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/***************************************************************** JADE - Java Agent DEvelopment Framework is a framework to develop multi-agent systems in compliance with the FIPA specifications.

Copyright (C) 2000 CSELT S.p.A. GNU Lesser General Public License This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************/ package examples.ontology; import jade.proto.SimpleAchieveREResponder; import jade.core.*; import jade.core.behaviours.*; import jade.domain.*; import import import import import import jade.content.lang.Codec; jade.content.*; jade.content.abs.*; jade.content.onto.*; jade.content.onto.basic.*; jade.content.lang.sl.*;

import jade.lang.acl.ACLMessage; import jade.lang.acl.MessageTemplate; import examples.ontology.employment.*; import jade.content.onto.basic.*; import jade.util.leap.*; /** This agent is able to engage people on behalf of company CSELT Via Reiss Romoli 274 - Turin @author Giovanni Caire - CSELT S.p.A @version $Date: 2003/02/25 15:58:19 $ $Revision: 2.8 $ @see examples.ontology.RequesterAgent */ public class EngagerAgent extends Agent { // AGENT BEHAVIOURS /**

This behaviour handles all queries about people working for a co mpany following the FIPA-Query protocol */ class HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviour extends SimpleAchieveREResponder { /** Constructor for the <code>HandleEnganementQueriesBehavio ur</code> class. @param myAgent The agent owning this behaviour */ public HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviour(Agent myAgent){ super(myAgent, MessageTemplate.and( MessageTemplate.MatchProtocol(FIPANames.InteractionProtocol.FIPA_QUERY), MessageTemplate.MatchOntology(EmploymentOntology.NAME))); } /** This method is called when a QUERY-IF or QUERY-REF messa ge is received. @param msg The received query message @return The ACL message to be sent back as reply @see jade.proto.FipaQueryResponderBehaviour */ public ACLMessage prepareResponse(ACLMessage msg){ ACLMessage reply = msg.createReply(); // The QUERY message could be a QUERY-REF. In this case reply // with NOT_UNDERSTOOD if (msg.getPerformative() != ACLMessage.QUERY_IF){ reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.NOT_UNDERSTOOD) ; String content = "(" + msg.toString() + ")"; reply.setContent(content); return(reply); } try { // Get the predicate for which the truth is quer ied Predicate pred = (Predicate)myAgent.getContentMa nager().extractContent(msg); if (!(pred instanceof WorksFor)) { // If the predicate for which the truth is queri ed is not WORKS_FOR // reply with NOT_UNDERSTOOD reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.NOT_UND ERSTOOD); String content = "(" + msg.toString() + ")"; reply.setContent(content); return(reply);

} // Reply reply.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); WorksFor wf = (WorksFor)pred; Person p = wf.getPerson(); Company c = wf.getCompany(); if (((EngagerAgent) myAgent).isWorking(p, c)) reply.setContent(msg.getContent()); else { // Create an object representing the fac t that the WORKS_FOR // predicate is NOT true. Ontology o = getContentManager().lookupO ntology(EmploymentOntology.NAME); AbsPredicate not = new AbsPredicate(SLVo cabulary.NOT); not.set(SLVocabulary.NOT_WHAT, o.fromObj ect(wf)); myAgent.getContentManager().fillContent(reply, n ot); } } catch (Codec.CodecException fe) { System.err.println(myAgent.getLocalName()+" Fill /extract content unsucceeded. Reason:" + fe.getMessage()); } catch (OntologyException oe){ System.err.println(myAgent.getLocalName()+" getR oleName() unsucceeded. Reason:" + oe.getMessage()); } return (reply); } // END of handleQueryMessage() method } // END of HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviour /** This behaviour handles a single engagement action that has been requested following the FIPA-Request protocol */ class HandleEngageBehaviour extends SimpleAchieveREResponder { /** Constructor for the <code>HandleEngageBehaviour</code> class. @param myAgent The agent owning this behaviour @param requestMsg The ACL message by means of which the engageme nt action has been requested */ public HandleEngageBehaviour(Agent myAgent){ super(myAgent, MessageTemplate.MatchProtocol(FIPANames.I nteractionProtocol.FIPA_REQUEST)); } /**

This method implements the <code>FipaRequestResponderBehaviour.F actory</code> interface. It will be called within a <code>FipaRequestResponderBehaviour</ code> when an engagement action is requested to instantiate a new <code>HandleEngageBehaviour</code> handling the requested action @param msg The ACL message by means of which the engagement action has been requested */ /** This method actually handles the engagement action */ public ACLMessage prepareResultNotification(ACLMessage request, ACLMessage r esponse) { // Prepare a dummy ACLMessage used to create the content of all reply messages ACLMessage msg = request.createReply(); try{ // Get the requested action Action a = (Action)myAgent.getContentManager().e xtractContent(request); Engage e = (Engage) a.getAction(); Person p = e.getPerson(); Company c = e.getCompany(); // Check person's age. If < 35 --> AGREE, else R EFUSE and exit // Perform the engagement action int result = ((EngagerAgent) myAgent).doEngage(p , c); // Reply according to the result if (result > 0){ // OK --> INFORM action done Done d = new Done(); d.setAction(a); myAgent.getContentManager().fillContent( msg, d); msg.setPerformative(ACLMessage.INFORM); } else{ // NOT OK --> FAILURE ContentElementList l = new ContentElemen tList(); l.add(a); l.add(new EngagementError()); myAgent.getContentManager().fillContent( msg, l); msg.setPerformative(ACLMessage.FAILURE); } } catch (Exception fe){ System.out.println(myAgent.getName() + ": Error handling the engagement action."); System.out.println(fe.getMessage().toString());

} // System.out.println(msg); return msg; } public ACLMessage prepareResponse(ACLMessage request) { // Prepare a dummy ACLMessage used to create the content of all reply messages ACLMessage temp = request.createReply(); try{ // Get the requested action. Action a = (Action)getContentManager().extractCo ntent(request); Engage e = (Engage) a.getAction(); Person p = e.getPerson(); Company c = e.getCompany(); // Check person's age. If < 35 --> AGREE, else R EFUSE and exit if (p.getAge().intValue() < 35){ // AGREE to accomplish the engagement ac tion without any // special condition. ContentElementList l = new ContentElemen tList(); l.add(a); l.add(new TrueProposition()); getContentManager().fillContent(temp, l) ; temp.setPerformative(ACLMessage.AGREE); } else { ContentElementList l = new ContentElemen tList(); l.add(a); l.add(new PersonTooOld()); getContentManager().fillContent(temp, l) ; temp.setPerformative(ACLMessage.REFUSE); } } catch (Exception fe){ fe.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(getName() + ": Error handling the engagement action."); System.out.println(fe.getMessage().toString()); } return temp; } } // AGENT LOCAL VARIABLES private Company representedCompany; // The company on behalf of which th is agent is able to engage people private List employees; // The people currently working for the company

// AGENT CONSTRUCTOR public EngagerAgent(){ super(); representedCompany = new Company(); representedCompany.setName("CSELT"); Address a = new Address(); a.setStreet("\"Via Reiss Romoli\""); a.setNumber(new Long(274)); a.setCity("Turin"); representedCompany.setAddress(a); employees = new ArrayList(); } // AGENT SETUP protected void setup() { System.out.println("This is the EngagerAgent representing the co mpany "+representedCompany.getName()); // Register the codec for the SL0 language getContentManager().registerLanguage(new SLCodec(), FIPANames.Co ntentLanguage.FIPA_SL0); // Register the ontology used by this application getContentManager().registerOntology(EmploymentOntology.getInsta nce()); // Create and add the behaviour for handling QUERIES using the e mployment-ontology addBehaviour(new HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviour(this)); // Create and add the behaviour for handling REQUESTS using the employment-ontology MessageTemplate mt = MessageTemplate.and( MessageTemplate.MatchProtocol(FIPANames.InteractionProtocol.FIPA_REQUEST), MessageTemplate.MatchOntology(EmploymentOntology.NAME)); HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviour b = new HandleEnganementQueriesBehaviou r(this); HandleEngageBehaviour c = new HandleEngageBehaviour(this); addBehaviour(b); addBehaviour(c); } // AGENT METHODS boolean isWorking(Person p, Company c){ boolean isAnEmployee = false; Iterator i = employees.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ Person empl = (Person) i.next(); if (p.equals(empl)) isAnEmployee = true; } if (c.equals(representedCompany)) return isAnEmployee; else return !isAnEmployee;

} int doEngage(Person p, Company c){ if (!c.equals(representedCompany)) return (-1); // Can engage people on behalf of represent edCompany only else employees.add(p); return (1); } }

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