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Abstract Role of Teachers in Ancient India and Present Day V.Anbalagan, M.

Ed, Student, Indian College of Education, Katpadi, Vellore-14. Present Day Teacher ancient India: Education is to train and condition the mind to function effectively in a contemporary context. The new conditions, however, constitute a challenge to teachers in their functioning. The objective of education is to train and condition the mind so that an individual can function effectively in a contemporary context. Education is supposed to provide an opportunity for the acquisition of skills necessary to eke out a livelihood. The broad goals have remained the same, more or less through hundreds of years. In ancient years, when gurukulas existed, the guru was responsible for providing formal education as well as mould the character of pupil. For the student, it was acquisition of knowledge along with the ethics of how to use it. Thus, character building was an essential part of the education process. Fundamentals of Ancient Indian Education: Sup topic: Developing the wholesome personality, Making formal and informal Educations Responsible, Starting Academic sessions solemnly, Adjusting School Hours, Close Contact, Emphasising Discipline, Low Teacher pupil Ratio, Respecting Childs Personality, Providing Free Education, The primary aim of any system of education should be development of a whole some personality. The moral stature of our educated people is deplorably low. Moral values are at stake The old values, which held society together are disappearing and as there in no effective programme to replace them by a new sense of responsibility. Imparting and receiving of education was as sacred as anything can be, for example, education started and ended with certain prescribed religious rituals like unsaying and samvartan. Salient features of Ancient Indian Education: Sub topic:

Infusion of Spiritual & Religious Values, Character Development, Development of Civic Responsibilities and Social Values, Personality Development, Preserving and Diffusing National Culture, The ancient Indian education system was successful in preserving end spreading its culture and literature even without the help of art of writing. It was only because of the destruction of temples and monasteries by invaders that the literature was lost. The cultural unity that exists even today in the vast sub-continent is due to successful preservation & spread of culture. The education system infused a sense of responsibilities and social values. The ancient education system achieved its aims to the fullest extent.

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