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Subtle square uted

steel cladding
Lysaght Trimdek

St|ur, Ju|o|le, .e|sotile |uu orJ woll cloJJir

o.oilo|le ir lur lert|s su ure s|eet ao] |e
useJ |ua |iJe tu utte| wit|uut erJ lous
T|e lutir ir t|e uors u|u.iJes st|ert| orJ
lur suorrir couo|ilities
T|e st|ert|, suorrir o|ilit], li|tress orJ
|iiJit] u |YS/C|T TRlM0EK u|uile ue|aits
wiJe suuuu|t suocirs tu |e useJ wit| soet]
|ur, st|oi|t lert|s u |YS/C|T TRlM0EK
cor |e luwe|eJ irtu uloce orJ eosil] olireJ

is o su|tle suo|eluteJ steel cloJJir, o.oilo|le

ir lur lert|s, su ur aust ju|s ]uu cor |o.e ure s|eet |ua |iJe tu
utte| wit|uut erJ lous.
|YS/C|T TRlM0EK is aoJe u |i| st|ert| steel orJ Jesuite its
li|tress, u|u.iJes ercellert suorrir couocit] orJ |eao||o|le |ecu.e|]
ote| Jeu|aotiur.
T|e st|ert|, suorrir o|ilit], li|tress orJ |iiJit] u |YS/C|T
TRlM0EK ue|aits wiJe suuuu|t suocirs tu |e useJ wit| soet].
Simple, low-cost fixing
|ur, st|oi|t lert|s u |YS/C|T TRlM0EK cor |e luwe|eJ irtu uloce
orJ olireJ eosil]. |irir wit| |erour |eoJeJ sc|ews is siaule orJ
TRlM0EK is o.oilo|le ir or ott|octi.e |ore u culuu|s ir C|RBl0

octu|] u|euoirteJ steel orJ ir uruoirteJ ZllC/|uME

ollu] cuoteJ steel.
StorJo|J C|RBl0

steel is o.oilo|le ir o ull |ore u curteauu|o|]

culuu|s suito|le u| oll |uilJir u|ujects. C|RBl0


steel u|u.iJes suue|iu| oest|etic uolities, orJ C|RBl0

ult|o steel
is irterJeJ u| se.e|e cuostol u| irJust|iol er.i|uraerts.
Lysaght Trimdek

Material specifications

oluairiual/irc ollu]cuoteJ steel cuaul]ir wit|

/S1J9/-ZJJ1 C55J, /Z15J ,55JM|o airiaua ]ielJ st|ess,
airiaua cuotir aoss,
Stoirless steel storJo|J |oJe Jesirotiur is /lSll/STM T]ue +JJ,
ulS lu. S+JJJJ
lut o.oilo|le ir aetollic iris|es os o storJo|J itea. Su|ject tu erui|].
T|e |ose aetol t|ic|ress is J.+Z u| J.+8aa.
T|e C|RBl0

u|euoirteJ steel cuaulies wit| /SllZSZ/Z8.199/.

S|eets o|e suuulieJ custua cut.
|ert|. - Jaa, - 15aa
wiJt|. - +aa, - +aa
Walking on roofs
Cere|oll], |eeu ]uu| wei|t e.erl] Jist|i|uteJ u.e| t|e sules u |ut| eet
tu o.uiJ curcert|otir ]uu| wei|t ur eit|e| |eels u| tues. /lwo]s weo|
sauut| sutsuleJ s|ues, o.uiJ |i||eJ sules t|ot uic| uu orJ |ulJ saoll
stures, swo| orJ ut|e| u|jects.
Minimum roof pitch
|ur lert|s orJ o sueciol orticouillo|] |uu.e ir t|e siJe lou olluws ]uu
tu use |YS/C|T TRlM0EK ur |uu uitc|es os luw os ZJe|ees ,1 ir JJ.
Maximum roof lengths for drainage measured from ridge to
gutter (m)
|eret|otiurs will olte| t|e luw u wote| ur o |uu. |u| ossistorce
ir Jesir u |uus wit| ueret|otiurs, uleose see| oJ.ice |ua uu|
iru|aotiur lire.
Maximum Support Spacings
T|e aoriaua |ecuaaerJeJ suuuu|t suocirs o|e |oseJ ur testir ir
occu|Jorce wit| /S15cZ.1199Z, /S+J+J.1199Z orJ /S+J+J.Z199Z.
Ruu suors cursiJe| |ut| |esistorce tu wirJ u|essu|e orJ li|t |uu
t|oic ,t|oic o|isir |ua irciJertol aoirterorce. woll suors cursiJe|
|esistorce tu wirJ u|essu|e url].
T|e u|essu|e cursiJe|eJ is |oseJ ur |uilJirs uu tu 1Ja |i| ir
Reiur B, Te||oir Coteu|] J, M
=J.85, M
=1.J, M
=1.J wit| t|e ulluwir
ossuautiurs aoJe.
=-J.ZJ, C
=J.9J, K
=Z.J u| sirle - erJ suors, K
=1.5 u| irte|rol
=-J.ZJ, C
=J.c5, K
=Z.J u| sirle suors, K
=1.5 u| irte|rol suors.
T|ese suocirs ao] .o|] |] se|.iceo|ilit] orJ st|ert| liait stotes u|
uo|ticulo| u|ujects.

kg/m kg/m

0.42 3.26 4.28 234


0.42 3.32 4.35 230


0.48 3.70 4.86 206


0.48 3.76 4.93 203

Maximum support spacings (mm)
Type of Span
0.42 0.48
Single Span 1100 1600
End Span 1300 1850
Internal Span 1900 2600
Unstiffened Overhang 150 200
Stiffened Overhang 300 350
Single Span 2400 2700
End Span 3000 3000
Internal Span 3000 3000
Overhang 150 200
For roofs: the data is based on foot-traffic loading.
For walls: the data is based on pressures (see wind pressures table).
Table data is based on supports of 1mm BMT.
Overlap Underlap
762 mm cover
29 mm
Span Limit
Span (mm)
Type State
600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000
Base metal thickness 0.42mm
Serviceability 4.98 3.91 2.83 1.87 1.16 0.75 0.53
Strength 10.25 8.35 6.45 4.75 3.60 3.00 2.75
Serviceability 4.18 3.63 3.08 2.55 2.06 1.62 1.22 0.85 0.50
Strength 6.35 5.85 5.30 4.80 4.30 3.80 3.25 2.75 2.25
Serviceability 5.05 4.18 3.42 2.83 2.36 1.94 1.56 1.23 0.97
Strength 9.50 7.95 6.55 5.25 4.30 3.65 3.30 3.05 2.85
Base metal thickness 0.48mm
Serviceability 7.27 5.06 3.34 2.06 1.15 0.71 0.50 0.42
Strength 12.00 11.60 9.60 7.75 6.10 4.75 3.60 2.65
Serviceability 6.29 5.13 3.96 2.93 2.13 1.54 1.12 0.82 0.58
Strength 9.40 8.00 6.55 5.30 4.35 3.65 3.25 2.95 2.75
Serviceability 7.37 5.96 4.66 3.54 2.72 2.22 1.92 1.64 1.38
Strength 9.90 8.55 7.35 6.25 5.40 4.75 4.30 3.85 3.45
Supports must be not less than 1.0mm BMT.
End spans if end lap
or expansion joint
in sheeting ES
Spacing definitions
ES = End span
IS = Internal span
O = Overhang

: Limit State wind pressure capacities (kPa)

Limit states wind pressures
|YS/C|T TRlM0EK ue|s t|e ull |erets u t|e lotest aet|uJs u|
auJellir wirJ u|essu|es. T|e wirJ u|essu|e couocit] to|le is Jete|aireJ
|] ull scole tests curJucteJ ot BlueScuue |]so|t's l/T/|eiste|eJ
testir lo|u|otu|], usir t|e Ji|ect u|essu|etestir |i.
Testir wos curJucteJ ir occu|Jorce wit| /S 15cZ.1-199Z 0esir orJ
irstollotiur u s|eet |uu orJ woll cloJJir-Metol, orJ /S +J+J.Z-ZJJZ
Resistorce tu wirJ ||essu|e u| lurc]cluric Reiurs.
T|e u|essu|e couocities u| se|.iceo|ilit] o|e |oseJ ur o Jeectiur liait u
,suorl1ZJ - ,aoriaua ostere| uitc|lJJ.
T|e u|essu|e couocities u| st|ert| |o.e |eer Jete|aireJ |] testir t|e
cloJJir tu oilu|e ,ultiaote couocit]. T|ese u|essu|es o|e ouulico|le w|er
t|e cloJJir is reJ tu o airiaua u 1.Jaa, C55J steel.
|u| aote|iol less t|or 1.Jaa t|ic|, see| oJ.ice |ua uu| iru|aotiur lire.
Adverse conditions
l t|is u|uJuct is tu |e useJ ir ao|ire, se.e|e irJust|iol, u| urusuoll]
cu||usi.e er.i|uraerts, os| u| oJ.ice |ua uu| iru|aotiur lire.
Metal & timber compatibility
|eoJ, cuuue|, |o|e steel orJ |eer u| suae c|eaicoll]t|eoteJ tia|e|s
o|e rut cuauoti|le wit| t|is u|uJuct, t|us Jur't olluw or] curtoct u t|e
u|uJuct wit| t|use aote|iols, ru| Jisc|o|e u |oirwote| |ua t|ea urtu
t|e u|uJuct. l t|e|e o|e Juu|ts o|uut t|e cuauoti|ilit] u u|uJucts |eir
useJ, os| u| oJ.ice |ua uu| iru|aotiur lire.
utiaua u|uJuct lie will |e oc|ie.eJ i oll erte|rol su|oces o|e wos|eJ
|eulo|l]. /|eos rut cleoreJ |] rotu|ol |oiroll ,suc| os t|e tuus u wolls
s|elte|eJ |] eo.es s|uulJ |e wos|eJ Juwr e.e|] sir aurt|s.
Saftey, storage and handling
|orJlir Soet] |YS/C|T u|uJuct ao] |e s|o|u orJ |eo.].
lt is |ecuaaerJeJ t|ot |eo.]Jut] cut |esistort lu.es orJ ouu|uu|iote
aoruol |orJlir tec|riues u| o litir ulor |e useJ w|er |orJlir
Keeu t|e u|uJuct J|] orJ cleo| u t|e |uurJ. l stoc|eJ u| |urJleJ u|uJuct
|ecuaes wet, seuo|ote it, wiue it wit| o cleor clut| tu J|] t|u|uu|l].
|orJle aote|iols co|eull] tu o.uiJ Joaoe. Jur't J|o aote|iols u.e|
|uu| su|oces u| eoc| ut|e|, Jur't J|o tuuls u.e| aote|iol, u|utect |ua
|u| cuttir t|ir aetol ur site, we |ecuaaerJ o ci|culo| sow wit| o aetol
cuttir |loJe |ecouse it u|uJuces ewe| Joaoir |ut aetol uo|ticles orJ
leo.es less |esultort |u|| t|or o co||u|urJua Jisc.
Cut aote|iols u.e| t|e |uurJ orJ rut u.e| ut|e| aote|iols.
Sweeu oll aetollic swo| orJ ut|e| Je||is |ua |uu o|eos orJ utte|s ot
t|e erJ u eoc| Jo] orJ ot t|e cuauletiur u t|e irstollotiur. |oilu|e tu Ju
su cor leoJ tu su|oce stoirir w|er t|e aetol uo|ticles |ust.
Sealed joints
|u| seoleJ juirts use sc|ews u| |i.ets orJ reut|olcu|e silicure seolort
||orJeJ os suito|le u| use wit| ol.oriseJ u| ZllC/|uME

Non-cyclonic areas
T|e iru|aotiur ir t|is ||uc|u|e is suito|le u| use url] ir o|eos w|e|e o
t|uuicol c]clure is urli|el] tu uccu| os JeireJ ir /S 11/J.Z-ZJJZ.
|u| iru|aotiur ur t|e use u |YS/C|T u|uJucts ir c]cluric curJitiurs,
|ee| tu t|e 0esir Couocities u| C]cluric /|eos ||uc|u|e ,u|ae|l]
C]cluric /|eo 0esir Moruol w|ic| is o.oilo|le |] |irir Steel 0i|ect
ur 18JJ c+1 +1/ u| ur uu| we|site. www.l]so|t cua.
The Perfect nishing touch
LYSAGHT rainwater goods
w|et|e| ]uu'|e |eru.otir o clossic /ust|olior |uuse u| seo|c|ir
u| o Jistircti.e luu| u| o rew |uae, oJJ t|e ue|ect iris|ir tuuc|
tu ]uu| TRlM0EK |uu wit| uu| ertersi.e |ore u |oirwote| uuJs.
|YS/C|T |oirwote| uuJs u|u.iJe t|e ue|ect iris|ir tuuc|.
u| |oirwote| uuJs o|e aoruoctu|eJ |ua ZllC/|uME

steel wit|

u|euoirteJ steel o.oilo|le, su t|e]'ll storJ uu tu ]eo|s

u t|e |o|s|est /ust|olior cliaote.
T|e c|uice u culuu|s orJ st]les is ertersi.e, cu.e|ir e.e|]t|ir ]uu
cuulJ reeJ |ua utte|s orJ Juwruiues, tu oscio, los|irs orJ
couuirs, os well os ostere|s orJ irir clius.
Gutters and downpipes
we aoruoctu|e t|e ue|ect utte|ir s]stea u| ]uu| |uae, w|ote.e|
t|e st]le. Yuu cor c|uuse |ua u/0, TRlM|llE

, S|EER|llE



utte|s u| o rua|e| u ut|e| Jesirs.

/ll Jesirs cor |e cuauleaerteJ wit| uu| cuaulete |ore u suo|e
orJ |uurJ Juwruiues orJ |oirwote| occessu|ies.
Tu ersu|e uic| orJ eos] irstollotiur t|e|e is olsu o ull |ore u
aotc|ir irir clius.
|YS/C|T lV/|llE

oscio is ott|octi.e orJ eos] tu irstoll. lt is

st|ur, li|twei|t orJ cor |e useJ os o cuaulete s]stea. Sueciol
clius o|e olsu o.oilo|le tu ir u/0

orJ TRlM|llE

utte|s tu t|e
Flashings and cappings
we suuul] los|irs orJ couuirs storJo|J u| custua aoJe.
T|e iris| cor |e uloir ZllC/|uME

steel u| C|RBl0

Mix and match
T|e wiJe c|uice u C|RBl0

steel culuu|s orJ |YS/C|T u|uiles

olluws ]uu tu air orJ aotc| wit| eose.
One call gets it all
we u|u.iJe e.e|]t|ir ]uu reeJ, wit| ure u|ure coll, ure u|Je| orJ
ru |urrir o|uurJ. Su u| ]uu| rert u|uject, it ao|es serse tu irsist ur
steel s|eetir orJ |oirwote| uuJs |ua BlueScuue |]so|t.
Why you should always insist on LYSAGHT
w|er ]uu sueci] |YS/C|T u|uJucts ]uu |o.e t|e oJJeJ oJ.ortoe
u Jeolir wit| o cuauor] w|use erue|tise orJ erue|ierce wit| steel
st|etc|es |oc| u| well u.e| o certu|]. / cuauor] wit| o |euutotiur
u| cursistertl] u|uJucir tuu uolit] u|uJucts.
u| u|uJucts o|e |oc|eJ |] o ue|u|aorce wo||ort] u| uu tu Z5
]eo|s. T|e BlueScuue |]so|t wo||ort] uo|ortees ir w|itir t|ot
]uu| u|uJucts will ue|u|a eroctl] tu sueciicotiurs w|er irstolleJ ir
occu|Jorce wit| uu| |ecuaaerJotiurs.
Fix to Steel Fix to Steel Fix to Steel Fix to Timber Fix to Timber
Single & lapped steel thickness Single thickness steel Total lapped thickness of Hardwood Softwood
0.55 up to 1.0mm BMT 1.0mm BMT up to 3.0mm BMT 1.0mm BMT up to 3.8mm BMT

Crest Fixed RoofZips M6-11x50 12-14x45, Metal Teks HG, HH 12-14x45, Metal Teks HG, HH 12-11x65, Type 17 HG, HH 12-11x65, Type 17 HG, HH
or or or
AutoTeks M5.5-14x50 AutoTeks M5.5-14x50 RoofZips M6-11x65

10-16x16, Metal Teks, HH 10-16x16, Metal Teks, HH 10-16x16, Metal Teks, HH 10-12x25, Type 17, HH 10-12x30, Type 17, HH
Pan or or M5-16x25 Designer Head 12-11x25, Type 17, HH
Fixed M5-16x25 Designer Head M5-16x25 Designer Head or M5-16x25 Designer Head
or 12-11x25, Type 17, HH or
RoofZips M6-11x25 RoofZips M6-11x25

Side laps (If required) 10-16x16, Metal Teks, HH or Roof Zips M6-11x25 or M5-16x25 Designer Head or Sealed blind rivet 4.8mm aluminium
Fasteners without Insulation
Notes: 1] For other steel thicknesses not specified please seek advice from screw manufacturer.
2] Values given are: gauge/threads per inch/ lengths (mm). HH = Hex. Head, WH = Wafer Head, HG = Hi-Grip
3] Care is required during installation to prevent stripping of thin material. (Single ply.)
4] Screw specification as above or equivalent fastener.
5] All screws with EPDM sealing washer.
Fastening sheets to supports
TRlM0EK u|uile is uie|ceireJ tu tia|e| u| steel suuuu|ts. T|is aeors
t|ot ostere| sc|ews uoss t||uu| t|e s|eetir.
Yuu cor uloce sc|ews u| |YS/C|T TRlM0EK t||uu| t|e c|ests u| ir t|e
uors. Tu aoriaise wote|ti|tress, olwo]s uloce |uu sc|ews t||uu| t|e
|u| wollir, ]uu ao] use eit|e| c|est u| uoririr.
/lwo]s J|i.e t|e sc|ews ue|uerJiculo| tu t|e s|eetir, orJ ir t|e cert|e
u t|e cu||uotiur u| |i|. 0ur't uloce ostere|s less t|or Z5aa |ua t|e
erJs u s|eets.
T|e eJe u TRlM0EK wit| t|e orticouillo|] |uu.e is olwo]s t|e
urJe|lou ,see iu|es ur t|is uoe. lt is ere|oll] cursiJe|eJ uuJ
u|octice tu use ostere|s olur siJelous |uwe.e|, w|er cloJJir is
suuuu|teJ os irJicoteJ ir Moriaua suuuu|t suocirs, siJelou ostere|s
o|e rut usuoll] reeJeJ u| st|ert|.
End lapping
ErJlous o|e rut usuoll] recesso|] |ecouse TRlM0EK is o.oilo|le ir
lur lert|s.
l ]uu wort erJlous, see| oJ.ice |ua uu| iru|aotiur lire ur t|e
seuerce u lo]ir orJ t|e oauurt u u.e|lou.
|ostere|s aust |e uusitiureJ Z5aa u| au|e
|ua erJ u s|eet.
Crest fixing for roofs or walls.
Underlap Overlap
Ends of sheets
lt is usuol tu olluw |uu s|eets tu u.e|lou irtu utte|s |] o|uut 5Jaa. l
t|e |uu uitc| is less t|or Z5u| ert|eae weot|e| is eruecteJ, t|e uors
u s|eets s|uulJ |e tu|reJJuwr ot luwe| erJs, orJ tu|reJuu ot uuue|
erJs |] o|uut 8J.
Lay sheets toward prevailing weather
lt is auc| eosie| orJ soe| tu tu|r s|eets ur t|e |uurJ t|or uu ur t|e
Beu|e litir s|eets ur tu t|e |uu, c|ec| t|ot t|e] o|e t|e cu||ect wo]
uu orJ t|e u.e|louuir siJe is tuwo|Js t|e eJe u t|e |uu |ua w|ic|
irstollotiur will sto|t.
|loce |urJles u s|eets u.e| u| reo| i|a suuuu|ts, rut ot aiJ suor u
|uu aea|e|s.
Sheet-ends on low slopes
w|er TRlM0EK is loiJ ur sluues u 5 Je|ees u| less, cut |oc| t|e
cu|re| u t|e urJe|s|eet, ot t|e Juwr|ill erJ u t|e s|eet, tu |luc|
couillo|] octiur.
Pan fixing for walls only.
Product Descriptions
All descriptions, specications, illustrations, drawings, data, dimensions and weights
contained in this catalogue, all technical literature and websites containing
information from BlueScope Lysaght are approximations only.
They are intended by BlueScope Lysaght to be a general description for information
and identication purposes and do not create a sale by description. BlueScope
Lysaght reserves the right at any time to:
(a) supply Goods with such minor modications from its drawings and specications
as it sees t; and
(b) alter specications shown in its promotional literature to reect changes made
after the date of such publication.
Disclaimer, warranties and limitation of liability
This publication is intended to be an aid for all trades and professionals involved with
specifying and installing LYSAGHT products and not to be a substitute for professional
Terms and conditions of sale available at local BlueScope Lysaght sales offices.
Except to the extent to which liability may not lawfully be excluded or limited,
BlueScope Steel Limited will not be under or incur any liability to you for any direct or
indirect loss or damage (including, without limitation, consequential loss or damage
such as loss of profit or anticipated profit, loss of use, damage to goodwill and loss
due to delay) however caused (including, without limitation, breach of contract,
negligence and/or breach of statute), which you may suffer or incur in connection
with this publication.
Copyright BlueScope Steel Limited 9 May, 2011
Technical enquires: steeldirect@bluescopesteel.com or call 1800 641417
Please check the latest information which is always available at www.lysaght.com


, lV/|llE


, TRlM|llE

, S|EER|llE

, EM|llE

, C|RBl0

8 ZllC/|uME

o|e |eiste|eJ t|oJeao||s

u BlueScuue Steel |iaiteJ, /Bl 1c JJJ J11 J58. RuuZius, /utuTe|s, 0esire| |eoJs orJ Te|s o|e |eiste|eJ t|oJeao||s u lTw BuilJer. T|e

|ore u u|uJucts is erclusi.el] aoJe |] BlueScuue Steel |iaiteJ t|oJir os BlueScuue |]so|t. ||irteJ |] |M ZMJ5l11

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