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Group Assignment
Reading Habits Among Urban Citizen

Prepared by : Raka Wildan Hakim Dhouaibi Boussoury Nourdine (0632589) Nurul Aflah


Nowdays, a lot of people think leaving the reading habits as they prefer to listen more. Students in school are declining their reading habits. It is hard to find students using the library or getting books issued. Though both government as well as the private schools have a wonderful stock of books, but still hardly see any student utilising the same. There is a lot of benefit of reading, you improve your knowledge through reading even you do not realize it. Because knowledge is v ery important for us, it is kind of necessities in our life. Without knowledge, we will know nothing and even worse will die. Because everything in this world need knowledge as guidance, knowledge is like a light. When you walk in the dark place, the light is very important for you. It will give you the right path you have to choose. The same in this world, when we live in this world without knowledge it is same as we live in the dark place. Because we do not know anything. And big possibility we will take the wrong path. Allah SWT has told us to find search for knowledge, He mention it in many verses. Al-Quran is a book that have to be read by us, Al-Quran is from Qaraa in arabic which means read, and AlQuran means a reading. A reading for evertbody who want to be guided by Allah SWT. Even the first verse in Al-Quran is in surah Al-Alaq, and in the first word of surah Al-Alaq Allah command us to read!

Recite with the name of your Lord Who created (Al-Alaq : 1) Despite being educated and brought up in a rational society, and despite we know a lot of benefit of reading, there are times when we fail to apply in our life. Perhaps we as human beings, distinct as we are from the rest of the living species need to build up this habit of reading, as especially for kids it is really difficult to make the switch from a totally pictured short comic to a immensely boring book of at least a hundred pages, specifically one that has no images or diagrams. Finally, with this writing we hope to know about reading habits among urbans citizen especially in Gombak area and to know about intensity seeking knowledge among them as Allah said as muslim we have to search for knowledge untill we die. Writers


It is a well-known fact that when there were no televisions or computers, reading was a primary leisure activity. People would spend hours reading books. The only tragedy with time is that people have lost their skill and passion to read. There are many other exciting and thrilling options available aside from books. And that is a shame because reading offers a productive approach to improving vocabulary and word power. It is advisable at least half an hour of reading a day to keep various styles of writing and new vocabulary. It is observed that children and teenagers who love reading have comparatively higher IQs. They are more creative and do better in school and college. It is recommended that parents give understanding the importance of reading to their children in the early years. Reading can significantly help in developing vocabulary, and reading aloud helps to build a strong emotional bond between parents and children. The children who start reading from an early age are observed to have good language skills. Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involve greater level of concentration and add to the conversational skill of the reader. It is an habits that enhances the knowledge acquired consistently. The habit of reading also helps readers to process new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversations. The habit can become a healthy addiction and adds to the information available on various topics. It helps us to stay in-touch with contemporary writers and makes us sensitive to global issues. However, there is a further, very important reason why we should try to develop our reading skills: Educational researchers have found that there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success*. In other words, a student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Since we know about the importance of reading, the best way to achieve the objectives of reading and earn benefit of it is to improve our reading habits. There is an article by Prerna Salla about reading habits nowdays,
* "Research findings in applied linguistics and reading research consistently show a strong correlation between reading proficiency and academic success at all ages, from the primary school right through to university level: students who read a lot and who understand what they read usually attain good grades." Pretorious, E. [http://www.library.unp.ac.za/innovationid46.htm] (Pretorius, 2008)

Observation too has its limitations! What you would ideally require is developing the reading habit. Perhaps because it is the most natural habit to inculcate! Ordinarily kids dislike reading material that is dedicatedly made for them as their appreciation for listening skills are so honed that school sub consciously makes them listen to tales and instructions. A good book or reading an informative piece makes the ideal companion; it is interesting, builds on your patience and allows you to grow in the pool of knowledge without you realizing it! (Salla, 2004)

Ni yg dari dia, The seeking of knowledge is an individual obligation irrespective, the focus of study or seeking of knowledge is mainly towards achievement of success in this world and the next world. People are invited to study to understand everything with knowledge. However, one of the reasons why many students do not enjoy their studies, it is because they consider it as too boring for them. In order to enjoy studies, one should make a rhythm of one's study habit. One's rhythm can be one's own style of studying. Everyone may have an unique rhythm .There can be variety in your study habit. After reading for some time, you can write about what you have read. Thus your activity can be reading some time, then writing for some time, and then again reading. In this way you can spend your study time. Effective study habits are a very import part of the learning process. Good study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment.



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We approached the occasion of this project by using survey and statistical method. Basically, this project is still about reading habits or intention of urban citizen to read and seek for knowledge. We want to measure the percentage of reading habits, what kind of book they are reading, how much they spend their money to buy book, what thing move them to read is (where they got motivation to read), etc, by give them survey paper with 10 questions on it.




Pretorius, E. (2008). http://www.library.unp.ac.za/innovationid46.htm. Taken from www.library.unp.ac.za. Salla, P. (2004, may 19). The Reading Habits. Taken from www.buzzle.com.


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