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I cant find my book, said Alice.
(Direct Speech)
Alice said that she couldnt find her book.
(Indirect Speech)

Raharjo Yulianto, S.S


Dalam kalimat imperative, kita menggunakan to (untuk positive imperative) dan
not to (untuk negative imperative).
Positive imperative
He says, Go away! (direct sentence)
He asked me to go away (indirect sentence)
Be quiet! the teacher asks to the students. (direct)
The teacher asked the students to be quiet. (indirect)
Come here, she says. (direct)
. (indirect)

Close the door, Ann asked Edi. (direct)

Negative imperative
He said, Dont go away! (direct)
He asked me not to go away. (indirect)
Dont be lazy teacher asked the students. (direct)
The teacher asked the students not to be lazy. (indirect)
Dont come here, she said (direct)


Dont throw the waste into the river Joe told Billie. (direct)

Dalam declarative, terjadi beberapa perubahan susunan:

Past perfect

Past perfect
Past perfect

2) Kata ganti & milik


He / she
I / he / she / me / him / her
His / her
Their / our
My / his / her

3) Adverb (keterangan waktu/tempat)

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect


The day before yesterday

That day
The next day
The day after
The following day
The day before
The previous day
The .after
The following..
The ..before
The previous.
Two days before

>> Tono:I will go now (direct)
Tono said that he would go then. (indirect)
will berubah mnejadi would (perubahan tense dari present future > past future)
Keterangan waktu now berubah menjadi then.
>> Father:I was sick yesterday (direct)
Father said that he had been sick the day before. (indirect)
was berubah menjadi had been (perubahan tense dari past > past perfect)
Keterangan waktu yesterday berubah menjadi the day before.
>> Andi:I went to Surabaya last week
Andi said that he ..to Surabaya .
>> Erin:Andi came here two days ago
Erin said that Andi .
Using auxiliary
Jika dalam direct sentence mneggunakan auxiliary verb, maka dalam indirect kita
gunakan if / whether diikuti kalimat positive (bukan interrogative).
Doctor:Do you take a nap regularly?
Doctor asked whether / if I took a nap regularly.

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

Kalimat tersebut menggunakan auxiliary do, maka dalam indirect kita gunakan if
/ whether diikuti kalimat positive I took a nap regularly BUKAN INTERROGATIVE
Did I take a nap regularly?
Jane:Are you a student?

May:Could I borrow your pen?
Using question word
Jika dalam direct sentence menggunakan question word, maka dalam indirect kita
tetap menggunakan question word tersebut dan diikuti oleh kalimat positive (bukan
Ari:How do you spell your name?
Ari asked how I spelt my name.
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan question word how, maka dalam indirect kita
masih gunakan how diikuti oleh kalimat positive I spelt my name bukan
interrogative Did I spelt my name?
Tyas:Where can you keep your money?


Doni:When will Andi go to Bali?


A. Imperative
1. Eat more fruit and vegetable, said the doctor.

2. Read the instructor before you switch on the machine, he said to me.

3. Shut the door but dont lock it she told us.

4. Dont come before 6 oclock, I said to him.

5. Dont wait for me if Im late, she said.

B. Declarative
Billie says:
1. I am thinking of going to live in Semarang

2. My father is in hospital

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

3. Joe and Jane are getting married next month

4. I have not seen John for a while

5. Margaret has had a baby

6. I dont know what is Fred doing

7. I hardly ever go out these days

8. I work 14 hours a day

9. Ill tell May that I saw you

10. You can come and stay with me if you are ever to Semarang

C. Interrogative

1. Do you love me? Ethan asked me.

2. Will you tell me than you need me? Putra asked Petri.

3. Are you all right? Ethan wondered.

4. Susie asked me: Why do you want me to tell it to him?

5. Mr. Joe asked the students: How can you do it in a short time?

6. What is your name? he asked me.

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

7. May I borrow your pen? Petri asked me.

8. What time will you pick me up? Ann asked me.

9. Is he a student? Putra inquired.

10. Have you told him what I said to you? I asked Petri.

D. Imperative Interrogative

Dont wait for me if I am late

Can you open your bag, please?
Please slow down!
Dont worry, Sue
Will you marry me?
Mind your own business
Could you repeat what you said, please?
Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?
Hurry up!

1. Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I.

2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked
3. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told...
4. I couldnt move the piano alone, so I
5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and...
6. I had difficulty understanding him, so I
7. I didnt want to delay Ann, so I .
8. John was very much in love with Jane, so he.
9. He started asking me personal questions, so..

E. Interrogative
Begin with He / She asked me
1. What time is it?

2. What is your name?

3. Can you speak Arabic?

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

4. Have you met my brother?

5. Where are you living?

6. Will you be here tomorrow?

7. What kind of camera do you have?

8. How tall are you?

9. What courses are you taking?

10. Do you feel okay?

11. Have you read any good news?

12. How do you like living here?

13. Did you finish your assignment?

14. What are you doing?

15. Whose briefcase is this?

16. May I borrow your dictionary?

17. Where will you be tomorrow?

18. Did you go to class yesterday?

English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

19. What are you going to do during vacation?

20. What is the capital city of your country?

F. Declarative Interrogative
1. Bob said, I will help you

2. Do you need a pen? Annie asked

3. Jennifer asked, What do you want?

4. Sid asked, Are you hungry?

5. I want a sandwich, Jennifer said

6. Im going to move to Yogyakarta said Bram.

7. Did you enjoy your trip? asked Connie

8. Dick asked, What are you talking about?

9. Nancy asked, Have you seen my grammar book?

10. Susan said, I dont want to go

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English Module 3. Grade XI. Direct - Indirect

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