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Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Tenth Congress Republic Act No.

8552 February 25, !!8 AN ACT "#TA$%&#'&N( T'" R)%"# AN* P+%&C&"# +N T'" *+M"#T&C A*+PT&+N +F F&%&P&N+ C'&%*R"N AN* F+R +T'"R P)RP+#"# $e it enacte, by the #enate an, 'ouse of Representati-es of the Philippines in Congress asse.ble,/ / ART&C%" & ("N"RA% PR+0&#&+N# #ection . #hort Title . 1 This Act shall be 2no3n as the 4 *o.estic A,option Act of !!8 .4 #ection 2. *eclaration of Policies . 1 5a6 &t is hereby ,eclare, the policy of the #tate to ensure that e-ery chil, re.ains un,er the care an, custo,y of his7her parent5s6 an, be pro-i,e, 3ith lo-e, care, un,erstan,ing an, security to3ar,s the full an, har.onious ,e-elop.ent of his7her personality. +nly 3hen such efforts pro-e insufficient an, no appropriate place.ent or a,option 3ithin the chil,8s e9ten,e, fa.ily is a-ailable shall a,option by an unrelate, person be consi,ere,. 5b6 &n all .atters relating to the care, custo,y an, a,option of a chil,, his7her interest shall be the para.ount consi,eration in accor,ance 3ith the tenets set forth in the )nite, Nations 5)N6 Con-ention on the Rights of the Chil,: )N *eclaration on #ocial an, %egal Principles Relating to the Protection an, ;elfare of Chil,ren 3ith #pecial Reference to Foster Place.ent an, A,option, Nationally an, &nternationally: an, the 'ague Con-ention on the Protection of Chil,ren an, Cooperation in Respect of &ntercountry A,option. To3ar, this en,, the #tate shall pro-i,e alternati-e protection an, assistance through foster care or a,option for e-ery chil, 3ho is neglecte,, orphane,, or aban,one,. 5c6 &t shall also be a #tate policy to/ 5i6 #afeguar, the biological parent5s6 fro. .a2ing hurrie, ,ecisions to relin<uish his7her parental authority o-er his7her chil,: 5ii6 Pre-ent the chil, fro. unnecessary separation fro. his7her biological parent5s6: 5iii6 Protect a,opti-e parent5s6 fro. atte.pts to ,isturb his7her parental authority an, custo,y o-er his7her a,opte, chil,. Any -oluntary or in-oluntary ter.ination of parental authority shall be a,.inistrati-ely or =u,icially ,eclare, so as to establish the status of the chil, as 4legally a-ailable for a,option4 an, his7her custo,y transferre, to the *epart.ent of #ocial ;elfare an, *e-elop.ent or to any ,uly license, an, accre,ite, chil,>placing or chil,>caring agency, 3hich entity shall be authori?e, to ta2e steps for the per.anent place.ent of the chil,: 5i-6 Con,uct public infor.ation an, e,ucational ca.paigns to pro.ote a positi-e en-iron.ent for a,option: 5-6 "nsure that sufficient capacity e9ists 3ithin go-ern.ent an, pri-ate sector agencies to han,le a,option in<uiries, process ,o.estic a,option applications, an, offer a,option>relate, ser-ices inclu,ing, but not li.ite, to, parent preparation an, post>a,option e,ucation an, counseling: an, 5-i6 "ncourage ,o.estic a,option so as to preser-e the chil,8s i,entity an, culture in his7her nati-e lan,, an, only 3hen this is not a-ailable shall intercountry a,option be consi,ere, as a last resort. #ection @. *efinition of Ter.s . 1 For purposes of this Act, the follo3ing ter.s shall be ,efine, as/ 5a6 4Chil,4 is a person belo3 eighteen 5 86 years of age. 5b6 4A chil, legally a-ailable for a,option4 refers to a chil, 3ho has been -oluntarily or in-oluntarily co..itte, to the *epart.ent or to a ,uly license, an, accre,ite, chil,>placing or chil,>caring agency, free, of the parental authority of his7her biological parent5s6 or guar,ian or a,opter5s6 in case of rescission of a,option. 5c6 40oluntarily co..itte, chil,4 is one 3hose parent5s6 2no3ingly an, 3illingly relin<uishes parental authority to the *epart.ent. 5,6 4&n-oluntarily co..itte, chil,4 is one 3hose parent5s6, 2no3n or un2no3n, has been per.anently an, =u,icially ,epri-e, of parental authority ,ue to aban,on.ent: substantial, continuous, or repeate, neglect: abuse: or inco.petence to ,ischarge parental responsibilities. 5e6 4Aban,one, chil,4 refers to one 3ho has no proper parental care or guar,ianship or 3hose parent5s6 has ,eserte, hi.7her for a perio, of at least si9 5A6 continuous .onths an, has been =u,icially ,eclare, as such. 5f6 4#uper-ise, trial custo,y4 is a perio, of ti.e 3ithin 3hich a social 3or2er o-ersees the a,=ust.ent an, e.otional rea,iness of both a,opter5s6 an, a,optee in stabili?ing their filial relationship. 5g6 4*epart.ent4 refers to the *epart.ent of #ocial ;elfare an, *e-elop.ent. 5h6 4Chil,>placing agency4 is a ,uly license, an, accre,ite, agency by the *epart.ent to pro-i,e co.prehensi-e chil, 3elfare ser-ices inclu,ing, but not li.ite, to, recei-ing applications for a,option, e-aluating the prospecti-e a,opti-e parents, an, preparing the a,option ho.e stu,y. 5i6 4Chil,>caring agency4 is a ,uly license, an, accre,ite, agency by the *epart.ent that pro-i,es t3enty four 52B6>hour resi,ential care ser-ices for aban,one,, orphane,, neglecte,, or -oluntarily co..itte, chil,ren. 5=6 4#i.ulation of birth4 is the ta.pering of the ci-il registry .a2ing it appear in the birth recor,s that a certain chil, 3as born to a person 3ho is not his7her biological .other, causing such chil, to lose his7her true i,entity an, status. ART&C%" && PR">A*+PT&+N #"R0&C"# #ection B. Counseling #er-ice . 1 The *epart.ent shall pro-i,e the ser-ices of license, social 3or2ers to the follo3ing/ 5a6 $iological Parent5s6 1 Counseling shall be pro-i,e, to the parent5s6 before an, after the birth of his7her chil,. No bin,ing co..it.ent to an a,option plan shall be per.itte, before the birth of his7her chil,. A perio, of si9 5A6 .onths shall be allo3e, for the biological parent5s6 to reconsi,er any ,ecision to relin<uish his7her chil, for a,option before the ,ecision beco.es irre-ocable. Counseling an, rehabilitation ser-ices shall also be offere, to the biological parent5s6 after he7she has relin<uishe, his7her chil, for a,option. #teps shall be ta2en by the *epart.ent to ensure that no hurrie, ,ecisions are .a,e an, all alternati-es for the chil,8s future an, the i.plications of each alternati-e ha-e been pro-i,e,.

5b6 Prospecti-e A,opti-e Parent5s6 1 Counseling sessions, a,option fora an, se.inars, a.ong others, shall be pro-i,e, to prospecti-e a,opti-e parent5s6 to resol-e possible a,option issues an, to prepare hi.7her for effecti-e parenting. 5c6 Prospecti-e A,optee 1 Counseling sessions shall be pro-i,e, to ensure that he7she un,erstan,s the nature an,

effects of a,option an, is able to e9press his7her -ie3s on a,option in accor,ance 3ith his7her age an, le-el of .aturity. #ection 5. %ocation of )n2no3n Parent5s6 . 1 &t shall be the ,uty of the *epart.ent or the chil,>placing or chil,> caring agency 3hich has custo,y of the chil, to e9ert all efforts to locate his7her un2no3n biological parent5s6. &f such efforts fail, the chil, shall be registere, as a foun,ling an, subse<uently be the sub=ect of legal procee,ings 3here he7she shall be ,eclare, aban,one,. #ection A. #upport #er-ices . 1 The *epart.ent shall ,e-elop a pre>a,option progra. 3hich shall inclu,e, a.ong others, the abo-e .entione, ser-ices. ART&C%" &&& "%&(&$&%&TC #ection D. ;ho May A,opt . 1 The follo3ing .ay a,opt/ 5a6 Any Filipino citi?en of legal age, in possession of full ci-il capacity an, legal rights, of goo, .oral character, has not been con-icte, of any cri.e in-ol-ing .oral turpitu,e, e.otionally an, psychologically capable of caring for chil,ren, at least si9teen 5 A6 years ol,er than the a,optee, an, 3ho is in a position to support an, care for his7her chil,ren in 2eeping 3ith the .eans of the fa.ily. The re<uire.ent of si9teen 5 A6 year ,ifference bet3een the age of the a,opter an, a,optee .ay be 3ai-e, 3hen the a,opter is the biological parent of the a,optee, or is the spouse of the a,optee8s parent: 5b6 Any alien possessing the sa.e <ualifications as abo-e state, for Filipino nationals/ Pro-i,e, , That his7her country has ,iplo.atic relations 3ith the Republic of the Philippines, that he7she has been li-ing in the Philippines for at least three 5@6 continuous years prior to the filing of the application for a,option an, .aintains such resi,ence until the a,option ,ecree is entere,, that he7she has been certifie, by his7her ,iplo.atic or consular office or any appropriate go-ern.ent agency that he7she has the legal capacity to a,opt in his7her country, an, that his7her go-ern.ent allo3s the a,optee to enter his7her country as his7her a,opte, son7,aughter/ Pro-i,e,, Further, That the re<uire.ents on resi,ency an, certification of the alien8s <ualification to a,opt in his7her country .ay be 3ai-e, for the follo3ing/ 5i6 a for.er Filipino citi?en 3ho see2s to a,opt a relati-e 3ithin the fourth 5Bth6 ,egree of consanguinity or affinity: or 5ii6 one 3ho see2s to a,opt the legiti.ate son7,aughter of his7her Filipino spouse: or 5iii6 one 3ho is .arrie, to a Filipino citi?en an, see2s to a,opt =ointly 3ith his7her spouse a relati-e 3ithin the fourth 5Bth6 ,egree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino spouse: or 5c6 The guar,ian 3ith respect to the 3ar, after the ter.ination of the guar,ianship an, clearance of his7her financial accountabilities. 'usban, an, 3ife shall =ointly a,opt, e9cept in the follo3ing cases/ 5i6 if one spouse see2s to a,opt the legiti.ate son7,aughter of the other: or 5ii6 if one spouse see2s to a,opt his7her o3n illegiti.ate son7,aughter/ Pro-i,e,, 'o3e-er, that the other spouse has signifie, his7her consent thereto: or 5iii6 if the spouses are legally separate, fro. each other. &n case husban, an, 3ife =ointly a,opt, or one spouse a,opts the illegiti.ate son7,aughter of the other, =oint parental authority shall be e9ercise, by the spouses. #ection 8. ;ho May $e A,opte, . 1 The follo3ing .ay be a,opte,/ 5a6 Any person belo3 eighteen 5 86 years of age 3ho has been a,.inistrati-ely or =u,icially ,eclare, a-ailable for a,option: 5b6 The legiti.ate son7,aughter of one spouse by the other spouse: 5c6 An illegiti.ate son7,aughter by a <ualifie, a,opter to i.pro-e his7her status to that of legiti.acy: 5,6 A person of legal age if, prior to the a,option, sai, person has been consistently consi,ere, an, treate, by the a,opter5s6 as his7her o3n chil, since .inority: 5e6 A chil, 3hose a,option has been pre-iously rescin,e,: or 5f6 A chil, 3hose biological or a,opti-e parent5s6 has ,ie,/ Pro-i,e,, That no procee,ings shall be initiate, 3ithin si9 5A6 .onths fro. the ti.e of ,eath of sai, parent5s6. #ection !. ;hose Consent is Necessary to the A,option . 1 After being properly counsele, an, infor.e, of his7her right to gi-e or 3ithhol, his7her appro-al of the a,option, the 3ritten consent of the follo3ing to the a,option is hereby re<uire,/ 5a6 The a,optee, if ten 5 E6 years of age or o-er: 5b6 The biological parent5s6 of the chil,, if 2no3n, or the legal guar,ian, or the proper go-ern.ent instru.entality 3hich has legal custo,y of the chil,: 5c6 The legiti.ate an, a,opte, sons7,aughters, ten 5 E6 years of age or o-er, of the a,opter5s6 an, a,optee, if any: 5,6 The illegiti.ate sons7,aughters, ten 5 E6 years of age or o-er, of the a,opter if li-ing 3ith sai, a,opter an, the latter8s spouse, if any: an, 5e6 The spouse, if any, of the person a,opting or to be a,opte,. ART&C%" &0 PR+C"*)R" #ection E. 'urrie, *ecisions . 1 &n all procee,ings for a,option, the court shall re<uire proof that the biological parent5s6 has been properly counsele, to pre-ent hi.7her fro. .a2ing hurrie, ,ecisions cause, by strain or an9iety to gi-e up the chil,, an, to sustain that all .easures to strengthen the fa.ily ha-e been e9hauste, an, that any prolonge, stay of the chil, in his7her o3n ho.e 3ill be ini.ical to his7her 3elfare an, interest. #ection . Case #tu,y . 1 No petition for a,option shall be set for hearing unless a license, social 3or2er of the *epart.ent, the social ser-ice office of the local go-ern.ent unit, or any chil,>placing or chil,>caring agency has .a,e a case stu,y of the a,optee, his7her biological parent5s6, as 3ell as the a,opter5s6, an, has sub.itte, the report an, reco..en,ations on the .atter to the court hearing such petition. At the ti.e of preparation of the a,optee8s case stu,y, the concerne, social 3or2er shall confir. 3ith the Ci-il Registry the real i,entity an, registere, na.e of the a,optee. &f the birth of the a,optee 3as not registere, 3ith

the Ci-il Registry, it shall be the responsibility of the concerne, social 3or2er to ensure that the a,optee is registere,. The case stu,y on the a,optee shall establish that he7she is legally a-ailable for a,option an, that the ,ocu.ents to support this fact are -ali, an, authentic. Further, the case stu,y of the a,opter5s6 shall ascertain his7her genuine intentions an, that the a,option is in the best interest of the chil,.

The *epart.ent shall inter-ene on behalf of the a,optee if it fin,s, after the con,uct of the case stu,ies, that the petition shoul, be ,enie,. The case stu,ies an, other rele-ant ,ocu.ents an, recor,s pertaining to the a,optee an, the a,option shall be preser-e, by the *epart.ent. #ection 2. #uper-ise, Trial Custo,y. 1 No petition for a,option shall be finally grante, until the a,opter5s6 has been gi-en by the court a super-ise, trial custo,y perio, for at least si9 5A6 .onths 3ithin 3hich the parties are e9pecte, to a,=ust psychologically an, e.otionally to each other an, establish a bon,ing relationship. *uring sai, perio,, te.porary parental authority shall be -este, in the a,opter5s6. The court .ay .otu proprio or upon .otion of any party re,uce the trial perio, if it fin,s the sa.e to be in the best interest of the a,optee, stating the reasons for the re,uction of the perio,. 'o3e-er, for alien a,opter5s6, he7she .ust co.plete the si9 5A6>.onth trial custo,y e9cept for those enu.erate, in #ec. D 5b6 5i6 5ii6 5iii6. &f the chil, is belo3 se-en 5D6 years of age an, is place, 3ith the prospecti-e a,opter5s6 through a pre>a,option place.ent authority issue, by the *epart.ent, the prospecti-e a,opter5s6 shall en=oy all the benefits to 3hich biological parent5s6 is entitle, fro. the ,ate the a,optee is place, 3ith the prospecti-e a,opter5s6. #ection @. *ecree of A,option. 1 &f, after the publication of the or,er of hearing has been co.plie, 3ith, an, no opposition has been interpose, to the petition, an, after consi,eration of the case stu,ies, the <ualifications of the a,opter5s6, trial custo,y report an, the e-i,ence sub.itte,, the court is con-ince, that the petitioners are <ualifie, to a,opt, an, that the a,option 3oul, re,oun, to the best interest of the a,optee, a ,ecree of a,option shall be entere, 3hich shall be effecti-e as of the ,ate the original petition 3as file,. This pro-ision shall also apply in case the petitioner5s6 ,ies before the issuance of the ,ecree of a,option to protect the interest of the a,optee. The ,ecree shall state the na.e by 3hich the chil, is to be 2no3n. #ection B. Ci-il Registry Recor, . 1 An a.en,e, certificate of birth shall be issue, by the Ci-il Registry, as re<uire, by the Rules of Court, attesting to the fact that the a,optee is the chil, of the a,opter5s6 by being registere, 3ith his7her surna.e. The original certificate of birth shall be sta.pe, 4cancelle,4 3ith the annotation of the issuance of an a.en,e, birth certificate in its place an, shall be seale, in the ci-il registry recor,s. The ne3 birth certificate to be issue, to the a,optee shall not bear any notation that it is an a.en,e, issue. #ection 5. Confi,ential Nature of Procee,ings an, Recor,s. 1 All hearings in a,option cases shall be confi,ential an, shall not be open to the public. All recor,s, boo2s, an, papers relating to the a,option cases in the files of the court, the *epart.ent, or any other agency or institution participating in the a,option procee,ings shall be 2ept strictly confi,ential. &f the court fin,s that the ,isclosure of the infor.ation to a thir, person is necessary for purposes connecte, 3ith or arising out of the a,option an, 3ill be for the best interest of the a,optee, the court .ay .erit the necessary infor.ation to be release,, restricting the purposes for 3hich it .ay be use,. ART&C%" 0 "FF"CT# +F A*+PT&+N #ection A. Parental Authority . 1 "9cept in cases 3here the biological parent is the spouse of the a,opter, all legal ties bet3een the biological parent5s6 an, the a,optee shall be se-ere, an, the sa.e shall then be -este, on the a,opter5s6. #ection D. %egiti.acy. 1 The a,optee shall be consi,ere, the legiti.ate son7,aughter of the a,opter5s6 for all intents an, purposes an, as such is entitle, to all the rights an, obligations pro-i,e, by la3 to legiti.ate sons7,aughters born to the. 3ithout ,iscri.ination of any 2in,. To this en,, the a,optee is entitle, to lo-e, gui,ance, an, support in 2eeping 3ith the .eans of the fa.ily. #ection 8. #uccession . 1 &n legal an, intestate succession, the a,opter5s6 an, the a,optee shall ha-e reciprocal rights of succession 3ithout ,istinction fro. legiti.ate filiation. 'o3e-er, if the a,optee an, his7her biological parent5s6 ha, left a 3ill, the la3 on testa.entary succession shall go-ern. ART&C%" 0& R"#C&##&+N +F A*+PT&+N #ection !. (roun,s for Rescission of A,option. 1 )pon petition of the a,optee, 3ith the assistance of the *epart.ent if a .inor or if o-er eighteen 5 86 years of age but is incapacitate,, as guar,ian7counsel, the a,option .ay be rescin,e, on any of the follo3ing groun,s co..itte, by the a,opter5s6/ 5a6 repeate, physical an, -erbal .altreat.ent by the a,opter5s6 ,espite ha-ing un,ergone counseling: 5b6 atte.pt on the life of the a,optee: 5c6 se9ual assault or -iolence: or 5,6 aban,on.ent an, failure to co.ply 3ith parental obligations. A,option, being in the best interest of the chil,, shall not be sub=ect to rescission by the a,opter5s6. 'o3e-er, the a,opter5s6 .ay ,isinherit the a,optee for causes pro-i,e, in Article ! ! of the Ci-il Co,e. #ection 2E. "ffects of Rescission . 1 &f the petition is grante,, the parental authority of the a,optee8s biological parent5s6, if 2no3n, or the legal custo,y of the *epart.ent shall be restore, if the a,optee is still a .inor or incapacitate,. The reciprocal rights an, obligations of the a,opter5s6 an, the a,optee to each other shall be e9tinguishe,. The court shall or,er the Ci-il Registrar to cancel the a.en,e, certificate of birth of the a,optee an, restore his7her original birth certificate. #uccession rights shall re-ert to its status prior to a,option, but only as of the ,ate of =u,g.ent of =u,icial rescission. 0este, rights ac<uire, prior to =u,icial rescission shall be respecte,. All the foregoing effects of rescission of a,option shall be 3ithout pre=u,ice to the penalties i.posable un,er the Penal Co,e if the cri.inal acts are properly pro-en. ART&C%" 0&& 0&+%AT&+N# AN* P"NA%T&"# #ection 2 . 0iolations an, Penalties. 1 5a6 The penalty of i.prison.ent ranging fro. si9 5A6 years an, one 5 6 ,ay to t3el-e 5 26 years an,7or a fine not less than Fifty thousan, pesos 5P5E,EEE.EE6, but not .ore than T3o hun,re, thousan, pesos 5P2EE,EEE.EE6 at the ,iscretion of the court shall be i.pose, on any person 3ho shall co..it any of the follo3ing acts/ 5i6 obtaining consent for an a,option through coercion, un,ue influence, frau,, i.proper .aterial in,uce.ent, or other si.ilar acts:

5ii6 non>co.pliance 3ith the proce,ures an, safeguar,s pro-i,e, by the la3 for a,option: or 5iii6 sub=ecting or e9posing the chil, to be a,opte, to ,anger, abuse, or e9ploitation. 5b6 Any person 3ho shall cause the fictitious registration of the birth of a chil, un,er the na.e5s6 of a person5s6 3ho is not his7her biological parent5s6 shall be guilty of si.ulation of birth, an, shall be punishe, by prision .ayor in its .e,iu. perio, an, a fine not e9cee,ing Fifty thousan, pesos 5P5E,EEE.EE6. Any physician or nurse or hospital personnel 3ho, in -iolation of his7her oath of office, shall cooperate in the e9ecution of the abo-e.entione, cri.e shall suffer the penalties herein prescribe, an, also the penalty of per.anent ,is<ualification. Any person 3ho shall -iolate establishe, regulations relating to the confi,entiality an, integrity of recor,s, ,ocu.ents, an, co..unications of a,option applications, cases, an, processes shall suffer the penalty of i.prison.ent ranging fro.

one 5 6 year an, one 5 6 ,ay to t3o 526 years, an,7or a fine of not less than Fi-e thousan, pesos 5P5,EEE.EE6 but not .ore than Ten thousan, pesos 5P E,EEE.EE6, at the ,iscretion of the court. A penalty lo3er by t3o 526 ,egrees than that prescribe, for the consu..ate, offense un,er this Article shall be i.pose, upon the principals of the atte.pt to co..it any of the acts herein enu.erate,. Acts punishable un,er this Article, 3hen co..itte, by a syn,icate or 3here it in-ol-es t3o 526 or .ore chil,ren shall be consi,ere, as an offense constituting chil, traffic2ing an, shall .erit the penalty of reclusion perpetua . Acts punishable un,er this Article are ,ee.e, co..itte, by a syn,icate if carrie, out by a group of three 5@6 or .ore persons conspiring an,7or confe,erating 3ith one another in carrying out any of the unla3ful acts ,efine, un,er this Article. Penalties as are herein pro-i,e,, shall be in a,,ition to any other penalties 3hich .ay be i.pose, for the sa.e acts punishable un,er other la3s, or,inances, e9ecuti-e or,ers, an, procla.ations. ;hen the offen,er is an alien, he7she shall be ,eporte, i..e,iately after ser-ice of sentence an, perpetually e9clu,e, fro. entry to the country. Any go-ern.ent official, e.ployee or functionary 3ho shall be foun, guilty of -iolating any of the pro-isions of this Act, or 3ho shall conspire 3ith pri-ate in,i-i,uals shall, in a,,ition to the abo-e>prescribe, penalties, be penali?e, in accor,ance 3ith e9isting ci-il ser-ice la3s, rules an, regulations/ Pro-i,e, , That upon the filing of a case, either a,.inistrati-e or cri.inal, sai, go-ern.ent official, e.ployee, or functionary concerne, shall auto.atically suffer suspension until the resolution of the case. #ection 22. Rectification of #i.ulate, $irths . 1 A person 3ho has, prior to the effecti-ity of this Act, si.ulate, the birth of a chil, shall not be punishe, for such act/ Pro-i,e, , That the si.ulation of birth 3as .a,e for the best interest of the chil, an, that he7she has been consistently consi,ere, an, treate, by that person as his7her o3n son7,aughter/ Pro-i,e,, further, That the application for correction of the birth registration an, petition for a,option shall be file, 3ithin fi-e 556 years fro. the effecti-ity of this Act an, co.plete, thereafter/ Pro-i,e,, finally, That such person co.plies 3ith the proce,ure as specifie, in Article &0 of this Act an, other re<uire.ents as ,eter.ine, by the *epart.ent. ART&C%" 0&&& F&NA% PR+0&#&+N# #ection 2@. A,option Resource an, Referral +ffice . 1 There shall be establishe, an A,option Resources an, Referral +ffice un,er the *epart.ent 3ith the follo3ing functions/ 5a6 .onitor the e9istence, nu.ber, an, flo3 of chil,ren legally a-ailable for a,option an, prospecti-e a,opter5s6 so as to facilitate their .atching: 5b6 .aintain a nation3i,e infor.ation an, e,ucational ca.paign on ,o.estic a,option: 5c6 2eep recor,s of a,option procee,ings: 5,6 generate resources to help chil,>caring an, chil,>placing agencies an, foster ho.es .aintain -iability: an, 5e6 ,o policy research in collaboration 3ith the &ntercountry A,option $oar, an, other concerne, agencies. The office shall be .anne, by a,option e9perts fro. the public an, pri-ate sectors. #ection 2B. &.ple.enting Rules an, Regulations . 1 ;ithin si9 5A6 .onths fro. the pro.ulgation of this Act, the *epart.ent, 3ith the Council for the ;elfare of Chil,ren, the +ffice of Ci-il Registry (eneral, the *epart.ent of Fustice, +ffice of the #olicitor (eneral, an, t3o 526 pri-ate in,i-i,uals representing chil,>placing an, chil,>caring agencies shall for.ulate the necessary gui,elines to .a2e the pro-isions of this Act operati-e. #ection 25. Appropriations . 1 #uch su. as .ay be necessary for the i.ple.entation of the pro-isions of this Act shall be inclu,e, in the (eneral Appropriations Act of the year follo3ing its enact.ent into la3 an, thereafter. #ection 2A. Repealing Clause . 1 Any la3, presi,ential ,ecree or issuance, e9ecuti-e or,er, letter of instruction, a,.inistrati-e or,er, rule, or regulation contrary to, or inconsistent 3ith the pro-isions of this Act is hereby repeale,, .o,ifie,, or a.en,e, accor,ingly. #ection 2D. #eparability Clause . 1 &f any pro-ision of this Act is hel, in-ali, or unconstitutional, the other pro-isions not affecte, thereby shall re.ain -ali, an, subsisting. #ection 28. "ffecti-ity Clause . 1 This Act shall ta2e effect fifteen 5 56 ,ays follo3ing its co.plete publication in any ne3spaper of general circulation or in the +fficial (a?ette. Appro-e,/ February 25, !!8

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