrs. Robt Wallace, Willie Ahu, Robert Was s man, Fred Wassman, K. Ioane, Miss F. Kaai, Miss C. Davison, Miss E. Bertle-manMiss K. Kauhane. Miss P. Lainahalo, Miss N. Kauhane, Miss Ah Akana, Miss L. Bray, Miss L. Akoi, Miss Kalei Lono, Mi3S Emma Smith,
Wal-aleoln, a, e,
' n.

Per str. Kinau, for Kauai ports, June 10. Francis Gay, Mrs. M. Welc-ke- r,

Kcch, Mr. and Mrs. llavilau and Infant, Miss E. M. Lewis, G. Linquist, T.' E. MacFarlane, Mrs. MacFarlane, Fred Mellor', Mrs. J. Nemrava, Miss L. NemravaL. Rigby, Jno. A. Skene, L. , M. WUliams., C. G. S. Tungate, Westhceffer. Per. str. Kinau. from '.Kauai ports, June 8. Miss Rose Alanso, MI3S Mary Alanso, Mr. Dardey, Mr3, Taka-oka- , Mis3 Takaoka. Master Takaoka, R. P. Moler. O. Robinson, Mrs. Lar-se- n Mrs. Kinosta, Mr. Kinosta, Sing Quon, Fong Lin. Dai Lung, Hong Sing. W. Balk, W. K. On, Yuen Sen, Miss H. Kaleiohl, E. D, Painter, Mrs. Mahi-koMrs. Akana, Y. Oba, D. B. Murdoch, Mrs. Dean, C. S. Dole, A. Nlshlmura, Mrs. J. H. Moras-ne- . Miss Moragne, Mrs. Hansen. Mra. Mabury, W. A.' Richalt, L. A. Dolan, Mrs. Kula, Mrs. J. Peters, L. W. Branch, L. R. Krumn, A. Robinson, J. Fassoth, E. E. Mahlum, Jose Comets, Mrs. It Isenberg, t J. A. KenG. P. j Wilnedy, F, C. Richardson, "

. HAWAIIAN STAR, estiblkic 3 1S33. EVENING BULLETIN, establUhed 18J2. Iwued Dully anl Sml-Wek- ly : HONOLULU

tnd tht






Commerdd Printers, 'E::kb!nd:rs,





. . .General Bcaicesa Manager

FLAT RATE. DISP.L4T ADVERTISING OVER 2X9 n:cnr3. (Preferred Posltkm 20) 20c PER INCH LEGAL AtlD TRANSIENT RATE. (1 Hrst Iwertloa CLASSIFIED, One Cent per word 39 nts per lla per week.





. 1CSJ ALAKEA STRSTT Editorial Rooms 21SJ; Cxs!aess C.ce . MERCHANT STRE2T i



DAILY Per Month, anywhere In Unites States


Per str. Mikahala, from Maul and Molokai ports, June 8. Geo. Free-lanE. Rodman, Mrs. Kawamura, Mr.' Kawamura, 'Mrs. L. B. Wood, Master J. Wood, Master W. Wood, Dr. McCoy, Father Thomas, Geo. H. Dunn; H. Howell, Geo. P. Cook.



Per: Year, postpaid, foreign,


PerQuarter, anywhere tn United States Per Tear, anywhere in United States,.


.. ..



......... f. ..


Per. Year, anywhere la United States.l Per Year,, anywhere la Canada Per. Year, postpaid, foreign Address all Conninlcatlans U Hocclcla

Per Six Mpnths

....... .............







sea-goin- g


Robert C, Eckart, Thomas ,.G. Ec; Y. kart, Sugiyama. ." Per, str. Kinau, for, Kauai ports, Hughes. Miss June, 17. Mrs. E. E. .Smith, Mrs. F. A. Kopp. Per str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau ports, June ,20.-rJ. Paris. Alex. Paris, E.' Gay, "A. W- - Searle, Mr. and

Baldwin, June. 12 J. P. Cooke, S. A. : ft. Catton, W. M. GlfTord, K. Trioa John Waterhouse, C. H. Cookoi H. ' A. T T Baldwin, W. L. Hopper. Per str. Claudine, for Maui ports, June 13. Mrs. S. G. Kraus, Miss D. Kraus, Miss B. Kraus, Mrs. L. Paulo, Miss C. Emmesley. Per str. Claudine, for Maul ports, June 16. Mrs. M. .Taylor, Miss M. Deas, Joe Meinecke, Miss R. Hala, Miss M. Haia, D. Wadswqrth,. A. Wadsworth.5 Miss E AMeinecke, Miss ' G . Meinecke, .Miss C . E . Church. .Per str. Mauna Kea, for Hilo .via way ports, June 17. Mrs. Jeremias, Mrs. C. F. Eckart, Charles G. Eck-ar- t,

Father Girard- Per str. W. G. Hall, for Kauai ports,





Curts, Misses (2) Alder-man- n, Master Aldermann, M. Verdas-corMM Renton,( Miss Ei Renton, Willie Luis, Herman Luis, 4Charles Luis, Miss Er Aungat.Wallace Auhgst, Miss D. Austin, Miss.,M. Austin.' . Per str. Claudine; 'for Maui ; ports, June 20. Miss K. Alana, Miss M.1 K. Cook,' Donald Brown Gordon Brown, ; Miss M. D. Aiken, Miss V. Maule, ' ' ''

J. P,

Per str. Kinau, 'for Kauai ports, June 24. Master S. Deverill, Miss A. Deverfll,' Harry Ton Holt and party,

McGowan. ;';''.




and Mrs. H. D. Wishard, Blanche Wishard, Leslie Wishard, J. IL K. Kaiwi, Master Kalwi, Mr. and Mrs. Kalei Montgomery, Miss S. llano.




ports, July 1. Miss M. Christian, Miss H. Schimmelfennlng, Miss R. Shaw, Miss S. G. Simpson, Miss M,' Armstrong. Miss A. Oleson. Miss Esther Kalwi, ' Miss Cecilia Kapule. Per str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau ports, July 1. Mrs. K. R. G. Wallace, Miss R. Wallace, Masters K. and. R.

Y .;


Per str. Kinaui

for Kauai


Kau Per str. Kilauea, for Kona and Nux, la de ports, July 11. Miss E. Mrs. W. K. Stewart

Per 'O. S. S. Sonoma - from San Francisco, "June' 9 Miss A. Bannister, Mr. Bathman, Mr. Bathman, F. L. Baer, Mrs. Baer and two children, C. L. Beach, Mrs. Beach, W. Bennett, N. C. BrownelU Mrs. Brwnell, Miss Brownell, Walter Bock, Mrs. C. C. Mrs. A. Byram, Miss Buchanan, Eleanor Byram, Miss Frances Byram, Miss Brewer, Miss Lucy Brewer, Mrs. Baker, J. F. Cameron. Mrs, Cemeron, George Ciarkspn, Mrs. Clarkson, Mr. Dufregger, D. Ed wick, Mrs. C. L. Fordr Dr. L. Geiger. Miss S. R. Heath, Miss Hiney, T. J. Hogan, G. S. Kelly, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Pauline Jacobs, Miss A. C. Jensen, Miss Edith Levy, Miss R. I. Lillie, p. W, Mansfield, Miss L. Marsden, Mrs, F. R. Musser, M iss Viola ; M utch, D.,E. M etzger, Miss Mann, Miss Nugent, A. Mann, Miss Dorothy Nathan, .Miss Irene Nathan.r C. E. Phillips, Mrs. Phillips and child,. Miss Louise .'Powell, Miss r. N. Porter, Mrs. Putnam and maid, Mrs1. D. M. Diordan, Mrs. Otto Wix, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, C. W. Walton, Mrs. Walton, Mr. White, Mrs. White and son, ,B. Stanhope, Mrs. Stanhope, Dr. Zieschrink Ahd . .40 , second class , cabin. ilhelmlna from Per M. N.'; s; S. San Francisco, t o arrive June 10: Louis C. Brenham, Chas. J. Brenham, Mrs, Emma L. Klock, Dr.. and Mra. W, Shepard. Mrsk, Gus. Behrens and son, E. C. Waterhouse. C, A. Peacock, Miss K. Duffy, J. Johnstop. E. F. Dein-erMr. and Mrs. II. Lemke, Miss Etta Mount, Mrs, Arthur L. Soule and son, Mrs. E. O. ,Thurtell, Miss. Elsie MacGregor, Mrs. F. Nathan, Miss E. Levy, Miss D, Nathan, Mrs. L. Smith, Miss O. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. White, Wm. Hellbron, A, W. Eames, Miss E. A. Eames, J. L. Dinkelspiel, J; B. Hackett, M. Wolf, Miss M. Center, Mrs. Fielden Klnley, Mrs. R. J, Buckley, Miss C. G. McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Miss Gladys Moore, Miss Emma, Grimaud, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Miss E. Cooper, Mrs. G. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Porter, S. S. Patten, Mrs. Wickham Havens, son and nurse, Miss C. M. Anderson, . Mrs. M. Welck-er- , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. P. Robinson.




i, .


director of the Bishop Museum, will give the first of the Thursday night lecture series at the Young Men's Christian Association on the evening of June 12,' beginning at eight o'clock,



4 IJ

t Dy Latest MallJ PARIS Mrs.-- . A. E. Laboucnoc, wealthy daughter of Mrs. Whitney Hoff of .Detroiti causRd a t!;iU?r recently i by , limieing the "age of the women whom she Invites to her social in Cooke Hall. His topic will be "My gatherings to about forty. Gir!s anj . . Travels ?in Java." .' Doctor Brlghanr has made two trips Der reception3; whJca aro bth!y popu. 8,c,ienU"c ; lar.wlth. her male guests. On the co.v SS?SJ" uiauuj muocuui cuiu Dtuuj xug tvr lections In other museums. ' The fust of his tours' was made years before there was a steamer oa the Pa; cific, the second taking place last year. ' Thursday evening he will tell especially o fhis experiences in Java, the Island of thirty active volcanoes. The lecture next week, the second of
. ;

Dr. W. T. Brigham, for many years



mothers, by that erudite acaderr.iciaa, Emilo Faguet. has caused mirth here. Faguet says although the word grana-mothusually ' is synonymous with women, in. "Chicago wemea aro old granamotuers at tnirty-two- . bomeumes "They complain," he writes,' they aro respected to excess., they the, series, will be delivered by caressed an adored ani all thin to Thomas A." Jeager, Jr., who for' the 1118 tune of: 'Grandraotter ho-.- ara past year has been in charge of the yu? Are you well r",. ---0 ' ' 11 mtfcr.hnnlnsrv Rtatlnn at WIIt noa tor Jaeger will speak upon the pro- -' A man may be meteoric, and yet tection of lives during great earth not be able to comet over all people, quakes. t There are somethings for which a These lectures are open to all mem - . man ought to be shot. oers of the men's department of the ' A kiss in the dark is sometimes cf association as well as the olred boy.s. the best flavor. A committee composed of W. F.. chairman; W. A. Love and r rr-- n r Charles R. Frazier, is. in charga of the arrangements, and the series should be interesting from the fact that It is the first to be held by the! '' t association since its removal to the ' new quarters.
aro-fondle4 y --


r thf trary, an article



grand- -



Far-ringto- n,



Sonoma, from San Mrs. G. Francisco For Honolulu: Mrs. Baker, E. E. Black, Mrs. Black, Bun-zell, C. C. Buchanan, Miss Juanita Mrs. Cowes, P. L. Coke; Dr. J. F. Cowes, Master Carroll Cowes, Miss Marguerite Cowes V. H. Hampton,


O. S. S.






Mrs. A. T. HenderMrs; S. son, E: H. Hippie, rf. B. Hickey, Miss Pauline Jacobs, Mrs. M. Johnson, Miss Catherine Johnson, Mis3 Edith Levy, E.' I. Lillie, J. J. Miehlstein, and two children, Mrs. Miehlstein Miss Viola Mutch, Miehlstein, Mrs. Miss Irene Miss Dorothy Nathan, Nathan, W. Neland, A. Palmer,. Miss Louise Powell. Mrs. Putnam and, maid, Mrs; Tilmey, Mrs. D. M. Rior-danMiss Elizabeth T. Ryan. Miss A. Seaman, Mrs. Anna Thorpe. Mrs. Otto Wix, Miss Nellie Young. Through: J. I. Ballinger, Miss .A. Bannister, P. L. Baer, Mrs. Baer and two children, E. C. Brownell. Mrs. Brownell. Miss Ella Brownell, Walter Bock, Miss Lucy Brewer, Percy O. Brewer, Mrs, A. Byram, Miss Eleanor Byram, Miss Frances Byram, J. F. Cameron. Mrs. Cameron. Jas. Cosby, Mrs, Cosby, Miss Lillian Duffy, Franz P. Dufregger. E. Dunne, Miss D. Dr. L. Geiger, Miss Heney, T. J. Hogan, G. S. Kelly, Mrs. Kelly, A. Mann, Mrs. 'Flora Mann," Miss Eva Mann, Miss Lucie Marsden, Miss Nora Nugent, Miss Dorothy Morris, Mrs. F. R. Musser, G. K Phillips, Mrs

Phone '4221. While the passion for bead- embroid eries continues there is some tame- -' ness In the exquisite silk embroiderieL', which are so much lighter, and more, attractive, but a chance for these is about to, reappear, and the favorita, Fort and Queen, Opn-IlacUfelJ it --.: ' colors are to be pale jtones of . bluer Co. . .;.':pink, mauve, saffron, with always an . admixture of blaak. whfrh effect I SALES FOR THE WEEIv. to 'the rest For Instance, a cream colored satin tunic is embroidered hi spring tints' of palest crocus mauve, The steamer Likelike is to be sub- soft laburnum yellow ; and,, WEDNESDAY, 10 A. MV the yivid stituted for the Noeau on the wind- green of the tulip leaf. Between each Palms, Ferns, Plan ta. Furniture, ward Kauai run. Departing for the motif is a leaf shape embroidered in Glassware, Pianos, Angel3 Garden Island at five o'clock this black and white. The effect cf this ' , Records. evening. , brighter the with tones Is excellent. The Inter-Islansteamer W. G. Hall FRIDAY, 10 A. M. has been discharged of five thousand you can learn Remember, that sugar, brought from Kadai sacks of Furniture, Etc. the printer's devil. ports, and will be dispatched on a something from. many people with tho' i There are return trip to the Garden Island at same SATURDAY, 12 NOON. name, we and don't know them I ; five o'clock this "evening. ! all. Land. You're lucky that you're living, and No man knows what he really owns that's the best of the whole thing. V6r particulars, apply at rooms. London taxpayers devoted $430,000 until he tries to move. ' If you could see all the wigglers in to feeding '33,000 poor school children Prompt, re- Courteous treatment. plain water, perhaps you wouldn't during 1912. from, turns sales. good, hard j What a relief there is fn drink so much of it. i The rich man's pocketbook may be work!' You mustn't expect a chimney I buy anything from a. piece of land always empty when the profligate sweep to be able to paint a sunset. to a needle. tries to use it.
. . d

AccilosBcr:: J



Greatest Bargains ever offered. On or after July 7th we will be in "Model Building," Fort St., opposite Convent






Phillips and infant, Paul Stanhope, Mrs. Stanhope. Mr. Fenwick, Mrs. A. Leigh, Hugo Zieschank, Mrs. O, Andrews, C. M.' Beard, C. D. Billings, Horace Brown, W. B, Bryan, C. B. Crabtree, Daniel I. Doran, Max Duf-feE. J Etiaue. Mrs. Louice Freck- nall. C. M. Greder, Mrs. Greder, Miss J. Holmes, Miss 3. Holmes, Emil i Hurlsmann, Mrs. Ilursmann and in-- j fant, Walter Irvin, Nicholas Joy, Fred Brltt, J. P. Kelk. R. B. Kidd, H, L.

Fort Street below Convent "


iociation are practically one ' In rethe gard to labor matters, because A planters being the only v large .emlabor pracployers of agricultural tically dominate the situation. For without foundation in fact. "I ant placing this before you be- this reason the proposition that concause I 'feel that it is a serious mat- fronts us is whether we are warrantter thai calls for prompt and vigor-pu- s ed In admitting these people, and enactioiw I think that if my report couraging their importation in their been pub- Impecunious condition." I know full tf January 23, 1911, had my desire well that it is stated they are brought lished in accordance with attention would have been so strong- here to Americanize the Islands, but ly directed to the situation that the I can see no honest effort to meet conditions would have been remedied their demands, and the strength of or at least abated to a considerable the planters is being exerted to bring; Each of the three Filipinos held for , .. , (Continued, from page one) in the Filipinos. Their accelerated the murder of the Chinese couple at extent long before this time. ' iiivport aliens make Jt evident' that. in the Kahauiki grocery 1s taking thei DANL. J. KEEFE. resurrected. i was It was ordered v Commissioner General. the iiext two years there .will be more witness stand in his own defense, as 1 ; printed, and it is this printed docuU4 hi ment, copies of which have reached n Inspector Halsey's letter is as fol- - Filipinos than Chinese in the Hawai- forecast in the last Satian islands. When a larse importa- urday. Celestino, the fourth member Hawaii, that contains the letters Honolulu, Hawaii, April 3, 1913. tion was coming off one of the steam- of the gang, who pleaded guilty to the above referred to. Original Report ow Here "Commissioner General of Immigra- ers. I remarked tb the-- suierintendent charge of murder In the second deof the labor bureau, "You seem to gree last week, completed his testi-The detailed report made by Keefe tion. Washington, D. C: I has already been given much publicity "In accordance with bureau letter of be getting a large bunch of these fel- - monv this mornlne. as did Domineo M 'I in Hawaii, and in its printed form it May 24, 1910, I have the honor to re- lows," and he turned to me with the Rodrlgues. while Hildo BaubisU's senport that there i? an active demand reply, "They are our only salvation. 8tory was told in part, the court adcarries no additions to the rather by and Keefe charges made sational labor along all lines r skilled labor it is certainly a fact that without journing at 12:30 o'clock until 8:30 for fi&Aunofficially published two years ago. is finding ready employment. The them the plantations that have paid tomorrow morning, In fact, the printed document does not situation with regard to agricultural from 30 to J0 per. cent on their ori?- The stories of each, as told thus appear to carry all of the criticisms laborers is becoming acute. e inal Investment will not be able to far have been substantially as Associatipn is to do so. "'Most of those ed to the authorities, and seem to of labor conditions here that Keefe .then voiced. The deelaration that the putting forth extreme efforts to meet which da not pay large dividends were confirm the police theory of Domingo i sugar planters are insincere in their the shortage which tHey are now con- overcapitalized at the start, or els?, ' Rodrlgues leadership in the gruesome cwing to the prospects of large; pro--, affair. efforts to Americanize the islands is fronting. purported with together g published, As expected, each is telling a steamship Willesdcn arrived fits went so deeply in debt, endcav-- J on homesteading, onThe I facts and figures to raise sugar in places where ferent story, Insofar as his own, share 1,338 Portuguese SO with March and wage conditions, and Spanish aliens on board. They an apology is due to Providence for jn the crime is concerned. But Cries-havin- g J immigration ; practically all of which were made are now in territorial quarantine, and, made the attempt, that they tlno and Hildo agree that Domingo have been public in mi. unable to pay dividends. led and did most of the actual stab- women large owing number to the of The last Daees of the document con and children, I am of the opinion that "We nmy take it, as far as any fu- - blng. .tain th new matter. In transmitting net over , Celestino does not lay claim to of these will be ture effort can be foreseen, that the and Portuguese brought in tire innnocence, but bases his actions the original report to the, secretary of able to wiri in the fields. here will find their way to the mala-- - as done In pelf defense. H admitted labor, Commissioner Keere wroie iue "The Hawaiian Sugar Planters' As land as soon as following letter: they are able to do he had stabbed Lui Ah Ken. . the . . of March, so, by the exercise lnnnrtment of Iaoor. uurtau ui 18, sociation, --during the month 71 of economy and Chmariian, once,, But he says that was In'-ToiVaa-'women privation imported 392 Filipino men, mieration. Washington,, April '; means, to go after the man was probably dead, and to obtain the making ehHdreri, a 57 of total and 1913. ; : I Domingo only , there. so because did he that T20. In the last 15 months they have ; THp iaerretarv: "I feel a certain loneliness In set-given the order with a warning very interestimiwrted 3,902 men, 651 women, and ting forth these facts and consldera- - had a is "Attached hereto that if he did not stab, aa the others ing report from Richard L. Halsey, 419 ch ildrcn, making the total of ,you, and I know that I had done,' "something would happen tions before The men are paid $18 a month, will,- be without local countenance; to him." He told, at another time, immigrant inspector in charge of the exceedingly irregular 'in their and any person, in wun and aeajs are Hawaiian Inlands, wtlcn this community, of the plot arranged some three many tramping about the coun who criticizes the sugar In work, territory. in that labor' conditions interests will weeks before the robbery, asserting almost every .detail this report con try, and being undesirable accessions meet with strong, opposition if he; the original suggestion and plans for to the community. On the large isl tells "the, truth, firms statements made in the. .report nevertheless there vis 'its consummation had come from Do-n- o Na-gSecretary and of Ifawaii the jail is overcrowded to which I submitted reason why. I should suppress It, j mingo. He admitted to rifling the of Commerce and Labor in Janu- with Filipinos who have been arrest and I trust tha.t you will receive these cash drawer; He said this 4.20 was ary, 1911. Mr. Halsey's report shows ed for- criminal offenses. remarks as set forth with deliberation ' the only cash the gang obtained for Men who have 3 "The situation in regard to Spanish end in the spirit of honest impartial fhMr dnnhlo murder- There was a that thev conditions which then preclothe znzdz had vailed on the plantations and in the and Portuguese aliens who have been safe In the rear room, where Lum Lin, i . . . . Apparently imported has become exceedingly Filisugar mills stilly exist. - cot-wearin"RICHARD L. HALSEY, the woman, was slain, but the arc to order advanced and grave. In the year 1911 departures been wages not have open to "Inspector In Charge." pinos were unable ; it .. . plantation stores are still being from Honolulu fpr the coast show 414 Donflngo took the witness stand The third letter i the new of this series ; . cnerated separately and for profit Spanish and Portuguese; in the year is from Consul Arana, who wrote to with an air of bravado, and unlike Ce- 1 MRS. OTTO W. ROS of. Hilo has merely, resulting in a continuance of 1912 these departures were doubled, President Swanzv nf th.. lestino and Hildo. told his story ana arrived in Honolulu, where she in- I the high cost of living.' being $41; in the three months of era' ' giving his Impres- - replied to all queries In English, with tends making her home for the, next important features this year the departures were 627, sions Association two are "There of the la- -' only an occasional word of assistance conditions Spanish of two years. She is to be Joined here by iu connection with the present labor the departures for March being 340. borers here.. Consul Arana's letter; by the court interpreter. He talked her husband the latter part of ' this i and on the conditions immigration steam of departures recent The the states that one of the principal causes very boldly and freely of the murQer; ' ; month. . ers have , not had steerage accommo- of complaint among the Spanish 1m- - admitting he had a hand in it, Islands: Because R. VON S. DOMKOWICZ, after - M(l importation of Filipino dation sufficient for "those desiring to migrants herp !s the high cost of liv- -' asserting that Hildo had struck the The leaving he Queen's hospital last week, ' laborers unHer the direction of the leave for the toast. I anticipate that ingfc of which, he declares, they, are first blow, stabbing Lui Ah Ken in are made betwhere he has been for tav period of sugar planters association. In my the departures for this month will be not advised before being brought here the side with a dagger. At the same eight weeks suffering from a broken j report of January 25, 1911, I dwelt large, and that the month of ; May will by the territory. , To two had their consequent time, he declared, the otherthey leg,, had to return o .'that, institution, up slew : length present anythin? room, where to' undesirable exceed on the rear the to the some run dissatisfaction lays here .at he much of as further 'complications have setin. 'character yy'y ''being ' time. woman; Filipinos then r the of the the present to " movement on the v :Paj ' More than one hundred members of L. WILBUR MESSER, general sec- i Imported and their unfitness to per "The superintendent of the labor cific coast. .Consul, de Arana says that 11 Hildo's testimony Is to the effect that the Hawaii Chapter. No. 1M Order of retary Because of the Chicago Young Men's form the manual labor required on bureau of the Hawaiian Planters' As- life should be made cheaper for - the he met the gang on its 'way to the Kamehameha, gathered in the Kawaia-ho- a Christian Association, has been Invitsociation is in San Francisco endeav- European laborers or : their ; wages grocery was compelled to Join them, Church yesterday morning to at ed, by the local association to spend: a my memorandum of the oring to secure laborers. Strenuous made more proportional to the cost of , did: not realize their Intention, and have more in I stated tend special services In memory of weelc In Honolulu during the course 5th Instant, I withdrew the portion but unavailing efforts ate. being made living. He also complains, of rough planned they had what know not did style. those brothers who have passed to the of a world four which he is now plan of my report dealing with this class to dissuade the Spanish and Portu- treatment. by plantation lunas. er until .after the crime had been .com great beyond. The ermon Df.the oc- ning... . ; ..... . i . : ; people upon the assurance of the guese from Icavingr'the territory. It point the is consul He stated that Domingo, makes of mitted. that casion waa delivered by Rev. Akaiko is alleged that they. are 'being secret- A 'Short rest -- In th 'field at S o'clock wait MAX DUFFEK,, a German, who is three companioos-to his en route around the world "in a mil- that, after a conference writh ' Presi- ly recruiied by agents from i the coast, should be; allowed the laborers that outside the grocery store, vent in Because Ihose vho have gone before and 'spoke lion different waj-s"-, is a passenger'on dent Taft and Secretary of War Dick- but neither myself, nor. the Spanish they may take some food. Consul de alone. A moment later. Hildo heard the. Sonoma, en route for Sidney. Duf-fe- x inson, he was in position to say that consul are of this opinion. The plant-ter- Arana takes, occasion to praise Man - a scream inside.' He and hisj friends fit hct'tcr. .xation which is fraternal in every re- thereafassociatioi refuses to pay more ager George F. Renton of Ewa plan - i then rushed in, finding the proprietor reached San Francisco about four few. If any, Filipinos would ' ' ': ' epect '. lrrM years. ago but bar been' confined In a ter be permitted to leave the Philip- than the rate Of $26 per month to the tation for his progressive and - kind dead on the floor in the front rpom Kamehameha Day wlll.be fitting'y hospital there for a major part of the pines for Hawaii, and that such as Spanish and Portuguese, men.": Japan- treatment and Domingo emerging from the rear celebrated by the members of the or- time, thus delaying 'hi trip consider- would be permitted to do so would be ese laborers working' under the . conroom Because der, who will, meet' ajt the office of ably, r-j of the highest type. Inspector Hal- tract system clear about $1 a day. GRAND AND TRIAL ' Carlos A. Long, Ivaplolanl building, however, The Portuguese and Spanish are exNd man wants to get so wise that DELBERT E. METZGER, '''condi sey's report would Indicate, " above-menbaby.l Wednesday morning and march In a tional candidate" ceedingly are guaranteed illiterate, and seem mnable JURIES ARE DRAWN he can't learn from the governor, nearly j that notwithstanding the - to take advantage of thi3 system. Fillbody to the Judiciary building, where had all of his for 5,000 nearly assurance, s, political ambitions tioned clothes. Correapondeuc-- 1 ' the ceremony of decorating the Btalute. wrecked in an auto accident the day piUUg Uiive uwu lmyui icu uuuug iuo "The Spanish consul, in a letter, a ,. f Special of Kamehameha I will take place.' after he arrived In Washington, ac- last 15 months. His report also shows copy of which is herewith, inclosed, WAILUKU, Maui, June 7. On June June 11, Kamehameha Day, has been cording to news received b : local that within three years 10,000 Fili- has set forth his own views In regard 2 the following grand jury w?as drawn set. aside as a legal holiday through Democrats today. :Mezger, according pinos have been imported into Ha- to the situation, and I am satisfied for the Lahaina term: Because out the territory- - The statue of the to report, was taking an auto ride waii by the sugar planters. No doubt from personal investigation that they George W. Wilbur, Joe Mcrris, F.-"of this number have, come are a fair statement and summary of Baldwin, J. V,'. Searle, G. A. Hansen, founder of the Kamehameha dynasty around the capital with L. S. Conness, four-fifth- s patterns arc CLEARANCE SALE. The planters have J. K. Bedel, Louis Henning, Henry w ill be decorated with flowers and leis a former Hawaii newspaperman, .when since my report of January, 1911, was the situation. i : newer. and a number of speeches made, both the machine ran into a truck. The prepared. Mr. Halsey also confirms brought in, within three years, about Long, V. C. Schoenberg, D. T. Carey, Reduction Sale. BarExceptional 10,000 Filipinos, report desand? making are about lodge in I said that what have andother party had a narrow escape, it' is said. by members of the J. E. Gannon, H. P. Judd, V. A. Lloyd, gains in Bicycles, Tires and Sup; Filipinos being generally undesirable, perate efforts to keep down the wage J. F. MacKenzie, P. F. Peck. H. P. officials. ; H. Yoshlriaga, 1218 Emmk St. plies. : - .. v their inclination to be both lazy and rate of all employes. " , 5432-l- y Some people dodge the grub-wor- k M. Apo, J. Robinson Sr., W. B. Hale; Because "The high cost of liviag on the mano, chiftless, and that many of them beIu. with the W. Garcia, There never was . a place yet that and then want to ride around Cummingsr J. J. ' plantations a discouraging penal is institutions. come of inmates element triumphant chap. some maa couldn't fill. LOST. Server, G. S. Ramon, D. K. K. . The prices are less It should not be forgotten, moreover, for European laborers. The planta. B.86S3, Feb. dated that there is nothing to prevent these tion stores are controlled by the plan Warrant Dividend triarjurors are as follows., than one half very undesirable Asiatics from com tation ag.ents, who, for the most part, .The 15, 1913, drawn by Waialua AgriD. Ku'pihea, ccigbt, IL George N. D. you pay for so-cal- led ing to the mainland whenever they are the large wholesale firms in Ho cultural Co., Ltd., on Tho Bank of Medeiros, F. Joaquin Tores, Sloggett, orthe! nolulu, from whom the stores' must manage to save the cost of transporHawaii, Limited, payable to made - to measure buy. Reasonable prices will not ob- j.'C Munroe, W. I. Wells, IL B. Weick, Bigclow, for $10. George L. of tation. der Weinz-heimeC. E: S. Burns,; W. Kuhlman, L. ' kind. Payment of said warrant has been "(2)) The bringing in of laborers tain while this systenris carried cm. H. M. Wells, C E. Myers, 5563-lIf the stores were supplied by . some stopped. from the Spanish peninsula under the W. L. Barrus, F. M. Correia, auspices of the terrltoflal govern- central purchasing agency, and distri McPhee, C.' J. Schcening, A. B. Wejler, H. bution manner the madel after of the WAGON REPAIRER ment. . The. greatest difficulty has alA. Gross, Charles. Copp, Cnarles 4 ways been experienced ( as pointed United States army stores, the bur B. B. Henderson, George It. Wagon, carriage repairing; horseSavage, den of prices the excessive could be my Spanreport) in inducing out in shoeing; blacksmlthing, repairing fn off the people. The high or- Lindsay, E. J. Kellett an4 P. Espinaa. ish and Portuguese aliens to remain taken general. K. Masuda, Beretania, nh ganization planters' of the association on the Islands. As a rule they stay 5568?ly. ' Lane. would permit Aala system of a such being only long enough to earn sufficient BUSY WEEK AHEAD money to pay their transportation to carried out, but there is not the OF HAWAIIAN BAND CLOTHES CLEANING. likelihood of any effort bethe Pacific coast, where they arrive slightest ing In made this direction. In sDite practically penniless, and where their The first of a series of concernts S. Hokamura, clothes cleaned and presence has a tendency to disturb of any representations which may be planned pressed; call and deliver; Liliha nr. by Captain Berger for the to the contrary, the store man5568-ly- . labor conditions. Such aliens can not made mornKing. agers are expected to make a orofit Hawaiian Band took place this j be excluded at mainland ports after in the local store. The Spanish and ing at the territorial emmigration being admitted to Hawaii. As pointANNOUNCEMENT. Portuguese aliens seem to be,as poor- station when the members of the ored out in my report, very few if any, ly nearly hour an played ganization for advised about the probable cost of of them would be admitted to the living Attention horsemen! army officers! in the islands as were the Rus- - to the great enjoyment of the recently j United States if they came directly plantation managers! Am leaving immigrants from Spain. This Rebuilt RemingUns to mainland . ports from their native sion importations by the territorial arrived for the coast for horses the 10th, busy a the week terri for to be is ., Doard. rewill 'countries. The letter of the Spanish and any orders given me "The Spanish and Portuguese who tory's musical fraternity, as the consul at Honolulu, a copy of which ceive my best personal efforts to now 'o. IONICS and up. launched them has arrive here, for the most part, have 112 Vineaddress, is attached to Inspector Halsey's please. Honolulu three-dprogram. upon band a The no money. The territorial board of AULEI0HS s is interesting and worthy of yard, Phone No. 1541. J. G. Weindeparture of the Sonoma played the at on immigration, Hotel Street a under passresolution D355 54th ugoht. for it shows some of berg, Seattle address th ed by their board, of which you are for the Colonies at two o'clock this . 5567-3treasons the and for discontent Ave., South. jthe : dissatisfaction that lead these aliens aware, stands ready to meet deporta- afternoon. tomorrow, steamers and leave Three to seek to better the condition on the tion expenses for such as may be the band will be present WATCHMAKER. each demainland, viz, low wages and high found necessary in cases of public parture. The Manchuria at will leave Lum Deep, watchmaker; jewelry reor other legal causes for detcost of living and bad. treatment on charge, morning, in for Francisco San the portation. l ; From figures the thosp pairing; King SL, nr. Bethel. given in rharpp nf thp thf nart of Shinyo ' durMaru the for the Orient with regard 5566-lto the departures of plantations. MAY & COn LTD. IIEKr ing .afternoon, the Lurline and the sspanisn and Portuguese, and a pe' "In the opening paragraphs of In' Phone 1271 spector Halsey's letter he speaks of rusal of the contents of. the letter of for the Coast at six o'clock. On Wed nesday play throughout will the band Spanish consul, I think you will the active demand for labor along all the the day in connection with the A. A. lines, skilled and unskilled. There agree with me that the movement of U. aquatic meet. ''..is one feature in connection with this these aliens to San Francisco will be oue of increasing size. The people j which he overlooks, namely, that one NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. one of above result of importing Filipinos is that live, as they say, subjecting themselves to great privations to Japanese leaving secure are the plantations ': .HISS POWER Sealed proposals will be received at and mills amd going to Honolulu and enough to pay their passages to the coast, DChairClock Wishard, arriving H. Boston of largely office the there without the island towns, where they enter means, becoming Commission, Fund man, Loan Kauai in frequent cases, a the building trades.. As stated in my Li hue. Kauai, until 12 o'clock noon, report, the wage paid to Japanese in burden on 'the state, and in the desperation July of their situation take em2nd. 1913, and then opened, for Monday, June 9. the building trades is only about 40 y ployment rein- Phone at of a construction the which rates Treatments at Your Res. per cent of that paid white skilled tend to disTemperature 6 a. m., 69; 8 a. m v county turb of building on conditions the for forced I 10 coast. the 12 72; noon, 75. Mini have labor. a. m., 72; 'Limited :. ; ; Kauai. Plans and specifications and MME GIRARD AND DR. BIRCH "In the first paragraph of the last frequent requests from San Francisco mum last night, 69.. proposal may be obtained Surgeon Chiropodists Wind-- 6 a. m.. velocity 3. N. r 8 a J fc:rm of page of Mr. Halsey's report he reaf- for. verification of landing in rasp; firms, in a rather unique way, what I that are brought to their attention as m., velocity 4, N. E. ; 10 a. m., veloc- - f"om Ripley & Davis, architects, Ho-a. m. ro 4:30 p. m. having become public charges ity 6, E. ; 12 noon, velocity 5, E. roiu:u. a deposit or ten dollars win Office Hours: stated about the profits of the I a. m. to ll:vn,-- . m. aunday: v. rpnnfrpd . parh spf anrt .o fnr nf nlani , i wish the bureau to -Tel. 1261 177 S. King St. business on the Hawaiian isljiu triiicui ia.s t oi uvuip, ooi uuicj.. I ' Opp. Hawaiian: Hotel Barometer at S a. m . 30. or. Rela- - specificatfona. and a certified check Alakea St. ands. It is common knowledge that d are oi tne situation. I think that anyone per of an cent with five amount to Dew-ioiimpartial ual the many of the plantations 8 pay very mind will 'tive humiditv. a. m.. 82. - fll YES YOU T lame dividends on their stork. TIip i.oar me out in the statement that the 'at S a. ni.. tin. Absolute humidity. S 'f he bid must accompany the same. TODAY'S XEVYS --TODAY contention that they can not afford to tcrritorial ,,oard and the planters' as- - a. m., C.U7C. Rainfall, .07.






MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1913.

pay Letter wages and improve working conditions so as to attract and hold a desirable and permanent laboring population I firmly believe is




It E





iv'n, ir







one-thir- d




4,-97- 5.






.ir a



"Alfred Benjamin Clothe j



They ter.














Star-Bullet- m










Mar-tinse- n,


Satisfaction Aloha Tiger Waikiki




re-Ipo- rt,







the wi th a guarantee


brands from



Seasonable Millinery

Lewers & Gooke,

Satisfaction Hardware






--"- --









9, 1913,


tar-lii- Hf

day cn a business trip. .''-.DR. J. F. ASl 11US. COWK3 were among the passeagers to arrive this morning in the Oceanic liner Sonoma. MONDAY .TUNE 9. VM'.l ARE THE JAPANESE MONGOLIAN ? MISS ViOLCT MUTCl I was a passenger la the Oceanic (Continued from page one) The: xugar prodnrers in appealing from cer-lat- a finer Sonoma from the coast this non-Mo- n essentially are a That Japanese the morning. ruin have met little, since Hug came io work was organized and financed enan absence tirely 'rolian race is the ''declaration boldlv iiiadi bv a MRS. OTTO WIX after by a refining interest in New Washington, hut indifference. Theg would like from the islands of several months. York. They filled the country with , today as a passenger hi thei misleading io hare gone at once befoiv congress, but I he .se- writer in the June numlxT of the North Ameri returned Svatrments and held out Scn,n:a. liner ' extravagant promises cf the result-st;Aenient bv Iieview. not supports his lie 'can nate has Men fit, t ha far. to deny them open heaJ. L. P. Robinson of Honolulu Is that wculd fouow from free sugar. ethnological asoning by history but the n registered of Jap at the lIotf l Rellevue. Sau Tim is the rerrl creation of the ring. Thus theg wen- dismissed to print, ax the Francisco. He is accompanied by 'appearance of a pressure of best medium of. reach ing the public. Hecords anese civilization." The writer, William Eliot Mrs. Robinson. opinion." public ROHKRT D. MOLKU, head luna of show that the people who most loudly xupport Griff is,' says: "Faced by the threatened annihilathe McBryde Sugar Company at Wa- - tion of their only people industry, Japs&gestions of Out from China and India, the biawa, Kauai, arrived in Honolulu of Hawaii have joined withthe the policy of fixe sugar which the ad mi 'rathpse of anese created jf most world of beauty ' yesterday in the Kinau. - with domestic Louisiana other and tion stands for are the xugar trust and itx fellow and taste, expressed in an art which makes a uniL. R. KRUM M, chief inspector of producers in openly spending their Miappeal. they versal laid under the the federal wireles bureau, arrived refiners, which seek to destroy the domestic In statecraft, Honolulu , in he Kinau yesterday. thpir 'own namet in tempting , to totally kado's from the throne foundations different mainfor tlieir men print In profit, an inspection trip to Kauai. alter up (southern) in or Pe bases set either the Nan counteract the misleading statements MRS. J. H. MORAGNK of Kauai, disseminated by certain refiners since tain the right of the American xugar producers (iiorthern) "king"; or Chinese capital. Instead of accompanied by Miss Josephine V'"': 1909. .';': .;;;; '" ;. ..V tojrxixty by ojtcn argument and plain statement setting apart, in castes, as in China, the soldier and arrived in Honolulu iii thu : "The producers of v sugar domestic the Japanese united in one the warrior steamer Kauai and is registered at are conducting their fight in the open. of fart, the plot of the refucrs to seen re ubsoluicl the civilian, .and the gentleman. With sword and pen, liushido the Young. They represent an investment of updomination of the sugar market of 9(i,OOV,000 and learning, that typical native product of VJapan JOHN FASSOTH, manager of the ward f 5300,000,000, the disburseWaimea Sug'at- Company's mill on ments of which reach out Into every people. Domestic Sugar Kullctin, May 29, 191: was produced the Samurai, unmatched in all Kauai, arrived; In Honolulu yesterday channel of trade. The industry is in type of man cultiAsia. This most in the Kinau and is registered at the the hands of hundreds of thousands vates a patriotism tliat Is seismic in Its energies. Young hotel. v They are not of small investors. PEARL HARBOR PROSPECTS Japanese seen is spirit of the The raana5" .i- i makin? exorbitant profits, and many ; ' the C. D. Hofgaard Company atW ai- Df them will be entirely ruined by the lu their refusing to accept blindly either Confucianmea. Kauai, arrived in Honolulu f rom adoption of the proposed legislation. ism or "Christianity" in its traditional form or logicTlio sensational story sprung in 'Washington oaiutu isiauu yesieiuaj aixu 13 re5- - That is why we are here. al sequences. Wherever In the Chinese empire the on May 2D Ut the effect that the Pearl Harbor sage sways his scepter, filial piety is the cornerKPWIN FERNANDEZ, the local drvdek project has been officially dexlaml a stone of society and "the five relations" form the moving picture expert, leaves for ' But, for better or worse, the ultra Kauai tomorrow, where lie will take a ' failure is thoroughly exploded, just as this paper foundation. Japanese rejected the Chinese theory and number cf reels of Garden Island scenery. contended it would be, as the facts are secured practice. : He expects to be absent two '" '.'..'".' ..'. "'" weeks. . speech, bpdy, mind,irom the navy department. In a word, the Japanese in of dr. George w m'coy, head inways, institutions, mental initiative, in the public The board of engineers now at work here has thought; leprosy service's the health forpast and present, and in their methods oMife in vestigation, was a returning passen. .' i". still to make its report, and according to news eign countries are radically ger on the Mikahala Saturday from Molokal, where he has heen engaged The Japanese are not "Mongolian."; They justly today from the national capital, this report will disgrace of the is as It such. in laboratory work. . He was accomclassed be to refuse be filed about July 1. It is incredible that the panied Jjy Mrs. McCoy. the United States that the Japanese cannot as yet G. N. WILCOX, owner of the Grove navy will not build a drydock of some kind here. obtain citizenship. - They are as likely as any other plantation at Lihue. Kauai, is paFarm as time in (Continued from page one) stock, when naturalized, There is, however,' every ; indication that the Caregistered Nuys, at Vat Hotel the peop'les or more less among us triotic as most other Los "Angeles. While in California tion for street work wilL be Increased lifornia congressmen are taking advantage'pf the assimilated. This is true, largely because real ChrisMr .Wilcox been discussion the without reference to it. has . recent disaster to' the bottom of the dock and tianity is certain in time to transform ,,3 much of effect the of the tariff on removal T Mayor Fern belongs the honor other human "nature thai masks its tugar with San Francisco associates. of establishing the new office in the will endeavor to persuade tlie department to American as any brutishness, injustice, and hypocrisy under which will be C. H. BROWN 'will leave on the police department, bay. -- change its plans and build in San Francisco the Japanese names. . In treaty-keepinWilhelmina June 18 for Washington, knowTi as an inspector and Instructor the accompanied by Bis wife, He will ' eo of police.- - The - supervisers declare While the conclusions of 'the engineers will not have already proved themselves the "whiter" ofwin-; deserving and direct to Washington . to take up the t that Ji will; work admirably In with In the end, both be made public for some time, Hawaii may rest two parties. alcudgels of the sugar men against the the service" commisson; as; the they have as ning success, they will gain social sugar present f conIs to nave Detter In motive for to and schedule' Occidentals, possible chance the tariff is a there assured that if ready won political equality with policemen and disciplined bill. Mrs. Brown drilled and will in Chicaeo. visit struct the drydock here, the navy department the world will be the better for it PRINCESS ABIGAIL KAWANA- - one perscm?upon' whom responsibility of 'an NAKOA of Honolulu is Visiting in can 'fall: for the - miscarriage may be depended upon to do it. :r. ?Los - Angeles at the home of Mrs. N. order; t i ? DEMOCRATIC BENIFICEKCE Emmett " May, a ' refugee from too will be one Inspector, to be strenuous gaieties social in New employed at the salary of ? 135 per LOBBY" SUGAR'S "INSIDIOUS York, where she was a guest of Mrs. month. He'will he subject to call at Jay Gould. The princess w ill remain kometjmig like nine thousand stockholders, ik"Lo-Angeles firing, the- - month. 'squads to their stations at the change . President Wilson's now-famou- s "insidious we :tire vnformed, will" jlinancially liit 'should MR. AND MRS PAUL; STANHOPE of every Bhlft. : He will drill them, Of; on who these previous a dividend. visit were Identi-- I Such drilling will not only consist In piaritation its . susinnid j lobby" charges have naturally provoked a quick Ewa ; with the fled Hughes Musical Com- - j military maneuvers,'" but In the ans-ed- y ' and emphatic reply from : the Domptic Sugar nine thousand, less than one hundred will not Company, are passengers in thej wering of emergency calls,i in attend-Oceaniliner Sonoma, enroute to ing the injured. ' And he also will Producers' bureau in Washington, through suffer materially through the suspension of the where ; they; join i the struct the officers to the end that is dividend. The other eight thousand and nine company now playing a will ; which Hawaii's fight against tariff-slashin- g successful en- - they may be abla to answer Intelll- A at fSydney and Melbourne. gently the questions of tourists re-largely' being made. That the fight is being hundred are not so well off but that they will gagement C. BROWNELLE, former general garding the places of interest In the feel severel v the loss of the regular payment. secretary of the. Young Men's Chris-- : city. made in the open, as JIawaii already knows, '' on tian Association Topeka, plan earned figured . at Kansas, Mayor the industry, has byj an Fern is proved by the following authorized statement That is the kind of nvea m iionoiuju tms morning in out. thoroughly, and the supervisors, i Hlinnsnnds of imrvti from the bureau: the Sonoma en route to New Zealand, when he discussed it with them, dfc-conwhere he has accepted a position with clared it was a needed Innovation, people in very moderate circumstances, that "The statement of the president that ari-Jinthe association-- , at Christchurch. Mr. ; Under the present 'conditions, it was sidious lobbv, is spending money 'without limit' gress proposes to cripple in the name of the Brownelle and party were the guests 'pointed cut, when an order is given of Secretaries Super and Loomis at bv a chipf tn a cantain. to relav to people!. and seeking to affect tariff legislation in luncheon this noon. the one who follows him on watch, to overcome the interests of the public for their if the message is not properly deliveron one can he held - singjy to ed .private profit cannot justly apply to the prconnection in thing remarkable most ; The blame, as one excuse or another ab-A flag. . American the sugar under powwow is that the pooducers of with all this dance-hal- l inspector, be will different an it jwlth numl)er of domestic sugar producers, have i All orders will be given to him. It will lice seem unable to get into action. Under their by j be his duty to see that, the order Is in Washington for several weeks seeking the have undoubtedly general police powers they ' rightly dispatched. open argument and by the presentation of facts authority to regulate the dahce-hall- , and if the j With the creation of the civil service commission, this Is taken as anto prevent the annihilation of their industry. dance-hal- l runs. counter to the ordinance, the step to ward improving - the deother Some of them are residenls of Haw aii and rep- remedy is plain. It lies with Sheriff Jarrett, partment. The police officers have expressed themselves as very grate-- i resent the commercial bodies of Honolulu and that alert, capable, energetic and intelligent ful.to Mayor Fern In fathering the in ' Hilo and are backed by a resolution of the Ha- guardian of the safety and to a large extent tire novation and have sent their thanks (Continued from page one) for favorably actto the city fathers waiian legislature. Others are engaged in sugar morals of this community. Why should citiing on it : . " production in the southern and western states zens protest against the iniquities of the Kukui on the tariff bill before he hands out The appropriation for the band will This has served to be increased $400. This will permit their portion. .t, . arid in Porto Kico. street resort? Is not Jarrett on the job? keep some of the far western Demo-- , five new additional musicians to be "The first thing they. did, in publishing, this cratic senators, in line. If they hai ODtained, and also will be enough to federal offices securely nailed permit new uniforms to be ordered their k bulletin, was to print Iheir names and addresses aown mere migni oe more nope of win tho players. The increai Xt w York Times. He (the president) must ?n lnuepenueni und their business location and to state that they attitude being as- - Mke the ban(1 consist of 29 pieces, suiiieu. two singers and four students. 'are publishing advertisements in four Vashiug- - be well aware that all men do not think alike now in. The old allowance for the promo-prbgresThe senate investigation diswill large numbers which seeks to disclose the tion committee will be made. This ton jiajHrs and arc printing and distributing) about the tariff, that of lobbying against ls pogsible because of the law passed fnvti, fnr. i, the agree with him upon that highly content ious sub true inwardness bill, Is not expected to im- - jby the 'last session of the legislature the tariff uym groups oi men inu peril any of the beet sugar or inde-- . permitting the city to make appropria-penden- t domestic sugar industiy. The money required J- policy without cane growers associations, tions in such cases. for this purpose has been coiitributed voluntar president upon a matter of public only persons that appear in a po-- J The The action decided upon yesterday lobby. , . . We hope sition to be Incoming a therefore Xo refiner sugar producers. American hit hard are representa- - j ni bo formally put through at the by .ily of the sugar trust. These have next meeting. ' .' Xot 3Ir. Wilson will discover that the gentlemen who tives has ever contributed a cent to this work ;,;;'' expended .much money here and that j of hands the asking consideration some at' lact will doubtless be disclosed by the or corrupting lobbyists. They will only have their names and objects been made arc v ; pending inquiry. certainly demonstrate affect to. ;. that all the that the schelules known in this publication, but they are well-know- n congress in resiect -- There no ; probability, that ex- - small sums expended by them have is .legitimate purposes. in every newspaper office of Washington them are not so wicked, or so rich, as he takc Governor George It. Carter, Sidney been for strictly "'; '.. ', '. Ballon, Harry Irwin or others here on ';;': ;.:,.' ;.';.-- '. be. to them in-thoffices of the press convspondents. e and behalf of the Hawaiian sugar; inter- Tinkers are always wondering why csts will be classified as obnoxious things won't work. There is nothing secret in their plan of opem-tion-








N. "V


r uclem


of Maul, arrived- in Ilonoltju yester'

II UGH HOWKLU a civil engineer





Sale of Chinaware




One wrrk of rrdortloiy la faiffh'gradc VorctN v


so-call- ed





in-dust- ry


During the present treek reduction of tcill obtain on. f l to from DiTxden. Coalport. Doultoit and Limoges rcelaines.




"irV man


Co. have had very few xiilvs

each has been a memorable oeeJSm. litis one should eelipxc the othas betnusc " )f the character of the goods sold, j Ilea u t iful p ieees to add to incomplete : the chance to start a collection md at a distinct saving in costs






A New York church, just being erected, is to have a bride's room, fully equipped, for weddings. A woman doesn't necessarily have to have a pretty, face to be the best comrade ever. V

There are people who do not go abroad, who can. tell other people whit to see. When a man gets to be 50 he's fool 13 a If he lets one opportunity go



high-boundi- ng


you won't ever own a home.



' .







But it on pay $300 now, and Met the irs'c of the money be paid just as rent, you'd soon own this jou riov-pa$220. home in. KalmukL ' bungalow of Large lot: five rooms. Tfs a flne'chance If you '.' don't, overlook It .




' nearly new






JJ',-Th- ere


















Co., Ltd. Popular Jewelers




! ,









Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., ':
















nothing to hide from anybody, and the Emily Wilding Davison, the suffragette fa- is a records of this working body, known as the Do- tallv trampltHl on at an Eiijilish ' I i. i. n . 41... i.f .u.iml ..i U Uf lUlIM1 "I vijikii mestic Sugar PnMlucers, ai complete and oou mUIiyi, OUl IKIl il IlliUlVl open course suffrage. She is a martyr to the fanatical to inspection. Its nuxltnt finances 'are as congress wants to find out what 'of art ion that her militant sister- .is the dav. If is done with the money expended and where it hool is following in violat ion of law, order, de comes from, .the way to the counting room is eencv and oronrietv. clear and the hooks are open." The Sultan has been accused of dninkeimess The administration liniKaoolis jouiyai. J)v mc ()f the J,iir dliefs. .Vnother libel ' . at tacking sugar the trust could profit more ly prunir. ' the; fwiiw-lexists and bv bn'akinir it t ft ... v .. . . .. . r i suj;ar ine price oi reiniea Trust s ower over ii Kunning for the gulKTna tonal office is a gotnl ; (which it says is in effect). In fact, the admin- d al easier than walking back. uir uaiun u istrririnn nmears io ih- the sugar trust by giving it free sugar and leav-- ' Democratic patronage isn't being served at a ing its viwer to dictate the price of refined sugar quick-luncimute'r:' untouched.






Residence; Pacific Heights Residence Wilder Avenue. Residence Anapuni ; Streetr. Residence. Anapuni Street; Residence Piikoi

.58500 Residence Palofo


... ...... ....$3500


7500 Residence 14th Ave., Kaimuki.', 7500

. 4500 Residence 13th Ave!, Kaimukh. 4500

4850 6500


Residence Young Street Residence Young Street




i i

Also building lots and residences

in all parts of the city,

Gtiardian Trust Co., Ltd

Second floor Bank of Hawaii Building

Henry Waterhouse Trust Co.





MONDAY, JUNE 0. 101.1"








In the Charles It Bishop Hall, Punahou, tomorrow afternoon at 2:20, a violin recital will be glyen by the pupils of Mr. Carl Al iltner. This will be the flftn musicale given this year by the Oahu College department of music. As all the preceding recitals have been extremely successful and weil appreciated it is promised that this one will uphold the . reputation. The doors of Bishop Hall will be open to' all who care to accept of the hospitality of the school The program will consist entirely of violin selections from well known operas and also selections by famous composers. Those taking part are Alexander Hermann, Everett Brown, Joseph Chalmers, Tong Coney, Alice Effing-er-, Mary Forrest, Frances Farring-ton- , George Mclnerny, Auley Macaul-ay- , Blakely McStocker, Nathaniel Nottage, Ernest Peterson, Herbert Richards, Ellen Williams, Margaret Wall, Catherine Wall. The program follows: Overture from the Kinder Sym- phonie . ...... i . . C. Reinecke Ensemble Violin Solo "Back to our Mountain" . . . ..... .11 Trovatore Verdi . Margaret Wall Violin Solo Berceuse . . .". A. Ehrhardt Herbert Richards Duet for two violins Minuet in G .... ... Beethoven Everett Brown Ernest Peterson Violin Solo Impromptu . ... RI33 Catherine Wall Violin Solo Some Day (Song) . . . .

Hono-Mn- lii


Save Your Hair! Beautify It!

Tr as you will, after an

Invigorate Your Scalp! Danderine Grows Hair and We Can Prove It .

No. 430.

draw it through your hair, taking one tion of Danderine, you cannot find a small strand at a time. The effect Is and amazing your hair single trace jf dandruff or a loose or Immediate will be light, fluffy and wavy and falling hair And your scalp will not have an appearance of abundance; an itch, but what will please you most, Incomparable lustre, softness and lux- will be after a few weeks' use when juriance, the beauty and shimmer of you will actually .see new b air, fine true Lair health. and downy at first yea but really Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's new hair growing all over the scalp. (Danderine from any drug store or A little Danderine now will imme- toilet counter, and prove to yourself diately double the beauty of your tonight now that your hair is as hair. No difference how dull, faded, pretty and soft as any that it has brittle and scraggy. Just moisten a ' been neglected or Injured by careless cloth with Danderine and carefully 1 ea t men t tha t'a all. ad vertlsemenL

feature fin nf tf mnst sranh! Massmeeting Protests Treat-- , .films yet to be displayed before ment Accorded Countrymen srt.itnrs p'ntitlpti "From the a Manger to the Cross. ' at Port of Honolulu 'production from, the great Kalem com- I




liianchard today will hand in his resignation from that office His action is not unusual or unexpected, merely followjng the agreement of the federal and territorial government's seeral weeks ago, as announced In at thS time, that the the two food Inspection departments were to.be combined. A. W.' Hansen, who came to Honolulu last year to assume charge of the federal laboratory, was appointed on May 15 as head of the combined department, the maintenance of the office and payment of his salary to be territory, and divided between the' '
Star-Bulleti- n



Territorial Food Commissioner


Before Hansen same Blanchard held a commission from both the territory and the federal government He is resigning only from the territorial f job now and , will, continue in the office for a time under bis federal

nervous condition more deep seated yourself up with Cod Liver Extract, and tissue-builde- r.

That tired feeling

is a warning of troubles. Build Steams' Wine of the. peerless: tonic




"Oh!" they say they all say; "what In the world's comln' out in Eddie's book?" "They" may be taken to mean girls, past and present, for two decades at the Gaiety Theatre, and the swell Johnnies who have helped to make their histories. And "Eddie" is Edward Payne, for twenty years the comedian at' the Gaiety Edward has written , . M. WTellings a book, and 'tis said "they" are all Mary Forrest shivering at the revelations he promv isessome in anticipation, others in Andante con Mote from Kinder Symphonie . . .... ..... C. Reinecke panic Ensemble It's to' be called "Romance of the Violin Solo Humoreske : , . A. Dvorack V V Chorus." . Blakeley McStocker He announces that he will present stories "that sound like romances of Violin Solo Salut D'Amour (Love's Greeting) the girls of the chorus who are now Ed. Elgar leading actresses In London and New Kllen Williams , York, stars of comedy and tragedy. Finale Allegro Vivace from Kinder Symphonie . There will bo no fiction about them C. Reinecke all factsi" Ensemble Assisted by Mr. W. Beakbane, Cello. Miss, Glena McCracken, Piano. BORN To Mr. and. Mrs. J. CUNNINGHAM E. Cunningham, June 7,. 1913, a daughter.
well-know- n



Protesting against the harsh and and to be presented at the Biunjust treatment they allege is accord- jou theater beginning Wednesday eve- ed to Japanase immigrants and asking ?ning. for the discharge "of the present im- "From the Manger to the Cross is migration officials at this port.Japan-cs- e intensely dramatic and every inch of to the number of more thWn 2000 it filled with action. It depicts tiie gathered at a mass meeting in the life or Christ rrom D4rtn. aown mrousn Asahl Theater last evening and adopt the later vears to his death at the ed resolutions embodying the protest hands of the mob. The Kalem company spent months mentioned above. At the same time 'in touring Palestine and the Holyland a resolution, opposling the removal or scenic background appropriate to ifor sugar was adopted. the tariff on ' the staging of this great production. As stated in the some and villages there are days ago the mass meeting called The cities portrayal. faithful in shown as the result cf statements alleged one that has been feais film The to have been made by Inspector Edwin prominence on of at theaters Farmer, reflecting on the virtue or tured No increase in circuits. mainland worrien of Japan in a ruling which price will accompany its presentation admission to the territory ifor a limited engagement in this city. bred from of Hawaii Nobu Mitobe a young Jap- Appropriate music nas oeen arrangea anese nurse. The statements credited for the occasion. to Inspector Farmer, and Inspector-in-Charg-e The Hartford Sisters are billed for Richard Halsey,. aroused the nprfnrmances at the Empire ire' of the better element of Japanese, 'prior to their departure for a tour of who were of the opinion that the. state j the lsianus. Tnese anisis m unci,

'pany, now secured,



a-goon, -u-

Stoarno' Eloctric' Rat Roach Paste KILLER THE NATIONAL


UOTDXtt llonoltid Lodrr, rd meUue. TUESDAY:" WEDXESDlti


Heady for nso. Better than traps. Sold by Dru;?MU, 2Sc and $1.00 OC tent direct, charjw prrpaiJ.oa receipt of pric.

TITTRSDATt Ilftnolula romnandrrjr; K. T. SUted niftlujr.

FRIT) AT i Ledjf. Talrd dfarrw. Occan

Ste&rnt' Electric


Co., Chicago, I1L






Lc! Aloha Chapter, Xo. 5, 0. . S. Kopular.


All Tlaltlng membn of tin order ar cordially invited to attend meetlcss of local lodrtx.








Iioaolula Lodss 616, IJ. P. o. n: xneeta la their hall, c Kins St, near I' Every FriJay evtr., VIsitic; Urcthera r
cordially attend,






chap would be wise if he only Too much of the! city knew why he had to mark time. make an angel blase. -

that haven't been preached on yet


There are many texts in the Bible






Stomach Distress Quickly

Ended with "Pape's Diiapepsin"



k 7"



I :






This picture was praised from the pulpits of every church in San Francisco, and played to capacity houses for 6 consecutive weeks at the Savoy theatre at au admission of 50c, 75c and $1.00. Proclaimed by press, clergy and laymen, as the most reverent and effective presentation of the Bible story ever released. Superb photography, beautiful settings, faultless production.

depicting the life of our Saviour in motion pictures from the birth in the manger to the crucifixion.

one or a harmful one your stomacli is, too valuable; you musn't injure ;.t w;Ith drastic drugs Pape's Dlapepsln Is noted for It's speed in giving relief; Its harmless ness; It's certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs, .it's millions" of curesx in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis ; and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor In your home k'eep it handy get a large fifty-cecase from : any drug store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't' agree with themj if what they eat lays like, lead, ferments and sours and forms gaa; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Pape s D'apepsfn comes in contact with the Stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. advertisement.

You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is tad or an uncertain



When the oldest water fountain in the territory, green from age and battered from hard use, but once the


10c, 20c, 30c.


ments, alleged to have been made, new ana caicuy suua uu yiwuv worn wealth of attractive costumes which were a reflection upon the entire ' anhood of Japan. fare changed with lightninglike rapid Fred K. Maklno, editor of the Hawaii ity.. Four reels or new ana nrsi-ru- u Hochi delivered the address of the pictures will be an added attraction evening, stating that his light was at this house for the week. one to secure the rights which belonged to the Japanese race, which w ould continue until the Japanese were given the same privileges as are accorded to other aliens. He cited a number, of instances of unfair treatment afforded to his countrymen and The carelessness of Japanese laborwomen, following which he, said, in ers in leaving a large quantity of giant building forj powder in front of the part: Bulle- Evening "The present Immigration' authori merly occupied by the ties are perpetrating these outrages. Under Raymond C. Brown, when he Saturday. They were finally prevailto was inspector-inharg- e of the immi- ed upon by the Japanese contractor he only after gration bureau at this port, we Japan- return the powder, but he would be ese were treated, very fairly and as a had given assurance that direct ' result there was no trouble. more careful in" the future. Since Richard Halsey f has been appointed, the Japanese have been treatCharged with sending obscene postI harshly. ed harshly, unnecessarily cards through the mail, Simeon Pop-of- f, protest against such, treatment I will alias Charles W. Boyd, was arfight against all this red tape which is rested yesterday. ' Several Russian making it hard and harder, for Japan-rs- e girls allege that they received such to gain admlssion-tthe territory. postcards from Popoff, and It was that he was arI think that, Halsey and his men. are upon their complaint has been turned the very instruments who are bringing rested. The case Inspector Jarvls by over to Postal Into Hawaii the. California ; Chief McDuffle. : . unfortunate 'or sentiment peaceful Hawaii that a man with such Seventeen persons arrested yesterfeelings should hold a federal office of day for gambling were brought before buch magnitude, here. . "Farmer is only an underling as I the police court this morning and re; eaclu for ceived a fine of ia understand 4t Halsey. I censure Farmer, for his statements regarding the Japanese H. Steward. J. IL Iaeu and P. Stewwomen, but I charge them directly to ard, charged with assaulting two Kothe attitude evinced by his chief. Rich- reans, were heard this morning. P. ard Halsey. He has' tried to shield Steward was found guilty on the first Farmer and In doing so, has exhibited count, and was held w:th the: others his own hand. He is the one respon- for trial on the second count preferred sible for these utterly unfounded, and by the Koreans. narrow-mindebiased statements. which; I ask all you of "In view A coroner's jury will hear two cas?a. Japanese to approve the resolution this afternoon, in both of whlcn suiciae calling for the removal of all these Is said to have been the cause , of the from the immigration station. I death. The first Inquest to be conductpurpose mailing this, with your con- ed, which will commence at 2 o'clock, sent, to the president of the United will be over the body of Mrs. Presovia States, the secretary Qf commerce and Kasenov, who met her death Saturday labor and to the Hon. J. K. Kalanian-aole- , night from a pistol butlet Her husHawaiian delegate to congress." band is being held pending the investii'he resolution, which was unani- gation, as the police are not satisfied mously adopted,: and copies will b with the theory that the wife ended forwarded to the president of the her life. At 3 o'clock the Jury will United States, to the secretary of com- begin the inquest over the body of the merce and labor, and' to, the Hon. J. K. youth who killed himself after striking Kalanianaole, delegate to, congress. his father. Other speakers included T. Onodera, editor of the Dally Japanese Chronicle, Joining a circus has knocked the Taraklcha Kimura and T. Hata of the conceit otit of many a boy, tut it Hawaii .Hochi. Editor Sheba of the Isn't a medicine to be recommended. Hawaii Shinpo was present and had Now is the time that the spring been billed as one of the speakers, but poets are brushing up their uniforms. on account of the lateness, of the hour If there were no sin in the world, his speech waa eliminated. clothing dealers would go out of busiWhen seen this morning by a repre- ness. "' inspecsentative of the tor Farmer refused to make any stateAMUSEMENTS Halment, while Inspector-In-Charg-c sey refused to. see a reporter.


16 Jpognds

vat 3 lo'clock Hounds




L. C0Kr. v.. ::. IL Duxsui;- -, z Meet oa tLj :



ROUNTREE vs. WAHILANI 142 Pounds 10 Rounds.


tad - 4t- h- ::. d a y a of ea:



Police Court Notes

month at K. Hall, T:33 p.



PRICES: Ringside $2.00; $1.50, $1.00,





are cordially
vlted to

attrz '.. f,


Wn. HeKILEY LODCr, K.of P.

- f l'-





Visiting Beretania. cordially Invited to attend. A. IL A1IREN3,


Meets every 2nd and 4th Tj day evenlnz at 7:30 o'clock I K. . of P. ' Hall, cor.-For- t c:


L. B.






STAR vs. HAWAII. ARTILLERY vs. ASAHl Goods Department, SON, LTD.

i, oaiid Lornr, g.
Oahu .Loi!3, I,, I. l O. T "will meet ' ths Central U:' Bible Schocl r., the first and tL Tuesdays at lz.ll . : seven p. n. R. A. SOARH3, Chief Te;!ir.




Reserved seats on sale in Sporting





will meet la Odd Fellows' fcui:::-Fo- rt street, near Klnj, every FrlJ evening at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Lav.', ta attend,


0. II.




New students desiring to enter in CLEM K QUINN, D!ctzt;r. September should register at once at JAMES W, LLOYD. Sect. the College offices. . Entrance by examination. POST CARDS Examinations for the Freshman Class and the Eighth grade are held Hawaiian scenes. AJ1 the latest eu' on Friday, June 13, at 9 o'clock; for Grades, on Saturday, Juno 14, at 9 Jects just arrived. Will retail t wholesale. o'clock.


24' Hotel SL nr. Nuuanu.



Fit- -

Fort Above King St.



IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE NEWSPAPERS Anywhere at Any Time, Call on cr '



Silva's Toggery,

Sansome Street.

San Francfsci

Star-Bulleti- n,

Ells Building


Kin? Street


v aiencine
. ;





pride of kings, was offered at auction Saturday by O. A. Steven, to whom it had been turned over by the board of public works, Governor Walter Frear jumped in his automobilo and rushed to the place of business of the auctioneer just in time to put in h's bid and save the revic of yester years fiom the hands of the unappreciative. Of course, he will probably make no practical use of the fountain, yet As hnds much satisfaction, and man times the value of $5, which It cost him to get it, in being the owner of the battered vessel.



Crossroads BqpKshop,



' :



ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING Honolulu people, who have tried THE COWBOY'S DELIVERANCE In Books" 'Everything western of thrilling the picture A simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., a, plains. Adler-1-ksay as mixed In it Is. the best bowel and stomach remedy they A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS Strong STA GrfES T0U Detective Story. ever used. The Hollister Drug ComTODAY HEWS TODAYS pany states that JUST 'A SINGLE (THE WRECK From the adventures DOSE usually relieves constipation, - of Morgan, the Pirate. sour stomach and gas on the stomach :A DIFFICULT CAPTURE. Comedy. QUICKLY. Those who have used only PAUL AND VIRGINIA From the the more ordinary bowel and stomach I beautiful story of the same title. FIREMAN A remedies are surprised at the QUICK THE GENTLEMAN action of Adler-i-k- a. advertisement I screaming comedy.

White VingsSo-GROCER


Hartf opd Sisters




. Mrs. Franklin K. Adams, who arrived .here with her husband several days ago. will deliver a travelogue at the Hawaiian opera house tomorrow evening. The Adamses are well known globe trotters and contributors on world matters to leading magazianes. They are here to secure material for stories and talks and tomorrow night should prove deeply interesting.

for the postal de'liyery service to bo established July 1st, 1913. and KAIMUKIITES, you are particularly referred to. Remember the Postmaster requests that receptacles be in position to . facilitate the service.


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More money buys

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will buy a box that will meet every requirement

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There are 40 h. d. men as well as i.ti autuiuuuucs. .t The older a man gets the more he realizes that he put down the confederacy all himself.

better ones.


DIM0ND & CO., Ltd.





MOX PAY, JUNE 0. 1013.


Honolulu Stock Exchange

Monday, June 9. Bid






only ONE time to C.

U Brewer & Co. about Fire Insurancethat's BEFORE the Fire. As you don't know when the Fire is coming, C. Brewer & Co. NOW.










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Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued on ths Bank of California and the London Joint ., Stock Banki I I Ltd London V



and Manager. FREE PUBLIC fHONE There has been Installed in the Ladies' Writing Room a free public telephone. v


Vice-Preside- nt

Correspondents for the Amerl-ca- n Express Company and Thos. Cook & Son

Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.


over $1,200,000

Interest Allowed on Term and Savings Bank Deposits

3.32cts Morning on Chang Beets 9s 2 d



Bangalews built cheap. TeL 217 A. W. Eames of Honolulu is regisAsked tered at the Hotel Bellevue, San Fran- advertisement, Read Pratt's ad if you are ready to V;.;-cisco. SUGAR real eale. O. A. Steven, the auctioneer, will buy worth-wbilEvery day is a good day at Hale-iwEwa Plantation Co...... 174 IS hold two sales this week, the first beTrains go to the door. Hawaiian Agrie. Co. . .... ing Wednesday. At that time he will Get vegetable or flower seeds from Haw. Com. & Sug. Co... 24 4 24 up a. variety of household goods put Hawaiian Sugar Co..... .... 28 Va for sale, including ferns and a piano. the Goeas Grocery. Ltd.. Phone 41 3S. Honomu Sugar Co. .. . . . 75 110 Order your soft drinks from the reSaturday he will offer eity property 4 3 Honokaa Sugar Co. . ... . liable Consolidated Soda Works. adfor sale. Haiku Sugar Co........ 97 120 vertisement Alfred E. Forrest, vice president and Hutchinson Sugar Plant. lltl It' general manager of the North Ameri- ' Concrete sidewalk and stone curbing Kahuku Plantation Co.. 6 can Accident Company of Chicago, has put in reasonable. Telephone 2157. 120 Kekana Sugar Co. ... .. . been forced to discontinue his contem- advertisement. Koloa Sugar Co.. ... .. . . . When you buy ask for Green Stamps plated trip to Honolulu on account of 2 2 McBryde Sugar C....... take no others; they're valuables-advertise- ment the Illness of his son. Forrest at presOahu Sugar Co. . . . . . . i4y ent Is In San Diego. ,j Cashman, for tents, awnings, sails Onomea Sugar Co....... 21 A fire which sprung up in the mer- and tarpaulins. O laa Sugar Co. . , . . r . . Fort, near Allen.chandise store of C. H. Akana laut Advertisement. Paauhau Sugar Co...... evening' threatened a Japanese hotel Pacific Sugar Mill...... Packard shoes fit the feet and give a time. The" early arrival of the satisfaction. for 120 Mclnerny Shoe Store Pala Plantation Co...... fire department brought the fire un- Fort above King streeL ' Pepeekeo Sugar Co...... lOtf der control, however, after it had done Pioneer Mill Co........ 18 The real thing in real bristle bair a little damage to the store. but Walalua Agric. Co. . . . . . 68. 69 can be purchased at the Hoi- brushes lty granted having supervisors t The Wailuku Sugar Co Drug Co. and should be. lister and County Engineer; Wbitehouse pei clothing made from Palm A Waimea Sugar Mill Co.. suit of mission to employ an assistant engt- Beach cloth and ready to wear may Waimanalo Sugar Co.... neer and rodman he has just appoint be had from Mclnerny for $12.50. Waimea Sugar Mill Co. . Fred W. L. Humphrey, as engmeer, td MISCELLANEOUS The Metropolitan Meat Market will and F. Peacock, as rodman. Joseph deliver meats and fish of the finest Inter-Islan175 S. N. Co... Fern Jr., son of the mayor, is being quality direct to your door. Phone Hawaiian Electric Co. ... given a trial as rodman. H. R. T. & L. Co., Pref . . S443. An announcement of much Interest H. R. T. & L. Co., Com . . S. E. Lucas, the optician, leaves this in local society, says the San Fran afternoon for a business trip to Maui 24 Mutual Telephone Co. . . cisco Call of June 1, was that of the He will be gone about ten days. ad115 120 Oahu R. & L. Co. engagement of .Mrs. Ellamay Camp, vertisements Hilo R. U .Co., Pfd..... formerly of Honolulu, to William Bid 5 HIlo R. R. Co., Com .... 4 Wanted Two more passengers for Hon. B. & M. Co........ 20 die Shepard of Philadelphia. Mrs, around - the - island at $6.00. Lewis 20 Camp is at present touring Europe Stables and Garage. Tel. 2141. ad. Haw. Irgtn. Co. 6s... ... Hawaiian Pineapple" Co,. 37 40 with a sister of her fiance. vertisement Tanjong Olok R. C. ud up 37 Put your faith in the Honolulu Con Steamers arriving from Maui and Pahang Rubber Co...... 17 18 & Draying- - Co. and leave yesterday night Saturday and struction Kauai Hon. Gas Co., Pfd...:... 105 morning brought a large number of your freight, order there if you are Hon. Gas Co. Com 105 persons who fwill attend the closing in a hurry for the delivery of your 40 Haiku Frt. & Pkg. Co.. scnoois freight exercises or the various BONDS throughout Honolulu. More than one There's only one time to C. Brewer persons sons . Haw. Ter. 4 (Fire & Co. about fire insurance having . . . and CL) . v. hundred that's ' 4V ' Haw daughters in school here are register the fire. As you don't know Haw. Ter.. 4 Pub. Imps. ed at the various hotels. when the fire Is ccming. C. Brewer " y.n . . ' Haw. ' Ter.s . . Word has been received from Kaua & Co. now. cannery Haw. Ter. site ... t'aat the iun'ey for the I hold weekly auction sales of fru- Haw. Ter. 3 in Kapaa has been completed, and niture and general merchandise on Cal. Beet S. & R. Co. 6s. .... ... therefore bids will be called for soon Thursdays at my rooms, Sachs block, Hon. Gas Co., Ltd. Es... 100 for portions of the government land 76 Beretania St George V. Jakins. Haw. Com. & S. Co. 5 . . 104 in that district to be sold under the advertisement H. R. R. Co., Issue 1901.. 75 85 laws regulating the purchase of such There are six brands, at six differ nronartv. Hllo R. R. Co., Com, 6 75 82 ent prices, of hose to be purchased Invitations have been issued by at Lewers & Cooke, and each carries Honokaa Sugar Co. 6 . . .... 92 Aloha Lodge No. 616. B. P. O. E., for a guarantee with It Your lawn and Hon. H. T. & L. Co.6. . 105 the celebration of "Flag Day" which garden will appreciate the purchase. Kauai Ry. Co. 6s....... .. will be observed Saturday evening. Kohala Ditch Co. 6s..... ... 99 The leading grocers, Henry May & McBryde Sugar Co..... .. June 14, in the Elks' hall on Kin? Co., will close their store all day Wed 100 street, beeinnine at eight o'clock. A nesday Kamehameba Day. Groceries Mutual Tel. 6s 100 ceremonies orders should be phone (1271) early program' of appropriate Oahu R. & L. Co.5.. 100 103 by a arranged being exercises is and . . . . . juu Sugar 07o. for delivery Tuesday. advertisement ousitru. MA. Johnson J. which of committee Olaa Co. . M. E. Suva, tne undertaker, will 75 is chairman. The first part of the move to his new undertaking parlors Pac. Sugar Mill Co. . . ... 95 which will consist of orator- on KUKut ana isuuanu streets tne Pioneer Mill. Co. .... ... program, ical and musical numbers, will be held the last week of this month. It's the Walalua Agric Co. 100 101 in the assembly hall, following which only Natomas Con. 6s undertaking estab . adjourn, to the social lishment of oday. advertisement the Hawn. Irrigation Co. ... . . . . hall, guests will whee high Jinks will hold forth. Hamakua pitch ... 9S ... The Iolani Guild will hold its annual The evening will wind up with a sale on June 10th at Progress block. y". dance. opposite Sachs; building. The. laulau sales Session Sales 5 H. C. & S. Co.. table will be in charge of Mrs. Caro 24.50; 10 H. C. & S, Co., 24.50: 10 H line Clark, The cake and candy table OLD" LOOKS "SHE C. & S. Co 24.50,' 5 H. C, & S. Co.. will be in charge of Mrs. Arthur Wall, AND NOT YET 40 Mrs, 24.&0; 25 H. C. & S... Co., 24.50; 28 JO. Young, Mrs. Andrew fuller Hutcmnson. 12.00: 5 Walalua. 69.00: ' arid Mrs Helen NoonanJ lei table, Mrs. ; Many women fade eafly, simply be Mary Karratti and the Muumuu table Ducar wuoiauons eh flpffrppa nn. cause they' do not take proper care Mrs. Norrie and Mrs. E. Hoae. Ad alysia beets, 9s. 2d. A, Parity, 3.92 of themselves. They constantly over- vertisement 0 96 degrees centrifugals, 3.31. : do and overlook those ailments that if all: health not checked rob them j of ' , , ' " . NOTICE and beauty. Friday, June 6. 1913 At the first symptoms of a function Walalua stock; books closed Satur- - al disturbance or an organic derange day, June 7, 12 o'clock to noon Satur roent. If women will only rely rpon day, June 14, 1913, inclusive. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com fine lots on Leilehua' Ave., near . Dividend suspended after June 15. pound, that great woman's remedy for Emma and School Sts.; $840, $790 woman's ills, it will aid the roses to ; cash $200, bal. easy pay$755 and sallow looks s O. R. & L. Co. books closed June return to your cheeks,0 ments. depart," spirits brighten and backache 11 to June 14, 1913, inclusive. hew houses and corner lot and headaches caused; by such trou $10002 50x100 on 12th Ave. and Maunalel bles to be known no more. Ave.; easy terms. MERCANTILE C. Brewer & Co..
-. e
a. -. .-

Saves the annovanct of wet hair the mm-I- covHtil shower that is s invioratiug in this climate.


The KniekerlMuker or the Iiexall nerves a thmhle for they may Ik? usetl as showers
ami sham poos. Two styles


?1.2."i to ?4.00.

Benson, Smith
Limited. Fort anc Streets




?y;:y; in all shades.


45c per yard












m ven!

..... 6..:.. .. 6. .6....

We offer choice, tender BEEF and VEAL of the prlmet quality at the lowest possible prices. i .' i.. ." It Is no trouble for us to give you a CHOICE CUT because we have them In stock.

8end us your orders" today.

Our telephone number 3451.

5.. ............. 6.

up-to-da- te


Meat Market.



Loo!: irig for



Nuuanu Is undoubtedly the locality for persons "who prefer excluslveness. Fifty-fivthousand dollars were paid the other day for a site that will some day have a home that will bo a credit. Nuuanu property is advancing In price and I have the best there b In that section of the city. An inspection is invited; It, wil! be a pleasure to take you over the district. .

Pratt, the Land Jen



f alty
Ban-Ua- t.



74 8. Klax gtrtMl L

Alexander Daldmn

Issues K. N. & K. Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks available throughout the world.

CEflfiV fATEBCODSF TBDST CO Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS Telephone 1208





f.loraan Co., Ltd.



Sugar Factors Commission Merchants and 'Insurance Agents

Agents for

Information Furnished and Loans


STREETSTAR ' Phone 1572.

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar


Cable Transfers


Haiku Sugar Company Pala Plantation Maul Agricultural Company Hawaiian Sugar Company Kahuku Plantation Company
McBrydc Sugar Comirany.

Lowest Rates
YOKOHAMA SPECIE BAtyK, LIMITED. Heat Office : : : Yokohama Honolulu Office : : : : : : : : Bethel and Merchant 8ts Yen. Capital Subscribed . . . 48,000,000


Members Honolaln Stock and Bend Stangenwald Bldg,



merchant SL

Kahului Railroad Company Kauai Railway Company Honolua Ranch Haiku Fruit and Packing Cc. Kauai Fruit and Land Company

.fire Insurance

B. F. Dillingham Co.

Capital Paid Up.:... 30,000.000 ....18.200,000 Reserve Fund banking business General transacted. Savings accounts to; 1 and upwards. vaults, Fire and burglar-proo- f Boxes Deposit for Safe with rent at 82 per year and up' wards. ' Tnuis and cases tp be kept 1m custody at moderate ratea. YU AKAI, Manager

EG. Duisenberg

After the activity of Saturday, when prices were forced down in a number o sugar stocks, the market opened the week with only a few sales this morning, all of which were made, during the session. The continued offering of Hawaiian Commercial at low prices resulted in 55 shares more of that stock being traded in. They were sold in five par cels, and all brought 24.50. When the session ended 24.25 was being offered for It, while tne holders held out for 24.63 V. The fall of Hawaiian Commercial from 26, which it held for some time, began Thursday, gradually mark of today. reaching the Twenty-eigh- t shares of Hutchinson found their way to a buyer today at 12, its last recorded price being 2. A few McBryde went at 2.75, and five more shares of Waialua exchanged hands. The rumor that Ewa dividends 'i!l h Busoended continues to circulate along the street, despite the statement made by E. D. Tenney. ana putmsneu Sat in this column of the urday, that the directors will not meet for a fortnight, and that he did not know what action they would take in the matter of the dividends. Tne last sale of the stock was Thursday when 20 shares sold at 19.25. a fall of three- quarters of a point since tne previous

Real Eoiciie

Nuuanu Valley

Park Tract

RESIDENCE ' LOTS FOR 8 ALE. ; V Maps, Prices and Terms, Apply tr

07,500 Payable at date of






Office: No. Sll Stiingenwald BIdg. Telcohone Hit Residence:' Nuuanu Avenue sad Lalmi Road; Telephone 2103; P. O. Box 799


Office :

Fine large lots on car line In the nen

policy, making the "Pacific Surety Special the greatest accident policy ever issued. WEEKLY INDEMNITY Double Single Double Single $25.00... First Year. . .$50.00 $32.50. .Fourth Year. .$65.00 27.50. Second Year.. 55.00 35.00., .Fifth Year... 70.00 30.00... Third Year... CO.OO 37.50.. .Sixth Year... 75.00 The above Weekly Indemnity for Total Disability being payable so long as the insured lives and suffers total loss of time. One half of about amounts payable for partial disability for a period of 52 weeks. Cost (select r risk) $25.00 a year. HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., LTD., 923 FORT 8TREET.



in installments. FOR RENT. bouse, $35. Renovated A new furnished cottage at Kalihi; $35.00. A large, house with all lat est improvements, good neighbor$750
uR-to-da- te









hood, $35.

End of Waialae Car Line



H. Schnack,
Merchant Street





Phone 3013


The ontimism which was noticeable along the street three weeks ago, due Real Estate to the cheerful news received irom Washington, raising the hopes of the brokers that the free sugar clause 'n ' the Underwood bill would be expunged. Rents Collected disappeared, and entirely has almost Phones the downward trend of the market Office, 366C 925 Fort Street shows what has supplanted it.



Phono 2205 Beaches





Res. 2997


General Aflent for HtvkaU: Atlaa Assurance Company of Lor Ion, New York Underwriters Apency; Providence Co. Insurance Washington Bldg. Stangenwald 4th Floor

ARCHITECT Estimates Furnished on Buildings Rates Reasonable Fort St, above Hawaiian iTust
Fhofle 3666.




your Home



LUcd riumiJiij raiu

Home Insurance Co. of Hawaii, Ltd.

FOR RENT. NATIVE OF HAWAII DIES ON MAINLAND . 80 Merchant Street Furnished house, 2 bedrooms, cora- J. ABADIE, Prop. Suddenly stricken with paralysis every pretely in furnished lin detail; 777 Kins' Htrt the breakfast table, Mrs. Eliz en., crockery, kitchen outfit, etc.; ser We carry the most complete line ol while at Honolulu, died of formerly Hay, abeth vants quarters; wash room; Matlock at her home at Myrtle Point, Oregon, Ave. C. WALDEYER, Real Estate. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Mav 16. Mrs. Hay was born in the Kottl and Union 3ts., Tel. 43S5. In the City Hawaiian Islands November 13, 1S42, There are no better or modern facilities for handling light or and was the daughter of the late heavy freight than are found in our equipment. We will be pleased Alonzo Lyons, a Congregational min PACIFIC ENGINEERING to handle your freight. v... and one of the early missionaries JAMES GUILD CO. ister COMPANY, LTD. to Hawaii. She received her educaHONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAYING CO. Consulting, Designing and Contion at Punahou and for more than Robinson BIdg. King Street structing Engineers. forty years Was a teacher in the gov It is always a hard proposition '" to ernment schools. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc In 1904 she married





He avy

or Xigbt Hauling
5,75 PER MOM


00 IT

pull up stakes. . Joseph Hay and in 1908 the couple tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys Invidious comparisons are bad went to the States. They had planned tems, Reports and Estimates on Projects. Phone 1045. prunes in the same prune barrel. a trip to Hawaii this summer.





MONDAY, JUNE 0, 1913.









Ball Team Will 'Athletic Park in Poor Shape NEIGHBORHOOD IS All Filipino and Players Unable to HanPlay Today Weather Permitting dle the Fast Ones
The great national came of America. Jajwin, China, Portugal... Hawaii, and Kthicpia was parodied for some three and a half hrurs yesterday afternoon at Atbfltlc Park, two vrry Uushy contests Wing" the result of the scheduled double header of the Oahu League. In the ooener the Portucueso irimroed the Asahis 3 to 0, and in the Becond pam' the crippled Ha walls pot together long enough to take the fat end of a 7 tn 4 Kcrrf from tne Coast Defense. The first game would have been a lattling good exhibition with the sec- nd and third innings amputated.. For seven frames the Portuguese and Japanese dished tip first class baseball, full of snappy Melding and quick thinking. In those two innings, though, the P. A. C's collected the grand total of nine runs, three hits In each frame nnd an assorted lot of errors, wild throws, and .foolish plays telling the tale. Tony Medeiros was on the hill for the winners, and he had a good day, allowing only four scattered hits and striking.out seven, while issuing three passes. T. Moriyama was touched rather freely, but" on the whole his pitching is on the up grade. He looks more like the real goods with erery game. New Defenders. The poor condition of the infield, vhich had been plentifully sprinkled with sawdust to fill up mud, holes and miniature bogs, accounted for a good deal of the coarse work in both games. Especially was this handicap noticeable in the closer, and the bulk of the skids came to the Coast Defense payers. Lawson, Clark and Hinklcy all loBt their footing at critical moments, the runs which resulted tooc the heart out of the team. The game was good and bad In spots, and was in loubt up to the last few innings, when two runs in the sixth put the army strikaggregation within a three-ru- n ing distance of. the Hawaiis.'. The game served as an introduction of three new gunners to the fans, and II only for this reason it was well worth while. Lajson, the usually dependable, was ineffective, to put it mildly, and after seven runs had been collected off his delivery, he gave way In the fifth inning, with one man down, to Randall, a giant right handed heaver. The latter had a lot or smoke and fair curves, and he got the range withto mow out difficulty, and proceeded -- only two hits Hlown the ' opposition; delivery. The off his being collected lanky Kick went in behind the bat to hold him, Cartain Clark Applying the hook to himself, and sending another '.new man, Howard, In at Bhort, while llixenbangh switched to second. Still a third player made bis Initial bow his to the local fans and they took to big style at tmce. He Is Hinkley. a first sacker, who can cover, a lot of ground., and hit the ball on the nobe




KILSNER AND HOAO Team Is Going Strong but Gate TRAINING STRICTLY Receipts Don't Come Up FOR FIGHT JUNE 14



to Expectations


(Special with the



Star-Bulleti- n

Raneball Team) WASHINGTON. Pa.. May 2?$. By winning an easy game from WashAll-Chine-

seven teams, representing tne Monoa and Neighborhood tennis clubs, battled for supremacy for the second time this season, and for the second time the Neighborhood club took their opponents Into camp. Tne points w,cro scored Maul style, the result being: . .100 games Neighborhood . , ... . . . 95 games Manoa . The first four matches were played on the Manoa courts, and the last three on the neighborhood courts. Following were the results:

Iast Saturaay


Rather Rub It In When Good Fellows Get Together

? ; on Diamond

....... ........
At Manoa

This is the sorrowful atery Told as the twilight fails ' And ther officers gather together tales: Swapping their hard-luc- k "Our players lived in the country, "Foolish people were they, "They went down to the city "To teach the clubmen to play. If the weather clears and" Athleti c Park is fit for play, the baseball team that is on its way to t he mainland to play a series of ex- hibition games, will go against a pic ked team from the Oahu League at 1:30 this afternoon. The Islanders are going through on the Manchuria, and much depends on the ship's time of arrival, and on the condition of the grounds. The game will give Hawaii fans their fi rst line on. the progress of baseball In the Philippines. Barney Joy will p itch for the local team, which is the strongest combination that can be b rought together from the five league clubs. ' r Reading from left to Above is a picture of the All-F- i liplno team. right, the players are: Standing Jesus Enriquez, Mariano Albert, En- rique Ewaquez. Arobroo Villareyes, Lernardino Santiago, Maximo Pla-z- . Rafael Cayugan; EuladI Ora, Cris-i- o ton, Lorenzo San Jose, Jose Gutierre Bagano. Kneeling Francisco At teto Regis, Ciciente Joropillo, Procop


Barnes and Barnes (M),-- beat Warren and Dowsett, Judd and Macconel (N), beat SInglehurst and A. Marshall and Speare Koss, 18-(N), beat Guard and Rietow (M), Lane and W. Marshall (N), beat Beardmore and Greenwell (M), Total, at Manoa, Neighborhood 65, Manoa 53. At Neighborhood BIcknell and Andrews (M), beat Horner and Brown (N), 18.-8-; G. Mar-shaand Graham (N), beat Clark and ; Mclntyre (M), Beadle and Schmidt (M), beat ' Thompson and Cunning (N), 18-Total at Neighborhood, Manoa 52, Neighborhood 35. Grand total, Neighborhood 100, Manoa 95.

"Then came the terrible clubmen, "Nothing of play they, knew, "Only they caught our players "And clouted ' our pitcher too."





With apologies to R. Kipling and Major E. V. Smith.















DETROIT. Ty Cobb is no longer the perfect ball player. For the first time in his career he has developed a weakness. His throwing arm is gone. It is 'only with the greatest effbrt that he can throw a ball a distance of a hundred feet, and on all plays that are made into his territory one of the Infielders usually Vitt goes out to take Cobb's throw. Cobb has been punished for his indiscretions. ' For years he has abused his armbjv pitching, for half an- - hour each".day before the- - game.. He has been repeatedly warned that he would lose his arm If he did hot stop that practice, but he did not heed the advice, and as a result his1 usefulness as an outfielder' has been considerably marred: . , In every- other respect Cobb is playing even better, ball than ever before. He is hitting in his best form and, if such a thing is possible, his speed is even greater than it has ever been.. But that weak throwing arm It; proving a great handicap. Opposing teams which make the discovery that Cobb cannot throw take all 'sorts of liberties on the bases when the ball is in his territory. It is pitiful to watch him trying io throw to the bases from the outfield. Cobb has cut out the pitching now. He hopes that by care and rest he will recover his .throwing arm, but the chances are against, him, and it is most probable that he has buffered the first permanent setback of his career. . With Cobb's arm powerless and Sam Crawford's worn out, the Tigers' outfield has only pne fielder who can t.hrow Veach and her of coutre, cannot do the throwing for his teammates.


and shows that Honolnlu has developed some dependable pin smashers. Clymer,. who led during the. latter part of the tournament, climbed down instead of up, finishing In ninth place. ''v.. Twenty-eigh- t out of the forty entrants completed the full 50 games. Clark carried off the high score prize. .v When the novice tournament is completed, the competition series will be over, and the Y" rollers will LS Well gather round the festal board for. the fair game for the Willis pitched-second annual bowling banquet, which as now planned will be a large event Hawaiis, but in the eighth Ca plain i GETTING READY FOR There will be no more tournaments Dave Desha eased the strain by putuntil next winter although the alleys ting Bill Hampton on the firing line. VALLEY ISLE RACES will be open for those who: wish to This was probably a good move, for tir"was smile, keep after the wood. v. ' : his of spite In Willis, Down at the Kahului race track Novices. Going Strong a ing fast things are assuming the appearance The novice tournament was organThe scores of both games follow: ; of a busy training camp. The horse ized principally to give those bowl' that have been working out there for '' ers rolling below 150 average a K A V All R HSDPO r.ome time, are doing well, and now chance to compete with fellows in 1 0 2 2 today arrives" "Hilo" O'Rourke and Sousa, 3b :.V.... 4 '' ..v their own class. 0 0 0 2 3 2 5 Scott, cf. his string of horses. "Honest John" competition Since the 0 expects to started, it Is arrive on, the Lurline, and J. Ornellas, rf. . . 3 0 many noticed the that of entrants are 3 0 4 be is said to have nine horses with .09 La Merc, c rolling 150 above the 1 far . mark. 1 0 0 him.,, The string will be quite an ad M. Ornellas. If... 4 0 l Menaugh by rolling average for 177 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 dition to the lot of equines in trainA. Joseph, If.. . 1 games into, went four place Satfirst . 5 1 2 0 3 4 1 ing for July Fourth. Bushnell. ss urday, displacing Atherton. who com0 Louis Warren sent one of his string F. Joseph, lb.... 4 1 2 0 11 0 games pleted 20 his average. 165 with 1 1 0 qver last Tuesday from Honolulu. 5 2 Zamiska, 2b are Hose Taylor keeping and well up 1 4 ,1 11 The horse arrived in good condition Medeiros, p may surprise and the others before expected to earn its oats. and is PELKEY EXONERATED they are through tneir alloted games. 5 27 6 15'. All the 12 race have the at stalls track 29 0 Totals The standing June 7th is as folFOR M'CARTY'S DEATH : been taken, and every morning and : Asahl. lows: evening the place looks busy. The AD R II SB PO A K '';'' G Aver. 0 fRy Litst MailJ races on the Fourth should be good 3 0 1 0 2 6 1 . Menaugh 4 177 C, Moriyama, s.-CALGARY, Alberta Arthur Pel key, 1 - and the usual big crowd of visitors prize .... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Atherton; 20 165 'Arakl, 3b-sfighter, has been exonerated by expected to be present Maul 0 'a 3 0 1 0 0 2 Rose . 160 Yamashiro, cf. ;;- 7; a jury of the death of Luther Taylor News. coroner's 2 4 2 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 155 Noda, 2b ......v. McCarty, heavyweight chamthe white 16 153 T.Moriyama, b 4 0 0 0 1 6 0 Mclntyre, f. .... 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 pion of the world, who was killed here C. W. Tinker 0 1 0 9 1 3 . 4 Wikander 20 152 Komcya. lb in the first round of a scheduled-20-rounP Beaman 5 150 ' Totals ........34 7 0 2 Uyeno. If. ....... 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 battle with Pel key. The gen- J r3. tt 0 0 0 0 2 4 150 Kojima..rf. ..... .0 Coast Defense. eral belief that a blow over the heatt 18 142- AB R USD PO A E killed McCarty is discredited today by Methevan Nishi. c . . . 10 . 134 Forrest 4 0 0 1 0 the testimcny of Dr. H. Moshier. -llixenb'h, ss.-29 1 27 21 . .... ...... .... 8 Thomas 4 133 31 .0 1 1 t 2 2b 0 Clark, ...... Totals "McCarty died from a blow on tho t. ans . , 7 .130 Innings. ..'..'.......-- 2 122 Howard, ss. . I'. 2 0 0 0 0 0 edge" of the" jaw," said Dr. Moshier. Hits and Runs by 6 2 0 "It dislocated, the fourth cervical ver- Wheeler . 0 Applin, 3b .....O P A C. 3 1 2 1 0 1 -12 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 tebrae, and tbe hemorrhage of the Shea, rf. Hits ".....-O0Handicao Bowling Tournament 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 4 1 0 4 0. 1 brain 2 Hinkley, .... lb Asahl .::.......0 forcing blood fclYwod, lnt that (Final Standing) 4 0 1 1 0 01 0 0 0 1 0 0 the spinal canaj, were the actual Colander, cf..'. . . Hits :........0 0 1 Av. Hd.-ASummary. 2 0 0 0 5 2 0 causes cf death.' Kirk, c. . ... (15) Canario 182 .167 Two-bas- e hits F. Joseph, Bushnell. OToole, If." .... 4 0 11 1 0 0 Pel key was given a preliminaiy Wisdom (scr) ..... . . , .181 181 on v u Josenh. Ieft o o 1 0 0 7 - .... Smith, i hearing on a charge of manslaughter.' Roberts (scr) Oav I liiv u ....180 180 First Lawscn, p. 1 0 0 0 o 11 A. C. S; Asahl. 9 bases-- P. W. Smith of "hicago, Tom- C. C. Clark (5) ........173 Ed Referee 178 . Asahi, 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 my B u rn s. th e pTomoter of th e m a t ch ; Randall, p. base on errors P. A. C. 3; Mere.and (5) 173 Kentnor 178 ..... Dcuble plays Medeiros, La William ..McCarney. manager of the Azvedo (10) ...........168 178 F. Totals ........32 4 6 3 27 8 3 dead fighter, an1 thers were cited io Rietow (ecr) v... F Joseph; Medelrcs. Bushnell and 177 177 Mere, Runs and Hits by Innings. Joseph. Hit by pitcher--La appear Acting as witnesses. Premier (10) Nell 176 .166 Mori-yamT. 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 o Hawaii Noda, ArakL Struck out-- By Mitchell of Alberta announced that Clymer (10) 166 176 Meby 1 9 2 4 1 0 1 0 anti-figh- t 2; by C. Moriyama Hits will be law (8) the 174 Barter hereafter ...166 0 0 Coast Defense...! O 0 0 Yap Attorneys rigi'dly deiros. 7. Bases on called balls Off (8) in Alberta. enforced 174 '. ...... . ... .166 :. 1; ., Hits ;2 1 Q t 0 2 0 0 expressed dissatisfaction Gaynor (15) T. Moriyama. 2; of V. Moriyama. crown 159 174 the for MoriV"Summary.- yc rJict o the coroner's Newcomb (8) ..... '. . . . .165 173 ! oft Medeiros, 2. Wild pftch over today the ny Two-bah- it Hinkley. Sacrifice fly jury exonerating pelkey. It was in- Milton (scr) yama. Medeiros. Innings pitched 172 .172 7; Moriyama HamjrCon. by on bases Hawaii, timated that the prosecution of Pelkey Kerr (5) . C Left Moriyama 172 .167 T Mon-Aam- a 4. First base on errors Winne (scr) . ...... ... .171 171 hits, off T. Moriyama 3. off C. Bruns 6; would not be dropped. HaKvaii. 2; C. D.. 1. Hit by pitcher McTighe (scr) .... .... .171 171 9. Umpires St ay ton and phael. Smith. Struck out By Law- 171 Raseman (5) ...........166 rorer Runoso. Time of game-- U GOLF COMPETITIONS. 170 son. 4; bv Randell. 7; by Willis. 9; by of the Oahu Country Club Li J. Scott (S) .........162 Golfers hour and 27 minutes. A Hampton, 1. Pases on called balls are planning a driving, approaching Pratt (20) 1.147 167 Hawaii ' AB R H SB PO A 142 162 Off Iiwscn. 3; off Randall. 0; off Wil- I and putting contest, to be held the Wikander (20) 2 2 0 0 y o 161 ..156 3: off Hampton. 0. Wild pitch j morning of June 11, commencine at Bernal (5) D. Desha. rt.-3.5 A i lis. 161 Willis. Passed balls Smith. 2 In- . 10 a. m. The event will be held at Menaugh (20) .........141 fernandez lb . 4 0 0 4 161 (20) by .141 ....... By nings pitched Methevan 3 Lawson . HamptonSb-p-the third hole. 1 160 V 2 2 1 Randall 4 .155 by Willis 7, by HampMiss Wilhelmina Tenney and Har- Ellsworth (5) Franco. ss. . . . .. 4 0 0 A 0 0 ton 2. 0 145 C. W. Ran7, Tinker off (15)...... Off won mixed Lawson old Giffard the .160 foursome cf. Hits I.angenhan, 1 1 .143 158: dall 9. off Willis 6, off Hampton 0. medal play competition last Saturday. Atherton (15) White. 2b .... .. 3 I Y 0 i 0 thereafter. 1 . 158 0 (15) .... Beaman .....143 4 was Hulings Miss I'mpires Stayton and Bruns. Scorer Their card .. lsiib. If. 1 For the clubmen, Hoogs probably represent parentheses 2 in 0 13 Number 1 sec-2 Halstead game Ruposo. and In and Frank finished 3 of Z hour ... Time ' handicap given .Raphael, 'c. n played ft 3 1 i game. ... the best fielding game, with each I 56 minutes. ' end place. ;, WilHs, p. .
, : 1-- S .
; . ! .

Next Saturday doubles teams frqm the Neighborhood and Beretanla Tennis clubs .will meet in an inter-clumatch, eight pairs from each organization taking part. Six matches will ue played on the Beretanla courts, while the Nos. 7 and 8 teams will settm their differences at the Neighborhood The- - scoring will be "Maul Club. style," each match being for three full ' sets, total games to count of the t Following is the .make-u- p teams, ranking In the order named: Eeretania J. H. Barnes and M Ilenocll, TJ." WyAndersod'and C. Hoogs, (Jcorge Waterhouse and J. Macaulay, C G. Bockus. and A. R.: Cunha, S. T. Carr and J. B. Guard, K. B. Barnes and It. B. Booth, S. U Dowsett and C. Ccoke, R. J. Heard and C. J. du RoL Neighborhood L. Judd and S. Kennedy, H. Dowsett and W. Warren, A. Marshall and A. T. Speare, C. T. Little-Joh- n and J.M. Macconel. E. C. Lane Marshall, R. Graham and R. and C. Brown and J. Marshall, W. Horner, Thompson and S. Cunning.
b :

By Latest Mail

The. Individual handicap bowling tournament that has been in progression in the "Y" alleys for some weeks past, is now completed, Canario, a 15 handicap man, heading the list Wisdom and Roberts, two scratch rollers, are second arid third, one and two points behind the winner. This Is





11 11 10 11

" s.



.............. .................











.............. .........



c.-c- f.



1- -2

ft' 09 04 06













There was a ball at Brussela he night before Waterloo, but ball and Waterloo were coincident at Moillill Saturday afternoon. In the first game of the much heralded series between the army officers and the University Club, the latter, won by the overwhelming. s:ore of 19 to 6. It may be of interest to statisticians to note that the runs scored by the winning the side amount to just one-thir-d n varieties of pickles orfered hy a Probably this manufacturer. Is merely a coincidence," but you never can tell what high brows like Al Castle and his troupe of trained ball tossers will put over, and the whole thing may be some t frame-u- p with an inner meaning. r , It was a grand little ball game if you copper the statement 'Last year the game between the clubmen and the officers was billed as a sort of farce, and turned out to be a" rattling good contest. This year the series was taken with all the seriousness of a world's championship, and the first game has turned put to be a . farce. Shy on Flingers Had the army been able to raise a boxman of class the story might have been different for thevteant hit the ball hard, and, gave. Jtl Castljjl about as hard a drubbing a J ne has received for some time, and the fielding was very fair. But neither .Baird nor Rose claims to be. a Walter Johnson or a Christy Matbewson, and they were found rather easily by the Club men, besides issuing more free trans portation than the Interstate Com merce Commission usually stands for. In Balrd did the twirling for 8 nings, but in the fatal seventh, with. only one oown, he allowed five hits In a row, three of thent for extra bases, and finally fled from the mound, giving the disress signal to Rose. The latter finished the game with no hits and one fun:, against him, although he allowed two bases : on balls. r ' V' ' Army Gets Start Things had a very military, appearance in the second inning, when , the, officers got four men acrosfe the rub ber, after batting Castle for III hits. Several of these were of the scratch variety, the fielders seeming to need a Big Ben aoiece, but although a little less slumber would have cut down a few of them, they have to appear on the score against the former H d v twirler. ... In this frame the first man ud fanned, and ' Calder, Becond at ; bat, combed - out a drive that went between first and second for two sacks. Peyton, Balrd, Saunders, Clark and Applin followed with safe hits, and when the dust cleared, four runs had scored. A snappy double play, Hoogs to No well, ended the agony. In their half of the second, the clubmen collected seven runs with only two hits to show for it, and when they grabbed three more. In the third, the game was over to all intents and purposes. In the second inning the officers got the worst of a base decision that might have cut down the runs, but would hardly have changed the final result A man was on first and second and no one was out Cunha sent an easy grounder towards third, and Saunders gathered it in. and jumped at the bag for a force, throwing immediately to second in an attempt to double. : A. Lewis, who umpired in the field, called the man at third safe, although It looked as though Saunders clearly got his foot on the bag before the runner arrived. There was no question but that the other runner made second. This Was a severe jolt to the morale of the team, and a sacrifice fly, an error, a two bagger, a single and a pass, wrought havoc to the extent of seven runs. The clubmen scored In every inning but the first and last, while officers crossed the pan in bnfy three frames. ' Some Good Fielding. There was some brilliant Individual itelding. and some clever sticking, everyone having a chance in such a g contest Calder, Peyton, Saunders and Clark played exceptionally well for the army, the latter doing some star work around second, and incidentally got four hits out of fhe trips to the plate. "Tanglefoot Halloran poisoned one fly In the first inning, in big league style, and got nothing but mighty hard chances
. well-knowA-- -at-varr

KILSNER Both Kilsnef and Hoao are working hard for their mill- In this city June 14, and the chances are that when they. step Into the ring they will.be exhiin shape to put up a first-clasbition. of sparring , Kilsner .finds .plenty partners out ; at Schofield Barracks, and every afternoon a number st fans gather at his training quarters to see him go through his stunts..' lT ' : ,

ington and Jefferson University here today, the made it 13 straight, with a total of 106 runs to the opposition's 33 in this run of wins. The kcore of today's game w.as 14 to 3. In all the Chinese have played S3 games and won 44 since coming to the mainland this year, giTlng the team an average of .830. As we are a road club all the time, the papers are beginning to notice our record. One paper in Ohio said that with a couple more, pitchers we could hold our own in any Class A league In the country. and another said that we were out ot the college class. i '. On the whole, we have been getting lots of publicity, but this doesn't seem to bring the crowds, which con' tlnue MnalL. Better things are hoped for when we get ; to the Atlantic Coast in a few weeks, as soon as the college ball season Is over. The players are all feellnj fine and playing better ball every day. Every one will be glad to see Hawaii asata. though, for so much traveling gets tiresome. , The team made a great hit wilh the college fans in the. Wasilnr'-oand Jefferson game,-anthe p;::r gave us fine write-upOne cf the local sheets had the following to' eay in regard to the game: "The better team won. The Chinese team Is the classiest asiie frcra Pittsburgh, that has played la Wellington for several years. Apparently there is not a weak spot oa ti:3 trra. They are all hitters, good tzra runners and great fielders. Captain Kan Yit Is one of the prettiest rec:.'7er3 that has performed here recently."
a s. -





Cunha catching nicely, and Nowell holding down first in great style. Itard speared some trick flies " that got just over the diamond. '' Captain Stayton umpired behind the plate, and A. Lewis in the field throughout the game. The next game of the series is scheduled for next Saturday at Scho field, and Major Smith already has a fine setting of new schemes which he hopes will hatch before that date. Seme of the more radical among the army men suggested that the president be urged to appoint Barney Joy e. brigadier general, this being the CM ty grade la which he could be commissioned on a rush order, as it were. Up to 2:23 this afternoon, however, no such cablegram had been sent The score: i Army Officers. " AB.R HSBPO A E Saunders, 3b .. . 5 1 1 0 2 2 0 , 5 1 4 3 4 2 0 Clark. 2b i 5 0 3 0 2 0 2 Applin, nsi
. .
. ".-

fully realizc3 Iz ; very important Jt is that tfcs UnIt:.I r.tatci capture the Davis cup this year. Thers are a great many riewccrr.cts la . tha field nowand a numler of ttati ure rated very highly. Cerixar.y rr.i France have both come ta tha frcnt in lawn tennis rapidly la ti:a Iiit faw years, and will, in the near future, ha important contestants for the iaterr.i-tlontitle. A number cf 'countries throughout Europe artj talir t' the game with a great deal cf dou5t and energy, and there that in a few years the fight f"r the tit Ie will Indeed by an laternatioual affair, and not a race betwjii Airer- " lca, England and Afstralla.

EVERY American teanl3






5 0 1 0 0 0 Wells, rf. Halloran, If. .... 5 1 0 0 I 6 1 Calder, c. ... ....5 1 2 Peyton, lb ...... 4 1 1 0 6 0 ..... 4 0 1 0 0 0 Baird. Mathews ....... 0 1 0 0 0 0




5 27

p.-c- f.


.. . ...42
', .

6 14

Hoogs, 3b

Stecre, rf. Rogers, If.


Clubmen. AB R II SB PO A K fi 2 t 0 2 1 1 ACCORDING

as October, 1911,, baseball fan, in the country sang the praises of J. Franklin Baker, 0 third baseman for the Athletes. J. 1 Franklin got wagonloads of presents 0 ranging from neckties to silver-plate- d 2 bats. He was the town hero at home. Now Clark Griffith, manager of the 0 1 Washington club, says Baker 13 a punk He says' he's awkward 0 third-sacke- r. and is such a poor fielder be ha3 to 6 make two hits per day to atone for his fielding. Baker is hitting only .250.




1 0 Izard, 2b . 0 0 Burdick, cf. ... I I 1 3 0 4 p. Castle, Edgecomb. ss. ... 4 2 0 1 Francis, rf. .... . 1 0 0 Warren, cf. ..... 3 2 2 0



3 5


2 2

..: 5

10 HI 0
2 0


1 1

14 12 0


0 0 I 0 5

Totals ....... 'Rl 19 11 2 27 Ran for Baird In second. Runs and Hits by Innings.




Summary. Three base hits Nowell. Well3. Two base hlts Hoogs, Steere, Izard, Cunha. Warren. Calder 2. Sacrifice hit Castle. Sacrifice flies Hoogs, Burdick. Double plays Hoogs to Nowell; Applin, unassisted. Hit by pitcher Steere, by Baird ; Rose. Innings pitched by Baird 61-3- , by Rose 1 How few are the female blackruns scored, off Baird 18, off Rose 1. Struck out By Castle, 8; by smiths, yet.how numerous the women Baird, 3; by Rose. 1. Wild pitch - .. Baird. Passed balls Cunha. Calder. mer! Time of game 2 hours and 4 minOn a hot day how good the tinkle utes. Umpires Stayton .and Lewis. of the ice In the tumbler sounds but Scorer Redingt dn. beware for there is nothing cooling '. Berexcept that sdundJ Two teachers In the schools of year celebratlin, Germany, are this When the balloon goes up, 'tis a ing their fiftieth anniversary of school teaching. . There are 42 others who sign that somebody has let go of the . . have taught forty years, and 47 who drag-rope- . years. The have taught twenty-fiv- e wants to name When all Berlin Teachers' Society will tender a banquet to these veterans in Decem- the baby after her first husband she uses poor judgment '' ber.


4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 7 3 1 1 1 6 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 5 0

214 13

it necessary to apply the whip to his players. He is now . gaining the reputation of being the strictest manager in the league, and as a result he Is obtaining better work from his team. As the story goes Chance handled bis players with kid gloves during the early part of the season, hoping to encourage them with good treataeny. But one morning while the team was playlnj5 jn Detroit he made the discovery that his players were more In- -: terested in a poker game tnan oase- ball, and, finding seven or eignt ot them nlavine cards before luncheon. he broke up the game and then gave vent to hi3 opinion of who marred their cnances ny siuing room before a ball in a smoke-fille- d game. His edict provided that In the future such conduct would can ior a heavy fine and suspension, and ever since then the Yankees have been showing much improved form, and the players have a fear of their manager.
ball-playe- rs


reports, Frank


2-- 3;




Remember, there's something else I The reason so many young weu are In this world besides living among 111 love wun a girt is rcuBe a vivid imagination. the daffodils all the time.




MONDAY, JUNE 0, 1913.


. -


of Ills dead wife, Nester Kasenov ,was, lound .by .the police Saturday riifthC A .bullet had pierced her . temple. Kasenov that ;tbe, woman. ended her life, but tb polkc,, tlnfebtfng his Jstory and believing that' b way hare mur dered Jic r. ; placed him hi , custody pending the findings of a coroiwr's : ?; Jury. - The couple, who came here from Russia,; have lived together In a little apartment in the Hapai block, Vineyard and Lillha streets. According to the story of neighbors, they had both been drinking during the evening and later engaged in a bitter quarrel. One of the neighbors has Informed the police that near the close. of the dls-tut- e between the twoj he heard the woman declare her Intentoh to commit suicide, and a few minutes later the pistol shot reverberated in the building. Kasenov is a laborer, and Is said to have come here with his wife a ear ago. They lived apart from the ouicr dweHerg in the building. ojnee Deing arrested, the . prisoner has not elaborated on his story, but with his brain still dazed ifrom drink ana the tragedy, he continues to reit orate his story that the death of his . wiie was rrom sulc dfe. 1 1 The coroner's Jury will probably; act laic.ims afternoon.


r the body


( ;







Grieving to think, that he had struck nis rather, Ioane Kua. Hawaiian boy, ended his life Sunday morning at the home of this farnNyi cn Beretania It'a venue-- r nA street. He shoMiimtc)f,.;wt.gir the i Drain.. ki- r ; The. fatter of tbeyboy had complaln- ea to ins police about him. Saturday night, saying that Ioane had severely nearm tho -.rim .in TI ' W J .w. .minvfi,(ta " . lad iwas Into taelan cholia was found brooding .in bis. room., lln Is eald to have approached bis father before ending his life,-wi- th ', an a pole "tv saying: ' "Father,'. I wronged you "last night' A lew .minutes. later . the pital shot. WIRELESS BUILDINGS was heard. He had crossed over to JEARIuu COMPLETION the .otber, room, where he fired the death-fho- t. n OrrespondeneeJ ISpeci&l WAILUKU, Maui, June 7. Toward Kaanapali 'the much and long ; needed CD new wireless buildings are now reads s Operator J. T. S. Ralston is certainly to be congratulated and so also is the I whole of Maul for the, excellent newl room equipment. The room; the and store a will be used as Ralston Sir. dwelling tiny that' house r ; and his family have patiently occupied for these years past will be used for an engine room and garage. The at-- r tractive new cottage will make the family much more comfortable than in the past. The delay in obtaining these hniidinirs had been that no land was available, but last year negotiations were com Dieted for. obtaining addition al land, so that the present excellent eaulDmcnt of one of the most useful of Hawaii's stations could he man e possible.. - The approach to- - the new buildings is jnost attractive, and the arrangement of the houses pleasing.) The result of Mr. : Ralston's faithful anfl satisfactory service to the Maui public for cnore than nine years seems jowto be realized ln the new equip ment. The old apparatus that ha3 been replaced by ft more efficient one will 'be. kept for emergency cans. Jit .? I





V In an endeavor to prevent tne re duction or removal of the duty: on sugar, ihe Forto Rico Association, representing the --business men of Forto Rico, is sending this bulletin to Amcri can 'business houses: fAre ycu going to sit tight white congress wipes out one of ; your" bet ' customers? "Under free trade with the United States, the commerce of Porto Rico has grown since 1301. from J17.5O0KD to $92,600,000. Her purchases of Amer lean goods, which have increased from in 1898 to $37,500,000. are rapidly climbing toward the 50,0o0,O0J mark. " VThe chief factor in the building up of this market has been the development of the sugar industry, which, fos tered by a modest tariff protectiou, has crown from $2,500,000 in 1898 to 13100,000, amF contributes directly more than 65 per cent to the purchases made in the United States, and, indi rectly but surely, affects most of the remaining 35 per. cent"If the sugar tariff is reduced or re moved it will immediately impair the of the purchasing power of one-hal- f people' who now buy in the United States markets, and in .time will detri ': mentally affect-thother naif. fj Fortb Rico occupies eleventh place In the list of the world markets of the United States, buying more than Rus s!a, j Spain, Australia, Africa, 'Turkey, China, the East Indies, and all the countries of South and Central Ameri ca, excepting the Argentine Republic, Her nurchases on the mainland are greater than those of any , other non continuous territory exceeding those of the Philippine Islands by 115,000, 000, Alaska by $19,000,000, and Hawaii by 114)00,000. Her per capita pur chases are ten ' times greater th an those of the twenty republics of Latin ' . America. seriously reduced or "If the tariff is aof$50,000,000 market lemoved, 'half will be put in jeopardy. In compensa tion the sugar conlutaer may tehoret a ically save $1.25, a year or one-hai- r' cent a oay. a tnmty person in month could lay by .enough to pur cigar. chase a cigar "But don't you think a Is a stiff price to pay for a trade. loss , of $25,000,000 or, more?. "Think its over.'. Then nrge1 yout; penator to vote against any change of rate in the sugar tariff." iThe associauon nas omcea axu oau Francisco street; San Juan, Porto Rico, and 569 Fifth avenue, this city.








terience teus me wuw

Pref -. V-


Peo pie




" Tne chewicl- - union cf tH- - eisiH-trof Sanatozen it alraeie, rrpiormaurr'ni Wcbrt kill in Ikr ftnr alien i f a rortjt rtwtati 4hc.orrnc phwrl-ati jrditkm, and so otnbim.d lbt Cici" anJ iimj2atHW of tinWvrcntit: cca; Ms wfch the cittten eaie." ' '
s ; rco-Jtjc-


KS . n.D. rorTlni B. SiiUmn. pfh ihenHst

. n




CkartesD. Sizuhe : Brir Admiral U.S. KTT, write: "After a Ihowith rri.- of fn(fx:m. I am rcTinret' ttm Ti a food and tonic. Ill
beueCcisl cCccts ace beyond dcobt."

Hon. Wm. L. Caaiarn Former Chief Justice International Court. Samoa, wrhes "Sanaroeen has been used in my family with the mast excellent resorts, and I do not hesitate to recommend this valuable remedy to those whose systems need building tin. It Is a
most Invigorating tonic.

.on. 'Victor f.!stx?ck


r3mt P.tler. M. P.
be rmiatnt

. 3,



''Sanatocen It o



. mind."

Civieg fresh vigcr to tlc oreiwcffcti

frKine the nerrrf, increases:

', mim a n;e Ih enrrpy

TTevse tf Cenresentatlres, writes: " I hive talia Ssnatrcen M the suc?e?ion tth ihe result. ef 1 1rieiHl and tn rry Tht preparaiirin eerts a very aereeahle and beneficial ai lion vnen one's direction and lai- -. par.s a Iiclins tf TerrJ5 ritr."


Thm King mt Saxoays Privaio PKyakiaai Surgeoa General Professor Dr. Till manna
writes : I ara and shall always be r, great admirer ... ... of Sanatogea."

i4 ty w
ef Uerifn CnWersitj-- . Doctor honoris causa J lm Ilcpklns Medical School, Baltimore,


: .

"The eminent dramatic author .

wonderfully beneficial rrjuli I have exoeti-tncrrrcm the.rae c( yevr Sanatppen. Jt .has irwt tavicomtinc Rett upen tho nertes, and I heartily rcroniwtnd it to all who, tike myrel,'. .tier. Ky. prsoril rerobUced.10 overork. fecupep-- . ejperleiKe I can ttxi.'.j Touch fcr. ' ' . alive. Qualities."

"it ttve roe pteittire-t-


know the

rrat number mctabolifm


' '! mn say that

which were mainly of a or reurasthenlc origin), and have ot- t3iael excellent f cuUs.

sied SanatOB'n of rates (that is. in thoae

I iiavc




Mrs. AntoCa E. Barr ' m , authoress, writes : The " I tend my sioeere gratitntfe for Ihe marvellous help I have derived from the use of Sanatogen. Wbn I commenced it seven weeks ago. I was in an extremity of nervous v earnest brought en by Usui continued mental .work, ac. Centuated by the shock Of bad fall backward. SlowlyatSrst.butsitrely, it steadied andstrentlb-ne- d me. so that now I have almost icy usual , ; food health."




lion. Ceo.


Hit Excelleney Prof. Dr. Von Leyd'en . . . Director First Msieal CUac fierlio Pnl

V. S. Senatqj, foraiet Governor of Califor-1.1- a,

John BurrouKtia

The distinguished

cstuiallst and author,


"I kave feAind Sanatrgcn to hea very ant rmtrtent and tonic and extremely helpful in comlliior.s of "icrvctun s and poor Jlccstion.'; w


in clinical as well as say private practice and tun extremely .satisfied, with the results.'

"l have gladly and" frequently prescribed my Sanatoeen in cases of delicate patients

ersity writes:






furc I have been greatly benefited - iy Eanaiogeu. 'My sleep is O.'ly per cent, better o,.cd ay miad and than it was one yer


'."I sm


, --





The drasiaCit, writes :

Sanatogen has en as a tonic n'rv- - fcod it has on snort than t one occasion benefited


"My eaperience cf

S. Senator f torn Washington, writes; am sure Sanatogen lias benefited tne greatly. ' A few weeks' use df It has produced better digestion, better sleep and a feeiiog ef

Miles He. D.




Ceoro'Aele Thcihiimorijit. writes : '"I have given Soratcgen a trial, cr.4 I ant


greater strength."

tt its werHaV'f


Sarth Cracd ;

15-ce- nt

15-ce- nt

Lady Henry Somerset


The xomiostt social treCom tsdvocatc, . , writes: " "Sanatogen undoubtedly restores sleep, in-- r; rorales the Serves and brace abe, patient to hialib,. ;: I aw: ..watched, i! cfect on. pecpla whose ncrvotnl systems have been entirely and s rocd,SaaaJocca le
': :.

Author cf the "lIcnTcnly Twins," writes : .. 'l began KtakSanatoceafter nearly four - yrars enforced idleness from extreire dcUlity, ' And and fcH the benefit almost rnimediately. day now, aftrf taking At cead'Hy throe times I find Kivself able to enjoy for twelve toth vork and play apain. and aJUo am able to Co aj isucb cf vclti :J I ever CIC."

Late Km

Dr. Ernest Ott. writes : "I have been using Sanatogerl for a number of years in my practice with excellent results. These results have been notably good in the case of elderly people when It was desirable la bull ! up the strength', to stimulate the bodily 1 auctions, and to improve tht drculaliqa cf the blood."

Edward's Physician





,. .

of YJcnna University, write;





' Iriitaticjsed frccotcsiuUify i:i fectlc folis.'

Former Seeretry tf 'he 'KaTjv ' f mm IewH3ipshirc, writs : 'Sanatopan is a pleaf ant nujricrt fcr eases of .impaired digestion. 1i strengthen wiihort


cspec'al rrlae in varioos forms of anaemia ncd g rneral de IMty. .It is aa eaccllcct tauialaous preparation."

She!byI. Cullora :: II. S. Senator from Illinois, writes r MI tan state that I have been decidedly bene-4itI consider by the use Of your Sanatogen. ' this preparation very vahtabltf as arrecocstruc-tlv- e ycf ite nervous systent."".





f&s90 tn.

Hen. John W. Kern


"Ai a f5toarve and tcnic, faatocenas hen cf re.il eneft to rr, I ffrl fnre Vt this earalon Is tVrervicj; zii the sraise that
has been LcsHwcd cu

fT. 5. Senator fsctn




i .

David Warfield '; lbs beloved r.c'cr, ssys : ' '"1 m fleased to ay thafSnrin'ogr r'or.e all you claimed fcr it. It rot only restores . and i3ta Ke hot Is a roal hlood-hrlkremaTkahlereviulizcr.for aa overworked nei-olystem." '.
" . ; nrf ier -

The Rt Rer. tie Biahop of Beth and Wells


"The Palace, Wells, Somerset 'V'ou may like to hear that I an Informed by my private secretary thai a member rf his rcDaaik.tblc bca:5t from family has derived using Saoaiozca."

V.r-r i l




III it

i t

i r



Button Boot s

' "'




leaders in thought and action, acknowl-f rA-r- . :15,C00 practfeinK physicians record the snlcndid !x!n of 5cnatorrcn revitalizing effect, whcn leading medical o( Wonderful, its m vrir tn their experience there be any its use--e- an of results journals end text books publish the beneficent ' ' room fcr t!ciibt thct nctoccn will help you? , ,

fmnn; mm rnl women, the


For Boys

IN On Monday.


This line of boys' shoes needs no introduction It 'is 'well known: "W5s


Made on cleaieeut and stylish lasts, ; easy; fit-ting, good looking luid



sia and smooth dull ;calf. .

They come In lac,


Sizes Sizes 4

.and and I. Yz T.W


Shoe Coi

Fort 3U rhone 1782



Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Carriage and Wagon Materials and Supplies. "f Carriage Makers .and ,General Repair-ers- . .Paintiag, . Blacksmithing, v Wood working. and Trimming or nson iMjaa Queen St.

Hctnel P




uear Hcim.


and Also developing, .printing materials. Artists'


enlarg-tog- .



San If Francisco dailies publfshed an offer that is mnique, as follows: . ' 'To show that Codein containing opium which locks up secretions, commonly used in Diabetes is wrong and Diabetic Compound, t that Fulton's which contains no opium or sedatives., 1 ) i JJ but promotes secretions, is right, we j V J mill fi.iv ithjit if fnnr . nhvtdrlans of good standing in this cltywill send us a.Diabetlc between fifty and seventy years, of age, strong enough to call at oar office; showing ' high specific gravity, thirst and a large auantlty of sugar, we will: with this mild infusion to help the liver oxidize . the sugars and starches, attempt to return him in sixty days with half of the sugar eliminated.' with" thirst' and symptoms largely reduced and on the road to re,A resolution of protest against tbe covery.' If we fail we will publish the proposed- - legislation for free sugar fact; if we succeed the physicians to acknowledge it. We want a patient was passed .at .a mas3 meeting of Jawhom, we can both trust This offer panese at the Asahl theatre last night.' is not in, the nature of a contest, but The meeting had been called to voice tr demonstrate that life can be or recoveries had in many the disapproval '"of the Japanese cases of Diabetes now dying under co- against ' the punorted statements of Inspector Edwin Farmer of the United dein." of are and Diabetes Immigration station, which are have Suites If 3'ou middle age or over you owe it to your- said to have reflected on the moral self and family to try Fulton's Diabet- character of their countrywomen. ic Compound before giving up. It can Chairman Fred K. Makino suggested be had at Honolulu Drug Co. the sugar resolution. Ask for pamphlet or .write to John The resolution Is as follows: "Whereas, the Japanese residents J. Fulton Company, San Francisco. of - the territory of Hawaii learn with advertisement. regret that a measure is now in the Jumping from a street-ca- r while .it congress of the United States the obwas in motion last night, a Japanese ject of which is to remove the duty . whese Identity cannot be learned. H cn Imported sugar; and ard fractured. his skull. He Is at, the "Whereas, the removal cf the duty Queen '8 Hospital. He jumped from r.n cn sugar would mean enormous loss and In many cases ruin to the isugar elstbound Waialae car.
May 6th, 1912,
yeu-.trc-wis- cf

ttp.' We anger Tficsc n and rervotis, fn-feel AVrnutst srlraisI'.Hc cotirrrs rf Vwjr rfrcnlh- and signals the visc will hceKulwitr. Comrirr.r! cf tlic'hvo life- n. T;taliw'anl nruhtn will dt .t.vff ciTt't wiv.T5 l nribinslion (proan-ftienUf.r purest pnopborua albunirn n givinf sabttanccs', t to tbc nurisfimcnt rf the starved tected by U. S. It(eo Patent) Gmtorrcn x'oct nfl .assimilation, rn'l Mific the very founds ttnnsof M tissues ami cells, retreneratOT an'd'strengtb. bee" 'the rccordel experience cf rfiore than 15 000 Lm physical health ThU nh;-;m- . uOTtn in cverv walk of life nnl f ihotKinrU tmnn t haiisarub of mm At one time or otHrr jr tl!


t- -.


n t"ne

r- -




3f ?rtik and

t!i-rti- on.

. . -

earneeily. to cet acrjuainted sv Jt Saaatogea. InvettJgate ear elftltns Erst If ynu dno. Atk your doctor about it, and in yoa liiie and- - we ore only too glad to Kvc any cate write at eeice for on book. " Our Nerves of Tomorrow." the work of phy. ,sicianlkorr' written in an abeorbtoxlv ioAarcetiiMj style, boaqtelly illutlreted and ,W
eale-ye- a

A.Remarkable 'Book PREE upon request


or-a;- ii-



W wilbk'

ly crvrwricncc.Wemhclflik

' s cold in three sizes, $1.0C, CI.O0, $3.60 GetSnnaloen rvmyattrdruzzhlif not obtainable fror.i hi:n, sen t upon receipt ofprice irtin- - riacc Unicn Sq.9 N.Y. BAUER CHEMICAL CO.,

containing facts. and information of yital interest to you. THs bock ilso contains rtmirkttlo as it is conclusive. evidence cf tbc. valao of Saaatesoa vhich is


mm .a4



planters of the territory of Hawaii; whether it will take Lahatna a whoie'Tom is In such difficulties with his Under a new- - Pcnasjivar.Ia I aw week to properly make its bow. and creditors. I like Tom; he's a brickfEchooI teachers must rtaa.tia versus ' of tho Uiblo each' doy to thnlr s'u-!- ( d "Whereas, the Japanese residents Conley: Me is, and a of the territory of Hawaii would ; Carter: I'm sorry-tbrick, at that. nts. . hear that. poor share In the loss and ruin of the su: --



gar plantations;

should take every means in our( power to assist the sugar plantations in resisting the abolition of the duty I ; on sugar." : "And be it further resolved, that a copy of, this resolution be forwarded to the president of the United States and the Honorable J. K. Kalanianaole, delegate to Congress."

"Now, therefore,. be it resolved, that It Is the sense of the Japanese resl-- j dents of tlie Territory of Hawaii, in mass meeting assembled, that we


Part of the GAS You Buy






will .soon be .in operation. The power t house is practically ready and It is expected, .that the ' current will be trrned on in the earv ,part of July. The new plant will supply power for the new wireless station and also for the new show house just about com- pleted. The old. capital of the Islands will hardly know Itself when all the ' opening events take place. ; Maul pe- ;Plo have been wondering .if all ihel celebrations Will be at one time, or
'. i

Correspondence WAILUKU, Maul, June 7. The lighting system at KAanapall

Star-Bullet- in

c new-electri-

Square Bealiii Gaod S grace Courteous Treaiiiieiit

Honolulta Gas

Go.? Ltd.

Alakea and Beretania




MONDAY, JUNE 0, 1013.


C, :)





Wedding bells pealed Joyously Saturday evening when Miss Helen Fran ca and John Gomes Robello, well known young people of Honolulu, were married in the Catholic Cathedral at 6 o'clock. Rev. Father Steven performing the ceremony. Charles Bjurstrom and Miss V. Santos, intimate friends of the couple, acted as best man and bridesmaid, respectively. The bridegroom is well known in Honolulu, having for the past seven years been identified with the firm of C. Brewer & Co. The bride was formerly in charge of the millinery department of K. Uyeda & Co. Follow ine the ceremony the couple adjburneu to the home of the bride's parents on Lalmi road, where . scores of friends and relatives were waiting to extend their congratulations and well wishes. A reception was held which w as preceded by a banquet and a program of games and dancing which lasted well into the morning. The couple leaves on the Claudlne this evening for Maui, where a two weeks' honeymoon will be spent with friends. Following their return they Mill be at home to friends at their residence on Lusitania street Among those attending the reception were: Miss Minnie Moniz, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Santos. Miss Leonora a, Franca. Joe MacCoy; Miss Mary Magglo, William Ponte Mrs. Ida Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Armstrong, Mr. una Mrs. August Santos, Miss Grace Silva, Antone Capellas, Mr. and Mrs. V. Aze-vedFrank J. Robello, Miss Agnes Santos, Miss Emily Santos,; Mn and Mrs... J. Ferraz, J. F. Rosa, Miss Clara Ferry, Mr, and Mrs. Antone Monlz, Miss Shandry Ollveira, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Macy, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Santos, Mr. and Mrs. Italo Magnanl. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Azevedo, Miss Mabel Hutchlngs, Miss Mary Calderia, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vasconcellos, James Hutchlngs, Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Akai, Antone Cinda,1 Miss Mary Santos, Joseph Mendonca, Mr., and Mrs. Manuel Santos. Mr. and Mrs. G. Snmma. Manuel F. Correa, Victor' Jo seph, Eugene Moniz. Manuel Monlz, Miss Bella Calderia, Davis Souza, Miss Annia Calderia, John Souza, Mr. and Mrs. Macarla Mendonca, Mr. and Mrs. Mnnnpl Jardin. August P. Gomes, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Aguair, Miss Lena Jardin, Adolph Rodrigues, Joseph Me- deiros and Mr. and Mrs. George buva





T'kere is c great variety of Carpenters tools orrthe market but there is only one complete brand made for quality, that is the reason we sell the famous Brand. The KttH KU1UR Trade Mark or the words KttH KU1UR on any tool are an absolute Guarantee. Buv a tool under this brand and you will know you are getting the best

E; 0. Hall & Son, L td


public hearing on pink boll worm, which has been found to exist in the icrritnrv . has been called by the sec retary of the department of agriculture to be held in Washington June 12 with the Tiew of having a quarantine put on all cotton seed and their hulls shipped out of the territory 10 the mainland. The call reads: Notice of public hearing on the pink boll worm or cotton. The department of agriculture has information that a dangerous enemy of cotton known as the pink boll orra (Gelechia gossypiella Saunders) exists iff the territory of Hawaii. The insect lives within the seed in a dormant condition for about six months, consequently it is 'likely to the te introduced into other parts of cot-t United States in cotton seed and of territory the from hulls seed on. Hawaii. Under section 8 of the plant quar antine act of August 20, 1912, it be comes the duty of the secretary or aericulture to consider the advlsabil- II y of restricting or prohibiting the shipment ol cotton seed ana cotton seed hulls from the territory of Ha waii into or through any other part of the United States, in compliance with the act a public hearing will be held at the' Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. at eleven o clock on June 12, 1913, In order that all Dersons interested may have an opportunity to appear and be heard concerning the , establishment of a quarantine on all cotton seed and rotton seed "hulls pomine to the con- tinental United States from the ter ritory of Hawaii.

0 far we have been able to meet the aeiriaiid for the TTO
PALM BEACH CLOTH SUITS. but the stock is running low, and the cabled order for additional suits will not be rilled You will find one of those for a month we have in stock appropriate for June 11th


The Style Center


Fort and Ilerchant



Equipment In the eity for this Line of Work.



'Uribh - PecMc Transfer

Co., Ltd.,

Tomorrow moraine the Punahou student elections, are to be continued



8. King 8L


Lewere A Cocke


as ,Tv?E!cti:for








with a most exciting outlook ahead. Elections for the Oahu College Athletic Association are the order of the day and the voting promises to be hard and fast. There Is considerable rivalry for positions In the athletic association and the opposing factions are day if pos counting on carrying-thsible. of In order to limit nominees for,; the positions in the as sociation, a meeting or the u. u. a. A. council was held recently to decide upon a suggestive list of candidates. The list follows: For president, William Inman or Mr. Elbert Tuttle. Schumutzler, of the faculty. Manager, Kenneth Bond or Hans Fassoth. Treasurer, Harold Baldwin, John Watt or Goodale Moir. Secretary. James Hind or John O'Dowda, Assistant manager, David Wadsworth or Staftreasurer, Assistant ford Austin. Gordon Brown or Joseph Farrington. Girls' athletics, Milward Deas or Ruth ..'.:-Soper. Nominations other than those listed above may be made, but those listed are the favored candidates . ine strongest fight will probably be made for the Dosition of president but the fight for all offices will be hard. The elected officials will tafce oince next


White teeth: billions of "them I



J. Walker and daughter Alice leu for th mast on the last Honolulan. Mr. Walker and the remainder of the famil v PTcnect to leave on the Hono





Mrs. E

Vice-preside- nt,

ininn in .Tulv- for tn& coast -- where he will make his permanent home. His

at the Fuunene takes place the first or July.



Where? Everyrerw They're chewing





Entered of Record June 6, 1913, from 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. tennis match In the International ee- Francisco Pacheco and wf et al to prellminarlee, was unfinished to up . Hakalau Plantn Co . . ... v . . . to nlav the doublet, and depart von rMd to N Rutherford et al McLouahlin. instead of R. D. TlntnmYonnff Co Ltd . . . .. . ... CM anaint S. N. Doust and A. B. Daniel Loean Tr to Waialae, Kai 6 2, and lost the second 26. set miiki and Palolo Imprvmt ClUD u t . . . . ...Notice John K AdIo to w T. Robinson's new residence is New arrivals of the above line are now on display. The underwear is of C Nakagawa to R Kawaguchl... ; Rel rapidly nearing completion. The first to Y Yamamoto. . CM t? vavL'a f the latest styles and the price puts u wunin reacn oi an. of naint went on this week, and Ta T a Wppdnn (widow) to Ken- - L mat plumbing is to be all done next the i ..... . lanriln O.mT. family will be able to so week, the OPPOSITE EMPIRE THEATRE Riohnn Or Co to , Nadlne C Bodge HnTPl' STREET time. a short within move in ParRel Vnrii'n ' C. Tiodee and hsb to Cha ' Editor Stevenson of the Maui News A Tiav . . . . . ....... U nin WHEN YOU ARE READY TO MOVE RING US UP has teen ill this week. He was conThnmaa C W Poole to r iu K town work in of AM line fined to his bed for two or three days that for We have the best equipment hut ia now able to get about and at Re V Kaukani. Strauch to Sam . Men That Do This Work Know How. PER tend to some of his work at the office. Fanny Strauch and hsb to Kainoaole Ahulii . . A large number of new books have D W Anderson Tr to Trent Trust added to the Maui library asso been T.tA . .. . On Nuuanu & Queen Sts. LORRIN K. SMITH, Mgr. PhnnA 2464 recently. The patronage of ciation Sugar Pepeekeo to Annie Stevens library is increasing each month. Ci the Co .. .. Agmore three hundred books and than to Hawn TiiUa K Mr. - Kanea i.A t 0 ! are in circulation over all parts ot ; the island. See Dai Do Society to cuiug V COMBINGS. MADE FROM Fook Quon .. .. ...... L. F. Jones is driving the handsome tntereq OI necoru juur , new auto truck recently purchased tW uJlar Renovation and Retouching. Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. frnm S:S0 a. m. to 10:3( f . TO. u by the Pioneer Mill Company of OFFICE WITH STAR CLOTHES CLEANING CO, 221 Beretania j Street, T K Lalakea to Kawai iiunji.o. Hunjlro He will make his residence in T K Lalakea to Kawal Near Alakea. Telephone 1182. . , ...... .IVtlDL Lahaina in the future. . . . HlfiklcM to Nakashima Sentaro a 3 The Lahainluna commencement ex. . Harueuchi FOR SERVICES FUNERAL ANSWERS Mrs to AYAU wf ercises will take place next WednesA. P. Eugene Luanda and Rev. A. . . .. day, Kamehameha Day. .. DE H. FRIES J. MRS. Maria L Pereira THE FINAL SUMMONS , . BS Craig Bowdish will be the orator for . . Yanagitsubo H to E Hamane Aoe. . . D the occasion. The funeral services over the re Kaanaana Awa and hsb to A. P. Ayau, formerly stenographer . . .. . . .. . . A 'mains of the late Mrs. John H. Do Mrs Uaikanahele for the B. F. Dillingham company, .. .. (w) v,.Will Ad Chislett assumed the business passed away at the Leahl home yes- Fries will be held tomorrow afternoon Makue or management of the Alexander House Ha & Loan Pioneer'Bldg Aan undertaking parlors to at 3 o'clock at the terday morning, death being due . W. H. uungo gymnasium Lucy K Mrs last Monday. to waii posiKev Williams, resigned street. his Fort of H. H. tuberculosis. Ayau manager, Dora to business Engle, hsb Bungo former and the it H. ParVer officiatine. The re Lucy K tion with the local firm three years .. . . . . ng is now giving his entire attention to Tsenbere . ; en- mains will be taken to Hilo for burial he where Kona, to went tgo and to F E hsb and the position he has at the Baldwin Bartlett Kea, E by which Ora the steamer Mauna deavored to stave off the disease ; , D , . , ... . ..... National bank and in the office of Thomnson Tr For a leaves the followine morning. The which was then in evidence. Chas to wf ucthe Maui Aid Association. and Thompson many Tr relatives will to husband and FE ' time he overcame it, but failing mm m , .. a Bartlett to company attenHiio. remains the medical necessary secure the K Boyd and hsb to La- died - v.:tion, he became worse, and returned ' from the Catholic church this af ter-- Hannah D .. . .... . Agrctl Co Ltd to Honolulu Friday, being taken to jriocn, interment to be in .the Catholic halna KUA In Honolulu, June 8, Ioane Kua, ambulance. the in the Leahl home B0RX ." 19 years, son of John Kua, at his cemetery. The deceased is survive u3 home, Beretania and Keeaumoku. mother brother, widow, four sisters, a 7, 1913. of BOWEN Honolulu, June fitness In eternal the In v.ith accord serKellett, R. end stepfather. John to Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Bowen, things, a man who stole f a watch The devil can wear a Prince Albert geant of detectives, is a brother-in-law- . son. ; street, a jail. Keeaumoku up fine grace. in with of wound held . Funeral services will be .
' .

IIotropolitanLIcat Ilarliot

is at last to be com pleted on the right side of Main street o nno ontAm Wailuku. For over a a J ' half the walk has ended t the .ot of T. B. Lyons, w nen me mtnarvtsnrs mppt on June 12 it Is for com avnontoA that the recent-bipletion of this strip of much needed walk will be let, ana tnea niusueu up ... . IV tha rnrnAf of new , YORK. June 7. The tnira Ties with Au8tralasla; jn thfet Davie c ae dav. on account inn (mm the oriainal af ranaement, M Little, was pa rtn ered 1 1 h. . H . ; H. Ha won the fire iahi Th Americana 7 6 America to went eet The third bothere was much McLoughlin tary.
ThA .cirlewalk









Smiles ire stiohs - improving. ehing

brightening-appetit- es


Muclin Underwear


Purify yp ivith the gobdyth

Canton Dry Goods Company



Eawaiiaa Esppess Co. Curls and Switclies


.. v;."



.... ....

1 1




It costs less of any dealer and
retains its freshness until used.





Look for the spear






REAL ESTATE FOR SALE For Real Estate Bargains in all sections of Honolulu, call up J. C
Sousa, Phone 1884, 103 Stangenwald :,. Building.

Two-stor- y

n00!.I AfiD COAHD




Everyone with anything for sale to CIVIL ENGINEER. "Play Safe." ; Considering the factors of sales, sucess in planning R. Munch Civil engineer, surveyor and draughtsman. 100S Alakea St an ad Is more satisfactory than Bldg., nr. King St. .Kaplolanl knowing "how it happened after: 5345-tn . . ward. Want Ads. "Bring Home the Bacon" every HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. 5399-tf- . time. Partner In test paying proposition in Jas. T: Taylor, 511 Stangenwald BMg consulting civil & hydraulic engineer, .the islands; $800 takes half . interk5375-6m- . est. Owner will, give bill of sale
Star-Bulleti, f. i

Bargains in real estate on seashore. plains and hUls. Telephone 1602.' "Pratt, 101 Stangenwald. Bldf.


6277. v




Perhaps you may have the "bad ad luck" to miss reading the "To-Let"

you double your money In four months. Address ''Opportunity," Lessons on Violin, Mandolin, Gutter 5564-tf- . this office. etc., by Prof. JL A de Graca. and Sereik Conservatory meth-- , A' bright young boy for office work. od, for the violin; Italian method for must be good in penmanship, not Studio 424 Beretaiiia mandolin. the opportunafraid to work. Splendid ity for advancement Apply in own Ave., phone 4178, opposite Dr. An-- , gua. Residence 1506 Young St, handwriting, stating age and refer5516-C4179.. .phone ence. Honolulu Gas Company, Lim364-tited. G. Domingo, lessons on violin, man-- dolin, mandola, guitar, cello, uku-- ( Reflections of a streaked or spotted lele , and clarinet. 173 Beretanla, mirror is like eating potatoes', withk3356-Cm- . cor. Union. Tel. 3643. out salt Clarke, 471 Beretanla SU phone 3532, repairs mirrors; the Ernest K. Kaal, 69 Young Bldg., Tel. 5544-6m- . cook does the rest. 3C87, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, ban-Jo- , j zither, violin, cello and vocal. public to know we can quote on The ' .magazines , k5381-6the best prices obtainagent. Honolulu I able. Resident and mu Subscription Agency, P. O. Box 360. Bergstrom Music Co. Music 1020-102- 1 sical Fort instruments. . 5522-tf, iAl--'lar-



plant to guarantee that



in this newspaper, which describes the house, or apartment, in which you OUGHT to live, i But that sort of

Reduction sale of all kind3 of dy goods, hardware, shoes, ladles' and gents hats; exceptionally fine line of goods going cheap; Kam Kee, 537 Beretania, nr. PunchbowL

premises corner Wilder Shady Nook, nicely furnished rooms: avenue and Kewalo street, occupied unexcelled table board J lars For a few by the undersigned. grounds; tropical follags; cocgenlxl months. Apply to J. M.. McChesney, environments: $35 to $40 per xaoj 16 Merchant, nr. Bethel St 1049 Beretanla, TeL 1333. f 5563-t- f. 5333-tf- .. Board for Gentlemen. Large, cheerful COTTAGfcS home cooking. 730 Klnas, . room, XX, AlapaL phone 1573. Rgasonablj, Completely furnished cottage, three 5523-t- t i bedrooms, for one or two gentlesur men who appreciate homelike Rooms- - and board. The Argonaut roundings. Table board if desired. reasonable. Phone 1308; Terms Apply 1049 Beretania St TeL 1333. 627 Beretania Ave. J. A. Doylt, 5552-t- f. 5277-tf- . Prop. For light housekeeping; Ganzel Place, The Haa Tree, 2193 Kalla Rd., Wai-ki- it First-clas- s Fort and Vineyard. Tel 1541. privata Beach Ho

6513-t- f.


k5372 6nj.

2-b- ed

'bad luck"



Hardware of all kinds and mechanics tools going cheap. Y. Alama, Bere556I-3m- . tanla nr. King street

room cottage, furnished, at Cot tage Grove. Inaulre No. 8. 6562-t- f

The Roselawn, 1368 King. Beautiful grounds, running water every rcczi



Telephone lineman, competent to HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA. pair lines and adjust Instruments :for, Kauai Telephone Co. See Supt. Honolulu Glee Club, A. C. Tim Sin, 5567-3t- n Hawaiian Electric Co. All .lovers of music to develop talent L , Music furnished for dinners, dances, receptions. Hawaiian melodies, by , taking lessons from Ernest K. k543S-ly- . Kaal, C3 Young Bldg., Tel. 3CS9.

re-- .





The Alcove, 1343 Emma. Tel. 1CS7. Centrally located, cool, select. ' two one or room for Nicely furnished Trunks and suit .cases going cheap. gentlemen; all conveniences; 276 Kiver nr.auani st. i. KaKatsu, ' opp. Richard. Mrs. AnBeretania, , - 5545-l5563-tf- . TACLE EQARD. derson. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Large rooms, electric light; $1.50 up; Ladles and gentlemen "who aprec.'ata home cooking should try the 'llx gas stove and phone, 546 S. King. George Yamada, general contractor. 5484-tVilla, King SU phone 1145; $:3.C3 Estimates furnished. 208" McCandless per month for three meal3 a day. Bldg.; Phone 2157. 563-lFurnished house, 1344 Klhau St Ap5558-tf- . ply to W. T. Monsarrat Y. Miyao, general contractor and FAMILY HwTZL. builder. Paperhanglng and cement 527 work. Estimates furnished free, The Cassiiy, only hornD. He'.:!, Y.'al- Beretanla Street, Telephone 3516. 7 kiki Beach, co;sisU cf IniivIJuil 5521-6i; .. , cottages and single roor:3. Cu!-!n- 3 7 excellent 1.000 ft prcrr.: 7 z'.zr L Takata, general contractor, Japan-es- e CLOTHES CLEANING. at the end of whic'a l t.zzZll artificial builder, sculptor and bathing pool and te-utviaw. : gardener; 1435 Nuuanu St ir. Vine- The Greater Honolulu Cleaners, 200i 2373. Kalla TeL road, Tcttzi establishment; satisfactory yard; phone 1538. 7 5525-CkyT-Cn..- . guaranteed; suits cleaned and. reasonable. work N. Kanai, contractor,- builder, painter, pressed; dyeing a specialty. Phone paperhanger; koa, calabashes and 4200. A trial will convince you. furniture made to order; 1358 Fort 75- Pauahi St, Keven Bros Props. s
-f. : .
n. Up-to-da-





5437-l- y.




Want your

cleaned? Call on us. By Mrs. Dudley. Terms reasonable; Roman, Beretanla, near.Forfc No. 9 Tregloan Place, Beretanla St 6541-3v. . .i




Errand boy.

Co., Alakea

Apply Chas. R. Frazier







DreEsmat day.

per day. Address "Dressner,". this cffier-54-lx- nExperier.ee i' lady stenographer wishes Hashimoto.

fishes engagement by the


James Sheridan, tuning and repair ing; 1C9 Beretanla; nr. Union St'; ;


- 5565-6-



positk,.! fice. ,


J.' R;

this- 5567-3- t



'S. Beretanla; TeL Masseur,' baths, manicure '

"J k5229-3,

K. Oshima, facial and body massages. 46" s. Beretanla, nr. Nuuanu St



Shlbata makes: a specialty of all kinds of Passages; 818 IwileL 1


Beretanla St. AgetLLfor the famous English bicycle, MILLINER brake made at on: front and rear wheels; pedal Mrs: Leach Is offering exclttslve 5468-6tcoaster. styles in trimmed"1 hats at" reason able prices. Sachs' Blflg., opp Fire C555-lAUTO SERVICE station. Eella & Benford, Tel. 2999. Best MODISTE. Leave rtrt can. Reasonable rates. around the Island, Miss Nellie Johnson, 1119 Union St criin tat trip 1277-tf- . Evening Gowns, lingerie dresses.


22 S.







parccr-s- rs


Auto Liveryr TeL, 1223. ;






CHIROPODIST. Mme. King, 640 Beretanla, Tel. 4155;

chiropody and manicure; residence 5563-6ni- .' . .... work.


Lone-mad- e


of individuals r- and small bread Books, Afcii.1 Eikery, fine. out, audited and; firmsstraightened and pastry; fre&h every day;, best . kept at reasonable rates. "A Alamaterials use, ' Beretanla neAf; . 5565-lthis office. 5531-3m.

kea Street


Kew Bakery, Fresh, homemade bread, M Inu-kapies and cakes. Ice cream; prop., 1196 Nuuanu. ' - 5540-6m



BAKERIES Vienna Bakery has the best home made bread, German Pumpernlckie, Pretzels- - and Coffee Cake. 1129 6472-tFort St phone 2124.
f. -

TeL 2658, Bicycles and motorcycle supplies. Literal allowance on old wheels.


182 N. Klne:;

new 1913 model; Desirable houses -- in- various parts of Sanko. Co.; 1346 Nuuaun; Tel. 3151. i roadster; 40 h.p. car of endurance, ' the city, furnished and unfurnished Contracts for building; paper-hanginstylish, serviceable, fully equipped, 23, $35, $30, $40 $20, and cement work, Cleans vacant $18, and $15, at k5327-3m- . subject to any demonstration,. In-up to $125 a month. See list in our lots spect before purchasing new- - one office. Trent Trust Co,- - Ltd., Fort T. Nomura Co.,' building, painting, elsewhere; $2400 car; sell for $1800. between King and Merchant St, ' paperhanglng, etc.; estimates furAddress Z, this office. , 5462-t- f. , v.. 5551-lnished. Beretanla, near River St 5538-l7 Fine corner store, reasonable; in per- 7;. -.- 7A, lovely new home of 7, rooms furcondition; excellent : location fect nished well, for a small payment ; for any particular .business. Apply H; Matsuto, general contractor-builder- , painting, paperhanging, 208 Bedown, balance as rgnt All conven--. on premises. ""Suzulki's furniture nr. Emma St TeL, 1826. retanla, good neighborhood near 2 jjtpre, jn,eyard and Emma Streets. iences; 5523-6n, , carlinea. Makiki. Phone 3S$0, w 5564-l. ' . 6543-tf; King and Kaplolanl; The Punahou homestead of the late J. H. NakanishI, general 3256; phone contractor and Two bedroom house, largo living room, A. Cummins, cor. Alexander and paperhanglng, ": painting; builder; 62 kitchen, etc.,' old fruit trees, ft Bingham streets; furnished or un 5519-6. . 1313 134 deep; Makiki St, : furnished; terms reasonable; apt front ft on the park. Inquire of Philip Wea-Terply. to ?hone No. 2907. S. Sasaki, contractor and builder t es502 Stangenwald Bldg. . v 5564-tf- . timates free ; koa furniture to or6500-tV Smith St near HoteL der; Two bedroom house; electric light; 529-6Special Sale : Floor coverings, Chi gas; Austin lane nr. King. Inquire nese grass rugs, mattings and. lin W. K, Namauu, 78 Merchant St, K. Nakatani, King and Alapai; Tel. oleums. Tel. 1261. 5564-t- f. Y, Room 6. ,r3149. Building, painting and paper- Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., King. St hanging. Work guaranteed. k5398-tf- . New cottages on Fort street exten-sloq5365-6n- u 7 Rent reasonable. Young Kee New Portable Garage, fireproof, imGrocery store, 1220 Emma St; building, Meguro. paint contractor; S. ported sample, size 14x20, at a bar5566-l: 7 . guaranteed. carpentering; work ing, gain. FItzpatrick Bros., Fort St. ' Beretania nr. Alakea St 5541-ly- . 5277-t- f. 2 office rooms, second floor, 16 Merchant St Apply J. M. McChesney. K. Tochibana, ' contractor builder pa-- , One share Hidalgo rubber and coffee 5541-tf- . perhangerfc painter; Punchbowl, cor. of 1905, bearing dividend this year. 5525-6.King St 7 Address "Rubber," Bulletin office. FOR LEASE 527l-tf- . Yokomizo Fukamachi Co., Beretania, Maunakea; tel. 3986, home 3167. nr. Two Robello lane. houses lots, and Horse land cow manure for garden. k5382-6m- . :. ' Inquire premises. on R. Lee. Yokomizo-FukumacCo., Beretanla 5559-t- f. .:7V.&'Maunakea. Phone 3986. K. Segawa, 602 Beretanla St, nr. : 5494-tf- . ,.. pumping station. Phone 3236. 7 5245-- 1 . 4 h.p. motorcycle, practically new; owner leaving for coast Address Y. Kobayashi, general contractor, 2034 5567-6: CAFE. . "Cycle," this office. S. King; phone 3365. 7 k5361-lv Royal everything at Cafe, best the 4 15 long, wide. For Rowboat ft. ft popular prices; fine home cooking; : particulars: ' Sylvester, Model SaniCONTRACTOR AND PAINTER. prompt service; Beretania, nr. Fort 5565--1 w; tary 3arber Shop. St, opp. fire station. K. Nakano, Pr. S. Awana, house painting of all kinds; 5521-6Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan rates reasonable. Work guaranteed. Apply A D. Hills, Lihue, 117 Kukui nr. Nuuanu St 5277. Columbia Lunch Room; quick service KauaL 5563-6open 7- motto; our and cleanliness 3 Lt Pridgen at Schofield Barracks day & night HoteL Opp Bethel St CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER. 651S-6has two gentle saddle horses for sale. 5563-lAddress 1st Inf. "The Eagle," Bethel, bet. Hotel and H. Mirikitani, general contractor and i, carpentering; .real estate agent Corner lot, 50x137, 10th Ave., King. A nice place to eat; fine 5561-tf- . 1164 Nuuanu, nr. Pauahi; tel. 3757. $300. Phone 4474. home cooking. Open night and day.
g , .

andgents' ladles Snltitorlum, clothes, neckwear, gloves; work Lui Sun, ladles' suits and drs:::j; men's shirts ; klmoncs ; p 2. ; - - 3 ; .guaranteed; prompt attention; Ala-p?. made to order; 1175 r.'u:-- nr. Hotel St S. Itaoka,; Prop. Liberty. Ye , 6541-6m- . I i::: 7a. . . r








cp"c!ilty. The Pioneer, Beretanla and Emma Wo Son dres3makl2S-ou,L 543 nr. Klzz. n. cleaned, 3125. Clothes Sts.; Phone , pressed and dyed. Work called for r D1 V f www 5277 and delivered. establishment; Kwcn IZlzz Cl zs Co ZzzYr The Eagle, American, Chlnesa dry gocl3, -3 dyeing, repairing, etc., skilful worklinens, silks, matting, czzr.;cr manship ; work guaranteed ; Tel. "wood tranks. 1C24 Nuuxsa, nr liizz. 2575. Fort near Kukui1 Street
r r-irup-to-da- te .


5::3-Ca- .




IL Yoshimura, clothes neatly pressed; repairing, washing, etc.; call and deliver, 544 S. King., opp Kawalahao. 5519-6Tejj2535. EMPLOYMENT OFFICZ. A B. C, cleaning, repairing, etc.; sat- M. Konno; help cf all kld; tluadeisfaction guaranteed; call and prints made; C, Kizj. ' i:a! Tel. PauahL nr. Maunakea liver; IZ, ZZiZ-lr- . Ave. 41 kaua Tel. 6335-l,. 4148.






tel-445- 6.



NakanishI. 34 Eeretar:!. f- -r The Alert Masonic Temple, Tel. 4380. Y.cooks, yard boys. Phxzs Z 1 . . Citizen labor only: intelligent work r dence phone 4311. manship. We call for and deliver. 6493-tDo yon need a cock, yarf aa cr z" era! servant? Call 1127. ZZ1 I :: repairing cleaning,, dyeing, The Lion, , tsnix G.IIirc-l- . of . all kinds. Reflnlshed like new. 691 Beretania nr. Alapai. Tel. 2743. Kinaa Employmezt C;"c 12.2 Iw.ia 5521-m. St, between Keeaunila tzi r:;icL ZIZZ-IPhona 1914., Ladies and. Gents' The Toklwa. clothes cleaned and dyed fa all Japanese Employment Crflcc, L;r-;- . colors, Emma nr Vineyard. St tania.SU.nr PunchtowlL tzl. ZZZi, ' 6553-l- y
, ,





Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; Tel. Japanese cook, waiter, yard boy. Mot 1027. . We clean, press, mend and 6umoto, 1124 Union. TeL 1755. azej-am.deliver.; ' 5070-t- f press, Try the "Star"; TeL 1182. We EXPRESS. clean, mend and deliver within 24 k5375-6"hours. Kallhi Express Stand", BeretsIi a- -i Smith Sts.; Tel 2835. JAH kinds of Quick Dealer Co., Beretania,, nr. Nuu ; express and draylng. Charges Just anu. Cleaning, dyeing and tailoring. k53S5-6- a

k5382-6- m.





Shop, lstrclass , establishment People's Express Co.. telephcs3 2ZZQ; goods handled" with care. Prompt TeL 3093, cor King & Kaplolanl Sts. service;- 133 Merchant nr. Fort St 5al6-m- . E530-6CDyeing & Cleaning The Pacific Pac Transfer. 174 S. Kin, Works, 1258 Nuuanu St TeL 3063. Union 1875. Tel. If this busy ring 1374. 5525-6.



N. Oka, clothes cleaned, pressed, and

Home Bakery, 212 S. Beretanla. Fresh- The Transo- envelope a invention. No addressing necessary Boston Cafe, coolest place In town. "' retail and . wholesale Komeya, cakea and doughnuts every ' day. S. sending out bills or receipts. HoIn After the show drop in. Open day , Boston baked . beans and browa dealer in bicycles and accessories. n B542-lsole nolulu Co, Ltd, and night Bijou theatre Lane, Hobread on Saturdays. King nrv Punchbowl St 5529-6agents for patentee. tf. stel St . ,. . bicycle andmo-in K. Okahiro, dealer BED MAKERS Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship The Hoffman," Hotel St, next the fbrcycle supplies; King St, oppooffice, tf 5546-ly- . ping books at Encore. Best meals for price in O. Fujil. Wire spring beds, sofas, site railroad depot, Open day and night . town. Koa furniture. Made to order. k53356m. 5554-l- y CAM BOO- - FURNITURE.. . , Nuuanu nr Kukul street . AUTOS FOR SALE. furniture for the tropics. We We have the biggest bargains in town Pacific Cafe,' Nuuanu Street opp. Ye lTe Ideal designs Liberty Theatre. your Home cocking. or make from submit in ' second hand automobiles, and 6519-6used.; S. Best framing done. materials plans. Picture can meet your requirements whethJ 24S7. phone Beretanla; CARD 56J CASES SaikL er it's. for a roadster, a touring car The McCandless, Alakea, nr. Me52l5-6m- . or a machine. All rchant Regular meals or a la carte. BjiElness and visiting cards, engraved these in very best machines are' k5382-6m- . or printed, ' in ' attractive Russia R. Ohtanl, 12S6 Fort" Tel. 3745. Bamcondition, havhig been thoroughly v to order. made patent detachable leather cases, boo furniture overhauled, and put in first class Chong Chan, meals at all hours. Nu' , 516-3cards. of ffe'e. 5540-t6528-6m- . running. order. These cars may be uanu, nr. Queen St seen at any time at the Royal HaBARBER SHOP 5566-- w. waiian Garage. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. shop. class barber 8. Sumlda. FirstVineyard Hudson roadster, 1912 model in good Nam Chong Co., importers and dealSt 1352 Fort nr. condition; fast and easy riding car. ers in Manila cigars ; tobacco and 5553-l. Price reasonable; telephone 1333. cigarettes of all kinds; 1050 Nuuanu , rn67-25530-ly- . v tonsorlall nr. Hotel Street class-KfltAvama. first 19 N. King triors. St 6627-6m- . I"-- - time-savin-


k5338-3m- .




repaired, Nuuanu nr. Vineyard



Gomes Express. Tel. 2238.



Reliable. reasonable, prompt and efficient



Usui, all kinds of building; work gents, ladles' work guar Island guaranteed; Beertania, nr Aala. ' K. Nomura,1389 Transfer Co., 223 Merchant Emma, nr. Vineyard. anteed; 5560-lDay, phone 3869, night 3S9L 5525-6y.




Star-Bulleti- n




nr. Kukul St delivered; River Lee Lup & Co., Planing Mill ' 5566-ly- . of tractor and Builder; carpentering all kinds. Estimates free; Work FURNITURE. Nanba, clothes cleaned and dyed; guaranteed; Queen, nr. R. R. depot K.King, opp. 3570. Tel South. 5561-6T. O. Mnrata, new and second hail 5551-l, ... ; funlture, crockery for hire. 550 S King and Kawalahao Sts. TeL 1635 CARPENTER SHOP. Owl; suits cleaned and pressed; 6517-3King. opp. liliha. Ikemoto, Takahara & Co., carpenters ; work ' 5565-6G. FnJIkawa, new and second hand" guaranteed ; building of all kinds, & King furniture bought and sold, King St neatly free. done. estimates furnished Diamond Shop; all work 5523-66519-65542-6m. corner South-- St-- - . Alapai. 1461 S. King. Tel 4286.

Chi Wan Yo; clothes called for and






Star-Bulleti- n


Sir Young Whan, building, painting

if K

and paper hanging; opp. Club Stables, Kukui St.; phone 3076. J. Rodrigues, cabinet maker; moved 5520-6Miller St to Beretania nr. Alapai.



Han Ohk. All kinds furnltnre re paired. Miller nr. Punchbowl St








repairing in general; H Kosuga Co.; horseshoeing; wagons, carriages,


guaranieeu; rauum ur nuu'





FURNITURE MOVING DISTILLED WATER. Healthy WThite Leghorn laying hens, Wholesale and retail dealer in Amer- CARRIAGE MAKERS. lean and Japanese candy. YasusK, Hon. Soda Works, 34A N. Beretania; Union Pac. Transfer, 174 S. King. direct from Petaluma; $12.00 per TeL 1875. Moving household, goods Mgr Agent Jubilee Incubat- - J26 King, near Liliha street Lee Kau Co., high class wagon manuTeL 3022. Chas. E. Frasber, dozen. " 5360-l5361-364 11-- m a specialty.. ors. Eggs for hatching. Nelson B. facturers; repairing, painting; cor. &f37-lLansing. Excelsion Bfdg.; P. O. box', Beretania and Aala Sts. 5546-l351; Tel. 3879. CARBONATED WATERS. FIREWOOD DRESS PATTERNS. CREPES. Co.," Beretanla H. Miyake, 1248 Fort St. Phone 323S. Yomomizo, Fukamachr Hon.' Soda AVorks.. 34A N. Beretania; nr. Maunakea. " Contractors. TeL All latest styles. Tel. 3022. Chas. E. Frasher, mgr. Finest qualities Japanese Crepes. flTYES YOU ' 5453-ly- . k5360-ly- . ; k5232-6- a 3986. Home 3167,, EYYS TODAY II. Miyake, 1218 Fort TeL 3238. TODAY'S
i .



Carriage repairing land ' horseshoer; efficient men; Kekito, King, opp. 5564-lKeeaymoku.


Kwan Slk, furniture repairer and painter; River nr. Kukui St






M At--









"STATIONERY Yick Chce, American






and Chinese school .supplies. 1186 Maunakea St' SHIRT MAKER.


4 Young Bids., Tel furnishes music any occasion.






Nakata. shirts, pajaaias and kimonos made to order at reasonable prices. .1316 Nuuanu nr. Kukui SL

T. Oka, ladies and gents, hats; latest Eblsnya, all kinds of shirts made to styles; cleaning, dyeing; 54 iBere-taniorder. Best materiaL 142 Bereta5543-6opp. Smith. SL 5538-6n- L nla. near River street.


American Plan New steel and 'brick struct are. Third addition of hundred rooms now building. Every comfort and A high class hotel convenience. at very moderate rates. In center of theatre and retail districL On car lines transferring to all parts of dry. . Electric omnibus meets all trains and steamers. . .

kEarean Plan

StreLiore Uoia


day op . L50 a day op

fi. S.

Tuesday,. June tO. , San Francisco -- WIlhel2niaa,




FOR SAN FRANCISCO S. 'Ventura .........June l13 S, S. Sierra June 23 S. S.. Sonoma ....July 11 1


llilo via

wajr? , , ...


ports ilanna .Kea,

Wednesday, Jmjm 11. Central and Boath American ports J Kiyo Maru, Japanese stair. Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. . Thucaday, lene M2.

FOR SYDNEY, N. 3. W. 8, 8. Soncina Juno 9 VJuly 7 S. S. Ventura ..Aug. 4 8. S. Sonoma ' TO SAN FRANCISCO, IS5.00; ROUND TRIP, $U0.CO TO SYDNEY, t1S0.00; ROUND TRIP, 522S.C0 CO. Sailing Lists and Folders on. application to C iCRCWER ' LTD General Agents. '


......... ........







San Francisco

. Friday, June M3.

str.. '



MavrrLnJap-anes- e




B. Yamatoya, shirts, pajamas, 'kimo-

salt; ,364 King, opp depoL


retail dealer In groceries; Hawaiian


Co., wholesale and Mrs. Carolina "Fernandez, Union SL


Madeira embroidery, luncheon sets, baby-capYAMATOYA and dresses. Specialty of Initial and hemstitching. Reasonable. 1250 ; ForL Shirts, Pajamas, Kimonos.

nos to order, Pauahi SL





Cable Ad4raa Hdrfn. "TnwtU" ABC Cod. J. IL.Ura,

stmr. Sydney via. Pago

tallin; frera


da or er tiout





MOSQUITO STICKS. CITY STABLES. K. Nakomoto & Co.. fooatbuilder, car pentering, paperhanging, painter; Ask your grocer for a stlek; it kills City Stables; animals receive best of ,cement work, framing; furniture all insects. S. M. Iida, agent, cor. care. Reliable stable boys. IL bought and sold; estimates furnish 5556-ly- . Beretanla nr. Smith SL Tanna, Beretanla nr. PunchbowL- a cd free. King Street, opposite 5525-6&550-lJunction. MATTRESS MAKER

HOTEL AUBREY fl u t inn a .aiiii uiiiiaii Distinguished


3 Istr.

.Saturday, June 14. Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea,



for its clientage. anpointments ; and - location.'! Equally attractive ' to weekly, j monthly or transient guests. A select family, homelike country A hotel, and good meals.


Machlto; mattresses, pillows; to order. Kukui , nr. Nuuanu. Sing Yuen, shoe ' repairing neatly made ' " ' Honolulu Painting Co., - House and 555&6m. done; rieretania nr. Aala SL1 ' Sign Painting, Paperhanging; Tint 5560-2Ting; brushes, paints, oils;- - 11C6 MISSION "FURNITURE 5556-ly- . Smith St. SIGN PAINTING Ueda, 544 S. King, Mission or Koa JFurniture to order. GeoTaiL ?174;S. King. .Tel. 1874, Rear lUnlon Pacific Transfer.



ing. "NO coral to step on. ; Moderate Rates Phone 872'



Saddle horses and autos in the

service.-"Perfe- ct


Sunday, June 15. Maul ports Claudlne. atr. ports Kinau, str. Maui, Moloktd and Laaal ; ports Mikahala, 'str. Tuesday, June 17. Chtyo Hongkong via Japan ypbrts Maru, Japanese stmr. San Francisco Honolulan, iil. N.

,.Ju Siberia China (via1 Manila and In) ...June Manchuria (Via Man la). July V Nile .(vU f Manila oi and


............ .......... .Jt

Nile Mongolia


18 In) Mongolia (via Manila).. July 22


Persia (via Manila out anchurla-- . Aug. 12 r , and in) Korea (via Manila). ...Aug. 18 ' golia -or general Imform apply to

Korea berla hina

...... ........r..J!y

.....Jun June .....July .:


3 13





......... ....C:pL





Sydney via Auckland and Suva Marama, 'C-fi.. fl. Hilo via way ports Mauna -- Kea;




Kashiwara; old harness repaired liko new; Beretanla nr. King street.



Renovated-i-B- ert

D A 'Y

Kona and Kau ports --KHauea, Btr. ; Wednesday, June 18. I Sallna Crux 'via San Francisco and S. 8. Sound ports Virginian, A.-.Vancouver and Victoria Niagara,
C.-A.- .S.


4l .


'onolulu ca




San Francisco Siberia, P. M. S. S. Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. Thursday, June T9. m Maui ports Claudlne, str. San Francisco Thomas, A. T. San Francisco Sierra, O.



Lucas, eyes 'examined, (tested; GoldeniWong, Merchant Tailor; Up-t1107 Alakea, nr. HoteL TeL 2719. j date styles. Fit guaranteed. Em5521-60, ma near Vineyard. Tel. 3245.

Monday, June 23.

Tourist Trade Solicited


on' Kauai

S- -


Shinyo Mam .....June 13 8. 8. Chiyo Maru. ......July 11 8. 8. Nippon Maru .....Auj. 1

Steamers of the above Company will call at aai IcaV or about the dates mentioned below: ' FOR THE ORIENT,

... 8. 8. c:j3 8. 8. filppcn V.zru ..., i.




itnja m.ru
, ...




Honolulu Stand; reliable; prompt ser vice, Nuuanu nr. Pauahl. TeL 4352.

:5525-6- m


Fow Yuen Lung, reasonable prices, Aala nr. King SL



Bethel SL Stand; prompt andeffl- .dent; Bethel and King. TeL 1452.



Rates Reasonable ' SPITZ : : : Proprietor

June 24. Hongkong via 'Japan ports Nile, , 5, P. M.;S..S. ,



E. Iyeda, . pajamas, . shirts, kimonos of all kinds; made to order; work ) guaranteed.; King .nr. South.

Hook On Co

Merchant Tailors; establishment; .cleaning and .repairing. 169 King, cor. Bishop SL ' 5S18-6m."




Salina Cruz via San Francisco and Sound ports Alaskan, AH. S. S. , i San ; Francisco China, P. M. S. S.

Seattle Dix, U. S. A. T. Saturday, June 23. ;

Thursday, June 28.

, Eharol CASTLE &00!CE,'LL'."ITED iAc:r,b, lic.":!i:!u

Calls at Manilas omitting call at;





Sang Yuen Kee Co., hardware, crock ery, cutlery, etc; plumbing, tin smithing; estimates., 1014 Nuuanu.


Hee Kau Kee, dealer in paints, oils, '6527-3' .: '; wallpaper; houseptlnting- - of all kinds, 1320 Nuuanu nr. 'Kukui. ' ' .j Fujii, orerchaat tailor. TJpltodate ; HAWAII'S MUSIC ; ::.) .satisfactory work guaranteed. 'Be 6555-lErnest K. KaaL 9 Young Bldg., TeL Tetania, corMaunakea SL !5533-l- y 3C87, teaches vocal and instrum't'L PI NECTAR. I. Nakatsukasa, tailoring, Hon. Soda Works, .34 A N. Beretanla; --work guaranteed; reasonable. prices. TeL 022. Chas. E. Frasher, Mgrj fl063 River SL, vnr. HoteL 5536-ly- ; HAT CLEANERS.
tup-to-dat- e;

Sang Loy, merchant tailor, best material and workmanship guaranteed. i 964 Maunakea, nr. "King SL




Monday, June 9.


i .

Sydney via Pago Pago


O. S.. S., 2:30 cialina ' Crtxz


via Island ports



Arl-zona- n,

irect 'Servica Between San !Franc;::o cr.d !!:n:!i:!u.




next sundaV

Makatea Ascot Br. str. Maui ports Clandine, str. 6 p. m. Kauai ports Noeau, str S p. m.
fTtfesday,Alune 10.

S. Si

; ;


cAn Fr.Ar;ci:co

.E3t0-ly- .




8. 8. Lurline ..........Juns 3 8. 8. Wllhelmina ......June 10 June ;17 6., 6. lortotcian. .'.8. Luriine . ..July 1 ;


C S. Vr.:h;lrrna S.C tier. wlUiXn .......Jl '


8. S. Lurilns

-; 2

S. S. Lurlins



San Francisco
p. m. .;
f ,

Lurline, M. N. S. S4

T. Sato, hats cleaned, Tpressed, dyed ana blocked; call and deliver; Lane nr. Beretanla.

H. Fujikawa; all kinds of "plumbing


Sang Chong, 35 S." King, cor. Bethel; Best quality material and workman ship Fit ,guaxanteed.",Z 5551-3K. MezuhashI,

8ays the Wise Bather




' .


S. S

Hats of all kinds ..cleaned, and blocked. P. Santo, river, near Kukui SL
5558-ly- .

work, Nuuanu nr. Beretanla SL


first-clas- s



Won Loui Co., 75 N. Hotel SL TeL


latest fashions; made to order. Riv-- ; er SL, nr. Komeya hoteL " 5536-7m Up-to-qate


Manchuria, P. tM San Francisco . i 10 jl. .m. . Hongkong via .Japan ports-Sh!n- yb Maru. Japanese str,5..j. m.

8. 8. HYADES sails from Seattle.!fottonoIu!u cn cr atsut JUTiZ " For iuilhr'?paTt:iriJ Jrs apply; to. , ;




LTD; C:n:r;l


Estimates submitted.





Gomes Express, TeL 2238. Furniture H Yamamoto, 682 S. King; Phone O . Okaxaki, tailoring; 2308. Can furnish best references and piano moving. Storage .facili' ' pajamas; y shirts; to order; 5245-lmade ties. 5539-6m; 169 Hotel, nr. River SL PAINTER HORSE SHOER. S. Mlyaki, suits made .to reasonably. C Box 899;; P. .order J. A. Nunes, ,King and Alapaf, 24 S. Shlraki, 1202 Nuuanu ; 'TeL 4137 Kukui nr. 5558-ly- .' SL River and paperhanging. All work j ears experience In Hawaii as Painting guaranteed. Bids submitted free. 5506-tf- . horseshoer. Sing. Tai, Merchant Tailor; work ' guaranteed; clothes cleanlng,:repalr I 5529-3ing; "1021 Nuuanu. PICTURE FRAMING. Tong Sang, .22 S. 'Hotel; Ye Arts & Crafts Shoppe, Ltd. Imported woolen suitings.: material; artistic picture Tailor. : guaranteed. Fit ICE CREAM framing made to order; prompt service; 1122 Fort SL; Tel. 2152. Sang Chan, McCandless Bldg. .High Why not an ice cream soda for that ; ' 5518-t- f feeling? serve class work. .White duck and flan-- ; We at it tired The . nels a specialty. Fern, corner En ma and Vineyard In Imported mouldings. Hawaiian .streets. woods; made to order; Seu Kim Wing Ching, suits made to order at Ying, .King SL, near Uethcl. , SL reasonable prices.- 150 Hotel '
up-to-dat- e, -up-to-da- te

styles Grote Cramer. Made to order." Cleaned and 'repair, 5554-i- y ed. 1131 Union nr Hotel.

Kona and ' Kau ports 'Kilauea, str.' noon.. "3. t Kauai ports Kinau, str., 5 p. m. Wednesday, June 11. Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, str4
' :..

Molokal 'and v Lanal ports-' Mikahala, str 5 p. m. Maui,


- AUS)iALJA,i LJI..L ...,.:L L.7

C. C r.!irama 8. S. Uikutz

For Suva, Auckland & Sydney: 8. 8. Ni23ara..........June 13: 8. 8. Marama ..........July 18'


Vi;':r!i d


. '......-...J- -

' r



a. m.


v.?-- .

iThursday,Mlune 12. Man!

,ports-Claudl- ne,


Kauai ports W..G. Hall, atr., .p. mi Friday, June 13. San FrancisceVentura, O. ;.S. S.,


5 p. m;

theo. h. davies


co. ltdm

ge;:e:al agz:;t3


, ' rt





Ar-tlst- is


Hongkong via Japan porta Maru, Japanese stmr. Hilo '.via twy'i.'j?6rts-Maun- a



.'- -::




San Francisco Chlyo Maru, Japan; cse stmr. , ' Marama Victoria and Vancouver

Monday June 16. Maul ports Claudlne, str., 5 p. ml Kauai ports Noeau, str., 5, p. m. Tuesday, June 7.

.AJwPJCAN-HAWAIIAfSTEAf.!3HIP CC V.PAriY From New; York to Honolulu .via Tehuantepec. every tilth T:r. Frelhfrt calved at All Uaes at Ce coapajy'a wtarf, 41it Zz .u South Etc" ilyn. F fTO ..1 - ZZ ATT L E OTVTACOMA TO HONOLULU C1ZZ7 8. S. VIRCrNlA?J4to sail about J.r.j-'2 SvS 'A LA"3 K"A N to sail about....;......... ...i........:.:..J.-- 3 1? ........ ..'.V.......--- s ; J S. S. MISSOURIAN to sail about .. -- IL Kackfcy C. P. 'Mors?,. Gerx't, I'rc'Tlt . ;t


Bun "Wo, Gold and Silversmith;

We do not boast of low prices which


r K.






terial and work guaranteed. If not satisfactory meney will be' refunded. 1121 Maunakea, .nr. Hotel SL


U. Ogato, gold. and silversmith; work


usually coincide with poor quality; ' 5551-6but we "know how" to put 4Ife, hustle and go Into printed matter, Tai Chong, 1126 Nuuanu, Merchant and that is what talks loudest and Tailor. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' ;iongesL Honolulu Job Printing DepartmenL Alakea K. Matsukl, tailor, .1210 SL, Branch Office, Merchant SL ' Nuuanu nr. Beretania.SL' 5."25-3.5399-t- f .

NakabayashI, tailoring, fry clean-in, repairing. "King nr. Alapal SL



Star-Bulleti- n


up-tola- te

For Waianae, Waialua, Kahuku and Way stations 9 ;15 a. iri., 3:20 p. m. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill, and Way 9ri5 a. m., Wilhelmina, M. NJ Stations f7:30' a. ,m., San Francisco m 11:30 a. p.tm., 2:15 ;.. 3:20 p. in, S. S., 10 a. m. p.. p. p. m. .m., m., 5:15 $3:30 .fllil5 j Sydney via Suva and Auckland "Lellehua '10:20 'Wahiawa For and . Magara, C A. a. . Siberia, a. w., "f2:40 ' p. m., 5:00 p. m 11:00 Hongkong vla Japan porta p. m. I', m. s. s. :
Kauai porta Kinau. str5.p. Wednesday, June 13.

Maul, Molokal and Lanal Mikahala, str., 5 p. m. .






guaranteed; money refunded if not satisfactory; River- SL nr. HoteL





' All' kinds- 'Wrapping Pa'pers and s. s. , TOWELING. Matsubara's shop, carriage and wa Twines, Printing and Writing Papers. M. Nlle, S. S. P. San Francisco gon repairing; King, cor. Robello Japanese Toweling AMERICAN-HAWAIIA5 4 53-- 6 m & PAPER 'Cloths. and Table 27. Friday, .June . 5559-6mlvlane. SUPPLY CO., LTD II. Miyake, 1248 ForL, TeL 323S. Hongkong .via. Japan ports China, 54o3-6JUNK DEALERS. Fort and Queen' Streets Honolulu P. M. S. S. I RED STAMPS Phone 1416 Geo. G. Guild. Gen. Mgr. Saturday, June 28. N. Horluchl. dealer in bottles, bags, TINSMITH Honolulu Cash Coupon Exchange. San Francisco Sierra, O. S. S. Pauahl street near Smith. stamps. Everything free for 'red ;;. New Line or &534,3m. N. :Hara, Plumber, Tinsmith, roof reAsk your dealer for red stamps. XUTLS pairing, Estimates etc. furnished Nuuanu nr. Beretanla SL S524-6CANNED MONTE" "DEL GOODS free. 1328 Nuuanu nr. Kukui SL ' Table Fruits and Vegetables. 5552-ly- r Malls are due from the' following HORSESHOEING points as 'follows: KAIMUKI GROCERY CO. H. Yamamoto, 682 S. King; Thone San Francisco smnyo Maru, June N. Miwa, blacksmith; horseshoeing of 3308. "Can 'furnish best references. Cor. Waialae Road and Koko Head KIMONOS all kinds; Beretanla nr. Aala Lane. k5245-ly- . Avenue Phone 3730. Victoria Niagara, June 18. 5559-m- . to 11.25 $18.44. Lovely Kimonos Colonies Ventura, June 13.. - 1L .Miyake, 1248 ForL, TeL 3238. L!n Sing Kee, 1044 Nuuanu; Tel. '2990. Yokohama Chinyo Mam, June 1 . 5453-6HOUSE PAINTER P. H. BURNETTE Tinsmith, plumber, hardware, etc. Mails will depart for; the following tJommlssloner of Deeds for California points as follows: Hop Lee, all kinds of painting; 646 and New York; NOTARY PUBLIC; Vancouver .Marama, June 17. King streeL nr. Dowsett lane. Won Lui So... 75 N. Hotel St Tel. Grants Marriage Licenses, Draws Colonies Sonoma, June D. 60-l"1033. Estimates submitted. Mortgages, Deeds Bills of Sale, , Shinyo Maru, June 10. x k5391-6Leases, 'Wills, etc. Attorney for the Yokohama 10. Manchuria,' San franciccc June' HARNESS MAKER. LUAUS. District Courts, TO MERCHANT , ST, HONOLULU, Phone 1S46. ; 1 . Morinaga, harness repairing of TRANSPORT SEBYIC3 Hawaiian Cafe luaus. a specialty; rea"Bere-: 271 work guaranteed, sonable; Maunakea, nr. Hotel. 5559-ly- . Logan, sailed from Honolulu for San 5560-3rtania, nr. Aala streeL Francisco June 4. an If feeling blue smoke You're UMBRELLA MAKER Sherman, from Honolulu for Guam and LAUNDRY. ;" Manila, May 15. R lllzuta. Umbrellas made and reLai Wo Laundry, First class est&bllsh-men- t; Philippines. Warren, stationed at the paired. 12S4 . Fort, nr. KukuirrTel.! good work; guaranteed; call Thomas, at San "Francisco, to arrive 5653-6.7- 1 3745. SEWING MACHINES and deliver; 12S3 .Emma & Vineyard ... Honolulu About June 23.. M. A. GUNST & CO., Inc. 5523-6Dix. at Seattle, to sail June .16. R. TANAKA, 1266 jFORT .STREET Sheridan, mailed rfrom Honolulu for Sara Kee, washing .and ironing neatly Sewing machines bought or exchanged. San Francisco, arrived Jan. ,2b. Ring 3203 and we will send man to done. 1342 Nuuanu nr. Vineyard SL REDUCTION SALE 5252-look 5525-6at .old machine. Everything Reduced, : : WAGON MATERIALS. ' Mugrins What "Is your";favDntJ SHOES LIVERY. 6TABLE. Chock Barck, repairing, paint inr: method of pttnishing the '.children? I AMERICAN DRY GOODS CO. blacksmitliing, trimming, etc, 077 C ' Bugsins Well, I consider that spank-- 1 livery turnouts at reason-- ' Fook I xy Co. We manufactufe shoes First-Clas- s ' nr. St., Hotel Bethel. : opp. patrons. depoL Repairing a 4445. to rd., Prison ing takes the palm. Philadelphia tel. suit our able rates. Territory Livery Stable, 5557-65531-6..., 123 SL specialty. Hotel 2535. Record. 548 King; phone


Matsuda. Reasonable price tailor. Nuuanu SL, Tel. 2249. 5552-6styles; 'cor. NuFook Sang, uanu and Pauahl streets. 5536-6m- .


Monday, June 23.








Manila" via - Guam

Thomas, U. S p. m.

Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wa 8:36 a. m., 5:3x alua and Waianae

up-to-da- te


Scarfs, Doilies, Table Covers, Ets. 11. Miyake, 1218 "ForL, TeL 3238.

Tuesday, June 24. San Francisco iHonolulan,- - M. N.



Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and 8:36 a. Pearl City f7:43 a. m
11:02 a. m., 1:30' p. ul, 5:32 p. m 7:30 p. m. 4:28 p. m.


Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa and LeiJehua 9:15 a. m., tl:55 p. m.: ; f 4:01 p m.,7:10 p. m. two hour: The Haleiwa Limited, a train (only honored leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:35 a. m., for Haleiwa Hotel; returning ar rives fn Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. Tho Limited stops only at Pearl City and Waianae. Daily tExcept Sunday JSnnday only G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Superintendent . G. P. A.






A Cathtl Cta.







SL, nr. Csthel



f.luraliami Shoten
Importer and Pealer in




iFine 4.lne cf XryjCadi





Hotel StreeL near Nuuanu.




Yinf Cho?4 Co.

Ewa Fiihmarket

King SL






The 17on Tcnrl Co.,





Builders and Contractors Office: Maunakea SL

Corner Nuuanu & Beretanla Sts.

ThcEvcryday Article" ir; Furniture at


.'' :




Japanese Provisions and "t. General Merchandljs Near King C!. Nuuanu SL,






it Is believed the cresL at a stage of



ft et, will have been reaped. So far little damage has been done.

marks the condition of every,
bottle of milk delivered by

(Not a quill In them) The df.'ferent makes are: Dupont



i '



The different.materlats are:.

Phone 1S42.

Parisian Ivory


Hardwoods: . Ebony, Foxwood, and Rosewood.

The different prices, are:

from $1 to $6

American Underslung

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.

Fort St.

you and your business

Need a


C' Deculey,
Sole Distributor

Psrcel-Po- st

The Stuclebader
lixes tavo the clasi Cchumtn Carriage



Tells instantly the postage required for any zone.

Price, 53.25

Hawaiian News Co. ,

Young Bldg, Phone 2294. v

per' gallon

: .

Co., Ltd.;
Honolulu, T. H.


IIc:.:!u!u Cycl:ry
The Exclusive Ajency for the famous - RACYCLE CIcyclet for, .' Hawaiian Islands. : Tel. 2518 U3 So. King St.

Due June 17 per Virginian Fine, large young Oregon mules Tel. 1109.


Club Stables
Tel. 1109.

Victor Records
.,.----. ...

CERGSTROM MUSIC CO. Fort 8L Odd Fellows Clock

4Bo Prepared"

to Ye Regal Boot Shop and Get the New


SCOUTS Gold, Silver, NIckefand Copper Plat-InOxidizing a Specialty. OAHU PLATING WORKS
j. -

Hates Moderate, Work Unsurpassed. Experienced Men. 214 Eeretania St, .Phone 2134

brcadmaklng any more, FredP

Does your wife do her



ron bet not! 'ot when she can get Butternut Bread at the PALM CAFE fresh dally!"




Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tiles. ' Also Tube Repairing.


Merchant nr. Alakea.

Tel. 2137


S. SAIKI, Mgr.
St-- nc


islands. You'll get quicker results. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.


that ,

T7irolcc3 message to


the other


Ctrrnan confectionery and fancy bakery Tcusd, citron, currant, coffee, sponge e choc-- ; aafi fruit cakes,
' home-mad-

BONNIE LASSIE The Shoe for Your Boy. New Line Received.

candies and Geraam rye bread nr. Peretanla. Phen tTtl USSiAtakea.

Secretary Bryan today; appointed Major J. J. Dickinson, a New York TUBERCULOSIS newspaperman, to be government comExfresh air ad nourUhlaf food ara missioner ai lae Panama-Pacifi- c baolutrlr acccsury la fighting To Advertissr th3 salary a at Francisco position San in ftuberculoaia. ?4500 a ear la addition w can tunocly Miss Christobel PankhursL!of When a areparailoo which has ' artaiacd considerable soccesa both wbo is in Paries learned by caWejif official annaunccment that all the ber and la Europe la treating I the death of Emily Wilding tuberculosis and all discasctof tb fae concrete work of the six locks . who stopped f()f tte Panaina Canal has been com-th- e respiratory organ. suffragette,, militant the This preparation, which acts asa king's horse Anmer in the Derby. tooie est the catire urttca, U M made in panama today. rclling Jockey Jones and his mount at Tottenham corner, she cabled back ' sir Tbos. Upton, challenger for the 01 me v. fierce denunciauon America cup, todar has chosen government, which she accused of p Burton to command the yacht causing the martyrdom of women. IV. Burton is one of EngShamrock 73c and sold Is in Sirolin Martyr. Acclaimed best known yachtsmen, having $1.00 bottles by all leadin London an- land's militants Prominent over Iim) races. in ing druggists or can be Miss Da-- sailed of funeral the nounced that . .... obtained from the, Hollis... inwuie Vlson Will De made a nauonai ifV... tMr W nnon ter Drug Co Honolulu. to the , England first of the women of fj score of gucst8 ot a m f actual martyr to the cause and sub- th famous hotel Potter, at feania scriptions will be opened at once for Barbara, crept shivering back after the erection of a monument for her, flames that threatened the fourth a site for which will be requested of floor of the hostelry early today were the Epsom town council. controlled. No one was hurt, although The idea of a monument for. Miss Mrs. M. L,und of San Francisco is ill Davison is immensely popular with of fright, incident to her awakening and already assur- in a room fiired with smoke. The the suffragettes ances have been received of subscrip- damage will not exceed: $15,009. tions to a considerable amount as soon as the fund has been organized. King George today entertained at If it Is found Impossible to secure a luncheon at Buckingham Palace all site at Epsom It will not check the the Balkan and Turkish envoys, movement. A site will be found, else- 'whose deliberations here closed the ' where. "C. Balkan war. pigeons white During luncheon the ALL DIFFERENT MODELS-W- ILL Emily Wilding Davison, the suffra- were released and flitted about the gette, who was injured in an attempt tables. King George, memfcers of his BE SOLD AT 3 to interfere with the running of King cabinet and several of the peace dele . . REDUCTION.George's colt in the Derby, died In gates spoke. , the hospital at Epsom this morning. See them in the window. Every effort was made to preserve With two known to be dead and her life and a desperate operation only twenty rescued alive,; little hope was performed in order to restore the, is entertained at Pottsvllle, Penn., toAll brand new and O. K. but internal organs injured when crushed day for the safety of thirty-fiv- e ; the Eastman Co. is discontinuby the king's colt, but the surgeons miners who still are entombed in the making ing these particular admit that they entertained small coal mine of the Scott colliery, near ' models. hope at any time of saving her. Mount CarmeL The men were caught by an explosion of gas, just as the A petition, signed .by fifteen frater-- r day shift was about to enter the Honolulu al organizations and social clubs of workings. , San Diego, asking for the repeal or Photo Supply Co. radical amendment of the dance hall Wm." Wood, millionaire head of the ordinance, will be acted upon by the Woolen Trust, was acquitted today LIMITED city council tomorrow. Under its all counts in the indictment terms-al- l lodges and social societies on "Everything Photographic" charge of a conspiracy to plant dynamust procure permits for dancing. mite to discredit the Lawrence strikers, Frederick Atteaux was acquitted Unless fog is encountered In the on the fifth count, but the jurors are Heads, the army transport Thomas, disagreed on the four other counts. from Honolulu, will be in San FranCambridge dog Collins, Dennis cisco bay tomorrow. As soon as Its fancier, was foundthe on the first guilty cargo Is discharged, the transport will guilty on the not counts, and two Your Credit Is Good lead a large shipment of commissary v ; supplies, which have been accumulat- other three. ing on the dock for. several days, and With more than twenty thousand will proceed on its" usual trip to "Hothe German athletes participating, nolulu and the Philippines. new stadium at Berlin, Jn which the Olympic games will be held In 1916, Venturing several miles to sea in a will be formally opened and dedicated frail canvas boat they had themselves tomorrow in the presence of Emperor constructed, George Dolland, Lisle William, the Empress, Crown Prince Hitchings and Earl Boyd, high school and Crown Princess and the Kaisers Bishop Street students of eighteen years of age or court, as - well as the entire diplo1 thereabouts," of Santa Cruz, are said matic corps. to have been capsized and drowned yesterday afternoons The local naval . Damages . against " Mrs1. Emmeline reserve cutters were called into ser- Pankhurst and her two daughters vice and with a fleet of fishing boats and Pethrlck Lawrence and Mrs. AND . GARDEN VEGETABLE steam launches are making a Tiike were awarded. ' London merand. SEEDS- . " thorough search 'tmU has utterly ' fail- chants by a jury at London today, of resiilts as yet. The clothing of as the result of a suffragette window Gosas Grocery, Ltd. ed the boys was found at the mouth of smashing campaign. The merchants ' San 'Lorenzo river, J showing that they were each given $1800. . - . Phone 4138 had undertaken the trip clothed only in bathing suits. An alarm was given ; Henry Morgenthau, of New York, late In the evening and every fishing who was chairman of the Democratic boat and steam craft in the harbor finance committee for the Wilson For GENERAL OFFICE STAresponded but it is believed that they presidential campaign, to whom the S TIONERY and FILING Every part of Monterey president has offered the post of amare too late. call or. write to ut and ; Bay was searched but .no sign of bassador to 'Turkey, yesterday notiwe will fill your wants- . either the boat or its crew was found. fied the president that he would be OFFICE SUFFLY CO.. LTD. ' unable to accept the position. Miss Helen Hunter, a Katherine i 931 FORT STREET Spokane girl, and Fred Ford Conger, Its sanction to the conclusion of a cashier of the Superior Mining Com- treaty of arbitration between Uruguay pany, of Chico, were married today and the United Stales was given at by Rev. Chas. F Aked,; pastor of the Montevidio today by the Uruguayan CHEMICAL ENGINES AND : First Congregational church, standing senate. . WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS in the bridegroom's automobile. The automobile was the car of fate In- this For Sale by Foxhall Keene, the ' well known romance. "It was in an automobile horseman one of the leading that I proposed marriage to my wife," patrons of and J. A. 61 LM AH polo in America, who was explained Mr, Conger, "and she sug- slated as one of the substitutes for Fort Street gested that we bet married in the the American team in its forthcoming car, as we plan to take our honey- series with the British challengers for moon trip. In it, touring Southern championship cup, the international FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND : California.- put gut of tne running yesterday was 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THE as the result of an accident during Mrs. June Ainsworth Keyes, of Bos- practice. In a mix-uKeene's pony eldest daughter of Mrs. Jennie was thrown and the rider catapulted Hawaiian Drug Co.. ton, May Harrison Eaton, who is in Ply- onto the turf. The fall rendered him mouth jail awaiting trial for the unconscious and when he was picked Hotel and Bethel Streets murder of her husband, Joseph GilesJ up it was .found that his collar bone Eaton, has disappeared from, the had been broken. Eaton home in Assinippi. She has been missing for three weeks. Fran GEORGE V. JAKINS Clipping one day and five cis J. Geogan, Jr., attorney for Mrs. hours from the whole trans-Pacifrecord, Eaton says he knows where' she is. the steamship Empress of Russia, and Commission the Auttloneer He refuses to say more than that she latest and greatest of the Canadian " . Agent. is in Massachusetts. g Pacific Railroad's fleet 76 Beretanla SL Bachs Block

AsAU UtWTreatrat.f


Miruifi.vir ifjiM


Office of the Board of Health, llnno lulu, Hawaii. June T, 1313. Tenders for Beef Cattle.



get new life and vigor by taking Scott' Emulsion after every meal.

Sealed tenders, endorsed Tenders for Beef: Cattle" will Ui reoired nt the oftice of the Hoard or He.Uth until 12 o'clock noon. Thursdar, June 19th. 1913. for supiVtniC the Lviwr Settlement, Molokal. vi'.ii bef cattlo for the period of six months from July 1st. .1913. to LVcvxlcr 31st. 1013.: , under the following end1; ions, name--



It revitalizes the watery blood and furnishes Nature with new nourishment to make mi, active, healthy blood and Emulsion
thm nmrim





bones and clothes them with healthy flesh.

fd Scott's cnrr. strengthens the


lates so quickly it conserves energy and compels health.

Scott ft Bcnrne. Bloom Sttd . N. J. 1M

Scott's Emulsion

8 Kodaks II Premos




The bidder must offer to furnish fat beet cattle to'wrijsU nr.t 1cm than 3"0 pounds net when :resscd, id head jer lots averaging abou: S month, more or Kss. us rosy Je re-cifled ty the Suptrtnterticnt oi me U?rer Settlement, delivered at the Leper Settlement, Molokal. For further Information apply at Ihe office cf the Board of Health. Honolulu. 2. Hides, tallow and offal to be tha nronertr of - the Board of Health. 2. bid must be for ite pneo per iKund live weight, with on alternative offer of a price per head. , burner must 4. The successful srrpo that all cattle are offtrel for dplivprv sublect to the right of thd Superintendent of the Leper Settle ment or reiect any or ail un.t tor.
w - -


At 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, July 8, 1913. at the front door to the Capitol Building. Honolulu, there will be


Office bf the, Board of Health, Hono lulu, Hawaii. June 7, 1913. Tcna-er- s (4) Government land of Waimea, , for Purchase of Hides. leles including and also

sold at public auction under Part V, inLand Act of 1893, Sections 278-28-3 Hawaii, of Laws Revised clusive. general leases of the .following described lands. (1) Government land of Honokala, Hawaii, containing an area of 3,74? acre3. Upset rental $936.73. (2) Government land of Kalopa, Hamakua, Hawaii, containing an area of 7,440 acres. Upset rental $1,490.00. (3) Government land of Puukapu, South Kohala. Hawaii, containing an area of 11,900 acres. Upset rental

furnished to make up rpnuird number and tnone lt-ih jected forthwith removed tt the ex pense of the bidder. All bids . must be submitted in ac-nrrinr with, and sublect to. the provisions and requirement of Act o2. Session Laws 1903. .. V Tenders must be accompanied by a certified check equal in amount to 3 per cent of the tender on the ;asi of 60 head per month weighing net, when dressed, 330 pounds each. THE BOARD OF HEALTH. By Its President, J. S. B. PRATT, M. D be forthwith




rattl- - tI1li;t



the Lalamilo o of Puukawalwat, Kapla,' Keonikl, and Haleaha South Kohala, Hawaii, containing an area of 14,140 acres. Upset rental $266.50. (5) Government land of Kawalhae I, South Kohala, Hawaii, containing an area of 9,630 acres. Upset rental

Coyne Furniture





(6) Government land at Pauahl, 1913. be for the price per must Tenders South Kohala, Hawaii, containing an delivered on the ' hides for pomyl Upset 600 rental acres. area of wharf at Honolulu, on weights ap $242.50. (7) . Government, land of Momoua-loa- , proved by an agent of the Board of South Kohala, Hawaii, contain Health. Payments reaulred In U. S. gold ing an area of 430 acres. Upset rencoin Imniediately after delivery. tal $182.50. ; y The Board does not bind itself to in adRental payable ' " accept ' v the highest or any bl i. vance. BOARD OF HEALTH, THE (15) fifteen leases wTerm of these By its President, years from July 1, 1913. J. ' S. B. PRXTT, JI. D. All boundaries along the forest res-- , " 5367-10- . :' by lessee, ervatlons to be fenced the 8cid fences to be kept in repair durSEALED TENDinS. ing the term of these leases. Reservations regarding lands re Sealed tenders will be received fcy ' ' quired for agricultural, Superintendent of Public Works reclamation,' settlement or public the pf Wednesday, July up, until, ' -purposes, and the further1 condition 9, 1913, 12 noon furnishing and installing for that rents on all lands withdrawn lighting fixtures in the Judifor agricultural purposes to be fixed electric building, Honolulu. ciary by arbitration, will be embodied in Plans, specifications and blaslc these leases. forms for proposal are on file in tha Purchaser to pay cost of adyertls office of the Superintendent cf PuV Ing. Capitol Building. Works,. lie - For maps and further Information, Put!!c Superintendent The apply at the office of the commission Works reserves the right tocf reject any er of Public Lands. Honolulu. or all tenders. JOSHUA D. TUCKER, ; . J. W. CALDWELL, Commissioner of . Public Lands. Superintendent of Public Work3. Dated at Honolulu, June 3, 1913. . Honolulu, June 2, 1913. 5564 June 4, 9. 16, 23, 30, July 7. , 5562-lOsemi-annuall.


Sealed tenders endorsed "Tenders for Purchase of Hides," for the purchase of hides belonging to the board of Health, for the period of eIx rrrmha frnm Jnlv 1st. 1913. to Decem ber 31st, 1913, will be received at tho office of the Board of Health until 12 o'clock, noon, Thursday, June 10th.






Sealed Tenders for furnishing the City and County of Honolulu with materials and supplies for six months ending December 31, 1913, will be received at the office of the City and H..T.. until 12:00 m., July 2, 1913. County Clerk until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Specifications furnished on applica- Thesday, June 17, 1913. tion. Major B. F. Cheatham, Con- ' Tenders may be obtained upon apstructing Quartermaster. plication at the office of the City and 5566 Juife 6, 7, 9, 10, 30, July 1. County Clerk, Mclntyre Building, HoSealed proposals for Electric Current tor Schofield Barracks, H. T., will be received at the office of the Con structing Quartermaster, Honolulu, The Board of Supervisors reserves his lot with the new government and right to reject any or all tenders. the had been one of the leaders of the fed D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., erals In their attempts to overcome City and County Clerk. the constitutionalists, the former Ma June 5, 1913." deristas. ; 5565-5.i 'The report of the execution of Oroxco is not confirmed, but it is generally SEALED TENDERS believed. ; Sealed Proposals will be received District Judge Teller of Danver ous at the Office of the City and County ted all the old Denver municipal of Clerk until 7:30 o'clock p. m Tuesficials and enjoined them from Inter day. June 17, 1913, for the burial of ferlng with the establishment of a Indigent Dead of the City and County commission form of government. of Honolulu ; for six months ending Commissioner of Social Welfare December 31, 1913. 4 . Perkins succeeds Mayor Arnold. Proposals must be on form to be obtained from the City and County Charges by .Senator Townsend that Clerk. President Wi!son is "the biggest lob The Board of Supervisors reserves byist in Washington," will not result the right to reject any or all tenders. in the chief executive being summonD. KALAUOKALANI.-JR.- , ed before the senate commission City and County Clerk. which is probing the existence of an June 5, 1913. "insidious lobby" against the tariff i)0 t.
L 63-5-





Nuuanu St. nr. IIotcL

Largest Taclflc Souvenir Store In the World-- ,

Promotional Publicity
Alakea Street. THE CHAS. R. FRAZIER CO. Phone 1371

Geo. A. Martin
MERCHANT TAILOR Moved to Fort Above Hotel







Toon? Building

VYntii two '



e?pa.ie? initio r tnui. nnni -




J. C. Axtell,

Wall & Dougherty



Trus-Co- n


Ask Honolulu Iron Works"-Coabout th one YOU need. .

OMceCoats EE. Afong Co,


Alexander Young Building

Black and Pongee Shades. From $2.50 Up. Empire Building.




mar .. 1. . J m i mu.. Utau Mosium pnesmwm. ui me The: four largest volcanoes of the 13 bitterly-incense- d at the action OfAlaslcn Peninsula nr nnv in nrtivA the Sultan In giving a firman tO Maj. and rnnsMorahlo nnr1nic John E. Finley, the American Moro is beine felt amnn? thn Uvine in th governor, commanding the dattus of neighborhood of the scene. Frequent miuutniu ana. me auiu arcmpeiago earthquakes are felt, some violent, to cease molesting American or Fill- - j For some time the craters have been pino citizens and expressly prohibit- ing the Juramentado, or religious ven-- covered with a pall of yellow fumes, detta. against Christians. vol- those from the century-quiesceThe Shiek is sending a representa - Vann nf Katmai MtpndinF for hnn- tlve of his own to Mindanao, telling Idreds of miles. The other volcanoes, the dattus to ignore Finley's firman,1 which broke out into violent eruption as It was secured v'while the Sultan's almost simultaneously yesterday, are mind was heated with strong wines 'Iliamma, Shishaldin and Pawloff. end the seductive arguments of the! I crafty American." Three men are held in the city Jail He is also sending an offering to 'at Seattle, pending the investigation of the mosque at Talugsangay, which he an attempt to extort $1000 from Nick says has been defiled by the brother of Alexander Pan-ica- n unbelievers." tages of vaudeville theater fame, un- The Shiek has Just commended the der threat of death. The men held are Grand Senusso "Achmet Scherif All, Greeks and gave their names as Geo. head of the Bedouin Mohammedan C. Prist, Theodore Paphas and Gust sect, for declaring Jihad against Ital - .Dempos. All deny knowledge of the ' ians in Tripoli. . crime.
1 m . ( nt "Amer-jPantages, . 1


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Discussing the situation. Senator Reed, acting chairman of the lobby in vestigating committee, said: "Town Bend's charge was a serious one to make on hearsay evidence. The committee does not intend to summon the president before it.





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With waters at a standstill in the Persistent reports received at the Snake and Clear Water Rivers in City of Mexico tell of the execution, of Idaho, Portland river observations Col. Pascual Orozcb, Sr., by Gen . Em-iliaeee no relief in the situation along Zapata, the rebel chieftain. It the Willamette before Monday, when : was said Orozco's body Was found 'hanging to a tree, riddled with bullets, at Tlachichipa, near Jojutla, in Cen tral Morelos. Friends of Orozco rethe alandard remedy offered Zapata $20,000 for his Brown's for coxifKs, KoarAe-nes- s cently freedom, but the offer wa3 turned down.: ..:. and throat af-- f Don't sauce the street gamin. He When Gen. Felix .Dias and Gen. Bronchial ectioivs. living much may coup be governor some day. a few brought off their Huerta relief ia the diseases ago, wonder how some people man in the which resulted It's months Troches, of ihe lun9. bronchi- overthrow of Madero and his subse- age toa keep they all their fingers tis and asthma. so much. quent, violent death, Orozco threw in fool around a buzz-sas no ,

Former detective Sergeant Frank W Esola. convicted of grand larceny in San Francisco, was taken to the coun tv iaiL Before leaving he was taken irto the district attorney's office, where Prosecutor James Brennan ask ed: "Frank, is there any statement ' vou want to maker "Jim," replied the prisoner, "I don't want to injure any man at present. When the convicted detective was led to the jail van it was found that Maurice De Martini was an occupant "For heaven's sake don't put me in the same wagon ..with that fellow," pleaded Esola, as he spied De Martini Esola's request was granted and he left for the county jail in the next . ;.. van.

As provided, by Act 112. Session Laws of 1909. notice Is hereby given that from and after July 1, 1913, rates on water privileges installed with proper recording apparatus or - water meters will be charged according to meter readings. Meter rates will be charged at the rate of 6'4 cents per 1000 gallons J. W. CALDWELL, Superintendent of Public Works. .


2, 9, 16, 23.






Honolulu, T. H., June 2, 1913. or firms having any bills or claims against the Board of health for goods purchased subsequent to June 30th, 1911, will present
All persons

made out on the regular bill heads. J. 3. B. PRATT, M. D., President, Territorial Board of Health.




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