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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Mike's Aveyond Strategy Guide By: Mike Leach E-mail: sephrioth7777 yahoo!com "e# site: http:$$%%%!&ree%e#s!com$kings&ield$inde'!htm (ersion: )!7* Last update: +, -ecem#er .)), /art 0: Guide 0ntroduction +: Aveyond (ersion .: Guide 1vervie% *: Aveyond 1vervie% /art 00: Aveyond Basics +: 2he System Menu .: 3ustomi4ing Aveyond "ithout the System Menu *: 3om#at 5: 2erminology 6: Buying 7 Selling 8: /atches 7 9pdates 7: Minimum System :e;uirements ,: Aveyond :uns Better %ith 2hese< /art 000: Aveyonds Main Menu A: 0tem Maintenance B: Skills 7 A#ilities 3: E;uipment Maintenance -: /arty Maintenance E: /icking =our Leader >: -ear -iary G: /ro&iles ?: Saving =our Game 0: Let Me 1ut@ /art 0(: Aveyond "alkthrough 3hapter +: 2he :eturn o& Ahriman 3hapter .: "ho is the /riestessA 3hapter *: :hen the Slave 3hapter 5: :hen the S%ord Singer 3hapter 6: Shad%ood Academy 3hapter 8: Apprentice S%ord Singer 3hapter 7: Aveyonds /rophecy 3hapter ,: 0cy "asteland 3hapter B: Are "e 2here =et 3hapter +): Memory 3averns 3hapter ++: :hen 7 Lars: Shad%ood Graduates 3hapter +.: Lands End 2emple 3hapter +*: Ce% "itch%ood 3hapter +5: Loose Ends 7 More Side Duests 3hapter +6: Ghedahre 3hapter +8: 0ce 3averns 3hapter +7: Eastern 0sleE :evisited 3hapter +,: Gentle 3hildrens School 3hapter +B: 1ld%oods 3hapter .): Sedona
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

3hapter .+: More Loose Ends 3hapter ..: ?ighlands 3hapter .*: /eninsula 3hapter .5: :hens >amily :eunion 3hapter .6: (eldt /art (: Lists 7 2a#les A: List o& Side Duests B: List o& 2o%ns 7 3ities 3: List o& C/3s -: List o& /laya#le 3haracters E: List o& E;uipment >: List o& Skills 7 A#ilities G: List o& 0tems ?: List o& Shops "ares 7 0nn /rices

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Part I: Guide Introduction 0 dont %ant this section to #e too longE since 0 dou#t youre reading this to hear me rant and rave a#out my %riting styleE this gameE or %hatever &loats into my head! BasicallyE 0 %ant a comprehensiveE all-inclusive guide to AveyondE and include anything and everything! 0ts already gotten so #ig that 0ve split o&& several sections as separate guides! 0 %ont skip something Fust #ecause 0 dont %ant this document to #ecome too #ig@ 0& youve read my guide &or Ahrimans /rophecyE or any o& the other do4en guides 0ve %rittenE then you already kno% that 0m long-%inded! 0 say %hat 0 %ant to sayE and dont %orry a#out using as &e% %ords as possi#le! :atherE 0 speak clearlyE and get it all outE then %orry a#out making it a #it more concise! 0m also constantly revising the guideE clari&ying something that 0 think is a #it &uddledE or simply re%riting it to say it #etter and more understanda#le! 0 also e'plain %hy 0 did something i& 0 think an e'planation is necessary! +: Aveyond (ersion So %hat version o& Aveyond are you playingA 0t isnt hard to &igure outE #ut its important! Gust like you cant use my guide &or Ahrimans /rophecyE version . &or version +E you cant use this guide &or AveyondE version +E &or version . Hlike that made any sense IJ! 2here is simply too much that has changed! 0 havent played the second versionE so 0 cant say e'actly %hat the changes are! >eel &ree to use this guideE and i& it helps you a little in version .E then great! 0& notE then there are other guides %ritten speci&ically &or version .! Bottom likeE this guide is &or version +! So ho% do you tell %hich version o& Aveyond youre playingA As &ar as 0 kno%E the version isnt %ritten any%here in the game or in any o& the documentation! 1KE to determine %hich version youve got! >ire up AveyondE and take a look at the title screen! 0s :hen thereA 0& soE then its version .! 0& notE then its version +! 2he screenshot 0ve got on my %e#site is &or version + Hindicated #y the lack o& :hen on the graphicJ! .: Guide 1vervie% 2he guide is organi4ed into large partsE each o& %hich dealing %ith a #road aspect to Aveyond! 2here isnt any real reason %hy 0ve ordered the parts the %ay that 0 do! 0ts Hmore or lessJ random! 0 add order and cohesion later as necessary H0 kno%E #ig %ordsE rightA IJ! 2he &irst part Hthis oneJ deals %ith the introduction to the guideE then to Aveyond itsel&! 0 include it Fust in case you havent heard or played Aveyond! 0ll try to keep this part trimE so that the #ulk o& the guide %ill #e the %alkthrough and the lists! 2he second part deals %ith Aveyonds #asics! Aveyonds controls is e'plained in a separate guide! 0 also include means o& t%eaking and &ine-tuning Aveyond! More than likelyE youve already played Aveyond a time or t%o and already kno% everything thats in this section! >eel &ree to skip it@ 1ther%iseE read it and may#e get a sense o& %hat its like playing Aveyond! 2he third part deals %ith the main menuE and #reaks it do%n! Each part in the menu has its o%n tiny section! 0ts not hard to &igure out the menuE and %hat each part doesE so 0 dont go into too much detail over anything! But &or those o& you out there %ho may #e
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

un&amiliar %ith :/GsE 0 include enough in&ormation to get you goingE and to e&&ectively use the menu system! 2he &ourth part is the %alkthrough! 0 divided the %alkthrough into chapters Hsimply #ecause the %alkthrough %ill end up #eing #ook-length #y the time 0m doneJ! Each chapter is a#out the amount 0 did at once L 0 did a chapterE then ;uit &or the day H;uit playingE then %rote the chapter &or this guideJ! >eel &ree to do several MsittingsN in an Aveyond marathon@ 2he last part contains the listsE ta#lesE appendicesE and other use&ul #its o& in&ormation! >or e'ampleE a list o& all the spells %ould #e hereE a list o& all the O%hateverP %ould #e hereE too! 0ts the sections in here that might get #roken o&& and developed into separate guides! "hen 0m &inished %ith everythingE 0ll connect everything into oneE huge document &or easy do%nloada#ility His that even a %ordAJ! -o%nload the pieces you needE as you need them@ *: Aveyond 1vervie% 1KE so %hats AveyondA Aveyond is an :/GE a role-playing game! =ou role-play :henE the main characterE on her adventures through Aveyond! She meets people along the %ayE %ho come along &or the ride! =ou end up meeting lots o& C/3s Hnon-playa#le charactersJE visiting lots o& to%nsE and #attling lots o& enemies! 0& youve played the older >inal >antasy gamesE then you %ont have a pro#lem playing Aveyond! =esE this game has a &emale lead characterE a #ig di&&erence &rom the MstandardsN! -ont let that &ool youE ho%ever L :hen may #e a girlE #ut she is an e'cellent &ighter@ =our party can have up %ith &our peopleE &rom a pool o& a#out eight! =ou have to choose %hos in your current partyE and %ho gets put into the preservesE 0 mean reserves! Like any good :/GE Aveyond has plenty to doE plenty to seeE plenty o& reasons to play! Aveyond has a little #it o& something &or every#odyE no matter %hat kind o& playing style you have! -o you like s%ords and s%inging them at monstersA Aveyond has you covered@ -o you like spells #etterA "hat a#out summoning po%er&ul alliesA Aveyond has them all@ 0ts not Fust a graphical adventure &rom point MAN to point MBNE you actually have to think a #itE and solve some pro#lems! 2here are enough to%ns to visit that there is plenty o& opportunities to spend your hardearned cashE upgrade your e;uipmentE #uy some skills HlikeE sayE a scroll that teaches you a spellJE and resting at an inn! 0 meanE %hats the point o& having several million %ith nothing to spend it onA ?o%everE there arent so many to%ns that you get them con&usedE and you dont get lost HlikeE sayE %hen you need to go to a certain to%n to do somethingJ! 2here is enough to see in Aveyond that you %ont get #ored! By the time youve seen everythingE its time to move on! 3ome #ack laterE a&ter youve done some maFor tasksE and see ho% the people say di&&erent things and react to you #etter He!g! M=oure my hero #ecause you killed that dragon that %as eating my sheep@NJ! As you %ander around the %orldE youll come across monstersE most o& %hich %ill track you do%n! Some o& these %ill #e so &ast you simply cant get a%ayE %hile others kind o& mosey along and you can easily skirt them! "hen you get dra%n into a &ightE you #attle all o& the near#y monstersE not Fust the one that caught you! 2his makes e'ploring easierE since once you get rid o& a group o& monstersE youre &ree to %ander around %ithout getting
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

into another &ight! Each group o& monsters has up to &our enemies in it! Some special &ights Hone-time dealsJ have si'E even eight monsters to &ightE #ut those are rare! 1n averageE youll &ight only one or t%o monsters at a time! 2here is much more to AveyondE and 0 leave it to you to discover the rest@ 0 do cover most o& the necessary #its in my %alkthroughE #ut its up to you to go outE stray o&& the path once in a %hileE and see %hats out there@ -ont #e a&raid to e'plore a #itE to venture out into the unkno%n@ Aveyond %as created using the game engine M:/G Maker Q/N! 0t runs at a rate o& .) &rames per secondE unless you have MSmooth ModeN onE then it runs at 5) &rames per second! 0t runs at a resolution o& 85)'5,)! 0t re;uires ;uite a #it o& processing po%er and memory to run! >inallyE there are several %ays to play Aveyond! Like Ahrimans /rophecyE you can get married and Foin a guild! =ou can also Foin a clu#E or make other choices that a&&ect the direction o& the game! "hen 0 come to such a point in the gameE 0ll make note Hin #oldJ o& %hat choice 0 madeE and to let you kno% that some things may #e di&&erent &or you! -ont Foin Fust #ecause 0 doE ho%ever@ >eel &ree to play through several times and e'perience ho% making a di&&erent choice a&&ects the game@ And most o& allE have &un playing@ :J

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Part II: Aveyond Basics +: 2he System Menu "hile Aveyond is runningE press M>+N to #ring up the system menu! 0 discuss the MKey#oardN and MGamepadN ta# in my MAveyond 3ontrolsN guideE availa#le separately! 2he &irst optionE MSmooth ModeN is to increase the &ramerate that Aveyond runs &rom the de&ault .) &rames per second to 5) &rames$sec! AlsoE the M+!6 G?4N is a recommendation! =ou can try this &eature i& your processor is onlyE sayE +!. G?4E #ut dont e'pect good results! As al%aysE i& the game #ecomes unplaya#leE turn the &eature o&&@ 2he second optionE MScreen >lickeringN adFusts the Mvertical #lanking interval to reduce the su#tle &lickering seen %hen redra%ing the screenNE according to the :/G Maker Q/ help &ile! 0 dont understand any o& thatE #ut %hat 0 do notice is that the game can run a #it smoother %ith this option on! 0 think this option reduces the amount o& time #et%een ho% o&ten the game redra%s the screen! 2urn it on and see i& the game runs any smootherE turn it o&& i& it doesnt! 0 %ouldnt recommend this option i& you play Aveyond in &ull-screen mode unless youve got a &ancy-schmancy 3/9 HR. G?4J! 2he third option toggles the music! 2urning it o&& speeds up Aveyond a #itE especially i& youre running it %ith a processor that #orders the minimum system re;uirements H,)) M?4J! 0t %ont help much i& your processor is &aster than that! 2he &ourth option toggles the sound e&&ects! Like turning o&& the musicE it can speed Aveyond up a #itE especially i& your processor isnt that &ast! 2urn #oth o&& &or a slight per&ormance #oost! 0 like to do that and Fust play an mp* 3- in the #ackground L customi4ed Fuke#o'@ .: 3ustomi4ing Aveyond "ithout the System Menu =ou can Mt%eakN Aveyond a little %ithout the system menuE mostly to help the game run a #it &aster: -9se AltSEnter to toggle #et%een M%indo%N and M&ull-screenN mode! 2he game usually runs &aster in a %indo%! -epending on your screen resolutionE a M%indo%N might actually #e &ullscreen@ Aveyonds %indo% is 85)'5,) pi'els! -9se AltS>5 to ;uit Aveyond right now! =oull lose any unsaved progress youve made to your gameE and youll have to restart Aveyond to keep playing@ 2his is the M#oss keyN that 0 remem#er in the MoldenN days o& the MKings DuestN games and other -1S games! -9se >+. to ;uit AveyondE and return to the title screen! 9se&ul i& you %ant to load another save slot He!g! t%o-player actionJ! =oull also lose any unsaved progress youve madeE so %atch out@ More to come as 0 &igure them out@ *: 3om#at =oull have to &ight lots o& monsters to &inish Aveyond! Even i& you try to avoid all &ights H%hich is a #ad ideaJE youll still get dra%n into a &e% &ights to complete some ;uest!
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

"hen you get dra%n into a &ightE the screen changes into Mcom#at modeN! =our party appears on the rightE the monsters on the le&t! Give each person a commandE and theyre carried out Hmore or lessJ #y ho% &ast every#ody is! 2he main M#attleN menu has &our choices: AttackE 0temE SkillE and -e&end! 9se MAttackN to %hack at something %ith your %eapon Hor #are handsE i& you dont have a %eapon e;uippedJ! 9se M0temN to use an item Hsuch as to heal some#odyJ! 9se MSkillN to #ring up a list o& availa#le skills that person has! Most skills re;uire mana to cast! /ick your skillE then the target! 2hink o& skills as spells &or mages! 9se M-e&endN to #lock enemy attacks &or the rest o& the turnE reducing damage! 2he order that the commands are carried out is determined #y everyones agility! ?o%everE having really high agility %ont get you any Me'traN turns Hlike Breath o& >ire 000J! ?aving good agilityE thoughE is nice #ecause youre a#le to restore lost health #e&ore the enemy can land another #lo%! 2his may save your li&e@ Cotice that there isnt any MrunN command! Be sure that youre al%ays strong enough to handle another &ight #e&ore venturing out in the %orld@ =ou cant escape &rom #attleE so make sure that you save o&tenE Fust in case! And dont #e a&raid to keep your health upE no matter the cost@ 5: 2erminology >or the purpose o& this guideE 0ll try to remain true to the game L the %ords 0 see there are the ones that 0ll use here! >or e'ampleE 0ll use MhealthN instead o& M?/N #ecause Aveyond uses MhealthNE not M?/N! 0ll make an e&&ort to remain as close to the game as possi#le! 6: Buying 7 Selling =oull %ant to #uy some stu&& &rom time to time %hile you playE and selling your e'cess inventory is a good %ay to get some e'tra cash! Since you cant thro% %eaponsE they dont do you any good sitting there i& youre not using them@ "hen you talk to a merchantE youll get three options: BuyE 2radeE E'it! 9se MBuyN to see %hat theyve got &or saleE and to make any purchases! 9se M2radeN to sell something! 9se ME'itN to< %ell< e'it! Be sure to scroll do%n the list to see i& there is anything more %hen making a purchase! AlsoE you can manipulate the amount that you #uy #e&ore completing the sale! 2his makes it easy to #uyE sayE a do4en tonicsE instead o& #uying them one #y one@ 1nce you sell somethingE its gone &or goodE so %atch out@ 9nlike Kings >ield 00E there isnt a merchant that ends up %ith everything that you sell to people! Make sure that you can do %ithout the item #e&ore selling it@ 0& youre not sure %hether or not to sell itE keep it! =ou can al%ays &ight a do4en #attles to rack up more cash than you %ouldve gotten &rom selling the item in ;uestion! 2here isnt any %ay to get a MdealN or a MsaleNE nor does it help to shop around &or the #est prices L all items sell &or the same amountE no matter %here you get them! 2hat also means that merchants %ill all #uy your inventory &or the same amount!
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

8: /atches 7 9pdates (isit the Amaranthia site H%%%!aveyond!comJ o&ten and see i& there are any updatesE patchesE goodiesE or other do%nloads availa#le! 9pdates and patches &i' #ugs and pro#lems! Generally speakingE updates concentrate on additions and minor &i'esE %hile patches &i' pro#lems that could make Aveyond crash! 0 have yet to get Aveyond to crash Hdespite my #est e&&ortsJE ho%ever! Goodies are things that help speed up the gameE e!g! starting out %ith the #est %eapons! 2hese apply to ne% gamesE not to e'isting games! 1ther do%nloads include guidesE mapsE &an artE and optional additions! 1ne e&&ect that the patch has is removing the runesE and replacing them %ith the Mule E'press Han encore per&ormance &rom Ahrimans /rophecyJ! >or the purpose o& this guideE 0 have not applied any patch! 0m using the &irst pu#lic-release version o& Aveyond! 7: Minimum System :e;uirements ?eres %hat it takes to run Aveyond %ith any degree o& playa#ility: "indo%s B, or higher ,)) M?4 processor +., MB :AM ,: Aveyond /lays Better %ith 2hese< "indo%s .))) or Q/ +!6 G?4 processor .68 MB :AM As %ith most gamesE the more :AM you haveE the &aster your processorE and the more &ree space on your hard driveE the #etter Aveyond runs@ AlsoE dont have too much running in the #ackground L this %ill reduce the chance o& something crashingE or Aveyond #ehaving very erratically! =ou especially dont %ant run programs that access the hard drive &re;uently HlikeE sayE an antivirus program thats scanning your hard driveJ or a program thats doing some heavy-duty %riting HlikeE sayE encoding video or #urning a -(-J! Let your antivirus program Hor %hateverJ do their thingE and run Aveyond %hen theyre done! Save your 3- #urning &or times that youre not playing Aveyond! >or optimum per&ormanceE #e sure to de&ragment your hard driveE as %ell as keep it &ree &rom errors! 2ry also keep "indo%s updatedE since i& it crashesE so does Aveyond@

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Part III: Aveyonds Main Menu /ress Escape to #ring up the main menu! =oull #e here a L12E so its a good idea to kno% %hat each part does@ Going &rom top to #ottomE here are the options: 0tems Skills E;uip /arty Leader Gournal /ro&iles Save Duit Each part has its o%n sectionE making it easier to get the in&ormation you %ant %ithout having to si&t through a %hole #unch o& stu&&! A: 0tem Maintenance 2his is the M0temsN choice! 9se this to #ring up a list o& items that youre carrying Hyour inventoryJE to use an itemE and to read a#out %hat an item does! Select the item in ;uestion! A short description appearsE telling you ho% its usedE and %hat it does! 2he num#er ne't to the item is ho% many youve got! Select the target and con&irm to use the item! Keep con&irming to use multiple items on the same person! Select someone else to use the item on them! /retty simpleE rightA 2his is kind o& o#viousE #ut 0ll say it any%ay: each time you use an itemE your amount goes do%n #y one! =ou cant carry more than BB o& any itemE and each item takes up a single line in the inventory Hno BB "ild BerriesE BB "ild BerriesE BB "ild BerriesE on three linesE &or e'ampleJ! 0& you cant use the itemE itll #e greyed out! 9sa#le items %ill #e in #lack letters! Some items can #e used over and overE e!g! a piece o& paper that you dont thro% a%ay a&ter reading it onceE #ut most items disappear a&ter using them! B: Skills 7 A#ilities Ce't item do%nE MSkillsN! Any kind o& action #esides the #asic three HMAttackNE M-e&endNE and M0temNJ goes here! 9se MAttackN to s%ing your %eapon on a target! 9se M-e&endN toE &or the rest o& your turnE de&end yoursel& against damage! 9se M0temN to use an item! 9se MSkillN to per&orm a special action! Be sure that youve got the mana thats re;uired to do it@ Every H%ell most every#odyJ has their o%n special set o& a#ilities that they can use! Most skills can only #e used in #attleE #ut a &e% can #e used outside o& #attle! >or e'ampleE a healing spell can #e used in #attleE as %ell as #et%een #attles! Like the inventoryE selecting the skill #rings up a short description o& it! 3: E;uipment Maintenance
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

9se ME;uipN to manage your e;uipHmentJ! 3hangeE addE or remove something until youve got it the %ay you like it! 0ts help&ul to scroll through your party mem#ers %ith MLN and M:N to save you the trou#le o& having to #ack outE and selecting some#ody else! =oull see the changes a piece o& e;uipment has on your character! >or e'ampleE ho% much more your attack goes up %ith your ne% s%ord! 9se this in&ormation to help determine i& a ne% piece o& e;uipment is actually an upgrade to %hat youve already got onE andE &rom thatE %hether or not to put it on! =ou cant change e;uipment in #attle Hat least 0 dont think soJ! Be sure to rotate e;uipmentE and give older pieces to other characters HMolderN as in you Fust upgraded your armorE so give the old armor to some#ody elseE to %hom it might #e an upgradeJ! -: /arty Maintenance 9se M/artyN to change %hos in your current party! 2hose in your current party actively participate in com#atE %hile those that are not dont! 2hose that are not in your current party dont get e'perience &rom #attles Hnot like Breath o& >ire 00JE so #e sure to rotate your characters to give everyone a chance to gain some e'perience@ Every#ody that has Foined :hens cause travels %ith you! 2hose in your current party sho% up in the main menuE and you can modi&y their e;uipment! 2hose not in your current party Hthe reservesE i& you %illJ sho% up at the #ottom o& the main menu! E: /icking =our Leader 9se MLeaderN to pick your leader! 2his only a&&ects the graphic that you see %alking around! 0t has no e&&ect in com#atE and the people %ont talk to you any di&&erently! 2ry to change your leader no% and again to &reshen up the game@ >: -ear -iary 9se MGournalN to #ring up your Fournal! 0n hereE #rie& entries record any ongoing tasks that you need to do! ?o%everE i& you dont play &or a &e% days and come #ackE the in&ormation here isnt enough to remind you %hat you need to do ne'tE or %here you need to go! Because o& thatE keep your o%n Fournal@ G: /ro&iles 9se M/ro&ilesN to get a detailed screen on any character! 9se this &eatureE and scroll #et%een your party mem#ers to compare them! 2his is use&ul in #alancing your party He!g! determining %ho gets the ne't upgradeJ! ?: Saving =our Game 2his one is easy to e'plain! 9se MSaveN to #ring up the save menu! /ick %hich o& the &our slots to saveE and con&irm! 0& you save over something thats already thereE the old game gets erasedE so %atch out@ =ou can rename old saved games to #ack them up! Since the game only uses &our savesE #ackup your saves #y renaming them! >or e'ampleE save)+#ackup!r'data! 0n this caseE remove M#ackupN to restore slot + save HFust make sure that the old slot + save is not thereJ!
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

0& youre the only one playingE then #e sure to use all &our slots L you never kno% %hen youll run into trou#leE and need to go M#ackN and prepare &or it Hlike a #oss &ightJ@ 2%o players can each use t%o slotsE and play independently &rom each other! 0: Let Me 1ut@ :eady to stop playingA 9se MDuitNE then con&irm that youre actually ;uitting! Aveyond ;uitsE and you return to the Mreal %orldN! 2his is the only %ay to load another game He!g! &or t%o-player actionJ!

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Part IV: Aveyond Walkthrough Cha ter !: "he #eturn o$ Ahri%an :ecommended level: + 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: none Monsters: none Side Duests: none =ou start Aveyond on top o& a sno%y cli&&! 0t is sno%ing lightlyE %ith a #uildup o& sno% on the ground! A red-haired girl in a %hite ro#e running a%ayE possi#ly &rom some#ody! She runs to a dead endE %hich drops o&&! She turns around and launches a &ire#all at some#odyE pro#a#ly the person %hoTs chasing her! 2he mystery person sho%s up as a man %ith dark #lue armor! ?e casts a magic spell in retaliation! 2he girlE %ho is kno%n simply as U/riestessU asks her assailant %hat he %ants! She looks very scaredE and pro#a#ly doesnTt %ant to #e here! 2he man says that he has #een kno%n as the daeva AgasE indicating that heTs ;uite old and has #een kno%n #y many names in the past! 2he priestess e'claims that AgasE along %ith other daevasE have #een sealed up in the demon realm! She claims that he cannot #e Agas! Agas says that his master has set him U&reeU! 2he priestess asks %ho his master isE and Agas replies %ithE UAhriman!U 2he priestess claims that it cannot #e so #ecause he %as de&eatedE #y her in &act! /layers %hoTve played UAhrimanTs /rophecyUE the pre;uel to this gameE kno% that 2alia and her &riends de&eated Ahriman! She looks an a%&ul lot like this priestess! May#e this is 2aliaA 0nstead o& retortingE Agas casts a &ire#all on the priestessE %hich knocks her unconscious! "ith a sneer on his &aceE he #ids her UGood nightU! ?e laughsE and leaves the priestess to die! 2he priestess is clinging onto li&e and re&uses to die Fust yet! She gets upE and %alks north a #it! She summons %hat appears to #e a glo%ing #utter&lyE and commands it to &ind the child and UBring her to me!U 0t sounds like you are that UchildU and youTre destined to help de&eat Ahriman@ 2he priestess passes outE pro#a#ly %eakened #y the &ire#allE and more so #y summoning the #utter&ly %hen she shouldnTt have! 2he #utter&lyE ho%everE &lies to%ard the north! 2he opening credits rollE %ith the #utter&ly continuing northE across the sea! 0 must say that these opening credits are >inal >antasy-;uality@ >inal >antasy (000 had the #est opening creditsE although Aveyond might make me change my mind on that@ >urther northE the #utter&ly comes to a %ooded area! 2he #utter&ly &lies and &lies northE until it comes across a purple-haired %oman in a pretty dressE :hen! :hen is initially surprised to see such a glo%ing #utter&ly! She comments on ho% itTs the strangest one sheTs ever seen Hmore than likely the only glo%ing #utter&ly shes ever seenJ! :hen doesnt appear to #e the MchildN that 0 %as e'pectingE #ut may#e :hen looks older than she really is! :hen comes nearer to the #utter&lyE %hich lets out a pu&& o& dust! :hen cries out in shock! 2he dust teleports :hen south to %here the priestess is still lying! :hen is disoriented %hen she &inds hersel& in a ne% environmentE #ut doesnTt have time to &igure
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

out %here she is! She hears the priestess calling &or help! :hen rushes to her side and tries to ask her %here she isE and %ho the priestess is! "eaklyE the priestess #egs :hen to take her through the portal Hthe glo%ing tile to the southeast that :hen came &romJ! :hen doesnTt kno% a#out any portalE and ;uestions the priestess! 2he priestess insists on #eing #rought through the portal! :hen immediately complies and carries the priestess through the portal! 0t teleports #oth o& them #ack to the same spot that :hen %as #e&ore! :hen cries out to her &atherE asking him to come ;uick! :henTs &ather asks :hen i& sheTs 1K HheTs on the very %estern edge o& the screenE due %est o& :hen and the priestessI hes only hal& visi#leJ! ?e then %alks &or%ard to the priestess and asks :hen %ho she is! :hen says that she doesnTt kno%E #ut says that sheTs hurt! 2he priestess recogni4es :henTs &ather as 2ailorE and says that Uit is time!!!U :henE surprised that her &ather %ould kno% this strangerE asks i& he kno%s the priestess! :henTs &ather H2ailorJ doesnTt say anythingE then says that he has to get her #ack to the cottage! ?e carries the priestess o&& to the cottageE leaving :hen #ehind! As you may have guessedE you play the role o& :henE like you played the role o& 2alia in AhrimanTs /rophecy! 0tTs ;uite re&reshing to see the main character o& an :/G to #e &emale! Be&ore you try to do anythingE no% is a good time to learn some controlsE since there isnTt any Uhelp menuU to the game! :e&er to the &irst part o& this Strategy Guide &or more detailed in&ormation on the aspects o& Aveyond i& you havenTt already! 1nce you haveE itTs time to start playing Aveyond@

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &: Who is the Priestess' :ecommended level: + 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: Marion#ell '6E Basket o& >lo%ers Monsters: none Side Duests: pick &ive Marion#ells and #ring them to Ma in a #asket Co% you have control o& :hen H&or the &irst timeJE and are ready to #egin your adventure into the %orld o& Aveyond@ Lets go e'plore a #it #e&ore &inding out %ho this /riestess person isE and ho% dad kno%s her! =ou may notice &our pink Marion#ell &lo%ers near#yE t%o on this sideE and t%o more on the other side i& you cross the #ridge! 0nspect oneE and youll decide against picking themE and to Mlet it live its &ee#le li&e one more dayN! "ellE ignore them &or no%E and cross the #ridge to the %est! Make note o& all &our o& the &lo%ers &or &uture re&erenceE should they ever %ere to #ecome use&ul HhintE hint IJ! =ou should notice various o#Fects on the groundE including apples! Such o#Fects create an atmosphere o& Mcountry livingNE %here you %orry more a#out chopping another load o& &ire%ood then you are at making it to %ork on time! =ou may also notice that the ground isnt covered %ith Fust grassE #ut various &lo%ers! 2here are also rocks and small #ushesE #oth o& %hich Halong %ith the Marion#ells and treesJ are o#stacles! Learn to recogni4e themE and then to move around them! 3ontinue %estE then north%est! 3lim# the ladder north to the ne't area! A sign Fust to the northeast reads M3lear%aterNE marking the entrance! A cave is to the eastE %ith a dirt path to lead you there! >ollo% the path and go inside the cave! ?ead northE and clim# the stairsE then head a #it east! 2here is a door to the northE and an e'it to the south! 2ry to e'it southE and youll get a message that says that children are not allo%ed to leave the village! 0 still dont think :hen is a childE #ut %ho am 0 to ;uestion AveyondA 2hat e'it %ill take you to the &orest area south o& here Hpart o& %hich the glo%ing #utter&ly &le% overJ! =oull return to that area much later in the game! But &or no%E dont %orry a#out it! ?ead northE and into the entry%ay Hits not really a doorE #ut serves the same purposeJ! ?ead northE clim# the stairsE and make a M9N turn out the e'it to the %est o& the top o& the ladder! =oull come to a small area %ith another Marion#ell ne't to the %ater! =oull notice a couple o& #utter&lies &littering a#out! 2hey are not #ound #y anythingE and %ill sometimes end up %ay o&& to the sideE &lying in the sky! A #oyE %ho is directly %est o& the Marion#ellE is Fumping! ApparentlyE he &inds the Marion#ell e'citing@ =oull also notice a %oman %ith a red and %hite dress a#ove you! AcrossE to %here the #oy is FumpingE youll see a ladder that leads up to this top area! =ou cant get there yetE so head #ack into the cave! :everse your directionE and make your %ay #ack to the entrance to 3lear%ater! 3lim# the stairsE and lets #egin our tour o& 3lear%ater@ 2o the east lie t%o #uildings! 1ne you can enterE the other you cannot! Go inside the one &urther eastE the one you can enter! 0nside lives LianaE a merchant! She %ill sell you suppliesE i& she had any! She mentions that shes out o& #readE it #eing so near to the time
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

&or the &estival! She doesnt have anything else to o&&er! Leave Lianas houseE and head #ack outside! ?ead northE to the house Hyour houseE actuallyJ %ith the gate Hnortheast o& the cartJ! 1pen the gate and head inside! 2he gate is a nice touch@ 2here is a locked treasure chest to the north! "ithout any %ay o& picking locksE youd #est ignore it &or no%! Ma is to the southeastE near the ta#le! 2alk to herE and shell mention the priestessE %ondering %here she came &rom! ?ead northE through the door! =oull come to a long room %ith t%o #edrooms! 2o the right lies the priestessE %ith your &ather %atching over her! 2o the le&t is an empty #ed! Simply %alk into it to rest! 2ake the right pathE talk to your &atherE and hell tell you to go &ind the her#alist! 2alk to him againE and you can ask him %here the her#alist livesE %ho the her#alist isE and %ho the strange lady is! -yonna Lau4rel is the her#alistE and shes pro#a#ly homeE preparing &or the &estival! ?e still %ont tell you %ho the /riestess isE or ho% he kno%s her! ?ead #ack outsideE and talk to -annyE %ho is %ondering near the cart! :hen %ill #lush %hen she talks to him! 3ontinue east to the house to the %est! 0nside lives (annaE %ho mentions that a lot o& the villagers are gathering apples &or the &estival! ?ead #ack outsideE then go eastE across the #ridge! Co% head northE &ollo%ing the path! =oull come to the Fumping #oyE EggieE %hom you sa% earlier! ?e mentions that he sees a marion#ell on the other side o& the %aterE #ut cant get it! "ellE %e kno% ho% to get to itE dont %eA IJ Keep &ollo%ing the path until you get to the ladderE then take the ladder up! 2alk to the lady in the red and %hite dress %hom %e sa% earlierE Merlie! She asks %ho is that person your dad #rought home recently! 0t seems as i& only dad kno%s thatE #ut hes not telling@ ?ead eastE across the #ridgeE and go inside the house Fust on the other side! 2he house is ;uite largeE and pro#a#ly #elongs to some#ody important! 2alk to the %oman in a red dress to the %est! Shes AilaE and %elcomes you to her houseE then asks %hat she or the mayor can do to help you! 0ts pro#a#ly sa&e to assume that shes the mayors %i&eE and this house #elongs to them! ?ead to the north%estE and into the ne't room! 2he #ook near the entry%ay cant #e readE un&ortunately! 0nsideE youll &ind a #edroom to the %estE and a li#rary to the east! ?ead %est to the #edroom &irst! 0nspect the #ook near the %all! 0ts ?er#erts FournalE %hich mentions some talking militant s;uirrels that plan on taking over the %orld! 2alking militant s;uirrels@ "hat an a#surd idea@ 1r is itA Co% head eastE and talk to ?er#ert Hassuming that only Aila and ?er#ert live hereJ! "e dont kno% &or sureE since all the game says is MMayorNE #ut he asks ho% youre doing this morningE and i& your mother and &ather are doing %ell! :ead the #ookcase ne't to the mayor H&rom any sideJE and it %ill reveal a little a#out the coming &estival! 2he ne't #ookcase has another copy o& ?er#erts Fournal entryE interestingly %ith the e'act entry! ?ead #ack outsideE and continue to &ollo% the dirt path %est! =oull come across a girl that &ollo%s youE Fumping no% and again! 2alk to herE and she asks you to play %ith her! 3ontinue along the path %est until you come to a ladder! 3lim# itE and head inside the house on top o& the tiny hill! 2his is the last #uilding in 3lear%aterE and #y process o& eliminationE has to #e the her#alist -yonna Lau4rels house! 2alk to herE and ask her to come #y your house later today! -yonna asks i& something is %rongE and
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

:hen says that there is something %rongE sort o&! :hen mentions the priestessE %ho %as &ound hurtE and #rought home! -yonna then Foins your party as a guest Hnot a reserve or active mem#er o& your partyJ! 1pen up the menu and con&irm that shes there! She is indeed there@ Co% head #ack outsideE and head home! 2alk to MaE %ho mentions that -yonna is the #est her#alist in the "estern 0sleE and %ill kno% ho% to take care o& the strange %oman! Co% head north to the ne't room! As soon as you doE -yonna %ill stop right in &ront o& the entrance! 2alk to her Hto possi#ly convince her to move out o& the %ayJ and shell head o&& to the priestesss side! 2alk to /aE and get him to e'plain %ho the stranger is! ?ell &inally say that shes a priestess &rom a &ar o&& land! Ever so curiousE you try to get /a to reveal more a#out his relationship %ith the priestess! /a doesnt reveal muchE apparently keeping a secret! ?e then tells you to talk to Ma &or some chores to do! ?e also mentions that the &estival is only a day a%ay and there is much %ork to #e done! 2alk to -yonna &irst Hand Ma secondJ! -yonna mentions that some pig%ood salve %ill help the #urn marks on the priestess! ?ead #ack outE and talk to Ma! MothersE %ith an endless list o& chores that they love to give to their children@ Ma gives :hen an empty #asket and tells her to pick &ive &lo%ers &or the &estival! 0d #et that marion#ells %ould do &ine &or this chore@ By the %ayE i& you check your GournalE itll say that you need to #ring Ma some marion#ells! 0t is indeed those marion#ells that %e sa% earlier@ "ellE lets go pick those marion#ells@ :emem#erE there %ere &our in the area %here you startedE and the &i&th %as in that area that is only accessi#le %hen you go through the cave! ?ead to the main marion#ell &ield &or the &irst &our! =oull see t%o people thereE picking marion#ells as %ell! 2he %oman in a rich lavender dressE EllaE asks i& youre here to pick marion#ells too! 2he red-haired #oyE /eterE says that hes also here to pick marion#ells &or the &estival! Co% to complete your chore &or Ma! /ick the marion#ells! Every time you pick oneE a screen pops up updating you on the status o& this chore! 0nterestingly enoughE once you pick your &irst marion#ellE a M#asket &ull o& marion#ell &lo%ersN sho%s up in your inventoryE even though you only have one@ 0gnore thatE and pick all &our marion#ells hereE then pick the &i&th one! "hen you pick the &i&th &lo%erE itll say that you need 4ero more &lo%ers &or Ma! :ight a&ter thatE dusk approachesE a nice e&&ect@ ?ead #ack home and give the #asket o& marion#ells to Ma! 0& you noticed Eggie %asnt Fumping up and do%n in one spot anymoreE and talked to himE he says that he cant &ind any more marion#ells! 2hats 1K! ?e can use the ones you pickedE rightA ?and Ma the marion#ellsE and Ma %ill mention that its time &or #ed! 3lim# into #edE and go to sleep Hsimply %alk into the #edJ! A cutscene %ill then take placeE sho%ing Ahriman and Agas talking! Go through the cutsceneE and morning %ill come to 3lear%ater! =oull &ind the priestess sitting in &ront o& the unlit &ireplace! 2alk to her! Shell give you a /riestess :ing &or protection! 2alk to her again &or a little more a#out %ho she isE and %hy shes here!
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

"hen you head outsideE youll hear the sightsE soundsE and smells H%ellE actually noE #ut you can almost catch the aroma o& a large apple harvestJ o& the annual &estivalE cele#rating the coming o& spring! 0& you head #ack to Lianas houseE shell have Bread &or sale! =oure still #rokeE #ut its nice to kno% that you can #uy Bread anytime you need to@ ?ead #ack to -yonnas houseE and shell have t%o items &or sale: 3hicken%eed Salve and Marsh 2ea! AgainE since youre #rokeE theres no sense in spending too much time here! ?ead #ack to the cave southeast o& the entrance to 3lear%aterE and youll &ind /eter there! ?e invites you to come chase some sheep %ith his &riends! 0& you re&use his o&&erE hell ask you to change your mind! =oull have to eventually accept his o&&er! -o soE and hell tell you to meet him outside the village shortly! >ollo% him in the cave! ?ead north a #itE and youll come across a stranger! 2alk to himE and hell notice the /riestess :ing thats on :hens &inger! ?e asks :hen &or a closer lookE then attaches shackles to :hens %rists! :hen struggles to #reak &reeE #ut &ails! 2he strangerE %ho is revealed to #e a slave traderE kidnaps herE and takes her a%ay to Ghalarah on the Eastern 0sle %here shes sold as a slave! Cot a good %ay to start the day@

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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter (: #hen the Slave :ecommended level: + 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: 2oken Monsters: Spiders Side Duests: get some travel clothes &or LarsE take care o& the spiders in the AtticE give the priestess her ring #ackE tell Lars that supper is readyE go #ring Lars #ack &or the emissaries =ou gain control o& :hen in a small room! A #ed and a #edstand are here! "alk into the #ed to rest! 0nspect the #edstandE and youll see a Mchore listN Hoh greatE even as a slaveE you cant get a%ay &rom a chore list@J! :ead the chore list to see %hat youre chores are &or today: Get some travel clothes &or LarsE and take care o& some spiders in the attic H#oth o& these end up in your GournalE in case you ever &orget %hat you need to doJ! =ou might also notice that giving the priestess her ring #ack is also here! =oull notice that :hens out&it is very dra#E even &or a slave@ "ellE %ere in a &oreign landE &arE &ar a%ay &rom homeE so there is little chance o& giving the priestess her ring #ack anytime soon! >or no%E lets take care o& those monstersE since %e dont have to leave this house to do so! E'it the roomE and youll come out to the &irst &loor o& your house! :emem#er %here your #edroom is L you can return here to sleep %henever you need to! 2alk to the lady in a red and %hite dressE %ho appears to #e your MmasterN L Mistress :ona! Shell #rag a#out ho% her son Lars got accepted into the Shad%ood Academy &or the Gi&tedE and %ill #e training as a sorcerer! 0 #et she loves to #rag a#out it Hand :hen tired o& hearing itE yet againJ@ Mistress :ona also mentions that the emissaries %ill #e here tomorro% to pick him up! 2hen she yells at youE telling you to start your chores! BoyE she doesnt treat her slaves too %ellE does she@ Go inside the door #et%een the %oman and your #edroom! "hat appears to #e peacock &eathers are hanging ne't to the door! 0nsideE youll come to the second &loor o& the house! 2he attic is on the third &loorE through the door Fust ahead to the north! Be&ore going thereE e'plore this room a #it! 2o the %est lies :onas #edroom! Cothing o& interest here! 2o the east lies t%o #ookshelves! :ead them to &ind some in&ormation on Aveyonds %orld geography! "hen youre &inishedE head upstairs to the attic! Be prepared &or a &e% &ights@ =oull see three purple spiders cra%ling around rather &ast! 2his %ill #e one o& the very &e% times that monsters %ill not track you do%n! Cote that most monsters are not nearly as &ast as these spiders! Also note that in any other situationE youll #e &ighting all three Spiders #ecause all three are near#y! 0nsteadE youll only &ight the Spiders one at a time! Be sure to inspect the corpse &or anything that the Spider le&t #ehind H%hich is mostly goldJ! Spiders usually He'cept &or this one timeJ %ill track you do%n! "ellE chase one do%nE and engage it in #attle@ Kill it Hit shouldnt #e very di&&icultJE then take out the other t%o! Be sure to e'amine their corpses &or a couple o& pennies! "hen youre &inishedE head outsideE and lets #egin our tour o& Ghalarah@ ?ead southE &ollo%ing the dirt path to the gate! 1pen it and continue along the path south! 3lim# the
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Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

tiny #it o& stairs and head east! 3lim# the tiny #it o& stairs and navigate your %ay into the house thats there! 0nside lives :ollenE %ho mentions that (eldarahE %hich is to the northE is the capital o& this eastern kingdom! ?ead #ack outsideE then go east! 2he sign there marks the entrance to Ghalarah! A #it northeast is a treasure hunter Fumping up and do%n! 2alk to himE and hell say that hes &ound a purse o& gold #uried under a pile o& dirt in the &orest! "ouldnt a hidden purse o& gold #e nice right a#out no%@ 2he Spiders you Fust killed dont give much goldE i& any! 0& you try to leave through the e'it to the southE the near#y city guard %ill stop youE saying that slaves arent allo%ed to leave the city! Being a slave isnt much &un at all@ ?ead #ack %estE navigating your %ay across the #ridgeE then go south! 2alk to the #oy %ondering a#outE Eddie! ?ell ask you i& %ell ever #e &ree! May#e one o& the side ;uests %ill #e to set all the slaves here &ree@ "ellE cant do anything a#out it %hile youre a slaveE so dont %orry a#out it Fust yet! Go inside the #uilding %est o& EddieE the one %ith a %indo% ne't to the door L it is unlocked! 2his is 2erlins shopE %ho sells clothing! /erhaps shell have the travel clothes &or Lars that you are supposed to pick upA 2alk to herE and 2erlin %ill greet you and ask %hat she can do &or you H%hat a nice %ay to treat a slave@J! 2ell her that youre here to pick up Larss clothes! 2erlin %ill say that theyre ready and hand them to you! 2alk to her againE and ask her a#out LarsE then a#out hersel&! 2erlin %ill reveal a little a#out her pastE and %hy she treats you so %ell! "ouldnt it #e nice i& everyone treated you this nicelyA Leave her shopE and kno% that the #uilding to the %est is locked! 0 havent &ound a %ay to pick locked doorsE so ignore them as you come to them! Go southE to the ne't ro% o& #uildings! 0& you check your GournalE youll notice that the entry mentioning Larss travel clothing is goneE #ut the one a#out killing the Spiders in the attic is not! ?ead #ack and talk to Mistress :ona! =oull mention that youve taken care o& the Spiders in the attackE and :ona %ill simply yell at youE commanding you to &inish the rest o& your chores! 3heck your GournalE and youll notice that the entry that mentions the Spiders in the attic is goneE as %ell! All that there is le&t is the entry that mentions the /riestess :ing! 2alk to her againE and give her Larss clothes! 2alk to her a third timeE and say that youre &inished %ith your chores and ask i& you can go out and play! :ona %ill say that you cantE and then give you another task L go tell Lars that its time &or supper! ?ead #ack southE past Eddie! 2alk to the man in the middle o& the #uildingsE 2elvar! ?e %ont say anythingE pro#a#ly not %anting to talk to a slave! 0ts a good chance that he thinks that slaves are in&erior to him! 0gnore that idiotE and continue south! 2here are t%o %ays southE and either %ay %orks! 0n #et%een the t%o paths south lies the to%ns 0nn! "ellE :hen has her #edE so the she doesnt need the 0nn to rest! But make note o& it &or &uture re&erence! 2o the %est o& the 0nn is the 0tem shop! Stop inE since youve got some cash Halthough pro#a#ly not enough to get anythingJ! 2alk to the %oman in a green dress L shes the merchant %ho runs the 0tem Shop! She sells Bread LoavesE Marsh 2eaE 3assia LeavesE and a map! Be sure to pick up the map later onE since it %ill help you! =ou %ont need #ut one copyE so dont #uy more than one! 2he door to the east o& the 0nn is locked! 2alk to the pink-haired girl %ith a pretty pink
/age +B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

dress %ho is %ondering near#y! Shes (eselleE and mentions that Lars is al%ays creating trou#le and treats the slaves #adly! 2alk to the man to the east! ?es GavisE and mentions that the Shad%ood Academy o& the Gi&ted comes here every year to recruit children %ith potential! Lars %as among the ones to #e chosen! 2alk to the #oy near#yE %hos a slave! ?e %ants to #e &ree! My heart #reaks %hen 0 think a#out the trou#le that he must &eel to live the li&e o& a slave every day@ ?ead southeastE a #it eastE through the gate to the northE and into the #uilding! 2alk to MildredE %ho has long green hair and a purple dress! She tells you not to talk to peopleE claiming that slaves dont have the right to do so! ?ead eastE and talk to the slave #oy %hos standing in &ront o& the stove! ?e mentions that slaves do not have any rightsE and is %aiting &or some#ody to come and &ree all the slaves! ?ead #ack outsideE then go southE through the &irst gateE south to the second gateE through itE then southeast! 2alk to the %oman %ith #londe hair and a #lue dress! ?er name is Genna! SheE like MildredE is very rude to slaves! Gust one more rude person in the %orld@ 3ircle around the houseE and &ollo% the dirty path to the entrance to the house! ?ead inside! Go a little eastE then northE along the narro% hall%ayE and talk to the %oman %ith a %hite apron and green hairE Beledine! Shell ask you i& youve seen her silver ringE %hich she purchased &rom a slave trader! Surely she cant #e talking a#out your /riestess :ing@ ?ead eastE then south! 2alk to the slave girlE %ho mentions that she cant talk to other slaves #ecause her master &or#ids it! ?ead north and into the ne't room! ?ead north into the #edroom! 1n a nightstand is that silver ring that Beledine mentioned L your /riestess :ing@ =ou decide against stealing it L i& there is to #e evil in the %orldE it %ont start %ith you! 2he #ookshelves to the east are o& some interestE especially i& this is your &irst time playing! ?ead #ack outside %hen you are &inished! >ollo% the dirt path to the northE open the gateE and head %est! ?ead south at the lakeE then southeastE and &inally east! =oull see a small group o& people! =litta is to the northE ?ector is to the south! Lars is the one %ith green hair! 2alk to =litta and ?ectorE #oth o& %hich are grossed out that a slave is trying to talk to them! 2alk to LarsE and tell him that :ona told you to tell him to get home and eat supper! LarsE #eing as rude as everE tells you that hell come home %hen he &eels like itE not %hen some slave tells him to! =litta says that you havent gotten any mannersE talking to Lars like thatE even a&ter all these months! A&ter making &un o& :henE the three decide to try and take o&& the #raceletE %hich apparently cant come o&&! VVA small side note: you can actually take o&& the #racelet #y e;uipping a M#lankN itemE despite %hat the description says! Even %ith the #racelet une;uippedE the game proceeds as normal!VV Lars casts a spell that gets rid o& the #racelet! :hen is &uriousE saying that he couldve killed her! Lars and his &riends make &un o& :hen some moreE then :hen #rushes them o&&! Lars still re&uses to go home like his mother said to! :eturn home and tell :ona that you told Lars %hat she told you to tell him Hcon&used yetAJ! :ona %ill say that youve #acktalked herE and says that you have to go to #ed %ithout supper! Go to your room and go to sleep! 2he ne't morningE talk to :ona! Shell say that the emissaries %ill #e here anytimeE and Lars is no%here to #e &ound! She commands you to go &ind him and #ring him home! =oull &ind Lars picking on Eddie H%hich is no% spelled MEdieNJ! Eddie %ill ask &or your help! Lars
/age .) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

%ill shove you to the groundE then go #ack to picking on Eddie! >uriousE youll gra# a near#y stick and use some hiddenE innate skill to cast a spell on Lars! Lars is very madE and %ants revenge! Eddie slips a%ay! :hen drops the stick Halthough it remains e;uipped as her %eaponJE una#le to &igure out ho% she did that! 2he con&rontation has caught the attention o& t%o people %ho %ere previously deeply engaged in conversation! 2he %oman %ith long #lond hair and a green dress is GheldaE and the other person is Lorad! Ghelda is apparently a master sorceressE and Lorad is a master s%ord singer! Ghelda doesnt recogni4e %hat she %itnessed :hen do as magicE #ut Lorad sensed that it %as dra%ing energy &rom the stick as a skill that a s%ord singer does! Lorad is ama4ed that such a person %ithout any training could dra% such energyE and &rom a stick no less@ Lorad decides that no#ody has sho%n such po%er in a longE long time and gives :hen a 2oken that not only &rees her as a slaveE #ut grants her access to Shad%ood Academy! Ghelda leaves %ith Lars to escort him homeE leaving Lorad to ans%er your ;uestions! Ask him a#out everything to get in&ormation on #ecoming a s%ord singer and %hat a s%ord singer does! 0& you talk to 2elvarE hell o&&er some advice on "ild 3hickens! 0& you return to :onas house and talk to :onaE shell get angry that you MstoleN the spotlight &rom Lars! Shell also tell you that youre no longer %elcome hereE and must &ind a place to sleep on your o%n! "ellE that means the 0nn has suddenly #ecome use&ul@ 0& you ever need to restE sleep at the 0nnE since you can no longer sleep at your old #ed! Co#ody else treats you any di&&erentE and still sees you as a slave! "ellE ready to head over to the Shad%ood AcademyA 2ry to leave to%nE and sho% your 2oken to the guard! ?e %ont #other you a second timeE and allo%s you to pass &reely &rom that point on!

/age .+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter ): #hen the S*ord Singer :ecommended level: + 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: none Monsters: SpidersE "ild 3hickens Side Duests: give the priestess her ring #ackE head over to Shad%ood Academy >rom the to%n e'itE &ollo% the dirt path to the ne't screen! =oull #e outside the sa&ety o& the to%nE and vulnera#le to attack &rom monsters! 0n this area are t%o kinds o& monsters: SpidersE the same ones you #attled in the atticE and "ild 3hickensE %hich are much harder to de&eat! Stay a%ay &rom the "ild 3hickens until youve trained on Spiders until you reach level * or 5E at %hich time you should #e a#le to &ight "ild 3hickens a little easier! =ou may notice a Spider to the northeast! Go attack itE kill itE and search the corpse! 2he &irst thing you need to do is kill a#out eight SpidersE collect the money and items that you &ind &rom their corpsesE and then go sleep at the 0nn! :emem#er that %ere not leaving &or the Shad%ood Academy until morning and that means resting at an 0nn #e&ore %e can leave@ "hen you kill that SpiderE head all the %ay southE past the small hillE all the %ay to the #ottom o& the map! =ou should &ind t%o Spiders! Kill themE and loot their corpses! By no%E you should have gone up a LevelE and have ;uite a #it #etter statsE namely your ma'imum ?ealth and Mana! All things consideredE your ?ealth is the most important statE since i& it ever reaches 4eroE you die! =ou can run out o& ManaE and youll still #e a#le to use your %eapon H%hich %ill al%ays #e &reeJ! Co% head north to the small hillE and then go east! "hen you &ight the Spiders thereE %atch out@ 2here are &our o& them in the groupE and youll &ight all &our at once@ But %hen you &inally de&eat the groupE youll #e a#le to search all &our corpses &or gold and items! =ou might %ant to stay a%ay &rom them until you can easily handle a Spider Hrelia#ly killing it %ith one attackJ! 2o the east is a small set o& stairs ignore them! 0nsteadE head north%estE then north! 0gnore the &irst Spider corpse you killedE and continue north! =oull see a small ladder to the northE and a #ridge to the east! 0gnore #oth o& them! 0nsteadE check to see ho% much cash you have! 0& youve got ten goldE then head #ack into to%nE and rest at the 0nn! 0& notE then head #ack into to%n HFust inside the screen L you dont have to actually go inside the city itsel&JE then come #ack! >ight the same seven SpidersE and you should have ten gold #y then! 1nce rested at the 0nnE you should #e a#le to head o&& &or the Shad%ood Academy! ?o%everE #e&ore %e can get thereE %ell have to &ight ;uite a num#er o& monsters! Co% is a good time as any to do a #it o& trainingE and start #uilding our stockpile o& supplies@ "ith only :hen &ightingE youll have to rely on yoursel& to keep your health up! 3ontinue to &ight these seven Spiders until youve got Hyoull have to #uy the supplies in to%nE rather than hoping that youll &ind them on the corpsesE %hich doesnt happen o&tenJ 6 loaves o& Bread! By thenE you should #e at level 6E or even 8! 2he more you train no%E the easier the rest o& the game %ill #e laterE #ut the longer youll have to spend killing the same set o& monstersE over and over! -ont %orry too much a#out training so much!
/age .. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

3oncentrate instead on collecting enough gold to #uy a small supply o& Bread! :eady to head o&& to the Shad%ood AcademyA >rom the e'it o& Ghalarah: head eastE then northE &ollo%ing the dirt path! 3ross the #ridge eastE and continue to &ollo% the dirt path east! "hen you come to a signE read it! 0tll say that (eldarah is to the northeastE Ghalarah is to the %estE and the Boat -ealer is to the north%est! 2he Academy is in (eldarahE so the general direction is northeast! (eldarah is actually in the very northeast corner o& this screen! 2ake the ladder northE then &ollo% the dirt path eastE then north! 0gnore the #ridges that lead %estE as %ell as the ladder leading south! >rom the ladderE head north%estE then north across the #ridge! ?ead northeastE and north #et%een the narro% path #et%een the small #unches o& trees! 2o the north%estE youll see a caveE the entrance guarded #y a Spider! 2o the northeastE youll see a ladderE %hich leads do%n to the area #elo%! ?ead northeastE and clim# do%n the ladder! >ollo% the stone path eastE #eing (E:= care&ul to skirt the "ild 3hickens! 2hey are too tough &or you right no%E especially since you lack any e;uipment@ -ont %orryE though L unlike the SpidersE "ild 3hickens %ont track you do%n! 0nstead they Fust %onder aimlessly! Cear the very northeast corner o& the screen is the entrance to (eldarah L the capital city o& the "estern 0sle!

/age .* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter +: Shad*ood Acade%y :ecommended level: 5 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: none Monsters: none Side Duests: give the priestess her ring #ackE head over to Shad%ood Academy (eldarah is ;uite large compared to the t%o other to%ns youve #een to so &ar! 0t isE a&ter allE a capital city@ Be&ore %e head o&& to the AcademyE lets e'plore the city &irst! "alk insideE and the &irst #uildings you see are to the north! A#ove one o& the doors is a sign that looks like a potion %ith smoke coming out o& it! 2his shop is an item shop! ?ead insideE and talk to the merchant to see %hat %ares are &or sale! 0ts very unlikely that youre a#le to purchase anythingE #ut make note o& %hat shes got &or &uture re&erence! 0ve provided a list o& %hat every shop in every to%n has &or sale H%ellE every one as 0 come to themJ! ?ead #ack outside! 2he door to the east is lockedE so talk to the green-haired %oman near#yE %ho says that youre in M(eldarahE o& course@N See the stairs to north o& the %omanA 2ake them to the upper level o& the #uilding! ?ead inside the door %ith a si'pointed star near it! 0nside is a merchant that sells spell scrolls! =ou dont need them until you recruit a sorcerer Hsuch as LarsJE although some scrolls can #e used #y non-sorcerer characters! ?ead #ack outside! 2he door to the east is locked! ?ead #ack do%n the stairsE then head eastE to the door %ith a sign %ith a key shape carved out! 0nside is a pa%nshopE %ith all the items at outrageous prices! /urchase them any%ayE #ut only a&ter youve &ully upgraded your e;uipmentE have a &ull supply o& itemsE and money to #urn! "ith the gold that the Spiders giveE that %ont #e anytime soon@ 2o make matters %orseE the merchant %ont purchase your e'cess inventory! 2o purchase the item H%hen youve got the goldJE e'amine itE ask a#out its priceE %hine that its %ay too muchE #ut #uy it any%ay! =ou cant haggle the price do%n anyE un&ortunately! 2alk to the merchant to learn %here the Academy is located Hthe north part o& to%nJ! =oull pro#a#ly need the items in the &utureE or else they %ouldnt #e hereE #ut make them the last o& your priorities He!g! #uy them %hen you have money to #lo% in the #ree4eJ! "ellE the merchant said Mnorth part o& to%nNE so head #ack outsideE then go north! 3ontinue #et%een the tallE %ooden &ence! "hen you get to the ne't areaE youll see the path continues northE t%o #uildings to the north%estE and the path turning %est! Go north%est &irst! Cear#y are t%o girlsE %ho %ant you to play %ith them! 2he house ne't to the edge o& the screen is not lockedE #ut the one to the right is! ?ead inside the unlocked house H%hich has the door openJ! 0nside lives a pink-haired %oman %ith a pink dress! She tells you that a hind is turning the men %ho %ander into the &orest into stone! 0 %onder i& this hind is related to MedusaA A hind Hpronounced so that it rhymes %ith WrindJ #y the %ayE is a &emale red deerE although in a %orld like AveyondE 0d #et it %ould have a#ilities that red deer %ould only dream o&@ 2here isnt anything else hereE so head #ack outside! 2he academy is to the northE i& you %ould like to get there no%E #ut youll miss the rest
/age .5 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

o& the tour! ?ead east instead to e'plore the other hal& o& this city! =oull see a ro% o& treesE a spaceE then another tree! Corth o& the space is an open house! 0nside lives an old man %ho mentions a #oatmakerE %ho has #oats &or saleE and an alternateE cheaperE method o& travelE the &erry! 2here isnt anything o& interest upstairsE e'cept &or a #ookshel& &ull o& #ooks a#out the history o& this city! ?ead #ack outside! 2he grey-haired man to the south mentions that the academy is to the northE past the &lo%er district! A near#y dog chases you around! 2o the east a #it is a green-haired lady %ith a %hite apronE selling peaches! 0t %ould #e nice to #e a#le to #uy someE #ut you cannot Heven %ith moneyJ! South o& here is an enclosed area %ith a ro% o& houses! Go through the gateE and talk to the old %oman %alking around! She mentions that ever since a necromancer Ha magician %ho controls the undeadJ came to to%nE the citi4ens have #een struck #y strange curses! 2he necromancers shop is the only one o& the three #uildings that is unlockedE the one %ith a si'-pointed star sign a#ove the open door! ?ead inside! 2he necromancer is looking &or an apprenticeE and has items &or saleE #ut only to those %ho are sorcerers Hgraduates o& the academyE like Lars %ill #eJ! 1ne item is dangerous to anyone %ho isnt undead! ?is store has #ooks related to necromancy and curses! 2here isnt anything else o& interest here until Lars graduatesE so leave! ?ead #ack through the gate #ecause there isnt anything else o& interest in this small areaE either! 3ontinue eastE and youll see that the path splits into three: one to the northE one &urther eastE and one south! 2ake the southern split! =oull go past t%o #oysE %ho %ant you to play %ith them! /erhaps they should seek the girls a#out their age and go play hide-and-seek@ 3ontinue along the path until you get to an enclosed area %ith a lake in the middle! 2%o people are north o& the lakeE &acing each other! 2hey are in love! AloraE the #londeE is in love %ith LevusE the green-haired man! ?ead #ack to the three-%ay split H&ourE counting the one you Fust came onJ and take the %estern split! =oull see a house %ith the &ront door open! ?ead inside! 0nside lives 2i#eriusE %ho asked Aloras hand in marriage! She re&usedE %hich made him very sour! ?e seeks revenge! ?e assumes that Fust #ecause hes the richest man here that no %oman can re&use his o&&er! 2his only goes to sho% you that money %ont #uy you everything@ 0 hope he doesnt &ind the necromancerE %hich %ould pro#a#ly curse 2i#erius %ith a curse! ?is li#rary is to the %estE and contains mostly sel&-help #ooks! 2here is only one other thing o& interest in his house: a locked chest in the upstairs! :emem#er to come #ack once youve ac;uired the means o& picking locks@ >or your convenienceE 0ve provided a list o& locked chests! :e&er to it %hen you need to! 0 am still ama4ed at ho% much detail and %ork %ent into each houseE roomE and map! 2he amount o& time spent making it look really good is really apparent@ >eel &ree to search the rest o& the house Has al%aysJE #ut there isnt anything else o& interest! ?ead #ack outsideE then take the northern split! >ollo% the path all the %ay north! =oull pass a girl %ho talks a little a#out the academyE and %hat it is &or! At the very top o& the screenE youll see a large t%o-storied #uilding! A dog is near#yE %hich also chases you H#e care&ul not to get stuck in a spot %here the dog occupies the only %ay outJ! 2alk to the man %alking near the entrance and hell say that the empress has a short temper and to
/age .6 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

use your manners %hen talking to her! ?ead inside the #uildingE %hich is the empresss palace! Go directly northE and the empress is sitting near the top o& the screen! Shell %elcome you to her kingdom! 0t doesnt appear as i& the empress is as short-tempered as the man mentioned! 2he guards to the south all stand there like statues! 2hey make really good sentries@ 2here is only one thing o& interest here: a locked treasure chest on the second &loor! Make note o& itE and come #ack %hen you have the means o& picking locks! 2he music %hile youre here is a#solutely #eauti&ul@ 0 %ould sometimes come here and stay Fust to listen to the music Hignoring the &act that 0 can play the song %ithout having Aveyond goingJ! ?ead #ack outsideE go south to the splitE take it %estE then go north %hen you get to the mans house Hthe one %ho mentions the #oatman and &erryJ! 2his tour is almost doneE so dont %orry@ 2he path splits into t%o paths Fust north o& the house! 1ne path leads to a house Hyoull have to go through a gate to get thereJE the other &urther north into to%n! 2ake the path leading to the house &irst! 0nside lives a veiled %oman %ith her son! 2he son %ants you to play %ith him Hare all the children here #oredA /erhaps you should sho% them Aveyond@ IJ! 2he mother mentions that you shouldnt go into Shad%ood >orest %ithout a map #ecause &e% %ho has gone in have returned! 0gnore the rather ominous %arning #ecause youll pro#a#ly have to venture deep into this &orest at some point! 2here are t%o things o& interest here! 1ne is a #ook upstairs that you cannot read! 2he other is a series o& %hat looks like un&inished paintings to the north%est Hon the &irst &loorJ! ?ead #ack outsideE and take the other split north! =oull see the path turn %estE %hich leads to the academy! 0nsteadE venture o&& the path and continue north! =oull end up in a gladeE %ith a man %ondering near the middle! 2alk to himE and hell mistake your look as a slaveE instead o& the student that you are! "e do need to do something a#out these slave clothes that :hen is still %earing L others have made the same mistake@ ?ead south to the pathE and &ollo% it %est! 2he sign #e&ore a small set o& stairs marks the entrance to the grounds o& the academy! >ollo% the path north%est! =oull &ind Lorad near the entranceE %ho urges you to talk to ?arald! ?ell also mention that you need to give ?arald your token! Go inside the academy! ?arald is to the %est! 2alk to him and hell tell you %hat you need to do to #egin your studies!

/age .8 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter ,: A rentice S*ord Singer :ecommended level: 5 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: Bedroom KeyE Covice ScheduleE Student 1ut&it Monsters: none Side Duests: give the priestess her ring #ackE head over to Shad%ood AcademyE complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord Singer "hen you talk to ?araldE hell ask you &or your token! =ou have a hard time understanding %hat he means! ?e then e'plains that the academy is only &or the gi&ted studentsE all o& %hich %ere admitted %ith a token! =ou hand him your tokenE and he recogni4es it as the token o& a S%ord Singer! ?e hands you your schedule and the key to your room! 0mmediately you #ecome a novice S%ord Singer! ?e gives you &urther instructions on %hat to do! =ou dont actually attend your classes H%hich is un&ortunateE #ut understanda#leJ! =our ne't step is to e'plore this academyE looking mostly &or &ree treasure to loot! ?ead north and into the room! =oull see t%o sets o& stairs and a #lue-haired #oy! 2alk to the #oyE %ho %ill mention that this is the %ay to the advanced classes! 0ts ;uite likely that one side is &or advanced S%ord Singer classesE and the other &or advanced Sorcerer classes Hthe only t%o types o& students at this academyJ! "ellE youre not ready &or the advanced classes yet! >or &uture re&erenceE the door to the %est is &or SorcerersE and the one to the east is &or S%ord Singers! ?ead #ack southE then to the entrance o& the academy H#ut not outsideJ! =ou should see a small pond o& %ater east o& the entrance! Corth o& the pond is the novice classroomE %here novice classes are held Happarently &or #oth S%ord Singers and SorcerersJ! ?ead east o& the pond and then east past the door! A small li#rary is to the southE a room %ith another pond to the north! 0n the room %ith the pondE a #lue-haired student is late &or class! 2he li#rary to the south has some use&ul in&ormation! 2alk to the girl thats there! Shell mention an or# sta&& that can magni&y your po%ers! /erhaps this is the same or# sta&& that the necromancer has &or saleA 2alk to the manE %ho is a S%ord Singer! ?e kindly suggests that you check in %ith ?arald H%hich you already didJ! ?ead #ack northE %estE then north into the door H#et%een the room %ith a pond and the novice classroomJ! =oull #e in a nice courtyard! 2he #lue-haired student Hthe third one youve seen that looks e'actly the same L perhaps they are tripletsAJ urges you to #e ;uiet #ecause he is skipping class! 2he stone path leads northE then splits into t%o directions! 2%o people are %alking along the path as one! 2hey look to #e lovers! 2he girl is a &ello% S%ord SingerE the #oyE a Sorcerer! 2he #oy mentions that the S%ord Singer #edrooms are to the eastE and the Sorcerer rooms are to the %est! "ell check out the Sorcerer rooms laterE #ut &irst lets go &ind your #edroom and get changed out o& these nasty slave clothes@ 2here is a girl near the #ottom ro% o& rooms! 2alk to herE and shell mention that you should check in %ith ?arald! Cice adviceE #ut its already #een taken care o&@ By trial and error Hi& youre too la4y to &ind it yoursel&E its the &irst door &rom the le&t on the #ottom ro%E northeast o& the girlJE youll &ind the locked room that your key &its! Some o& the rooms are unlockedE and some o& these have people inside! 0nside your #edroom youll &ind a treasure #o'E unlockedE and a #ed! =ou can sleep here as o&ten as you like &or &ree Hsimilar to 2alias
/age .7 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

#ed in Ahrimans /rophecyJ! 2he treasure #o' has the traditional red out&it &or novice S%ord Singers! Go to your inventory and MuseN the out&it! =oull get changedE and discard your slave clothes! 1ddly enoughE no matter %hat com#ination Hor lack o&J e;uipment you have onE :hens sprite %ont change! 2hat isE until you graduate into an apprentice S%ord SingerE %here shell get a ne% uni&orm to %ear@ 2he door to the right o& yours is lockedE and #ecause youve already &ound yoursE you dont need to try your key! :estE and return to the courtyard! =oull %atch a cutscene #et%een AhrimanE the Sun /riestE -aemonE and other characters that you have not seen #e&ore! "hen you get through itE youll %atch another cutscene that speeds up time to the point %here :hen has &inished her novice S%ord Singer training H%hich is very similar to the same scene %here 2alia and -evin go through the training at the academyJ! 2oday is your day to #ecome an apprentice S%ord Singer! But to do thatE :hen must &irst pass the Mentrance e'amNE a test o& her a#ility! 0& you go to the main menuE youll notice that :hens gained ;uite a &e% levels! 0& only training %as this easy@ IJ 0& you also take a look at :hens a#ilitiesE youll see that shes learned MSide 2hrustNE a nice heavy-duty #eginners attack! 0t should come in handy to #ecoming an apprentice@ 2alk to the girl outside your #edroomE and shell ask i& youre e'cited to #egin your trials! 2he same MtrialsN is similar to %hat you do though to Foin the See- in >inal >antasy (000! Any%ayE head #ack to the courtyardE and youll see that there is a ne% person near the center L your instructor Lorad! =our MtrialN involves de&eating him in #attle! Save your gameE and take him on@ =ou should not have any pro#lem %ith him Hdespite the ominous %arning he gives you to not take this lightlyJE as long as you use your ne%&ound a#ilitiesE even naked Hno e;uipment onJ! >or %inningE youll MgraduateN to the level o& MapprenticeN! Lorad gives you a #lank apprentice scheduleE on %hich you can take &ive classes Hout o& ten choicesJ! :emem#er those MadvancedN classrooms &rom #e&oreA 2alk to the instructors in the rooms to learn your a#ilities! :emem#er you can only have &ive choicesE and youre limited on %hether or not you can learn the skill unless you are at a high enough level! Go up a #unch o& levels so that you can pick %hatever skills you %ant! -ont %orry a#out your classes Fust yet! ?ead #ack do%nstairsE and talk to ?arald! =ou still need to noti&y him that you passed your trials! ?ell congratulate youE and then e'plain %hat you have to do to graduate! 2alk to him again &or more in&ormation on your scheduleE #eing a S%ord SingerE and #eing an apprentice! ?e mentions that to #ecome a &ull-&ledged S%ord SingerE you need to per&orm a great deedE and #ring #ack proo& o& your action! 2he advanced classes that you can take all have level re;uirements! 2rain to level +6 to meet all o& them Hlevel +6 is the highest re;uirementJE and to have the #est selection! 1& courseE that means that youll miss out using the lo%-level a#ilities to get thereE #ut youll have plenty o& time to train later! "ellE no% that youre strongerE and have a nice attack skillE you should #e a#le to take on the Spiders in your sleepE and the "ild 3hickens %ithout any trou#le! 9n&ortunatelyE neither o& them give you much goldE so itll #e a long time #e&ore you can upgrade your
/age ., o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

e;uipment at the shops! 0n the mean timeE ho% a#out a tour o& the &orestA /erhaps there is &ree treasure to #e &ound@

/age .B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter -: Aveyonds Pro hecy :ecommended level: B 2reasures: 3ommon: .) gold penniesE 5) gold pennies 0mportant: /riestess :ing Monsters: SpidersE "ild 3hickensE Side Duests: give the priestess her ring #ackE complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord Singer 2here is so much to upgradeE in terms o& :hens e;uipmentE #ut there is one thing missing: money! 2he monsters here HSpiders 7 "ild 3hickensJ do not give it &reelyE so youll have to de&eat ;uite a &e% in order to accumulate some cash! ?o%everE a Mside e&&ectN o& that is that #y the time you have some cashE your e'perience should earn you a &e% more levels@ "ellE #e&ore %e %orry a#out thatE %hy dont %e go pil&er the &orest and see %hat kinds o& treasure %e can pick up %ith a little e'plorationA 0tll also serve to &amiliari4e yoursel& %ith the &orestE and ho% to navigate your %ay through! =oull need to get a mental map o& this area! Even %ith the maps that are availa#le in the shopsE youll still have to rely on yoursel& to go &rom one place to another! 2hese maps provide a nice overvie% o& an areaE #ut dont sho% much detailE nor do they mark your position! 2hey also dont mark the locations o& anythingE so its up to you to &ind something that you see on the screenE and also &ind on the map! >rom the entrance to (eldarahE &ollo% the stone path %est! =oull come to the same pair o& "ild 3hickens that 0 told you to avoid #e&ore! 9nlike most monstersE these %ont chase you do%n! 0nsteadE they %onder around aimlessly! ?eres a good rule o& thum# to &ollo% &rom here on out: kill every monster you see! Cot only %ill you gain e'perience HandE eventually increase your levelJE #ut youll #e a#le to search the corpses &or potential treasure! :ight no% %ere in desperate need o& goldE #ut %ell also take anything that %e can either use ourselvesE or sell in the store! 2he "ild 3hickens no longer pose a pro#lemE although :hen %ont ;uite #e a#le to kill one in one shot! At least not %ithout using her Side 2hrust a#ility! 0t only costs +) ManaE and Fudging #y ho% much mana :hen hasE youll #e a#le to use it ;uite a #it #e&ore needing to rest in your #ed #ack at the academy HorE i& you pre&erE the innJ! Go south o& the "ild 3hickens and into the tiny cave! 0nside is a treasure chest %ith .) gold pennies! Cot too #ad@ ?ead #ack outE then re-kill the "ild 3hickens that came #ack! Sometimes they drop "ild BerriesE %hich you can use to restore your ?ealth and Mana at the same time! 2hese "ild Berries should #e enough to keep you going! Corth%est o& the cave %ith the gold pennies is ladder leading to the upper part o& the &orest Hin terms o& heightE not areaJ! 3lim# itE #eing %ary o& the near#y Spider! 2here is a cave %est o& the SpiderE #ut ignore it &or no%! 0t leads to another area that youll come #ack to later in the game! 0nsteadE head south! 2here are a group o& &our Spiders to the southeast! Engaging in even one Hthat you dre% a%ay &rom the other threeJ causes you to engage all &our in #attle! =oull have to search do%n the &our corpses to claim the treasure that they carried! =ou dont have an Mattack every#odyN skill or a#ility yetE #ut you can de&eat one %ith a single s%ipe o& your %eapon
/age *) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Hpro#a#ly a Stick stillJ! 2he &our Spiders hover around a dead end! "hen youre &inished %ith those &ourE head north%estE then %est! -o%n the path a little #it youll see a single Spider guarding a #ridge going south! Kill the Spider! 2he path north%est is a dead end so take the #ridge south! ?ead east %hen you get to the other sideE %here youll come to a clearing %ith several dirt paths leading in various directions! >ind the ladder to the south that takes you to the lo%er level o& the &orest! 2he #oatmaker is to the north%estE #ut %e still need to e'plore the rest o& the &orestE as %ell as &ind our %ay #ack to Ghalarah! South o& the ladder Hunderneath the t%o #ridges leading %estJ and a #it south%est is an unlocked treasure chest %ith 5) gold pennies in it! Cice@ 2here isnt anything else here o& interestE so head #ack to the ladderE clim# itE and then go south! 2here are t%o %ays to get to our ne't spot: %est across the #ridgesE and southE &ollo%ing the dirt path! 0& you take the #ridge routeE youll come across t%o Spiders! South%est o& the Spiders is a tiny &orestE %here :hen %ill have to s;uee4e past to get to our destination! 0& you take the southern routeE &ollo%ing the dirt pathE youll come across a "ild 3hicken! >ollo% the dirt path %est Hyoull end up circling the area near the treasure chest on the lo%er levelJ! Either %ayE youll end up at the ladderE our destination! 0d advise that you take #oth routes Hcircle aroundJ and kill all three monsters! =oull need all the gold and e'perience you can get@ Gust south%est o& the ladder is a sign that tells you %hich direction to the #oatmakerE #ack to (eldarahE and on to Ghalarah! 2he #oatmaker is to the north%est Hvery north%estern corner o& this mapJ! (eldarah is northeast Hvery northeastern corner o& the mapJE Ghalarah is south%estE Hthe south%estern corner o& this mapJ! Corth%est o& this sign is a dead end! >ollo% the dirt path %est to get to GhalarahE #ut &irstE lets &inish our tour o& this &orest #y going east! =oull come across t%o Spiders and a "ild 3hicken! Go eastE and southeast at the lone tree! =oull see a #are patch o& dirt! E'amine it and youll reali4e that using a shovel %ould #e more e&&ective at digging it up and seeing %hats #uried there! Gust like in Ahrimans /rophecyE ac;uiring a shovel isnt as easy as raiding a toolshed@ 2he %ay south%est and then %est is a dead end! ?ead #ack to the sign and &ollo% the dirt path %estE to%ard Ghalarah H&ollo% the dirt path and youll eventually end up thereJ! =ou should recogni4e the &at dirt path as the one you took as a &reshly &reed slaveE on your %ay to (eldarah! "ith some moneyE it %ould #e a good idea to stop #y Ghalarah and see %hat upgrades you can give :hen on her e;uipment! =oull &ind that most o& the citi4ens are still cruel to%ard youE especially your &ormer masterE Mistress :ona! Eddies still thereE standing in the same spot a&ter all this time! /erhaps he is really scared that Lars %ould come #ack and #e mean to himA Speaking o& LarsE %here is heA 0td #e nice i& %e could use his magical a#ilities Hand try to ignore his rude #ehaviorJ@ A #ook dealer is in Beledines li#rary on the second &loor! ?e is looking &or rare #ooks and %ill purchase them &rom youE giving you a &air price! Beledine mentions that she sold your /riestess :ing to a Funk dealerE %ho %as headed &or (eldarah! 2he pa%n shop has it
/age *+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

&or sale &or ten gold Hmisidenti&ied as a cheap replicaJ! As it turns outE there arent any e;uipment shops in Ghalarah! ?ead #ack to (eldarah and purchase your /riestess :ingE as %ell as see %hat e;uipment you can #uy to upgrade :hens de&ensive$o&&ensive gear! "hen 0 made it #ack to (eldarahE 0 had a#out a hundred gold! >irstE purchase the MreplicaN o& the /riestess :ing &or ten gold! 2hen purchase a /ractice S%ord! 0& you have the moneyE #uy :hen either a Leather ?elmet and Leather Boots as %ell! "hen you try to leave the pa%n shop %ith the /riestess :ingE the /riestess %ill sho% up! 2he /riestess %ill reveal hersel& as 2alia &rom Ahrimans /rophecy! Go through the sceneE noting that 2alia is on her %ay to see the Empress! >ollo% her to the palace Hun&ortunatelyE she can teleport thereE #ut youll have to get there on &ootJ! 0n the Empresss throne roomE youll see 2alia near the Empress! 2alk to #oth the Empress and 2alia! 2he guardsE as al%aysE have nothing to say! =ou go through a scene %ith the Empress and 2aliaE andE laterE an oracle! 2hey give you your save-the-%orld mission that 2alia got in your younger days! 2here is also hints that 2alia is :hens mother! 2he Empress implores you to take along a companion %ith you on your Fourney Hparallel storyline to Ahrimans /rophecyE %ith -evin and 2aliaJ! 1ut o& no%here Lars sho%s up and o&&ers to go %ith :hen! A&ter receiving the Empresss permissionE Lars leaves! 2alk to the Empress againE and shell simply grant you good luck on your ;uest! 2alk to 2alia and shell reveal the names o& all the druids %hom you must gather to Aveyond: -aena the "iseI (ataE >ather 2imeI :ahsnu the -arkI Eithera the StrongI (ouh Manah the BardI Armaiti the GreenI -ameon the Sun /riestI and hersel&E 2alia the -reamer! 2alk to her againE and you can ask her some ;uestions! Shell tell you that Aveyond is on the Corthern 0sleE %here the 2emple o& the Sun is located! /erhaps -ameon can #e &ound in the Sun 2empleE since he is the Sun /riestA 2alia %ill also tell a #it a#out hersel& as the Guardian o& -reams! "hen you try to ask a#out your o%n identityE 2alia #rushes you o&&E saying that it should come &rom your &ather in 3lear%ater! VVAn interesting side note: anyone %ho played Ahrimans /rophecy #e&ore pro#a#ly didnt #ecome a /riestessE and yet 2alia is a /riestess in Aveyond!VV :emem#er to upgrade :hens e;uipment Hat least give her the /ractice S%ordJE then head up to the academy to &ind Lars! :emem#er in the courtyardE the Sorcerers rooms are on the right! 2ry the doorsE the ones that you can open! 0n one o& them youll &ind Lars Htop ro%E third door &rom the le&tJ! As soon as you talk to himE he reminds you o& your old nicknameE /eta! :hen hates itE and Lars loves it Fust as much@ ?es al%ays so cruel@ 0& you #ring up the main menuE you should notice that Lars Foins your party at the same level as :hen! 2his %ill save some time &rom having to train Lars! Lars comes e;uipped only %ith an oaken sta&&! ?e desperately needs some de&ensive gear! 0& you still have moneyE then get him a Leather ?elmet and Leather Shoes! 3ome #ack and &inish e;uipping #oth characters %ith e;uipment %hen you have the money! Also dont &orget that Lars can learn spells #y attending classesE Fust like :henE #ut like :hens
/age *. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

classesE they have a level prere;uisite! 0t might #e %ise to %ait until Lars is level +8 to #e eligi#le &or any skillE or to learn one or t%o &irstE then the others later! A good spell &or no% is Light ?ealing &or your #asic healing spell! Give :hen :ain -ance so you can damage all enemies at once! >or no%E Shock %ill do &or LarsE and Side 2hrust &or :hen! =oull &ind 2alia Fust inside the gate leading out o& the city! 2alk to herE and escort her to Aveyond! Shell remain as a MguestN until you get thereE #ut %ont participate in #attle Hor #e a usa#le mem#erJ! Ce't stop is the #oatmakerE to &ind a means o& getting north to Aveyond! ?ead out o& to%nE and navigate your %ay to the ladder %ith the treasure chest to the south! 0nstead o& going %est Hor southJE head north%est! >ollo% the dirt path! "hen the path turns northE you can see a path leading %est! 0t leads to a dead end %ith a num#er o& "ild 3hickens in the area! 3ontinue along the path! "hen the path turns north%est H#y %hat looks like a lone SpiderE #ut is really one o& &ourJE youll see that you can stray o&& the path and go %est! 0t leads to a dead end %ith t%o Spiders! -e&eat the &our Spiders near the #ridgeE then take &ollo% the #ridge! =oull come across another SpiderE then a &ork in the #ridge! 2he northern one leads to the #oatmaker! 2he southern split leads to a large area %ith nothing in it He'cept a &e% Spiders and a "ild 3hickenJ! =oull &ind yoursel& on the "orld Map &or the &irst time! VVSide note: "hen 0 say M&ield mapNE 0 mean the screen that :hen %as in %hile in the &orestE and M%orld mapN is this oneVV! =ou can %alk around all you like here %ithout &ear o& #attles! 2he #oatmaker is south%est o& here! 2he &erryman Hyoull end up needing to talk to him &or a ride to AveyondJ is to the north! 2o the south is that &orested area that youve #een %arned to stay a%ay &rom! =oull eventually need to e'plore the &orestE #ut the monsters there are pretty toughE so avoid it &or no%! Lets head over to the #oatmakers house! /erhaps %e can see a#out ac;uiring a #oat! 0tll #e more e'pensive than paying the &are &or a &erry rideE #ut youll #e a#le to take it %here you please!

/age ** o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter .: Icy Wasteland :ecommended level: +) 2reasures: 3ommon: 1ak Shield 0mportant: none Monsters: >eral 1'E Sno% "ol& Side Duests: complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord SingerE #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the si' -ruids to AveyondE escort 2alia to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE rescue the miner &rom the mine >ollo% the light-colored path south%est to the sign! 0t says that the Eastern Empire is to the north Hthats %here you came &romJE the #oat dealer is to the eastE and "ild%oods is south! ?ead east to the #oatmakers house! =ou should see t%o naval vessels docked in the port Fust #elo% his house! 2he #oat dealer mentions Ha&ter you ask him a#out purchasing a #oatJ that hes got t%o #oats le&t: a ro%#oatE and a Skudder! ?e says that the ro%#oat %ill get you to most placesE #ut cant enter deep %ater H%hich %ill #e a darker #lueJ %hile the Skudder can! Ce't youll see his outrageous prices: ten thousand &or the ro%#oatE and a hundred thousand &or the Skudder@ At the rate that you can accumulate goldE itll take you years to save up enough &or even the ro%#oat@ :eFect his o&&er H#y saying MCevermindNJE then ask him a#out any ne%s that hes heard lately! =ou cant haggle his prices do%nE un&ortunately! ?e says that hes running his shop #y himsel&E and is getting lonely! ?e %ants a %i&e! /erhaps i& %e can &ind him a suita#le %omanE hell give you a #ig discountA :hen %ill ask him %hat he looks &or in a %i&eE and the merchant %ill descri#e his dream %omanE then says that hell give you a discount on the ro%#oat Hor SkudderJ i& you can &ind him a %i&e! ?ead #ack outside! 0& youll e'amine either #oatE Aveyond %ill say that you must purchase it to use it! 2here isnt anything else hereE so &ollo% the dirt path to%ard "ild%ood! Be care&ulE ho%everE not to go too deep L the monsters here are too di&&icult &or you right no%! 0n the &irst area youll see a %oman looking o&& in the distanceE plus a sign in &ront o& a ladder leading do%n the cli&&! 2alk to the %oman! 2he %omans name is EliniE and she says that shes %aiting &or somethingE then asks i& youre going to "ild%ood >orest! :hen says that she isE and Elini says that youre not ready yet and that shes %illing to help youE #ut not until you get stronger! /erhaps Elini is %hat the #oatmaker is looking &or in a %i&eA -ont head do%n the ladderE #ut instead go north #ack the %orld map! ?ead #ack out to the %orld mapE and &ollo% the path north to the &erryman! 2he &erryman says that the &are is t%enty gold! =ou pro#a#ly %ont have that muchE so head #ack into the &orest and pick up a #it more! 1nce youve got enough &or the &areE pay the &errymanE and ride the &erry to%ard Aveyond! 2he &erryman %ill drop you o&& on a sno%y island! Be sure to saveE #ecause the monsters here are ;uite a #it stronger than the Spiders and "ild 3hickens youve met so &ar@ 2hen take a deep #reakE and %alk inside the sno%y &orest! 2%o ne% enemies hereE the >eral 1' and the Sno% "ol&! Both are ;uite a #it stronger
/age *5 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

than %hat youre used to %ith the Spiders and "ild 3hickensE #ut #oth give much #etter e'perience and gold! :hens Sidethrust and Larss Shock %ork %ell in com#ination! 2he ne't stop is not AveyondE #ut a near#y to%nE 2hornkeep! =ou really should train on these t%o monsters &or a %hileE heading #ack to 2hornkeep to rest and replenish your supplies! =ou should notice the %onder&ul sno% environmentE the sno% e&&ectE plus the in&re;uent shaking o& the screen! ApparentlyE there are continuous earth;uakes that occur here! Either thatE or the gods are at %ar@ 0ts a very nice touchE and makes me &eel as i& 0 %ere in the middle o& the &ro4en %asteland! 2he easiest %ay to descri#e ho% to get to to%n is to &ollo% the hoo& prints north! -ont go inside the cave that youll see aheadE #ut turn %ith the prints! "hen you come to the sign Fust south o& the stairsE e'amine it! 0tll say that 2hornkeep is northE Aveyond is eastE and the Mine is east! 2hornkeep is %here %e %ant to head ne't! "hen you come across some prints in the sno%E &ollo% them L theyll eventually lead to 2hornkeep! 0& youre totally lost Hand its not hardJE kno% this: 2hornkeep is in the north%est corner o& the map! >ollo% the printsE going north and %est %henever possi#leE and you cant miss it@ "hen you step inside o& 2hornkeepE youll notice that it doesnt look any %armer than #eing outside@ A sign ne't to the entrance says M2hornkeepN! Sno%men dot the landscape like sprinkles on ice cream! 2alk to the d%ar& %alking around the %ell! ?e mentions the coldE and says that he likes it! Go north a #it to the house thats directly north o& the %ell! 0nside lives :aina! She says that her hus#and is late &or dinnerE and asks i& youve seen him! Sounds like a side ;uest@ 2ake a look at your Fournal and youll see that theres a ne% entry a#out rescuing a hus#and &rom a mine! Sounds like %ere going to the mine mentioned #y the sign@ But &irstE lets &inish e'ploring this to%n! 2he #ookshel& has #ooks on mountain survival! 2here isnt anything else hereE so head #ack outside! >ollo% the path northE and up the stairs! =oull &ind a small corner o& to%n %ith t%o #uildings and a %oman %andering #et%een them! 2alk to the %oman! She says that the &irst Mule E'press %as #uilt here! Seeing ho% 0 have not applied any MupdateN patch Hthe version o& Aveyond that 0m using to %rite this guide is the &irst pu#lic release oneJE there isnt any Mule E'press stations any%here! BesidesE %e can use runes any%hereE even inside caves@ ?ead north through the #uilding %ith a sign that says M0temN a#ove the door! 0nside are t%o shops: one on the le&tE and one on the right! 2alk to the %oman in the middle! She gives you in&ormation on the Mountain King and the Sno% DueenE and ho% their &ight is causing the earth;uake and the #li44ard! She then suggests that you talk to the Mountain King to &ind out %hats the &ight actually a#out! 2o keep the %alkthrough HrelativelyJ trimE 0 include the %ares o& each merchant o& each to%n in their o%n section! ?ead #ack outsideE and go into the house a #it to the north%est! 2his is a storage shed o& sorts! An unlocked treasure chest has an 1ak Shield in it! By no% youve pro#a#ly got one &or #oth :hen and LarsE and its really not %orth the e&&ort to sell Hunless youre selling it along %ith a #unch o& other itemsJ! 0ts up to you %hether or
/age *6 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

not to take it! ?ead #ack outside %hen youre doneE and go south a #itE then &ollo% the path %est! 0n this ne't area is a d%ar& %andering in &ront o& a house H%ith a &ro4en lake enclosed in a &enceJ! 2alk to the d%ar&E and hell mention that the Sno% Dueen lives in an ice castle to the north! Go inside the house and talk to the green-haired man! ?e thinks that you are #raveE considering the recent change %ith the earth;uakes and #li44ards! :hen asks a#out the danger #eing recentE and the d%ar& says that it all started %hen the Mountain King and the Sno% Dueen #egan to &ight! 1nly more reason to see %hat the argument is a#outE and to get them to stop@ 2here isnt anything else hereE so head #ack outside! Go %estE &ollo%ing the pathE then north! Keep clim#ing the stairsE and &ollo%ing the path! =oull end up at the entrance o& a cave! A sign near#y says M:ock KeepN! ?ead inside to see %hats in there! Cot muchE really! Gust a plat&ormE and a man standing in the middle o& it! 2alk to the manE %ho turns out to #e the Mountain King! ?e %elcomes you to his kingdom! ?is kingdom is not MsouthernersN! :atherE southerners re&ers to the &act that %ere &rom an island south o& this one! Ask him a#out recent MCe%sN and hell mention that his %i&eE the Sno% DueenE says that &airies e'ist! 2he Mountain King doesnt think soE and so the argument #egan! Ask him a#out the MStrange "eatherN and hell say that the #li44ards are &rom the Sno% DueenE her %rath on him! :hen asks him ho% to get her to sopE and he says to get her to accept that &airies dont e'ist! "e kno% thats not trueE so %ell have to sho% the Mountain King a &airy to prove that they -1 e'ist! 3heck your Fournal and yet another entry sho%s up thereE saying to prove the e'istence o& &airies to the Mountain King! Co need to return here until %eve got a &airyE so head #ack out! Go southE all the %ay to the #ottom o& the screen! =oull come to the to%ns innE and the last #uilding in 2hornkeep! Go inside! 2here are t%o rooms here: one on the le&tE and one on the right! A set o& stairs leading to the second &loor is in the room to the right! >irstE go into the room on the le&t and talk to the t%o d%arves! 1ne says that (ahishtaE the goddess o& %isdomE %atches over this landE and that her shrine is near the Sno% Dueens castle! 0snt M(ahishtaN the name o& a druid that %ere supposed to &ind and #ring to AveyondA Sounds like thats pro#a#ly our ne't move a&ter getting to Aveyond H%ell get there L 0 promiseE though not &or a %hile IJ 2he other d%ar& %arns against e'ploring mines #ecause they can collapse! Co% %alk to the other room and talk to the %oman! She %elcomes you to the MStu##orn Mule 0nnN and says that &or *) goldE you can sleep the night! 2he rooms are upstairs! Ask her a#out MMountain KingN and MSno% DueenN and shell give you some in&ormation a#out themE and the argument theyre having! She mentions that the Sno% Dueen moved her castle to an area called the MMistsN a&ter the last argument! ?ead #ack outsideE and &ollo% the path east! =oull end up at the %ellE and #ack to %here %e started! 2hats it &or 2hornkeep@ Cot a #ig to%nE really! Gust a ;uiet miners to%n!
/age *8 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Stock up on 3onvey Balms and train a #it on the monsters near#y #e&ore heading &or the mines! "hen youve gone up a level or t%oE you should #e ready &or %hatever is ne't Hin the mineJ! Ce't stopE the mines@

/age *7 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter /: Are We "here 0et :ecommended level: +. 2reasures: 3ommon: Gnome 1r# 0mportant: none Monsters: 3ro%sE Bees Side Duests: complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord SingerE #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the si' -ruids to AveyondE escort 2alia to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE rescue the minerE take out the harpy Co% that %e dont have much trou#le %ith the >eral 1'es or the Sno% "olvesE you should look &or otherE strongerE monsters to train on! ?eres a &inal checklist o& items to pick up #e&ore continuing on: a map o& the northern isle and a#out +) 3onvey Balms Hor as much as you can a&&ordJ! "hen youre &ully restedE &ully stockedE and ready to goE head #ack to the eastern isle! 2he &erryman %ont charge you to #ring you #ack! Co% head south to the cli&&sE and south do%n the ladder! Be care&ul here L 3ro%s are hereE and they are 219G?! ?ave :hen use :ain -ance on any group o& t%o or moreE and Side 2hrust on single targets! Lars needs to Shock as many as possi#leE putting them to sleep! 2hey take a #eatingE #ut go do%n eventually! =oull get lots o& e'perience Halmost *)) &or a group o& threeJE and a#out *6-5) pennies &or each one! 2his makes it M93? easier to save up &or our ne't round o& upgrades@ /lusE it %ont #e long #e&ore %e go up a couple o& levels@ 2here are several groups in this areaE including a group o& threeE so %atch out! 2heyll deal a#out 6) damageE so try to put them to sleep as ;uickly as possi#le@ -ont go past the &orest at the #ottom L %ere here to trainE not venturing into the &orest! Killing the si' or eight in this area gets you a#out .6) pennies! =oull &ind that these cro%s take a &e% rounds to de&eatE and your mana doesnt last long! Be sure to use 3onvey Balms #et%een &ights@ -ont %aste turns during a #attle restoring mana! 3lean out t%o screens or soE then head #ack to the northern isle! =ou should have gone up a couple o& levelsE hope&ully to +5 or so! More than thatE you should have a#out 6)) pennies to spend@ Co% that %ere up ;uite a &e% more levelsE %hy not head #ack to the Academy and pick up a &e% more skillsA 0d suggest MBoot Slappin MaraN &or :hen and MLightning StrikeN or M3ipherN &or Lars! 2his ne% skill &or :hen hits all enemies &or maFor damageE and then puts any survivors M#erserkN modeE %here they attack themselves and each other@ 3ipher %orks to a#sor# manaE #ut 0 havent gotten more than , mana this %ay! Seeing ho% it costs .) mana to castE its not %orth the e&&ort! 1KE ready &or the minesA ?ead #ack to the northern isleE &ollo% the pa% prints to the signE then kno% that %ell need to go east to get to the mine! Go southE and youll come across a >eral 1' and a Sno% "ol&! Go north and up the stairs! Go north%est &rom the pair o& Sno% "olves! Be sure to save #e&ore heading into the mine@ 1nce insideE youll notice that the screen is constantly shaking! 2his mine is already collapsing@ 2here is very little to do hereE and really no %ay to get lost! A locked treasure chest is a around the corner H&ollo% the tracks northE eastE then southJE #ut %e cant open it! 0nstead go northE &ollo%ing the trackE and through the cave into the ne't room!
/age *, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2his room is emptyE e'cept &or another cave on the right hal& o& the room! Go inside and &urther into the mine! >ollo% the track northE and youll come to a d%ar& %hose stuck #eneath a large rock! 2alk to himE and you &ind out that hes GethroE :ainas hus#and! >ree him and he scurries o&&! >ollo% him out o& the mine Hthere isnt anything else hereJ! 2he moment you step outsideE the entrance collapsesE #locking the %ay #ack in! ?ead #ack to 2hornkeep and talk to Gethros %i&e! She thanks you &or rescuing her hus#and! 2alk to GethroE and he thanks you as %ellE plus gives you a Gnome 1r# as a re%ard! Cice@ :estock on any suppliesE restE and then head #ack outside! 0ts time to head to Aveyond H&inallyJ@ 1nce againE &ollo% the pa% prints to the signE then go southE eastE and north! 3lim# the stairs and once again youTll meet the pair o& Sno% "olves! 2o the north%est is the mine! 0nstead go northeast! =oull come to a ?9GE lake! 3heck your Map o& CorthE and youll &ind the lake on the map! >ollo% the edge o& the lake southE and youll come to a >eral 1' and t%o Sno% "olves! Keep going and youll come across a >eral 1' and 2?:EE Sno% "olves! By no%E a Boot Slappin Mara should de&eat any Sno% "olvesE so the #attles arent tough! Go through the cave to the northE and youll end up on the %orld map! 2o the north%est is a temple L ignore it! 0nsteadE go through the cave to the northeast! =oull end up in a tiny clearing in the mountains Hstill on the %orld mapJ! Go east and into the ne't cave! See ho% green and pretty this area isA Duite a nice contrast to the sno%@ 2his area is >9LL o& BeesE so %atch out! 2hey arent toughE and drop good cash! 0 trained on these guys &or a %hile Huntil 0 %as level +8J since theyre easier to de&eat than 3ro%s and 0 can &ind them in groups o& three or &our! Go eastE southE and southeast! =oull come across a sign! Co mention o& Aveyond on the signE #ut t%o o& the three places are east o& here! Go northeast a #it! 2eacup 2o%n is here Hsee the pe##le pathAJE #ut ignore it &or no%! 0nsteadE keep going northeastE then north! =oull clim# lots o& laddersE #ut keep going north! EventuallyE youll end up at the Sun 2emple in Aveyond Hindicated #y the sun icon #et%een the columnsJ! ?ead inside! 2alk to the old %oman %andering around! Shes the oracleE the same person %e met %hen %e %ere talking %ith the Empress! She then presents you %ith a gi&t: a permanent travel rune! 9se it to return here! 9nlike other runesE this one %ont disappear once you use it! Ask the oracle a#out MDuestN and shell give you a #it more in&ormation on your Msave the %orldN ;uest! Ask her a#out the doors in the #asementE and shell say that they open up as you #ring in the druids Hone door &or each druidJ! Ask her a#out the S%ord o& Shado%sE and shell say that its the %eapon o& choice &or de&eating Ahriman! >inallyE ask her a#out the sun priestE and shell say that he should #e #ack soon! May#e %ell need to &ind him and #ring him hereE rather than %ait &or himA LeaveE and head southE do%n those many ladders! Go south%estE then into 2eacup
/age *B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2o%n Hmarked #y the sign in &ront o& the entranceJ! 2his isnt a small to%n L only &ive #uildingsE and a#out +) citi4ens! 2he people HcatsE reallyJ are called M#iniNE so dont think that most o& them are called MB0C0N! ?ead into the green house and talk to the #ini there! ?e Hor is it a sheAJ says that a #anshee lives north o& here! :ead the #ookshel& &or in&ormation on harvesting honey &rom the #ees Hmight #e use&ul in&ormationE hintE hint IJ LeaveE and head inside the house to the %est! 2alk to the #ini hereE and its a shop@ Gust some #asic items here! =oull %ant to pick up a smoke#om#E #ut %ont use it &or ;uite a %hile! /ick up a &e% o& the traveling runes to make the trip to (eldarah much &aster Huse the Aveyond travel rune to come #ackJ! LeaveE and talk to the #ini %alking a #it to the north! ?e mentions the Sun ShrineE and that its east o& here! ?ead into the house to the north%est! 0nside lives t%o #ini: 2id#it and Morsel! 2id#it mentions that a harpy stole Morsels voiceE so he cant talk! 0& you try to talk to MorselE he %ont #e a#le to say anything! Sounds like a side ;uest@ 2id#it mentions that this harpy lives north%est o& here! 2his harpy is pro#a#ly the #anshee %eve heard a#out! Leave and talk to the #ini standing in &ront o& %hat looks like a &urnace! 2his is Lam# 3hop Hnot the puppetJE %ho says that he got this< thing< &rom a travelling sales s;uirrel and that it makes s%amp oo4e! Something use&ul hereE isnt itA IJ ?ead inside the #lue teacup house! 1n the le&t lives a #ini %ho says that Lam# 3hop is al%ays #uying Funk &rom travelling sales s;uirrels! 1n the right lives the to%ns mayorE %ho %arns you not to step on any o& the citi4ens! ?ead #ack outsideE and talk to the #ini thats %andering around the Moo4e machineN! ?e %onders ho% you dont hit your head on the sky! 0 supposeE &rom their point o& vie%E %ere giants@ Any%ayE thats it &or 2eacup 2o%n@ :estock on suppliesE and lets take out that harpy and get Morsels voice #ack@

/age 5) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !1: Me%ory Caverns :ecommended level: +5 2reasures: 3ommon: "ild Berries '+.E 6.) penniesE Spry AmuletE Leather BootsE Black 1ak Sta&&E MandrakeE 3assia Lea& 0mportant: (oice Bo'E #ees%a'E mirrorE #irdcage Monsters: BeesE Gri&&inE ?arpyE Magic MushroomE 3ave >rogs Side Duests: complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord SingerE #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the si' -ruids to AveyondE escort 2alia to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE take out the harpy >rom the entrance to 2eacup 2o%nE go south%est to the sign Hthe one that mentions the Sun ShrineE 2eacup 2o%nE and Memory 3avernsJ! Go northE keeping the %ater&all to your right! =oull come across a Gri&&in! 2heyre not too toughE and are good sources &or 3ovey Balms! >urther north is the harpy! Be sure to saveE and restore any lost health 7 mana #e&ore taking her on! Shes not toughE and goes do%n easy! 1nce you de&eat herE she tells you to leave her alone! :eturn to 2eacup 2o%n and talk to Morsel! =oull give him his voice #ackE and hell start to sing! 9n&ortunatelyE he doesnt stopE and it starts to annoy 2id#it! May#e it %asnt such a good idea a&ter allA "ellE thats another side ;uest completed@ By no% you should #e at level +8E %hich is high enough to complete your training at the Academy! 9se a (eldarah rune to %arp thereE and pick up the rest o& your skills! 0ve listed the skills in the MSkills 7 A#ilitiesN ta#le! ?eres %hat 0 %anted: a strong skill that attacks a single targetE a strong skill that attacks a %hole partyE and a de&ensive skill Hespecially i& it healsJ! 0 ended up picking these: :hen: Boot Slappin MaraE :ain -anceE >ire&ly BalladE 2rinity >uryE 7 "oodland -ance Lars: Light ?ealingE 3ypherE LightningE 2hunderstormE 7 "ind "hip Be sure to #uy and use the tornado scroll L it teaches Lars M2ornadoN! -ont #uy more than oneE since :hen cant learn it! 2ake a look at your inventoryE and youll notice that :hens schedule and Larss schedule have disappeared! 2%o less items to clutter your inventory@ 9se the Aveyond rune to return to the Sun Shrine! Go southE do%n the laddersE and south%est to the entrance to 2eacup 2o%n! Go south%est some more to that other signE and then south! Go south%est %hen you come to the Gri&&in and t%o Bees Hseparate groupsJ and south again! 3lim# do%n the ladder and you should spy a hal&-hidden treasure #o'! 1pen it &or a nice cache: +. "ild Berries and 6.) pennies! Cice@ 3ontinue going south! Go east %hen you come to the Gri&&inE then go northeast and into the cave! "elcome to Memory 3averns@ >ollo% the path! -ont e'amine the mushroom L these Magic Mushrooms are too tough &or you! By the time youre strong enough to easily take them onE theyre not %orth the trou#le! =ou can %alk right ne't to them and not get into a &ight!
/age 5+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2he path eventually splits: %est and east! Go %est &irstE and into the cave! A dead endE %ith a treasure chest! 1pen it &or a Spry Amulet! 0t mainly provides de&ense against sleepE making the Shock attacks Fust annoying! :eturn to the split and go eastE and into the cave! Back to the great outdoors@ Go southE then east and youll come to a Gri&&in! By no%E you :hen should #e a#le to de&eat a Bee in one shot %ith her %eaponE so dont #other %ith magic unless you come across a group! 0n that caseE its to save time! 2his area is a clearing o& sortsE dotted %ith lakes and the mushroom trees! Go southE &ollo%ing the narro% path through the cli&&s! >ollo% it to the enE then go east %hen you can and into the cave L Memory 3avernsE part .@ Go eastE #eing %ary o& the Magic Mushrooms! At the end o& the pathE youll &ind three doors! Cum#ering them &rom le&t to rightE oneE t%o three! -oor num#er one leads to a small area outside %ith a Gri&&in and a place to dig %ith a shovel! Keep that in mind &or %hen you actually get a shovel! >or no%E ignore it! -oor num#er t%o leads &urther into the cave! Go through door num#er three instead! =oull end up outsideE right ne't to a #eehive thats sitting on the ground! 2ry to e'amine it and youll get stungE as e'pected! Lars suggests using the smoke#om# Hthat you purchased in 2eacup 2o%n L you did #uy oneE didnt youA 0& notE go #ack and #uy oneE then come #ack@J to put the #ees to sleep! 0t %orks@ E'amine the hive againE and youll remove a piece o& %a'! Cot sure %hat use a chunk o& #ees%a' %ill doE #ut heyE you never kno%@ =ou dont pick up another chunk o& #ees%a' i& you e'amine the hive again! 0& you try to come #ack to the hiveE the e&&ect o& the smoke#om# has %orn o&&! Co need &or more than one smoke#om#E then@ ?ead #ack into the caveE and go into door num#er t%o Hthe middle oneJ! >ollo% the pathE #eing %ary o& t%o more 3ave >rogs that you meet along the %ay! ?ead inside the cave at the end o& the path! Go northeast a #itE and the path splits: north%est and east! Go east &irst! >airies@ 2alk Hdont try to capture themJ to any o& the three &lying &airies and theyll completely heal your party Hhealth and manaJ@ >or &ree@ 2alk to the smaller stationary &airyE the &airy princeE and hell say that the rain#o% #ridge Hlocated a #it to the eastE Fust o&& the screenJ can #e opened %ith a dreamers tear! 2alk to the small %omanE 2inyE and shell say that she moved here #ecause o& her si4e Hor lack o& it IJ Co shops hereE un&ortunatelyE #ut heyE &ree healing@ ?ead %estE then north%est into the ne't cave! 1utsideE once again@ 2his area is sort o& like the Msecond &loorN L youll &ind that youre a #it a#ove the areas %eve #een in already! 2here is only t%o places o& interest here: a cave to the north%estE and a treasure chest to the southeast Hdo%n the ladderJ! 1pen the chest &or a pair o& Leather Boots and a Black 1ak Sta&&E then go inside the cave to the north%est! >ollo% the pathE crossing #oth #ridgesE and youll end up at a dead end! >our 3ave >rogs
/age 5. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

guard t%o treasure #o'es! 1ne has a 3assia Lea& in itE the other a Mandrake! Loot the treasureE and thats it &or the Memory 3averns@ By no% you should #e at level +8E may#e +,E and have more than t%o grand saved up! "arp to (eldarah and clean out the pa%n shop! .)) gold &or a dum# hand mirror and .)) &or a rusty old #irdcage is Mhigh%ay ro##eryNE #ut you never kno% %hen these items %ill come in handy@ /lusE %hat good is money i& %e never spend itE and cant #uy anythingA 2he enemies %eve met lately drop a#out .) gold a pieceE so .)) gold isnt that #ig o& a deal! "hile youre hereE 0d suggest picking up a supply o& Marsh 2eaE Fust in case %e get poisonedE a supply o& 3assia LeavesE to raise the deadE and a supply o& (enison &or a means o& healing %ithout mana Hcould #e use&ul %henE sayE %ere una#le to cast magicJ! 1K! "hy not e'plore that &orested area #eneath those cli&&s &rom #e&ore! :emem#er the 3ro%sA Lets go e'plore the &orest and see %hats there@ May#e Elini %ill Foin us Htalk to her on the %ay to &ind outJ!

/age 5* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !!: #hen 2 3ars: Shad*ood Graduates :ecommended level: +8 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: ?arp Monsters: 3ro%E "ere%ol&E ?ind Side Duests: complete the 2rials to #ecome an apprentice S%ord SingerE #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the si' -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridge :emem#er ho% to get to the %orld map &rom hereA "ell need to go to the north%estern corner o& the mapE so head %estE &ollo%ing the dirt path! "hether or not to take out the "ild 3hickens and Spiders is up to you! 0 de&eat them i& 0 cant get a%ay &rom themE #ut 0 dont make an e&&ort to avoid them! At this point in the gameE it takes as much e&&ort to avoid a #attle than it does to &inish it! /lusE the time it takes to start and &inish a #attle is &ar more than it takes to de&eat the monsters here! 0& only there %as a %ay to #ecome invisi#le to monsters< Co% that 0 think a#out itE its a#out time to upgrade our e;uipment! So &arE %eve #een using the same e;uipment since &orever! At the very leastE a %eapon upgrade %ould #e nice! So &arE the only %ay %e can deal more damage H%ithout using a skillJ is to gain a level or t%o! Cot very practical@ Lets #e on the lookout &or any upgrades to our e;uipment! 2hatE and may#e %e can pick up another person &or our party@ ?ere are the ;uick instructions &or getting to the %orld map H&rom (eldarahJ: &ollo% the stone path %est! "hen you get to the ladderE clim# it and go south%est! >ollo% the #ridge south! Go eastE then southeast to the ladder! 3lim# do%n the ladder and &ollo% the dirt path a long %ays to the #ridge! >ollo% the #ridge to the intersection! 2ake the northern splitE and &ollo% the path to the end! Co%E &ollo% the dirt path to the cli&&s! 2alk to EliniE and see i& shell Foin your party this time Hlast time she didntE even though %e couldve handled the 3ro%sJ! A&ter a long dialogueE she Foins our party@ Cot only thatE #ut shell Foin a &e% levels higher@ 9n&ortunatelyE her e;uipment is terri#le! "ell %orry a#out that later! 3ome to think o& itE isnt she looking &or another hus#andA And isnt the #oat dealer looking &or another %i&eA "ellE %hat are you %aiting &or@ Lets play matchmaker and see a#out getting a #ig discount on the #oats@ 2alk to the #oat dealerE and Elini %ill look him overE and reFect him as a hus#and! Something a#out his calves! 1hE %ell! May#e the ne't one to Foin our party %ill also #e looking &or a hus#and@ ?ead #ack to the cli&&sE and clim# do%n the ladder to the ne't area! 3ross the #ridge east and clim# do%n the ladder! 3ross the small #ridge east Hpast the %ater&allJE and cross a second #ridge east! 3lim# do%n the ne't ladder and up a smaller ladder! Go %estE #ehind the %ater&allE and cross the #ridge %est! 2his reminds me o& MKeystone KopsN@ Going across the screenE do%n a ladderE across the other directionE do%n another ladder< =oure pro#a#ly too young to remem#er that classic! Any%ay! 3ross the #ridge %estE clim# do%n the ladderE and cross the #ridge east! "alk east
/age 55 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

#ehind the %ater&allE and clim# do%n the last ladder to the ground! "elcome to "ild%ood >orest@ >irstE the path going east leads to a grave Hcome #ack %ith a shovel to dig it and see %hat you can &indJ and a ca#in! 0nside lives a man %ho %ill only talk to mem#ers o& the MAdventurers 3lu#N! 4or the ur ose o$ this guide5 I *ont 6e 7oining this clu6 E since it involves killing some#ody to Foin Hmore on that laterJ! 0nsteadE go %estE until you come to a dirt path! >ollo% it to the ca#inE "ild%ood 2avernE and step inside! 2alk to the man #ehind the counterE %ho o%ns the tavern! Ask him a#out this MAdventurers 3lu#NE and hell tell you that to Foin you need to stake a vampire and #ring #ack the corpse! 0& you do thatE you #ecome a mem#er! =ou can rest here Hon the #ed upstairsE the stairs #eing a #it to the le&tJ &or 7) gold! Ask him a#out M>ood and drinkNE and hell open his shop &or you! 0ve la#eled it M"ild%ood 2avern 0tem Shop X+N in the listsE at the end o& this guide! Go into the ne't room and talk %ith the people! 1ne person only talks %ith mem#ers o& this Adventurers clu#! 1thers tell you that vampires haunt this areaE and to kill them youll need to use a %ooden stake! Garlic protects you &rom them! 1ne o& the people is a merchantE and %ill sell you items youll need to #ecome a mem#er! 0d suggest picking up a %hip upgrade &or EliniE i& nothing else! ?ead #ack outside %hen youre done! >ollo% the southern path guarded #y the lone %ere%ol& Hthe other path is a dead endJ! >ollo% it to the intersectionE then take the %estern split! >ollo% the path Hal%ays ignoring the gravesJ to the end! =oull come across a ca#in! Step inside and talk to the man! ?e and 2alia start to talkE and you &ind out that hes -evin! 2oo #ad he cant Foin your party@ ?e %as argua#ly the strongest character in Ahrimans /rophecyE especially %ith 2hor Hthe s%ordJ@ Any%ay! A&ter a lengthy talkE he and 2alia leave &or Aveyond Hmost likely to the Sun 2empleJ! =oull notice that the Mescort 2alia to AveyondN entry in your Fournal is goneE even though %e havent e'actly done that! ?ead #ack outsideE go eastE and into the previous area! At the intersectionE go east! >ollo% the path and youll come across several statues along the %ay! 0gnore them! At the end o& the pathE youll come to a cave! Step inside! =ou hear strange musicE and immediately plug your ears %ith the #ees%a' youve #een carrying! 2he #ees%a' disappears &rom your inventory! 2his is the lair o& the hind@ 2alk to the hindE and youll use the mirror Hthat you #ought &rom the pa%n shopJ to re&lect the petri&ying ga4e #ack to herE and turn her into a statue! 0 guess the mirror #reaksE #ecause it disappears &rom your inventory! E'amine her and youll take her harp Hthe only thing that doesnt get petri&iedJ! 2oo #ad %e cant help the men %ho %ere petri&ied@ 0d suggest that %e take this harp right a%ay to the academy and sho% it to ?arald! 9se a (eldarah rune and do so! ?arald %ill then recogni4e :hen as a &ull-&ledged S%ord SingerE and give her a ne% out&it to %ear! 2he harp disappears &rom your inventoryE along %ith the out&it once you use it! Lars is also recogni4ed as a &ull-&ledged SorcererE complete %ith a ne% out&it! 0 like his out&it more than :hensE and usually have Lars as the party leader! 1nce you use Larss out&itE itE tooE disappears &rom your inventory!
/age 56 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Co% that Lars is a sorcererE he can Foin a guild! =ou can Foin the Cecromancer guild right here in (eldarah #y e'amining the sign in his storeE and then challenging him! All three o& you against himA An easy &ightE rightA 0ts not that easyE #ut 0 %on ;uite easily! 0& you dont %ant to Foin the Cecromancer guild Hlike 0 didJE then dont challenge him! 4or the ur ose o$ this guide5 I% HratherE Lars isJ a 8ecro%ancer! 0& you did #ecome a CecromancerE read the spell#ook he gave you to learn MBurnN! By no%E Lars %as level .)E and that %as all he could learn! :ead it %hen you go up a &e% levelsE and see i& you can learn more! 9nlike Ahrimans /rophecyE you dont need to e;uip it as a shield! "hether or not you #ecome a CecromancerE #uy the or# sta&&! 0ts got &ar #etter attack than the Black 1ak Sta&&! /lusE you can put the Gnome 1r# in it &or even #etter attack! 0 didnt have nearly enough cash to pick up the %ater-#ased or# hes got &or sale! 2he necklace is &or some#ody %hos undead! Better come #ack %hen %e recruit an undead person@ 0 had Fust enough cash le&t over to give Elini some #asic e;uipment: Leather ?elmetE Leather BootsE Studded ArmorE and a 1ak Shield! "ellE %ere #roke again! 2ime to head #ack to "ild%ood >orest and take out a &e% 3ro%s 7 "ere%olves to start #uilding our cash again!

/age 58 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !&: 3ands 9nd "e% le :ecommended level: +, 2reasures: 3ommon: Bron4e Sta&& 0mportant: Sleep >lute Monsters: Earth ElementalE :av%yrnE Cangaithya Side Duests: #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the si' -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridge :eturn to "ild%ood >orest H&rom the cli&&sJ and go %estE then south past the "ere%ol&! >ollo% the path to the sign! As you #attle the 3ro%s and "ere%olves youll notice that Lars and Elini have no pro#lem %ith themE #ut :hen cant do much damage@ Shes long overdue a %eapon upgrade@ 2he sign says that Lands End 2emple is southeast o& here! :emem#er that going south leads to the ?inds lairE so go east insteadE then southeast %hen you come to the three 3ro%s! >ollo% the path to the endE and youll #e outside! Go %est a #itE and youll come to the area near Lands End 2emple H&or lack o& a #etter descriptionJ! 2he only things o& interest here are the Bron4e Sta&& H%hich isnt that strongE so you might %ant to simply skip itJE and the temple itsel&! >irstE the sta&&! Go north a #itE and you run into a ne% enemy: :av%yrn! Elini can learn to summon these Hand already kno%s ho%J! 0n larger groupsE #etter use Boot Slappin Mara to get them to go #erserkE and take themselves out! >ortunatelyE these guys sometimes drop Lightning ScrollsE %hich come in handy in this area! At the intersectionE go north%est and &ollo% the path! =oull come to the second ne% enemy here: the Earth Elemental! Shes toughE plus immune to most all magic Hincluding Side 2hrustJ@ ?ope you #rought some Lightning ScrollsE #ecause thats the only relia#le %ay to damage her@ She does succum# to the #erserk e&&ects o& Boot Slappin MaraE ho%ever! Sometimes they drop emeraldsE %hich adds ;uite a #it to your cash reserves H.6) gold a piece to sell themJ! Keep &ollo%ing the path! "hen you come to the #ridgeE dont cross it! 0nsteadE go northE then northeast into the cave! Go inside! A smallE simple cave! >ollo% the path to the end! 1nce outsideE an Earth Elemental and a :av%yrn guard the Bron4e Sta&&E %hich is in the treasure chest! 3lean it out and head #ack into the cave! >ollo% it to the endE then go southeast to the #ridge! 3ross itE then go north%est! 2he temple is a #it &urther east! 0& youre &eeling #raveE you can try to take out the large group o& monsters that hover a #it south o& the temple! 1ther%iseE head inside the temple! =oull see a druidE petri&iedE standing in &ront o& the %ater! 2here isnt anything else hereE so head do%nstairs Hthe stairs is a #it le&t o& the %aterJ!
/age 57 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Be sure to restore lost health and manaE then save #e&ore talking to the man in the middle! ?e has captured the druids soul into an or#! By no%E Lars had learned "eevilE %hich drains health until you die! 3ast that on himE and let the %eevils do their %ork! ?e lost a#out +,6 health every turn! 3om#ined %ith my strongest attacksE he %ent do%n easily! 0& nothing elseE spend all o& your time healingE and let the %eevils eat him alive! Elini learns to summon him a&ter the &ight Hsort o& like the unicorn thing %ith Ahrimans /rophecyJ! /ick up the or# he le&t #ehindE and use it on the druid upstairs! 2he druid comes #ack to li&eE then Foins your party! 2here isnt anything else to do hereE so dont come #ack unless you %ant to train! 9se the Aveyond rune to %arp to Aveyond! As soon as you step insideE the druid leaves your partyE thanking you! ?e says that you can have one o& his treasures do%nstairs! Be&ore claiming your lootE talk to -evin! =oull notice that 2alia isnt here! "onder %here she %entA Ask -evin a#out #eing king o& 2haisE and hell descri#e it a #itE saying that he doesnt &eel %orthy o& the title! Ask him a#out 2aliaE and hell talk a#out his adventures %ith herE and their #attle %ith Ahriman! ?e says that he %as in love %ith her at one pointE #ut once she #ecame a -reamer< Ask him a#out AliciaE %hom he married to #ecome kingE and hell say that he &ell in love %ith her Hyears laterJ and had a daughter! :hen asks %here they are no% HAlicia and -evins daughterJ and -evin says that he thinks that theyre dead! 2alia has hinted that his daughter is still aliveE #ut %ont reveal %here she is! 2he oracle still says the same old things! 2ake the right set o& stairs do%nE and the middle door %ill #e unlocked! "e have a choice o& treasure: .) emeralds or a Sleep >lute! Money isnt an issue anymore H0 had a#out *))) #y no%JE so take the &lute! =ou never kno% %hen itll come in handy@ ?ead #ack to 2eacup 2o%n and restock on supplies! Sell o&& the &e% emeralds you no dou#t collected &rom the Earth ElementalsE and the Bron4e Sta&&! /ick up a good supply o& itemsE enough to last &or ;uite a %hile! 0 picked up +) loaves o& #readE 6) "ild Berries Htheyre a good price hereJE and .6 3ovey Balms! 0 also %arped to (eldarah and #ought the >lood 1r#! 0ts a good upgrade to the Gnome 1r#! "here to ne'tA ?o% a#out visiting that hallo%een place %eve heard a#outA "ithout a #oatE or any %ay to get across the %aterE %e dont have any%here le&t to go@

/age 5, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !(: 8e* Witch*ood :ecommended level: .) 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: ShovelE Stinkrot :oot Monsters: BatE S%amp Slime Side Duests: #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the remaining &ive -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a #oat to escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind Gretchen a Stinkrot :ootE give Gretchens gi&t to ?ildaE &ind the %itches a S%ampmaster .)))E &ind the girl in a cage her red slippers 2his ne't part o& the game %ill close a num#er o& Mloose endsN! :eturn to "ild%ood >orest &rom the cli&&sE go %estE then south along the path guarded #y the "ere%ol&! >ollo% the path to%ard the signE then go northeast and into the cave! "e come to a spooky-looking area@ 2o your le&t a dark &igure is tracking you do%n! 2his is a ne% enemy: the Bat! 0ts a #it tougher than a 3ro%E #ut nothing serious! LarsE %ith his >lood 1r#E takes one out in one shot! >irst go eastE then northE &ollo%ing the dirt path! 3ross the #one #ridge and youll come to a ne% to%n! A sign Fust outside an area o& islands indicates that this is MCe% "itch%oodN! Cice@ May#e %e can &inally upgrade :hens s%ord here@ Go northE talking to the %itch %andering near the entrance! 2his is ?ildaE one o& the &euding %itches! She tells you to go a%ay unless you have a message &rom GavinE %hoE it turns outE shes madly in love %ith! Go eastE and cross the &irst #one #ridge! "alk into the house! 0nside live t%o %itchesE #oth o& %hich o&&er %ares &or sale! 0d suggest that you pick up at least a couple o& "itch%ood :unesE so %e can %arp #ack here %hen %e need toE an a "itcheye :oot! "hen youre doneE leave! 3ross the ne't #one #ridge and talk to the %itch %ondering there! Shell say that the %itches came here &rom a &ara%ay place a&ter their old to%n %as destroyedE and that to make this place per&ectE it Fust needs some s%amp oo4e! -idnt %e run into something that made s%amp oo4e a %hile #ackA ?mm< ?ead inside the house and talk to the %itch here! 2his is GriseldaE %ho is looking &or a hus#and! She think Gavins a #oreE and is looking &or some#ody< out%orldly! :hen mentions that %e ran into a #oat merchant a %hile #ack %hos looking &or a %i&e! Griselda asks i& this man is cuteE and :hen says that hes really not! -elightedE Griselda Foins your party as a guest in hopes o& looking at this man &or hersel&! "e mayve &inally &ound him a %i&e@ 2here isnt anything else hereE so leave! 3ross the #one #ridge southE and talk to the man %andering in &ront o& the house! ?es GavinE and apparently put a love curse on the to%n! 2hats %hy theyre madly in love %ith him@ "ith this con&essionE he laughs! So thats his secret@ ?ead inside the house! 0n the le&t room is a #oy %holl slo%ly &ollo% you! -1C2 talk to
/age 5B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

himE or hell curse you@ 0& he doesE use a "itcheye :oot to remove the curse! 0 think hell curse you even i& you have a 2oad Amulet e;uipped H%hich is supposed to protect against cursesJ! 2his only a&&ects :henE even i& shes not the leader! 2he #oy in the right room %ants you to tell him that hes ugly! Apparently hes proud o& #eing told that hes ugly@ 2alk to the #oy in the upper roomE %ith silver hair! ?es 2heodore! 9nlike his #rothersE hes a MgoodN #oyE much to his mothers e'asperation! AgnesE his motherE %ants to send him o&& to some &ara%ay school &or good %itchesE and o&&ers you a payment i& youll do it! "e cant do that until %eve picked up some kind o& #oatE #ut make note o& this &or &uture re&erence! 2he room upstairs is emptyE so leave! Go northE past Griseldas houseE and cross the #one #ridge! ?ead inside the ne't house! 0nside lives GretchenE an unusually #eauti&ul %itch! 2alk to her and shes upset that ?ilda has McursedN her %ith #eauty! She needs a Stinkrot :oot to return to her &ormer MuglinessN and %ont go outside to &ind one #ecause shes em#arrassed at her looks! LeaveE and return to the sign outside o& to%n! 2hen go northE and talk to the %itch standing there! She looks upset! :hen asks her %hats %rongE and she says that this s%amp needs s%amp oo4eE and i& only they had a S%ampmaster .))) to make it! "ith itE this %ould #e Ma real s%ampN! "ait a minute! -idnt %e &ind a Sludgemaster .))) in 2eacup 2o%nA 1ne o& those #ini #ought one &rom a traveling sales s;uirrel! So many ne% side ;uests@ Ask her a#out the red slippersE and shell mention that she stole them &rom some Mt%itN %ho Fust sho%ed up! 2heyre magicalE and can teleport her to any%here shes #eenE the only reason she %ears the MgaudyN things! Go north and cross the #one #ridge! A %itch is %ondering there! 2alk to her and she says that shes lost her shovel! "ithout itE she cant dig up graves! :emem#er the kind o& stu&& you got &rom digging up graves in Ahrimans /rophecyA "alk to the north%estern corner o& the islandE and youll see an out-o&-place house! 0t looks like a ginger#read houseE %ith the trail leading up to it made &rom gumdrops! 2hat reminds me o& a story< Something that involved ?ansel and GretelE 0 think< Any%ayE thats it &or Ce% "itch%ood! Leave to%nE and &ollo% the path near the entrance o& this areaE then go %est! Go northE through the narro% path #et%een the trees to the le&t and the cli&& on the right! Along the %ay youll come across the second ne% enemy here: the S%amp Slime! Be%are o& it cursing you@ LarsE %ith his >lood 1r#E takes one out in one shot! :henE on the other handE does 6) damage on a critical shot! >ollo% the path north until you come to a narro% path leading east! 2ake that pathE and clim# the stairs! 3ircle around the clump o& trees to the rightE and youll come to three graves! A #it to the east is a treasure chest! 1pen it &or the Stinkrot :oot! Cice@ Co% go %estE and cross the t%o #one #ridges you sa% earlier! >ollo% the path a long %aysE and youll come to a set o& stairs going do%n! 3lim# do%nE and &ollo% the path
/age 6) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

H%hich turns &rom #one #ridges to gumdropsJ to the ginger#read house! 2he %itch o&&ers pets and children &or sale! 2alk to the girl and shell say that she %as kidnapped a&ter coming here a&ter using her slippers! She needs her red slippers #e&ore the %itch decides to #ake her@ 9se the Aveyond rune H%hich temporally gets rid o& the Bees that normally hover in this areaJ and go to 2eacup 2o%n! 2alk to Lam# 3hopE the one %ho #ought the S%ampmaster .)))! ?ell give it to you &or saving Morsels voice! ?e then mentions that he #ought some kind o& or# #ut couldnt &igure out ho% to use it! ?e #uried itE and made a treasure map that sho%s its location! =ou can #uy the map &or a mere .6)) gold! -ont do it yetE since the >lood 1r# that %ere using so &ar is strong enough &or the moment! 9se the "itch%ood rune to %arp to Ce% "itch%oodE and give the %itch the Sludgemaster .))) in return &or the slippers! She doesnt %ant to get rid o& the slippersE #ut %ants the Sludgemaster .))) more! Co% give Gretchen the Stinkrot :ootE and shell immediately turn #ack into her &ormer %itchy sel&! 2alk to her again and shell give you a Mthank youN gi&t &or ?ilda! Give it to ?ildaE and say that its &rom Gavin! 0ts a curse that turns ?ilda into a mouse@ 2alk to Gretchen againE and shell thank youE then give you a shovel! "ith thisE %e can &inally dig up the graves that %eve #een ignoring so &ar@ :eturn to the ginger#read houseE and give the girl the red slippers! She teleports a%ayE escaping her M#akedN &ate! "ellE its time to go #ack to the #eginning and dig up all the spots that %e couldnt get to #e&ore@ 9se a Gheledera rune and lets get started@

/age 6+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !): 3oose 9nds 2 More Side :uests :ecommended Level: .+ 2reasures: 3ommon: 8) gold penniesE Black 1ak ShieldE Au;ui&oliumE +6) goldE emeraldE 86* goldE Beast :epellent 0mportant: Book on Arcane MagicE Elephant Garlic Monsters: SpidersE "ild 3hickensE :atsE 3ave SnakesE 3ro%sE "ere%olvesE BatsE S%amp Slimes Side Duests: #ring the #ook dealer a #ook on magicE #ring the remaining &ive -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a #oat to escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind %hat happened to LevusE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingale 2here is only one Mshovel spotN here! >ollo% the dirt path to the #ridgeE cross itE and keep &ollo%ing the dirt path a long %ays east! "hen you come to a ladderE dont clim# it! 0nsteadE go southeastE and dig up the dirt pile &or a Book on Arcane Magic! Bring it to the #ook dealer and sell it to him &or an easy .)) gold! Co% use the (eldarah rune and check up on the t%o lovers: Levus and Alora! 2heyre not in their usual spot #y the lake! ?ead inside 2i#eriuss houseE and youll &ind Alora standing #y a #ookcase! 2alk to 2i#eriusE and ask him a#out the %edding! ?e mentions that he had cursed LevusE turning him into a #oarE leaving him &ree to marry Alora! ?e then %ants you to &ind him a #oarE killedE to serve at the %edding! ?e then mentions that a %ild #oar has #een seen to the %estE past the caves! 2alk to AloraE and youll &ind out that she still loves LevusE #ut since she doesnt kno% %here he %entE #elieves that he simply ran a%ay! ?e accepted 2i#eriuss o&&er o& marriage #ecause he takes good care o& herE #ut doesnt love him! Sounds like a side ;uest@ As you can see &rom the list o& side ;uestsE %e do one and &our more sho% up@ 2alk to the man %alking in &ront o& the EmpressE and he mentions that the Empress is recently having trou#le sleepingE and that a nightingale could help! May#e %e can use that #irdcage %e got &rom the pa%nshopA Leave to%nE and &ollo% the stone path %est! 3lim# the ladderE and head inside the cave! Make your %ay to the endE then its #ack outside@ Look a #it southE and youll &ind a %ild #oar! Lars %ants to kill it &or the small amount o& money promised #y 2i#eriusE #ut :hen stops him! 2he #oar pleads &or his li&eE surprising #oth :hen and Lars HElini apparently doesnt pay attention to any o& thisJ! -ont kill the #oarE #ut ask him ho% %e can help! 2he #oar reveals himsel& to #e Levus under a curseE and that you need to seek out a %i4ard that can #reak a %ild #oar curse! ?ead %estE do%n the ladderE and into the cave! Go south%est and do%n the ladderE then northeast and into the cave! =ouve arrived at a very small to%nE EFindra! A chest to the south has 8) gold pennies in it! >eel &ree to e'plore the to%n Hit %ont take longJE #ut there isnt anything here! Both citi4ens %alking around are ghostsE cursed long ago! 2he girl ghost mentions that the
/age 6. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

ans%er to #reaking the curse may lie inside the mayors house! 9n&ortunatelyE its lockedE and no#ody kno%s %here the key is@ ?ead #ack outsideE and make your %ay to the %orld map! 0ts time to check up on the #oat dealer! As soon as you step inside his shopE the %itch that is accompanying you checks him outE then accepts him as a hus#and! 2he #oat dealer is delightedE and o&&ers you a su#stantial discount on the #oats L 6))) gold &or the ro%#oatE and +)E))) gold &or the skudder! 0ts dou#t&ul youve got &ive grand to drop on a ro%#oatE #ut dont %orry L theres plenty to do #e&ore %e need to #uy the ro%#oat@ Make your %ay to "ild%ood >orestE andE at the entranceE go %est! 3ross the #ridgeE and take the northern split! -ig up the grave &or a Black 1ak Shield! Go %estE and south along the path guarded #y the %ere%ol&! >ollo% the path to the sign! 2he near#y grave doesnt have anything in itE nor does the grave near -evins ca#in! 0nsteadE go eastE then south! Go southE past the t%o %ere%olvesE and dig up the grave &or an Au;ui&olium! 2hats it &or this area@ 3ontinue going east and make your %ay to Lands End! 0n here is only one dirt pileE the very last thing to do here! A&ter %e dig it upE you shouldnt ever have to come #ack here! >rom the entranceE take the %estern splitE &ollo% the path to the %ater! Go east a #it and youll come to the dirt pile! -ig it up &or a 3assia Lea&! 9se a "itch%ood rune to %arp to Ce% "itch%ood! 2he only grave in to%n is #y Griseldas house! -ig it up &or +6) gold! Leave to%nE and return to the sign #y the entrance to ?alo%een ?ills! Go %estE and then %est at the split Hinto the &orestJ! Go northeast at the split and dig the grave &or an Elephant Garlic! Go %est and into the cave to &ind yoursel& #ack in "ild%ood >orest! Loot the treasure chest &or 86* gold and a Beast :epellent! 0 simply sold the repellentE since it doesnt last longE and 0 havent &ound any%here to #uy more! 0 like the piles o& cashE though@ Go eastE then southeast! At the splitE go northE along the narro% path! At the end is a set o& stairs! 3lim# do%n the stairsE and go north! Go east %hen you come to a narro% path into the trees! 3lim# the stairsE and circle around the clump o& trees to the right! -ig one o& the graves there &or an emerald! /he%@ Co%E make sure that youve got a garlic necklaceE #ecause %ere a#out to enter GhedahreE the city o& vampires! 0& you talk to a vampire %ithout a garlic necklace Hthe Elephant Garlic doesnt protect youJ your party dies instantlyE and its game over@ ?o%everE you can %ander around and not talk to any#ody H#ut %hat good is thatAJ! 3ircle #ack around the treesE clim# do%n the stairsE and go %est! Go north a long %aysE and into the cave! 2here it is L Ghedahre@ May#e %e can finally upgrade :hens s%ord hereA

/age 6* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !+: Ghedahre :ecommended Level: .. 2reasures: 3ommon: 3hain Mail 0mportant: :ahsnus soul Monsters: BatsE (ampiresE VVVYarucg Side Duests: #ring the remaining &ive -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a #oat to escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingale VV Cote: there %as one treasure chest in the -ark 2emple that 0 couldnt &igure out ho% to get to! "hen 0 doE 0ll add the appropriate in&ormationE and remove this notice! 0 have deli#erately skipped all re&erences to it in the %alkthrough! Cormally 0 like to completely clean out a dungeon<VV 2alk to the man %andering near the sign! ?e says that you smell MtastyNE then opens up a shop! ?is shop sells a &e% runesE plus a #lood amulet! Cothing really use&ul! /ick up a &e% Ghedahre runesE to make any &uture trips #ack here much easier! 2alk to the %oman! She suggests that you take o&& your garlic necklace Hlike thats gonna happen@J! 2he graves to the north%est are all empty! ?ead inside the #uilding Fust east o& the gravesE %ith a cross a#ove the door! 2his is the cathedral! 2he vampires here mention that there is rumored to #e an underground passage #eneath here! ?ead into the door on the right! =oull &ind a &ro4en druidE and a sign H#ehind himJ that mentions that this is the -ark 2emple! "ell have to &ind his soul and return him #ack to normal@ 2here isnt anything else hereE so leave! Go into the small house to the right! 0ts emptyE e'cept &or a ghost &loating a#out! =ou cant talk to any o& the ghosts! 0 like the decorations in the houses in this to%n@ 0ts like something out o& M3orpse BrideN@ Any%ayE head #ack outsideE and &ollo% the dirt path! 0t splits into several paths! 2ake the one leading eastE and talk to the %oman %andering near the #one #ridge! She says that its Msocial suicideN not to have a ghost haunting your house! "hy %ould anyone actually want to have a ghost haunting their houseA May#e vampires to@ Go northE across the #ridgeE and into the house! 0nside lives a %omanE %ho %hines a#out not having a ghost haunt her house! She also mentions that Ma#el has three ghostsE more than anyone in to%n@ Even %orseE Ma#el re&uses to share her haunting ghosts@ 2he nerve@ 2he path north leads to her dining room! 0 %onder %hy shes got so many chairsE i& there arent even that many people in this entire to%nA May#e she has people come visit &rom out o& to%nA 2he path south leads to her #edroom! 2he #ookshel& there has Mho%-toN #ooks on luring ghosts! ?ead inside the door Ha #it north o& her #edroomJ!
/age 65 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2heres a ghost in here@ So she has a ghost haunting her house a&ter all@ 0& only she kne%< 2his room is empty Ho& anything o& interest to usE any%ayJE so head #ack outside! >ollo% the dirt path north and into the house! Gudging #y the large si4eE 0d guess that this is Ma#els house! 2alk to the %oman in the center room! MMa#elN doesnt sho% up as her nameE #ut she does #rag a#out having more haunting ghosts than anyone else in Ghedahre! 2he door on the le&t leads to her #edroom! Cothing interesting there! 0nsteadE go inside the door on the right! 0t leads to her li#rary! 1ne #ook mentions that a tune &rom an organ can reveal Mdark placesN #ut to #elieve that Mhog%ashN is Fust plain silly! 2here isnt anything else hereE so leave! >ollo% the dirt path southE then east a #itE and into the small house in &ront o& the %ater&all! 2eFil lives hereE #ut doesnt say much! Shes got a ghost haunting her house! ?eyE isnt she one o& the playa#le charactersA May#e %ell come #ack to her laterE and see i& shell say anything@ ?ead #ack outsideE and &ollo% the path to the end! =oull come to t%o vampires &acing each other! 2alk to the green-haired one! ?e says that i& you ever come across a clove o& elephant garlicE to give it to him! :hen sho%s him the clove %e &ound a %hile #ackE and he takes itE and licks it! A vampire %illingly licking garlicA@ ?e then gives the clove to his &riend! Cot to #e outdoneE his &riend takes a #ig #ite o& the garlicE then dies! 2he green-haired #oy laughs! :hen shakes her headE saying that shell never understand vampire humor! 2alk to him againE and hell simply say MpeaceE humans@N! 0ts almost like he %anted to get rid o& his &riend< Either thatE or hes got a really %eird sense o& humor! "ellE thats it &or Ghedahre@ ?ead #ack to the cathedralE and lets see a#out testing that MrumorN! E'amine the organE and :hen %ill play a tune! "hen shes doneE a secret passage opens up! So the rumors %ere trueE a&ter all@ ?ead inside the ne%ly-opened doorE and into the -ark 2emple! :ight a%ay youll get attacked #y a Bat! 2here isnt much to this place! -ont #other to e'amine any o& the co&&insE since Hunlike Ahrimans /rophecyJ they dont have anything in them! 0ll mention an e'ception later! Go %estE and into the door! =oull #e in a tiny room %ith a treasure chest! 1pen it &or a suit o& chain mail! Cice@ Go southE then a #it east! =oull come to a door! ?ead inside and into the ne't area! 2his is the Mco&&in roomN! E'amine the co&&in that isnt part o& a pair! 0t reveals as secret ladder@ 3lim# do%n it and into the ne't area! >ollo% the path to the end Hthere are some circles and dead endsJE and youll come across a (ampire and t%o Bats! 2ake them outE then go through the door into the &inal room! =oull get am#ushed #y a group o& monsters! Be sure to restore any lost health and
/age 66 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

manaE saveE then talk to the #ig ugly thing in the middle! A #oss &ight@ 3ast M-ecomposeN to drain his health every turn! ?ell eventually die i& you leave him alone! -ont use dark-#ased attacksE since hes undead! ?it him %ith everything youve gotE and he goes do%n ;uickly! At the end o& the &ightE Elini learns to summon him in #attle! /ick up the druids soulE and use it on the druid to #ring him to li&e! ?e Foins your party Has a guestJ! 9se an Aveyond rune to %arp to the Sun 2emple! 2he druid immediately leavesE saying that you can have one o& his treasures do%nstairs! =oull notice that -ameon is hereE the same guy %e sa% in the very #eginning! 2alk to himE and he mentions that hes 2alias son! ?e also mentions that 2alia killed his &ather &or Mthe sake o& the %orldN and hell never &orgive her! Ask him &or helpE and hell Foin your party! ?is healing spells can come in handy@ /lus his a#ility to remove poisonE cursesE and other status ailments reduces your need to carry these items in your inventory! Make a short trip to 2eacup 2o%n and sell your e'cess inventory! =ou should have 6))) goldE enough to #uy a ro%#oat! Go to the #oat dealerE and #uy it! 0d suggest &ist sailing to the %estern isle Hthe southern isle is #locked #y deep %ater that only the skudder can goJ! =ou can land at any dock! But &irstE %e need to upgrade -ameons e;uipment!

/age 68 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !,: Ice Caverns :ecommended Level: .5 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: none Monsters: 0ce SlimesE Silven Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a #oat to escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingale :emem#er Lands EndA 2he monsters there drop the most goldE a#out +.6 pieces per monster! 2heres a dock Fust south o& itE making it easy to get inE clean out a &e% monstersE and leave! Make your %ay to the Lands End 2emple! 2here is a group o& &our enemies thereE giving you a#out 56) gold each time you clean them out! ?ead inside the templeE and #ack out to MresetN themE allo%ing you to kill them again! 0 did this a#out si' timesE giving me plenty o& cash! Co%E head &or 2hornkeep! Sell your emeralds Hand the &e% (enisonE i& you took out the >eral 1' on the %ayJE and #uy -ameon a Leather ?elmet and Studded Armor! 0d also suggest picking up &our 0ce Amulets L the enemies in the 0ce 3averns all have ice-#ased attacksE and these %ill reduce the damage #y a#out hal&! Co% ride the ro%#oat to the dock thats a #it east o& the one that the &erryman #rought you! By the %ayE the &erryman greets you %ith a &riendly Mallo travelersN i& you talk to him! ?ead inside the temple to the north%est! A sign Fust inside the entrance says that everything is north: the Sno% 3astleE the Moon 2empleE the 0ce 3averns! "ait! Moon 2empleA Sounds like therell #e another druid &ro4en in there@ May#e %e can clean out %hichever demon has their soul in the temples #asementE and claim another treasure@ Any%ayE &ollo% the path to the end! =oull soon see the Sno% 3astleE home o& the Sno% Dueen! 2he path directly north leads to a dead end! 2he rest o& this castle is a #it linearE and hard to get lost! 2here arent any monsters hereE so dont %orry a#out that! 2ake the path %estE and &ollo% it to the hall%ay that splits o&& into several paths! 2ake the &irst northern pathE and &ollo% it! =oull come to a room %ith a cave leading &urther into the castle! ?ead inside! 2he environment changes H#ut not the musicJ! 2his is the 0ce 3avernsE and monsters roam these &rosty roomsE so %atch out@ A #it to the north are t%o doors: an open one Ha caveE reallyJE and a locked #lue one! 2he game mentions that the keyhole is tiny! May#e %e can &ind an e;ually tiny key to &it inside and unlock itA
/age 67 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

?ead inside the cave and into the ne't room! 2here is only one %ay to goE and that %ay is #locked #y t%o 0ce Slimes! 2heyre toughE and their ice-#ased attacks deal heavy damage! Set up a "ater Shield as soon as the #attle startE and use Boot Slappin Mara to try and get them to go #erserk! 2hey can deal more than +))) damage to themselvesE so imagine %hat they could do to you Hi& they hit youE rather than use magicJ@ AlsoE -ecompose and "eevils %orks &or a MpoisonN e&&ect L it %ill eventually kill them! All other attacks had very little e&&ectE i& any! >ortunatelyE they al%ays did their M>ro4en SlimeN attackE %hich %asnt that strong %ith the com#ined e&&ects o& the 0ce Amulet and the "ater Shield Ha#out 6) damageJ! >ollo% the path into the ne't room! 2here are three ugly penguin monsters here L try to avoid them i& you can! 2hey move slo%lyE so it shouldnt #e that hard! 0& you get dra%n into a &ightE use the same techni;ues 0 descri#ed %ith the 0ce Slimes! 2heir M0ce KissN attack targeted everyoneE plus put them to sleep! 2hey could then do it over and overE and youre gone@ 2his room Hother than the nasty monstersJ is emptyE #ut &or a #ridge to the north! >ollo% itE and youll end up at the Moon 2emple! 2he usual &ro4en druid is there! 2he game doesnt reveal %ho the druid isE so %ell have to come #ack %hen %eve picked up a druids soulE and see i& it #elongs to this person! 2here isnt a #asement hereE so their soul is some%here else! 2here isnt anything else hereE so leave! =ou pro#a#ly %ont #e a#le to make it past the Silven Hseeing ho% the #ridge limits your mo#ilityJ! Be sure to save #et%een &ights in case something goes terri#ly %rong! Go south &or a &e% roomsE and keep &ollo%ing the path to the original hall%ay! Go east a #itE and then north! =oull come to an ela#orate throneroomE marked #y sno%&lakes! Co dou#t this is the Sno% Dueen! 2alk to herE and it is indeed the Sno% Dueen! She seems impatientE and demands that you tell her %hat your #usiness isE and ;uickly! Ask her a#out the strange %eatherE and she con&irms %hat %e already kno%: that shes sending over #li44ards to punish her hus#andE the Mountain KingE over their argument over the e'istence o& &airies! She says shell return to his side i& he admits that hes %rong! Ask her a#out the Mountain KingE and shell descri#e himE and ho% stu##orn he is! "hen youre &inishedE leaveE going southE #ack to the hall%ay! Keep going eastE and the path leads to a room %ith a door! Go inside the doorE and the path leads to a split: northE and south! Both lead to a locked treasure chestE #oth no dou#t containing something nice! 2hats it &or this area@ "eve visited the Moon 2empleE this is the Sno% 3astleE and the Sno% 3aves %as #et%een the castle and the temple! "ellE %hat no%A 0 see t%o more things to do #e&ore heading &or the "estern 0sle! 1neE pick up 2heodore in Ce% "itch%oodE and escort him to that school! 2%oE talk to 2eiFalE and sho% her the #ottle o& sun#lock! May#e shell Foin our party %ith it protecting her &rom the e&&ects o& the sunA
/age 6, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

A ;uick note on the runes &rom here on out: since all to%ns dont have runes Hlike 2hornkeepJE its possi#le to get stuck i& you use a rune to go some%hereE instead o& a shipE and cant get #ack! 0& at all possi#leE park your ship at an easily accessi#le dockE then use your runes! 0d suggest the northern 0sles Huse the Aveyond runeE then make your %ay through the near#y #ee countryE then the sno%J! 9se a "itch%ood rune to %arp to Ce% "itch%ood! 2alk to 2heodoreE and his motherE and 2heodore %ill Foin your party as a guest only a&ter :hen promises him that he %ont get eaten as a result o& going to this school! ?is mother says that the re%ard %ill come a&ter you deliver 2heodore to the school Hand come #ackJ! Be sure to restock on any runes that youre running lo% on! 0 keep &our o& every rune! Co% use a Ghedahre rune to %arp thereE and talk to 2eiFal! Shes impressed that you destroyed the demon in the #asement o& the cathedral! She then mentions that she %ishes to see the sur&aceE #ut her %eakness &or the sun makes it impossi#le! :hen sho%s her a #ottle o& sun#lockE and 2eiFal o&&ers to Foin your party! Accept her o&&erE a&ter making her promise not to #ite any o& us! Co% %ith &ive peopleE %e can &orm a party o& &our! 0 replaced Elini %ith 2eiFalE #ecause Elini is good as long as she has mana! 1nce she runs dryE her %hip attacks arent strong enough to Fusti&y her as an active part in my party! 2eiFal doesnt have any skills Hother than to #iteE %hich drains healthJE #ut youll &ind that shes got a%esome strengthE and %ill sometimes #e the only one %ho can damage overly-strong monsters! Make your %ay to the ro%#oatE and ro% it to the eastern isle! 2he isle itsel& only has one dockE so you %ont have any choice as to %here to get o&&! Be sure to save #e&ore going very &ar@

/age 6B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !-: 9astern Isle5 #evisited :ecommended Level: .7 2reasures: 3ommon: none 0mportant: none Monsters: /rairie SnakeE 3ursed Stone Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs cornE destroy the locusts >ollo% the path north%est a #itE and youll come to a sign! :ed it and it says the ?ighlands are to the northeastE the /eninsula is to the north%estE and the Lo%lands are to the south! Go southE &ollo%ing the path #et%een the rocky cli&&s! =oull come to a prairie-like areaE the Lo%lands! :ight a%ayE youll see a #lue snakeE %hich #egins to chase you! >ollo% the path and youll come to a small set o& stairs! 3lim# do%nE and a group o& &our monsters %ill trap you! 2he /rairie Snake %ill most likely catch youE dra%ing you into a #attle %ith the %hole group! "hen you take them outE read the sign! Brum%ich is to the %estE that school %e need to #ring 2heodore to is to the southE and something called M1ld%oodsN is east! Lets take a detour to Brum%ich #e&ore #ringing 2heodore to that school! :hen has #een MpracticingN on her s%ord &or a very long timeE and shes long overdue &or an upgrade@ >ollo% the path %estE across the #ridgeE and into Brum%ich! 2his to%n isnt very #igE so this %ont take long! =oull notice that its a rather small &arm to%nE and their %hole li&e revolves around harvesting corn! Go southE past the initial &ieldE and south againE do%n the stairs! 2he sign #y the stairs says MBrum%ichN! Go south yet some moreE and talk to the %oman near the house %ith a sign in &ront! Shes e'cited at seeing youE an MoutsiderNE and says that she doesnt see many outsiders! :ead the sign #y the houseE and it says M?er#ertsons MarketplaceN! A shop@ ?ead insideE and talk to ?er#ertson! A %eapon and armor shop@ Better yetE a ne% s%ord &or :hen@ "hoo hoo@ Lars cannot %ear the 0ron ?elmetE #ut everyone else can! Get everyone a Studded ShieldE tooE and /late Armor! A &e% Serpent Amulets %ould #e niceE to protect against poisonE pro#a#ly the most common status ailment in this game! 2ry not to sell your other amuletsE since you never kno% %hen theyll come in handy@ 2he #ookshel& in his house mentions the MFoys o& cornN! "hen youre done #lo%ing your moneyE head #ack outside! 0 ended up spending a#out 6))) goldE and got some o& that #ack #y selling the si' or eight emeralds 0 had le&t &rom the #it o& training at Lands End! >ollo% the dirt path around the houseE and to the set o& stairs! 3lim# the stairs and head
/age 8) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

inside the house! 0nside lives Good%i&e LennaE %ho mentions that some#ody is stealing the to%ns corn! Sounds like a side ;uest@ Leave her houseE and go east a #it! 1pen the gateE and youll &ind the &ield o& corn #eing eaten #y a s%arm Hactually a#out si' or soJ locusts! =ou cant take them outE yet! :hen Fust displays her disgust &or #ugs H%ith an ME%@NJ! ?ead #ack to the house! 2he #ridge leads to a couple o& &ields o& cropsE #ut nothing else! 3lim# do%n the stairsE and go %estE #eneath the #ridge! 2alk to the girlE and shell ask i& you are real li&e adventurers! 0 guess its something like %hat Bil#o Baggins e'perienced %hen Gandal& knocked on his door L the adventure sort o&< happened! Any%ayE keep going %estE and talk to the %oman! She mentions that times have #een toughE %ith the #ad harvestE the locustsE and the corn thieves! Sounds like theyve got plenty o& pro#lems@ ?ead %estE &ollo%ing the path! 2alk to the man in &ront o& the houseE Gaco#! ?e mentions that the Sandstone 3aves are rumored to #e &ull o& treasure! May#e thats %here these corn thieves are hiding outA ?ead inside the houseE the to%ns 0nn! >or .)) gold you can sleep! 2he #ookshel& mentions that the Sandstone 3aves have secrets %ithin them! LeaveE open the gateE and cross the #ridge north! 2alk to 3li&&ordE %ho mentions that this has #een a #ad year! ?ead inside the house! 2he #ookshel& mentions M+)+ "ays to Eat 3ornN! 2alk to "il#urE %ho mentions that those locusts are eating his crops! May#e %e can no% take them outE since %e kno% %hos crop those locusts are eatingA ?ead #ack outside! >ollo% the dirt path to the gate! 1pen it and head inside the house! 2alk to the man thereE and its a shop@ ?e sells a variety o& items! Be sure to pick up a &e% Brum%ich runes! AlsoE the 3heese is a good #uyE and you can restore lots o& health %ithout mana %ith them! 2hats it &or Brum%ich@ Co%E lets go take care o& those locusts@ E;uip everyone %ith Serpent AmuletsE and e'amine one! 2his is pro#a#ly the only time in the game %here you #attle more than &our monsters at once L si' locusts! 9se attacks that target all o& the locustsE and they go do%n eventually! 2heyre toughE so dont underestimate them@ "hen they dieE their #odies disappear! Co looting them@ "ellE the locust pro#lem is solved! 2alk to "il#urE and tell him the good ne%s! ?e thanks you! Be sure to rest at the innE and make a &inal check on your e;uipment and supplies #e&ore leaving!

/age 8+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !.: Gentle Childrens School :ecommended Level: .7 2reasures: 3ommon: +.) goldE Star 1r#E 2reasure MapE Mug%ort 0mportant: 3reepy /icture Monsters: /rairie SnakeE 3ursed Stone Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE escort 2heodore to the school &or good %itchesE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs corn >rom the entrance to Brum%ichE &ollo% the dirt path eastE past the #ridgeE to the sign! Co% &ollo% the dirt path southeast! "hen the path splitsE go southE and &ollo% the dirt path to the small set o& stairs! 3lim# the stairsE and &ollo% the path to the gate! 1pen the gateE and read the sign Fust inside L Gentle 3hildrens School! "ere here@ >ollo% the path to the schools courtyardE and head inside! 2alk to the schoolmasterE and 2heodore %ill leaveE and %aitE patientlyE to the side! :hen introduces 2heodoreE and asks that he #e admitted to the school! 2he schoolmaster looks 2heodore overE and Fudges him to #e a McommonerN and says that the school doesnt admit those %ho arent no#le#orn! 2he schoolmaster asks %here 2heodore is &romE and %hen :hen says MCe% "itch%oodNE the schoolmaster immediately admits 2heodore! ?e commands 2heodore to go upstairsE and talk to Erlin to #egin his classes! 2heodore runs like the %indE and is gone %ithin seconds! :henE con&usedE asks a#out it! 2he schoolmaster mentions something vagueE saying that Ce% "itch%ood pays him lots o& money to admit students &rom thereE and hes not a#out to ask ;uestions! 2hey have a MlucrativeN account %ith them! 2alk to the schoolmaster againE and hell assure :hen that hell take good care o& 2heodore! 2he school itsel& is very small: Fust a room to the north%estE one to the south%estE and a small second &loor! 2he #oy in the north%est room says that youre a commoner! Most o& the children here are sno##ish #ratsE and o&&er very little o& anything o& value to say! 2he green-haired teacher #elo% %alks #ack and &orth! 2alk to her and she asks you i& you have any children here taking classes! 2he three children in the classroom all have nothing to say! 2hey only #rag a#out ho% they come &rom rich merchant &amilies! ?ead upstairs and talk to the maid! She says that most o& the children here come &rom Sedona! 2he #ookshel& contains issues o& M/roper 3hildren "eeklyN! o!1 2alk to the girl and shell demand to #e &ed! 2he che& near#y is tired o& %orking here %ith the #ratsE #ut says that he makes good money! 2alk to 2heodoreE and hell sho% :hen a picture he Fust dre%! 0ts a%&ulE #ut :hen lies
/age 8. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

and says that its good! 2heodore gives it to :hen H%hich sho%s up as M3reepy /ictureN in the inventoryJ! 2alk to him againE and hell say that he likes it hereE and never %ants to leave! 2hats it &or this school@ Make sure that youve got a Brum%ich runeE then use a "itch%ood rune to %arp to Ce% "itch%ood! 2alk to 2heodores motherE and in&orm her that youve &inished escorting her son to the school! :hen hints at some promised re%ardE and the %itch %hi&&s! 1h %ell! A good deed is its o%n re%ard@ 9se the Aveyond rune to %arp to the Sun 2empleE and make your %ay to 2eacup 2o%n! 0ts a#out time that %e dig up the t%o spots in this area and claim the treasure@ 2alk to Lam# 3hopE and #uy his treasure map! 0t sho%s the spot o& a special or# that Lars can use! 1K! >rom the entrance to to%nE go south%est to the signE then southE then north%est Hgoing around the lakeJ! At the end o& the path is the &irst dig spot! -ig it up &or +.) gold! Cot #ad@ Co% go southE do%n the #ridgeE and &ollo% the path! =oull come to a small clearing! ?ead inside the cave to the northeast! >ollo% the path Hremem#er this place L Memory 3avernsAJ to the end! =ou can easily take out the Magic Mushrooms i& you &eel like revenge R:J =oull end up outside! >ollo% the path to the #ody o& %aterE then go south! >ollo% the path a long %ays and youll eventually see the second dig spotE though its #eyond our reach at the moment! 0nsteadE keep going south to the #ridge! 3ross itE and look &or a small rock Fust south o& a tree %ith green &oliage! "hen you &ind thatE go &our steps southE one step %estE then dig &or a Star 1r#E Lam# 3hops treasure! Co% &or the last dig spot! Go north and head inside the cave! >ollo% the path until it splits: east and %est! Go eastE and head inside the cave! =oull end up #ack outside! Go east a #it to &ind the dig spot! -ig it up &or a Mug%ort! 0d suggest using it Has %ith all similar itemsJ on :hen! 0& you talk to Lam# 3hop againE hell Fust ask i& you &ound the or# yet! ?e hasnt #ought anything &rom any passing traveling sales s;uirrels HyetJ! 9se a Brum%ich rune and make your %ay to the sign! "eve already #een to Brum%ichE and the Gentle 3hildrens SchoolE so %hats le&tA 1ld%oods@ 0ts to the eastE so east it is@

/age 8* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter !/: ;ld*oods :ecommended Level: ., 2reasures: 3ommon: *B) goldE *6) goldE *.) goldE >lame Spell HscrollJ '. 0mportant: Cectar Monsters: /rairie SnakeE 3ursed StoneE CippitE KrackenE BansheeE Banshee Dueen Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs corn 2he monsters in this ne't part are ;uite a #it stronger than the usual ones %eve &aced so &ar! 0 ended up going up si' levels %hile doing thisE #ut %ill only advance the Mrecommended levelN #y three &or the ne't chapter! 2ry to de&eat themE #ecause they drop valua#le gemstonesE %hich you can sell &or some ;uick cash! AlsoE #y no% 0m sure that youre getting &amiliar %ith moving :hen a#out on the screen! Because o& thatE 0 %ont #e as speci&ic in my directions! 0ll say something like Mgo northE then eastNE rather than Mgo north to the green treeE north across the #ridgeE then east %hen the path goes that %ayN! -ont &ret a#out the sudden vagueness to my directions! 1ne last thingE this ne't part is a #it longE longer than the usual amount o& the game that 0 typically do in a chapter! Gust #ear %ith meE and &eel &ree to do this ne't chapter in t%o parts@ >ollo% the dirt path east until it splits! 2ake the southern split &irst! >ollo% the path to the endE and youll come to a small house! ?ead inside! Gust a storage shed %ith a treasure #o'! 1pen the #o' &or *B) gold! LeaveE and go north! Co% take the northern splitE and &ollo% the path to the end! =oull end up on the %orld map! Go north a step or t%o into the cave! Cot much o& a cave! ?ead inside the ne't cave and its #ack to the %orld map! Go south a &e% steps into the &orest area L 1ld%oods! 2his area has only t%o doorsE #oth near the end! 2he &irst leads to the elven to%n in the treetopsE %hile the second leads deep into the root system! 2ake the &irst doorE %ith the sign reading M=lis&arN! 3lim# the ladder and head into the door! "elcome to =lis&arE the treetop to%n@ Go %est and into the house! An el& lives here! 2alk to himE and he %ill mention that their king disappeared .)) years agoE and they a%ait his return! 2he #ookshel& has M+)+ Acorn :ecipesN! Leave and continue %est! ?ead inside the ne't door! 3lim# do%n the ladder and go inside the door! Go east and into the door! 2alk to the lady thereE and shell o&&er you e'pensiveE #ut po%er&ul e;uipment! 0 had a#out 86)) gold #y the time 0 came hereE and le&t %ith ne't to nothing!
/age 85 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Buy 2eiFal an elven rapier L her last %eapon in the game! She does +)))S damage %ith each hitE pretty much killing the target! >or that reasonE she #ecomes a permanent mem#er o& my party! Get everyone else as many enchanted helmets as you can! 2heyre decent upgrades to iron helmets HorE in Larss caseE leather helmetJ! "hen you run out o& money H%ell #e #ack %hen %eve got more to &inish the upgradesJE head #ack outside! Go %est and into the door! 3lim# the ladder and go into the ne't door! Go %est three doors Hto the endJE and go into that door! 2%o elves live hereE a mother and her son! 2hey mention the sacred nature o& the treesE and their disdain &or the night elves! ?ead inside the door in the house to their li#rary! 1ne o& the #ookshelves says to insult a harpy to get her attention and get her to listen to you! Another mentions a /irates Market! 2he third contains a history o& the :oot%ell! Leave the houseE and go %est to the ne't door Go insideE and clim# do%n the ladder! Go inside the door at the #ottom! Co% go east to the other door on this #ase level o& 1ld%oods! 2he sign in &ront says M:oot%ellNE pro#a#ly the home o& the night elves that %e heard a#out! "hat do %e call the elves that live hereE day elvesA 3lim# do%n the ladder and into the hole! 2he enemies here are (E:= tough! 0n &actE only 2eiFal could de&eat one! 0d suggest using Boot Slappin Mara to get them to go #erserk and take themselves out! 3ouple that %ith uses o& the Sleep >lute! Get 2eiFal to de&eat one every turn until theyre all gone! 1ne hit &rom them and youre goneE so %atch out@ 1n the other handE they give you ;uite a #it o& e'perienceE goldE and a num#er o& gemstones! By the time %e leave this placeE youll have a#out +. emeraldsE +) sapphiresE and 5 diamondsE com#ined %orth o& a#out +)))) gold! Cavigation through this area is a #it a%k%ard #ecause o& the many holes in the groundE and the numerous spots that you cant get through! 2here are &our points o& interest: the cave that %e Fust came outE a treasure chest %ith *6) goldE a cave that leads deeper into the root systemE and a cave that leads to the kings throne! >irstE lets open the treasure chest! 2he enemies here drop &ar more goldE #ut %e could use all the gold %e can get@ >ollo% the path until it splits! 2ake the south%est splitE and &ollo% the path to the ne't split! Go southeastE and &ollo% the path to the ne't split! Co% go %est a long %aysE past the #ridge! At the end o& the path is the treasure chest guarded #y three Cippits! 1pen it &or *6) gold! Co% go eastE past the #ridgeE #ack to the split! Go north%est and &ollo% the path to the ne't split! Go northeast and &ollo% the path to the ne't split!
/age 86 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Go north and &ollo% the path past the #ridge Hgoing %est at this pointJ and &ollo% the path to the end! 2here are a &e% dead endsE #ut the path is #asically linear! At the end is a cave! =oull #e in the north%est corner o& the map! ?ead inside the cave! 3lim# up the ladder and go into the door! Back to =lis&ar@ 2he house to the east is a storage shed &or acorns Hthere are a L12 o& acorns in thereJE #ut other%ise empty! Go %est instead and into the house! 2his is %here Hpresuma#lyJ the king lives! Liya still lives hereE %aiting &or the return o& the king Hsorry Lord o& the :ing &ans L 0 couldnt help that one IJ! She says that the elves split into t%o societies %hen the king le&t! 0 think i& %e ever &ind the king %ell escort him here! >or no%E there isnt anything else to doE so leave! Go %est and into the door! 3lim# do%n the ladder and go into the door at the #ottom! Back to the underground caves! Last stopE deeper into the root system! >ollo% the path a long %ays #ackE past the #ridgeE and eventually south! "hen the path splitsE go south%est Hsoutheast leads #ack up to the sur&aceJ! >ollo% the path a #itE and it splits again! Go southeastE then east! >ollo% the path to the end! =oull come to a group o& &our enemiesE three Cippits and a Kracken! 2hey guard the cave that leads deeper into the root system! Since you cant live through one enemy attackE use the same strategy: Boot Slappin MaraE generous uses o& the Sleep >luteE and 2eiFal killing one each turn! 2ry to have everyone alive at the end o& the #attle so they can all #ene&it &rom the e'perience #oost! ?ead inside the cave! "elcome to "ormrotE home o& the night elves@ 2alk to the man %alking around the holeE and hell mention that the Banshees have #een causing trou#leE and the :oot%ell has #een poisoned! ?ead into the &irst door &rom the le&t! 2alk to the night el& that lives there! ?ell mention that the :oot%ell provides li&e and nourishment to 1ld%oodsE #ut it has #een poisoned! LeaveE and head into the door north o& the sign! A small room %ith a treasure chest! 1pen it &or *.) gold! ?ead #ack outE and into the last door Hsave the hole &or lastJ! 2%o elves live here! 2he %oman mentions that they Hthe night elvesJ are #eing #lamed &or the disappearance o& the elven kingE #ut they didnt do it! 2he #oy mentions that hes a&raid to go to the sur&ace #ecause o& the sigma attached to the #lame Hthat is i& he can get #y the monsters that roam the &loor a#oveJ! LeaveE and go into the hole! "elcome to the Banshee 3avern@ =oull meet Banshees here! 2heyre not too toughE seeing ho% 2eiFal can take one out in a single #lo%! 2hey drop diamondsE ho%everE each %orth +))) gold@ >ollo% the path to the endE #ut dont go inside the cave Hlocated Fust ne't to the ladderJ! At the end is a treasure chest! 1pen it &or a /o%er Acorn! By no% youve gone up a num#er o& levels #attling the Cippits and Kracken!
/age 88 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

:eturn to the #eginningE and head inside the cave! >ollo% the path to the endE and go into the ne't cave! 2here are t%o things o& interest here: the last treasure chestE and the #ridge H%hich leads to more clues as to the poisoning o& the :oot%ell! Go eastE #ut dont cross the #ridge! >ollo% the path to the endE and youll come to the last o& the treasure chests! 1pen it &or t%o >lame Spell HscrollsJ! -espite #eing magic spellsE they deal a#out +6) damage to the Cippits and KrackenE #ut youll need a#out &our or &ive to kill a single one! Better o&& selling them! ?ead #ack to the #ridge and cross it! =ou %itness a Banshee dropping something in the %ater L poison! 2he BansheeE seeing that its #een caughtE rushes you! Gust a normal Banshee &ight! ?ave 2eiFal take her out! 2hat should #e the last o& the poison that goes into :oot%ell! Lars mentions that %e should go &ind the Banshee Dueen and end the threat once and &or all! >ollo% the path a #itE and youll come to a hole! 3lim# do%n! >ollo% the path to the ne't holeE and clim# do%n! 2hree Banshee guards patrol the area! =ou &ight them one at a timeE making the &ight too easy! 2ake them outE then go %estE do%n yet another hole! =ou &inally come across the Banshee DueenE #asically a Banshee %ith pink hair! 2ake her out! 1ne #lo% &rom 2eiFal and she goes do%n! She drops an antidote to the poisonE Cectar! 2hats it &or this area! Co reason to return until %eve &ount the kingE and are escorting him home! Back to the night elves! 3lim# up the holeE go east Htake out the Banshee guards that have respa%nedJ and go into the cave! Back in the Banshee 3avern! >ollo% the pathE cross the #ridgeE head &or the cave! Go inside! 3lim# the ladder to "ormrot! 2alk to the night el&E and sho% him the Cectar! ?e immediately uses it to purge the to'ins! 2alk to him againE and he con&irms that it %orksE and that the Banshees havent #een causing any more trou#le! :eturn to the e;uipment store in =lis&ar! By the time you sell o&& the large gemstone collection youve accumulatedE you should have +))))E may#e +6))) gold! >inish your upgradesE and consider #uying a set o& the amuletsE Fust in case you need them! Buy -ameon an elven sta&&E a good upgrade to his #ron4e rod! LarsE %ith the Star 1r#E is superior to the elven sta&&! 9se a Brum%ich rune to %arp there! :estock on any suppliesE &inish your e;uipment upgradesE and rest up! 9se a (eldarah rune and visit the rune shop! 2he merchant has Sedona runes &or sale! Buy a &e%E restock on any runes as necessaryE then use the Sedona rune to %arp there!

/age 87 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &1: Sedona :ecommended Level: *+ 2reasures: 3ommon: 0mportant: Monsters: none Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs corn Sedona is ;uite a large cityE so e'ploring every nook and cranny %ill take a %hile! ?o%everE there is much to doE much to seeE and ;uite a #it in the %ay o& items to #uy@ 2alk to the %oman Fust inside the entrance! She %armly greets youE and %elcomes you to Sedona! >ollo% the path %est and head inside the house thats on the corner! 0 ts the to%ns inn! >or .)) goldE you can rest here Hthe #eds are upstairsE as usualJ! 2here isnt anything else hereE so leave! 2alk to the &ast-moving %oman! She &rets a#out not #eing a#le to attend Sir Gavins #all! 2alk to the &ast-%oman girlE and she yells that she doesnt have a dress &or the #all! May#e %e can &ind her a dress Hsame thing like &rom Ahrimans /rophecyJA Go east and into the #uilding HFust north o& the %ellJ! 0ts a pa%n shopE similar to the one in (eldarah! 2he #ottle is o& particular interest! 0t looks Fust #ig enough to store a &airyE doesnt itA 0m not sure a#out the cracked or#E especially &or *))) gold! Buy it %hen youve &inished upgrading your e;uipmentE and #uying a supply o& everything else thats here! Leave and a go east a #itE and into the house! A seamstress lives there! Shes no dou#t having good #usiness %ith the #all going on@ She mentions that shes got one go%n le&t! :hen asks %hat happened to the others! She says that she sold them #ecause o& the #all! Buy her last go%nE then leave! Go %estE then &ollo% the stone path south! 2he #oy %andering a#out asks you i& you can spare a penny! 0t %asnt too long ago %hen pennies %ere hard to come #y H#ack %hen money came &rom Spiders and "ild 3hickensJ! Go %est and into the house north o& the green-haired man! 0nside lives an art dealerE >redrick! ?e says that hes looking &or something &reshE something di&&erent &or the #all! :hen sho%s him 2heodores ugly paintingE and he loves it! ?e takes it in e'change &or a ticket to the #allE then immediately hangs it up! 2ry not to get creeped outE and leave! 2alk to the green-haired man! ?e sells cheese Hand only cheeseJ! Go northeast and into the house! 0nside is another art dealerE :udrick! ?es got a statue o& an elven king there! 2alk to him and :hen %ill comment on the &ine cra&tsmanship o& the statue! Leave and go south%estE and south into the ne't area! 2alk to the man in a #lue tur#an! ?e says that thieves live in the hills south o& here! May#e these are the same thieves %ho are stealing Brum%icks cornA
/age 8, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2alk to the %oman in a dark pink dress! She mentions that several citi4ens have #een ro##ed recentlyE and suspects the thieves living to the south! >urther south is the to%ns Mpoor neigh#orhoodN! Go into the house on the &irst ro%E closest to the path Hnot the one ne't to the #eachJ! 0ts the to%ns pet shop! 3ome here %hen you #uy a houseE and %ant a pet Hor t%o or threeJ to live there! 2he house %est o& here is locked! 2alk to the man %ith a green head#and! ?e mentions that some#ody is selling their manorE and can #e &ound at the #all! ?ead in the house on the le&t Ho& the t%o near#yJ! 0ts the to%ns %eapon and armor shop! 2hese merchants %ill #e very richE #ecause theyve got much to o&&er@ "hen youre done droolingE head #ack outside! ?ead into the house right ne't door! Ado& lives hereE #ut doesnt say anything! 2here isnt anything interesting in his houseE so leave! >ollo% the shorelineE and talk to the &irst sailor! ?e sells &ish Hand nothing elseJ! 2he other sailor mentions that Sedona controls the %estern route! 2hats it &or this part o& to%n! ?ead northE #ack to the %ellE and go %est! 3ircle aroundE and &ollo% the dirt path into the enclosed area! =ou see a miniature arenaE o& sorts! 0ts a practice yard &or honing s%ord magic skills! 2he %oman %ith dark purple hair sells :hen t%o s%ord magic skills &or a large &ee! Be sure to pick them up %hen you have the chance! 2he other people simply admire the t%o men duking it out! ?ead northE and clim# the stairs! 2he sign #et%een the t%o doors says MMagic Ba4aarN! ?ead inside either door Hits one #ig roomJ! 2hree more shops@ 1ne sells general itemsE another scrollsE and the thirdE maps and runes! By no% youre pro#a#ly #roke H0 spent 7))) gold on the armor shop aloneJE so remem#er this place the ne't time %eve got some cash! LeaveE clim# do%n the stairsE and &ollo% the stone path north! 2his is the Mrich neigh#orhoodN! 2he house on the right H%ith a note on the doorJ is the one &or sale! -irectly northE &ollo%ing the stone pathE leads to the castle! 0gnore that &or no%E and instead go through the gate to the north%est! 2he t%o people &acing each other dont say muchE so ignore them! 2alk to the older man guarding the doorE and he re&uses to let you in! =ou claim to have a ticketE #ut he doesnt even %ant to look at it! Better put on your go%n@ -o soE and talk to him again! ?e lets you in %ithout a second look! "elcome to Lord Gavins #all@ 2he maids here scurry a#outE rushing here and thereE trying to make sure that everyone is happy! 0ts ;uite amusing@ Lord Gavin is the one %hos Fust standing there! /em#erlinE the one %hos selling his manorE is the one %ith the green hat! >or 6))) gold you can #uy his house! 9pstairsE t%o children %aitE impatiently! 2heyre mad that theyre not allo%ed to #e part o& the #all! Something a#out not #eing Mold enoughN! 2hats it &or his house! LeaveE then &ollo% the stone path north!
/age 8B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2alk to the man %alking Fust outside the castle! ?e mentions that -irkonE a village south o& hereE is in&ested %ith a plagueE and to avoid it! ?ead inside the castle! 2he castle isnt muchE especially since its only one &loor! Go northE #et%een the ro%s o& guards H%ho dont say anythingJ! 2alk to the king! ?e simply %elcomes you to Sedona! 2alk to the man standing near#y! 2his is Sir Galahad! ?eyE isnt he one o& the people %e can recruit into our partyA All he says is to o#ey the la%s and he %ont have to arrest you! Go south a #itE then east! 2he castles treasure room is guarded #y a pair o& guards! 2hey tell you that no one is allo%ed in there %ithout permission &rom the king! May#e i& %e did some great deed in honor o& the king hell let us loot the treasureA 2alk to the %oman %alking a#out! She says that Sir Galahad is cute! May#e Sir Galahad put the same love curse on her as Gavin did in Ce% "itch%oodA "ellE thats it &or Sedona Hand the castleJ! "e need to collect 6))) gold as ;uickly as possi#leE and #uy the manor #e&ore someone else does Hor /em#erlin decides to move #ack inJ! But &irstE lets go tie up some loose ends! "e have that #ottleE dont %eA "hy not see i& %e cant put a &airy inside itE andE i& soE sho% it to the Mountain King! AlsoE %e have still got to e'plore the Lo%lands south o& Brum%ich and 1ld%oods! May#e %e can &ind those corn thievesA

/age 7) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &!: More 3oose 9nds :ecommended Level: *+ 2reasures: 3ommon: Au;ui&olium E'tora '.E EmeraldE 3hain "hipE 3hain Mail 0mportant: Sno% >lo%erE S%ord o& SilenceE >rost A'eE 3rystal KeyE -i44y -ollE Manor KeyE Boar 3urse Antidote Monsters: SilvensE 0ce SlimesE SpidersE "ild 3hickensE 3ave :atsE Succu#usE "aspE 0ndra Side Duests: #ring the remaining &our -ruids to AveyondE prove to the Mountain King that &airies e'istE &ind a #ottle to capture a &airyE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassE &ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs corn 2his MinterludeN is mostly to reduce the num#er o& side ;uests that 0 list #y each chapter! 2he list has #een slo%ly gro%ingE and some items have #een there &or ;uite a %hile! BesidesE 0 hate to have side ;uests go on and onE chapter a&ter chapter! 9n&ortunatelyE due to the nature o& these MmiscellaneousN tasksE this chapter %ill #e L1CGE the longest so &ar! 1n the #right sideE you should go up &our or &ive levels #y the time you reach the end o& this chapter@ /lusE youll earn more than .)))) goldE rescue another druidE and pick up a good upgrade &or :hens s%ord! >irst stopE the &airy village! 9se the Aveyond rune to %arp to the Sun 2empleE and make your %ay do%n to the Memory 3averns! =ou do remem#er ho% to get thereE dont youA :e&er to 3hapter +): Memory 3averns &or directions on ho% to get there &rom 2eacup 2o%nE and then getting to the &airy village! "hen you get to the &airy villageE talk to any o& the &lying &airies! A #rie& e'change %ill happen #et%een :hen and LarsE %here they recall the %ords o& the Mountain King! 3hoose to capture the &airyE putting it in the #ottle Hreminds me o& putting a &airy in a #ottle %hile playing M2he Legend o& Yelda: A Link to the /astNJ! ?ope&ullyE %e can #ring the &airy #ack %hen %ere done! "ith a &airy in the #ottleE return to 2hornkeep Ha 2hornkeep rune %ould #e nice here@JE then to the Mountain Kings cave! Sho% him the &airy in the #ottleE and he &inally admits the e'istence o& &airies! As a %ay o& apologi4ing to his %i&eE the Sno% DueenE a#out #eing %rongE he asks you to give her a Sno% >lo%er! As you make your %ay to the Sno% Dueens palaceE youll notice that the ground isnt shaking like it used to! :eturn to the Sno% Dueens palaceE and sho% her the Sno% >lo%er! 2he Sno% Dueen accepts the gi&tE then teleports to the Mountain Kings side! 3heck the throneE and youll &ind a tinyE crystal key! 2ake itE and may#e itll &it that locked door that %e &ound a long time ago@ Go south to the hall%ayE %est a #itE then north! >ollo% the path to the caveE and head inside! Go north a #itE and e'amine the #lue locked door! :hen tries the keyE and it %orks@ Save your gameE and get ready &or %hatever is ne't@ 2he path splits right a%ay! Going south leads to a dead endE so go %est! >ollo% the pathE past the ladderE until it splits! 2ake the east split &irstE and &ollo% the path to the end! ?ead inside the caveE and clim# do%n the ladder! 1pen the chest &or an Au;ui&olium
/age 7+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

E'tora! ?ead #ack to the split and go north! By no% the Silvens and 0ce Slimes are still toughE #ut managea#le! 2eiFal can still take one out in one shotE #ut the com#ined attacks o& everyone else cant do it! Better let 2eiFal take them all outE one #y one! 2o #e sa&eE e;uip amulets that protect against sleepE then against ice Hi& you run out o& the sleep-protecting onesJ! 3lim# the ladder and keep going north until the path splits! 2ake the southern split &irst! >ollo% the pathE cross the #ridgeE and keep going until you see a door! ?ead inside and into the ne't area! =oull &ind a treasure #o' guarded #y a Silven! 2ake out the #eastE and open the treasure chest &or a S%ord o& Silence! 2his s%ord is one o& the Mpo%erN s%ordsE usa#le only #y s%ord singers! Each one grants :hen special a#ilities %hile it is e;uipped! 0ts a decent upgrade to the 0ron S%ordE plus it in&licts silence on the target! 2he ne% a#ilities &rom the s%ord are: ?umming#ird -anceE 2ime 2%isterE and "ind (ale! ?ead #ack to the split HFust past the #ridgeJ and go north! >ollo% the path until you come to a door! ?ead inside! 2his is the last room o& this area! 2he path splits: a #ig room on the %estE a #igger room on the east! Both rooms have large groups o& enemiesE eight totalE plus a #oss Hthe #lueskinned %omanJ! 3heck the %estern room &or a treasure #o'! 1pen it &or a >rost A'e! Co% take out the rest o& the enemies! :estore any lost health and manaE saveE then take on the last enemy: the #oss! 2his is the demon 0ndraE and she has taken a druids soul! 2he usual strategy %orks: 2eiFal doing her slash thingE Lars doing his -ecompose$"eevil thingE then thro%ing every spell he kno%sE :hen slashing %ith her most po%er&ul attacksE and -ameon restoring any lost healthE removing any status e&&ectsE and providing #ackup! Still using EliniA ?ave her summon monsters to deal heavy damage! 1nce she runs out o& M/E shes only got her %eapon to &all #ack on! 0ndra %ent do%n in &our rounds &or me H%ith the com#ined damage &rom the -ecomposeE it really helpedJ! 2ake the soul or#E containing -aenas soul! :emem#er that druid in the Moon 2empleA 2he one that %e &ound a&ter crossing a long #ridgeA Most likelyE thats -aena! :emem#er ho% to get thereA Go north t%o rooms past the room %ith the locked door Hthe one that %e unlocked %ith the 3rystal KeyJ! 0t turns out to #e -aena! 1nce restoredE he goes %ith you! Since thats it &or this area H#esides the locked treasure chests that %e cant open yetJE use the Aveyond rune and drop -aena o&&! ?e thanks youE and re%ards you %ith the usual L one o& the treasures in his room! ?ead do%n the stairs Hthe right oneJ and through the door %ith a moon a#ove it Hthe &irst one &rom the le&tJ! 2%o choices: a &e% diamondsE or some kind o& doll! 0 took the dollE even though 0 didnt kno% %hat its &or! 9se a Sedona runeE and sell o&& your e'cess inventory: the emeraldsE the silver sta&&sE
/age 7. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

and the iron s%ord! By thenE you should have %ell more than 6))) gold! Buy the manorE and youll get the Manor Key! 2he &irst time you unlock your ne% manorE the key disappears &rom your inventoryE #ut the manor remains unlocked &rom this time on! "hile youre in hereE you can talk %ith everyone in your partyE #oth the active mem#ersE and the reserve mem#ers! Sometimes they can reveal sides o& themselves that you %ouldnt other%ise see! =ou can rest in the #ed &or &ree! 3heck the #ookshel& &or in&ormation on a mysterious cloakE located some%here near 3lear%ater! Co%s a good time to #uy a &e% petsE and see your house &ill up! =ou can only #uy one o& each kindE so choose care&ully@ 2he pet shop here has one dogE and t%o cats! "hen you #uy the dog and one o& the catsE they are immediately escorted to your manor! 1ther%iseE they go %ith you Hunder M3reaturesNJ until your ne't trip to your manor! >eel &ree to do some more upgradesE #uy some more spellsE a#ilitiesE and #lo% your cash! =oull no dou#t not #e a#le to get everythingE #ut theres plenty more to do@ "ellE lets see< "hat a#out LevusA :emem#er that he %as changed into a #oar #y a curseA Lets think o& some#ody %ho %ould #e most likely to kno% a#out the curseE and ho% to remove it! "hat a#out that necromancer living in (eldarahA 9se a (eldarah runeE and talk to him! ?e says that he kno%s a#out the Boar 3urse #ecause he invented it! ?e then o&&ers to sell you an antidote &or *) gold! Buy itE then check out the Soul Amulet! ?e o&&ers it to 2eiFal &or a mere 8)) gold! 0 #ought itE even though 0 dont have a clue as to ho% to use it@ 2hese strange items have a ha#it o& #ecoming (E:= use&ul later in the game! Go use the antidote on LevusE and he changes #ack into his old sel&! 2alk to him againE and he runs o&&E a&ter o&&ering his services as a mapmaker! A #it o& a side note: 0 #elieve you can kill Levus and #ring his #ody #ack to 2i#erius Hthe one %ho cursed himJ as a Mmain courseN &or his %eddingE #ut its not the right thing to do! AlsoE since youre removing Levuss curseE the M&ind 2i#erius a #oar carcassN %ill #e removed &rom the side ;uests in addition to M&ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curseN! "ellE thats yet another side ;uest done@ "hats ne'tA ?o% a#out those corn thievesA 2heyre rumored to live in the caves south o& Brum%ich! 9se a Brum%ich runeE then &ollo% the path east to the sign! Go southE past the #ridgeE and %est %hen the path splits! >ollo% the path %est a #itE until you see a gate to the north Hits Fust #e&ore the t%o /rairie Snakes and the 3ursed StoneJ! 1pen the gate and head inside the cave! =oull meet a ne% enemy: the Succu#us! Elini can summon oneE andE as you &ight themE youll &ind that theyre not much tougher than the /rairie Snake! >ollo% the path to the endE and youll #e #ack outside! 2o the southeast a #it is a gate! 1pen itE slip past the co%E and open the treasure chest &or a single emerald! ?ead #ack into
/age 7* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

the caveE and &ollo% it #ack outside! Go southE open the gateE then go east! "hen the path splitsE &ollo% it south! 3lim# up the stairs! 2hrough the gate Hand &urther along the pathJ is the Gentle 3hildrens School! Go south insteadE through the gateE and do%n the stairs! Go east a #itE and head inside the cave! 2he path immediately splits! 2ake the eastern split &irst! ?ead into the cave thats a #it to the northeast! "ere #ack outside@ Go northE then %est across the #ridge! 2here is a shovel spot here a #it &urther %est! -ig it up &or a pair o& "inged Sandals! 0m not sure %hat these do! 0n Ahrimans /rophecyE %earing these made you %alk a L12 &aster! ?ereE they didnt seem to do anything! ?ead inside the cave and open the treasure chest &or another Au;ui&olium E'tora! ?ead #ack outsideE east across the #ridgeE and go north! ?ead inside the cave! 0ts emptyA@ 1h %ell! Cothing hereE so head #ack outside! Go south and into the cave! Go south%est a #itE then take the northern split Hthis is the #eginning o& these cavesJ! >ollo% the path until it splits into three directions! 2%o o& them lead to dead ends! 2ake the third that leads to a ladder Hthe other t%o dont go &arE so its not really necessary to give speci&ic directionsJ! 3lim# the ladder to the ne't area! Go northE then cross the #ridge east! Go northE and at the end o& the path is a treasure chest! 1pen it &or a 3hain "hip! ?ead #ack south to the #ridgeE then go east! ?ead inside the cave! 3ross the #ridge and go north! 0gnore the #lue treasure chest Hits lockedJ and continue along the path until you come to a #ridge Hgoing &urther %est leads to a dead endJ! Go a #it south%est and the path splits: north and south! South leads to the #eginning Hlike one huge loopJ! Go north instead! At the end o& the path is a tiny green toad! ?e re&uses to move out o& the %ayE saying that its his caveE and to go a%ay! Cothing %e can doE so &ollo% the path southE #ack to the #eginning o& the giant loop! ?ead inside the cave! >ollo% the path #ack to the #eginning Hi& you see a ladder going do%nE youve gone too &ar L the ladder leads to a dead endJE and go through the door into the ne't room! Go %estE across the #ridgeE then north! ?ead inside the cave! Back outside@ Go south and into the ne't cave! Go %estE and the path splits! 2ake the %estern splitE and &ollo% the path through to the cave at the #ottom! Back outside@ 2here isnt anything else hereE so head #ack inside the cave! Go northE then north at the
/age 75 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

split! 1pen the treasure chest &or a suit o& 3hain Mail! 3ontinue along the path until you see a ladder! 3lim# do%n the ladderE and its yet another locked chest@ Grr< "ellE thats it &or this caveE at least until %e can get past that toad! ?ead #ack to Sedona and sell o&& your e'cess inventory! =ou should #e a#le to complete your purchases and upgrades!

/age 76 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &&: <ighlands :ecommended Level: *6 2reasures: 3ommon: 3heese '.E Beast :epellantE 86) goldE 85) goldE 2ornado Spell scrollE Eli'ir 0mportant: S%ord o& LightE /icklockE 2ru&&le Monsters: Go#linE Cight 1rcE Giant Side Duests: #ring the remaining three -ruids to AveyondE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs corn 1KE 0 think that a#out covers the Lo%lands Huntil %e can get past the toadJ! ?o% a#out e'ploring the ?ighlands ne'tA 9se a Brum%ich :uneE then leave to%n! >ollo% the dirt path east to the signE then north to the %orld map! Go northE &ollo%ing the dirt pathE and youll end up in a &orested area! Be sure that you go into the path leading to the ?ighlandsE not the /eninsula! 0& you see &atE green treesE then youre in the /eninsula! 2he ?ighlands has autumn-like treesE %ith their leaves starting to change! >rom the entrance o& the &orestE the path leads %est a #itE then splits into &our parts: northE southE eastE %est! Go north &irst! 2he path leads to a single treeE on %hich a nightingale is perchedE singing! :hen %ill comment on ho% the #irds song makes her sleepy! :hen and Lars then has a small e'changeE talking a#out the #ird and its music! 2hat #ird %ould no dou#t #e use&ul &or the Empress to go to sleep at night! "eve got a #irdcageE #ut no %ay to lure the #ird into the cage HlikeE sayE #irdseedJ! :emem#er this #irdE and come #ack to it later! >or no%E head southE then go %est at the intersection! =oull meet the a ne% enemyE a Go#lin! 2heyre not toughE and drop lots o& 0ron S%ords! >ollo% the path and it splits: north and %est! 2ake the %estern splitE and &ollo% the path to the next split Hthis &orest is like a la#yrinthJ! 2ake the southern split and &ollo% the narro% path to the ne't split! Go eastE and youll come to a shovel spot! -ig it up &or a %edge o& cheese! ?ead #ack to the split and go south! =oull come to a large area! Go eastE then north %hen the path opens up in that direction! Go north at the split Hthe path east leads to a dead endJE then south at the ne't split! =oull come to a second dig spot! -ig it up &or a #ottle o& Beast :epellant! 0& you go northE youll end up at the #eginning o& the &orest! 0nsteadE return to the large area! ?ead southE then southeast %hen the path leads that direction! =oull come to the #each! >ollo% the shoreline eastE then north! =oull come to a third shovel spot! -ig it up &or a second %edge o& cheese! >ollo% the shoreline #ack to the split and go %est a #it! 3lim# the ladderE and cross the #ridge! Go %est a #itE then northE &ollo%ing the path! At the end is another treasure chest! 1pen it &or 86) gold! ?ead #ack to the #ridgeE and go
/age 78 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

south a #itE and into the cave! "elcome to the ?ighlands 3ave@ 2%o enemies here: Cight 1rcs and Giants! Both are immune to magicE #ut neither are that tough! Gust keep %hacking themE and they go do%n easily! >ollo% the path until you come to a L1CG #ridge! 3ross itE then clim# the ladder! 2he path %est leads to a dead endE so go east! >ollo% the path H#eing care&ul o& the group o& three monstersJ until you come to a cave! ?ead inside! 0mmediatelyE youll #e am#ushed #y t%o Cight 1rcs! 2ake them outE then go east a #it! =oull see three ladders: one going northE and t%o going south! 2ake the northern ladder &irst! >ollo% the path to the caveE and head inside! A tiny island %ith a treasure chest! 1pen it &or 85) gold! ?ead #ack to the ladders! 2he ladder on the right is #locked Hat least it %as &or meJE #ut doesnt seem to lead any%here! 3lim# do%n the other oneE %hichE as it turns outE is rather long! 2he ladder leading south is a dead endE so clim# the one to the %est Hleading northJ! >ollo% the path to the endE and head inside the cave! Go east a #itE and the path splits! 2he southern split leads to a dead endE so take the %estern split! >ollo% the short path and into the cave! >ollo% the pathE claiming the 2ornado Spell scroll in a treasure chest along the %ayE and into the ne't cave! 0nteresting! A doughnut-shaped path! >ollo% it southE #eing sure to pick up the S%ord o& Light in a treasure chest along the %ay! 0ts another Mpo%er s%ordNE #ut not as strong as the S%ord o& Silence! At the end o& the path is a cave! ?ead inside! >ollo% the path a long %ays! At the end is a treasure chestE guarded #y a group o& &our monsters! 2ake out the monsters and claim the /icklock in the treasure chest! May#e %ith this %e can open some o& the locked chests %eve run intoA ?ead #ack to the &our-%ay split Ha &e% caves #ackJE and take the northern split! 1&& to the side is a 2ru&&le in a treasure chest! >ollo% the path to the ne't cave! 2his caveE the very end o& this cave systemE is the thievess cave! Cone o& them say anythingE including the one %ho is %earing a purple ro#e Hthe only oneJ! 2he only thing o& interest here is a crack in one o& the %alls! 0 #et a #it o& 2C2 or something like that %ould #lo% up a nice holeE making it easy to get through it! "e dont have any e'plosivesE so remem#er this spot and come #ack to it i& %e ever get a hold o& some! 2hats it &or this cave system! :eturn outsideE and cross the #ridge %est! 3lim# do%n the ladderE and &ollo% the path through the gate and into -irkon!
/age 77 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

-irkon isnt much! 0n &actE there are only a &e% #uildingsE and no shops Hor even an innJ! ?ead inside the house at the end o& the path and talk to the man living inside! ?e mentions that -irkon has e'perienced a string o& disastersE and %onders i& the gods are testing them! LeaveE and clim# the ladder! ?ead inside the house that isnt #ehind a &ence! 2alk to the %omanE and shell talk a #it a#out the to%ns historyE and mentions the disasters that have #een happening! >or a #it o& amusementE e'amine the rat and %atch :hen say MeekN! A po%er&ul s%ord singer a&raid o& ratsA QVAhemV! Any%ay! ?ead #ack outsideE and into the house #ehind the gate! Cothing here #ut another rat! LeaveE then go southeast a #itE and into the cave! 1pen the treasure chest &or an Eli'irE then leave! 3lim# do%n the ladder and cross the #ridge! 2alk to the man %alking in &ront o& the #uildingE Lor! ?e says that -irkon is poor #ecause o& the plague! A third rat is %ondering a#out! 0gnore it and head inside the last #uilding! 2alk to the older %omanE the nurse! She mentions the plagueE and that shes sent &or help to SedonaE #ut hasnt heard anything! :hen asks i& there is anything she can do! 2he nurse says to kill the ratsE %hom she suspects is responsi#le &or the plague! Killing the ratsA Sounds like the Mkill the spiders in the atticN side ;uest %e had a long time ago@ 0& you talk to either o& the villagers in #edE you have the chance o& curing them o& the plague %ith an Eli'ir! -ontE #ecause theyll #ecome in&ected again until you can clear the to%n o& the rats! LeaveE and e'amine the rat near Lor! :henE almost sadisticallyE slays the rat! >eel &ree to e'amine the corpse &or a &e% gold! ?ave :hen kill the other t%o ratsE then talk to the nurse again! She then says to give #oth villagers an Eli'ir to cure them o& the plague! At the timeE 0 only had the one Eli'ir 0 &ound in the treasure chest earlier! 9se a Sedona rune to %arp thereE #uy a &e%E use a -irkon rune to %arp #ackE and give #oth villagers an Eli'ir! 0& you talk to them again a&ter curing them %ith the Eli'irE theyll say that theyre tired! 2alk to the nurseE and shell trans&orm into the goddess o& healingE ?avrvatat! She thanks youE and #umps everyones level #y one as a re%ard &or your %orkE then disappears! ?ead #ack outside and talk to Lor! ?e says that the plague is goneE #ut no% the to%n goose has died! 2hey relied on it &or &oodE and no% theyll starve! :hen says that shell keep an eye out &or a replacement goose! Co%s a good time to %arp #ack to Sedona and do any &inal upgradesE a#ility trainingE
/age 7, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

and item purchases! By the time 0 sold the 0ron S%ordsE A'esE 3ursed ArmorE and other e'cess inventoryE 0 had .)))) gold@ 0 %as a#le to &inally upgrade :hens 0mperial Armor to a Golden ArmorE as %ell as #uy the t%o s%ord singer skills &or her Heven though 0 dou#t 0ll ever use themJ! 0 also picked up the 3racked 1r#E even though its not as strong as the Star 1r#! Seemingly useless things have a %ay o& #ecoming very use&ul later in the game!

/age 7B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &(: Peninsula :ecommended Level: *B 2reasures: 3ommon: 6,) goldE Emerald '*E 0mperial ArmorE 78) goldE 0ron ShieldE Sapphire '. 0mportant: Armatis soul Monsters: 1rcE CemesisE Enchanted 2reeE 3ave >lyE /oison 2oadE 2a%rich H#ossJ Side Duests: #ring the remaining three -ruids to AveyondE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind out %hos stealing Brum%ichs cornE &ind -irkon a replacement goose 0 see that theres a couple o& things le&t to do here H#e&ore moving on to the ne't areaJ: +- >ind a %alka#le path &rom -irkon to Sedona .- 3lean out the remaining treasures >rom the entrance to -irkonE &ollo% the path to the ladder! 3lim# itE cross the #ridge eastE then go northeast to the #ridge! 3ross itE then &ollo% the path to the ladder! 3lim# do%n and go north%est to the large area! ?ead through the north%est opening in the treesE and &ollo% the path! "hen you come to a #ridgeE cross it! A lone 1rc guards a #lue treasure chest Hnot sure i& its locked or notE #ut since %eve got a means to pick the locksE it doesnt really matterJ! 1pen it &or 6,) gold! ?ead #ack do%n the path to the #ridgeE then go northeast! >ollo% the path until you come to a sign! 0t says that Sedona is to the %estE and -irkon is to the south! Go %est and &ollo% the path to Sedona Hthis helps to orientate yoursel&E i& you kno% ho% to get to some%here %ithout using a runeJ! "hen youve done thatE return to the sign! Go northE through the narro% path through the trees! At the endE youll end up on the %orld mapE right near a pier! 2his is another means o& docking on this islandE in case youd like to %alk to Sedona instead o& using a rune! :eturn to the sign and go east! "eve &inished e'ploring this &orestE so theres no need to stay any longer! Be on the lookout &or some means o& luring the nightingale to the #irdcage! 1nce youre on the %orld mapE you should see your #oat a #it to the southeast Hremem#er parking it a long time agoAJ! 2he ne't stop is the /eninsula! ?ead a #it east H&rom the entrance to the ?ighlandsJE and youll end up in a ne% areaE the /eninsula! :ight a%ay youll run into a #attle %ith a Cemesis! -ont &ret a#out it L it goes do%n ;uickE especially %ith your Elven :apier! -ont #other %ith magical attacks L they dont seem to %ork! 1nce the #attle is overE youll notice that this area is a &orestE #ut not like the ?ighlands! 2he trees are greenerE lusher! Gust ahead youll see a dirt path! -ont &ollo% it HyetJ! 0nsteadE go south a #itE %alking #eneath a ro% o& trees south o& the path! >ollo% it to the endE and youll come across Hguarded #y an Enchanted 2reeJ a dig spot! -ig it up &or an Emerald!
/age ,) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

:eturn to the path and &ollo% it! =oull come to signE %hich says that the Green :ock 2emple is to the north and 3lear%ater is to the northeast! ?eyE isnt 3lear%ater %here :hens &romA 0tll #e good to &inally come #ack home@ Be&ore heading &or 3lear%aterE lets e'plore this &orestE and pay a visit to the Green :ock 2emple! 2he &orest is a huge circleE so %ell end up #ack to this sign! 1nce %e get hereE theres only a &e% more spots to e'plore! >irstE head northE clim#ing the ladder! >ollo% the path across #oth #ridgesE and head inside the cave! Be %ary o& the %eak monsters here Hnot any more o& a pro#lem than the Cemesis nor the Enchanted 2reeJ! >ollo% the path inside the cave to the endE and youll end up #ack outside! -ont clim# the ladder right ne't to the entrance o& the cave L it leads to a dead end Htry it i& you dont #elieve meJ! 0nsteadE circle around the tiny pool and clim# the long ladder north! 3lim# the second ladderE &urther up the cli&&sE and youll end up at the entrance o& the Green :ock 2emple! ?ead inside! Cothing hereE %ell nothing much! 2he usual Mdruid statueN is hereE along %ith a pool o& %ater! A sign north o& the pool indicates that this is the Green :ock 2emple! 3ome #ack here once %eve picked up another one o& the druids soul Hyou can e'pect to &ight a %eak #oss to get itE like the others so &arJ! :eturn outsideE clim# do%n #oth laddersE and go east! 2o clim# up the ne't ladderE youll have to circle around the rock and tree! 3lim# the ladderE and at the top o& the cli&& is a #lue treasure chest! 1pen it &or a suit o& 0mperial Armor! ?ead #ack to the caveE go through it to the other sideE then go east! ?ead inside the ne't cave! 2he path splits: north and east! 2ake the northern path &or a treasure chest %ith 78) gold! 1nce youve claimed the lootE take the eastern split! =oull see the treasure chest you Fust openedE #ut cant get to! 0gnore itE and head inside the cave! =ou come across a skeletonE Fust standing there! Based on previous e'perienceE its a sa&e #et that this is a demonE %ho has the druids soul! 2ake him out Hhes not much harder than the 3ave >liesJE then claim the soul! ?ave Elini in your party &or her to learn ho% to summon him in #attle! Co% %eve got t%o choices: head directly #ack to the temple and rescue the druidE or &inish e'ploring the cavesE and the surrounding &orest! Since time isnt a &actor in the gameE and the druid %ill still #e all right a&ter %e &inish e'ploring everythingE 0 chose to &inish e'ploring! 2he good ne%s is that this is it &or these caves! 2he rest o& the e'ploration %ill take place in the &orestE and a &e% tiny go-#et%een caves! ?ead #ack outsideE and go east! >ollo% the path Hacross the #ridgeJ to an apple orchard! ?ead south and into the cave!
/age ,+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

>ollo% the path #ack outsideE then go south a #itE then %est! 2he cave at the end o& the dirt path leads to the cave system %ith the skeleton in it! >ollo% the dirt path until it splits: #ridge leading %estE stairs leading south! -ont go south L it leads to a dead end &illed %ith monsters! 0nsteadE go %estE crossing the #ridge! Keep going %est and youll end up at the sign! 0nsteadE go south %hen you come to a set o& stairs leading that %ay! >ollo% the dirt path and youll end up in a large open area! Go a #it northE and youll &indE surrounded #y &lo%ersE a grave! -ig it up &or an 0ron Shield! ?ead #ack to the dirt path and &ollo% it a #it! "hen the path turns northE you should see a %ay through the trees Ho&& the pathJ to%ards the %est! >ollo% itE and youll end up at a cave! 0n &ront o& the cave is a sign that says MG1 A"A=@@@N! Ceed a #etter invitation to enterA ?ead inside! A num#er o& s;uirrels are hereE each %earing a metal helmet! 2alk %ith the s;uirrels that are movingE and theyll tell you that they stole Brum%ichs cornE and %ont give it #ack! "ellE thats one mystery solvedE #ut another one in its place L ho% to get #ack the corn! 2alk %ith the t%o stationary s;uirrels &or a #it o& &un Hdont %orry L tiny s;uirrels cant do any #it o& harm to your partyJ! 2he #ookshel& contains #ooks on the MArt o& "arN! =oull also notice a pile o& #irdseed! 2hat could #e use&ul &or luring that nightingale into the #irdcage@ "ellE thats a#out it &or this area! :eturn to the Green :ock 2emple and revive the druid! ?e Foins your party as a guestE #ut dont %arp to the Sun 2emple Fust yet! "eve still got to visit 3lear%aterE and let everyone kno% that :hens 1!K!@ >rom the entrance o& the templeE clim# do%n #oth ladders! ?ead inside the small cave #ack outsideE then go east until you get to the apple orchard! Go southeast at the orchard and clim# the stairs! >ollo% the path to the split! 0gnore the split that leads to the gate L there isnt anything inside the &ence! 0nsteadE take the other split! 3lim# the ladderE cross the #ridgeE clim# the second ladder and go %est! 1pen the treasure chest Hpartially hidden in the treesJ &or t%o Emeralds and . Sapphires! ?ead east and go inside the cave! :emem#er this caveA 2his is the last cave you sa% #e&ore #eing kidnappedE and sold into slavery! 2he cave to the north leads to the area on the other side o& the pond Hin 3lear%aterJ! :emem#er the &i&th marion#ell that %e had to go a #it out o& the %ay to pickA 0nsteadE head inside the other cave! "elcome to 3lear%ater@ :emem#er the musicA Such memories@

/age ,. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Cha ter &): #hens 4a%ily #eunion :ecommended Level: 5* 2reasures: 3ommon: empty cask 0mportant: 3lim#ing Guide Monsters: none Side Duests: #ring the remaining t%o -ruids to AveyondE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind -irkon a replacement gooseE &ind a %ay to take the corn a%ay &rom the militant s;uirrels and #ring it #ack to Brum%ich (isit everyone and talk to every#ody! By no% the >all >estival isE o& courseE long since over! Liana asks %here youve #een! :hen asks a#out -anny! Liana says that -anny ran o&& in search o& you %hen you disappearedE vo%ing not to return %ithout you! ?e sends her letters on a regular #asis! 2he last oneE three months agoE %as &rom "ild%oods! Liana %orries a#out -anny! A&ter the e'changeE she tells :hen to say MhiN to her mother! She still o&&ers the same %ares as &rom #e&ore! Leave Hits dou#t&ul anything shes got is use&ul right no%J and talk to (annaE %ho lives in the house to the north%est! She says that you look &amiliarE #ut doesnt recogni4e you! ?ead #ack home and talk to /a! ?e is surprised to see you! :hen tells him a#out the adventures shes hadE then &inishes %ith 2alias un%illingness to reveal i& shes her real mother or notE and to ask /a! /a tells a #it a#out his pastE his service to -evin and Alicia as they ruled 2hais! A prophecy revealed that the t%o %hould #ear a child %ho %ould unite the kingdoms! AhrimanE not %anting the prophecy to come trueE leveled the kingdom! Alicia %as killedE #ut -evins #ody %as never &ound! "e kno% that -evin escaped to "ild%oodsE andE until you #rought him to AveyondE lived as a hermit in ca ca#in! ?e tells you a#out your MdutyN to 2haisE and unlocks the chest hes standing near! ?e gives you the contentsE telling you that the item %ill get you into 2hais! 2alk to MaE %ho %ishes you luckE and to smile! =ou can still sleep in your old #ed upstairs! ?ead #ack outside! 3ontinuing along the pathE Merlie mentions that up north is the shrine o& AhuraniE the god o& agricultureE and to go there &or help! AliaE %ho lives in the mayors houseE simply mentions that Ma and /a have #een %orried a#out your disappearance! 2he mayor mentions the recent &lurry o& activity o& the s;uirrels to the southE and %onder %hat theyre up to! 2he children all remain the same! >or e'ampleE Lilly still plays near the Mayors houseE and still %ants you to play %ith her! -yonna doesnt seem surprised to see youE and o&&ers you the same t%o items &or sale as shes al%ays had! "ellE thats it &or the &amily reunion@ "e need to make our %ay to 2hais! 9n&ortunatelyE its impossi#le to get to at the moment H%e need a &lying vehicleJ! At the timeE 0 still had one o& the druids %ith meE Armatti! 0 used the Aveyond rune to
/age ,* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

teleport there and he immediately stepped in&ront o& the pool o& %ater! ?e unlocked the proper door do%nstairsE and said to take a treasure! ?ead to the right and into the door %ith a plant a#ove it! 2%o choices here: a cooking kitE or a clim#ing guide! 2he cooking kit allo%s you to cook monsters you de&eat and create cuts o& meat &rom them! 2he clim#ing guide teaches you ho% to clim#! Since %e can #uy meat i& %e %ant itE #ut cant other%ise learn to clim#E take the clim#ing guide and read it! :hen learns ho% to clim#@ By no% %e should have more than enough to #uy the skudder! 0ts time to e'pand ho% &ar %e can travel the %orld@ Make your %ay to the &errymanE and ride the &erry #ack to the Eastern 0sle! "alk do%n to the #oatmakers shop and #uy the skudder &rom him! :emem#er that %eve still got the ro%#oat@ 0ts important to have either #oat availa#le &rom any%here you teleport via rune so that you dont get stuck some%here! 0 suggest leaving one at the dock #y the northern isleE and the other at the dock #y the %estern isle! 2hat last part has to #e i&&y! Let me see i& 0 can e'plain %hat to doE and let you decide %hether to &ollo% my advice or not! >irstE make sure that the &erryman is docked #y the northern isle! 0& notE ride it there! SecondE ride the ro%#oat to%ard the other dock Ha #it east o& the &errymanJE and ride the &erry to the eastern isle! >inallyE get on your skudderE and dock it %herever you likeE so that its the most accessi#le! Given its superior speed and accessi#ility over the ro%#oatE youre going to use this one the most! Co% a ;uick trip &rom using the Aveyond rune gets you easy access to the ro%#oat! 2ry to keep it here and use any runes as necessary! 2he "estern 0sle is a good place to dock the skudder #ecause its easily accessi#le via rune H&rom any o& the three near#y to%nsJ! But &or no%E ride the skudder around the eastern isleE going south! "hen you get to the part o& the edge %ith a small patch o& green ne't to the mountainE go north%est! =oull come to a group o& three islandsE each %ith a dock! /arkE ehE 0 mean dock at the island %ith a single #uilding on it! 2he island is used to store aleE and nothing else! 0& you look a #itE youll &ind only one keg o& ale le&t! ?ead #ack to the skudder and go south to the island %ith t%o #uildings on it! =oull &ind several other skudders docked hereE so #e care&ul a#out %hich one you get into@ =ours is at the #ottomE in the middle! 0& you get on the %rong oneE youll #e teleported to the third island %ithout a %ay o&&E so #e care&ul@ 2he near#y sign says that these islands are the M(eniara 0slandsN! 3lim# the ladder and head into the &irst #uildingE the MSour Ale 2avernN! 2alk to Mad MargeE the o%ner #ehind the counter! 2ry to #uy an aleE and she tells you that shes out! She tells you to go get another keg and that shell make it %orth your %hile! :hens heard that one #e&ore! =ou kno% that Mad Marge isnt going to give you anything valua#leE i& anything at allE #ut go get the last keg o& ale any%ay &rom the storage island! Bring it #ack to her and Mad Marge gives you the empty cask as your Mre%ardN! May#e an empty cask %ill come in handyE may#e not! 0ts #etter to have it no%E than to have to
/age ,5 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

get it later! -ont #other talking to the other people here L they all are more interested in getting drunk o&& o& ale than you! 0& you #uy an ale &rom Mad MargeE you &ind that the ale is spoiledE and makes you sick! 0 guess thats %here the MsourN part comes &rom in the taverns name@ ?ead outside and into the second #uilding! 2he man there o&&ers a room Ha #edE actuallyJ &or *)) gold a night! A #it pricyE #ut its your choice! ?ead #ack outside! 2he man %andering near#y is a sailor and isnt very &riendly! ?ead into the last #uilding! =ou &ind that its a FailE and /irate Gohn is locked up! ?e #egs you to &ree himE and :hen says M"hats in it &or meAN! /riate Gohn &irst o&&ers his services as a ships captain %hen Lars says that %eve done &ine %ithout one so &ar! ?e then o&&ers his services as a dragon rider! Elini is very interested in this #it o& in&ormationE and even more so a#out /irate Gohn #eing single! She e'presses her interest in him as another hus#andE to %hich /irate Gohn re&uses! EliniE #eing mysteriousE saysE M"ell see<N LeaveE then dock on the third island! 2his is a Mcasta%ayN islandE %here people run to to get a%ay &rom the %orld! 2hree merchants are hereE a rune dealerE a pirateE and a captain! 2he captain o&&ers a picklock set &or *))! =ouve already got oneE #ut &eel &ree to #uy another! 0 #ought t%oE even though the game %ont allo% you to sell them! Stock up on the runesE especially ne% ones! Also &eel &ree to #uy a set o& pirate sails &rom the pirate! 2heyre immediately out&ittedE and youve got your o%n pirate ship@ Leave and decide %hat to do ne't! 0 %as looking through my inventory and noticed that 0ve still got that tru&&le to use! 2he Fournal mentions that Lord Gavins che& needs one! ?es in SerdonaE so %arp there HFust make sure that you can get to your shipsJ! Give the che& the tru&&leE and he says that he can serve dinner! Cothing seemed to happenE #ut its nice to #e nice Fust to #e nice! /lusE its one more side ;uest &inished Hand one more item removed &rom the inventoryJ@ ?ead inside the castle to the north and try to talk to the king! A mysterious &igure narro%ly misses the king %ith a thro%n s%ord! Sir GalahadE &inally roused into actionE tries to rush a&ter the %ould-#e assassinE #ut &ails! ?e recogni4es the clothing as %hat the thieves %earE #ut doesnt kno% %here their hideout is! :hen says that she kno%sE and the king orders Galahad to go %ith :hen and the gang to get revenge on the attempted threat on the kings li&e! Be sure to upgrade Galahads e;uipment #e&ore leavingE then its o&& to the thieves hideout@ Cha ter &+: Veldt :ecommended Level: 55 2reasures: 3ommon: emerald '6E sapphire '.E #attle a'eE golden armorE 6))) gold 0mportant: StatuetteE 2reasure Map H#J Monsters: Go#linE 1rcE Cight 1rcE Giant Side Duests: #ring the last -ruid to AveyondE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind -irkon a replacement gooseE &ind a %ay to take the corn a%ay &rom the militant s;uirrels and #ring it #ack to Brum%ich
/age ,6 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

0& you recallE the nearest to%n to the 2hieves ?ideout is -irkon! :emem#er the to%n %ith the rats that spread the plagueA 9se a -irkon runeE then &ollo% the path to the ladder! 3lim# upE cross the #ridgeE and go east a #it! See the caveA 0t leads to a cave system! -eep inside is %here the 2hieves ?ideout is! ?ead inside! >ollo% the path to the long #ridge and cross it! >ight as many monsters as you canE then e'amine the corpses to pick up as much cash as possi#le! 2he ne't to%n H(eldtJ has some nice upgradesE #ut itll #e e'pensive@ Any%ay! 3lim# the ladderE then go east! >ollo% the path do%n the stairsE across the #ridgeE and into the cave! Go east a #itE then clim# the long ladder do%n! Go %est a #itE up a ladder and into another cave! Go east a #itE and at the intersectionE go north%est and into the cave! 2his is the 2hieves ?ideout! :emem#er %hat the man %ho tried to kill the king looked likeA "e need to &ind him! ?es not hard to &ind L hes the only one not %earing a #ro%n cloak!2alk to him and Galahad gets &ired up and almost ruins any chance at diplomacy! :hen saves the day and %orks out a deal: he agrees to tell you %ho hired him i& you #ring him some statue &rom a guy %ho lives in Sedona! 1&& to Sedona Hrune %orks #estJ@ 0 had luck searching the homes near the shop %here %e got the #all go%n! Lars recogni4es the statue as the one the thie& %as talking a#out! 2ake itE and sho% it to the thie& in the 2hieves ?ideout H0 kno%E its a lot o& %alking@J! 2he thie& rats out his employerE then remains silent! Galahad %ants to kill the personE #ut :henE thinking more clearlyE thinks that its #est not to act rashE #ut to instead report to the king Hin SedonaJ! -o so! 2he king re%ards Galahad %ith the royal treasure! :hen complains that Galahad didnt do anythingE and the king says that i& its all right %ith GalahadE she can share the treasure! Galahad says its 1K as long as he gets to Foin the party as :hens MchampionN! Let him Foin and the treasure is yours: &ive emeraldsE t%o sapphiresE a #attle a'eE and a golden armor! Cothing %e couldnt already #uyE or dont need! Sell it &or an easy pile o& cash! All loaded %ith cashE say &orty grandA 2hen use a (eldt rune to %arp there@ =oull notice that (eldt is in the desert! 0ts not &ar &rom %here %e e'plored earlier! "ellE ho% a#out a tourA 2he red-haired man says that it takes several men to handle a (eldt %omanE e'plaining the need &or them H(eldt %omenJ to take on several hus#ands! 2he %oman mentions the demon caves to the %est as #eing &ull o& treasure to loot! See the pair o& Mtiny castlesNA ?ead inside the one on the le&t &irst! 0nside is an alchemist %ho mentions the need &or a magic kettle &rom the &airies! She then opens up shop &or you %ith a small selection o& items &or sale! -o your #usiness Hkeep your cash &or no%JE then leave! ?ead inside the other Mtiny castleN! 2his is the to%ns inn! Sleep &or 5)) gold! LeaveE then head inside the purple tentE the most important #uilding in to%n! 2he t%o merchants sell %eapons and armorE e'pensiveE po%er&ul e;uipment! -o your #usiness then leave! Co dou#t youll have to return later to &inish your upgradesE especially
/age ,8 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

%hen you consider the si' mem#ers o& your party@ ?ead east and talk to the man %alking in &ront o& the pool o& %ater! ?e mentions the need &or a %oman to have several strong hus#ands to survive in this harsh environment! 2he other man mentions the dragon riders! ?ead inside the cave! >ollo% the path to the li#rary Hignore the door &or no%J! 2he %oman at the #ottom mentions an evil in the %orldE according to the stars! 2alk to the %oman at the topE :asha! She %elcomes you to the (eldt Museum o& Catural ?istory! Ask her a#out any recent ne%s and she mentions an earth;uake #locking the entrance to Stronghold 2emple! Ask her a#out the museumE and she #oasts that the museum has the largest collection o& Ama4onian arti&acts in the %orld! :hen asks a#out Ama4onsE and :asha e'plains %hat they areE and then to #ring any such arti&acts that %e come across! :ead the #ooksE then head inside the door! 0t leads to a tiny room %ith a treasure chest! 1pen it &or a treasure map Hdi&&erent &rom Lam#chopsE %hich is still in my inventoryJ! Look at this ne%est treasure map and youll recogni4e that it sho%s an area near the pet shopE and directions on %here to claim the treasure H%ith the shovelJ! LeaveE and head #ack to the Mtiny castleN pair! 3lim# the ladder and go %est! 2alk to the %oman near the house! She has a &e% types o& meat &or sale! ?ead inside the house! 2he green-haired man mentios that only stong men can handle (eldt %omen! 2he %oman H%alking in the room to the northJ is 0lya! She asks you Hre&ering to either Lars or GalahadE 0m not sure %hichJ i& theyve got a %i&e! Co dou#t shes %illing to marry one o& us@ >ollo% the path to the #edroomE %hich hides a treasure chest! 1pen it &or 6))) gold! ?ead #ack outside and go northeast 7 up the ladder! ?ead inside the house straight ahead! 2he %oman there says that her hus#ands are strong men! 2he path to the le&t leads to an empty #edroomE so go right instead! 2%o men are here! 1ne envies you &or not having to share your %i&e! 2he other o&&ers to train you &or 6)) gold Hand earn 7)) e'perienceJ! 2his is an easy %ay to go up levelsE especially to%ard the end o& the game %here youve got all kinds o& cashE and nothing to spend it on! "ith the 6))) gold &rom #e&oreE you can train ten times and earn 7))) e'perienceE enough to go up several levels Hdepending on %hat level youre onJ! Leave once youve &inished Hremem#er this guy &or later visits L hell #e a (E:= rich man@J! 2he %oman %alking Fust outside mentions that they #elieve they came &rom a race o& %arriors %ho lived in the caves to the %est! Go east a #itE up the ladderE and into the second to last #uilding in (eldtE the ;ueens palace! 2here is only three things here o& interest: the ;ueenE %ho simply %elcomes youE and her t%o hus#andsE %ho dont say anything pro&ound! E'plore at your lesiureE then clim# do%n the ladder! Go east and talk to the %oman %alking around the house! She mentions that the -ruid Eithera guards the demon caves to the %est! ?ead inside the last #uilding in (eldt!
/age ,7 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

0ts a rather small house! 2he %oman sells runesE the same ones as the merchant &rom (aniara 0slands! 2he man mentions that the dragons all le&t at the same time and %onders %hat happened! 2he door leads to an empty #edroom! 2hats it &or (eldt@ Cha ter &+: :ecommended Level: 57 2reasures: 3ommon: 0mportant: Monsters: Side Duests: #ring the last -ruid to AveyondE &ind a -reamers 2ear to open rain#o% #ridgeE &ind a %ay to #reak the curse on EFindraE &ind a key that unlocks EFindras mayors houseE &ind the Empress a nightingaleE &ind -irkon a replacement gooseE &ind a %ay to take the corn a%ay &rom the militant s;uirrels and #ring it #ack to Brum%ichE &ind the alchemist in (eldt a magic kettle

/age ,, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

A: List o& Side Duests ?ere are the little side ;uests to do %hile playing the game! 0ve listed them #y to%n %here you initially get the task! 9nless other%ise stated Has a place in parenthesisJE all tasks are completed in the same to%n that you got them &rom! 0ts usually a good idea to try and complete theseE since the re%ards are o&ten something you need to progress the game! Most o& these arent mentioned in the Mside ;uestsN part o& the chapter headingE since they are small tasks that are completed rather ;uickly! Most o& these are also not mentioned in your FournalE either! ?o%everE 0 list everything here so youll get an idea on the sheer num#er o& things that you do %hile playing Aveyond@ >or the Mescort this druid to AveyondNE 0 list the location o& %here you #reak the curse on the druidE at %hich point they Foin your party! A&ter thatE simply return to the Sun 2emple in Aveyond to complete the ;uest! Brum%ich - >ind out %hos #een stealing the to%ns corn HS;uirrel 3aveJ - -estroy the locust s%arm 3lear%ater - >etch the her#alist so she can help heal the /riestess - /ick &ive marion#ell &lo%ers and #ring them to Ma -irkon - Kill the rats %ho are responsi#le &or the to%ns plague - Give each o& the t%o villagers an Eli'ir to cure them o& the plague - >ind the to%n a replacement goose EFindra - >ind a %ay to #reak EFindras curse Ghadahre - >ind a %ay to help 2eiFal get past her %eakness &or the sun HSun 2empleJ - Give the vampire #oy a clove o& Elephant Garlic H?allo%een ?illsJ Ghalarah Bring #ack the /riestesss ring H(eldarahJ /ick up Larss travel clothes 3lean out the spiders in the attic 2ell Lars that supper is ready Bring Lars &or the emissaries
/age ,B o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Memory 3averns - >ind a #ottle to capture a &airy Ce% "itch%ood >ind a #oat to escort 2heodore to the Gentle 3hildrens School HBoat MerchantJ Escort 2heodore to the Gentle 3hildrens School HGentle 3hildrens SchoolJ >ind a Stinkrot :oot &or Gretchen to #ecome ugly again H?allo%een ?illsJ! Give Gretchens gi&t to ?ilda as a Mthank youN &or the #eauty curse >ind a Sludgemaster .))) &or the %itches to make s%amp oo4e H2eacup 2o%nJ >ind a pair o& magical red slippers &or the girl in the cage

Sedona - Get revenge on the %ould-#e assassin H2hieves ?ideoutJ S;uirrel 3ave - >ind a %ay to take #ack Brum%ichs corn and return it 2eacup 2o%n - Get Morsels voice #ack HAveyondE north%est o& 2eacup 2o%nJ 2hornkeep - :escue the miner &rom the mine HCorthern 0sleE the mineJ - /rove to the Mountain King that &airies e'ist HMemory 3avernsJ (eldarah Escort 2alia to Aveyond H"ild%ood >orestE -evins ca#inJ Save the %orld &rom Ahriman Bring the #ookseller a rare #ook Escort (ouh Manah to Aveyond HLands End 2empleJ Escort -aena to Aveyond Escort (ata to Aveyond Escort :ahsnu to Aveyond HGhadahreJ Escort Eithera to Aveyond Escort (rmaiti to Aveyond >ind out %hat happened to Levus Bring 2i#erius a #oar carcass >ind the Empress a nightingale >ind a %ay to #reak Levuss curse

(eldt - >ind the alchemist a magic kettle (eniara 0slands - >ind Mad Marge a spare keg o& ale
/age B) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

"ild%ood >orest - Bring the harp to Shad%ood Academy to graduate H(eldarahE Shad%ood AcademyJ "ormrot - >ind out %hats #een poisoning the trees - Kill the Banshee Dueen - Bring the nectar to the night elves to restore the trees B: List o& 2o%ns 7 3ities Cot Fust to%ns 7 citiesE #ut other places as %ell! 0 add names i& one isnt provided via sign or something like that! Aveyond: the grassy area in the eastern hal& o& the Corthern 0sle Banshee 3averns: home o& the Banshee Dueen Brum%ich: a &arm to%n in the Eastern 0sle 3lear%ater: :hens hometo%n -ark 2emple: %here Yarich is %aiting &or :ahsnus soul -irkon: a small village in the ?ighlands EFindra: a small to%n cursed &or centuries Gentle 3hildrens School: a school &or sno##ishE rich kidsE and MgoodN %itches Ghalarah: :hen %as a slave here Ghedahre: home o& the vampires ?allo%een ?ills: a spooky place &illed %ith things that go M#ump in the nightN ?ighlands: a &orested area in the northern hal& o& the "estern 0sle Lands End Shrine: %here Canghaithya is %aiting %ith (ouh Manahs soul Lo%lands: a prairie-like area in the southern hal& o& the "estern 0sle Memory 3averns: underground caves that are home to &airies Moon 2emple: a small temple thats deep inside 0ce 3averns Ce% "itch%ood: the %itches &rom Ahrimans /rophecy moved here 1ld%oods: a &orested area home to the elves H#oth typesJ Sedona: a large to%n on the "estern 0sle S;uirrel 3ave: home o& the militant s;uirrels Sun Shrine: your Mhome #aseNE %here you #ring the druids 2eacup 2o%n: a small village %here cat-like #ini live 2hornkeep: a miners to%nE home o& the mountain king! (eldarah: home o& the Empress and the Shad%ood Academy &or the Gi&ted (eldt: a to%n in the desert &ull o& %omen %ho take up multiple hus#ands (eniara 0slands: a trio o& islands %here priates &re;uent "ild%ood >orest: a haunted &orestE home o& the hind "ormrot: home o& the night elves =lis&ar: home o& the elves 3: List o& C/3s C/3s are non-playa#le characters L people you meetE #ut %ont Foin your party! Most o& the ones in this list are simple citi4ensE #ut 0 list them any%ay! 0 only include the &irst names &or simplicity! 0n the event o& t%o people sharing the same &irst nameE 0ll distinguish them %ith their last names!
/age B+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Agas: the daeva that knocked the /riestess unconscious Agnes: 2heodores motherE %ants to send him o&& to a &ara%ay school Aila: 3lear%aters mayors %i&e Alora: a %oman &rom Ghalarah Armaiti: one o& Aveyonds eight druids Beledine: a %oman &rom Ghalarah -aena: one o& Aveyonds eight druids -ameon: one o& Aveyonds eight druids -anny: a #oy &rom 3lear%ater that makes :hen #lush -evin: a man %ho helped 2alia save the %orld a li&etime ago -yonna: 3lear%aters her#alist Eddie: a #oy &rom Ghalarah Eggie: a #oy &rom 3lear%ater Eithera: one o& Aveyonds eight druids Ella: a %oman &rom 3lear%ater Empress: reins over (eldarah >redrick: an art dealer living in Sedona Gavin: Ce% "itch%oods heartthro# %arlock Gethro: a d%ar& miner stuck in the mines Ghelda: a master sorceress &rom Shad%ood Academy Good%i&e Lenna: a citi4en &rom Brum%ich Gretchen: a &euding %itch &rom "itch%ood McursedN %ith #eauty Griselda: a %itch &rom Ce% "itch%ood looking &or some#ody< di&&erent to marry ?arald: sets up ne% Shad%ood Academy students ?avrvatat: the goddess o& healingE looking &or one to do a sel&less deed ?ector: a &riend o& Lars ?er#ert: 3lear%aters mayor ?er#ertson: runs the e;uipment shop in Brum%ich ?ilda: a &euding %itch &rom Ce% "itch%ood 0lya: a %oman living in (eldt Gaco#: a citi4en &rom Brum%ich Gavis: a man &rom Ghalarah Genna: a %oman &rom Ghalarah Lam# 3hop: a #ini &rom 2eacup 2o%n constantly #uying stu&& &rom %andering sales s;uirrels Levus: a man &rom Ghalarah Lianna: runs 3lear%aters general store Lilly: a girl playing near the Mayors house in 3lear%ater Lor: a citi4en o& -irkon concerned a#out the to%ns plague Lorad: a master s%ord singer &rom Shad%ood Academy Lord Gavin: hosts a #all in Sedona Ma: :hens mother Ma#el: vampire %ho #rags a#out having the most ghosts haunting her house Mayor: 3lear%aters mayor Merlie: a %oman &rom 3lear%ater Mildred: a %oman &rom Ghalarah Mistress :ona: :hens MmasterN in Ghalarah Morsel: a #ini &rom 2eacup 2o%n %hos lost his voice Mountain King: at %ar %ith the Sno% Dueen over the e'istence o& &airies Curse: ?avrvatat in disguise
/age B. o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

1racle: an old lady living in the Sun Shrine /a: :hens &ather /eter: a #oy &rom 3lear%ater /riestess: seems to kno% :hens &ather< :ahsnu: one o& Aveyonds eight druids :aina: her hus#and needs rescuing &rom the mines :asha: curator o& the (eldt Museum o& Catural ?istory :ollen: a man &rom Ghalarah Sno% Dueen: at %ar %ith the Mountain King over the e'istence o& &airies 2alia: one o& Aveyonds eight druids 2elvar: a man &rom Ghalarah 2erlin: runs a clothing store in Ghalarah 2heodore: a MgoodN #oy &rom Ce% "itch%ood 2i#erius: seeks Aloras hand in marriage 2id#it: a #ini &rom 2eacup 2o%n (anna: a girl living in a house %est o& :hens in 3lear%ater (ata: one o& Aveyonds eight druids (auh Manah: one o& Aveyonds eight druids (eselle: a %oman &rom Ghalarah "il#ur: a &armer &rom Brum%ich %hose corn has #een in&ested %ith locusts =litta: a &riend o& Lars -: List o& /laya#le 3haracters 2hese characters Foin your partyE and can participate in #attle! Most o& the in&ormation here came &rom the Aveyond /layers Guide! Because these characters mean more than the average C/3E 0ve included each one in their o%n paragraph! 0 also list their &ull names! 0ve listed them in the relative order that they Foin your party! :hen -ar4on: A girl &rom 3lear%ater %ho %as sold into slaveryE &reedE and &inally #ecame a s%ord singer in the service o& the Empress! Shes the main character in Aveyond! ?er gi&t &or s%ord-#ased magic is invalua#le! She also has decent strengthE and makes a good &ighter! Lars 2eno#or: a mean-spirited no#le #oy &rom Ghalarah! ?e attended Shad%ood Academy to train as a sorcerer! 0nitially escorts :hen on their ;uest to graduate &rom Shad%ood! ?e has e'cellent magic potentialE #ut lacks the ?/ to last long in #oss &ights! Elini Lithir de Aramati: an e'otic demon summoner %ho is &rom (eldt! She has three hus#andsE #ut has le&t her city to &ind a ne% hus#and to add to her McollectionN! Apparently the #oat dealer isnt one o& her choices Hhis calves are too smallJ! 9ser her in #attle to learn ho% to summon some o& the monsters you &ight! ?er summons drain her mana ;uicklyE and once she runs dryE she cant do much #ut crack her %hip at your enemies! -ameon Maurva: one o& Aveyonds eight druids %ho #etrayed :henE causing her to #e sold into slavery! -espite #eing a sun priestE he has turned a%ay &rom the lightE and serves Ahriman! 0t is unkno%n i& he truly serves the side o& goodE or evil! ?e is an e'cellent person to have in a #oss &ight #ecause o& his supporting and healing skills! 2eTiFal :aven&oot: a vampress %ho has the desire to leave her midnight village and see the sur&ace! She has a mean #ite and an unhealthy appetite &or pure-hearted paladins! She
/age B* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Foins :hen a&ter :hen helps her get past her %eakness &or the sun! She only has one a#ility: to #ite Hdraining healthE and putting the enemy to sleepJ! 1nce you #uy her a certain %eaponE shell #ecome a permanent mem#er o& your active party! Give her an elven rapier and see your enemies drop like rain@ Galahad 2eomes: a royal paladin &rom Sedona %ho sees the %orld in #lack and %hite! ?e Foins the party #ecause he is ordered #y his king! ?e is convinced that magic does not e'ist and thinks :hen must #e protected &rom the &orces o& evilE %hich includes 2eiFal! ?e does not have any skills or a#ilities! /irate Gohn: a pirate good at only at t%o thing: getting in trou#le and drinking rum! 0n his earlier daysE he %as a dragon rider &or the empire o& (eldtE #ut le&t to escape a (eldt %oman %ith &our hus#ands! /erhaps Elini should look at him as a candidate &or another hus#andA =ou initially &ind him in Fail and #reak him out in return &or his services! Mad Marge: a tough tavern o%ner %ith a short temper! She is as #ig as a horse and as mean as a #ear %ith a sore tooth! Even %hen you replenish her supply o& sour aleE she doesnt %arm up! E: List o& E;uipment ?ere 0 list all availa#le e;uipment pieces! 0ve lump together %eaponsE armorE shieldsE helmetsE and accessories into one ta#le out o& convenience! 0ll try to &ill in the missing #its o& in&ormation sometime a&ter 0 &inish the %alkthrough! /iece A'e Battle A'e Black ?ide "hip Black 1ak Shield Blood Amulet Bone Shield Bron4e :od Bron4e Sta&& 3hain Mail 3hain "hip 3racked 1r# 3ursed Armor -ark ?elmet -ragon Leather Boots -ragon Mail -%arven S%ord Elven :apier Elven Sta&& Enchanted ?elmet >ire Amulet >lood 1r# Gnome 1r# Golden Armor Golden ?elmet Golden :apier Stats S AA Attack S AA Attack SAA Attack S+) -e&ense S) -e&ense S AA -e&ense S AA Attack S7 Attack S*6 -e&ense S AA Attack S+6 Attack S.+6 -e&ense S AA -e&ense S AA -e&ense S AA -e&ense S AA Attack S.)) Attack S*. Attack S7* -e&ense S AA -e&ense S+6 Attack S6 Attack S AA -e&ense S AA -e&ense S AA Attack 2ype "eapon "eapon "eapon Shield Accessory Shield "eapon "eapon Armor "eapon 1r# Armor ?elmet Accessory Armor "eapon "eapon "eapon ?elmet Accessory 1r# 1r# Armor ?elmet "eapon
/age B5 o& +)5


/rotection vs! curses -e&ense S6

Z Agility

-e&ense S+B /rotection vs! &ire Ampli&ies %aterE diminishes &ire Attach to the M1r# Sta&&N

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Golden :apier ?arpy Sta&& 0mperial Armor 0ron ?elmet 0ron S%ord Ge%eled Shield Ge%eled S%ord Leather Armor Leather Boots Leather ?elmet Leather "hip Long Bo% Mystic 3loak 1ak Shield 1r# Sta&& /late Armor /ractice S%ord /riestess :ing :apier Serpent Amulet Serpent "hip Silver Sta&& Silver S%ord Skeleton Armor Skull ?elmet Skull :apier Slave Bracelet Spry Amulet Star Amulet Star 1r# Starlight 3loak Steel Boots Stick Studded Armor Studded Shield S%ord o& Silence 2oad Amulet "inged Boots

S AA Attack S AA Attack S AA -e&ense S8 -e&ense S6) Attack S AA -e&ense S AA Attack S6 -e&ense S6 -e&ense S* -e&ense SAA Attack S AA Attack S AA -e&ense S6 -e&ense S*6 Attack S7) -e&ense S+) Attack S) -e&ense S AA Attack S) -e&ense S AA Attack S AA Attack S AA Attack S AA -e&ense S AA -e&e#se S AA Attack S) -e&ense S) -e&ense S) -e&ense S.6 Attack S AA -e&ense S AA -e&ense S6 Attack S+6 -e&ense S*) -e&ense S76 Attack S) -e&ense S AA -e&ense

"eapon "eapon Armor ?elmet "eapon Shield "eapon Armor Accessory ?elmet "eapon "eapon Armor Shield "eapon Armor "eapon Accessory "eapon Accessory "eapon "eapon "eapon Armor ?elmet "eapon Accessory Accessory Accessory 1r# Armor Accessory "eapon Armor Shield "eapon Accessory Accessory

3an attach an or# to it

/rotection vs! poison

-e&ense vs! SleepE -i44iness -e&ense vs! sleepE silenceE di44iness

Adds: Silence to target -e&ense vs! curses

>: List o& Skills 7 A#ilities ?ere is %here 0 list every skill that 0 come acrossE and any anything note%orthy that 0 can come up %ith! 0 almost never use magic in #attleE so this ta#le %ill #e incomplete! At the very leastE 0 try to list all the a#ilities and the casting cost! Generally speakingE the more the spell costsE the more damage it in&licts! Skill A%ake Bless Boot Slappin Mara Burn 2arget All Allies 1ne Ally All Enemies 1ne Enemy Mana 6) *) .6 8) Cotes :emoves MSleepN vs! all :emoves M3urseN vs! ally Adds MBerserkN to targets Cecromancer spell

/age B6 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

3ipher -ancing S%an -ecompose Earth Shield >inal Em#race >ire >licker >ire#all >ire&ly Ballad Gate ?ealing ?ealing 3loud ?umming#ird -ance 0cicle 0mp Light ?ealing Lightning Strike Meado% -eer Canghaithya /uri&y :ain -ance :avy%rn :evive Sacri&ice Shield Shock Side 2hrust Silence Siren 3all Sleep Lulla#y Soaring Eagle Succu#us Sunshine S%eet Surrender 2hunderstorm 2ime 2%ist 2ouch o& -arkness 2rinity >ury "ater Shield "eevils "ind :hapsody "ind (ale "ind "hip "ind%atchers Song "itch -ance "oodland -ance Yarich G: List o& 0tems

1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy All Allies 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy All Enemies 1ne Enemy 1ne Ally All Allies 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Ally 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy AAA 1ne Ally All Enemies All enemies 1ne Ally 1ne Enemy 1ne Ally 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy AA AA 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Ally 1ne Enemy All Enemies All Enemies AA All Enemies All Allies All Enemies All Enemies 1ne Enemy All Enemies 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy 1ne Enemy

.) +6 6) .) ) .) 56 *) 6) 6) 6) ,) .6 +)) .) *6 5) AAA .) .) .)) 6) ,6 *) +6 +) *) *) .6 56 .)) .) ,6 6) +)) +6 *6 *) 7) +6 B) 56 B6 56 .) *))

-rains mana -rains health until death 0ncreases de&ense vs! earth Adds MSleepN 7 drains health

heals all allies a little #it Ceeds MS%ord o& SilenceN e;uipped

earth-#ased damage :emoves M/oisonN vs! ally %ind-#ased damage :aises the dead Cecromancer spell 0ncreases de&ense vs! ally Adds MSleepN to target Adds MSilenceN to target Adds MSilenceN to target Adds MSleepN to target %ind-#ased damage :emoves MSleepN vs! ally Ceeds MS%ord o& SilenceN e;uipped 0ncreases de&ense vs! iceE %ater -rains health until death Ceeds MS%ord o& SilenceN e;uipped

dark-#ased damage

2hese are non-e;uipment items you can #uy in some store! All items have a single target unless other%ise noted!
/age B8 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Au;ui&olium Au;ui&olium E'tora Birdcage Bread Loa& Brum%ich :une Brum%ich :une 3assia Lea& 3heese 3lear%ater :une 3onvey Balm -irkon :une Eli'ir Emerald Empty Bottle >ire&ly Spell Garlic Cecklace Ghalarah :une Goats Milk ?aunch Lightning Scroll Mandrake Map o& East Map o& ?ighlands Map o& Lo%lands Map o& Lo%lands Map o& Corth Map o& /eninsula Map o& South Mirror Mudslide Spell Myrica 0n&usion :evive Spell :o%#oat Sedona :une Skudder Sleep >lute Smoke#om# 2inctura ?ypericum 2reasure Map (eldarah :une (eldt :une (eniara :une (enison "ild Berries "itcheye :oot "itch%ood :une "ooden Stake

:estores +.) mana :estores all health An oldE rusty #irdcage :estores .6 health "arps to Brum%ich "arps to Brum%ich :evives the dead :estores .)) ?ealth "arps to 3lear%ater :estores 6) mana "arps to -irkon :estores health and status ShinyE green gem 9sed to store stu&& Hlike &airiesJ Lars learn M>ire&lyN :epels vampires "arps to Ghalarah :estores 76 ?ealth :estores 6) health 9se to cast M2hunderstormN on enemy party /ermanently increases mana capacity #y .)) A map o& the eastern isle 1verhead map o& the ?ighlands A map o& the lo%lands 1verhead map o& the Lo%lands A map o& the sno%y northern isle 1verhead map o& the /eninsula A map o& the Southern 0sle A small hand mirror Lars learn MMudslideN :estores all health vs! party Lars learns M:eviveN A #oat capa#le o& crossing most #odies o& %ater "arps to Sedona A #oat capa#le o& crossing any #ody o& %ater 9se to put enemies to sleep 9sed to put non-monster #ees to sleep and harvest #ees%a' :estores all mana vs! party Lam# 3hops map leading to a mysterious or#< "arps to (eldarah "arps to (eldt "arps to (eniara 0slands :estores +)) ?ealth :estores +6 health 7 +) mana :emoves curses "arps to Ce% "itch%ood 9sed to kill vampires

?ere are items that you cant #uy Hor sellJE #ut serve some purpose in the game:
/age B7 o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Beast :epellent Bedroom Key Bees%a' Boar 3urse Antidote 3lim#ing Guide 3ooking Kit 3rystal Key Elephant Garlic Emerald >lo%er Basket ?arp Larss Schedule Mandrake Manor Key Marion#ell Mug%ort Cectar Covice Schedule /o%er Acorn /riestess :ing :ed Slippers :hens Schedule Shovel Slave Bracelet Sleep >lute Sludgemaster .))) Sno% >lo%er Stinkrot :oot Student 1ut&it 2oken 2reasure Map HaJ 2reasure Map H#J 2ru&&le (oice Bo'

2emporally repels monsters 9nlocks :hens room at Shad%ood Academy 9se&ul &or making make-shi&t ear plugs :emoves Boar 3urse 2eaches :hen ho% to clim# 3reates cuts o& meat &rom de&eated monsters A tiny crystalline key A ?9GE clove o& garlic ShinyE green gem Ma gives this to you to hold marion#ells 2he ?ind uses it to petri&y people A list o& classes Lars has taken /ermanently increases mana capacity #y .)) 2he key to your manor A &lo%er that gro%s in 3lear%ater /ermanently increases strength #y .6 :emoves poison &rom trees :hens schedule o& novice S%ord Singer classes /ermanently increases strength #y .6 2his is something 2alia gave you Magical slippers that teleport you to places A list o& classes :hen has taken 9sed to dig holes in the groundE or dig up graves "hat slaves %ear to distinguish them &rom M&reeN people /uts entire enemy party to sleep Makes s%amp oo4e A rare sno%-%hite &lo%er 9se&ul &or making you ugly :hens out&it she %ears %hile a novice S%ord Singer /roo& o& admittance into Shad%ood Academy Lamchops treasure map Map &ound in (eldt Lord Gavins che& uses it &or the #alls dinner A #inis voice

?: List o& Shopss "ares 7 0nn /rices ?ere 0 list %hat every shop in every to%n has! 0& the shopkeeper has a nameE 0 list it! 1ther%iseE 0 give it a la#el #ased on %hat kind o& stu&& its got! 0 also list ho% much it costs to rest &or the night! 0& a to%nE such as -irkonE has no shops or innsE its not listed here! Bru%*ich ?er#ertsons Market A'e 86) Black ?ide "hip +)) Bron4e :od 6) 3hain "hip ,6) 0ron ?elmet *) 0ron S%ord 8)) /late Armor +)))
/age B, o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Serpent Amulet Studded Shield 0tem Shop (enison 3heese Goats Milk "itcheye :oot Au;ui&olium Marsh 2ea 3assia Lea& Map o& Lo%lands Brum%ich :une

+)) *6) *) 8) .) *6 +.) +6 6) +)) +))

Sleep: 0nn H.)) goldJ Clear*ater Liannas Shop Bread Loa& 6

-yonna Lau4rels Shop 3hick%eed Salve ,) Marsh 2ea +6 Sleep: &ree H:hens roomJ Ghalarah 0tem Shop Bread Loa& 3assia Leaves Map Ho& %hatAJ Marsh 2ea 6 6) AA +6

Sleep: 0nn H.) goldJE &ree Hin :hens roomE until she is &reedJ Ghedahre 0tem Shop "itch%ood :une (eldarah :une Ghedahre :une Blood Amulet Sleep: none 8e* Witch*ood General Store (enison *)
/age BB o& +)5

6) 6) 6) 76

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

"itcheye :oot Au;ui&olium Marsh 2ea 3assia Lea& "itch%ood :une (eldarah :une 2oad Amulet Scroll Shop /lague Spell 3hicken 3urse ?e' -ecompose Spell Sleep: none Sedona Armor Shop 0ron ?elmet -ark ?elmet Golden ?elmet 0ron Shield Ge%eled Shield Golden Armor 0mperial Armor Mystic 3loak Steel Boots "eapon Shop Bron4e :od Silver Sta&& 3hain "hip A'e Battle A'e Ge%eled S%ord -%arven S%ord :apier Golden :apier >ish Shop Salmon 0tem Shop 3ovey Balm Au;ui&olium Au;ui&olium E'tora Myrica 0n&usion

*6 +.) +6 6) 6) 6) 6) +)) +)) +)))

*) .)) 8)) 7)) +5)) *))) .))) +*)) 5)

6) ,)) ,6) 86) +.)) .))) B)) ,)) +,))


6) +.) 6)) +)))

/age +)) o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2inctura ?ypericum Eli'ir Scroll Shop Lightning Scroll Mudslide Spell :evive Spell >ire&ly Spell Map 7 :une Shop Map o& ?ighlands Map o& Lo%lands Map o& /eninsula (eldarah :une Sedona :une 3lear%ater :une Brum%ich :une -irkon :une +)) +)) +)) 6) +)) +)) +)) +)) +)) +6)) +))) ..))

7)) *))

Sleep: 0nn H.)) goldJE your house Ha&ter you #uy it &or 6))) goldJ: &ree "eacu "o*n 6 6) .) .) .) 6

0tem Shop Bread Loa& 3assia Lea& 3ovey Balm Smoke Bom# (eldarah :une "ild Berries Sleep: none "hornkee 0tem Shop Bread Loa& 3assia Lea& 3ovey Balm ?aunch E;uipment Shop Black 1ak Sta&& 0ce Amulet Leather Armor Leather ?elmet Map o& Corth.)

6 6) .) +6

.) *6 6) +6
/age +)+ o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

/ractice S%ord Studded Armor Sleep 0nn H*) goldJ Veldarah

.6 +))

0tem Shop Au;ui&olium E'tora Au;ui&olium 3assia Lea& 3ovey Balm Marsh 2ea 2inctura ?ypericum Scroll Shop >lame Spell 0ce Spell Lightning Spell 2ornado Spell E;uipment Shop Black 1ak Sta&& Leather Armor Leather Boots Leather ?elmet 1ak Shield /ractice S%ord Studded Armor Butcher Shop Bread Loa& ?aunch (enison Map Shop Map o& East /a%n Shop /riestess :ing Brass Mirror Birdcage .6 .6 .6 7)) .) 6) +6 +6 .) .6 +)) 6 +6 *) .) +) .)) .))

6)) +.) 6) .) +6 7))

Sleep: 0nn H6) goldJE &ree Hin :hens roomJ Veldt Alchemist Au;ui&olium E'tora Marsh 2ea Myrica 0n&usion 6)) +6 +)))
/age +). o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

2inctura ?ypericum "eapon Shop Battle A'e Golden :apier ?arpy Sta&& Long Bo% Serpent "hip Silver S%ord Skull :apier +.)) +8)) +8)) .))) +7)) 5))) 5.))


Armor Shop Bone Shield -ragon Leather Boots -ragon Mail >ire Amulet Serpent Amulet Skeleton Armor Skull ?elmet Starlight 3loak Meat Shop Goats Milk ?aunch Salmon (enison .) +6 .)) *) +6) +)) 6) 6)) .))

.,)) 8)) 5))) 6)) +)) ,))) +.)) *)))

:une Shop Map o& South Sedona :une (eldarah :une (eldt :une (eniara :une

Sleep: 0nn H5)) goldJ Veniara Islands :une Shop Map o& South Sedona :une (eldarah :une (eldt :une (eniara :une /irates Shop /irate Sails 0llicit Goods /icklock Set +6) +)) 6) 6)) .)) +*)) *))
/age +)* o& +)5

Mikes Aveyond Strategy Guide

Sour Ale 2avern Ale


Sleep: 0nn H*)) goldJ Wild*ood "avern 0tem Shop X+ (enison ?aunch Goats Milk 0tem Shop X. Marsh 2ea 3assia Lea& Garlic Cecklace "ooden Stake Black ?ide "hip +6 6) +)) .) +)) *) +6 .)

Sleep: 0nn H7) goldE dont have to #e a mem#er o& the Adventurers 3lu#J 0lis$ar E;uipment Shop Elven Sta&& Elven :apier Enchanted ?elmet Star Amulet +))) .,)) +8)) ,))

/age +)5 o& +)5

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